J.F.GANS6HOW . . , -THE- OLD RELIABLE. THE LEffiDING BOOT H SHOE DEALER. MCCOOK , - NEBRSSKS , FARM L.OANS. . I am prepared to iillafew Rood applications at once- Money on hand when application is approv ed. J. B. KELLEY. R Build your ark. Hold your cattle. Grass butter is here. The country looks grand. Sugar beets arc looking fine. Family Groceries at Noble's. New potatoes hold the boards. CHKNERY'S CITY DRUG STORE. New mown hay is on the market. Summer will be due on the 2lstinst. Staple and Fancy Groceries at Noble's. I i Spring chickens will soon be a delicacy Wall Paper latest designs at Mc Millen's. An advertisement in THE TRIBUNE is better than a bonanza. Dr. A. J. Thomas , Dentist , office in Union block , over Knipple. To live in Red Willow county is a good enough reason for life. Paints , oils , brushes , and painters' supplies at the City Drug Store. In politics it is always best for a man to refuse what he cannot get. I will trade goods for stock of all kinds. WM. J. PORTER. If you are laboring under disadvant ages , saw wood and try to get over them. The Eagle Clothing Store is display ing a stylish stock of spring clothing. "The wheat crop and THE TRIBUNE'S subscription list are growing like a scandal. " An attractive line of stationery , inks pens , pencils and the like , at Chenery's City Drug Store. Kapke , The Tailor , guarantees you the lowest prices and the most stylish and elegant clothing. Crete flour has no superior and but few equals. Knipple has just received an entire car load of it. Our stock in wall paper is complete and we invite inspection. L. W. McCONNELL & CO. You will always find a superior stock of tobaccos at Chenery's. And a nice assortment of smokers' articles. It will pay you to examine our as sortment of wall paper before papering. L. W. McCONNELL & CO. Groceries , fruits , confectioneries and the like must be fresh and clean to be desirable. Knipple makes a specialty of these points. THE McCooK TRIBUNE is a handsome and healthy ten-year-old , having attain ed that age , last week. Success to the deserving is almost a certainty. Cul bertson Republican. Lincoln Journal : Florence E. Doyle , the school teacher who sues Thomas Stratton for a large amount for breach of promise of marriage , must put up security for costs within thirty days or away goes her sensational suit. The blind may see , The mute may talk , The deaf may hear The maimed may walk , And Johnnie may have the possess ion of his gun ; but the time will never come when you can buy first-class cloth ing at the low prices obtainable at the EAGLE CLOTHING STORE. Forget disagreeable things. Study to acquire the art of enjoyment. Keep your nerves well in hand. Believe in JS. the goodness of those you love. Cul tivate a good digestion. Become profici ent in saying pleasant words. Don't expect too much of your friends. Make whatever work is your's congenial. Re tain your illusions. Relieve the suf fering and sympathize with the sorrow ing. Keep an even temper. Do your duty cheerfully and well. Finally , observe the Golden Rule , and you will thus obtain the love and consideration of others. Jl" ? Do You Want a Farm Loan ? If so , come and see me before making an application elsewhere. C. H , BOYLE. \V. M. Lewis will open up n saloon in Culbertson , July 1st. Try Knipple for staple and fancy groceries. Union block. A commodious , neatly furnished room for rent. Inquire at this office. Knipple has just received a car load of the celebrated Crete Mills flour. New patterns in wall paper at L. W. McCONNKLL & CO.'S. We learn that a citizens' alliance has been organized in Bartley , this week. In Wall Paper you will find newest styles and lowest prices at McMillen's. White and Figured Windsor Ties all the rage at the Eagle Clothing Store. Prescription work a specialty at the City Drug Store. Promptness and ac curacy are assured. Noble carries a large and complete stock of the best brands of canned goods of all kinds. FOR RKNT A furnished room. One block from the postoffice. Information given at this office. A piano for sale or trade for a team of horses , or McCook property. In quire at this office. Dry goods , notions , boots , shoes. , etc. , at cost at Wm. J. Porter's on West Dennison street. See Knipple in his new quarters in the Union block. Everything nice in fruits , groceries , etc. Noble , the leading grocer , makes a specialty of fresh , clean family grocer ies. He will treat you right. HANGING LAMPS Noble is head quarters for hanging lamps. He car ries a large and splendid selection. The June term of district court for county Hitchcock was opened by Judge Cochran at Culbertson , yesterday. Do you want the latest and best and cheapest ? Well , they keep a large variety at the Eagle Clothing Store. Don't buy till you have examined our stock of wall paper. L. W. McCONNELL & Co. Noble is the only exclusive grocer in the city. His stock is the largest and his prices correspond with the times. Our stock of wall paper is complete and we invite inspection. L. W. McCONNELL & Co. You can buy goods at your own price at my cloaing-out sale.XV XV C _ T TV\DTPT > Don't buy till you have examined our stock of wall paper. L. W. MCCONNELL & Co. THE McCooK TRIBUNE is ten years old , just the age of the lively little city in which it is printed. Omaha Bee. It will pay you to examine our as sortment of wall paper before papering. L. W. McCONNELL & CO. Prof. J. H. Bayston and Miss Elling ton Wilson opened up a summer school , Monday morning , in the east ward school building. The Eagle Clothing Store is in the clothing business. They will dress you up handsomely and stylishly , and do it at a very reasonable figure. Make Noble your family grocer and many other blessings will fall to your lot , besides having the best groceries on your table that the market affords. As a painful reminder of a recent at tempt to "blab" a buffalo calf , Buffalo Jones carries his left arm in a sling. A spike entered the back of his hand , making quite a painful hurt. THE McCooK TRIBUNE is ten years old. It is ably conducted and has long been recognized as one of the very best newspapers published in the Republican Valley. Hayes County Republican. SHIRTS TO ORDER. White or fancy. Gents who are accustomed to have their shirts made to order give us a trial order. We guarantee a good fit and reasonable prices. THE FAMOUS. THE McCooK TRIBUNE celebrated its tenth anniversary , last Friday. With out a question of a doubt THE TRIBUNE is McCook's best paper. Its typo graphical appearance is not excelled in the state. Alma Times. The season of the year is approach ing when pants will be fashionable. We do not refer to the dog days. We have in mind the large stock and fine assortment of pants just received by the EAGLE CLOTHING HOUSE. They have anything you want in size , color , or quality. Prices are right. FOR SALE Part of my irrigated farm near McCook , in small lots to suit purchaser. Private ditch. No wat er rent. Good chance for small fruit farms. Have had two years' experi ence in Colorado and two in Red Wil low county with irrigation. ANDREW CARSON , P. 0. Box 311 , McCook , Neb. WALLPAPER PAPER ! Large Assortment ! Latest Designs ! Prices Way Down ! Paints , Oils , Artists' Goods. A. McMILLEN , DRUGGIST. Yes , my son , this beats irrigation. The "ditchers" are coming , hurrah , hurrah. "They do say" that hard water is not suitable for irrigation. Ah , me ! Work on the Meeker ditch is being prosecuted energetically with all avail able men and teams. This week , Councilman LaTourette adds a neat and comfortable stable to the convenience of his home. The M. E. pulpit was occupied last Sunday morning by Rev. Fulmer ol Culbertson. No evening services. "The True Democrat" made its in itial bow to the public , last week. It was a very creditable publication. Merchants are already feeling a re vival of trade , brought about by the South Side Irrigation Ditch Enterprise. The person who argue * with a liar has about as much sense as the man who drives in the mud to paint his wagon. The Times-Democrat rounded off the sixth year of its existence , and last week entered upon its seventh year with en couraging prospects. THE TRIBUNE offers its congratulations. The Right Reverend Bishop Graves of Kearney will preach in the Luther an church , Thursday evening , June 18th , and will administer the Sacra ment of the Lord's Supper. The county alliance held an impor tant session at Indianola , last Saturday. There were 05 delegates present. The election of county officers will occur at the next monthly meeting in July. Children's Day exercises will be held in the Congregational church , next Sun day morning at 10:30 : o'clock. Regular preaching services both morning and evening by Rev. W. C. Stephenson. A rural member of the fraternity of fers this : "Money will feed gluttony , pride , indulge voluptuousness and grati fy sensuality ; but unless it be an engine in the hands of wisdom , it will never produce any real joy. " But what does a country newspaper man know about money , anyhow ? We understand that S. R. Smith , member for Red Willow county of the Republican Central Committee of the Eleventh Judicial District , has resign ed. It is intimated that Indianola's mayor's pole is already reaching out after the independent nomination for judge of this district. First of the wcekPotter & Easterday purchased the stock of A. T. Campbell & Co. , who retire from the business at this place. Messrs. Campbell & Co. retain their interests at Bartley and Hildreth , and are figuring on buying the Moody elevator at Strattou and one in the eastern part of the state. Next to irrigation , perhaps there is nothing capable of bodily boosting real estate up to a real dizzy altitude like a sure-enough , robustuous and adult ochre mill boom. The transfers , this week , show a sale ofyibout 400 acres of land just east ofyindianola for $52,700.00 , or over $125 per acre. THE TRIBUNE proffers its congratulations. Come up and see our machine shops , boys. Patronize home industries. That sounds old and trite ; but the advice is full of wisdom. That's the way to build up home institutions. That's the way towns and cities are built. Its reci procity in its most practical sense. Joe Reizenstein advocates the idea , and in vites the people of McCook and vicinity to call at his parlor when they are look ing for a first-class cigar , and become converts to that doctrine. Joe makes right here in our city goods of the best quality for the money. He accordingly solicits the patronage of our people. Patronize home industries. / The enterprising city of McCook has become the subject of wide and favora ble comment by voting $10,000 in bonds to aid an irrigation enterprise. It is one of the first , if not the very first , to incure an indebtedness for a public improvement designed primarily to benefit the farmers. The action is , however , based upon a perfectly sound idea of logic. McCook has suffered from the drouth as keenly as the farm ers in the surrounding country , on whom it depends for its trade. If the new ditch makes the prosperity of these farmers secure it will benefit McCook by removing the precarious element in its farmer's life. Perhaps the action of the smartest town in Red Willow county will set an example which towns all over the arid region will follow. Irrigation Age. HcCOOK'3 GUIDING STAR. TUB McCooK TRIBUNK , the leading newspaper of Southwestern Nebraska , rounded its tenth year last week. THK TaiBONK was established at McCook's birth and has ever been devoted to the upbuilding of that beautiful and thrifty little city and to the advancement of the interests of the Republican valley generally. Like all western newspapers that succeed TUB TRIBUNE has during its career passed through periods of ad versity and discouragement , but under the able management of its enterprising and industrious editor , Mr. Kimmell , it has continued to grow and prosper and is now established on a firm foundation and will continue to be McCook's guid ing star in the future as it has been in the past. Benkelnian Bee. MUCH WIND. The city fathers were in regular ses sion , Wednesday evening ; all present but Clerk Warren , Councilman Kay being pro tern , clerk. Bills of A. J. Stroud $2.60 and Lincoln Land Co. $157.50 were allowed. A resolution was passed instructing the mayor and clerk to enter into contract with the Lincoln Land Co. in the sum of $1,200 for city water supply for the fiscal year , an extra fire hydrant , and the reloca tion of watering trough. The city clerk was instructed to compile and arrange the city ordinances now in force. The question of city management of the water works was discussed in extcnso , but no action was taken. Adjourned to Wednesday , June 17th. ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH. Next Sunday , June 14th , Rt. llev. Bishop Bonacum , D. D. , of Lincoln , Neb. , will administer confirmation to a class of thirty , at the High Mass , 10:30 : , A. M. Special music will be rendered during this occasion to which all are invited. June 18th , at Meeker's Hall , Grand Reunion and Social of St. Patrick's Parish. Music by Reizenstein's or chestra. Supper included in admission ticket. A pleasant time for all. LAND DECISIONS. In the case of Alpheus R. Barrmger n which officers below rejected the ap plication for payment of the purchase money paid upon Barringer's commuted "lomestead entry for the east half of the north-east quarter of section 32 and the west half of the north-west quarter of section 33 , township 50 north , range 31 west , McCook district , the acting sec retary of the interior today affirmed the decision below. He also affirmed the decisions in the case of Harriet M. Davis vs. Thomas Simonton , McCook district. TWINS ! THE McCooK TRIBUNE is just ten year old. So is McCook. They are twins. F. M. Kimmell is one of the steadiest and sturdiest newspaper men n Nebraska and prints a most excellent naner. His nolitics. which prows more * . * u hide-bound as the years go by , is the only point againsthim. Lincoln Herald. The bank furniture of the late Bank of McCook was loaded , yesterday for shipment to Lincoln , where after being overhauled and embellished it will be placed in the Brace building to be used by the new financial institutien which will be opened in the Capital City , July 1st , namely the Merchants Bank. At the state meeting of Homeopathic physicians held in Omaha , last week , Dr. A. P. Welles of our city was elected recording secretary of the state society. The next session will be held in Beat rice , June , 1892. The high , full sleeves which have dis figured the female form divine are doom ed. Swell gowns are to be made with long , tight-fitting sleeves , just slightly raised at the shoulder. If you need a Binder or a Header call on S. M. Cochrane & Co. They sell the Walter A. Woods and Piano Bin ders and the Randolph Header , machines not excelled in the world. If the weather clerk does not inter fere with the present arrangement , our people will have the pleasure of hearing an outdoor concert by Button's band , Saturday evening. The latest word from the sick room is that Frank Fowler seems to be gaining strength slowly and that his condition is perhaps more encouraging , though still critical. Parties who have been out over the country somewhat say that they never saw finer rye in their lifetime. Wheat is also looking splendid. Oats fair. Tuesday night's rain was one of the heaviest of the season. All formali ties were waived and the water just simply fell in sheets. A false fire alarm accelerated the public pulse uncomfortably , Wednesday evening. Crossed or grounded wires , perhaps. Strawberries would be much better if the clouds would break away and let the sunshine and warmth in upon the fruit. Parties wishing 500 pound lots of flour will save money by calling on POTTER & EASTBRDAY. The Episcopal friends are negotiat ing for the purchase of the west ward school house. Superior flour. POTTER & EASTERDAT. PEOPLE YOU KNOW. Citizens and Visitors Briefly Mentioned. We Have Had Our Eye on You. "I Know Not What the Truth May Be , I Tell it as Twns Told to Mo. " E. Lindner was a Hastings vIsitor.Tuesdny Banker Peck of Trenton was a Jiub visitor , Tuesday evening. C. F. Babcock entertained Ins brother , Judson , of Cambridge , this week. Judge LeHew made a business visit to Denver , the opening of the week. C. A. Ready , county attorney of Hayes , had land business here , Wednesday. Mrs. Cora Keliey left , Wednesday , for Blakesburg , In.to be absent until September. A. T. Campbell was up from Hildreth , Tuesday , closing out his feed store at thl ; place. Prof. C. W. Charles of Culbertson enjoyed the inspiring air of the metropolis , last evening. Rev. W. M. Taylor , the short man of Bart- ley's next best friend , was a city visitor , Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles White gave a pleas ant farewell supper to n company of friends , Wednesday. Mr. Barnes of the Times-Democrat sojourn ed under the parental roof at Indianola over the Sabbath. Clerk Roper , Treasurer Henton and Com missioner llodgkin were guests of the mu nicipality , last evening. F. S. Wilcox , a prominent shipper and breeder , brought in eight cars of cattle from Hooper. South Omaha Stockman. B. F. Troxel is back from Hot Springs , S. D. , having secured great relief from the en emy of his comfort rheumatism. Prof. Monlux of Hastings sojourned in the city , Tuesday , the guest of his fellow-educa tor , Prof. Valentine of our ctty schools. H. D. Watterman has returned to his old territory and has reocctipied his cosy little homo in the northwestern part of the city. Mrs. N. S. Berry departed on Friday last for Virginia , 111. , on a visit to her old home , where she has a married daughter residing. Miss Alice Murphy came up from Oxford , Monday , on business and to greet her many admiring friends in McCook in a social way. Mrs. W. H. Davis returned home , Tues day evening , from Trenton , where she has been visiting relatives the post week or ten days. days.M. M. Y. Starbuck left , Tuesday evening , for Chicago , to attend a convention of the sixth postal district , which opens in that city on the 12th. Rev. and Mrs. Samuel F. Myers have struck the McCook gait in good form. A lusty boy baby is reported at the rectory , last Saturday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Harris , who have been the guests of their son Frank for the past ten days , departed for their Illinois home yes terday morning. John F. Majors came in from Ainsworth , tvucic ; no iiao ucuii uii jGgm uuoJIJcod , JL uea day morning. Leaving the same evening forDuluth , Minn. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Allen of Hinesburg , Vt , are guests of their son , Hon. John C. Allen and wife , at their home at Twelfth and K street Lincoln Journal. Sweeny Munson and family arrived home , Tuesday evening , from their Orleans visit. Sweeney goes to Chicago , in a few days , where he expects to get work. County Clerk Roper and family were up from the county-seat , Monday , to invoke the skill of the photographer in "preserving the shadow ere the substance fails. " Nate Crawford and Bert Smith , of Gen. A. McD. McCook Camp S. of V. , went down to Geneva , Sunday night , to take in the state encampment , S. of V. , in session there this week. Mr. C. E. Shaw and family leave , to-morrow evening , for Lincoln , where they expect to make their home. Mr. Shaw is president of the Merchants bank to be opened for business July 1st. Attorney Foss of Crete was up the valley on business , the close of last week , being a city visitor on Saturday. He was the junior member of the hite well-known firm of Dawes & Foss. George W. Burt was up from Indianola , Monday , looking alter his political fences hereabouts. We understand that Mr. Burt would like to be W. T. Henton's running mate again next fall. Prof. W. S. Webster came in on Monday's flyer to look after his real estate interests down in Grant precinct. The Professor just closed his school at Juniata and was en route for Glenwood Springs , Colo. , where he has a brother residing , on a prospecting tour. Our old friend , V. Franklin , President of the Citizens Bank of McCook , one of the brainiest and most successful business men of McCook , Neb.-was in town , last week , on business. He predicts a bright future for the entire west. Mr. Franklin is one of the solid men of that enterprising city and knows what he is talking about. Holyoke News. Judge Cochran of McCook has been in the city since yesterday on legal business. He is one of the leading promoters of irrigation in the western part of the state. He said that in a year or two more droughts in the western part of Nebraska would be only a memory. "The work of building irrigation ditches , " said Judge Cochran , "is progress ing at a truly wonderful rate. Irrigation companies are being organized in every western county and are going to work with a will. In a very short tim e we will be inde pendent of rainfall and will raise crops , rain or no rain. We haven't needed any irriga tion so far this spring , for we have had plen ty of rain and crop prospects were never finer. " Sunday's World-Herald. You will be needing binding twine soon. S. M. Cochrane & Co. are pre pared to fill your orders at lowest mar ket price. t j A BIG CUT ! We offer GOO pairs of Men's Shoos ( samplesall ) styles and widths , all number 7 , at DISCOUNT. Our prices will bo found in teresting to purchasers o Ladies Shoes. -OUR- ; .5O Hand Turned , $3.00 Hand Turned , $2.5O Machine Sewn , $2.OO Machine Sewn , $1.50 Machine Sewn , Are unusual values. COMFORT AND STYLE. Both comfort and style are desirable. Indeed when the matter of selecting a livery rig is concerned , they are abso lute necessities. The Circle Front Livery Stable make these a study , and together with their prompt and courte ous treatment and reasonable charges they offer every advantage possible to the public. Their new surrey is the acme of comfort and elegance. WANTED I I want 50 men and teams at once to work on the C. H. Meeker Irrigation Ditch. Enquire at the Commercial Hotel , McCook , Neb. I. E. DOTY , Contractor. ADJOURNED. The June loth , 1891 , term of Dis trict Court for Red Willow county is hereby adjourned to Monday , June 22d , 1891. J. E. COCHRAN , Judge. McCook , Neb. , June 10th , 1891. FOR RENT. That is to say : Do you want tn buy , rent or trade for a bajn. If so call on or address E. LINDNER , McCook. COBS FOR KINDUNG. W. C. Bullard & Co. have just re ceived another carload of corn cobs. They are unexcelled for kindling and light firing. $1.50 a load. THE SODA WATER SEASON OPEN. The soda water season is open at the City Drug Store. The latest and best drinks. Pure fruit juices. A specialtj of seltzer water. SEEKS A DIVORCE. Anna Pate has brought suit and asks to be divorced from her husband Harvey Pate. She alleges that he is a beast of a husband. Omaha Bee. TO TRADE FOR A FARM. Will trade a quarter block , house 24x24 with basement , in Red Cloud , for a farm near McCook. Enquire at this office. office.WILL WILL SELL CHEAP. A 4-roora house convenient to the round house. A good cellar. Full acre lot. Inquire at this office for particulars. OFFICE QUARTERS. Convenient office quarters on ground floor for rent at reasonable figure. In quire at this office. S. M. Cochrane & Co. for binding twine. They will give you the lowest price possible. flour. POTTER & EASTERDAY. Graham flour. POTTJSB & EASTSBDAY.