I 'J.EGANS0HOW . , "f"U * I n c. OLD RELIABLE. THE LESDING BOOT m SHOE DEALER. MCCOOK , - NEBRSSO. FARM LOANS. I am prepared to iill a few Rood applications at once- Money on hand when application is approv ed. J. E. KELLEY. Noble , The Grocer. Family Groceries at Noble's. CHENERY'S CITY DRUG STORE. Reizenstein's parlor for cigars. Staple and Fancy Groceries at Noble's. Wall Paper latest designs at Mc Millen's. Try Knipple for fruits of all kinds. Union block. Car of flour and feed just received at A. T. Campbell & Co.'s. Dr. A. J. Thomas , Dentist , office in Union block , over Knipple. The Windsor Tie the latest out at the Eagle Clothing Store. Paints , oils , brushes , and painters' supplies at the City Drug Store. A soaking rain every day for a week will do pretty well for a starter. McCook flour all grades. POTTER & EASTERDAY. I will trade goods for stock of all kinds. WM. J. PORTER. Chopped Feed all kinds. POTTER & EASTERDAY. The Eagle Clothing Store has the only Genuine Dog Glove found in McCook. Since the "Convention" cow-culture should receive a great impetus in our midst. The Eagle Clothing Store is already exhibiting a splendid line of spring clothing. Kapke , The Tailor , guarantees you the lowest prices and the most stylish and elegant clothing. Crete flour has no superior and but few equals. Knipple has just received an entire car load of it. * Our stock in wall paper is complete and we invite inspection. L. W. McCoNNELL & Co. You will always find a superior stock of tobaccos at Chenery's. And a nice assortment of smokers' articles. It will pay you to examine our as sortment of wall paper before papering. L. W. McCoNNELL & Co. At Joe Reizenstein's parlor you can at all times secure the best brands of cigars and tobaccosimported ordomestic IN QUEENSWARE Noble carries the largest assortment and the richest designs of the season. His prices are reasonable. Prompt and courteous attention is assured to all at Marsh's livery stable ; besides good horses and rigs are his specialties. Groceries , fruits , confectioneries and the like must be fresh and clean to be desirable. Knipple makes a specialty of these points. Dr. A. J. Thomas of Ives , Dundy county , is building a small ditch for his own farm , which will be ( finished this season. Irrigation Age. THERE are six irrigation ditches , un der way in Dundy county. The total length of proposed ditches will exceed oo miles , and a large acreage will be covered. A healthful and refreshing drink is Seltzer Water. The finest article may be found at Chenery's City Drug Store. Also the latest and most popular soda water dnnks. THE farmers' alliance to the citizens' alliance , greeting : Your votes are all right ; but we can't recognize you as a political organization. You will have to take your own chances in the regular primaries. The blind may see , The mute may talk , The deaf may hear The maimed may walk , And Johnnie may have the possess ion of his gun ; but the time will never come when you can buy first-class cloth ing at the low prices obtainable at the EAGLE CLOTHING STORE. The city schools close May 29th. Crete flour , the best in the market at Knipplc's. Gold dollars for ninety cents at th Eagle Clothing Store. Try Knipple for staple and fane ; groceries. Union block. There is still brisk demand for prime house servants in McConk. A commodious , neatly furnished roon for rent. Inquire at this office. Knipple has just received a car loac of the celebrated Crete Mills flour. Cane seed supply limited call ear ly. POTTER & EASTERDAY. New patterns in wall paper at L. W. McCONNKLT , & CO.'S. 84 patent flour at POTTER & EASTERDAY'S. The weather is not calculated to win the plaudits of the street corner statuary In Wall Paper you will Gnd newes styles and lowest prices at McMillen's It is about a stand-off between the supply of hen's fruit and of hen's teeth White and Figured Windsor Ties all the rage at the Eagle Clothing , Store. All the popular brands of cigars a Reizenstein's parlor , next door to the post office. Garden and Flower Seeds tor sale a Potter & Easterday's. Three packages for five cents. A total eclipse of the moon is bookec for the 23d. It will not be visible here , however. Prescription work a specialty at the City Drug Store. Promptness and ac curacy are assured. Noble carries a large and complete stock of the best brands of cannec goods of all kinds. A piano for sale or trade for a team of horses , or McCook property. In quire at this office. Dry goods , notions , boots , shoes. , etc. at cost at Win. J. Porter's on Wesi Dennison street. See Knipple in his new quarters in the Union block. Everything nice in fruits , groceries , etc. Noble , the leading grocer , makes a specialty of fresh , clean family grocer ies. He will treat you right. Do you want the latest and best anc cheapest ? Well , they keep a large variety at the Eagle Clothing Store. Don't buy till you have examined our stock of wall paper. L. W. McCoNNELL & Co. Noble is the only exclusive grocer in the city. His stock is the largest anc his prices correspond with the times. Our stock of wall paper is complete and we invite inspection. L. W. McCoNNELL & Co. You can buy goods at your own price at my closing-out sale.War. War. J. PORTER. Don't buy till you have examined our stock of wall paper. L. W. MCCONNELL & CO. It will pay you to examine our as sortment of wall paper before papering. L. W. McCoNNELL & Co. An Akron lady has adopted one ol the Walton girls. Commissioner Belles sent the child up on Wednesday's flyer. Marsh , the liveryman , makes a spec ialty ofoleasinghis patrons. He sends out good horses and clean , comfortable vehicles , at fair rates. The Eagle Clothing Store is in the clothing business. They will dress you up handsomely and stylishly , and do it at a very reasonable figure. Make Noble your family grocer and many other blessings will fall to your lot , besides having the best groceries on your table that the market affords. Remember that Marsh offers the public the best of livery facilities. At the same time he don't want the earth. A reasonable amount of "dust" satisfies him. McCook should now cast her bread upon the irrigation waters. It will quickly return , and what a profitable return the history of irrigation encour ages us to expect ! A party of emigrants passed through the city , Wednesday afternoon , bound for the state of Washington. They hailed from Kansas. There were six fine horses on one double wagon which attracted considerable attention. Had the South Side ditch been in full and complete operation , last season , the farmers of the west end alone would have saved more than the bonds now asked for , by simply enabling them to hold a portion of the stock they were compelled to sacrifice because they had not feed enough to keep them alive during the winter. FOR SALE Part of my irrigated farm near McCook , in small lots to suit purchaser. Private ditch. No wat er rent. Good chance for small fruit farms. Have had two years' experi ence in Colorado and two in Red Wil low county with irrigation. ANDREW CARSON , P. 0. Box 311 , McCook , Neb. WALLPAPER PAPER ! Large Assortment ! Latest Designs ! Prices Way Down ! Paints , Oils , Artists' Goods. A , McMILLEN , DRUGGIST. Memorial Day May 30th. LOST A pair of russet leather leg gings. Finder will be rewarded upon leaving at Gray & Maddux' livery barn. At the late state meeting at Gram Island , Hugh W. Cole of our city was elected Grand Foreman of the Nebras ka A. 0. U. W. The false fire alarm , Tuesday night was caused by some one mistaking the burning out of a flue in the kitchen o ! the dining car , for a fire. The spring term of our public schools will close on Friday of next week. There is talk of having exercises of an appro priate character on that occasion. The McCook Business College has closed for the summer vacation. Prof Leper informs us that the work of the school will be resumed , September 1st. The rain which prevailed in western Nebraska , Friday night and Saturday was timely and a soaker ; practically as suring the small grain crop , and giving all nature a powerful boost. The Chatfield residence was consid erably damaged by a stroke of lightning during Monday night's storm. The shock cracked the plaster all through the neighboring dwelling of C.B.Rowell. That was a clever and comprehensive description of the fact , given by a little bud awakened by the roar and glare of heaven's artillery , on Monday night : "That's thunder and lightning sure enough. " Tie action of Hope Alliance in re nouncing and denouncing the would-be Alliance paper at Indianola , "The Al liance Herald , " may in a general way be taken as the sentiment of Alliance people of the county. They have no confidence in D. R. Carpenter and won't have him. Perhaps you have noticed it ? At any rate it is amusing that some of the most vociferous kickers against the irrigation bonds are individuals whose names are not to be found on the assessors' books. Men whose net assets are an Amazonian mouth. Lungs of the capacity ot a smith's bellows. And a yellow pup. On behalf of self and community THE TRIBUNE most sincerely regrets the small attendance at the orchestra benefit ball , last Friday evening. The orchestra deserved better. Especially in view of the strenuous efforts Prof. Reizenstein and the other members had put forth to produce music for the oc casion unequaled at any previous ball ever held in the valley. It is deplora ble that personal matters should be carried to such humiliating lengths. When the surface waters of our riv ers and creeks are utilized ; when the underflow is tapped and the water bear ing sands are drained of their precious fluid ; when the surplus waters are stor ed for use in season ; THEN there will be no more going down into Egypt for corn. For then we will have here all the elements , which when used intelli gently and industriously , with economy , to make us prosperous , independent and happy. One of the saddest deaths was that of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Bede's lit tle boy Artie by drowning in Red Wil low creek , Friday , the 8th inst. Mr. Bede was at work on the opposite side of the creek from the home of A. W. Campbell , where he is employed , his son being with him. The little one was accustomed to going over the plank crossing to the house , when tired ; but this day evidently lost his footing and Pell into the water , where the lifeless body was discovered some time after by two women in passing. There are good and sufficient reasons why the laboring man should vote in ravor of aiding the ditch project , to morrow. In the construction of ditches abor is a large item. It will give iim work. Even if he be so fortunate as to have a little home in our midst lis increase in taxes will be very small ndeed , and the advantage of cheaper vegetables and fruits will more than offset this. Not only will labor be necessary in construction ; but in carry- ng smaller ditches ( laterals ) over the 'arms to be irrigated , in planting and larvesting the crops there will be an ncreased demand. Furthermore the ) lacing of that number of thousand dollars of foreign capital in circulation will stimulate every other branch of trade and labor. HANGING LAMPS Noble is head- [ uarters for hanging lamps. He car ies a large and splendid selection. An attractive line of stationery , inks , > ens , pencils and the like , at Chenery's 3ity Drug Store. It is advanced that the farmers of the north side of the precinct will not be benefitted by the South Side ditch. Suppose the proposed ditch had been in operation last season , would not the money the north side fanner would have saved in the price pnid for hay and grain raised at hoine , over the price paid for the same articles shipped in , more than have paid their increased taxes for the year ? The difference in transportation alone WOULD MORE THAN PAY the increase in taxes. Besides the ditch will create values ; will double the value of land under it ; and will not the tuxes on thin land be proportion ately higher ? Judging the coming ten years from the past ten years , the establishment of a community of farm ers in our midst who can raise a crop , drouth or no drouth , would be a clean profit to even farmers on the uplands , five years out of ton. The proposed South Side Irrigation Ditch Enterprise is the largest and grandest undertaking ever contemplated for Red Willow county. Thousands of dollars arc involved in it. Thousands of acres will be made highly productive if it is built. Scores of men will be employed in its construction and in its management and use. The value of eyery acre covered will be doubled twice over. Scores of prosperous farm ers will replace the dozen now making an uncertain livelihood on the land along the proposed ditch. It means grand re sults for McCook and we should give it a practically unanimous support. ' 1 HE TRIBUNE learns that the Bank of McConk people will on July 1st op en a banking house in the city of Lin coln. The capital of the concern will be $100,000. C. E. Shaw will be president and P. A. Wells , cashier. Their quarters will be in one of Lin coln's most elegant buildings the Brace block. The Bank of McCook and the Nebraska Loan and Banking Co. will still , have large interests in this part of the state and they have not fully determined whether these in stitutions will be continued here or not. The "Interstate Milkmaids' Conven tion" attracted a good sized audience to the opera hall , Tuesday evening. The ladies of the Relief Corps acquitted themselves very creditably. The fear and discomfort occasioned by the false fire alarm alone prevented the thorough enjoyment of the "Convention , " which was bright and humorous , with enough "local hits" and characteristic points to make it very palatable , and amusing. THE TRIBUNE is informed that at present there are 18 sections of land along the proposed ditch upon which there are but 16 farmers. It is worth to McCook all that is asked to have a farmer on every 40 acres of those 18 sections. In aiding the establishment of a prosperous farming community in our midst we will only show good horse business sense. That's all. The reception costume displayed in Lowman & Son's window , the first of the week , received many words of praise on all hands. It was a splendid creation of their dress-making depart ment and will be worn at a reception soon to be given by a St. Louis friend of a lady whose residence THE TRIBUNE is informed is less than a 1,000 miles from McCook. Those who are in favor of the irriga tion bonds pay fully 75 per cent , of the taxes of Willow Grove precinct. This should carry them. Self interest should not let them be defeated. The pros perity of this section is involved in ir rigation. McCook cannot afford to throttle so splendid an enterprise. A sturdy , rustling granger is Jim Wright of Red Willow precinct. And if bard licks count for anything , he will come out on top , this year. Himself and boys have in 150 acres of corn , 100 of cane , and still they are not satisfied. Here's luck to Jim Wright and his nervy boys. "I want to pull a grain , vegetable or stock special occasionally" is the sensi ble reason given by an engineer for his determination to vote for the bonds. He might have added that he wanted to be able to buy cheaper vegetables and feed. Both are correct. It is always good business sense to invest a dollar when profitable returns are absolutely certain. Is there a man in McCook who has the slightest doubt concerning the financial outcome of the South Side Ditch Enterprise ? Every friend of irrigation should make his most heroic effort to carry the jond proposition. McCook has too much at stake to let prejudice , selfish ness or personal animosity defeat the South Side Irrigation Ditch. THE TRIBUNE understands that Prof. Walter Rowland of the Indianola pub ic schools would not refuse the alliance nomination for county superintendent of public instruction , this fall , if the same were tendered him. We have heard it stated that young \Ir. \ Black , son of the redoubtable John ? . , would not object if the Alliance should make him their standard bearer or the county clerkship , this fall. McCook now has an opportunity to iclp the farmer , and in doing so to help icrself , by voting the bonds and secur- ng the irrigation ditch. Will she do it ? There are some indications that Mr. Fohn R. Hart , of the law firm of Moore & Hart , "is in it" for the county judge- hip , this fall. Wall Paper latest designs at Mc- iillen's. LAND VALUES WILL INCREASE. The advantages of irrigation in west ern Kansas are shown by the experience of Mr. Zimmerman , of Cheyenne county , who paid $1,000 for a water right for 160 acres of land , 100 acres of which he put into alfalfa. From this 100 acres he cut GOO tons of hay , which he sold for $6 per ton. Allowing one-half for expenses and $1,000 for water right , the transaction netted him $800 the first year and $1,800 the second year. He was offered $50 per acre for this land , but refused to take it. He says that land in Cheyenne county will be worth $50 per acre as soon as it is properly irrigated , which he says can be done at a cost of $600 to $800 per quarter sec tion. Irrigation Age. NOT SO , GOOD HAN. c'It will take five years for western Nebraska to recover from the evil ef fects of the year's advertising east , " says the Hastings Democrat. But our friend evidently did not have the pos sibilities of irrigation in mind when ar riving at the above conclusion. THE TRIBUNE believes there are enough miles of irrigating ditches now under construction in western Nebraska to enable us to regain everything lost , within two years at least. Besides placing this section on a permanent , sure highway to prosperity. COMFORT AND STYLE. Both comfort and style are desirable. Indeed when the matter of selecting a livery rig is concerned , they are abso lute necessities. The Circle Front Livery Stable make these a study , and together with their prompt and courte ous treatment and reasonable charges they offer every advantage possible to the public. Their new surrey is the acme of comfort and elegance. PEORIA CAPITAL. The enemies of the South Side Irri gation Ditch are industriously seeking to injure the proposition to vote bonds by circulating the statement that the Lincoln Land Co. are backing Mr. C. H. Meeker. THE TRIBUNE is authorized to state that the money which Mr. Meeker has secured , after a two years canvas , is private Po.oria capital loaned to Mr. Meeker. MEMORIAL SERVICES. Memorial service will be held in the M. E. church , Sunday at 11 o'clock , A. M. All comrades and old soldiers are requested to meet at Meeker's hall , at 10 o'clock , A. M. , where they will form line and march to the church. S. of V. and W. R. C. are also requested to meet with us. A. P.WELLES , Commander. 'A STRANGE COINCIDENCE. Farmers , is it not a strange coinci dence that the most active opponents of the irrigation bunds in McCook are the same people who profited by your distress , last fall , and bought up the stock necessity compelled you to sell , at their own price ; and a beggardly price it was at that. Is it not just a trifle strange ? BONDS ARE NECESSARY. The report is being passed around by those who are interested in the defeat of the irrigation bonds that the ditch will be built anyhow , bonds or no bonds. In an interview with Mr. Meeker , this week , he states that the ditch cannot be built without the aid asked for. COBS FOR KINDLING. W. C. Bullard & Co. have just re ceived another carload of corn cobs. They are unexcelled for kindling and light firing. ยง 1.50 a load. THE SODA WATER SEASON OPEN. The soda water season is open at the City Drug Store. The latest and best drinks. Pure fruit juices. A specialty of seltzer water. TO TRADE FOR Will trade a quarter block , house 24x24 with basement , in Red Cloud , for a farm near McUook. Enquire at this office. A hundred feet of substantial plank sidewalk has been laid in front of W. J. Hills' lots on Upper Marshall street , this week , completing the 750 feet re cently ordered built on that street by the council. Reizenstein's parlor is recognized headquarters for the best cigars and to baccos. Joe also carries a nice line of smokers' articles. If you want a stylish fit at the very lowest figures , KAPKE , THE TAILOR , is the man to atronize. Rear of The Famous. The Eagle Clothing Store is display ing a stylish stock of spring clothing. In Wall Paper you will find newest styles and lowest prices at McMillen's Millet seed German and Golden. POTTER & EASTERDAY. What must you do to be saved ? Why buy your groceries at Noble's , of course ! Tree , field and garden seeds. POTTER & EASTERDAY. New patterns in wall paper at L. W. MCCONNELL & CO.'S. Hay. & EASTERDAY. Try Knipple for fruits of all kinds. Union block. _ A good saddle pony for sale. En quire at this office. t _ We are going to SPRING Them on you. THEY ARE NICE ! THEY ARE NEW ! THEY ARE NEAT ! -We are talking of our- LADIES' Oxford Ties. We have just placed eight dozen pairs on our shelves. Eleven dozen more on the road. CALL. A. F. MOOllE. JNO. R. HART. MOORE & HART , ATTORNEYS - : - AT - : - LAW , MCCOOK. - - NEBRASKA. 13P Vfi\\ \ \ practice In the State anil Federal Courts and before the If. S. Land Cilice. Office over Famous Clothing Co. Store. C. II. BOYLE , LAND - : - ATTORNEY , Six years experience in Gov. eminent Land Cases. Real Estate , Loans & Insurance. NOTARY PUBLIC. in Phillips-Meeker nuildintr. J. BYRON JENNINGS , ATTORNEY - : - AT - : - LAW. practice in the State and United States com ts and before the U.S. Land OiHces. Careful attention given to collections. Ofllco over Hank of McCook. HUGH W. COLE , LAWYER , MCCOOK , NEHBASKA. practice in all courts. Commercial and corporation law n specialty. Money to loan. Rooms 4 and 5 old First National bld'K- " Da. A. P. WELLES , HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON McCOOK. NEBRASKA. "Special attention irivcn to discuses ot women and children. The latest improved methods of electricity used in all cases requir ing such treatment. OHice over McMillen drugstore. Residence. North Main street. B. B. DAVIS. M. D. C. II. JONES , M. It. DAVIS & JONES , PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS , McCOOK. NEBRASKA. S55 OFFiCE Hocus : 9 toll. a.m. . 2 to .land 7 to 9 , p. in. Rooms over First National bank. AT COST ! I am closing out at cost my entire stock of DRY GOODS , NOTIONS , BOOTS and SHOES. I Will Trade Goods for Stock of all kinds. Give me a call at the Penner Building on \Vest Uennison Street , and I will do you good. Wai. J. PORTER. FOR RENT ! Are You In It ? That is to say : Do you want to buy. rent or trade for a barn. If so call on or address E. LINDNER , McCook. Try Knipple for staple and fancy groceries. Union block.