J.F.GANS0HOW . . , -THE- OLD RELIABLE. THE LEKDING BOOT H SHOE DEfiLER , MCCOOK , - NEBRffiSKS. FARM LOANS. I am prepared to 1111 a few good applications at once. Money on hand when application is approv ed. J. E. KELLEY. Volume No. 1. THE TRIBUNE "did it. " Family Groceries at Noble's. CHENERY'S CITY DRUG STORE. McCook has donned her best dress. Five to one is quite a responsible vote. Wall Paper latest designs at Mc Millen's. Try Knipple for fruits of all kinds. Union block. Car of flour and feed just received at A. T. Campbell & Co.'s. Dr. A. J. Thomas , Dentist , office in Union block , over Knipple. The Windsor Tie the latest out at the Eagle Clothing Store. Paints , oils , brushes , and painters' supplies at the City Drug Store. McCook flour all grades. POTTER & EASTERDAY. I will trade goods for stock of all kinds. WM. J. PORTER. Chopped Feed all kinds. POTTER & EASTERDAY. The Eagle Clothing Store has the only Genuine Dog Glove found in McCook. The Eagle Clothing Store is already exhibiting a splendid line of spring clothing. Kapke , The Tailor , guarantees you the lowest prices and the most stylish and elegant clothing. Crete flour has no superior and but few equals. Knipple has just received aa entire car load of it. Our stock in wall paper is complete and we invite inspection. L. W. MCCONNELL & Co. You will always find a superior stock of tobaccos at Chenery's. And a nice assortment of smokers' articles. It will pay you to examine our as sortment of wall paper before papering. L. W. McCONNELL & CO. At Joe Reizenstein's parlor you can at all times secure the best brands ot cigars and tobaccosimported ordomcstic IN QUEENSWARE Noble carries the largest assortment and the richest designs of the season. His prices are reasonable. Prompt and courteous attention is assured to all at Marsh's livery stable ; besides good horses and rigs are his specialties. Groceries , fruits , confectioneries and the like must be fresh and clean to be desirable. Knipple makes a specialty of these points. The mayor is now casting about for a suitable night man for the police force. He has the old member , Ales. McManigal , in mind. IP the present apostasy continues , by fall the independent movement will have as many weekly newspapers in its interest as both the old parties. A healthful and refreshing drink is Seltzer Water. The finest article may be found atphenery's City Drug Store. Also the latest and most popular soda water drinks. The blind may see , The mute may talk , The deaf may hear The maimed may walk , And Johnnie may have the possess ion of his gun ; but the time will never come when you can buy first-class cloth ing at the low prices obtainable at the EAGLE CLOTHING STORE. AUCTION SALE -OF- Ladies' Summer Wraps. I well sell at auction in front of the Citizens Bank on Saturday , June 6th , jit one o'clock , a lot of Ladies' Summer Wraps , Millinery , etc. These goods are all new and this season's style. Over tock cause of sale. H. H. BERRY , Auctioneer. Follow the path of irrigation. It cnows the way. McCook's past is small compared with the future. Gold dollars for ninety cents at the 1'jaglc Clothing Store. Try Knipple for staple and fancy groceries. Union block. A commodious , neatly furnished room 'or rent. Inquire at this office. Knipple has just received a car load of the celebrated Crete Mills flour. New patterns in wall paper at L. W. McCONNKLL < fc CO.'S. 84 patent flour at POTTER & EASTKRDAY'S. In Wall Paper you will find newest styles and lowest prices at McMillen's. White and Figured Windsor Ties all the rage at the Eagle Clothing Store. Yesterday morning , Joe McBrayer started for Hayes Centre with his wov- ntr outfit. All the popular brands of cigars at Reizenstein's parlor , next door to the ) est office. Garden and Flower Seeds tor sale at Potter & Easterday's. Three packages 'or five cents. Prescription work a specialty at the Jity Drug Store. Promptness and ac curacy are assured. Noble carries a large and complete stock of the best brands of canned ; oods of all kinds. FOR RENT A furnished room. One ) lock from the postoffice. Information * iven at this office. A piano for sale or trade for a team of horses , or McCook property. In quire at this office. Dry goods , notions , boots , shoes. , etc. , at cost at Win. J. Porter's on West Dennisou street. See Knipple in his new quarters in ; he Union block. Everything nice in Tuits , groceries , etc. There will be a grand re-union and social of St. Patrick's parish , Thursday , June 18th , at Meeker's hall. Noble , the leading grocer , makes a specialty of fresh , clean family grocer ies. He will treat you right. Do you want the latest and best and cheapest ? Well , they keep a large variety at the Eagle Clothing Store. Don't buy till you have examined our stock of wall paper. L. W. McCONNELL & Co. Noble is the only exclusive grocer in the city. His stock is the largest and bis prices correspond with the times. Our stock of wall paper is complete and we invite inspection. L. W. McCONNELL & CO. You can buy goods at your own price at my closing-out sale.WM. WM. J. PORTER. Don't buy till you have examined our stock of wall paper. L. W. McCONNELL & Co. It will pay you to examine our as sortment of wall paper before papering. L. W. McCONNELL & Co. No one need be idle who can scare up a good team. There will be plenty ot scraping and plowing to do on the Meeker ditch. Marsh , the liveryman , makes a spec ialty of pleasing his patrons. He sends out good horses and clean , comfortable vehicles , at fair rates. The Eagle Clothing Store is in the clothing business. They will dress you up handsomely and stylishly , and do it at a very reasonable figure. Make Noble your family grocer and many other blessings will fall to your lot , besides having the best groceries on your table that the market affords. Remember that Marsh offers the public the best of livery facilities. At the same time he don't want the earth. A reasonable amount of "dust" satisfies him. The councilmanic deadlock has been broken by the appointment and confir mation of J. H. Bennett , street com missioner. He will also be city mar shal. Parties carrying insurance in the Nebraska and Iowa Insurance Co. oi Omaha should know that they are with out protection in case of loss by fire The company's policies are absolutely worthless. As there seems to be some doubi about the matter , 'I HE TRIBUNE is re quested by the county superintendent to state that the new law regarding text books makes it COMPULSORY upon school boards to purchase books for their respective districts. FOR SALE Part of my irrigated farm near McCook , in small lots to suit purchaser. Private ditch. No wat er rent. Good chance for small fruit farms. Have had two years' experi ence in Colorado and two in Red Wil low county with irrigation. ANDREW CARSON , P. 0. Box 311 , McCook , Neb. Look Here' Come up to the old Leach gallery for pictures. ED. BEYRER , Photographer. WALLPAPER PAPER ! Large Assortment ! Latest Designs ! Prices Way Down ! Paints , Oils , Artists' Goods. A. McMILLEN , DRUGGIST. This world is full of inconsistencies : McCook has a saloonist who is opposed to irrigation by water. "Rot gut" is evidently his favorite "irrigant. " Well , how would a canning factory strike you now ? There is one in sight , and ready to materialize as soon as we can raise the corn , beans , tomatoes , etc. The Culbertson Roller Mill is now the exclusive property of Geo. E. John ston of our city , he having purchased the interest of Mr. Benedict , his late jartner. The G. A. R. post of our city meets regularly on the second and fourth Tuesday evenings of each month. Dr. A. P. Welles , commander , Capt. J. A. Wilcox , adjutant. The irrigation enthusiasts wanted to celebrate the victory for irrigation , Sat urday evening. But our carefulthought- 'ul mayor withheld his consent. He was fearful of a possible conflagration. Any man who has a good team can secure work on the C.H. Meeker ditch , right now. The supply of men with out horses will probably exceed the de mand. While there is a , scarcity of teams. If McCook intends to celebrate the Glorious Fourth becomingly hadn't we letter get together and devise ways and means for flying the national bird .0 .sublime heights on that natal day ? What are the wild waves saying , anyhow ? This week we commence the publica tion of a series of articles by a pioneer settler of our county. The writer was on the ground early , has been an ob server of events , and has a clever way of writing , which will make them very interesting to our readers. Parties may commute timber culture en tries at $1.25 per acre under the act of March 3d , 1891 , whether within rail road limits or not , on proof of compli ance with the law for four years when the entry is valid and not forfeited by any subsequent failure to comply with the law. With the change of name , next week , of the Monitor , McCook will have a Democrat and a True Democrat , a re publican and a sterling republican news paper. But above all THE TRIBUNE lays claim tc a distinct reputation us being a McCook newspaper , a home newspaper in the truest sense. Of the 452 votes cast at the bonds election , last Saturday , 363 were for and but 75 against the proposition. On 14 ballots the word "yes" was written instead of a X being made. These votes of course were not counted , but the in tention of the voters is clear , and raises the total vote for the bonds to 377 , over 5 to 1. In view of the fact that since the election it is mighty hard to find a man who did not vote for the bonds , it would not be becoming in us to exercise our chantileers too violently. Yet they are capable of going up in the neigh borhood of "G , " and THE TRIBUNE will be excused for entertaining a uild degree of pride in the result. But we are all irrigationists now. In the death of Mrs. Mary A. Jacobs , Tuesday morning , Perry precinct loses one of her oldest and most respected citizens. The deceased had reached beyond the allotted three score and ten years of life , and died of old age. The funeral occurred , -yesterday morning , from the residence of a daughter , Mrs. W. S. Hamilton. Remains were laid to rest in Longview cemetery. / Arrangements have been perfected for the transfer of the Buffalo Jones herd of buffalo from Culbertson to Mc Cook , and the entire number , between 70 and 80 head , are expected to arrive here , this evening. It is proposed to keep the herd on the Hocknell schoo ! section 1C , about two miles northeast oi the city. This is doubtless the largest and one of the very few remaining herds of bison. It will prove a greai attraction ; and is a monument to the liberality of our people , who put up generously to secure them. THE TRIBUNE is ten years old to-day and by the by , McCook's days are aboui the same in number. Established at the city's birth , aiming ever to actively espouse her best interest , the histon of THE TRIBUNE during the past nine years has been the history of McCook. We have rejoiced with her prosperity whistled when the darksome clouds ol adversity were lowering , and now enter the closing year of the decade with re newed courage and buoyant hopes born of a bright prospect. In a sentence THE TRIBUNE will continue to leac for McCook. Staple and Fancy Groceries At Noble's AII eastern paper in speaking of itx own makes remarks that are HO appli cable to McCook , when it says : ' -We nust not niiikc the mistake of stopping to look back over the achievementri that ve have accomplished in the past. The ; oed work in hardly commenced. We are now surely in the lead but we must ) ush on until the superiority as a city of activity is felt and recognized throughout the state. We have made a ; oed beginning. The good things of which we have tasted should only in tensify our appetite and make us more letermined to march onward and up ward until we reach such an altitude in he sphere of commerce that our neigh- iors can only see us hy lifting their jeiids and looking upward. Let every- > ody put on the harness of aggressive- icss and pull together and we will put he wheels of progress in motion until heir revolutions will attain such a de gree of speed that no obstacle can stop hem. Come now , altogether ! " Assistant Secretary Chandler has re- 'erscd the decision of the commissioner tolding for cancellation the pre-emption iling of William F. Silanse , contested > y John Yeager , for the northwest one- | uurter of section 7 , township 7 , range 39 west , McCook district. He dismiss ed the contest of Charles W. Huffman vs. Albert J. Hatcher for the northeast one-quarter section 14 , township * 2 iorth , range 31 west , McCook district , which was ordered cancelled below , from the same district in the contest against cash entry for the east one- [ uarter , northeast one-quarter , section ! 0 , township 3 north , range 29 west , JcCook distrct. In the case of Chas. I. Boyle vs. Alexander Stewart , which was held for cancellation by the com missioner , the assistant secretary affirm ed the decision below and ordered can cellation. The union memorial services at the Methodist church , Sunday morning , were largely attended. At the hour appointed the local G. A. R. , W. R. C. , and S. of V. , marched into the church n a body and the exercises opened. They consisted of a fervid , patriotic > rayer by Rev. Mather , the entertain- ng rendition of appropriate songs by he M. E. choir , and an able sermon by ilev. McBride. Flags and flowers lecorated the interior of the edifice with propriety and beauty. A prominent , wealthy and influential citizen mildly complains that the peo- ) le of McCook have not treated him right in the late school and bond elec tions. THE TRIBUNE amends and sub mits that the prominent , wealthy and nfiuential citizen has not treated the ) eople of McCook right in his attitude on these issues. It is a good thing to be unselfishly in touch with the peo- ) le when desirable public improvements and educational matters are at stake. Try it ! THE TRIBUNE , with that unparalelled modesty which has always marked its course , is compelled , by an overwhelm ing conviction , to announce that we en ter upon the tenth year of its publica tion with the confidence and support of four-fifths of the citizens and business men of McCook. SHIRTS TO ORDER. White or fancy. Gents who are accustomed to have their shirts made to order give us a trial order. We guarantee a good fit and reasonable prices. THE FAMOUS. There is a bright prospect that Mc Cook may have another roller mill , this season. Mr. E. H. Doan is behind the project , and a splendid mill is promised in the event he decides to build. "There will be plenty of work for men and teams on the South Side ditch as soon as the tools come , says Mr. Meeker , "Men with good teams are specially wanted. " Reizenstein's parlor is recognized headquarters for the best cigars and to baccos. Joe also carries a nice line of smokers' articles. If you want a stylish fit at the very lowest figures , KAPKE , THE TAILOR , is the man to atronize. Rear of The Famous. HANGING LAMPS Noble is head quarters for hanging lamps. He car ries a large and splendid selection. An attractive line of stationery , inks , pens , pencils and the like , at Chenery's City Drug Store. The Eagle Clothing Store is display ing a stylish stock of spring clothing. In Wall Paper you will find newest styles and lowest prices at McMillen's Millet seed German and Golden. POTTER & EASTERDAY. What must you do to be saved ? Why buy your groceries at Noble's , of course ! Tree , field and garden seeds. * POTTER & EASTERDAY. New patterns in wall paper at L. W. McCONNELL & CO.'S. Hay. & EASTERDAY. Try Knipple for fruits of all kinds. Union block. A good saddle pony for sale. En quire at this office. Crete flour , the best in the market , at Knipple's. Wall Paper latest designs at Mc Millen's. _ Reizenstein's parlor for cigars. Noble , The Grocer. ; S irj THE CITY DADS' DOINGS. The city council was in adjourned session , last evening , with the Mayor , Councilman Kay , Menard and Knights and Attorney Cordeal present. Bills of W. C. Bullard & Co. for lumber were referred to Gnance committee. Follow ing bills were allowed : F. D. Burgess , $0.60 F. & H. Lumber Co. , 1.10 C. M. Noble 3.75 T. M. Phillippi , 38 Cbarles Weintz , 4.G5 George Burns , 4.95 F. C. Meyers , 3.00 J. H. O'Neil 15.40 Bond of J. H. Bennett was approved. Petition of B. & M. Hose Co. was granted and purchases ordered made. Petition of Boyd Hook & Ladder Co. was also granted and the cletk instruct ed to make the necessary purchases. Ordinance No. 51 , levying a dog tax , was passed. It was found that taxes for 1891 as follows would be required : For rent city hall , $ 500.00 Salaries , 450.00 Electric Lights , 1,920.00 Printing and Stationery , 50.00 Total general fund , $2,920.00 For fire hydrants & sprinkling , $1,200.00 Supplies and repairs , 100.00 Total , $1,300.00 Grand total , $4,220.00 Ordinance 52 , tax levy for 1891 , was passed. Ordinance 53 , providing for the trans fer of moneys from the special and occu pation funds to the general fund was passed. Ordinance No. 54 , providing for the levying and collection of an occupation tax , was passed. The council confirmed the appoint ment of J. II. Bennett as street com missioner. Clerk .was instructed to draw warrants for first quarter of city officers' salaries. Adjourned. CARD OF THANKS. In behalf of the South Side fanners I wish to thank the many citizens of McCook and vicinity for the noble manner in which they responded to the call for help in our irrigation enterprise. We will ever hold in grateful remem brance those who labored so untiringly to secure the bonds. In marked con trast to the manly and patriotic spirit manifested by the many was the narrow- minded "dog in the manger" feelings displayed by n few men who by years of extortion and sharp practice have grown rich , and now are not willing to help improve the country where there is a possibility for others to be bene- fitted as well as themselves. It is not improbable that such people will some time find themselves in a country where the one absorbing theme of thought and prayer will be irrigation , and although the fall may be ample and the water in our "South Side" ditch sufficient to supply the demand , it is doubtful if even Mr. Meeker will attempt to flume the canon that intervenes. JOHN WHITTAKER. NOT A CANDIDATE. INDIANOLA , NEB. , May 25th , 1891. EDITOR TRIBUNE I wish to inform you as well as the readers of the TRIB UNE that the statement in your last week's issue concerning my probable candidacy for county superintendent is premature , erroneous and as far as I am concerned absolutely without found ation. Whenever approached on this subject I have never left any doubt in any honest man's mind as to how I stood on the question. I am not a candidate. Yours truly , WALTER ROWLAND. COMFORT AND STYLE. Both comfort and style are desirable. Indeed when the matter of selecting a livery rig is concerned , they are abso lute necessities. The Circle Fronl Livery Stable make these a study , anc together with their prompt and courte ous treatment and reasonable charges they oiler every advantage possible to the public. Their new surrey is the acme of comfort and elesrance. McCook Is "In It. " Let the irrigationists and every one else rejoice. For many months we have been down in the trough of the sea We are now ascending toward the crest and if "fortune favors the brave , we will straddle the highest wave,1' and ride to victory. There is music in the air boys , and it sounds for all. LEFfTuiTE SUDDENLY. MINDER , NEB. , May 25th. Frank Nagle , who has been in the employ of Robert Pate as a barber , decamped Sunday morning on the 2 o'clock train , taking with him most of his employer's tools. He was traced to McCook , but his pursuers failed to make a capture. COWFOR KINDLING. W. C. Bullard & Co. have just re ceived another carload of corn cobs. They are unexcelled for kindling and light firing. $1.50 a load. THE SODA WATER SEASON OPEN. The soda water season is open at the City Drug Store. The latest and best drinks. Pure fruit juices. A specialty of seltzer water. TO TRADE FOR A FARM. Will trade a quarter block , house 24x24 with basement , in Red Cloud , for a farm near McCook. Enquire at this office. Cane seed supply limited call ear ly. POTTSB & EASTEBDAY. X I b * Wo nro going to SPRING Them on you. THEY ARE NICE ! THEY ARE NEW ! THEY ARE NEAT ! We are talking of our LADIES' Oxford Ties , Wo liavo just placed eight dozen pairs on our shelves. Eleven dozen more on the road. CALL. A. F. MOOHK. JNO. R. HAUT. MOORE & HART , ATTORNEYS : - AT - : - LAW , MCCOOK , - - NEBRASKA. J3f Wlll practice in the State and Federal Courts and before the U. S. Land Office. Office over Fntnons Clothing Co. Store. C. H. BOYLE , LAND - : - ATTORNEY , Six years experience in Gov. eminent Land Cases. Real Estate , Loans & Insurance. NOTARY PUBLIC. S3T"Oflce n Phillips-Meeker building- . J. BYRON JENNINGS , ATTORNEY - : - AT - : - LAW. practice in the State and United States couits and before the U. S. Land Offices. Careful attention given to collections. Office over Bank or McCook. HUGH W. COLE , LAWYER , MCCOOK , NEBBASKA. JSB Will practice in all courts. Commercial and corporation law a specialty. Money to loan. Rooms 4 and 5 old First National bld'e. DR. A. P. WELLES , HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON MCCOOK , NEBRASKA. attention jriven to diseases ot women and children. The latest improved methods of electricity used in all cases requir ing such treatment. Office over McMillen drug store. Residence , North Main street. B. B. DAVIS , M. D. C. H. JONES , M. I > . DAVIS & JONES , PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. S OFFICE Honus : 9 to 11. a. m. . 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 , p. m. Rooms over First National bank. AT COST ! I am closing out at cost my entire stock of DRY GOODS , NOTIONS , BOOTS and SHOES. I Will Trade Goods for Stock of all kinds. Give me a call at the Penner Building on West Dennison Street , and I will do you good. WM.T. . PORTER. FOR RENT. Are You In It ? That is to say : Do you want to buy , rent or trade for a barn. If so call on or address E. LINDNER , McCook. Try Knipple for staple and fancy groceries. Union block.