r r iiF ' WFl - * . "W I-V-- * * T- _ I t ti TENTH YEAR. McCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY EVENING. MAY 29. 1891. NUMBER 1. H. LAWLER wishes to announce that his stock of SIIR C are now on the shelves. He does not claim to have the biggest stock on earth , nor does he promise what is impossible in prices. But in DRY GOODS , of all kinds , he carries a complete and well-selected stock , and , the quality of goods considered , I also carry a full and fresh stock of GROCERIES ! and in this department also I will Meet All Competition ! cjfg > Give a call and get my prices. H. LAWLER AGENT LINCOLN LAND Co. OFFICE IN MEEKER BUILDING. WILOOX & FOWLER Are on hands as usual this spring with a large and complete assortment of DRY GOODS , of every description , all qualities and grades , which they are selling AT BOTTOM FIGURES. They are also well stocked up with everything usually kept by a first-class grocery store in Fancy and Staple Groceries. They have no superiors in quality or prices. Just test these statements. WILCOX & FOWLER. WM. M.ANDERSON PROPRIETOR. TRANSFER , M9 Cook , Neb. PEOPLE YOU KNOW. Citizens and Visitors Briefly Mentioned. We Have Had Our Eye on You , "I Know Not What theTruth May Be , I Tall it as 'Twas Told to Me. " Clmrliti Angel is at Harvard , Neb. Jolin Majors is expected home to-night. Mrs. 0. A\ Clark is visiting in Onarga , 111. Judge ( /ocliran was a Lincoln visitor on Wednesday. Grace E. McDangh of Denver is visiting McCook friends. Mayor .Brewer was an Omaha visitor the first of the week. C. F. Uabcock was in Lincoln , the early part of the week. Frank Cnrrtith of Plattsmouth sojourned in the city , Sunday. Col. Huber graced Culbertson with his presence , \Vednesday. Judge Cochran held court up in Gospcr county , first of this week. Mayor Smith and Judge Hill were among our Indianola guests , yesterday. Miss Josie Billiard arrived home , Satur day , troin her visit to Omaha friends. C. A. Vanrelt was over from Norcatur , Kansas , the opening days of the week. Commissioners Belles , Graham and Hodgkin - kin were city visitors , Tuesday evening. Mrs. W. H. VanHorn and children left for Speariish , South Dakota , yesterday morning. J. A. Cordeal had business before the com missioners at Indianola , Monday and Tues day. Attorney Moore went down to Bloomington - ton , Monday morning , to attend district court. Host Wolfe of the Commercial House drove down to the county-seat , yesterday , on busi ness. ness.Mrs. Mrs. J. B. Meserve is visiting her brother , Frank J. Taylor , in the eastern part of the state. Miss M. E. McKee was warmly greeted by her many McCook friends , the first of the week. C. H. Eubank and Jacob Dambach o Hayes Centre were down on business , yes terday. Bert Lufkhi and family left Perry precinct , last Saturday night , for the state of Wash ington. Mrs. Hocknell and Miss Lyons returned , Sunday evening , from their extended Cali fornia visit. * Manager Warren went up to Beverly , this morning , on business for the W. C. BuIIard Lumber Co. wus up iiuui jjuruey , yes terday , renewing acquaintance with his Mc Cook friends. John M. Gaimnill , the old IJepublican warhorse of Frontier county was a city vis itor , Saturday. A. J. Pate and son Fred were down from Denver , Saturday and Sunday , on a brief pleasure jaunt. Mrs. M. A. Northrup is here from Darling ton , Indian Territory , guest of her daughter , Mrs. C. II. Boyle. Sheriff McCool was up , Saturday , to see how large a majority we could roli up in favor of irrigation. Clerk Koper was officially and personally interested in the bonds election , and spent Saturday in the city. C. H. Meeker and G. W. Roper went in to Lincoln , last evening , to attend to the print ing of the irrigation bonds. C. A. Clark left , Sunday morning , for lied Mountain , Colo. , where some of his brothers livp. on n. rtrnsnRp.tiner tnnr. Mrs. Frank Harris and the children arriv ed home , Saturday , from their visit to Dr Stutzman's family at Davenport. County Attorney Dodge was a participant in a rousing Alliance picnic up in Stockville Frontier county , last Saturday. Ah , there , Sidney. Cashier Lamborn of the First National Indianola , and his cousin , T. S. Lamborii oJ Marshallton , Pa. , were looking over the city , yesterday. Secretary Allen has returned from McCook and reports that in all his eleven years out there he has never seen the country look so fine at this seison : of the year. Journal. Secretary of State Allen was up from the state house , Friday and Saturday , looking after his personal McCook interests , and in cidentally to vote to promote the cause of irrigation. E. H. Chrysler of Bartley dropped into our sanctum , Wednesday afternoon , a little while , on his way home from a trip up to Palisade. He reports work progressing on the Frenchman ditch , but does not look for completion of that great enterprise before fall. Much of the heavy work remains to be done. Mr. HocKnell.who has been on the Federal grand jury at Omaha for the past two weeks returned home , Saturday , to welcome his wife home from California , to encourage ir rigation , and to look after his business in terests generally. He returned to Omaha , Monday night , with the prospect of a num ber of week's jury work ahead. GOINO KAST CKNTHAh TIMK LEAVES. No. 6.'ocal passenger 4:26. A.M. No. ' , through passenger 5:50A.M. No. 4. local passenger. 5:40. P.M. No. 78. through freight 10:25. A.M. No. 128. way freight 5:55 : , A.M. flOING WEST MOUNTAIN TIME LEAVES. No. 1 , through pasaonger , 10:40 , A.M. No. 5 , local passenger , 9:30 , P.M. No. 129 , way freight 5:00. A.M. IHarfc , THE THIBUNE angels I shout , Burlington { Go cast via the Burlington I route , IPcace on earth and mercy I mild. ( Full rates for man , half for child. WE "PASS" NOBODY. Itoadmaster Jossellyn was up from Orleans on business , Wednesday. Mrs. J. K. Phelan of Alliance is visiting McCook friends , this week. Mrs. Frank Harris and Mrs. J. C. Birdsell spent yesterday in Hastings. Jovial Jake Burnett was up from Hastings , Wednesday , on railroad matters. Frank Huddleston is home recuperating from a severe attack of rheumatism. E Buy a house from S. II. Colvin on the monthly installment plan and save money. II. B. Simmonds of the dispatchers' force was called to Omaha , Tuesday , by intelli gence of his sister's serious illness. The C. , B. & Q. have declared a one per cent , dividend , which seems to have become the established rate for the year ' 91. Capt. 11. O. Phillips , the presiding genius of the Lincoln Land Co. , was up from .Lin coln , Sunday , on water works business. Engineer Pronger and Conductor Alvard are in misfortune. Failure to provide proper signals , we understand. We hope it may only be temporary , however. ThfiB. & M. will build two roads , this year. One a branch from Bradley on the Black Hill's line to Hot Springs , Dakota , 12 miles ; and an extension from Merino to Belle Fourche , 25 miles will be built at once , A telegram from Mrs. J. Hulaniski ai Hiusdale , 111. , to her husband was received announcing the death of her mother on Wednesday. Mrs. Hummer visited will icr daughter in this city nearly the entire winter. Residents along the line Hastings to Den ver have about concluded the B. & M. has shutout all their older passenger conductors , owing to the large number laying off at present. If you don't get a passenger train to run now you may never. On Tuesday the flyer made an unprece dented run to Akron , 143 miles in 2 hours and 58 minutes , or an average of almost 50 miles aii hour , not counting four stops , which would increase the average. Jack Moore sat on the right side of the cab. Messrs. Sam Rogers , August Droll , Joseph Menard and Joe Snyder took a trip through some of the irrigated nortion of Colorado. the last of past week. Like the reasonable men they are they all came home on Satur day morning to vote for irrigation for Red Willow county. The unanimous re-election of all the direc tors of the "Q" at the stockholder's meeting , the past week , indicates that the owners are well satisfied with the management and do not hold it responsible for the large falling off in earnings which this line , like many others , has of late recorded. OLD MKS. FIDGET ( in the sleeping car ) : 'Porter 1" POKTEK : "Yes'm. " 0. M. F. : "Now , if there should bean ac cident or anything , i want you to 'wake me o that I'll have time to dress properly. " A large box car on the side track in Den ver , used to haul wooden ware , is 52 ft. long xnd 15 ft. from track and 4 times in height. Some one has painted on it during its rest the 'oliowing lines : "Poor little box car , don't you cry , You'll be an elevator by and by. " PROCLAMATION. Our love and thanks as a nation and people for the preservation of our united country can be expressed in no more appropriate form in time of peace , than by showing in wha reverence we hold the memory of our heroic dead who fell in defense of this union. Our gratitude for the services they rendered and the sacrifices they made , prompts us as a free and enlightened people to commemorate their strugglewhich brought us greater liberty and and a more advanced civilization. For these reasons , May 30th is designated as Decoration Day. and is a national holiday , at which time all secular occupations should cease. THEREFORE , I , C. T. Brewer , Mayor of the City of McCook , Nebraska , do request that the business houses and all labor occupations cease on that day , from 1 to 4 o'clock , P. ftl. That devotional and other appropriate exer cises be held in our churches and public halls ; that the graves of our dead soldiers be visited and bedecked with evidences of our memory and respect for the deeds they did for us while living. C. T. Brewer , Mayor. Dated at McCook , Neb. , May 21,1S91. Eev. Mather , of McCook , speaks his con victions in plaiu , unmistakable English. He says he began preaching by using a scrub bing brush with plenty ot good soft soap to facilitate matters. He says he is still using t at McCook and thereby hangs a tale. The people inhabiting that jumping-off place mve been accustomed to taking their medi cine in homeopathic doses , weakly diluted , and when they do get some strong allopathic doses of Methodist gospel highly seasoned with the truth , they get sick so we are told. Beaver City Tribune. SPECIAL ! McCOOK , NEBRASKA. DRY GOODS ! MILLINERY ! CARPETS ! . THE GREAT WILL COMMENCE AND CONTINUE UNTIL COME AND SECURE THE GREATEST Bargains Ever Offered IN McQOOK. Wefts ial attention given , mail orders. The Largest and Finest Stock ! Wishes to call public attention to the important fact that lis stock of Spring and Summer goods now in is the largest Inest and best assortment to be found in McCook. He guar antees a fit and his prices are most reasonable. Opposite Frees & Hocknell Lumber Yard.