The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 05, 1891, Image 16

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Both the method and results when
Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant
und refreahingto the taste , and acts
gently yet promptly on the Kidneys ,
Liver and Bowels , cleanses the sys
tem eficctually , dispels colds , head
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrun of Figs is the
ony ! remedy of its kind ever pro
duced , pleasing to the taste and ac
ceptable to the Etomach , pronim. in
its action and truly beneficial i/i its
effects , prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances ,
its many excellent qualities com
mend it to all and have made it
the most popular remedy known.
Syrup 01 Figs is for sale in 50c
and 81 bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it Do not accept
any substitute.
Martiusville , N.J. , Methodist Par
sonage. " My acquaintance with
your remedy , Boschee's German
Syrup , was made about fourteen
years ago , when I contracted a Cold
which resulted in a Hoarseness and
a Cough which disabled me from
filling my pulpit for a number of
Sabbaths. After trying a Physician ,
without obtaining relief I cannot
say now what remedy he prescribed
I saw the advertisement of your
remedy and obtained a bottle. I
received such quick and permanent
help from it that whenever we have
had Throat or Bronchial troubles
since in our family , Boschee's Ger
man Synip has been our favorite
remedy and always with favorable
results. I have never hesitated to
report my experience of its use to
others when I have found them
troubled in like manner. " REV.
of the Newark , New j Safe
Jersey , M.E. Confer
ence , April 25 , ' 90. Remedy.
( G. GREEK , Sole Man'fr.WoodburyN.J.
Breakfast Cocoa
from hlch the OXCPES of oil
has been remoM-d ,
la absoJtiteli/ pure and
it is soIuliJe.
No Chemicals
arc iifcd in its preparation. It
has more titan tfitee timet the
strength of Cocoa mixed with
Starch , Arrowroot or Sugar ,
nnd is therefore far more cco- , costing less than one
I cent a dtp. It is delicious , uour-
' ishinr , Ptrengthoninp , EAEILT
DIGESTED , and admirably adapted for invalids
&s well as for persons in health.
Sold by Grocers CTeryiThcre.
W. B AZER & CO. , Dorchester , Mass.
Wewant the name and ad-
dressof every sufferer in the
U.S. and Canada. Address ,
&ROT8JIU5A . dHajesH.D , Bs
u' ' [ Thompson's Eye Wafer.
The Soap
. . Cleans
is Lenox.
FamotiN Aerolite * .
Of the vast number of meteors seen
in the sky the preut majority are of in
significant size mere particles of cos
mic dust that are completely consumed
on striking the atmosphere. Yet many
of the musses are large enough to reach
the earth's mi-face , and some are of
great size , quite a number beinjj known
that weiyh more than 1,000 pounds.
This list of tome of the more famous
aerolites lias just been compiled by M.
Jacques Leotard : 1. The aerolite
which long berved as a bunch at the
door of the church of Caville , in the
Maritime Alps , now in Paris , weight
1.075 pounds. 1 ? . The aerolite found
in 17SS5 atTucoman. Argentine llcpub-
lic , now in London' ; weight 1(595 (
pounds. o. The aerolite discovered in
Siberia by Pall us in 1749. now in Paris ;
original weight 1,870 pounds. ' ! . The
aerolite which foil in 1810 at Santa
Koszi , Hew Granada ; weight 2.010
pounds , o. The aerolite which served
as an idol , afterward as a church orna
ment , at Charcas , Mexico , finally taken
to Paris : weight 2,290 pounds. G. The
aerylite discovered in 18G1 at Mel
bourne. The two pieces , one in Mel
bourne and the other in London , weigh
together 8,010 pounds. 7. The aero
lite of Jtendego. near iiahia , Brazil ,
discovered in 1810 and taken to Rio
Janeiro in Ib77 ; weight l.'l,864 pounds.
8. The aerolite which was found near
the source of the Yellow river , China ,
and was nearly lifty feet high ; weight ,
20.800 pounds. 9. The great aerolite
of Tucuman , South America ; weight ,
-10,200 pounds. 10. The enormous
aerolite discovered in 187o on a moun
tain of the province of St. Catherine ,
Brazil. The combined weight of four
teen fragments is 07,000 pounds. 11.
The greatest stone of all , which -was
discovered at , Yimenes , Mexico , and
whose two pieces have the enormous
weight of 75,000 pounds.
The F.imoiis rarUoii r > tta rp.
Tin ! Carlson cottage at 1872 Ashland
avenue , Chicago , in which Dr. Croniu
was murdered May 4 , J8S9 , is no long
er a remunerative piece of property for
the owners. Even on the anniversary
of the crime this year only an occa
sional visitor paid the requisite fee of
10 cents. The Carlson family reside
there. It is neatly furnished. A card
on which the following words are
printed in bold letters hangs in one of
the windows : "Carlson cottage now
opened to exhibition ; admission 10
cents. " ' Ever since the horrible mur
der the place has been visited by a
stream of townspeople and strangers
who have examined with deep interest
the spot where the doctor fell under
the storm of murderous blows. Lately
the number of visitors has decreased
and only occrsionally now is a crowd
of gaping folks in front of the O'Sulii-
van house on the next street.
Woe ! XVuc ! Uimtterublc IVoc.
Why endute it daily , nightly.vo had well
ifrh saltl. hourly. Avlio arc tor
tured by chronic i heuniati-itn. The remedy ,
botanic , pure , safe and prompt is at hand.
Were the evidence in behalf of HoMetter's
Stomach Bittei collated. It would be found
to teem with well authenticated pioofi that
the medicine i& both a preventive and a
remedy in thi malady of varying agonies
and ever pre -ont daiigor.To forestall its
chronic stage Is the dictate of prudence.
Hi-pounce danpeuni medication. Far more
effective , more certain , more peimancnt in
the benefi'-ent consequences Is the use of
the Bitters. Experience indoisec. the rec
ommendation of phvsicians s.itict.on its use.
Bcpin eaily , u > u with persistence , and ex
pect relief. Hosteller's Stomach Bitters le-
lieves constipation , biliousness , kidney ail
ments , dyspepsia and malarial trouble.
Smii rtrlliir Into Paris.
Everything that enters Paris has to
pay city duty For many weeks an
elegantly attired gentleman drove a ,
well appointed dog cart from the out
skirts to the city , being attended every
evening by a neat looking groom. One
night the dog cart was upset in the
presence of the gendarmes , who on
going to the rescue , noticed that the
groom had not moved fiom his seat.
. "Come , " said one of the men.
The groom preserved a dignified si
' Come down , " cried they , angrily.
"Don't you see your master is hurt ?
Is he drunk or stupid ? "
The groom preserved his English
sang froiu. and the employes , giving
him a shake , discovered to their unut
terable astonishment that he was made
of zinc and contained lifty bottles of
How * * Thin *
We ofcr One liundicd Dollars reward for
am case of catairh that cannot be cuied by
lnkug Hall's Calanh Cuie.
Ue. the uucli feigned , have known F J.
CLenev for the last 1.eaie , and believe him
perlectly houoiable in ail business transac
tion s , ami linanciaily able to carry out any
obligations made hy "their linn.
\ \ I > T tV : TKUAJL , AVhoiciale Druggists , Tole
do , O-
' \YAI.PJNG , KIXXAJJ t MAUVIS , Wholesale
Dnicgists. Toledo. 0.
Hall Caiairh Cine is taken internally ,
iict.njr diiect.y won the/ blood and mucous
t-uifaccs of the Mi-teni. 'Jestnnonials sent
fidPrice . " bottle. Sold by all
If nnvtbin < r ou a doc's tail can make Liui
dance , a tomato can ctn.
Greenhouse an i I5eJ < Iir.i Plant ? , Palms
Drac.enas , i\c. , cheai ) . Sweet Potato , Cab-
bauc and Tomato p ant * ii : sea-ou. Send
for descriptive catalogue. W. .1. HCSSEK ,
Plattsmoutu , Xeb.
A river is srolcu of as mad when it loams
at the mouth. _ _
Dude's Motto "All's well that ends well. "
No dude has yet been able to walk with
the "" on a "postage stamp.
"What a gcose you aie. * ' petulantly re
marked the gander to his wife.
A marine view , to be true to nature , must
be painted in water colors.
A preventive against baldness celibacy.
1 Time is money. " At a 30 per cent valu
ation § 10 or twenty days.
Beauty makes woman prouder than it
makes ner good.
It takes time to prepare for eternity.
"Xc er hide your Iteht under a bushel. "
It's wasteful use a thimble.
Rolmaii's Liver Pad * .
Holman's I.ner Pads cure MAIJIKU.
Holman'n Liver Pads cure BILIOITKXKXK.
Holmnn'F Lirer IillR cure iMUOEsnoK.
Ptmph'et free vitli full inrtrurtione-uod commend * .
tlon * . HOMUJ * LITU PAD Co. ' , Jl Jobii cint , X. Y.
who must pay tbc fiddler have prec
ious Jittle time to dauce.
Pains and Aches
Sprains , Bruises , Hurts ,
Cuts , Wounds , Backache ,
' Fosltirelycured by
these Little Fills.
They also ruliavo Dl -
trees from DyapeptU.In-
digestion and TooHcuty
ITTLE Eating. A perfect rem
edy fornizzinau.NaniM , Dad Taste
in the Mouth , Coated
Tonfjue.Paln in the Bida.
regulate tb ( Bowels.
Purely Vegetable.
Price zr Cents *
Small Pill ; Small Dose , Small Price ,
With name and andrcs complete. '
Ry Mall. Club of Five for One Dollar.
1(0 ( pnje Catalogue anil Agents' T'ist for 10
cents. Address , SCHWA A It STAMP &
SKAL COMPANY , St. Paul , Minn.
Add i columns at once , anil
TRIX ! TRIX ! ! many other tikks. KcpiU
eit-j any bncht boy can
learn it. Trited.Normal I'rnmanthlp Trtrhrr , price81.
Send fl. ( ! t't both , pell one. othir HIKE. Addnts ,
MlltiUL ItLMMiSS COI.I.KOK. Colomliu Junction , lona.
'leriu bi-uiii3 Aup. " . Send for Clixulai and Cost.
. . - , //A15 to ? 5 Ibs. per month byhnrmless herbal
f\ \ \ / / / Iremedie * . inconvenience
l ill i 'mid no bad efTerts. Strict ! ) confulontinl.
Send Bo. for cir < -ulnr nnd Ktimor > iRl . ddre slr.
O.W.F.SNTDEn.McVicker's Theatre BldfChicago. . 111.
A Indy for light , pleasant , and profitable
cmploinr'nt at her own home. Adtire * ' ,
i\ith stamji , Kilmer < fe Co. , froutu Bend , lud.
( iive and TuUr.
The following story may not be true.
Indeed , it probably is not ; but we may
Bay that if it were true , it woula teach
: i lesson as well as excite a smile. We
linu the story in a New York paper
When Jay Gould arrived in Boston a
few days aso , he was confronted by a
youngster with an unusually dirty face ,
who shouted , "Mornen' paper , only
two cents ! ' '
The millionaire bought a paper , and
gave the boy a live-cent piece , saying.
"Keep the change and buy a cake of
soap to wash your face with. "
The newsboy counted out three
cents , and dropped them into Mr.
Gould's hand.
"Keep your change , ' ' said the boy ,
"and buy a book on politeness. "
When Baby was sick , we csve her Catorla ,
When she was a Child , she cried for Custoria ,
When she became Miss , she clung to Castoria ,
When she had Children , she gave them Castoria ,
A cure for Ijaldncs * divorce.
Great jags fiom little coru juice grow.
TITS. All Fits stopped free by I K. UMM.'SCIEIT
Nerve Restorer. No Kit after tirt-tday Mite. Mar-
vePotn euros. Treatise and K 00 trial bottle free tc
Kite-uses. Send to Dr. Klmc.9 > l ArtnM . J'lilla. , I'a
The first mnn to nim a blow at n giant cor
poration was David.
IJryant's Home College , Duflalo , X. Y.
elves a full bii'-lnr'-s > lle : u tmirj-o l j n-ail , at s-tu-
dcnt's home. Low rates and free trial lei-sotifc.
Give n lisheinian an inch ivoira ami he'll
take an eel.
Major's Cemi-tit llPiinirISroUrn Articles
15e and ' 'Jc. Major s Jiett Liquid Clue 10- .
A ppiiitualistic ecance is at best a medium
' Hanwnii * ' * Klnuic C'orii
Warranted t < > cure , or innM-y refunded. Ask
your dru K'st for it. I'nce 15 tenti.
Keep a clo e ere on the man nhose5fe is
afraid to ask him for mone\ .
Mrs. Wini lo\T'H SontliinnPyrup , for Chil
dren teething , softens thepums , reduces mtlainma-
tionallays pam , cures \rind colie. l3c. ! a tiottle.
"Love lanirhs at locksmith. * ' But is a
little timorous in range of keyholes.
THE ORIGINAL AND GENUINE. The only Safe , Snrennd JtaW Plll for islf.
Lndle * . nk DrigpiU for Oticlititcri En/jlitti Diamond Brand In Kcd and Gold rae'.allic
boiet re il l with blue ribbon. TuUe no other kind. Refute Svbttitutions and Imitation * .
All pill * la pasteboard boxes , j Ink wnrpert , are dancerunr counterfeit * . At Drugjn t , or fert na
4r. in > tarap < for particular' , tmiaoniali. and "Keller fur Ladle * . " in Inter , br retnrn JJnlL
1O.OOO Tuilmouials. Xame I'aper. CHICHCSTER CHEMICAL Co. ,
t > u\A by oil Local J > rucsl t . I'A.
P ISO'S REMEDY FOR CATARRH. Best. Easiest to use.
Cheapest. Kelief is immediate. A cure is certain. For
Cold in the Head it has no equal.
GATA R R 1-f
It I ? an Ointment , of which a small particle is applied to the
nostrils. Trice , 50c. Sold by druggists or sent l > y mail.
Address. IS. T. HAZBLTIXK , Warren , Pa.
ITIuolcal ( ! .T
The musical gas inadiine , culled the
pyronhone , eecins to have uttracted
much attention abroad. Its compass
is three octaves , and it has a keyboard ,
being' played in the sumo manner us
an organ. There are thirty-seven
glass tubes , in which a like set of gas
jets burn , and the = e jets , placed in a
circle , contract and expand. When
the small burners separate the sound"
is produced ; when they close together
the sound ceases. The tone depends
on the number of burners and the size
of the tubes in which the } ' burn ; so
that by a careful arrangement and se
lection all the notes of the musical
scale may be produced in several oc
taves. Some of the glass tubes in
which the jets burn arc nearly eleven
feet long.
\Venponn of To-Day.
The energy of modern artillery is
somewhat appaling , and threatens to
destroy friend and foe together. A
G7-ton gun on the British battle ship
Trafalgar was pointed directly ahead
and lired with 030 pounds of slow
burning powder and a 1,250 pound
projectile. The blast produced by the
rush of powder-gas and the shot was
so tremendous that the plates of the
forecastle were forced in and the deck
beams bent out of bhape. A hint what
the eiTect might be on an enemy will
be given at the naval exhibition , where
will be shown a projectile that has
been iired from a 110-ton gun. This
remarkable shot is said to have been
driven in succe = sion through a twenty
inch steel plate , eight inches of iron ,
twenty feet of oak balks , five feet of
granite and eleven feet of concrete ,
finally lodging at a depth of three feet
in a mass of brick masonrv.
lime tlit's , and it is almost time for flics
The cautious man is a very considcr-it
A mr.n docs not have to he diounin to
grah at a &tr.nv.
A guilty conscience nteus an excuser.
The needle always has au ejefor husincsK.
There's a patent medicine
which is not a patent medicine
paradoxical as that may
sound. It's a discovery ! the
golden discovery of medical
science ! It's the medicine for
tired run-down exhausted
you , - ,
ed , nerve - wasted men and
women ; for you sufferers from
diseases of skin or scalp , liver
or lun s it's chance is with
C ?
C"Cry one , it's season always ,
because it aims to purify the
fountain of life the blood
upon which all such diseases
The medicine is Dr. Pier'ce's
Golden Medical Discovery.
The makers of it have
enough confidence in itto
sell it on trial.
That is you can get * it from
your druggist , and if it doesn't
do what it's claimed to do , you
can get your money back ;
every cent of it.
That's what its makers call
fating the risk of their words.
Tiny , little , sugar - coated
granules , are what Dr. Pierce's
Pleasant Pellets are. The best
Liver Pills ever invented ; ac
tive , yet mild in operation ;
cure sick rnd bilious head
aches. One a dose.
ce mzkr < S c ' . ! f > r PrfHoin fiirkllnn atnl . p
BoM I > yalliltal ) > rii A IH autlful ( Icture H nc m I rn' fri 'o
icyoue itullnj Jrcb > toTIIK C K IIIHl.SOO rtn
c&ke of scouring
used for cleaning purposes
'I asked a maid if she would wed ,
And in my home her brightness shed 5
She faintly smiled and murmured lows
" If I can have SAPOLIO. "
For the Brides of June
WHOLE PAGE of Practical Hints and Helps about the Wedding
Trousseau , the Ceremony , the Flowers , the Reception , the
Away and the Coming Back. For particulars , see the
I June Number of
The Ladled
I Home Journal
- - On the News-stands , Ten Cents a. Copy
We will mail it to any address on trial , from
Now to January , ' 92
For Summer , Au
tumn and Winter
\ our features include
jft stories by
% Mrs , A , D , T , WHITNEY
Magazine ever is
sued for ladies and
the family , sad having
a circulation larger than
any other periodical in
the world
. - . CURTIS PUBLISHING COMPANY , Philadelphia , Pa. / .
< ft
From Imil'lmfr a railroad ilov-a to finals you can
inainfre nt j < ur tin -iilc Tinlx > < < k onti.nsten
lejitirmte nml honor.ililu n horns f-.ii imfcm. ; money
on ni til capital. Kipo - § tii < * K'aiiil Hwmtllin. ? in IMISI-
iie s .mil giies hints nml ndxirv that inn ! ) worth
thoueandi of dollar t j on. Tne s ( In-ni ii * o Itar-
Ij explain ! " ! that anv < inlinir\ [ > r-.iu i a-i : jn ! r-tanj
thorn Itwil ! OPUC&3CQ K' > p 3" ' new i l .a t aid
3 on in ii-in ! OunCltltld ui-rrifMr ileiK in 1 enable
jou to Kras ) > future < > i > ] i jriiimti- > in il > < > in mty. It
will op njonrc > t" < t > know hat h i > In pn done and
what bfitiKdone nil aro'iml jou Milimu-t ar * uia'ie
evu ) warm such ue. l- Nr.tilj a'l our w. itiy ! men
n til 'tart by.ilch Imlliant s < hpines. I- it ur.iea-
honilile to think j nt "rn tannuk- ( > t.'i'jisanil
< ioais ! ! when oilier * hi | ( J xu ama t'l fin ( ! . ! < . ' We
will mill jou thi lioo' fort Can 5011 invt Jl In
more profitable Lno leilfe * One 'Jill ir stop think
how mallyet what will thN Lnnvrl < - bn worth to
jou in future jear ' You c\n get it in ye r bitter
expeneiup but mav notni < - l It then It will nt Iinii
back | iat opiOituiiiiPMior | mu RJJni/C ' " " ' > ouhato
Io t How many mi-taLe jou ITlHIVll inuiit Iiavo
aToI < lc' < l. homanv dollars taved. ho\v many
ricaU jou mi ht hare mri'le hail you but known.
A\e are nowjireparinR one of the most K'iTantlc
nhtnifs e er attempted on small capital nhleii will
take a lar e forte to put through and oicli purrhu ref
of this book will be K > * ennn opportu uty to
t * e an interest. Aildrrf- with SI.
1 EWIS' 98 % LYE
The sroc i and vurcxt Lye
made. Will make the b'tt per
fumed Hard Soap in 20 minutes
without liwliny. It In tlic best
for softening water , cleansing-
waste pipes , disinfecting sinks ,
closet * , vrashinjf bottles , paints ,
trees , etc.
- ,
Gen. AgU. , Pinla. , I'a.
When 1 say euro I donotnvvm mfrelytostop them
for a tuna end then have them re'am e ain. I mean &
ndical care. I have made tie disease of FITS , EPI-
LnPSV or FALLIXG SICKN'ESS a life-Ion ? stidy. I
, mirrantniy remedy to cure the worst cas < M. B canse
1 others hare filled is no reason for not aorr a
cure. Send at oace for a treatise anil a Trse Bott'aof
mj infallible remedy. Give Express and Poss OrScc.
JI. . JCOOT , .11. C. , ISI5 I'carl at. , X. Y.
I > r. I.c Due's Periodical Pills
Are warranted torrlie e tartlv. Irriiltr an I d-Iared
Bien tniatlonn. Kf tabl hwl in r tire [ > - in 1 3 tn'-lnnrt
IfSO.ranada. is:7.lnitpl Stat- HIT We thl. '
Jii-ntJi pill at a IK.X or thre for U > w-irraue
tf rte boxes to , rixe relief n aborp stated -efund
tlie nionry. Tlies * pools can b sent per mail on
rctelpt of inonetVe auan sncoriwrate.1 .t.n 1 com-
ponj with tLf preaterpart of
ourcapital Mo < - * ! jxoo -
10 already tattn. Am 1MI A Med Co n.rajt pro-
' * hV-er"7' IaT W * " - ' * and r taU' ! Good-
rus Co. , Oniaba.
iruiu i er ija Dcbtllt" , V
ital Wa t'n ? fc. Sen.J Wrmy
. . of Remertio wnil
> ruu runs yocr-
6elTee lioine.IJr.J Keanertr
FKEK. A victim of youthful
Imprudence , cauriair J'n-mature Decay Nrrrous labil
ity , Lr t Manhood. Ac. , harinir tried \alnevery knon
mnMy , ha * dlwovcrwl a Mmpli' mennii of wlf-cure ,
which he will nrt ( realrd ) FIU Eto bin tr\ln-aiXmn. \
Addr * J. C MASON , F.OX 31 . Xew York City.
W. N. U. , Omaha , 571 23.