ILCOX & FOWLER Are 011 hands as usual this spring with a large and complete assortment of DRY GOODS , of every description , all qualities and grades , which.they are selling * -AT BOTTOM FIGURES. They are also well stocked up with everything usually kept by a first-class grocery store in Fancy and staple Groceries. * ' " + ' . ' , They have no. superiors in quality or prices. , - . * & ' Just test these statements. WILCOX & FOWLER. I 5- J -AT- 5O CENTS A HUNDRED I am delivering an extra pure , clear quality of ice , Drift wood Creek ice , at the low and very reasonable price of 50 cents a hundred pounds. Wait for my wagon. -EVERY WATERPROOF COLLAR OR CUFF THAT CAN BE RELIED ONto BE UP f TO THE MARK to iDlsooloi ? ! BEARS THIS MARK. TRADE MARK * MEEDS NO LAUNDERING. CAN BE WIPED CLEAN IN A MOMENT. THE ONLY LINEN-LINED WATERPROOF COLLAR IN THE MARKET. TliP fiw "DEALERS INE LUMBER ! , „ t * * SASH , DOCKS , BLINDS , CEMENT , LIME , Also Hard and Soft Coal. B. & M. Meat Market. FRESH AND SALT MEATS , BACON , BOLOGNA , CHICKENS , R. A. COUPE & CO. , Props. The Largest and Finest Stock ! Wishea to call public attention to the important f act that his stock of Spring and Summer goods now in is the largest , finest and best assortment to be found in McCook. He guar antees a fit and his prices are most reasonable. Opposite Frees & Hocknell Lumber Yard. BEFOBT OF THE CONDITIONer or IHK First National Bank , at McCook , In the State of Nebraska , at the cloHC of business , May 4,1891. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $132.398.6 ? Overdrafts , secured and unsecured , . SW.2 U. 8. Donda to secure circulation. . . 12,500.0 Due from approved reserve agents 6,164.01 Due from other National Banks 63.1 Due from State Banks and bankers 1,110.0 Danklng-bouse , furniture , fixtures. 16.713.0 Other real estate & mortgages owned 2,564.4 Current expenses and taxes paid. . . 3,029.2 Checks and other cash items 58.6 ! Dills of other banks 625.00 Fractional paper currency , nickels. and cents 62.6 Specie 6,024.9 Legal-tender notes 310.00 Redemption fund witb U. 8. Treas- ur3r , (5 ( per cent , of circulation ) 662.5 TOTAL. . . . . 183.623.2 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $ 50,000.00 Surpiusfund 10,00000 Undivided profits 4.789.13 National Dank notes outstanding. . . 11,250.0 Individual deposits subject to check 37.967. ? Demand certificates of deposit 63.3897 ! Due to State Banks and bankers . 1,227.21 Notes and bills re-discounted BOUO.X TflTAf. 183.623.29 STATE OF NEBRASKA. I County of Hed Willow. | ss : I. W.F.LAWSON , Cashier of the above-named bank , do solemnly swear that the above state ment is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. W. F. LAWSON , Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 15th day of May , 1891. B. C. BALLEW. GEO. HOCKNELII 1 Notary Public A. CAMPBELL , V Directors. 8. L. GKEEN. } List of Land Patents. Anders Emma Huckiim Charles C. Bogenreif David Hay worth D. E. Buudy liussel S. Harrison Ira H. Bute James E. Isaac Richard Bratt Villah Jelinck Anton Blckford Ah ram Kornbans Henry C. Baker Michael Kennedy Amos C. Baker Zino. L. Kla s Hermann Brmley James Lawthers James E. Baker Norman W. McKay Jane Burlingamejorome A. Metcalf John Benjamin Ezra McEnteo John Bailey William H. Myers William K. CurtneV Daniel Minton John H. Cowan Hugh A. Melville Agnes M. Carev John L. Moran Patrick Collins Albert D. Mlzner Charles W. Chadderdon George D. Ned row Jacob Dyer Laforest E. Nettleton William Duland Nels C. Pike George C. Davis John H. Patterson Jackson T\ \ Dahnke Charles Patterson William G Dye Hay G. Kosenfclt John H. Clinton Lucian H. Roberts Robert Everist James A. Selby John W. Eipenberg Christ. Schultz Samuel D. Finnell Alfred O. Stewart Abram J. Finnell Andrew C. Saur Margaret Gillbreth William Small John Graham Emelinc Sailors George W. Gar lick JohnF. Team Henry Gold William A. Trindel Alexander Guiun James A. Taylor Francis L. Hardy Esther S. Thompson Jonn W. Hunter Israel C. Wetherald Clavton T Helms Geo. A. , heirs of Webb John Holdridgo Walter C. Weber Henry Howard James R. Weatherly Sarah C. Hager Spencer E. Wilson Robert A. Howard Elihn L. Walther George C. Interstate Milkmaids' Convention. MCCOOK W. It. C. PROGRAM. CIIARACTEKS. Cbairmaid \ Mrs. W. D. Paine. Secretary Mrs. J. W. Lewis. Treasurer Florence Lanham. DELEGATES. SophroniaDufunny Mrs. A. J. Chambers. Mercy Awnus Wixford Miss Robinson. Susannah Marie de Jones Matie Russell. Zena Makefodder Mrs. C. B. Fowler. Lily Maud Sylvester Mrs. . ! . S. LeHew. Kitty Watkins Whiteside Grace Eaton. Irene Adelpha Dowdy Mrs. J. A. Wilcox. Prudence Pastry Grace Eaton. T > n n A V. n ft1 * . & 4 ft * n C TT > nl * n uuisy .tiiiH OUUDIL ims.o. Serelda Evangeline Hobendobler..Mrs. Banks. Violet Hardtack LulaTubbs. .Terusba.Iane Winesap Cora Moore. Virginia Creeper Etta Hamilton. Betsy Jane Butterpolc Mrs. H. F. Fade. Gusta Wertheimer Mrs. M. Battershall. Deborah Higgins Templeton Mrs. Yarger. Missouri Green Upstart Mrs. J. Sheppard. Lincrusta Walton Miss DoraLoHew. Matilda Ann Perkins Mrs. H. H. Berry. Priscilla Silliman Mrs. Wm. Lewis. PAGE. MelindaSeraphina Biggerstaff , Mrs.Dr. Welles BANKSVILLE BUDGET. Frank Cain started out with bis new lister , Monday. The farmers are pushing corn planting- , list ing and plowing. A.D. Lincoln departed , Saturday , for the eastern part of the state. R. T. All am was a caller at Banksville. Sun day , hunting lost horses. OBSERVER. Consumption Cured. An old physician , retired from practice having bad placed in bis hands by an East In dia missionary the formula of a simple veget able remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of Consumption , Bronchitis , Catarrh Asthma and all throat and Lung Affections also a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints , after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases , has felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actu ated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering. I will send free of charge , to all who desire it , this recipe.- German , French orEnglish , with full directions for pre paring and using. Sent by mail by addressing : witb stamp , naming this pacer. W. A. Noyes , 820 Powers' Block , Rochester. N. Y. 38-ly. Humphreys' Specific No. 10 Cures Dyspepsia , Indigestion , Biliousness and Constipation. For poor appetite , weak stomach , sluggisu liver , feeble kidneys , de pressed strength , want of vigor , and as an anti-bilious and anti-malarial protective and cure it has no equal. Thousands are cured by it. Sold by dealers. Why ccatisuo the use of irritating powders , snuffs or liquids. Ely's Cream Balm , pleasant of application and a sure cure for catarrh and cold in the bead , can be had for 50 cents. It is easily applied into the nostrils , is safe and pleasant , and is curing the most obstinate cases. It gives relief at once. lie proprietors of Ely's Cream Balm do not claim it to be a cure-all , but a sure remedy for catarrh , cold in the head and bay fever. It is easily applied into tbe nostrils. It is not a liquid or a snuff. It gives relief at once. Charles H. Harvey , Annie Harvey , Solon E. Harvey , Ella Harvey , Hiram Colby and Mrs. Hiram Colby bis wife , first name to plaintiff unknown , defendants , will take notice , that on the 24th day of January , 1891. Frankie M. Hocknell , plaintiff , filed her petition in * the dstrict court of Red Willow county , and state of Nebraska , against the above named defend ants , the object and prayer of which is to foreclose two mortgages ; one mortgage exe cuted by the. defendants Charles H. Harvey , Annie Harvey.SolonE.Harvey andEila Harvey to The McCook Loan and Trust Company , and one executed by said Charles H. Hcrvey , Annie - nie HarveySolon E.Harvey and EllaHarvey to F. L. Brown : which said two mortgages were assigned delivered to this plaintiff ; said mort gages are upon the following described real estate , to-wit : Tbe north half of the south east quarter and the south west quarter of the south east quarter in section eighteen , and tbe north west quarter of the north east quarter , section nineteen , in township three , north of range twenty-sir , west of the sixth P. M. , In Red Willow county , Nebraska ; Said mortgages are dated August 2nd , 1856. Tbe defendants have failed to pay the amount se cured by said mortgages as required by the conditions thereof ; and there Is now due the total sum of $14230.00 witb interest at tbe rate of seven per cent , on $1.000.00 thereof from August 1st , 1890. and with interest at ten per cent , on $50.00 thereof from Februarj 1st. 1890 , and with interest at ten per cent , on $50.00 thereof from August 1st. 1890. That the de fendants be required to pay said sum and In terest or that said mortgages be foreclosed and said premises be sold and the proceeds of said sale applied to the'payment of said debt. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 8th day of June , 1891. Dated this 29th day of April , 1891. FRANKIE M. HOCKKELL , Plaintiff. By W.S.Alorlan her attorney. 49-4 Capes , Black Hemstitched Goods , Jackets , New Embroidery , Carpets , Clothing Braids , Dress Goods , Cords. Straw Hats , Laces , at cm. HENRY MEYER , Contractor and Builder , CABINET MAKER. SPECIALTIES Making and repairing furn iture. Furniture of any description made to order. Mail orders promptly attended to. Shop on Dennison Street , opposite Pred- more's blacksmith shop , McCook. Neb. Si White Shirts , 10 cents. Cuffs 5 cents. Undershirts , 3 for 2o cents. HONG SNG ! LAUNDRY. SYSDALE i * t-t , i H C TAILOR , From New York Ulty , has thu most com plete stock of Spring and Summer Goods.for men's wear , between Lincoln and Denver. His store is just replete with the latest nov elties from New York and Chicago , and as he buys strictly for cash he can afford toglve you first class Clothing at very reasonable prices , lie has unaranteed every garment lie has made up in McCook for nearly six years and has never had a misfit in that time. Call ami see him. One door north of the Commercial House. THE AND - FINEST STOCK. B. A. COLE Wishes to cull public attention to the fact that ho bus received more goods which makes his the largest nncl finest stock to select from in McCool ? He guarantees a fit and bis prices are tbe lowest in McCook. Two doors west of Citizens Hank. Cb 'dren ' Cry for Pitcher's Castoria , Tfi AUTHORIZED CAPITAL , CAPITAL AND SURPLUS , $100.000. $60,000. - ? * & $ & ? GEORGE HOCKNELL , President. B. M. FREES , Vice President. W.F. LAWSON , Cat-hier. A. CAMPBELL , Director. S. L. GREEN , Director. BANK OF McCOOK Paid Up Capital , $50,000. General Banking Business. Interest paid on deposits by special agreement. Money loaned on personal property , good signatures or satisfactory collateral. Drafts drawn on the principal cities of the United I States and Europe. OFFICERS ; C.E. SHAW , President. H. O. WAIT , Vice President. P. A. WELLS , Cashier. of McGook , Incorporated under State Laws. Paid Up Capital , $50yOOO. -DOES A General Banking Business , Collections made on all accessible points. Drafts drawn directly on principal cities in Europe. Taxes paid for non-residents. Money to loan on farming lands , city and personal property. Tickets For Sale to and from Europe OFFICERS : V. FItANKLIN , President. JOHN R. CLARK , Vice Pres. A. C. EBERT , Cashier. THOS. I. GLASSCOTT , Ass. Cash. CORRESPONDENTS : The First National Bank , Lincoln Nebrska. The Chemical National Bank , New York City.