"August Flower" " I inherit some tendency to Dys pepsia from my mother. I suffered two years in this way ; consulted a number of doctors. They did me no good. I then used Relieved in your August Flower and it was just two days when I felt great relief. I soon got so that I could sleep and eat , and I felt that I was well. That was thiee years ago , and I am still first- class. I am never Two Days. without a bottle , and if I feel constipated the least particle a dose or two of August Flower does the work. The beauty of the medicine is , that you can stop the use of it without any bad effects on the system. Constipation While I was sick I felt everything it seemed to me a man could feel. I was of all men most miserable. I can say , in conclusion , that I believe August Flower will cure anyone of indigestion , if taken Life of Misery with judgment. A. M. . Weed , 229 Belle- fontaine St. , Indianapolis , Ind. " @ SlGKHEADAGHEi ' PoiltlTelyoured bj tbese Llttlo 1M1U. I lARTER'S They also rolUro DU- ] trees from Dyrp pii , In-l IITTLE digeition andTooHeartyH Eating. A perfect rem-fi cdy for nir.zint * .Nauie | Drowsiness , Bad Tantc in the Mouth , Coated Tonpuo.Pam in the- Side TOUPID LITHE. TheyB regulate the Bowoli.j Purely Vegetable. PriceS Cents : CAfiTEB HEDICI1TE CO. , NEW YOilS. Small Pill , Small Dose , Small Price , ! QQMLD ECENMEDY Roxisury , fftass , says Kennedy's Medical Discover ) cures Korrid Old Sores , Deep Seated Ulcers of 4:0 years standing , Inward Tumors , and every disease of the skin , ex cept Thunder Humor , and Cancer that has taken root. Price $1.50. Sold by every Druggist in the U. S. and Cannda. One of the most important organs cf Iho human body is the LIVER. When it fails to properly perform its functions the entire system becomes deranged. The BRAIN , KIDNEYS , STOMACH , BOWELS , all refuse io perform their work. DYSPEPSIA , CON STIPATION , RHEUMATISM , KIDNEY DIS EASE , etc. , are the results , unless some thing is done to assist Nalura in throwing off the impurities caused by the inaction ol a TORPID LIVER. This assistance so necessary will be found in Frlekly Ash Bitters ! U acts directly on the LIVER , STOMACH and KIDNEYS , and by its mild and cathartic effect and general ionic qualities restores these organs to a sound , healthy condition , and cures all diseases arising from these causes. It PURIFIES THE BLOOD , tones up the system , and restores perfect health. If your druggist does not keep it ask him to order it for you. Send 2c stamp for copy of "THE HORSE TRAINER , " published by us. PRICKLY ASH BITTERS CO , , Sole Proprietors , ST. LOUIS , MO , TKKATED FKEE. Positively Curntl with Vegetable Remedies Have cured thousands ofcut-es. Cure cases jiro- nounced hopeless by best physicians.From Hrst dose symptoms disappear ; in ten days at least two-thirds ill symptoms removed. Send for free book testimo- sials of miraculous cures. Ten days' treatment free by mall. If you order trial fend "lOc In stamps xjpay postage. Dit.H.lI.UHECN & ? ONS.AtlantaGn. fyou order trial return this adverti omont to . Pactare rollers 5 gallons. Beliciou' . Fparlling and aptiiing. 8 .d IIT all dealern. A beautiful picture Book and cards < nt fr ta j o e KadiDg aJdresi to THE C. E. HIEES CO. , FLlladelpbi * . Add I columns at once , and TRIXSTBIXU many other tricks. Rapid . easy any bneht boy ran Irarnit. i'rio-tl. K rmal IVtrauihlp Ttarhcr , priced. Bend (1Cet both , Kelt one. other FKEE. AddrrtE , AOKBAL r.CSI.MSS QOLLKGI. ColiMbut Jsietlan , Iowa. Term becin * Auff. U. Send for Circulai and Cost. The Soap thatCleans Cleans Most is Lenox. "is * . - JL J ITIay Talk 5CHIO .T A distinjjuiBhcu itutuorityon the tel ephone says thil : it is not improbable that telephonic communication may be established between Philadelphia and Liverpool in a few years. It is admit ted that some obstacles are in the way , but the success of the telephone line between Paris and London lias given the promoters of the inter-oceanic scheme new confidence. The succc.-J-ful experiments which have been tried on the cable across the British channel are regarded as an almost certain presage of what may soon be accomplished between this city and an English port. Experiments have already been tried on the Maelcey- Uennett cable with telephonic connec tions , and although something of a failure , has not discouraged new ven tures which are soon to be made. The experiments will be very expen sive , and may require some time in de veloping , but there is no douot that both the capital and the brains to push them through will be found. A move ment in this direction" already afoot , and the future of the promoter's plans will be watched with intense interest by the scientific world. New . York capital and management will no doubt be united , and the h'rst experiments will be attempted from the Newfound land end of the transatlantic cable. Philadelphia can already talk half-way across the continent , and if this city should be the first to inaugurate a transoceanic telephone her triumph would exceed anything in recent dis coveries. Railway Kegister. IIALI/S CATA11RH CUKE Is a liquid and is taken internally , and acts diicctly ujon tbe blood and mucous surlaees of the sstein. . Fend for testimonials , fiee. Sold bv Druijiiists. 75e. V. J. CHENEY & CO. , 1'rorr.Toledo , O. A IlrJdo'H Flritt LC M > II. A bride's first lesson , says the La dies' Home Journal , is to respect the extreme sensitiveness of her husband , who doesn't want people to know he has just been married ; consequently she will be wise if , after her first jour ney , she assumes a gown that has seen wear ; if she will forget to look around in a startled manner whenever her husband is gone from her side , as it is not likely that he is going to be either lost or stolen. The next thing is not to kiss him or hold his hand in public , or call him "Darling. " Any woman can make a man feel her love without making him ridiculous. Another thing for iier to learn is , when she is at a hotel , not to grow confidential with the chambermaid , not to give her apiece of her .wedding- cake and tell her all about the mar riage ceremony , and tell her how she looked. You think this is never done ? Ask at some large hotel. And she shouldn't giggle or iook surprised when she gets a letter from her moth er addressed to her in her married name. Men are particularly sensitive creatures about some things , and they are rather given to think a woman don't want a name when she acts in this way. Can't be Cured by local applications , as .they cauuot icach the diseased joitioii pf'thJ ear. Theieis only one way to cure deafness , and that is ty coiiEtitutional irmcuics. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the rau cous lining of tLe Kuttadiiau TuLe. AVben this tube gets inf.arr.cd you have a rumbling fount ! or imperfect hearing , and when it is entiiely closed. Eeafucss is the result and unless" the inflammation can be taken out and this lule ii-sioicd to its noiinal condi tion , hearing will be destioyed forever ; nine cases out ol ten are caused by catarrh , which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. "VVc will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deadncss ( caused by catarrh ) that ' \\e cannot cure l.y taking 'Hall's Catarrh Cure , t'cnd for ciiculais , free. F. .1. CHENEY * CO. , riojs. , Toledo. O. Sold by druggists , 75 cents. lie AV as Death on IUt . A paralyzed boy al Goa has recov ered the use of his limbs by being frightened into fits by the spectacle of the sainted remains of Francis Xavier. The circumstances reminds one of the young American doctor who honestly confessed that he didn't know what was the matter with a sick child , but recommended certain pills : "Give him those , and he will have fits ; then send for me. I'm death ou ts. " Argo naut. Dullness for the Boys. The publishers of the CHICAGO SATUR DAY PRESS , the People's great National Weekly , want an active , energetic boy in every town and village to sell the SATURDAY PRESS on the streets , and tc act as local agent. Bovs are making from $1.00 to $10.00 a week selling this great weekly. Here is a chance for the boys of America who want to make money. To our boys. 2 cents per copy. Lon't'raiss the chance , but address , SATURDAY PREPS Co. , 417 Dearborn St. , Chicago , 111. I'roper Itridal Etiquette. There are many little things about weddings that people inquire about , says the Ladies" Home Journal. The bride writes a personal note of thanks for every gift received , whether it be a great one or a little one. and if she cannot do this before the ceremony , the does it after the bridal trip. In the church the bridegroom's family and friends sit at the right of the altar being on the bridegroom's right hand , while those of the bride are placed on the left at the bride's left. The bride groom does not pay for anything con nected with the wedding unless he should choose to send boquets to the bridemaids , and of course to the bride , and presents and boutonnieres to his best man and the ushers. A widow removes her first wedding ring at her second marriage , and does not assume it again. The engagement ring is taken from the third finger of the left hand and worn as a guard to the wed ding ring. It is not considered good taste to cut the finger out of the glove for assuming the ring. The man who makes his own Gcd has one who is merciless. Faith looms up in what you do , but 5 ? often smothered in what you say. The fig tree docs not bloom , but it bear.- fruit. of Prisoner * . The report that prisoner * have been and are constantly escaping from that malignant BHoler , liver complaint , Is fully corrobor ated by tlie felf-Uberat < l captives. Uot- tettei's Stomach Bitters are , they say , the means by which they zct rid of their fetters. Few altogether avoid the bondage of this ttllment , and few are unacquainted with It * klgnis viz : pain through the right filde and shoulder blade , furred tongue , yellowness uf the eyeballs and skin. Hour brcaUi , hick headache. dyspejiMi : und constipation. IIos- letter's Stomach Hitters puts a prompt period to thf-e , brings them to a full stop In Miort oider. Whether the tioublo Is chronic or temporary.thi medicine is equal ly effective , reaulatim : tins liver and bowels thotoughly. It Is likewise a toverolgn remedy for rheumatism , kidney complaint , maluiia , heaitburn and nervousness. The privileged old beau is a man of sonic "iny dears. ' ' Get a Good Start tn IJuKincss I.lfo by securing atuorotiKh bui-lricba education at home , ty mall , low rates ; Uryants College , Uunalu , N. V. Theie aic some women who seem to be only good to love pug ilogs. FITS. All Fltsptopped free by nit , KLIXK'S GREAT Nerve Kestorer. KoKltnltor tlrftdny'nue. ilar- vellono cure1 * . Trcatlce and $2.00 trial bottle free to [ "Ileuses. Send to Dr. ICllne.Oil Arch St. , 1'hlla. , Pa. This Is little affair " a neck-squeezed-it , icuiarked the man who was hanged. When Baby was sick , we jjave her Cartorla , When she vras a Child , she cried for Castoria , When she became Miss , she clung to Castoria , ' \Yhen she had Children , she gave them Castoria , Always say what you mean , and mean what you say. _ No man cau go straight ahead who looks backward. 'HnnM < iii'n lUnzic Corn Snlvo. " "WarrantIM ! to cure , or money refunded. Ask your drui'gist lor it. 1'rice 15 cent : ; . "Great Sizxer ! " is the favorite exclama tion of the Eoda water salesman. Mrs. AVinHlovF'uHootliiiisrSyrHpf for Chil dren teething , softens the Rumy , reduces Inflamma tion , allays paiu , cures \rind colic. jc. a bottle. It is usually the "bright" mnn who is "polished" iiThis inauncis. Wanted. A ladj * for light , pleasant , and profitable employment nt her own home. Address , with stamp , Kilmer & Co. , fcouth Bend , Ind. The pleasure-seeker has many disappoint ments. Excursion to Toronto , Out. , VIA run WABASH RAILROAD. For the National Educational convention at Toronto the Wabash will sell Round Trip tickets .Tuly bth to 18th , at half fare , with two dollars added for membership fee , good returning until Sept. 30th. Excursion rates have been mauc from Toronto with choice of routes via all rail , or going via steamer through the Thousand Islands , returning via rail to Montreal , Quebec , Boston , Albany , New York and all the summer re sorts ot New England. Take a vacation and join the Wabash excursion. For tickets and excursion folder giving full information with li t of side trips , cost of same , etc. , call at Wabash office"l.lOi Farnain street , or wiite GLO. N. CLAYTON , N. AV. P. A. , Omaha. Children Knjoy The pleasant flavor , gentle action and soothing effects of Syrup of Figs , when in need of a laxative and if the father or mother be costive or bilious the most gratifying results follow its use , so that it is the best family reme dy known and every family should have a bottle. How She liiijoyoil It. A jolly party of yelling "kids'1 was enjoying a game of football yesterday afternoon on Madison avenue and a wee little girl from one of the prettiest houses was watching them with wist ful eyes. Jt was evidently too much for all the good manner that had been drilled into her little mind , and run ning down to the curb she danced up and down , clapping her tiny hands and shouting : "Oh , please let me kick it just once. " The largest boy in the crowd hesi tated a moment , then placed it in front of her , and the small foot gave the bag of air a vigorous kick. With a long drawn breath of delight she was heard to murmur : "Oh , I just wish I was three boys ! ' ' Detroit Tribune. Many so-calkd "Bitters" aie not medicine " cine * , "but simply liquors so disguised as to evade the law in piohibnion sectionThiF is not the case with the celebrated Prickly Ash Bitters. It is purely a medicine , acting on the liver and blood , and by reason of its cathartic effects cannot be ns-ed as a bever age. It should be in every household. Faith fears nothing. Faith and trial are the best of friends. floImaii-K Liver Pads. Ilolmnn's I.ivor I'ads cure MALARIA. Ilolnian's I.ixcr I'aiN euro BILIOI&NEC * . Holmau's I.ntr 1'ilN ruro l.MiiorsTION. I'an.phJet free vith full -truitiimsaml Tmrnenda. tlons. HoLMAN Livcu l'il > Co. , U John nixn , y. Y. A fool and his winter underwear arc soon parted. 3Ia.ors | C "inenfc Krpnirs Itroknn Article- * loc and 'ilc. Major's Leather and UubLer Cemer.t lit. The eagle does not sing , Irit it soars. Scrofula is a form of blood poison descending from paren * to child. Mer cury and potash dry up scrofulous sores and bottle up the poison in the system. S. S. S. , drives the poison out through the pores of the skin ! Her Boy. Swift's Specific ( S. S. S. , ) cured my little boy of hereditary scrofula , which broke out all overhis face. For a year he had suffered , and I had given up all hopes of his recovery when at length I was induced to use S. S. S. After using a few bottles he was entirely cured. Not a symptom now remains of the disease. This was three years ago. MRS. T. L. MATHERS , Matherville , Miss. Book on Blood and Skin Diseases Free. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. , Atlanta , Ga. The Key Success in washing and cleaning is Pearl- me. By doing away with the rubbing , it opens the way to easy work ; with Pear line , a \veekly wash can be done by a iveakly woman. It shuts out possible harm and danger ; all things washed \t\tiR.Pearline last longer than if washed with soap. Everything is done better with it. These form but a small part of the Why women use millions upon millions of packages of Pearline every year. Let Pearlinc do its best and there is no fear of " dirt doing its worst. " On the peddlers and grocers who tell you " this 5s as good as , " or .u "the same as" Pearline. IT'S FALSE ; besides. Pearline is ths . , , never peddled. f t\ < -c ? -nt-T rr xvVr.i iA A 5 Al" " l l In Church \b \ or at Home ? Answering the question of Home vs. Church Weddings. Just Before the Ceremony Flowers for the Bridal Hour The Etiquette of Bridals The Belongings of a Bride When On the theBridal Bridal Trip Home After the Honeymoon See JUNE Number of The Ladies Home Journal 0\ Ten Cents a Copy , or Mailed to any address from now to January , 1892 , balance of this year , on receipt of only 50 cents. V CURTIS PUBLISHING COMPANY , Philadelphia , Pa. Copyright , 1S30. 1S30.Which iviU you have , sickness , suffering and despair , or health , strength , and spirit ? You can take your choice. All chronic diseases and de rangements peculiar to women are permanently cured by Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It restores the female func tions to healthy action. It removes the obstructions and suppressions which cause trouble and misery. For pe riodical pains , internal inflam mation , ulceration and kindred ailments , it is a positive rem edy. The system is invig orated , the blood enriched , di gestion improved , melancholy and nervousness dispelled. It's a legitimate medicine , the only one that's guaranteed to give satisfaction in the cure of all " female complaints. " The Publishers of the CHICAGO SATURDAY PRESS want nu afU\c , energetic boy iu every town and village to sell the and to net as locnl npent. Boys everywhere are ' innking from M 00 to $10.00 a week'elling the CHICAGO SAT UKDAY PRESS on the streets. To our boys , ! i cents per copy. Address , Saturday Press Co. , 417 Dearborn St. , CHICAGO , ILL. NERVE AND BRAIN TREATMENT- Sfeeific for Hyhtci la , Diz7ine s. Fit , Neuralgia. Wak - fulness. Mental liepu-f.-lon Softelling of the liraln , re- lultlnp in in-nnity and lecdln ? to ml.ery , decay and death. Tiemature Old Ape ISarrenncrr , IMS of Power In either zex , Involuntary Lof < > . , and Sperinatonucca caused by over exertion of the brain , i-elf-nbufc or oTer-lnduIgence. Each box contains one month's ticat mint. $1 a box , oriz for ( . * > , ECiit by mail prepaid. With each order for fix boxes , "ill bend purchaser guarantee to refund money ir the tieatment fails to cuie. Guarantees ISFticn and genuine Mild only by GOOU.TIAN r > iti ; < ; co. , 11 JO Fai nain Street , O3IAI1A , JfEB. WHAT PLEASURE A BICYCLE will pive you' You will never know until yon own and ride it. All price ; * , all kinds ma chines s-old on easy pnj mont . You can do th.6ni-slnp by corresponding spending a well iii > if in person. If you don t want i new wheel , per- haps -we can trade v . . . 'tillifin one for an up to date bicycle. Send for catalogue ; J"tf ! 'i1-- KciUirad.'Xnrtnn. T.ntJiroji ? Co. . Wester" Bicycle'Iloime. Ie M"o1n . Town. Dr. Le Eft tie's Periodical Pills Aie warranted to relieve tardy , irregular and delayed menstiuation * . K-tabhshed in i.uiope in 183V , t.iiftUnJ 1SJO , Canada , 1677. fnltcil States. ] gX7.Ve tell this > J mill pill at 32 a box or tlueefor Jj. We warrant three boxes to ph e relief as above sta'ed or refund the money. These Roods cnn be pent per nia.l on receipt of mojiej. We ai o an incoi porated stock com pany iMth the fri eater part of our capital stock of $200 - top already taken. Am. Till & Jled. Co. , royalty pro prietors" , S-p < nccr , la. Wholesale and retail of Good man Drug Co. , Omaha. Tr Snnler's Kidney Balsam cures Enuretis , . . _ IBEDWETTING. ) _ or circulars and te rlmonlals addre > , with stamps Dr. O. W.F. SXTDCK , M vicker's Theatre , Chicago. III. "For sale by alt Drufjflists. Price $1.00- RESTORED. REMEDY FKKE. A Mttim of > outhful imprudence , cauenif ! rremattire Decay , enous Debil ity , Ix > "t Manhood. ttc. . l.ax mr tried in Miine ery know n lernedv , has di cn\eied a simple jnran of ilf-ciiie , hichhe willsmd ( seahd ) FliKEto hi < fellow-sutTfitrs. Addrt J. C. 3IASOX , Kox jHU , Sew York City. lALOON AND BU.LIARD MEN. For Faloon Fixtures. Bilh.ird an 1 Pool Tabloi. iBilliird Supplier and Ear GIa > fci-d to TIIK FGAUDKN CITY IULLIAKU TAIJUJ CO. , < I3 < ! . " > bo. loth Fticct , Uuiaha , Neb. V..1IORKIS , ii < rton , D. C. 'Successfully Prosecutes Claims. I Late Principal Examiner U S Pension Bureau. 1 3yrs in labtivar , ISadJudiCutiiigdaiius. atty oiiiWi TCH C'ires Constirntioa B R mid Sick HcWlnche. tree samples at all drugg s or ill ) W. litli St..S.y. ASK YOUR DEALER iron A TKIAL i-Aiii /O * 'C Stest 1COG , 1308 , 12EO B'ariiint Slxt Oniahii. Special inducements lo hotel : ? and yeo- ple furnishing throughout. CARPETS AND CURTAINS. From titiilillnfr a rallrond ilowp to j-ou can in.inn c at y < ur flre id < * Tin * lionl. ' iini ten Ic.ritim.itei anil honorable M-livim * * f r iii.iUni mulify on Mii.il I capital. Kxpu es trick < HIH ! trin II. riin Iniil- nC" > K nml gives hints ntul ndtic * * thit in i Iv woith then and ofdollnr- JOH. Tln > tu ni s ir" iu ' 'cnr- cxpl.unel that an > ordinary p-r-o.i < mi in ! islanil linn Itwill CPUCUCC K'v * ou n " i li- > . aid } < m in plan dUllillntv inrm-r ili-iH 111 -nabta } ou to K'atp f ii Hue oppor.unitioi to in.tkit ntuiirr. It will opun your e\is tj know what in. . IM-I-U lone and what i-s l > < Intr done all around y jti .M.ilmm jr.nmdn f\cry yfixr in bitch I ] < MS NfMrtj a. I our > a.tliv men luttnvir start tiv such brilliant cehT.ii * . N it uniea- Kinalile to thinlcnu fn < 'an lil.ik- . fi > > Miouj.an.1 dollars when others ha I U u uln.i-iivl fm u ! " ' \Ve iUll fund jtm tin" lioo'c fm f 1 Can MIII inv.-At { t In a more pi oil tiiljie knowledge One illli. . -fo ; > think hot * Miiall. y * t what \ull III la kii w i-tlj ) > * not th to 3011 In futiiiu jtor * ! You can ( , ' t It in IN yc ir bitter Cipeiit'iue but innr notm * < ! ittli 'i Itwul nul brine back pa t opportunities nor ino MflJ/r ( n-v youhaio lost How ninny m taLe > ou iVIAriC mi .it lnvo avoided , how many dollars fiv > il , ! iu many deals jou might have tii.ulc iml joil i i' known. "e nre now jireparin olio of til * * ino..t i anlic ulieniM r\rr nttt-nipted ou finait r.ipn \7lurnvill take A lar e forte to put tin oiili an < l * li purch ref of this book will be purnnn oioituu | ty i t.ikf an iiiterert Aililii \\itli SI. AMEK1CAX UOOK CO. , Omaha , ! .eb. I bave a positive remedy for the nlxiT * ( JjheiAny its DEC thousands of cases of the u-nrtt timl and of ijnK standing have been cured. Indeed a strong -irjyfjiru mitselEcacyi thit I will pcn < l TWO norrrxs F2EI .with a VALUABLE TREATISU on tins < ii * aF tuaryRnf- ferer who will send mo their Kzpre'S ami r O o < ! 'Jrtss. T. A. SIccuin , M. C. , 181 1'i-or. M. , N. Y. LOCKS end KLI.IKTI.-H wtH > nS.r 1u'Iim shave been deposit1' ! Fits \ < > s : rocket r d to nnr aiiilr > "j 03 ? t ceipt of li. iMoti y rvfutul.j if not Fatisfacto'-y. A nu xv anted. Write for cir 'iUr * of M Novtltics. Jlnitma tl.4 * XO1CTH AVE-STKJCX bl'JIMA LTV CO. , I > maha , Xcb. Iti liuililin CURED TO STAY CURED. HAY FEVER AVc want the n-i-n" anj ad- drcssof every uHcrer inths u-s-and ( anaaA " > Cover forhor e'.wizonv. ' < cK- < . HIV i aery. c. . at C. J. MAKER'S , 101 We Hi rd Street. KANSAS CITY , 3IO. Send for 1I ! afd ciiiiozae. fi RCUTC makelQO PER CEKT V > 0t , on m * cjr ets. nUCIi I * neltlniRheA nisxi . .11Sam - Mpjes FREE. Write now. Dr. Undsnian n : I > v aX.Y. . Laws and DEMCJSO ? ! ! Expi'niicc 35 Advu-e Free. r Ri IWKd r ars. V/nte u * . A. > V. 31ROKJ11LK i M\S- , ( Inrinnatl , O. \\M-hii Jm , II. U ? MJS2fcf iromrierTOUR. uoDsiity , v - S8M " EHBital Wawttni ? PIC. fcn l Jo1.my * B free Book of HornortiL'.i vnd ir'-yoiir- SSlvesatbome. Or. J Kenacrt , llSMadi vnSt-.CMcaea ser Sru'jThompson ' Eye Water. ' W. N. U. Omaha 372 24. . . . , , - . CoTcring his great trip To. Tliroi- nn l From tinClirI t-I.iu < l. Illustrated with oror K a won derful engravings : al o a grand | iictnre ol Jeru-aleni on the day of the cruciH.xion In 12 poinr- and 10 A PHTNTC A NTCn feet ln length. Ezcluclve territory Immpn e * aU"rltuat ic Ad- AuilR I o ire AH I tU.c , w. D. CONDIT & co. , DOS Moines , Iowa. Best Cough Medicine. Recommended by Physicians. Cures where all else fails. Pleasant and agreeable to the taste. Children take it without objection. By druggists. COM MPT UHCH iM-ho be done ? . oughh to be cleaned- ri Hi Sap //o.Try a c&ke inyoury nexh house-cleaning ahd be convinced ! of the faw excuses no man , " and ignorance is no excuse for a dirty house or greasy kitchen. Better clean them in the old way than not at ail ; but the modern and sensible way is to use SAPOLIQ on paint , on floors , on windows , on pots and pans , and even on statuary. To be ignorant of the uses of SAPOLIO is to be behind the age.