The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 22, 1891, Image 8

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And we are prepared to show
In the city at
Prices That Can't Be Beat.
A full line of
Mixed Paints , Varnishes ,
Brushes , Alabastine. Etc.
Driftwood Jce
I ain delivering an extra pure , clear quality of ice , Drift
wood Creek ice , at the low and very reasonable price of 50
cents a hundred pounds. Wait for my wagon.
SAPOLIO is one of the best known city luxuries and each time a cake
is used an hour is saved. On floors , tables and painted work it acts like
a charm. For scouring pots , pans and metals it has no equal. If your
etore-keeper does not keep it you should insist upon his doing so , as it
always gives satisfaction and its immense sale all over the United States
makes it an almost necessary article to any well supplied store. Every *
thing shines after its use , and even the children delight in using it in
their attempts to help around the house.
Also Hard and Soft Coal.
B. & M. Meat Market.
, . . .
TURKEYS ic. &c.
R , A. COUPE & CO. , Props.
EmTOiiTuiuuNK : flellerlng that the whole-
ale und promiscuous lying resorted to by
those who evidently have no use fur the truth
In their efforts to defeat thc"South aldo"ditch
enterprise CHII lie best answered by n condens
ed history and honest statement of the fact6 In
the ctise I send you this to-day. The scheme
originated with 11 few farmeis on tills side of
the river , the intention being to tap the river
about l'/i miles this side of the Hitchcock
county line and then turn the current into
tnelr ditch , the work to bo done and the ditch
controlled by the farm era coining under it.
The preliminary steps were taken to form a
company for that purpose und as ft was neces
sary to know where the ditch would run in
order to tell who would come under it itn esti
mate was made by comparing the fall of the
river with the depth of wells along the pro
posed lineitwas ; then found that starting from
that point it would be of no practical value as
only a few farms near the river would come
under It. Mr Meeker was then consulted and
ho advised them to first file their water right
and bo euro to go far enough up to get the
necessary head. This being done Mr. Meeker
was requested to run a preliminary survey
which he did. a contribution being raised in
the city and county to defray thooxpense. the
farmers helping with the work. The farmers
then realized that to construct a permanent
ditch and one that would cover the land desired
sired by those interested in it would require
more means and greater engineering skill
than they had at their command. They re
quested Mr. Meeker to take hold of the matter
and help them out. This Mr. M. kindly con
sented to do and suggested several plans , all
to the elfect that the farmers should own
and control the ditch , but owing to lack of
ready money none of them could materialize.
Mr. Meeker then told them that he could sec
no way to aid them and they must cither throw
up the scheme or look elsewhere for help.
But the farmers were persistent. Then the
plan to sell water rights , change the precinct
lines , and ask McCook to help in constructing
the ditch across Willow Grove precinct was
thought of and immediately acted upon. An
agreement was then entered into and signed ,
between Mr. Meeker and the farmers , by which
the purchasers of water rights ( one cubic foot
of water per second ) at 21.000.00 each or frac
tion at the same rate should be joint owners in
and have a voice in the management of the
ditch , and according to the contract it cannot
be disposed of or rights sold to any one not
owning land under the ditch. This cubic foot
of water is to be furnished for the months be
ginning with May 1st and ending October 31st
and means a volume of water equal in capaci
ty and EXCEEDING that actually produced by
the McCook water system. Some say that the
ditch will he built whether we vote bonds or
not. That may or may not be so. but if it is
and a company should build it , the farmers
will not have control ot it but will be obliged
to pay whatever price the company asks tor
the water as there can be no competition.
Now. can McCook afford to let the farmers be
bled by a corporation when by a little help in
their present struggle they can secure them a
paid-up water right , thereby insuring them
against drouth and hot winds for all time to
come. The success of the larmer depends on
his crop and the success of McCook also de
pends on that same crop. Our patronage is
worth nothing to the merchant unless we have
the money to pay for whatever we get and we
cannot pay unless we raise crops. The con
sumers in the city can buy butter , eggs , pota
toes and all kinds of vegetables for less
money by the cost of transportation and have
them fresh at their door if we farmers can be
assured of a crop. In determining the price of
any article or commodity the _ cost of produc
tion must be taken into consideration. Now.
if we can secure water for $1.00 per acre per
year ( as we can under the present contract )
wo can and will sell produce cheaper than If
we are obliged to pay from § 3 to $6 per acre
for it. The extra cost in every bushel of pota
toes consumed in McCook during the past
winter would more than have paid the average
property holders bond tax and sinking fund
levy for year , and then failures are liable to
come any year. JOHN WIIITTAKEII.
Thos. Relph Is talking of going to Montana ,
this week.
John Rowland had his corn ground ready
but had to wait a few days betore planting.on
account of the rains.
A. Peters has taken up four head of horses
and one yearling calf that were devastating his
The 30-hour rain which commenced last Fri
day has made the ground thoroughly wet , in
sures the rye crop and a powerful agency to
ward maturing wheat.
Thos. Relph and Joe Kennedy were appoint
ed a committee to get A. M. Benjamin to play
for a dance at Joe Dodges , and they got A. M.
and Clara out ot bed about 11 o'clock , Fridaj
night , and hopped to the music the rest of the
night. OBSEKVEH.
The rain was very timely.
Corn planting is the order of the day.
Mr. Butcher lost a young colt , Friday.
No church services , Sunday , on account rain
Mr. Strine is about again. Glad to see him
We learn of a new arrival at Neighbor Fauss
home , a girl.
C.S.Ferris is looking after his sister's Hayes
county interests , this week.
J. W. Voss is about again in good shape.
His hand is mending rapidly.
W. O. Norval preaches , next Sabbatu. iet
all turn out if the weather permits.
Wheat looks well since the rain , corn coming
up nicely , pastures green , and the country in
a lair way to get back to the front. RALPH.
A Letter of Thanks.
INDIANOLA , NEB. , MAY 13th. 1891.
UNE : My Hear Sir : Kindly allow me through
the columns of your paper to express to the
flro department of your city my sincere
thanks on behalf of the people of Indianola.
for their generous offer to respond to the call
of our city in her time of need at the flre here
on the night of May 14th , 1S91. Being truly
thankful that we were able to control the flre
without their assistance and that our loss was
no greater than it was , still we feel under
many obligations to them for their kind offer.
I am Yours Very Truly ,
S. R. SMITH. Mayor.
A Safe Investment.
Is one which is guaranteed to bring yon sat
isfactory results or in case of failure a return
of purchase price. On this safe plan you can
buy from our advertised druggist a bottle of
Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption.
It Is guaranteed to bring relief in every case ,
when used for any affection of throat , lungs or
chest , such as consumption , inflammation of
lungs , bronchitis , asthma , whooping cough ,
croup , etc. It is pleasant and agreeable to
taste , perfectly safe and can always be de
pended upon. Trial bottles free at McMlllen's.
A Mechanical Wonder.
The Decoration Dav issue of the Albany ,
N. Y. , TELEGRAM will bo the most original ,
unique and popular paper ever presented to
the American public. Nothing like it ever at
tempted by a newspaper in the 19th century.
As a mechanical wonder and a military litera
ry library there will bo nothing to even com
pare with it issued in this country. It will be
printed on red , white and blue paper and con
sist ot 16 pages. If there is no agent in your
town you can have the paper mailed to you at
5 cents a copy.
Buck fen's Arnica Sa/ve.
THE BEST SALVE in the world for cuts , sores ,
bruises , ulcers , salt rheum , fever sores , tetter ,
chapped hands , chilblains , corns , and all skin
eruptions , and positively cures piles , or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give per
fect satisfaction or money refunded. Price
25 cents per box. For sale by A. McMillen.
Work is progressing on the irrigation ditch.
W. T. Stone spent theflth and 10th at Oberlin.
Ho reports a heavy rain there.
There is universal happiness among the
farmers since the late glorlons rain. Crops
arc looking fine , and the acreage is large in
this section. UNO.
- >
Capes , lack Hemstitched Goods
Jackets , . New Embroidery *
Carpets , Ribbons ,
Clothing , Braids ,
Dress Goods , Cords ,
Straw Hats , . Laces ,
Contractor and Builder ,
SPECIALTIES Making and repairing furn
iture. Furniture of any description made to
order. Mail orders promptly attended to.
Shop on Dennisou Street , opposite Pred-
more's blacksmith shop , McCook , Neb.
White Shuts , 10 cents.
Cuffs 5 cents.
Undershirts , 3 for 2o cents.
Consumption Cur d.
An old pbyMclan , retired from practice ,
having had placed In bin hands by an Kast In *
dla missionary the formula of n ulmplo WRCt-
ublu remedy for the speedy and permanent
cure of Consumption. Ilronahltls. Cntnrrb ,
Asthma und all throat and Lung Affections ,
also a positive and radical cure for Nervous
Debility and all Nervous Complaints , after
having tested Its wonderful curative powers
in thousands of cases , his felt It lila duty to
make It known to his suffering fellows. Actu
ated by this motive und a desire to relieve
human Buffering ; 1 will gend free of charge , to
all who desire It , thin recipe. In Gorman.
French or English , with full directions for pre
paring and using. Bent by mall by addresslnr
with stump , naming this paper. W. A. Noyes ,
KJO Powers' Dlock. Rochester. N. Y. S8-ly.
How many really graceful people do you
know ? Are you graceful yourself ? Do you
know the proper and most graceful way to go
up and down stairs , to walk , to stand , to sit ,
to bow , etc. ? If not. bo wise , and Immediate
ly road the article on "Health. Grace. Beauty :
Delsarte Philosophy made' Practical."publish
ed ( with J Illustrations ) in the Juno number
of that thoroughly wido-awake periodical.
Demorest'H Family Magazine ; and you will
want to begin practicing the 'jxorclsea almost
before you finish the reading. And that Is not
all you will learn from this especially bright
number : all ( ladies included ) may learn "How
to Harness and Unharness a Horse ; " oven
children can learn from "Foes Afield" how to
know poisonous plants when they see them ;
"Signs of Character In the Face" ( very fully
illustrated ) will teach you how to rsad your
friends' characters by their noses : and "China
Painting for Beginners" will give you all the
points necessary to do that artistic work , and
without a master. This valuable magazine is
published for only $2 a year , by W. Jennings
Demorest. 15 East 14th St. . Now York.
Humphreys' Specific No. 10
Cures Dyspepsia , Indigestion. Biliousness
and Constipation. For poor appetite , weak
stomach , sluggish liver , feeble kidneys , de
pressed strength , want of vigor , and as an
anti-bilious and anti-malarial protective and
cure it has no equal. Thousands are cured by
it. Sold by dealers.
From New York City , lias the most com
plete stock of Spring and Summer Goods.for
men's wear , between Lincoln ami Denver.
His store is just replete with the latest nov
elties from New York and Chicago , and as
lie buys strictly for cash lie can ailbrd to give
yon first class Clothing at very reasonable
prices , lie has guaranteed everv garment
tie has made up in McCook for nearly six
pears and has never had a niihfit in that time.
[ Jail and see him. One door north of the
Commcicial House.
Wishes" to call public attention to the fact
that he has received more goods which makes
bis the largest and finest stock to select from
in McCook. He guarantees a flt and his prices
are the lowest in McCook. Two doors west of
Citizens Hank.
CWdren Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
tirst JVati oua l
$100.000. $60,000.
GEORGE HOCKNELL , President. B. M. FREES , Vice President. W.F. LAWSON , Cashier.
A. CAMPBELL , Director. S. L. GREEN , Director.
Citizens Bank of McCook ,
Incorporated under State Laws.
Paid Up Capital , $5OrOOO.
General Banking Business.
Collections made on all accessible points. Drafts drawn
directly on principal cities in Europe. Taxes paid
for non-residents. Money to loan on farming
lands , city and personal property.
Tickets For Sale to and from Europe
V. FKAXKLIX , President. JOHN H. CLARK , Vice Pres.
A. C. EBERT , Cashier. THOS. I. GLASSCOTT , Ass. Cash.
The First National Bank , Lincoln Xebrska.
The Chemical National Bank , New York City.
Paid Up Capital , $50,000.
General Banking Business
Interest paid on deposits by special agreement.
Money loaned on personal property , good signatures
or satisfactory collateral.
Drafts drawn on the principal cities of the United
States and Europe. I
C.E. SHAW , President. II. 0. WAIT , Vice President.
P. A. WELLS , Cashier.