The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 26, 1891, Image 5

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I am prepared to fill a few good
applications at once. Money on
hand when application is approv
ed. J. E. KELLEY.
Family Groceries at Noble's.
Staple and Fancy Groceries at Noble's.
Dr. A. J. Thomas , Dentist , office in
Union block , over Knippie.
Ryan & Noren insure all crops against
hail. Loses paid promptly.
Paints , oils , brushes , and painters'
supplies at the City Drug Store.
Superior flour.
Ice Cream Soda and Mineral Waters.
The Eagle Clothing Store is display
ing a stylish stock of spring clothing.
An attractive line of stationery , inks ,
pens , pencils and the like , at Chenery's
City DrugStore.
Kapke , The Tailor , guarantees you
the lowest prices and the most stylish
and elegant clothing.
Crete flour has no superior and but
few equals. Knippie has just received
an entire car load of it.
You will always find a superior
stock of tobaccos at Chenery's. And a
nice assortment of smokers' articles.
Parties wishing 500 pound lots of
flour will save money by calling on
S. M. Cochrane & Co. are agents for
he Piano and Walter A. Woods Bin
ders. They are the best in the market.
If you want a stylish fit at the very
lowest figures , KAPKE , THE TAILOR ,
is the man to atronize. Rear of The
IN QUEENSWARE Noble carries
the largest assortment and the richest
designs of the season. His prices are
You will be needing binding twine
soon. S. M. Cochrane & Co. are pre
pared to fill your orders at lowest mar
ket price.
A few gentlemen can be accommo
dated with good day board at reasona
ble rates at Mrs. Hobson's , upstairs in
Union block.
Groceries , fruits , confectioneries and
the like must be fresh and clean to be
desirable. Knippie makes a specialty
of these points.
A healthful and refreshing drink is
Seltzer Water. The finest article may
be found at Chenery's City Drug Store.
Also the latest and most popular soda
water drinks.
One of our local contempories wants
to know if it wasn't the third party
that made the trouble in the garden of
Eden. Adam significant suggestion.
If you need a Binder or a Header call
on S. M. Cochrane & Co. They sell
the Walter A. Woods and Piano Bin
ders and the Randolph Header , machines
not excelled in the world.
Marsh , the Liveryman , by his square
dealing and excellent service , is gradu
ally gathering the cream of the livery
trade. He is becoming more thorough
ly equipped every day to give the public
the best livery service in the valley.
"An arbitrary system , indeed , must
always be a corrupt one. There never
was a man who thought he had no law
but his own will , who did not soon find
that he had no end but his own profit.
Competition and arbitrary power are .of
natural unequivocal generation , neces
sarily producing one another. "
The blind may see ,
The mute may talk ,
The deaf may hear
The maimed may walk ,
And Johnnie may have the possess
ion of his gun ; but the time will never
come when you can buy first-class cloth
ing at the low prices obtainable at the
Red Cloud flour.
" 7
Try Knipplo for staple and fancy
groceries. Union block.
Ryan & Noren insure all crops against
bail. Loses paid promptly.
Knipplc has just received a car load
of the celebrated Crete Mills flour.
White and Figured Windsor Ties
all the rage at the Eagle Clothing
Prescription work a specialty at the
City Drug Store. Promptness and ac
curacy are assured.
Noble carries a large and complete
stock of the best brands of canned
goods of all kinds.
A piano for sale or trade for a team
of horses , or McCook property. In
quire at this office.
See Knippie in his new quarters in
the Union block. Everything nice in
fruits , groceries , etc.
Noble , the leading grocer , makes a
specialty of fresh , clean family grocer
ies. He will treat you right.
HANGING LAMPS Noble is head
quarters for hanging lamps. He car
ries a large and splendid selection.
Do you want the latest and best and
cheapest ? Well , they keep a large
variety at the Eagle Clothing Store.
Noble is the only exclusive grocer in
the city. His stock is the largest and
liis prices correspond with the times.
The Randolph Header is sold by S ,
M. Cochrane & Co. See them before
Duying your harvesting machinery.
The Eagle Clothing Store is in the
clothing business. They will dress you
up handsomely and stylishly , and do it
at a very reasonable figure.
Make Noble your family grocer and
many other blessings will fall to your
ot , besides having the best groceries on
your table that the market affords.
The new notary public in Squire Col-
vin's office , Miss Matie I. Russell , we
) elieve , is the first and only notarial ap-
) ointment held by the gentler sex in
led Willow county.
Fulton ( Mo. ) Telegraph : R. J. Rice ,
vho lives about five miles north of this
dace , sold his farm last week , consist-
ng of about 270 acres , to Wm. Huber
of McCook , Nebraska , for $5,400.
SHIRTS TO ORDER. White or fancy.
Jents who are accustomed to have their
hirts made to order give us a trial
order. We guarantee a good fit and
easonable prices. THE FAMOUS.
Nothing succeeds like success. Noth-
ng in the livery business takes the
lublic eye and fancy like good horses
ind comfortable vehicles. With these
Vlarsh gives prompt service and courte
ous treatment.
ale on easy terms several Threshing
Machines , with horse-powers or engines ,
which have been used only one season
and are as good as new.
5-4ts J. B. JENNINGS , McCook , Neb.
Last Sunday , Col. Huber undertook
o teach his recently acquired wild four-
'car-old colt a few of the accomplish-
uents of civilized existence. The col-
nel now carries the great digit of his
eft hand in a sling , and has tempor-
rily retired from the horse-training
The season of the year is approach-
ng when pants will be fashionable.
Ve do not refer to the dog days. We
lave in mind the large stock and fine
ssortment of pants just received by
lave anything you want in size , color ,
r quality. Prices are right.
FOR , SALE Part of my irrigated
arm near McCook , in small lots to
uit purchaser. Private ditch. No wat-
r rent. Good chance for small fruit
arms. Have had two years' experi-
nce in Colorado and two in Red Wil-
ow county with irrigation.
P. 0. Boi 311 , McCook , Neb.
Attorney LeHew of McCook , Neb. ,
was a Denver visitor , last week. In
peaking of irrigation he remarked that
he farmers of western Nebraska are
pinning there faith on irrigation and all
re enthusiastic over the new ditches
.hat . are being pushed ahead this season.
Ic instances the fact with the state
ment that the McCook irrigation bonds
were carried , five to one , during a week
f the heaviest rains that have visited
he western part of that state. Age.
The principle of reciprocity is worthy
he brain of the greatest American citi-
en Hon. James G. Elaine. There is
nether great idea , however , of no small
mportance to McCook , it is the encour-
gement of manufacturing establish
ments to locate in our midst and the
troper support of the same when they
lave cast their fortunes with us. It is
lighly business like and when carried
nto effect results in the wonderful up-
milding of a city. THE TRIBUNE wants
o suggest in passing that it is about
.he . proper caper for the smoking pub
ic to remember that Reizenstein mauu-
actures some of the best brands of
igars to be bought in McCook. Go
and reciprocate. Joe will meet yon
mlf way.
Ice Cream Soda at
L. W. McCONNELL & CO.'s.
Humboldt Sour.
ffntirrscmiimtiHiii > * < BMNf'i'il * > * * * " > ml"'t'1 ' ' ' * " * * " ' ' * - *
The Hewctt Musettes , next Tuesday.
The outlook is good for another early
convention year.
If you want two hours of fun and
good music combined , go to the Menard
Opera House , next Tuesday night.
Over $5,000 were distributed to
Western Nebraska drouth sufferers by
the Masonic Grand Lodge of Nebraska.
The farmers are in the corn these hot
days battling with the weeds , which the
protracted wet weather gave a decided
start of the cultivator.
Cards are out announcing the mar
riage of Thomas G. Lewis and Sarah E.
Tichenor , Tuesday , June 16th , atOgden ,
Utah. Mr. Lewis was a former citizen
of Driftwood precinct.
The new law , which returns to the
county treasurer the interest paid on
county funds when on deposit , will take
out of county politics one of the larg
est bones of contention.
The number of patriots who are will
ing and anxious to be slain on the altar
of their country , as candidates for
county sheriff and clerk of the district
court , is unusually large already.
The late heavy rains have revived
the old question of paving the gutters
on Main Avenue. We will have to
come to it sooner or later. But just
at present we are hardly prepared to
iissume the expense necessary to do
the work properly.
The question of free school books
and supplies is now agitating the minds
of the members of the board of educa
tion. The purchase of both books and
supplies will require the outlay of
$1,500 to $2,000 on the part of the
district. Hence the agitation.
The Independents are the first to
announce the date for their County
Convention. It will be held in Indian
ola on Tuesday , August llth. Doubt
less the results of the deliberations of
that day will be looked forward to
with more than passing curiosity by
the politicians.
The board of education were in spec
ial session , Tuesday evening. Among
the topics discussed were , a school
building for South McCook , and the
free text book and school supplies mat
ter. The board decided that they would
handle the books through the superin
tendent of schools.
Just now with the most promising
prospects for an unprecedented harvest
in sight , there never has been as much
politics to the square inch in Nebraska
since she donned the garments of state
hood. And the truth in the situation
compels the admission that the other
fellows are in it or thereabouts.
The postponed meeting of the build
ing association was held in the city
hall , Monday evening , the routine busi
ness of the association being transact
ed. $200 of the surplus funds were
sold at 10 per cent , premium. J. A.
Wilcox was elected one of the board
of directors vice F. H. Fowler , deceased.
The land deal of the Great Western
Watch "boom" has cost
Factory our un
fortunate Indianola friends about
$6,000 ; all of which must be placed in
the experience column of the ledger.
Captain Phillips has the land , Shellen-
berger has the watch factory in his vest
pocket , and Indianola , well , Indianola
has the experience.
We have not heard of the existence
of a gang of grave robbers in this sec
tion , but we evidently have some people
ple in this city or neighborhood mean
enough to belong to such an organiza
tion. Complaint comes that flowers
are being stolen from graves in Longview -
view cemetery. There is no place re
ferred to in the Good Book too sultry
for such individuals.
This morning , Frank Harris received
the sad and unexpected news , per tele
gram , of the death of his sister Laura
at Galva , 111. , following an illness of a
few weeks. Miss Laura has made re
peated visits to our city , where she has
many warm friends who will be deeply
pained to learn of her untimely death ,
and who will join us in expressions of
profoundest sympathy for the bereaved
ones of the family. The funeral will
occur at Galva , tomorrow.
The case of the state against Clar
ence Lackey , wherein Cora Bryan was
complaining witness , and the charge
that of Clarence having had carnal
knowledge of Cora who is under the
consent age , was dismissed by County
Attorney Dodge before Squire Colvin ,
Wednesday , for want of evidence.
The facts indicate that the degraded
mother of the little girl is responsible
for the downfall of the daughter , who
is a mere child , of unusual development.
In the case of Freeman Kelley vs.
George W. Irving and Thomas Keely
vs. George W. Irving for the prefer
ence ot the right to make homestead
entry on section 21 , McCook , Neb. ,
Assistant Secretary Chandler modified
the land commissioner's decision and
remanded the case for a rehearing up
on the question whether the firm of
LeHew & O'Donnell were authorized
attorneys of Kelley August 3d , 1888 ,
and if they were , preference of the
right of entry of said section should be
awarded to Keely. Monday's Bee.
Try Knippie for fruits of all kinds.
Union block.
We allow no one to undersell us on
The city council were in regular ses
sion , Wednesday eveningjpresent , Mayor
Brewer , Councilman Knights , Menard
and LaTourette , Clerk Warren , and
Attorney Cordeal.
Bond of John McCotter , night police
man , was referred back for his signature.
Bill ot The True Democrat , station
ery for Chief Bennett , $5.25 , allowed.
Petition of W. D. Paine and others
for Hide walk on north side of Dear
born street between Macfarland and
Melvin was rejected for lack of signers.
Levy of school board for school pur
poses 1891 , mills , was read and clerk
instructed to forward same to county
Following resolution was passed :
RESOLVED , That the city clerk be
instructed to prepare a list of all per
sons delinquent on occupation tax for
1890 and 1891 and cause same to be
published and corrected weekly.
RESOLVED , That D. C. Marsh be
made pound master ior the cnsuingyear.
Street Commissioner ordered to put
down a crossing over Marshall street on
north side of Dudley ; also over Madi
son at Railroad street.
Cierk instructed to republish resolu
tion ordering sidewalk on Dakota be
tween Main and Macfarland. Adj.
All members McCook Lodge , No. 61 ,
A. 0. U. W. , are requested to attenc
next regular meeting , 29th inst. , for
election of officers and other important
business. *
. „
7T *
All members Legion No. 7 , S. K. ,
are requested to meet in Meeker Hall ,
8 o'clock , P. M. , July 2d , for work in
Junior and Select degrees.
All ladies of the A. 0. U. W. are re
quested to meet at Meeker Hall , July
2d , 8 o'clock , P. M. , when Degree of
Honor will be instituted by Grand Mas
ter Workman Tate.
* *
At the meeting , Monday evening ,
June 22d , for organization of Degree
of Honor , the following officers were
elected :
Miss liertie Lalliu , Chief of Honor.
Mrs. J. F. Heber , Past C. of H.
Mrs. F. P. Brainerd Lady of Honor.
Mrs. J. W. Lewis , Chief of Ceremonies.
Miss Florence Thompson , . . . ' Recorder.
Mrs. G.V. . Conuers , Receiver.
Miss Etta Hamilton Financier.
Miss Lulu Tubbs , Usher.
Mrs. Edwin Ellis Inside Watchman.
Mrs. John Shepherd , Outside Watchman.
Mrs. Jos. Reizenstein , Mrs. Hager and Mrs.
C. L. Gray , Trustees.
Forty-five ladies have already paid
charter fees.
"The entertainment at the Paddock
opera house , last evening , " says the
Beatrice Express , "was a pleasant sur
prise to those in attendance. 'Ihe com
pany is making its first tour of Nebras
ka cities , and is not , therefore , well
known to local amusement lovers. The
program consists of comedy interspers
ed with musical and other specialties.
The music , especially , is fine , and other
specialties catching and pleasant. No
better cornet playing has been listened
to in Beatrice in a long time than that
by Charles Hewett , and the violin , cor
net , flute , piccolo , and clarionet solos
by Frank Hewett were warmly applaud
ed and encored , as were the plantation
melodies and operatic selections by the
"Nuggett Nell" quartette , consisting of
Charles and Frank Hewett , ZettaReigan
and ' -Nuggett Nell , " or Miss May
Hewett. In her specialties "Nuggett
Nell" was very effective , as was Miss
Reigan. Both are blessed with pretty
faces and dress in becoming costumes. "
At the Menard Opera Hall , Tuesday
evening , July 30th.
Gray & Maddux of The Circle Front
Livery go on the splendid business prin
ciple that there is nothing too rich for
their patrons ; and they are constantly
on the lookout for new attractions.
Their latest purchase of Sheriff Mc-
Cool's handsome and rangey team will
doubtless be appreciated by all who take
delight in drawing the ribbons over
something in the horseflesh line which
is stylish and spirited as well as safe
and reliable. This recent acquisition
fills all the requirements , and sustains
the deserved popularity of The Circle
McCooK , NEB. , June 26,1891.
By order of the Mayor and Council ,
I am instructed to put in the pound all
horses and cows found on picket rope ,
said rope extending across any street
or alley of the city.
J. H. BENNETT , Chief of Police.
The result of the committee confer
ence at Indianola , Tuesday of this week ,
was the selection of Culbertson as the
place in which to hold the Independent
Judicial Convention for the Eleventh
District , and September 1st as the date.
The McCook Electric Light Co. is
now regularly incorporated with a cap
ital stock of $30,000 , officers , board of
directors , etc. Elsewhere in this issue
the articles of incorporation will be
found in full. The company embraces
some of our most substantial citizens
in its corporators.
Ice Cream Soda at
Feed of all kinds.
The Age recently called attention to
the fact that the city of iMcCoot , Ne
braska , had voted $10,000 in bund * to
aid an irrigation enterprise designed
primarily for the benefit of the farmers ,
and that the fact had provoked wide
and favorable comment. The supreme
court of California has recently render
ed a decision which finally settles the
point that cities are included in irriga
tion districts , and that municipal tax
payers must meet their share of the ex
penses of district irrigation works. The
action of the Nebraska city and the
California supreme court thus agree in
proclaiming the fact that the towns de
pendent on surrounding agriculture can
afford to assist farmers dependent on
Experience in forming irrigation dis
tricts in California has developed the
singular fact that the heaviest vote in
favor of organization comes every time
From the property owners of the town
included. In the case recently decided
an owner of town property set up the
objection that the city of Modesto was
included in the district by the super
visors for the express purpose of com
pelling the land owners outside to form
a district.
However this may be , it is certain
that the people of the towns who can
not irrigate are not half so afraid of the
tax as some of the outside land owners
whose property would remain forever
tenth-rate sheep range without water.
The vote at Tulare , Escondido , Fall-
VirnnlAnalipim unil ntliftr nluni > s naino
largely from the town , and as the law
requires a two-thirds vote to organize
the districts they could not in such
case be formed without the vote of the
town. Yet in every case where a town
has been included the town vote has
been overwhelmingly in fayor of organ
izing. All of which shows that town
people are pretty good judges of what
makes trade. And these are cities
where almost to a man the voter is a
taxpayer , and are not like the big cities
having a large floating or irresponsible
voting element that will vote for any
thing to put a little money in circula
tion. Irrigation Age.
The late school census shows that
there are 108 persons of school age in
South McCook. As this number large
ly exceeds the total attendance upon
public schools from that section of the
city , the question naturally arises , why ?
Perhaps there are two reasons more
prominent and worthy of consideration
than others. In the first place , poverty
keeps some away. The late legislature
provided relief for such in the law pass
ed which makes it the duty of the
school board to provide books and sup
plies free. Secondly and in all likeli
hood the most pressing is the distance
from the school houses and the danger
attendant upon crossing the railroad
yard. As many of the children are
quite young this is a real peril. THE
TRIBUNE takes the liberty of suggest
ing that this cause may be removed in
part at least by the establishment of
a school in South McCook for the
primary pupils. As the west ward
school house is vacant it could be mov
ed down there and utilized with good
results. We believe that the people
of South McCook are entitled to con
sideration in this matter. They have
broached ic before.
Will trade a quarter block , house
24x24 with basement , in Red Cloud ,
'or a farm near McCook. Enquire at
his office.
A 4-room house convenient to the
round house. A good cellar. Full acre
ot. Inquire at this office for particulars.
Convenient office quarters on ground
leer for rent at reasonable figure. In
quire at this office.
Noble , The Grocer.
Try Knippie for staple and fancy
groceries. Union block.
Ice Cream Soda and Mineral Waters.
What must you do to be saved ? Why
buy your groceries at Noble's , of course !
A four-room house in good location
for rent. Inquire at Bullard's lumber
The Eagle Clothing Store has the
only Genuine Dog Glove found in
S. M. Cochrane & Co. for binding
twine. They will give you the lowest
price possible.
The Atchison Globe says : "You will
very often find it the case that the man
who is good in big things , makes up for
it by being very mean in little ones. "
Work on the C. H. Meeker Irrigation
Ditch on the South Side is being pro
secuted vigorously ; about 60 teams are
now at work and there is a call for more
men and teams.
The streets which were put in bad
shape by the recent heavy rains are
being rapidly graded up and placed in
condition for comfortable and safe travel
again. Commissioner Bennett knows
the business.
Graham flour.
Owing to the dtath of Frank H.
Fowler of tha firm of Wilcox & Fowler
ler , all persons indebted to said firm '
are requested to call and settle on or j
before the 1st day of August , 1891. \
After the 10th day of July , 18 91 , all \
the business of said firm will be conducted - '
ducted on a strictly cash basis.
June 22d , 1891. \
DoYou Want a Farm Loan ? (
If so , come and see me before
making an application elsewhere. ' j
C. H. BOYLE. !
The assessed valuation of rail road s
property in Red Willow county as trans
mitted to the county clerk l y the state
joard of equalization is : IH follows :
Republican Valley R. R. , 31 and 13-
100th miles at $5,000 per mile ; total , 4
Oxford & Kansas R. R. , 19 and 33- I
100th miles at $3,500 per mile ; total ,
$67.655.00. I
Pullman Palace Car company , 31 and
13-lOOth miles at $34.29 per mile ; total ,
Total railroad and car assessment ,
Mr. E. II. Doan , the new proprietor ,
but well known to the patrons of the
mill , is hard at it these quiet crop-as
suring days putting the McCook Roller
Mill in ship shape for the fall trade ,
which he confidently expects to be brisk
and large. He will be prepared to take
care of the rush when it comes , too.
In the meantime : they are ready to
promptly dispose of all business which
comes , and are keeping their popular
brands before the public as usual.
The soda water season is open at the
City Dru r Store. The latest and best
drinks. Pure fruit juices. A specialty
of seltzer water.
> _
That is to say : Do you want to buy ,
rent or trade for a barn. If so call ot :
or address E. LINDNER , McCook.
Ice Cream Houa and Mineral Waters.
Corn meal.
We offer 600 pairs of Men's Shoes
( samples ) all styles and widths ,
all number 7 , at
Our prices "svill be found in
teresting to purchasers of
Ladies Shoes.
$3.50 Hand Turned ,
§ 3.00 Hand Turned ,
§ 2.50 Machine Sewn ,
§ 2.0O Machine Sewn ,
§ 1.50 Machine Sewn ,
Are unusual values.
f' '
i\ \