The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 29, 1891, Image 8

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And we are prepared to show
In the city at
Prices That Can't Be Beat.
A full line of
Mixed Paints , Varnishes ,
Brushes , Alabastine. Etc.
L. w. MCCONNELL & co. ,
Driftwood Jce
I am delivering an extra pure , clear quality of ice , Drift
wood Creek ice , at the low and very reasonable price of 50
cents a hundred pounds. Wait for iny wagon.
BE UP jxrot to
Also Hard and Soft Coal.
B. & HI. Meat Market.
R. A. COUPE & CO. , Props.
McCook , Nebraska. May 22d , 1891. f
Land Patents for the following-named per
sons bavo this day been received at the Me
Cook land otllce and can be bad upon surren
der of Receiver's receipt , properly endorsed
Aufdonbrink Charles KoIIner Henry
Austin Cyrus O. Knight Absolom
Austin Henry A. Llndscy Jeff L.
Alley Wililuin J. Lunerton John C.
Alley Henry Lyon Elizabeth
Argo William A. LutzJohn
Aldrlch June Lulschuch Anna M.
Arnold Frank H. Luger Fredolein
Bird William Luco Wallace W.
Breese Allaire O. Llndsey George U.
Brooks Cbar'es ' W. LeBIanc Lovl
Burtlett Charles A. Loghrv James H.
Bishop Mary E. Latbrop Charles W.
Blount Larzolier C. ' Lcnzello Jiimca
Hosier William McAuliff Joseph
Itudu Edward McPherson Weley
Benjamin Zee Monovoisnn Max
Benjamin Kphraim Moncrief Zubro
Bishop Freedom Morris James
Benjamin Gustavo Mathews Wilbur M.
BcnarJohnson W. Miller James H.
Bush John W. Mllcr Lewis
Ilostrnln Hanah S. Marshall George K.
Bauer Heinrich Marcellus Lewis A.
Blaes John Mclntirc Willis K.
Bull Samuel Mercer Allen
Burk Edward E. Martin John W.
Homier William J. Miner HardinU.
Banks John S. Newton George B.
Clorkston Ttiomas B. Neali Hugh O.
Curry Theodore T. Newaome Charles H.
Clark Ellen E. Owlna Francis S.
Caley Horace E. Pence William M.
Carter James N. Powell Lcasie A.
Caldwell Marcus Piper John F.
Cottrell Clarence N. Peak Benjamin
ChriEtner Jeremiah Peudarvis Oren W.
Cooper Grern F. Parsons Philip O.
Chase Milton A. Powell Mary E.
Covey Robert A. Povey Goldsherry
Cunningham Wm. M. [ { elph William *
Calkins Jennlo itamsey Cowen
Clark Crofton Ralph William F.
DevenyJohu W. * tockholder Fred ii.
Dobbins Daniel iobb Mary
Derdinger John ihoades Walter A.
Davison Solomon Rodenbaugh Henry
Dean Ephrairu A. Reed Edward R.
Dakan James W. .toss Madison
Dunkln John II. [ teddy John
Eido Thomas L. Spears John B.
Etherton Simon P. Strobridge Hannah M
Eaton Jacob Sportnitz Richard
Ficbtner Jacob Schoenenmn Wm. F.
Fisher William K. Scbeirer Charles
Freeman Robert A. itroup John L.
Fisher Lawrence E. Skinner Moses P.
Francis Westley Skinner Finnis U.
Foster A Ivira Suirs JohnF.
Gray Alfred H. Smith John A.
Carder Christian E. * Speer Sidney A.
Gibson Columbus M. SammonsJamcs D.
Goodro LeandcrJ. Shuman William F.
Hughes Henry P. Schneider John F.
Hobson Maggie A. Schoenerman Otto
Harper James H. Schultz Hermann
Hawk Thomas J. Thomas Mark *
Hannah Jennie Taunton Wallace
Hanks Peter Townsend Werren S.
Hacker William T. Tresher Benjamin F.
Hallaner John Tolaud Byard
Hammond Jerry A. Taggart Wiley P.
Hayse Munrow Viersen Jacob P.
Hatnorn Dexter G. Welt Eugene M.
Hantborn John D. Ward Levin F.
Heater Perry A. Walker William
Hallaner Elsie Weick Michael
Herter Hen rich Wilson Thomas J.
Howater Aaron Weatherwax Kate-
Haskins Susunvh Wright.John D.
Johnson Charles E. Wonscb Henry
Jewell John U. Wixom William W.
Johnson George S. Watson Kittie
Koppel John W. Walker Harry W.
Kirby William Willis George N.
King William H. Young Fremont
Kudlocek John Yates Benjamin F.
Knowlcs Kinzey H. Young Addle E.
Kinney Richard L. Yctter Oscar H.
* Timber Culture Patents.
The following will bo tbe order of exorcises
on Decoration Day. Assembling at Menard's
Opera Hall at one o'clock , P. M. , central time :
1. Music By McCook Band.
3. Singing By School Children.
15. Prayer By Post Chaplain.
4. Reading ot Orders Q
By Post Adjt. J. A. Wilcox.
5. Oration By Rev.P S.Mather.
0. Singing By School Children.
Forming parade. Column forming on Main
street , right resting on Dennison street. Or
der of parade as follows :
1. Camp Gen. A. McD. McCook S. of V.
2. McCook Band.
3. Floral Decorations and 13 boys mounted.
4. Goddess of Liberty and children repre
scnting the states.
5. J. K. Barnes Post , old soldiers , and W. R.
C. in carriages.
6. Civic Societies , council and school board.
7. McCook Fire Department.
S. Citizens in carriages , on horses & on foot.
Exercises at cemetery will consist of band
and vocal music , recitations , floral decoration ,
and grand salute ; atter which the column will
return to corner of Main and Dennison streets
to disband.
All who can are requested to contribute to
thelioriil , decorations ; and to leave their con
tributions at Menard's ballon Saturday morn
ing. This being the most important part o
the program , don't forget the flowers.
N. B. The members of the Post , W. R. C.
and the children are requested to be at Meeke
hall at 12 o'clock. A. P. WELLES.
McCook. Neb. , May 2T. 1891.
A Splendid Canadian Journal.
The Dominionlllustrated not only maintains
but steadily improves upon the high standan
of literary and artistic excellence which hae
especially marked that splendid Canadian
journal since its enlargement at the begin
ning of this year to 24 pages weekly. The
handsome engravings produced each week are
well selected , and in addition to general views
there are always some relating to curreni
matters of general interest. A group of
bright and gifted writers are regular con
tributors to its literary contents , and its pages
reflect the best thoughts of clever men and
women. Such a journal deserves the gratify
ing support which it receives at the hands of
the public. The enterprising publishers , the
Sabiston Litho. & Pub. Co. . Montreal , make it
their constant aim to improve both the matter
and appearance of the journal , and their suc
cess is certainly gratifying and creditable.
It has rained most every day since the loth
inst. . and the ground is thoroughly soaked.
E. B. Nelson pulled over to his homestead ,
Monday morning , after helping Uncle John
Rowland finish his corn planting.
C. F. Elliott was working the assessing job ,
last week , estimating the worth of tbe proper
ty the farmers have left after tbe drouth of
1890. The prospects for next years' listing of
property look more promising at this writing.
W. H. Benjamin was caught out on the
prairie about half-way home in the storm.
Saturday afternoon , and had to take his team
from the buggy and hold them by the bridle
until the hail passed by. He said some of the
hail stones were nearly as large as black
walnuts shucks off. OBSRUVER.
A Safe Investment.
Is one which is guaranteed to bring you sat
isfactory results or in case of failure a return
of purchase price. On this safe plan you can
buy from our advertised druggist a bottle ot
Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption.
It is guaranteed to bring relief in every case ,
when used for any affection of throatlungs or
chest , such as consumption , inflammation of
lungs , bronchitis , asthma , whooping cough ,
croup , etc. It is pleasant and agreeable to
taste , perfectly safe and can always be de
pended upon. Trial bottles free at McMillan's.
The cssal treatment of catarrh is very un
satisfactory , as thousands of despairing pa
tients can testify. A trustworthy medical
writer says : ' -Proper local treatment is posi
tively necessary to success , but most of the
remedies in general use by physicians afford
but temporary benefit. A cure cannot be ex
pected from snuffs , powders , douches and
washes. " Ely's Cream Balm is a remedy which
combines tbe important requisites of quick
action , specific curative power with perfect
safety and pleasantness to the patient.
H 7d faith in your own town. Speak well of
its improvements ; help along all public enter-
terprises ; cheer and encourage the men who
invest in It ; remember that every forward
move helps you individually ; shut your ears
to the croakers and keep eternally at it and
the town will grow rapidly. Exchange.
Capes , Black Hemstitched Goods
Jackets , New Embroidery ,
Carpets , Ribbons ,
Clotlmia raids ,
Dress Goods , Cords.
Straw Hats , Laces ,
Contractor and Builder ,
SPECIALTIES Making- and repairing furn-
ture. Furniture of any description made to
order. Mail orders promptly attended to.
Shop on Dennison Street , opposite Pred-
more's blacksmith shop , McCook , Neb.
White Shirts , 10 cents.
Cuffs 5 cents.
Undershii ts , 3 tor 25 cents.
First oita l
$100.000. $60,000.
GEORGE HOCKNELL , President. B. M. FREES , Vice President. W.F. LAWSON , Cashier.
A. CAMPBELL , Director. S. L. GREEN , Director ?
Psbid Up Capital , $5O,000.
General Banking Business
Interest paid on deposits by special agreement.
Money loaned on personal property , good signatures
or satisfactory collateral.
Drafts drawn on the principal cities of the United
States and Europe.
C.E. SHAW , President. IT. C. WAIT , Vice President.
P. A. WELLS , Cashier.
Consumption Cured.
An old phyilultin. retired from practice ,
imvlnir had placed In his hand * by an Knst In
dia missionary the formula of n pimple veget
able remedy for the speedy and permanent
cure of Consumption , Bronchitis. Catarrh ,
Asthma and all throat mid Lung Affection * ,
also u positive mid radical cure for Nervous
Debility and all NorvouH Complaints , after
having tested Its wonderful curative powers
in thousands of cases , h'is felt It his duty to
make it known to his Buffering follows. Actu
ated by this motive and a desire to relieve
human Buffering. I wilt send free of charge , to-
all who desire it , this recipe , in German *
French or English , with full directions for preparing
paring- and using. Sent by mall t > y addressing-
with stamp , naming this paoer. W. A. Noyes.
KU Powers' Block. ItochcRter. N. Y. 38-ly.
Merit Wins.
Wo desire to say toourcitiznnfUhat foryoars
wo have been sollingDr. King's New Discovery
for Consumption , Dr. King's Now Life Fills.
Buoklen's Arnica Salve and Electric Hitters ,
and have never handled remedies that sell as
well or that liavu given such universal aulis-
faotion. We do not hesitate to guarantee-thcm
every time , and wo stand ready to refund the
purchase prlco If satisfactory results do not
follow their use. These remedies have won
their greut popularity purely on their merlte ,
52-4ts. A. McMlU.KN. Druggist.
Buck/en's Arnica Salvo.
THE DEBT SAI.VR in the world for cuts , sores ,
bruises , ulcers , salt rlioum. fever sores , tetter ,
chapped hands , chilblains , corns , and all skin
eruptions , and positively cures piles , or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give per-
tcct satisfaction or money refunded. Price
25 cents per hox. For gale by A. McMillen.
Humphreys' Specific No. 10
Cures Dyspepsia , Indigestion. HlllonsneFP
and Constipation. For poor appetite , tvcnk
stomach , sluggish liver , feotilo kidneys , de
pressed strength , want of vigor , and as un
anti-bilious and anti-malarial protective and
cure it has no equal. Thousands are cured by
it. Sold by dealers. '
From New Yoik City , lias the most com
plete stock of Spring and Summer Gootsfor !
men's wear , between Lincoln and Denver.
His store is just replete with the latest nov
elties fioni New Yoik and Chicago , and as
he buys strictly for cash he can afford to give
you first class Clothing at very reasonable
prices , lie has guaranteed every garment
he has made up in McCook for nearly six
years and has never had si misfit in that time.
Call and see him. One door north oC thft
Commeicial House.
Wishes to call public attention to the fact
that be hits received more goods which makes
his the largest and finest stock to select from
in McCook. lie guarantees a ( it and his prices
are the lowest in McCook. Two doors west of
Citizens Bank.
CWdren Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
The Citizens Bank of McGook ,
Incorporated under State Laws.
Paid Up Capital , $5OrOOO.
Genera ! Banking Business ,
Collections made on all accessible points. Drafts drawn
directly on principal cities in Europe. Taxes paid
for non-residents. Money to loan on farming
lands , city and personal property.
Tickets For Sale to and from Europe
V. FUANKLIX , President. JOHN K. CLAItK , Vice Pres.
' A. C. EBEKT , Cashier. THOS. I. GLASSCOTT , Ass. Cash.
r ; . The First National Bank , Lincoln Xebrska.
* The Chemical National Bank , New York City.