r J.RGANS0HOW , -THE- OLD 'RELIABLE. THE LESDING BOOT H SHOE DESLER. MCCOOK , - NEBRflSKS , FARM LOANS. I am prepared .to fill a few Rood applications at once. Money on hand when application is approv ed. J. E. KELLEY. Read the ordinances. "The June rise" is here. Family Groceries at Noble's. CHENERY'S CITY DRUG STORE. Wait for the open air concerts. Catholic reunion-social , June 18th. Staple and Fancy Groceries at Noble's. Commissioners meet , next Tuesday. Wall Paper latest designs at Mc- Millen's. Car of flour and feed just received at A. T. Campbell & Co.'s. Dr. A. J. Thomas , Dentist , office in Union block , over Knipple. Another quiet , soaking rain is visit ing Western Nebraska today. Paints , oils , brushes , and painters' supplies at the City Drug Store. I will trade goods for stock of all kinds. WM. J. PORTER. The Eagle Clothing Store is display ing a stylish stock of spring clothing. The Eagle Clothing Store has the only Genuine Dog Glove found in McCook. Readers of THE TRIBUNE may rest assured that they get all the city news , each week. An attractive line of stationery , inks , pens , pencils and the like , at Chenery's City Drug Store. Kapke , The Tailor , guarantees you the lowest prices and the most stylish and elegant clothing. Crete flour has no superior and but few equals. Knipple has just received aa entire car load of it. Our stock in wall paper is complete and we invite inspection. L. W. McCONNELL & Co. You will always find a superior stock of tobaccos at Chenery's. And a nice assortment of smokers' articles. It will pay you to examine our as sortment of wall paper before papering. L. W. McCONNELL & CO. If you want a stylish fit at the very lowest figures , KAPKE , THE TAILOR , is the man to atronize. Rear of The Famous. Cat fish from the Red Willow creek are among the luxuries of the market , and a source of profit to dwellers on that stream. IN QUEENSWARE Noble carries the largest assortment and the richest designs of the season. His prices are reasonable. Prompt and courteous attention is assured to all at Marsh's livery stable ; besides good horses and rigs are his specialties. Groceries , fruits , confectioneries and the like must be fresh and clean to be desirable. Knipple makes a specialty of these points. A healthful and refreshing drink is Seltzer Water. The finest article may be found at Chenery's City Drug Store. Also the latest and most popular soda water drinks. The loan and trust companies are screwing up their courage to the loan ing pitch again , judging from local an nouncements. All of which is a favora ble omen. A. A. Bates , one of Oberlin's old time barbers , but now of McCook , came over Monday and was shaking hands with old friends. Ad. looks well and reports McCook in a flourishing condi tion. Herald. The blind may see , The mute may talk , The deaf may hear The maimed may walk , And Johnnie may have the possess * ion of his gun ; but the time will never come when you can buy first-class cloth ing at the low prices obtainable at the EAGLE CLOTHING STORE. . L DoYou Want a Farm Loan ? If so , come and see me before making an application elsewhere. C. H. BOYLE. Try Knipple for Htaple and fancy groceries. Union block. Another shower , Monday evening ; with some hail no damage. A commodious , neatly furnished room for rent. Inquire at thin office. Knipple has just received a car loud of the celebrated Crete Mills flour. New patterns in wall paper at L. W. McCONNELL & CO.'S. In Wall Paper you will find newest styles and lowest prices at MuMillen's. White and Figured Windsor Ties all the rage at the Eagle Clothing Store. Prescription work a specialty at the City Drug Store. Promptness and ac curacy arc assured. % Noble carries a large and complete stock of the , best brands of canned goodn of all kinds. FOR RENT A furnished room. One block from the postoffice. Information given at this office. A piano for sale or trade for a team of horses , or McCook property. In quire at this office. Dry goods , notions , boots , shoes. , etc. , at cost at Wm. J. Porter's on West Dennison street. Sec Knipple in his new quarters in the Union block. Everything nice in fruits , groceries , etc. Noble , the leading grocer , makes a specialty of fresh , clean family grocer ies. He will treat you right. HANGING LAMPS Noble is head quarters for hanging lamps. He car ried a large and splendid selection. Do you want the latest and best and cheapest ? Well , they keep a large variety at the Eagle Clothing Store. Don't buy till you have examined our stock of wall paper. L. W. McCONNELL & Co. Noble is the only exclusive grocer in the city. His stock is the largest and his prices correspond with the times. Our stock of wall paper is complete and we invite inspection. L. W. McCONNELL & CO. You can buy goods at your own price at my closing-out sale.WM. WM. J. PORTER. Don't buy till you have examined our stock of wall paper. L. W. MCCONNELL & Co. It will ray you to examine our as sortment of wall paper before papering. L. W. McCONNELL & CO. The pic-nic season is upon us. Two parties on the Willow , Sunday. Bull snakes are reported in abundance. Fish shy. The farmers' alliance up in Frontier county are already preparing to cele brate the Fourth of July at Stockville in grand style. Marsh , the liveryman , makes a spec ialty of pleasing his patrons. He sends out good horses and clean , comfortable vehicles , at fair rates. The Eagle Clothing Store is in the clothing business. They will dress you up handsomely and stylishly , and do it at a very reasonable figure. Make Noble your family grocer and many other blessings will fall to your lot , besides having the best groceries on your table that the market affords. Remember that Marsh offers the public the best of livery facilities. At the same time he don't want the earth. A reasonable amount of "dust" satisfies him. A petition in the interest of C. W. Beck of Bartley , for an appointment as world's fair commissioner from the second Nebraska congressional district , was circulated in our city , this week. SIIIRTS TO ORDER. White or fancy. Gents who are accustomed to have their shirts made to order give us a trial order. We guarantee a good fit and reasonable prices. THE FAMOUS. The season of the year is approach ing when pants will be fashionable. We do not refer to the dog days. We have in mind the large stock and fine assortment of pants just received by the EAGLE CLOTHING HOUSE. They have anything you want in size , color , or quality. Prices are right. THE McCooK TRIBUNE recently cel ebrated its tenth birthday. It grows more vigorous with age , and is one of the most enterprising and energetic pa pers in this part of the state. What we admire about it is its untiring labor in the interest of its own town and county. Alma Tribune. FOR SALE Part of my irrigated farm near McCook , in small lots to suit purchaser. Private ditch. No wat er rent. Good chance for small fruit farms. Have had two years' experi ence in Colorado and two in Red Wil low county with irrigation. ANDREW CARSON , P. 0. Box 311 , McCook , Neb. WALLPAPER PAPER ! Large Assortment ! Latest Designs ! Prices Way Down ! Paints , Oils , Artists' Goods. A. McMILLEN , DRUGGIST. And the True Democrat in with us. A policeman's star now ornaments W. D. Painu's manly breast. To celebrate or not to celebrate , that is the question. Don't all speak at once. Considerable of the sidewalk recently ordered built by the council on Man chester street has been put down , this week. Already the streets and sidewalks show evidences of the fact that Street Commissioner Bennett has donned his work cloths. THE TRIBUNE is the first paper mailed in the McCook postoffice. Then comes the aftermaths , gleaners , and neighbor hood publications. This is a time when the people must say with the Poet Riley : "When God sorts out the weather and sends rain , why rain is my choice. " Some of the candidates for county offices will have to pull off , or the num ber of offices will have to be largely in creased , or some trusting ones will be disappointed sadly , this fall. There are more dogs than days. The wind played some uncanny prunks up in Town. Four , Monday eve ning. The sod houses of J. W. Smith and Willian Devine were unroofed , Mrs. Smith being slightly injured. Be sides some sod stables were unroofed and windmills blown over. The neigh borhood visited was small and damage caused was slight. Rev. P. S. Mather has been called to Kiverton to dedicate the new Methodist Episcopal church at that place. Rev. Fulmer of Culbertson will fill the pul pit in the Methodist church at McCook , next Sabbath morning and evening. Rev. Mather goes from Riverton to Lincoln to attend the commencement exercises at Weslyan university and will not be back for a week. Tuesday noon , Dr. Davis had quite an exciting runaway. His spirited team became frightened and in their efforts to get away broke a neck yoke strap. The pole falling to the ground , the buggy was quickly overturned and the Doctor and J. C. Birdsell were thrown out with more of alacrity than grace. Fortun ately neither of the men were injured , though both have enough sore spots on their persons to keep them in remem brance for some days to come. Patronize home industries. That sounds old and trite ; but the advice is full of wisdom. That's the way to build up home institutions. That's the way towns and cities are built. Its reci procity in its most practical sense. Joe Reizenstein advocates the idea , and in vites the people of McCook and vicinity to call at his parlor when they are look ing for a first-class cigar , and become converts to that doctrine. Joe makes right here in our city goods of the best quality for the money. He accordingly solicits the patronage of our people. Patronize home industries. The buffalosjirrived in McCook , last Friday evening , and are quietly grazing on school section 16 , about two miles northeast of the city , which Mr. Hock- nell has offered for their pasturage and which has been fenced for their accom modation. They number about 80 head , and comprise the largest herd on earth. The early days of the week the herd grazed over the vacant land adjoining the city on the north and scores of people ple took advantage of the opportuni ty to inspect the 30 or 40 thousand dollars' worth of bison in the Buffalo Jones herd. No doubt section 16 will be the objective point of many a pil grimage from citizens and visitors , this summer , to see the noble animal that once held undisputed possession of this entire section of country. Saturday , Mr. L. J. Holland submit ted a plat and plans' of his irrigating ditch. According to what knowledge we have of irrigation and the water sup ply here his plans are feasible. The Ked Willow which affords an abundant supply of water has been dammed just below the railroad crossing , and a flood ditch has been constructed which car ries off all surplus water , allowing none to go over the dam. The main ditch is cut for about a mile and a half and the work is moving along steadily. A num ber of reservoirs will be constructed at different points along the channel for storing water and in case the Willow cannot supply the demand Mr. Holland has a plan for tapping the underflow , which will furnish an inexhaustible sup ply. The survey for the ditch passes through Indianola on the street just south of the court house and Mr. H. expects by fall to haye the water flow ing through our city. Herald. A GREAT DAY. That Decoration Day holds an exalted place in the hearts of the people is an nually attested by the unanimous way they lay aside for the nonce their sev eral business and professional affairs , and turn out en masse to decorate the veterans' graves with choicest flowers , and to engage in appropriate exercises in their sacred memory. Last Saturday was no exception to the rule , on the contrary the exercises were of unusual interest ami the outpouring of people more general. The exercises at the opera hall con sisted of patriotic music by the band , singing of appropriate songs by the school children , prayer by Post Chap lain Berry , reading of orders by Adju tant Wilcox , and closing with an elo quent oration befitting the occasion by llev. P. S. Mather. The hall was not adequate to the concourse of people. The parade then formed and the col umn proceeded to Longview cemetery in the following order : McCook Band ; Sons of Veterans ; a white pony bearing floral offerings on a handsome black velvet robe in which the letters "G. A. R. " had been worked in gold ; thirteen boys mounted on ponies to represent the original states ; Goddess of Liberty and children representing all the state ? ; J. K. Barnes Post , veterans , and W. R. C. , in carriages ; Ore department ; citi zens in carriages etc. The procession was perhaps the longest ever seen in McCook. At the cemetery the exer cises were impressive. There were recitations itations- , vocal and instrumental music , the graves of the departed heroes were lavishly bedecked with flowers , a grand salute was fired by the Sons of Veter ans , and after a short address by Com mander Welles they disbanded. The weather was propitious ; the at tendance large ; the exercises replete with patriotism and interest ; and withal it was a highly creditable celebration of a grand day. CLOSING EXERCISES. The closing exercises of the public schools held in the Lutheran church , last Friday evening , formed one of the brightest and most interesting enter tainments of that character ever given in this city. Long before the opening , standing room on the lower steps was at a premium , and many failed to gain admittance. The program was render ed in a meritorious manner throughout , commencing with opening exercises by the school. Little Edwin Cochran re cited "The Little Claim Holders" very pleasingly. "Mamma's Help" was given in an acceptable manner by Amy Cres- well. "The Rescue" was rendered by Master Walter Shaw with his usual ef fectiveness. The wand drill by eight little girls was one of the prettiest feat ures of the program. Bertha Boyle has an established reputation , and her recitation of "The Relief of Lueknow" was up to her usual standard of excel * lence. Eva Reizenstein exhibited con siderable talent in her violin solo , "Turkish March. " Roy Smith strength ened his popularity by rendering the "Cause of Education" with most comical effect. A very cute thing was the trio by Jessie Huddleston , Alia and Vida Hagar , in costume. Frank Colfer's recitation of "The Painted Baby" elicit ed the most enthusiastic applause , and it was all deserved. A duet by Belle and Lillie Spry was well received. Mamie Chapin has a graceful , pretty way of saying things , and her recitation of "The Merrythought" was of that order. The concert recitations and choruses by the school were all given in a sprightly , satisfactory style. Mrs. E. G. Nettleton , county superintendent , and Prof. Wm. Valentine , city superin tendent , closed the exercises with short addresses , full of interest and excel lence. AT REST. There is a vacant chair and sadness in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Ludwick. On Sunday morning , death came to the relief ot their daughter Bernice , who had been a terrible suf ferer for a number of days from a mal ady , the sequence of an attack of scar let fever , which has baffled the physi cians and caused the little sufferer ex cruciating pain. Little Bernice would have completed her fourth year in a few days. The funeral occurred on Monday afternoon. All hearts sympa thize with the bereaved parents in the sorrow which has come into their lives. "STICK TO YOUR LAST. ' And by the same token the young "lawyer" who has been devoting several yards of "poetry" to the publisher of THE TRIBUNE lately should "stick to" his collections , and to his petty petti foggery. They may prove more profita ble to him in the end. See ? WILL SELL CHEAP. A 4-roora house convenient to the round house. A good cellar. Full acre lot. Inquire at this office for particulars. In Wall Paper you will find newest styles and lowest prices at McMillen's What must you do to be saved ? Why buy your groceries at Noble's , of course ! New patterns in wall paper at L. W. McCONNELL & CO.'S. Try Knipple for fruits of all kinds. Union block. A good saddle pony for sale. En quire at this office. Wall Paper latest designs at Mc Millen's. Noble , The Grocer. Box ELDER REVIEW. Small grata looks well. Kyo IB about In full head. About all the land In cultivation will bo put In crop. Corn planting Is wound up and promises a good stand. Itoy Klmball has become ti famous a real Galilean in fact. Ho baa drawn ninny a good "fry" out of the Willow , this spring. Mr. nnd Mrs. Drawer bavo both boon quite sick and are not recovering aafustns could ho wished. Brother Berry's memorial sermon WHS full of tender feeling as only one who has interest In the subject can give. Mrs. Piper and son. fltorley. went down to Alma , last Thursday , to attend the graduat ing exercises of her son Edwin. The exercises on Decoration day were very good. The forenoon was taken up in carry ing out Mrs. Sherwood's "Memorial of Flow ers" and decorating the graves. In the after noon wo listened to appropriate songs and declamations by the young people. Miss Anna Moore's essay "Thoughts for the Day" was full of sentiment and sound thought. Mrs. E. A. Sexson'a "Memories of ' 01 and 'B3" were sad ones. We were favored in having Mr. C. II. Carmichael of Hartley to make the address of the day. Comrade Teas spoke of the good work done by the women during tlie war. Comrades Sexson and Johnson spoke of tht past In that feeling manner that proves that comrades who sleep on Southern soil are ' 'Tho lost to sight to memory dear. " After noon exorcises wore preceded by the presen tation of a largo and beautiful crimson sash from Commissioner Holies and County Clerk Roper to Veteran Association. The sash was presented in a neat speech by Comrade John son. Comrade Soxson as president accepted in behalf of and returned thanks In the name of the Association , promising to keep immaculate - late this token of their appreciation of the old veterans and to hand It down to his suc cessor in oflico. ,1 * A Safe Investment. Is one which is guaranteed to bring yon sat isfactory results or In case of failure a return of purchase price. On this safe plan you can buy from our advertised druggist a bottle of Dr. King's Now Discovery for Consumption. It is guaranteed to bring relief In every case , when used for any affection of throat , lungs or chest , such as consumption , inflammation of lungs , bronchitis , asthma , whooping cough , croup , etc. It is pleasant and agreeable to taste , perfectly safe and can always bo de pended upon. Trial bottles free at McMillan's. A etatarjr of progress has not produced a remedy equal to Ely's Cream Balm for catarrh , cold in the head and bay fever. It is not a liquid or a snuff , but is perfectly safe and easily applied into the nostrils. It gives Im mediate relief and cures the worst cases. Dw't 117 there is no help for catarrh , hay fever and cold in the head , since thousands testify that Ely's Cream Balm has entirely cured them. It supersedes the dangerous use of liquids and snuffs. It is easily applied into the nostrils and gives relief at once. A Uttlt tfrl in her prayer illustrated the value of advertising. In her innocence sne said : "Lord , make me pure make mo absolutely pure. like baking powder. " /S SOME BETTER. THE TRIBUNE rejoices to announce that Mr. Frank H. Fowlerwho , has been seriously ill all week with a dangerous bowel trouble , is some better. His sud den and alarming illness has called forth the solicitude of this entire com munity. While we cannot report him out of danger , his many friends will be glad to here that his condition is more encouraging. LATER Before going to press we learn that the patient is weaker , and the result of another attack is viewed with alarm. AUCTION SALE -OF- Ladies' Summer Wraps. I well sell at auction in front of the Citizens Bank ou Saturday , June Gth , at one o'clock , a lot of Ladies' Summer Wraps , Millinery , etc. These goods are all new and this season's style. Over stock cause of sale. H. H. BERRY , Auctioneer. COMFORT AND STYLE. Both comfort and style are desirable. Indeed when the matter of selecting a livery rig is concerned , they are abso lute necessities. The Circle Front Livery Stable make these a study , and together with their prompt and courte ous treatment and reasonable charges they offer every advantage possible to the public. Their new surrey is the acme of comfort and elegance. Grateful Hearts. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Ludwick desire to express their heartfelt gratefulness to the kind friends for their assistance during the illness oi their daughter Bernice. Thanks all , kind friends. COBS FOR KINDLIHG. W. C. Bullard & Co. have just re ceived another carload of corn cobs. They are unexcelled for kindling and light firing. $1.50 a load. THE SODA WATER SEASOH OPEH. The soda water season is open at the City Drug Store. The latest and best drinks. Pure fruit juices. A specialty of seltzer water. TO TRADE FOR A FARM. Will trade a quarter block , house 24x24 with basement , in Bed Cloud , for a farm near McCook. Enquire at this office. office.OFFICE OFFICE QUARTERS. Convenient office quarters on ground floor for rent at reasonable figure. In quire at this office. Look Here. Come up to the old Leach gallery for pictures. ED. BEYRER , Photographer. We nro going to SPRING Them on you. THEY ARE NICE ! THEY ARE NEW ! THEY ARE NEAT ! -We are talking of our- LADIES' Oxford Ties. We have just placed eight dozen pairs on our shelves. Eleven dozen more on the road. CALL. A. F. MOORE. JNO. n. HART. MOORE & HART , ATTORNEYS - : - AT : - LAW , NEBRASKA. MCCOOK. - - l practice in the State and Federal Courts and before the U. S. Land Office. Office over Famous Clothlnsr Co. Store. C. H. BOYLE , LAND - : - ATTORNEY , Six years experience In Gov. eminent Land Cases. Real Estate , Loans & Insurance. NOTARY PUBLIC. Phillips-Meeker building. J. BYRON JENNINGS , ATTORNEY - : - AT - : LAW. t3T Will practice in the State and Unit' I States com ts and before the U. S. Land Offices. Careful attention given to collections. Officw over Bank of McCook. _ HUGH W. COLE , LAWYER , MCCOOK , NEBBASKA. _ . . . .1 practice in all courts. CommerciM and corporation law a specialty. Money to loan. Rooms 4 and 5 old First National bld'g. DR. A. P. WELLES , HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON McCOOK , NEBRASKA. "Special attention Riven to diseases of women and children. The latest improved methods of electricity used in all cases requir ing such treatment. Office over McMilleu drugstore. Iteaidence. North Main street. B. B. DAVIS. M. D. C. H. JOSES , M. D. DAVIS & JONES , PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. J2T"OFFICE Houus : ! ) to 11.a.m. . 2to5 and 7 to 9 , p. m. Rooms over First National bank. AT COST ! I am closing out at cost ray entire stock of DRY GOODS , NOTIONS , BOOTS and SHOES. I Will Trade Goods for Stock of all kinds. Give me a call at the Penner Building on West Dennison Street , and I will do you good. WM. J. PORTEK. FOR RENT. Are You In It ? That is to say : Do you want to buy. rent or trade for a barn. If so call on or address E. LINDNER. McCook. Try Knipple for staple and fancy groceries. Union block.