The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 05, 1891, Image 17

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    By F. M. KIMMELL.
THE Valley publishers propose
to ' 'excurf'to the mountains , some
time next month.
IT IB announced that the Impe
rial Republican will suspend pub
lication about the middle of June.
'There are only u few of us left. "
THE Indiauola Courier feigns
accusing us of being an early can
didate butcher. Not so , Joe. Our
ambition is only to print the news ,
as is news.
THE McCooK TRIBUNE was ten
years old , last week ; and , by the
way , McCook is about the same
ago. Good sized ten-year-olds ,
both of them. Haves Co. Times.
IT is truly beautiful to observe
with what tender solicitude the
railway managers are looking to
the health and well-being of the
young and vigorous alliance child.
THE McCooK TRIBUNE celebra
ted its tenth birthday , last week.
It is a bright , newsy paper and
has been a potential factor in the
growth and development of Mc-
Cook and Bed Willow county.
Lincoln Journal.
I know there is no prescription for
fame or fortune. A man may deserve -
serve both and obtain neither , or
he may deserve neither and obtain
both. The only way to be success
ful , so far as my observation goes ,
is to succeed. "
DURING 1888-89 almost 500
trusts were organized in America.
Tli 63" control about every branch
of industry. And include no less
than two billion dollars of capital ,
considerably over two-thirds of the
entire manuiacturing capital or the
United States.
ALL opposition among Ohio re
publicans to the re-election of John
Sherman to the United States sen
ate has disappeared. This is proof
positive that Ohio republicans have
recovered their wits entirely. It
would hurt Ohio more than Slier-
man to retire him from public life.
SEVERAL hundred Sicilians have
returned to their native land from
New Orleans since the 14th of
March. They are evidently troub
led by guilty consciences , and want
to get out of the country in which
justice sometimes breaks loose and
causes inconveniences to murder
ers and other criminals. State
ANOTHER irrigation company
bobbed up Monday in the secretary
of state's office. This time the
Champion Valley Water Power
and Irrigating company filed artic
les of incorporation , setting forth
that it would do business at Cham
pion , Chase county , with an auth
orized capital stock of $40,000.
The iucorporators are J. D. Sha-
han and Thomas Scott , both of
THE Atlanta Constitution in a
recent editorial : "As for the
southern farmers , it is absurd to
ask them to join a third party , and
thereby destroy a political and so
cial solidity which is essential to
the safety of their property and
their institutions. The farmers
here are satisfied with the demo
cratic party in every pdrticularfor
they constitute a majority of its
voters and have control of it organ
ization. A third party in the
south would be farcical in its con
ception and tragical in its results ,
for it would be in the nature of an
invitation to ignorance to step in
and take charge of affairs. "
An ordinance providing for the levying mid
collection of u Uoonse tax on occupation and
business curried on and done within the
llmltH of the city of McCook , Nebraska , ami
to regulate * the sumo.
Ho It ordained by the Mayor nnd Council of
the city of McCook , Nebraska :
Section 1. That ouch und o very person , firm ,
association or other corporation carrying on.
the occupation or business mentioned herein
within the limits of the city of McCook. shall
pay Into the city treasury annually the Bums
named as hereinafter provided as a license tax
Section : ; . The money paid into the city
trciiHury under Hie provisions of this ordi
nance ahull constitute and be known us the
licensed occupation tax fund.
Section 8. The licensed occupation tax fund
created by this ordinance Khali only bo used
lor the expenses of grading and repairing
streets , constructing and repairing sldewulkH ,
and paying the policemen. Provided , how
ever , that the city council may nt anytime by
11 miijority of the council present , authorize
thu piigHiigo of nn ordinance transferring
money from this fund 1'or the building of
school houses in the city of McCook. or into
the general fund of the city.
Section 4. Under the provlRions of this or
dinance and the power vested In the Mayor
and Council of the rity of McCook by virtue
of the laws of the state of Nebraska , them is
hereby levied on-
Non-resident auctioneers , per day $ 20.00
Hawkers und peddlers of goods , jewelry
and patent medicines , per day 1000
For all games not prohibited by statute ,
perday 5.00
Non-resident dontiHts. per day 5.00
Non-resident canvassers , per day 250
Resident auctioneers 5.00
Hank 25.00
Grocery store , retail and wholesale 5.00
Grocery store , carrying dry goods , gro
ceries , boots and shoes , notions , etc. 10.00
Dealers In dry goods , exclusive 10.00
General merchandise & clothing dealers 10.03
Druggists 1000
Hook and stationery stores 5.00
Meat market 5.00
Hardware dealers 5.00
Jeweler 10.00
Hoot and shoe dealer , exclusive 10.00
Commission store 5.00
Brain dealer 5.00
Tobacco nnd cigar dealer , exclusive. . . . 2.50
lowing machine dealer and agents 500
Millinery und notion dealer 5.00
Varietystoro 2.50
Merchant tailor 5.00"
Livery and feed stable 5.80
Sale and feed stable 5.00
Furniture dealer 1000
Saddle and harness dealer 5.00
Hotel charging $2.00 per day and more. . 10.00
Hotel charging less than $2.00 per day. . . 5 00
Fire insurance agent , for each company
represented 1.00
Money loaners and parties negotiating
loans for other parties or companies 2.50
[ joan and trust companies 10.00
Dairies und milk peddlers 5.00
Contractors and builders nnd job shops. 2.50
Huilding associations 10.00
Flour millH 10.00
Feed mills 5.00
Gns companies 25.00
Laundries 5.00
Street railway companies 2500
Soda water manufactory and bottling
works 5.00
Dressmaking shops where help is em
ployed , separate or in connection
with otbor business 5.00
Gunsmith 1.00
House movers 2.50
Plumber 10.00
Lawyers 500
Cigar factory 2.50
Harbor shops , for each chair 1.00
Klectrlc light company 10.00
Water works company 50.00
Billiard hall , one table , where only tem
perance drinks , ciirars. tohncco. etc.
are sold , or exclusive billiard hall. . . 10.00
Kneh additional billiard or pool table. . . 5.00
Hanks doing a general banking business 25.00
Sewing machine dealer , exclusive 2.50
Saloons having billiard tables. 1st table. 10.00
for each additional table 5.00
Towiislto company 50.00
Owners and keepers of stallions and
jacks , one animal 5.00
Each additional animal 2.50
Shoemakers 1.00
Restaurant nnd confectionery , lunch
stands and bakeries 2.50
Physicians and surgeons 5.00
Wagon and blacksmith shops 2.50
Dealers in Btovesand tinware.exclusive 2.50
Flour nnd feed stores 5.00
Agricultural implement dealer 5.00
Resident dentist 5.00
Icedealers 5.00
Saloons retailing liquors as a beverage.
in addition to the Bums as are newer
or shall be required under the laws
of the state of Nebraska 500.00
Bowlingalley 25.00
Bach dray or omnibus , two horses 10.00
Each drny or omnibus , one horse 5.DO
Lumberdealcr 10.00
Coal dealer 7.50
Lumber and coiil dealers 17.50
Photograph galleries 5.00
Express company 20.00
Telephone company 10.00
Telegraph company 20.00
Resident life insurance agent 5.00
Non-resident life ins. agents , per day. . 2.00
Each circus or menagerie , per day 2000
Non-resident parties consigning goods
to resident auctioneers , perday 20.00
Printing-offices 5.00
Second hand stores 1C.OO
Shooting galleries , per week 5.00
Skntlngrink 2000
Parties doing business ns real estate
dealer , loan and insurance agents at
the same time 5.00
Theatrical companies , per night 5.00
Sections. All licenses provided for under
the provisions of this ordinance shall bo issued
and signed by the mayor and clerk ; they shall
specify the amount of money paid , the kind of
business licensed , and the name of the person
to whom issued. The city clerk shall attest all
licenses with the city seal , and deliver the
snmo to the person applying therefor only on
the production of a receipt by the city treas
urer for the proper sum of money required
by this ordinance. The person or persons to
whom license is issued shall produce the same
for inspection on demand of any resident of
the city. No license shall be transferable in
any manner whatever.
Section G. AH licenses issued under the
provisions of this ordinance shall commence
nn end with the flsca1 year ; provided , however ,
that on and after October 1st of each year
license mav bo issued good to the end of the
fiscal year by payment to the city treasurer of
half the amount required for nn annual license.
Section 7. The license tnx imposed under
the provisions of this ordinance shall bo paya
ble in cash or general fund warrants of the
city. In case such licenses are paid in war
rants the city clerk shall cancel the same ,
keeping n record thereof , and shall return the
same to the city council.
Section 8. All persons who arc required to
take out an annual license under the provis
ions of this ordinance shall apply to the city
clerk for the same on or before the first Tues
day of May of each year , or ns soon thereafter
as they become engaged in business.
Section 9. If the amounts hereinbefore set
forth are not paid in the manner nnd at the
tune when the same are required to be paid
suit may be instituted before the police judge
orn court of competent jurisdiction to re
cover the same with costs of suit.
Section 10. All licenses heretofore granted
for any kind of business or occupation herein
specified and not yet expired shall bo and re
main in full force until the time for which the
same was granted shall have expired.
Section 11. All ordinances and parts of or
dinances in conflict with this ordinance are
hereby repealed.
Section 12. This ordinance shall take effect
and bo in force from and after its passage ,
approval nnd publication according to law.
Passed , approved nnd ordered published this
28th day of May. 1891. C. T. BREWER.
Attest Z. L. KAT. Mayor.
City Clerk , pro tern.
An ordinance levying tax on taxable property
of the city of McCook to pay expenses of
municipal year , as shown by estimate here
tofore made by said city.
Bo it ordained by the Mayor and Council of
the city of McCook :
Section 1. There is hereby levied on the
taxable property of the city of McCook. Ne
braska , the following tax. to-wit : For gener
al purposes. 10 mills en the dollar'for water
fund. 5 mills on the dollar ; for fire fund. 5
mills on the dollar.
Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect
and be in force from and after Its passage and
publication according to law.
Passed this 28tudny of May. 1891.
C.T. , BREWER , Mayor.
11.JCAY , CltyjCIorlr. pro tern.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
tfv Jl JT j * * * - * % . ' * * A. *
JONAS ENGEL , Manager.
Complete Lines of
and other Furnishing
An ordinance imposing a license tax on-dogs
and requiring that dogs shall wear collars
and be muzzled.
Be it ordained by the Mayor and Council of
the city of McCook , Nebraska :
Section 1. That no person residing within
this city , either permanently or temporarily ,
shall own. keep or harbor u dog or bitch with
in the city of McCook without having paid-a
license tax , und having procured a license
therefor as hereinafter provided , provided
that tills ordinance shall not be held to apply
to whelps until they are six months old.
Section 2. Any person desiring license us
mentioned in section one of this ordinance
shall pay to the city treasurer the sum of three
( $3.00) ) dollars for each male dog and ttvo5.00) ( )
dollars for each female dog or bitch , und upon
presentation of the receipt for said amount to
the city clerk , ho is authorized to supply a tag
for such dog or bitch and issue u license as
uforstiid to such person for the fiscal year or
remainder thereof.
Sections. It shall be unlawful for the
owner , keeper or harborer of a dou or bitch to
allow such dosr or bitch to run at "large With
out having u collar securely fastened around
the neck of such dog or bitch , such collar to
be of metal or leather with metal plate or tag
thereon and the number of the license engrav
ed or stamped on such collar , plate or tag
with the word "Licensed" stamped thoreon.
Section 4. It shall bo lawful for the police
men of this city and it is hereby made their
duty to destroy any and all dogs and bitches
whoso owners or bnrborors of such dogs shall
refuse or fail to show the license herein pro
vided for when requested so to do , and to de
stroy all or any dogs or bitches found running
at large and not wearing a collar ns herein
before provided , except doirs following their
masters from without the city.
Section 5. Any person-owning , keeping or
harboring a dog or bitch of a cross or savatre
disposition or having such reputation who
shall allow such dog or bitch to run at largo
in said city of McCook. at any time without
being muzzled , shall upon conviction thereof
be fined not less than three ( $3.00) dollars or
more than fifty ( $50.00) ) dollars for each day
such dog shall so run at large , together with
all costs of prosecution , and such dog or bitch
may be destroyed by any person wherever
found in said city.
Section 6. All ordinances and parts of ordi
nances in conflict with this ordinance is here
by repealed.
Section 7. This ordinance shall take effect
and bo in force from and after its passage and
publication according to law.
Approved , passed and ordered published at
this adjourned regular meeting , the 28th day
of May. 1891. C. T. BREWER , Mayor.
Attest Z. L. KAY. City Clerk , pro tern.
An ordinance providing for the transfer of
money from the special license and occupa
tion tax fund of the city of McCook into the
general fund of the city of McCook.
Beit ordained by the 51 ay or and Council of
the city of Mctook :
Section 1. That the sum of fifteen hundred
dollars bo and the same is hereby transferred
from the special license nnd occupation tax
fund ot the city of McCook to the general
fund of said city of McCook.
Section 2. That this ordinance shall take
effect and be in force from and after its pis-
sage , approval and publication according to
Passed and approved this 28th day of May ,
1891. C. T. B RE W ER. Mayor.
Attest Z. L. K\y. City Clerk , pro tern.
McCook , Neb. . May 28th , 1891. f
The following estimate of expenses and the
probable amount of money necessary for all
purposes not provided for by the revenue de
rived from the occupation tax to be raised by
general taxation is hereby stated as follows :
Rent of city hull $ 500.00
Salaries of city oiUcers 450.00
Lighting street by electricity 1.920.00
Printing and stationery 50.00
Total amount general fund $2,920.00
For 21 fire hydrants , five watering
troughs , street sprinkling 1.200.00
For supplies and repairs 100.00
Total amount of water fund $1,300.00
By order of council. C.T.BBEWER ,
Attest U. J. WARREN , City Clerk. Mayor.
Contractor and Builder.
SPECIALTIES Making and repairlug.furn-
itnro. Furniture of any description made to
order. ' Mail orders promptly attended to.
Shop on Dennlson Street , opposite Pred-
more's blacksmith shop , McCook. Neb.
Ily virtue of an order of sale directed to m
from the district court of Hed Willow county
Nebraska.on ajudgmeiitobtulned before Hon
J. E. Cochrun. Judge of the district court o
Ucd Willow county. Nebraska , on the 30th dnj
of March. 1881 , in favor of L. Alice Watson a
plaintiff , and against Cyrus CowK-s el nl. au
defendants , for the sum one hundred and
eight dollars , and no cents , ami costs taxed a
$36.03 and accruing costs , I hiive levied unot
the following real csttito taken as the proper
ty of said defendants , to satlsly said decree
to-wit : N. W. % section 25. town. 3. range 27
west of Olh P. M. . In Ucd Willow coniitv. N < :
brnska. And will offer the aamu for 8ae ! to
the highest bidder , for cosh in hand , on the
J3th day of June A. D. . 18ll. ! In front of the
south doorof the court house. In Indiannlit
Nebraska , that being ttuhulldintr wheruli
the last term of court WHH held , at the hour of
one o'clock. P. M. . of said day. when and t\htr <
duo attendance will be gl > on by the under
Dated May 5th. lb l. W. A. McCooi. .
50 SherltT of said County
By virtue of an order of sale directed to MIL
from the district court of Hed Willow county.
NcbraHka.on a judgment obtained before Hon
.1. E. Cochran , judge of the district court of
Hed Willow county. Nebraska , on the 30th du >
Mnrch.lbOl. In favor of J. L. ,
and against Edwin N. Itonjiuniii and Ida C.
Henjaniln ec al. n * defendants , for the sum ol
one hundred and twenty-nnednllaraand sixty-
two cents , and costs taxed at J20CCtanil accru
ing costs. I have levied upon the following
real estate taken as the property of said de-
fondnnts. to satisfy said decree , to-wit : R.k
N. W.i and S.i N. E. H of section 81. town
ship 2. north of rangp 21) ) , west of Cih P. M. . In
Hed Willow county.Nebraska. And will offer
the same for sulo to lh blithest bidder , tor
cash in hand , on the 13th day of.IuiioA. D.
1891. in front of the douth door of the court
house , in Indlunola , Nebraska , that being the
building wherein the last form of court wae
held , at the hour of onn o'clock. P.M. . of said
day , when and whore duo attendance will be
given by the undersigned.
Dated May C , 1881. W. A. McCoor. ,
50 Sheriff of said County.
By virtue of an order of sulo directed to me
from the district court of Hed Willow county.
Nebraska , on a judgmentobtaincd before Hon.
.I.E. Cochran , judge of the district court of
Red Willow county. Nebraska , on the30th day
of March. 1891. in favor of W. O. McClure as
plaintiff , und against Gilbert It. and Charlotte
E. Nettleton et al. as defendants , for the sum
six hundred , sixty-eight dollars and twenty-
seven cents , and costs taxed nt $37 38 and ac
cruing costs. 1 have levied upon the follow
ing real estate taken as the property of said
defendants , to satisfy said decree , to-wit : S./j
a. E. H sf ctlon 3 and N. X N. E. M section 10.
in town. 2. range 'ill. west of Hth P. M. . in Hed
Willow countv. Nebraska. And will offer the
parae for sale to the highest bidder , for cash
in hand , on the 13th day of June A. D. 1891. in
front of the south door of the courthouse , in
Indlanola. Nebraska , that being the building
wherein the last term of court was held , at
the hour of one o'clock. P. M. , of said day ,
when nnd where due attendance will be given
bv tno undersiRiiPd.
Dated May 5th. 1891. W. A. MoCooi , .
50 Sheriff of said County.
June 4th. 1891. f
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settlers have filed notice of their inten
tion to make final five year proof in support
of their claims and that said proofs will be
made before Kegistrr or Receiver at McCook ,
Neb. , on Saturday. July Hth. 1891. viz :
who made H. E. 2928 for the E. 4 N. W. U sec.
35. and 8. V S. W. > i sec. 2ti , town. 1. north ot
range 30. west of Cth P. M. He names the fol
lowing witnesses to prove his continuous resi
dence upon , und cultivation of. said land , viz :
Edward Ackerman , Daniel it. liurnes. William
H. Uenjamin. August Wescb. all of liunks-
ville. Neb. ; also
who made H. E. 2615 for the E. Vi N. W. J of
sec. 34 nnd W. H N. W. } of sec. 35 , in town. I ,
north of range 30 , west of 6th P.M. He names
the following witnesses to Drove his continu
ous residence upon , and cultivation of , said
land , viz : John Howlund , Ellas B. Nelson.Wil
liam H. Benjamin. Alvin Benjamin , all of
Uanksyille. Neb. J. P. LINDSAY , Kegister.
April 30tb. 1891. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his Intention
to make final proof in support ot his claim ,
and that said proof will bo made before Regis
ter or Heceiver at McCook , Neb. , on Monday.
June 15th. 1891. viz :
H. E. No. 6031 for the S. E. J4 of section 33. In
town. 1 , north of range 30 , west of 6th P. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon , und cultiva
tion of , said land , viz : William H. Tegardon.
Charles F. Elliott. William H. Benjamin and
Jonas K. Gardner , nil of Banksvllle. Neb.
49 * J. P. LINDSAY. Kegister.
Notice is hereby given that the proposition
of Willow Grove precinct. Red Willow county ,
Nebraska , to vote Ten Thousand Dollars iu
bonds of said precinct to aid iu the construc
tion of an irrigation and water power canal
passing through sections 3.7,8,9 and
ship 2. range29 west , in said precinct , was on
the 23d day of May , 1891 , in accordance with
the notice and proposition ot the county com
missioners of Hed Willow county , Nebraska ,
duly carried and adopted by a more than K
vote of the legal voters of said precinct and
that , thereupon , on the 25th day ot May. 1891 ,
said vote was duly and legally canvassed by
Geo. W. Ropor. clerk of said county , and C. M.
Gabon and J. B. Mather , the duly appointed
canvassers , and that , thereupon , the county
commissioners of said county , at their ad
journed meeting on May 26th , 1891 , found that
said election and vote and all proceedings
thereon had been duly and legally bad in ac
cordance with the notice and call therefore ,
and that more than % of all the legal votes
cast nt said election were in favor or said pro
position to vote said bonds , and that said elec
tion and vote were duly canvassed , and said
proposition legally and duly adopted in ac
cordance with Chapter 45 of the Compiled
Statutes of Nebraska. 1887. entitled. "Internal
Improvements. " nnd said bonds , of said Wil
low Grove precinct , in the sum of Ten Thous
and Dollars will bo duly issued according to
law on thp completion of this notice.
County Clerk. Chair. Co. Com.
Stanton Holly and Mary Holiy , defendants ,
will take notice that on the Hth day of April ,
1891 , Thomas Lonergau , plaintiff , filed bis peti
tion in the district court of Kcd Willow coun
ty , state of Nebraska , against the above-
named defendants , and others , the object and
prayer of which is to foreclose u certain mort
gage upon lot 2. block 26 , in the first addition
to the "town of McCook. Red Willow county ,
Nebraska , given to secure the payment of the
sum of SoTiO.OO with interest at ten per cent ,
per annum from October 25th. 1888. That de
fault has been made in the payment of the
amount secured bv said mortsraue. nnd that
there is now due on said mortgage the sum of
J55000 with interest at ten per cent , per
annum trom October 25. 1888. That the de
fendants bo required to pay said sum nnd in
terest or that said premises bo sold according
to law and the proceeds of said sale applied to
the payment of said debt.
you are required to answer said petition on
or before the 6th day of July , 1891.
Dated this 28th day of May. 1891.
1-4 THOMAS LONEIIGAN , Plaintiff.
By J. A. Cordeal , bis attorney.
1 Divine service at 11 o'clock. A. M. . nnd
7:30. P.M. , every Sabbath. Sunday school nt
10 o'clock. A. M. . central time. Prayer meet
ing , Wednesday evenings at 8:00. central time.
All persons are cordially invited to these ser
vices. P. S. MATHER. Pastor.
Itch on human and horses and all animals
cured in 30 Woolford's Sanitary
Lotion. This never Tails. Sold by L. W. McConnell -
Connell & Co. . Druggists. McCook. 30-lyr.
And solicits a continuance of past favors.
Carpet Laying a Specialty. Satisfaction guar-
enteed. Leave orders at THE TRIBUNE office.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
Capes , Black Hemstitched Goods ,
Jackets , New Embroidery ,
Carpets , Ribbons ,
Clothing Braids ,
< :
Dress Goods , Cords. Vii
Straw Hats , Laces ,
I !
W. 0. BTTLLARD & CO. '
. -J. WARRRN , Manager.
fitHe kilterssoiled tljeir
" * ' '
? > ! ' *
N.K.FAV : ; rv
H. KAPKE , The Leader ,
Calls attention to the fact that he has just received an
other shipment of the latest , most stylish spring goods , and
that he is prepared to make them up in the most stylish mode
and at the lowest figures. Call and see for yourself.
The Largest and Finest Stock !
Wishes to call public attention to the important fact that
his stock of Spring and Summer goods now in is the largest
finest and best assortment to be found in McCook. He guar
antees a fit and his prices are most reasonable. Opposite
Frees & Hocknell Lumber Yard.