"August Flower " I have been afflict- Blllousness. "ed with biliousness , "and constipation i At Constipation , for fifteen years ; < " first one and then Stomach . . .another prepara- Palns. " tion was suggested " to me and tried but "to no purpose. At last a friend " recommended August Flower. I "took it according to directions and " its effects were wonderful , reliev- 11 ing me of those disagreeable "stomach pains which I had been "troubled with so long. Words "cannot describe the admiration "in which I hold your August "Flower it has given me a new "lease of life , which before was a " burden. Such a medicine is aben- " efaction to humanity , and its good " qualities and "wonderful rner- Jesse Barker , "its should be "made known to Printer , "everyone suffering - Humboldt , " ing with dyspep- "sia or biliousness Kansas. © G. G. GREEN , Sole Man'frWoodburyNJ. The Soap that , Cleans Most is'Lenox. ASK YOUR DEALER FOIl A TKIAL 1'Alll /O * Sizes rois , WOMEN & CHILDREN. IS18.0O PER WEEK | ECU eullj be made during the months of April , M j , June , ! July and Augnit , by SUIT energetic | "LADY OR GENTLEMAN. ! I We bare a uniall article which > clU on right to Uocsekeepen ] land Stores ID ever ? p > rt of the United Ktitc * and Cam" jlf you mean bu lne tend ui a 7-ccat Stamp and you I WILL RECEIVE FREE SAMPLE ! land lull particular * br rf turn null. Artdnsa , BAT. II. WII.I.UMSON. I North Fourth SU PhlltdfIphU. Pa. | OHLV DIRECTOR/ON EARTH GuaratileclnjrSU.UtiOelrenlitlon. KorlOcU.Ul * rr , } our name will br lu erleil and eopy mail ed jou areompanlrd fiy t > o Itl e proof lh l four DmrUtenttal,0UrulilUhertAdTertUrn ) , Kfgn audolher * . Fromlhcwy ou ulll reeelte fannilrrdt.Bnd prnlialilj- then < and > ofTalnabla Samples. I'anen , Book , . . Hactiliiei.Ele. FI1EE. W huctfxnjuT.J.onV.timmUli.rMM for but one L r. Vta : wnru-V Gm.Ih T.Vlr djw i"ao r ljmp > reclf ofrolU.Kvmorniinzlim.ttc. . forwnlcB 1 * dohrnptidI.Mtil frlT. * Ijfit rirar pn > " T " IMrfrtory ftrrxctl * allolLm , tiZCoAiaoitoflhcmar * Addmi eraHlTfrt i " > > . * T. > * .b ] oTrlBEiUCUSDinECrOnTCO.Ko. 373 , Buffalo , 5. T. Dr. BAILEY , DENTIST. A Full Set of Teeth for $5 00. Teeth extracted without pain or danger by a new process. Gold and alloy filling at loweit rates. Offlcei Faxton BlocU , Omaha , Neb. WHCNTHC Deamcsc is CAUBC * SCARLET FEVER , COLDS , MEASLES. CATARRH , 4C. TTHC U8C OFTHC INVISIBLE SOUND DISC which U guarantetd to help a largtr 'per ' cent , of cut * than til rimllar de- Tieecombined. TA , um roi JSTor , iigtaueterttotJatfU. FctlUTeJjin- rijlole. ITorn montl * wil&oct renwral. H. J. WALES. Bridgeport. O nn. ' * \vlll pay a liberal Sal- SELL MUSIC I ary to agents v _ _ _ . . . _ _ - - v' ' who will take ' . Send Subscribers tor WooUwurJ' & Tlusicut Monthly. fonr rents nnd receive sample copy with flvo complete pieces ol latest voral nnd Instrumental music. Address WOODWARD'S MUSICAL MONTHLY , 83 Broadway , > 'ew lork. mtkw 5 p IJoii < . IMlcIon , srukltnz and appetizing. Sold bj all dealer * . A beautiful picture Book and card < > ent free to ur one trading addreti to THE a E. HIRES CO. . Philadelphia. MANHOODESTOREE > - . JL victim of youlh- ful imprudence. canidng Premature Decay , Serrous I ems. Address J. II. 11EEVES , Esq. Box 32W , N. Y. Ci Vv- , FOLKS REDUCED - " V 15 to 25 Ib * . per month by harmless herbal fA \ \ / / ( remedies. Ho ( tAsrins.no inconvenience 1 , \ ill JAcd no bad effects. Strictly confidential. Send Cc. for rlrmlarn anH timopl li > . AHdrees Dr. O.W.F.SNTDZJl.McVtcker'a Theatre Bldg. Chicago. IE. No Capital required. Cltrnlars free. UnM-P PEN CO. BOSTON. MASS. CENTS pa jt for your addrrn In DtPuT' AgraU' Direc tor ? which ton vhirlinc allorer the United State * , and J JOT will ert hundreds of lampln , circiilan , book * , newi paper * , magazine * , etc. , fti a loose w/ho vantages ! * . Tra will get lou of good reading free and will be well vlccMd ltn the ( mail Inresmreat. ( 7 U > tcontaInlngcametenttoeaclipeT' MO answering. C. C. B l'Ua % t > 7lcnae , M. T. W. N. U. , Omaha , 566 18. Don't Throw Up the Sponge * That hideout ogre. Olant Despair , often fastona his clutch upon the chronic Invalid. Constantly planned by dyspepsia , bilious ness and constipation nervous and sleep less too what wonder is it that having tried in vain a multitude of useless remedies hu is ready , figuratively speaking , to "throw up the sponge. " Let the unfortunate "take heart of grace , " Hosteller's Stomach Bitters can and will put a terminus to his trials. It strengthens the stomach , confers nervous vigor by promoting assimilation of the food , arouses the liver when dormant , and re laxes the bowels without pain. The ability to digest and assimilate restored , the ability to sleep follows. Nothing then can stay the renewal of health but Imprudence. Ilostet- ter's Stomach Bitters , moreover , transcends all others us a remedy for malarial , rheu matic and kidney complaints. A wlncglasa- ful throe times a day. A man can subdue the elephant , but the tiger generally gets the best of him. Syrup of Produced from the laxative and nutri- 'tious juice of California figs , combined with the medicinal virtues of plants known to be most beneficial to the human system , acts gently , on the kid neys , liver and bowels , effectually cleansing the sytem , dispelling colds and headaches , and curing habitual constipation. A horse on me , saifl the driver as he fell beneath his steed. nira.WinBlovr'MSoothinBSrrupror Chil dren teething , of tens the gums , reduces intlnuinm- tlon. allays pain , cures wind colic. 25c. a bottlo. The Itch for gold can never be cured so long as rneu have to scratch for it. Greenhouse and Bedding Plants , Palms , Dracunas , &c. , chean. Sweet Potato , Cab bage and Tomato plants In season. Send for descriptive catalogue. W. J. HESSBK , PJattsmouth , Neb. If vou don't want to be robbed of your good'name don't have it inscribed upon your umbrella. _ Holman's Liver Pads. llolman's Liver Tads cure MALARIA. Uolman's Liver Pads cure BILIOUEXESS. llolman's Liver Pills cure INDIGESTION. Taraphlet free vlth full Instructions nnd commend * tlons. lIoLMAS" LIVKB 1'Ai ) Co. , 81 John street , N. Y. One man strikes for the right and another writes for the strike. HOW TO MAKE MONEY. 1 read what Mr. Bell said about making $80 per month. Jalso tent to the Standard Silver Ware Co. , KstexSt. , Ito ton , Mass. , and received a flpo case of sample * . 1 took orders the first day that paid me 610 prollt ; made WO the tlrst week , at the end of one month 1 had Ills clear profit. Any one can pet circulars and agency of writing the above firm. 1 hope others may profit by my experience. YOUR. Truly , W. F. WILLIAMS. Don't forget , when marketing , that veni- Eon is deer at any price. 'Hanson's IHncfc Corn Snlve. " Warranted to cure , or money refunded. Ask your druggist for it. Price 15 cents. , To keep brass work bright rub with a rag dipped iu salt and vinegar. The prety girl Is nature's edition de looks. Open to an engagement a ring. URIFY YOUR BLOOD. But do not use the dangerous alkaline and mercurial preparations which destrpy your nervous system and ruin the digestive power of the stomach. The vegetable king * dom gives us the best and safest remedial agents. Dr. Sherman devoted the greater part of his life to the discovery of this relia ble and safe remedy , and all its ingredients are vegetable. He gave it the name of Prickly Ash Bitters ! a name everyone can remember , and to the present day nothing has been discovered that cs so beneficial for the BLOOD , for the LIVER , for the KIDNEYS and for the STOM ACHi This remedy is now so well and favorably known by all who have used it that arguments as to its merits are use * less , and if others who require a corrective - ive to the system would but give it a trial the health of this country would be vastly improved. Remember the name PRICKLY AS BITTERS. Ask ycur druggist for it. PRICKLY ASH BITTERS GO , , ST. LOUIS. MO. SICKHEALIACHE ' Poaitirelyoured by these Little Pills. CARTER'S They ako rellaro DU tress from DyaptpiU.In- rtigeition ndTooHca.rty ITTLE Eating. A. perfect rem ' Dron-sineu. Bad Tula JOE' In the Mouth. Coated Tongue.Pain In the Bide. TORPID IJTZB. Thej regulate the Bowels. Purely Vecttable. Price 2K Centct i. , KSWYCaZ. Small Pill : Small Dose. Small Price J I II I A linnif U T > re * CntllnK gyvtcm. The LJU LM nUUIill famous mud popular CnttlnR System of America. Wonderfully exact and simple. A boon to the ladles. Price only 82.OO. Agents wanted everywhere. Address with stamp. J. J , , 7tt Park Place , New York. ALOON AND BILLIARD MEN. s For Saloon Fixtures. Billiard and Pool Tables. Billiard Supplies and Bar Gin * * tend to THE CARD IS N CITY BILLIARD TABLE CO. , 113-115 So. lath strict , Omaba , Neb. AWNINCSTENTS f lCover * forlior > en.wnzonv , Bracks , machinery , tc _ at C. J. BAKER'.s , 104 VTe t Third Street , KANSAS CITY , MO. Send for UTafd catalogue. A \Vondcrfal Itfan. William Kingston , of Ditch-heat ; Somersetshire , England , was "the most wonderful of all that wondrous krew.31 Concerning : .him a writer of the London Chronicle says : I put ? half a' sheet of paper , -with pen and ink , on the floor before him. Hd threw off his shoes as he sat ; took the ink stand in the toes of his left foot ( having- been born without arms ) , and held the pen in those of the rightHe then wrote fhree fine lines better than most can with the fingers. He feeds himself , and can bring both his mfcttt or his broth to his mouth by holding the fork or spoon in his toes. He showed me how he shaves. He can dress and undress himself. He is a farmer by occupation ; milks his cows with his toes , cuts his own hay and binds up the bundles and carries - ries it about the field for his cattle. In saddling and bridling his horse he does it with his teeth. He is so strong in his teeth that ho can lift ten pecks of beans with them , and he can throw a hammer as far with his feet as most people can with their hands. Beware of Ointment * for Catarrh that Contain "Werc-iiry , os mercury will surely destroy the sense of EiiicH and'couipletcly i.erangclLe whole sys tem \vheu entering it through the mucous Eurfutcs. Such articles should never be used except on prescriptions from reputable physicians , cs the damage they will do is ten fofd to the iroodyoucnn possib'ly derive from them. IJ all's Catairh Cure , manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co. , Toledo , O. , contains no mercury , and is taken internally , and acts directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the'sybtem. Jn buying Hall's Catarrh " " Cure Le "sure vou get "the genuine. It is taken internally , and made Iu Toledo , Ohio , by F. J. Cheney& Co. EgTSoId by Druggists , price , 75 cents per bottle. The Work of a The society of California Pioneers are the owners of a wonderful curi osity. It is a section of timber taken from the side of the ship Powhatan. It includes a portion of the "skin , " which 'is four inches thick , and a piece of abutting knee , which is nine inches thick ; transversely through the whole of this a swordflsh has dashed his sword , and the portion broken off is still embedded in the timber. The sword pierced through thirteen inches of this solid oak , and the fish was going in the same direction as the ves sel at that , the ship being under a good head of steam at the time. An idea of the strength which must have been exerted can be obtained from the fact that a rifle six-pounder could not have done more than pierce that thick ness of solid oak. People on the ves sel stated that they felt the shock caused by the blow , and thought that they had struck something floating be neath the surface. The sword is over six inches wide at the broadest point. where it is broken off. For strengthening and clearing the voice , use ' "Buowx's BUOXCIIIAL TKOCHES. " I have commended them to friends who were public speakers , and they have proved ex tremely serviceable. " ftev. Henry Ward Beecher. Fearful Mortality. The number of Americans who die annually in Kome is greater than most people have any idea of. The Eoman fever is a maiVnant type of malarial fever. There is a large cemetery in Home which is filled with the remains of American victims of the Roman fever. Another cemetery in Paris also contains a goodly number of the same class. They contracted the fever in Rome. It is not surprising that Rome should be unhealthy. The present city is built on top of seven cities. In the ancient days , every time Rome was re built they filled in and started a new city over it. That has been repeated seven times. When one thinks of the amount of filth and garbage that lies under the present city , he can only wonder that any one is able to live there. " Why are you sick ? Because you have neglected nature's laws. She continually tries to correct the trouble but cannot do it without assistance. Prickly Ash Bitters Is the assistant needed , and with the help ol this medicine your health will be fully re stored. Give it a trial and watch the results. A church with a poorfountain never gains anything by having a very tall steeple. "When Baby was sick , ira gave her Castoria , When she was a Child , she cried for Castoria , When she became Miss , she clung to Castoria , When she had Children , she gave them Castoria , The cat Is a mewt animal , but she has a voice like a fire-alarm. Massachusetts is talking about an exhibi tion of her abandoned farms for the World's Fair. Quick as a wink the clothes are washed , the paint scoured , the dishes washed , the house itself and every thing in it made bright and clean. Not with soap you know better than that. But with Pyle's Pearline. Dirt leaves , and the work is n done easily , quickly , safe ly , thoroughly. You save time with Pearline but you save more than that. You're spared tHe endless rub , rub , rubbing , that tires you out and wears out what is rubbed. ' Pearline. If it cost It's money in your pocket to use more than soap , if it were dangerous then you might hesi tate. But you needn't It's as cheap as any soap , and just as harmless. T % Peddlers and some unscrupulous grocers will tell yon , "this § - / \\7C\ \ \ * * is as good as" or "the same as Pearline. " TTS FALSE jLJC VV 1/1. C > Pearline is never peddled , and if your grocer sends you omethiag in plare of Pearline , do the honest thing send it back. 944 JAMES P YLE , N. Y. MECHANISM OFTHE HEART , * ' - " - -V Sudden Death Like That of Secre tary WIndom May be Prevented. Now the American idea of treating the heart when it is. diseased from over work is to stop the bad food and give good food. Nature will then remove from the blood-stream the physical causes of obstruction , and the heart will come down in sie and be restored , simply because it has no more than its normal work to do. This is a principle of surgery , to wit , to remove a foreign body from the eye , and the eye gets well of itself ; nature will always cure if she 1ms a chance. This is repitition , but there is need of it. Few have any idea how far the blood has to travel iu the human body. If the capillaries , which are l-3,000th of an inch in diameter , of the human body could be removed and put into one straight line , it is estimated that this line would reach round the globe ; call it 1,000 miles , it is clear that it will takeforce to project water through such a tube , and that it would take more force to project molasses. Now , if the heart projects normal blood through this tube , it is also clear that it would have to work harder to pro ject abnormally thick blood , and so doing would grow bigger. The nerves of the heart are 'automatic , and do their work in their way as the nerves of the head do theirs. They appear to know when there is obstruction to thet circulation , and they make the heart t beat harder. When I was a medical student a snake was brought to be killed. It was in a deep glass jar , and a stream of car bonic acid gas was turned on. In a few miuntes it was dead. All the gas was not used , but was turned on to the back of my hand ; soon the skin was a livid lead color , was devoid of feeling , and paralyzed. Now this gas largely formed in the stomach becomes absorbed through the heart sac , and paralyzes the Heart. Probably this was so with Secretary Windom. He had eaten and then he spoke. The force used in speaking was taken from the work of digestion so that the blood fermented , or he may have been drinking carbonic acid water , and the stomach was full of carbonic acid gas. Thence it exosposed into the heart sac and death followed. I knew a doctor , who knew better , to die from eating food which he knew would fer ment , simply because he perferred the taste of his viands to their pathologi cal effects. He is not alone ; so long as mankind lives to eat and does eat to live , just so long will sudden deaths from weak hearts occur. Secretary Windom had treatment , but it was neutralized by a top close attention to business and possibly by the late financial , world-wide panic , it which people looked to government for relief brought on by speculation. People forget that it is work to live that each person ; has a limited amount of dynamic energy to expend in doing life work. Ten hours of brain work a day is enough. Longer work than this steals from some other organ. II it is the stomach , it will not digest the food. If one has a broken bone and works too hard , the bone will not unite. So when people overeat or eat food thatjs hard to digest , they put a like strain on then ? system. New York Tribune. Skin Grafting by Machinery. On Saturday morning , at the Mas sachusetts General Hospital , a little instrument , invented by Dr. Mixter. wonderful in its simplicity , construct ed so as to separate quite large portions tions of epidermis from the subcutan eous tissue , was used for the first time. The patient had "been etherized and had undergone operations for the removal of a cancerous growth from the left breast , and the wound thus made was quite an extensive one. The instrument was applied to the anter ior portion of the right thigh and three straps , about an inchwide'by six inch es long , were taken off and transplant ed to the exposed surface of thebreast. The operation of removing the skin and transplanting it to its new quar ters did not occupy more than about six minutes. A very few days will suf fice to restore the denuded surface of the thigh to its normal condition , leaving few traces of the reparative process to which it has contributed and , other things being equal , the sur face from which the cancerous tumor has been excised will heal over by first intention , thus saving the patient from a prolonged and painful period of convalesence. Of course every pre caution is taken , by the use of sterili zing processes and antiseptic solutions to render the operation thoroughly aseptic , so that the chance of inflam matory disturbances from bacterial sources are reducedto the lowest min imum. The thickness of these delicate hu man plasters probably does not exceed one-sixtieth of an inch , and the result ing hemorrhage is not more than what one sees on a slight abrason of the skin , or it may be compared to the sanguineous oozing one gets from too earnest tonsorial attention. The advantages of the new over the old method of epidermic detachment are obvious. It is expeditious , the sections of shaved cuticle are larger and of a more uniform thickness than can be obtained by the most dexter ous manipulator , and the chances of successful graftings are enhanced by the fact that'the skin is transplanted while the cellular elements are in their full vital activity. Boston Herald. Why Big Men Have Little Wives. There is a very general and ancient impression that big men , in choosing wives , prefer small women. At first glance this would appear to be true , because the number of big men with little wives is certainly in an over- whelmning majority as we see them. In the five years I have held my office I have learned a thing or two through the medium of the marriage license of fice , and it is my impression that it is not that big men prefer little women , but that little women prefer big men , and it is the experience of the world- wise that what a woman wants and starts out to get she generally capt ures. Globe-Democrat. AM who use Dobbins' Electric Soap praise it as the beat , cheapest and roost economical family soap made ; but If you will try It once It will lull a still atrouger talc of Its merits Itself. Please try it 1'our grocer will gup- piy y n. _ J. P. Willetts of Kansas and Na tional President Polk of Washington organized the New York state alliance of farmers at Hornesvillc. Eleven county organizations were represented. The order now has 25 , 000 members in New York. _ Gilbert's Press TJnlnp * . Bent In the TVorltl. Every Intelligent Lndr and Dressmaker knows It. Clcnulno coed * have numo Clean piano keys with a soft rag dipped in alcohol. Fashion's favorite fad , centers in that famous , fascina ting game lawn tennis. But there are women who cannot engage in any pastime. They are delicate , feeble and easily exhausted. They are sufferers from , weaknesses and disorders peculiar to females , which are accompanied by sallow complexions , expressionless eyes and haggard looks. For overworked , " worn - out , " " down " debilitated teachers run - , , milliners , dressmakers , seamstresses , "shop-girls , " housekeepers , nursing mothers , and feeble women gen erally , Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription is the greatest earthly boon , being unequaled as an appe tizing cordial and restorative tonic. It's the only medicine for women , sold by druggists , under a positive guarantee from the makers , of sat isfaction in every case , or money re funded. This guarantee has been faithfully carried out for years. AMD HAY FEV _ _ YTHTITO FH ? AHOLD HAYBJ-W HW-DEEftRTlJRE- ARPUTQ w < * 10rj PER CEHT.pronton rayCorfete. nUCIt 1 * Helt. , Brushen , Curlers &medlclne . Snm- MplesFREE. Write now. Dr. GAKFIKLD TEA cares Constipation nnd Sick Ileadache ; restores the Complexion ; saves Doctors' Hills. Sold by Druggists. If afflicted with ' sore eyes , usa } Thompson's Eye Water. are cured bu w V/oliNDs / , Clrrs , SWELLINGS THE CHARLES A. VOCELER CO. . Baltimore. M DR. E. C. WESTS NERVE AND BRAIN TREATMENT. Specific for Hy tfila , Dlzilnrnn. Klti , Xeuratcix TViiVe- fnlncu , Mental Depreulon HoftrnlnK of thu Ilniln , r * * ailing In In.unity nncl lending to ml-erjr. drear and death. Premature OliUfie. IlnrreniirM , Loin of 1'awtr In either srx , Iiitoluntarjr I-OMMI , * nd Spcmi tom > iz > rained Ity oirrextrtluii of the l > r ln. self-ulmne or OYer-lndulgtm o. Each box contalnn one month' * treat ment. | 1 a l > ox , ori > lx for 13 , sent by mall prepaid. With each aider for lx boxen , will nml purrber guaiantte to rtfimd moi.ey if thu tioalment falls to cure. Guarantees l ued and genuine > old only by GOOD.TIAN imio co. , J110Frumfm Street , O3IAIIA,1CEB. BOILING WATER OR MILK. EPPS'S GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. COCOA LABELLED 1-2 LB. TINS ONLY. HOW TO EARN $200 $ MONTHLY "Write for particulars to the STAB TONTINE ASSOCIATION , pays to its mem bers $100 in 2 months. 2000 members in Philadelphia first month. Our pay to Secretaries la extremely liberal , write STAR. TONTINE ASSOCIATION , 1321 WALNUT STBZET. PBUJIDKUKIA. Pa , Good News to ladiis. Nrw Departure. BeastiFtil Fmeatj toEierjHabxrllitr. Greatest oflrc Now'syourtlme to Ret orders foi our celebrated Teaa , Coffer * nod Biklig Powder , and tecure a beauti ful Gold Band or Moss Rose China Tea Set. Dinner Set. Gold Band Mou Roue Toilet Set , Watcb BnUt Lamp. Castor. Webster * * Dictionary * nd many otbei premiums. 3j pounds of Tea by mall on receipt of K. For particulars address TIIK GREAT 4MKRIUX TXA CO. , P. O. Box 290. 35 and 37 VZBSTT ST. . Nnsr YOltr. CONSUMPTION. I have a positive.remedy for t ho aboTo disease ; Gjita use thousands of cases of the worst kind and of lone standing have been cured. Indeed BO etronjrU my faith in its efficacy , that I will send TWO BOTTLES rsxxwUb a VALUABLE TREATISE on this disease to xnyiuf- fererwho will send me their Exprezs and P.O. address , T. A. Slocum , HI. C. , 181 Pearl St. , N. Y. Q | J J The tceret of the Canary Breeder * ofthellart * D11 % fcMounUIns. It restores the ions of Cage Bird * , | U | A IM M A prerenU thlr ailments and keepitlieia IWll l'i in good condition. It makes Canaries HJI A If ETC ting even irhllo shedding feathers. Sent WlMI EiO by mail for 13 cents. Sold by all drog- A IM A DICO K'lt * Pwers and bird dealers. W * % IW M fB C O Binl Rook mailed free. Address , \JU A DRIB TI1E BIRD .FOOD CO. . 400 N. WW f.ttEftrndm Third Street , FniLiDUJmi.FJU JOHN W. mourns CLIvolJirn Wellington , B.C ; , Successfully Prosecutes Claims. ate Principal Examiner U.S. Pension Bureau. , -ra mListvrar. JSaUJudlcatiii claims , aUj since. PISO'S REMEDY FOR CATARRH. Best. Easiest to nse. Cheapest. Kelief is immediate. A cure Is certain , for Cold in the Head it has no equal. C AT A R R H It is an Ointment , of which a email particle fs applied to the nostrils. Price , COc. Sold by drnpgists or sent by mail. Address. E. 1. HAZELTINE , Warren , Pa. J-aar in Hie lightof - works , especially i "they use S-APGLJ It-is e solid ceJse of scouring see p used foreJl cleaning * purposes. All grocers keepik i ni/c"Q ii ono' a LUSfC O LHOUn to please her household ao works herself to death in the effort. If the house does not IOOK as bright as a pin , sha gets the blame if things are upturned while housa-cleanlng goes on why blame her again. One remedy is within her reach. II she uses SAPOLIO everything will took clean , and the reign ol house-cleaning disorder will be quickly over the We - Remember last winter's siege. Recall how trying- to health were the frequent changes of the weather What was it that helped you win the. fight with disease , warded off pneumonia and possibly consumption ? Did you give due credit to SCOTT'S EMULSION of pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda ? Did you proclaim the victory ? Have you recommended this wonderful ally of health to your friends ? And what will you do this winter ? Use Scott's Emulsion as a preventive this time. It will fortify the system against Coughs , Colds , Consumption , Scrofula , General Debility , and all Anamic and Wasting Diseases ( specially in Children } . Palatable as Milk. SPECIAL. Scott's Emulsion is non-secret , and Is prescribed by the Medfcal Pro. fession all over the world , because its ingredients tire scientifically combined in sacha manner as to greatly increase their remedial value. * CAUTION. Scott's Emulsion is put np in salmon-colored wrappers Be sure and get the genuine. Prepared . only by Scott & Bowne , Manufacturing Chemists New - York. Sold by all Druggists.