The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 22, 1891, Image 3

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    - F
Both the method and results when
Syrup of Figs IB taken ; it IB pleasant
and refreshing to the tafite , and acts
gently yet promptly on the Kidneys ,
Liver and Bowels , cleanses the sys
tem effectually , dispels colds , head
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
onlj7 remedy of its kind ever pro
duced , pleasing to the tnste and ac
ceptable to the stomach , prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects , prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances ,
its many excellent qualities com
mend it to all and have made it
the most popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figa is for sale in 50c
and SI bottles by all lending drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it Do not accept
any substitute.
Here is an incident from the South
Mississippi , written in April , 1890 ,
just after the Grippe had visited that
country. " I am a farmer , one of
those who have to rise early and
work late. At the beginning of last
Winter I was on a trip to the City
of Vicksburg , Miss. , where I got well
drenched in a shower of rain. I
went home and was soon after seized
with a dry , hacking cough. This
grew worse every day , until I had
to seek relief. I consulted Dr. Dixon
who has since died , and he told mete
to get a bottle of Boschee's German
Syrup. Meantime my cough grew
worse and worse and then the Grippe
came along and I caught that also
very severe ! } ' . Mr condition then
compelled me to do something. I
got two bottles of German Syrup. I
began using them , and before taking
much of the second bottle , I was
entirely clear of the Cough that had
hung to me so long , the Grippe , and
all its bad effects. I felt tip-top and
have felt that way ever since. "
PETER J. BRIALS , Jr. , Cayuga , Hines
Co. , Miss. ®
t'osltlTclycurcd bj
these Little Pills.
They also relieve Dli
tress from Dyipepsia.I
digestion and TooHeartj-jj
Eating. A perfect rcm-f
edy forDizzineei.Na.u8a
Drowsiness , Bad Tut
in the Month , Coat
Tongue.Pain in the Side J
regulate the Bowels.j |
Purely Vegetable.
Price 25 Cents ;
Small Pill. Small Dose , Small Price , !
But do not use ( he dangerous alkaline
and mercurial preparations which destroy
your nervous system and ruin the digestive
power of the stomach. The vegetable king
dom gives us the best and safest remedial
agents. Dr. Sherman devoted the greater
part of his life to the discovery of this relia
ble and safe remedy , and all its ingredients
ere vegetable. He gave it the name of
1 B
a name everyone can remember , and to the
present day nothing has been discovered that
is so beneficial for the BLOQD , for the
11VER , for the KIDNEYS and for the
STOMACH. This remedy is now so well
and favorably known by all who have used
it that arguments as to its merits are use
less , and.if others who require a correct
ive to the system would but give ii a trial
the health of ih'S country would be vastly
improved. Remember the name PRICKLY
ASH BITTERS. Ask your druggist for it.
The Soap
is Lenox.
A Heated J Ucunilon.
On Walnut street , near Twentieth ,
live a young married couple who have
two children a boy , a girl , ageu , ve-
ipcctivuly , .0 aim 7. The youny mother
has ideas of her own about raiding
children in the way they should go and
does her best to inculcate right princi
ples in them. The other day. hearing
a noise in the kitchen , she went to the
back stairs and listened. Imagine her
horror at hearing her son using de
cidedly bad language to the cook. She
said nothing , but waited until the
young hopeful came up , when she
asked :
"Where were you , : ny son ? "
"Down in the kitchen talking to the
cook , " ' was the ready reply.
What were you talking about ? "
said the mother.
"Hell , " was the astounding answer.
"And what did you tell her about
it ? "
Looking up cheerily in his mother's
face , the boy said promptly :
"Told hert o go there. " Phila
delphia Times.
A Cozy JVi'M.
In the picture gallery of Charlton
park , near lalmesbury , England , is a
glass case containing the skin and fea
tures of a big crow. The creature had
been caught and nailed to a tree with
other vermin , a fate which so many
thousands of crows share yearly that
there is nothing odd in it. The
extraordinary part of the mat
ter is that in the shelter of his
wings , where his body was before it
decayed , a little wren had built itself
an exceedingly little nest. With
wonderful dexterity the tiny bird had
contrived to fasten together the wings
of his dead enemy , whose body he
proposed to utilize. The entrance to
the nest was where the crow's breast
had been , and here the family of little
wrens was reared. The nest was ob
served , and when its occupants had
flown away it was carefully removed
and placed in the owner's picture gal
IIu\v to Stop XOKO IHootliiitr.
Continued and obstinate nose bleed
ing has been at limes very hard to
stop , and a simple and very effective
remedy will no doubt prove welcome
to those who live in the country or at
a distance from medical attendance.
Several severe cases of nose bleed
have occurred at the hospital of the
Universit } ' of Pennsylvania , and , after
trying every expedient without suc
cess , Dr. D. H. ' Agnew , as a last re
sort , tried ham fat. Two large cylin
ders of bacon were forced well up into
the nostrils , resulting in almost im
mediate relief and an entire cessation
of the hemorrhage. This easy remedy
should be remembered by those who
are subject to frequently recurring at
tacks of nose bleed. Ladies' Home
Heat and the Growth of Hair.
It is generally understood that the
hair nails grow faster in hot weather
than in cold ; but perhaps few are
aware that any temperature can impart
so great a stimulus to the growth as
Col. Pejevalsky. the llussian traveler ,
says the central Asian heat did during
his journey in those regions in the
summer of 1889. In June the ground
and the air became excessively hot so
great indeed as to render travel in the
daytime impossible. Within a fort
night after this oppressive weather be
gan it was noticed that the hair and
beard of all the party was growing
with astonishing rapidity , and , strang
est of all , some youthful Cossacks ,
whose faces were perfectly smooth , de
veloped respectable beards within the
short period of twenty days.
There ismore Catairhia this section of the
country than all otherdieii-cs put together ,
and until the laf-t fewyeais was supposed to
le incurable. For a great mauvj ears doc
tois pronounced it r. local disease" , and pro-
Fciiled locnl ren.cdic. , and Iv constantly
failing to cuie with locnl tieatment , pro-
nouuccd it incurable. Science has proveu
Catarrh to be a constitutional .disease , nud
therefoie lequires constitutional tieatinent.
Hall's Catairh Ctnc. jr.a'iuf.-icturcd by F. J.
Cheney it Co. , Toledo , Ohio , is the on'lv con
stitutional cure on the market. It is "taken
internally it , dotes from 10 drops to a tea-
spoonful. It nets directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system. They
offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails
Jo cure. Send for chculars aad testimonials.
Address ,
F. J. CHEXEY & CO. , Toledo , O.
"by Druggists , 75c.
A Pathetic Cat Story.
A strange story in which a cat is a
pathetic character has come to light
in Paoli , Ga. A little boy of that vil-
hige owned a cat that was a great pet
in the family. But the cat would have
nothing to do with any one except the
boy. The latter died and for two
weeks the cat would come as usual
every morning to the door , and , going
in the room , would cry mournfully ,
and walk over the child's bed hunting
for its lost friend. Finally the cat
disappeared , only returning occasion
ally. At last one of the child's sisters
saw the cat in the graveyard , where
it remained for weeks , only returning
occasionally for food. It kept guard
at the boy's grave.
Mrs. WinsloWaSootliincSyrup , for Chil
dren tcctbin ? , softens the cums , reduces inflamma
tion , allays pain , cures wind colic. 2oc. a bottle.
The man who lies at all must necessarily
lie low.
Hoi man's Liver Fade.
Holraan's Li\cr PatJs ture MALARIA.
Holman's Liter Tads cure BILIOUFSEFS.
Holman's Liver Tills cure IMUGESTIOX.
Pamphlet free with full instruction- * and commenda
tions. UOLKAX LIVEB PAD Co. , SI John street , N. Y.
After a while the king will do no wrong ,
because he will never have a chance.
Why are you sick ? Because you have
neglected nature's laws. She continually
tries to correct the trouble but cannot do it
without assistance. Prickly Ash Bitters is
the assistant needed , and w'ith the help of
this medfciue vour health will be fully re
stored. Give it a trial and watch the results.
Thomas A. Edison began as a telegraph
Replying to Mr. Sexton , in the house
of commons. Chief Secretary Balfour
said that the government had no choice
but to levy on the bailof 1.750 , for
feited by Dillon and O'Brien when they
went'to America.
PCUH for Plc .
No kind of grain is hotter for pigs ,
or yet for fattening1 hogs , than field
peas. They require less labor than
corn , and for inducing thrifty growth
they are superior to any grain , except
ing possibly wheat. A patch of peas
ought to be sown expressly for the pigs ,
and as soon as the peas are fuliy grown
a hurdle fence moved from place to
place will enable the pigs to harvest
the crop themselves. While the vines
are green they will eat pods and leaves ,
bat as soon as the peas begin to ripen
the pigs become expert shelters. It is
an excellent crop to grow in orchards ,
and the rooting of the pigs in search
of scattered grains will keep the sur
face mellow and cover the droppings
which they make , thus insuring against
waste. To grow peas in orchards and
feed them down with hogs there be
comes a good way of keeping the trees
in best condition.
Don't lose sight of an Lonorable enemy ;
he'll iniike a good friend.
The architect is apt to have designs on the
property of others.
Fashion and decency should be always on
good terms.
A heavy burden
all the ills and ailments that only
female flesh is heir to. It rests with
you whether you carry it or lay it
down. You can cure the disorders
and derangements that prey upon
your sex , with Dr. Pierce's Favor
ite Prescription. It's a legitimate
medicine , carefully compounded by
an experienced physician , and
adapted to woman's delicate organ
For all organic displacements and
weaknesses , -accompanied by weak
back , bearing-down sensations , and
for all uterine diseases , it's a posi
tive specific. It's guaranteed to
give satisfaction , in every case.
If it doesn't , you've only to ask
for your money and it's cheerfully
refunded. If it does , you'll want
to ask for nothing more. It's
the cheapest medicine you can use ,
because you only pay for the good
you get. It improves digestion ,
enriches the blood , invigorates
the system , and produces refresh-
inp ; sleep.
Couldn't Iludso the Dultr.
There is a good story told of the
duke of Northumberland , who , when
ho travels on the local railway , gener
ally travels third-class. The ofllcials ,
not liking this , tried lo make him give
up this habit , so they filled his com
partment with chimney-sweeps , carry
ing sacks of soot ; but when the duke
arrived at his designation lie took the
sweeps to the booking ollice and bought
them each a first-class ticket back again
and put one in each first-class carriage ,
sack and all. After this the company
gave up trying to make the duke travel
When Baby was sick , we garo her Castorla ,
When she was a Child , she cried for Castorla ,
When she became Miss , she clung to Castoria ,
When she had Children , she gave them Castoria ,
Have a Flnh Pond.
There is no reason why every far
mer who has easy access to water
should not have on his place an insti
tution in which food will grow with
scarcely if any trouble , and food too ,
more valuable than that which comes
out of the pork barrel. With a trilling
outlay at first most any farmer can
construct a small fish pond , in which
he will find it much more easy to cul
tivate the German carp than to raise a
brood of chickens. With such an insti
tution on his farm he is always sure of
one kind of wholesome , nourishing
food. One farmer in Noble county , O. ,
recently wrote : "One of my neighbors
started a pond in May , 1883 , and he
informed me the other day that he had
sold over $600 worth of fish to stock
ponds and for market. He has two
very large ponds on his farm. In the
first place , I think a pond or artificial
lake composed of black loam soil is
the most suitable for these fish. The
ponds should be fed from living springs
of good pure water. They ought to
have plenty of grass in the edge of the
water for the spawn to adhere to. One
of my neighbors has pond lilies , which
are very beautiful and attractive.
Don't call a spade a spade when it is a
Jay Gould was a surveyor and school
teacher in his youth.
A Sea .Sick PaH cnacr ,
On tlio ocean , cures llttlo about n , Morin. IIo
Is positively Indifferent whether lie IH
washed ovcrnoiirtl or not. Hut. .set right by
n wlneclasbful or two of HostutttM'sStoniucn
Hitters , lie Coi'ls renewed Interest In his iiur-
Honal bufcty. This line corrective rioutriillzes
hi brackish water-often compuNnrlly dnink
DII shlpbourd to the Krlevou * detriment of
hciilth the pernicious Impurities which
lve ilsc to disorders of the stomach , llrer
and bowels. To tin : mariner , tlie tourist , the
Wrstern pioneer and miner , the Hitters Is
In valuable us n means of protection
maliirlit when Us seeds are Intent In air and
water. To the effectof overwork , mental
or manual , it Is a most reliable itntldoto.
itnd to the debilitated and affords
t'rcat and speedily felt relief and vigor.
Uoth tlic dressmaker and cook have a
chance to show taste In < lrc6inaklug.
FITS. All FltsBtopped frco by Dr.Kllnc's Orcnt
Jierve KcHtorcr. NoFltnfter t1r t lay' ui < e. Mnr-
volluuH euros. Trcntl.H * and K.UO trlnl buttle frco to
Fit cases. Send to Ir. Kllne , ' . I Arch St. , 1'lilla. , 1'a.
" \Vhat is fashion ? -The latest frivolity
practiced by the smallest number.
Greenhouse and Budding Plants , Palms ,
flnitti'iias , kc. , cheap. Sweet Potato , Cab
bage ami Tomato plants in season. Send
for descriptive catalogue. Ur. .1. He suit ,
riattsmoutli , Neb.
No man is accountable for the mistakes of
bis friends.
_ _ _ _ _ _
You Cun Secure a Good IJusIneHS Position
by loarnlnp bookkeeping. arltlimotlc.wrltlnu , short
hand , etc. , by mall , Bryant's College , BuHulo , N. V.
A meaty suggestion : Roast beef , corned
beef or bam , sah t
Maor's | Cement Repairs Itroken Articles
Uu and a.'ic. AJnjor's llest J.lquld ( ; lue 10c.
"What is religion ? An outward profession
of inward icspectability.
Blnslc Com Hnlvr. "
Warranted tn cure , or inonuy refunded. Ask
your dniKKist for It. 1'rlcc lo cents.
Who is your neighbor ? Au-onc received
in good society.
MEN-KEN'S snro COH.V Kir-i.En.
Quick. I'uinlcas. CS I'eriuanent.
Only sure cure for Hard and Soft
Corns , Hunions , Moles , Warts. Callouses. Ac. 15
years tlie Standard Henicdy. 25 cts. at Druwists or
post-paid from G. MENKEN , Cliemist , Newark , JJ. J.
IUI H Eti H O 4ft fl RESTORED ;
Hoi fQ H V lBJ \P U A victim of yuuili-
fiil imprudence , causinff Prunmture Dtcny , Ncnous
Debility. Loct Manhood , * c. , havintr tried lu vain every
known remedy , has discovered , aslmplo nican offclr-
cure , which ) ie will nnil ( scaled ) FKEK to his fellow-suf
ferers. Addrcra J. II. ICEGVES , Ksq. Uox 3313 , N. Y. Citjij
15 to 25 Ibs. permonth by hurmleBs herbal
Iremedici ) . No starving , no Inconvenience
'nnd ' no bad effects. Strictly confidential.
Send Rp. for cir'-ulxiM nml itimoplns. Aililres Ir.
O.W.F.8NTDEn.McVicker'8Theatro Bide. Chicago. 111.
With name and address complete. fW
By Moll. Club of Flvo for Ono Dollar.
'IfiOpage ' Cntaloguo anil Apents'I.lBt for JO
, cents. Address. SCH WAAIS STAMP &
SEAL COMPANY , St. Paul , Mlnu.
If afflict edTvlth '
1 Thompson's Eye Wafer.
sore eyes , uaa .
PISO'S REMEDY FOR CATARRH. Best. Easiest to use.
Cheapest. Kelief is immediate. A cure is certain. For
Cold in the Head it lias no equal.
It is an Ointment , of which a small particle is applied to the
nostrils. Price , 50c. Sold by druggists or sent by mail.
Address , Ii. T. HAZEi/nxi2 , Warren , Pa.
THE ORIGINAL AND GENUINE. The only Bnfe , Snrc , ndreUalhPHI for i&le.
Ladles , uk Drugjist for CJlickttttr'i Engtiih Diamond Brand in Ked and Gold metalllo
boxes ieal d vltb blue ribbon. ToLc no other kind. Refute Sulitttutimt and Imitation * .
All pllli in pasteboard boxes , pink wrappers , are danceroim ponnterfeltn. At Drngirlits , or tend ni
4c. In stamps for particulars , testimonials , and "Keller for Ladle * . " tn letter , t > r return Mall.
1OOOO Testimonials. Kami Paper. CHICHESTER CHEMICAL Co. , Mndl.on Hnuare.
. .
- - - - - - - - * _ _
Sold all Local . ' m- K .IW n
by DrnggUts. I'lIlLADELPIIIA , T A
The Ladies" Home Journal V L *
Mailed to any address from now % ( Ls.
1 ?
FEW of the leading )
features embrace ]
Reminiscences of
Sketching their entire home-life. Society
Women as Housekeepers. "How to
Make and Save Money , ' ' by HENRY CLEWS ,
the eminent New York Banker. Musical
and others. "How '
to Keep City Boarders ,
by KATE UPSON CLARK and hundreds of other good
things for the autumn and winter numbers.
e. * . CURTIS PUBLISHING COMPANY , Philadelphia , Pa.
' " ' -1
V ? < tl
A 9
'IS ' liu
Sweet Chocolate.
.The most popular sweet
Chocolate in tlii > market ,
is nutritious and palat
able ; a particular favorite
with children , and a most
excellent article for family
Served as a drink , or
I eaten as confectionery , it
I is a delicious Chocolate.
Tlie genuine is btampcd
'upon ' the wrapper , S. Ger
man , Dorchester , Mass.
Sold by Grocers eTeryrrhcre.
W. BAKER & CO. , Dorchester , Mass.
417 80. 15th St. ,
OMAHA , - - NEB.
All Itltnl * * oj *
T > 7/o 5. B/rc/s nn < t
This week Special Sale of young and tame YEL
LOW HEADED PARROTS , warranted to
talk. $12.50 each instead of 320. Imported German
Bird Seed. IDC lb. . 3 for 250. Mixed Parrot Seed 150
lb. , 2 for 230. Prep. Mocking Hiid Food 330 lb. , 3
for Si.oo. Hirds shipped by express safely _ _ _
Specific for Hysteila , DIzzineej. Fits , Neuralgia. Wakefulness -
fulness , Mental I > cpies lon Softening of the Drain , re-
itiltinK in insanity and leadingto misery decay and
death. Premature Old Age. Itarrenneas , I.o .i of 1'ovrer
in either sex. Involuntary Los es , and Spermatorrncea
eansed by over exertion of tlie brain , self abiine or
oTer-indulgence. Kach box contains one month's treat
ment. tin. box. orsix for 15. sent by mail prepaid.
With each Older for tix boxes , will send purchaser
guarantee to i < fund money if the treatment fails to
cure. Guarantees issued and genuine- sold only by
Jl 1O Farnain Street , OMAHA , A'EB.
The sfrrinf/est and purest Lye
made. Will make thejest per
fumed Hard Soap in SO minutes
without Imilina. It " * > c l > cst
for softening water , cleansing
waste pipes , disinfecting- sinks ,
closets , washing bottles , paints ,
trees , etc.
Gen. s. , piiiki. , I'u.
B..C Btcic's Periodical I iJI-i
Are warranted to relieve tardy , irrcs'ilar an 1 clflajeU
menstruations. Established in Knroirt ISO I.n land
1S50 , Canada , 1877 , United .States. 1SST V. . - . ii thli
French pill at t2 a box or three for t > . V.v warrant
three boxes to give relief as above sfatwl 01 refund
the money. These ( roods can be sent per mail on
leceiptot money. We aie an incorpoi-ufn-l stock com
pany with the greater part ofourcapital itoikorilOO -
COO already taken. Am. Pill & Jled. to royalty pro
prietors , bpcncer , la. Wholesale and retaij'of Good
man Drug Co. , Omaha.
"Down With High Prices , "
ixrza'sr $2.02
Top Bureles , 565.00 Harness JT.BO
Eoad Carts..10.00 Wagons,30.00
$5.oo Family or Store Scale ,
A 210-lb. FarmersScalo. . . . . 3.00
1000 lb. Hay or Stock Scale..40.00
Fortroand Kit of Tools 20.00
loco other Articles at Half Price.
CHICAGO SCALE CO. . Cilci ? " . 111.
"When I Bay cure I do not mean merely tiStop them
for a time and then have them return c am. I mean r.
radical cure. I have made the disease of FITS , EPI
LEPSY or FALLING SICK.VESS a hfe-I .r. j EtudjI
warrant my remedy to euro the wors > * ca. . - , . B-C3.aso
others have failed is no reason for c-jt now receiving a ,
cure. Send at once for a treatise and a Fre Bottoof !
my infallible remedy. Givj Eipress &nd Po t Office.
II. . JtOOT , JT. CI S3 I'jrrlt. . , X. Y.
illustrated Publications , Witt )
Maps , dci-crib , 'K Minnesota ,
North Dakota , Montana , Idaho ,
, Washington and Ot on. the
"sFrce Government
Cert Agricultural t
Gra/inif and Tim-j
ber Land now open to settler * , ilartea H'tE Address LinnOK. % , tind/om. X P. K. K. SI. 1'aul , Xiao.
Onr Well Machines are the most
TheydoMIIKEU-OItKand =
They i'lJCICH tVelU where
otlirn 1TAILI Any size , 1
inches to U inches diameter.
% i I 1 ' E }
Room 11
Packase mikes 5 Rillcn" . DMldoui. iparklia ? anl aprttizlc ? .
Soil bj all dealers. A btantlfal picture Rook aa 1 einli < nfr e t
my one tenJIpg aJJress to THE C. E HIRES CO Pbilalelphia.
We want the name and ad-
dressof every sufferer in the
0 , ACTUlfl A U.S.and Canada. Address ,
< X HO fi lilfln ? .EircMHijesi.D.B il3S.T.
Pauliru. Horee and '
Wajron CeTera , Sto-skmen'i
Bed Sheets , Camping OutflU. Ollclothin ? .inj all klndi
Of CajlTa'go < xl . OMAHA TKST AND AWMSO CO. ,
11 IS larnan > strett , Omaha ,
W. X. U. , Omaha , 500-21