The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 24, 1891, Image 3

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    Both the method and results when
Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant
and refreshing to thetasto , andacta
gently yet promptly on the Kidneys ,
Liver and Bowels , cleanses the sys
tem effectually , dispels colds , head
aches and fevera nnd cures habitual
constipation. Syrun of Figs is the
only remedy of its Kind ever pro
duced , pleasing to the taste and ac
ceptable to the stomach , prompt , in
its action and truly beneficial mits
effects , prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances ,
its many excellent qualities com
mend it to all and have made it
the most popular remedy known.
Syrup or Figa is for sale in 50c
and 81 bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it Do not accept
any substitute.
Those who have nol
A Throat used Boschee's Ger-
man Syrup for some
Lung severe and chronic
Specialty. trouble of the Throal
and Lungs can hard
ly appreciate what a truly wonder
ful medicine it is. The delicious
sensations of healing , easing , clear
ing , strength-gathering and recover
ing are unknown joys. For Ger
man Syrup we do not ask easy cases.
Sugar and water may smooth a
throat or stop a tickling for a while.
This is as far as the ordinary cough
medicine goes. Boschee's German
Syrup is a discovery , a great Throat
and Lung Specialty. Where for
years there have been sensitiveness ,
pain , coughing , spitting , hemorr
hage , voice failure , weakness , slip
ping down hill , where doctors and
medicine and advice have been swal
lowed and followed to the gulf oi
despair , where there is the sickening
conviction that all is over and the
end is inevitable , there we place
German Syrup. It cures. You are
a live man yet if you take it. ©
The Soap
is Lenox.
Sweet Chocolate.
.The most popular sweet
Chocolate in the market.
It is nutritious and palat
able ; a partic'ular favorite
with children , and a most
excellent article for family
Served as a drink , or
eaten as confectionery , it
, is a delicious Chocolate.
The genuine is stamped
'upon the wrapper , S. Ger
man , Dorchester , Mass.
Sold by Grorers ererrwherc.
W. BAKER & CO. . Dorchester. Kass.
- . frr Ily tcila , Dtalnpus. Fits. 'euralsin Wake-
Mental Depi-o Ion Softening of the Drain , re-
tultlnp In nuonity cud leadlne to mi-cry , decay and
dtMhI'txnuiture Old Afje. Barrenness , Loof Tower
in fthir-ex. ! Inrolniitir/ -cf. aud Spcrinatorr.icra
tmEcil ly ovtr-turtli u of the brain , rolf-abuve or
< > T -i-ij.dnjn ! nte. Er-cb loxontaln one month's treat
ment. f 1 u l ix. or ix lor $ o. ycnt by nia.l jirtpaiil.
Wjih cnili eider for tix boxes , wl'l send purchaser
trtnu jiti r to iilj'nd mci ey if the ti eat in flit falls to
tx.if. Gt-niniiins hnutliir.d penuine old oul ] by
J11O Faiitain Strrct , OMAHA , X
With name ntxi nadrrs" complete ,
Hr wall. Club of Mvo for One Dollar.
; iO page Cntalopue nnd AcenU' I-lBt for 10
centH. Addre s.8CHWAAlt STAMP A
SEAL COM-PANi' , St. faol. Kllnn.
W.N. . U. , Oinaim , 565 17.
] { < ttblc Knrth.
Jluch Juts been wi-itton u'nout tin
curth-eatiny tribes of v.-u-ioiis uoiuur.ue ,
but it is not generally known that ih <
inhabitants of l'eimcovi. a village 5r
I'ortugal hi\'c for neratioiis ujiten :
variety of earth found in the neighbor
hood. It is said ilmt any of tlien
leaving ; homo is uflliuted with a inyu :
lar malady with gastric symptoms un
less provided with a supply of UK
earth. The reason of this is probablj
the presence of arsenic in the earn
which is known to produce these fin-
gular ellcets upon its habitual con
sumers. The fact that Dr. Vojrel lias
found none in it by cursory examina.
tion. but , on the contrary , has de
tected that it contains about double the
quantity of nitrogen found in siraihu
soils from the adjacent fields , lends
plausibility to the view that the active
substance may be an alkaloid. The
whole question could be easily settled
by a competent chemist , and'it is to be
hoped that some one will undertake
its investigation. *
ICoxv ItVnii Named.
The origin of the name "America1'
has recently been discussed by the
geographical society of Berlin. Some
held that it came from a range oi
mountains in Central America , called
by the natives Amerique. and thai
Vespucci was not called Amerigo , as it
is not a name in the saint calendar ol
Italy. * They asserted that he changed
his name from Aiberigo to Amerigo ,
after the latter was coining into use as
a name for the western world. Signor
Govi , however , has proved that Alberi-
co , in the Florentine language , is iden
tical with Amerigo , and a letter oi
Vespucci , dated 1500. found recently
in the archives of the duke of Gonxaga.
at Mantua , shows that he sometimes
subscribed himself as Amerigo. More
over , the natives call the mountaine
Ainerisque , not Amerique , so that the
question may be considered settled in
favor of the nersonal name.
Luc \s COUUTV. )
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that lie is
the seuior partner of the firm of F. J. Che
ney & Co. , doinjr business in the city of
Toledo , countv and state aforesaid , nnd that
said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUN
DllED DOLLARS "for each and every case
of Catarrh that cannot Le cured by the use
Sworn to before me and sub-cribed in my
presence , this Cth dav of December , A. D. ,
, - , A. W. GLEASON ,
j &E\L j- Notary Public
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally
and act ; directly on the blood and mucous
surfaees of the svstcm. Send for testimo
nials free. F" . J. CHENEY & CO. ,
Toledo , Ohio.
by Diuggists , 75c.
In treating ordinary cuts , cleanli
ness and care are generally more
requisite than skill. If the cut be ex
tensive , or an artery , vein or any other
important part be injured , it be
comes a more urgent matter. Acci
dental cuts from knives , cutting tools ,
scythes , &c. . are more likely to occur
on the face and limbs than on the
body. All that is requisite in general.
is to bring the parts together as ac
curately as possible and to bind them
up ; this is usually done by adhesive
plaster , when the cut. ceases to bleed.
Nothing is ko good for this purpose as
paper previously washed over on one
side with thick gum-water , and then
dried ; when used it is only to be
slightly wetted with the tongue. When
the cut bleeds but little , it is well to
soak the part in warm water for a few
minutes , or to keep a wet cloth on it.
This removes inilamation and pain ,
and also a tendency to fainting , which
a cut gives some persons. If the
bleeding be too copious , dab the part
with a rag wetted with creosote. If
the wound be large , it should be sewed
up. If the blood that issues be very
scarlet , it may be concluded that an
artery has been touched , and then ,
whenever the bleeding cannot be
stopped , medical aid must be pro
cured ; the best method to pursue , is
to bind up the wound tightly or to
hold a finger strongly against the part
that bleeds.
Florida is now raising young aligators for
the tourist market.
One of the most important organs of the
human body is the LIVER. When it fails tc
properly perform its functions the eniiro
system becomes deranged. The BRAIN.
to perform their work. DYSPEPSIA , CON
EASE , etc. , are the results , unless some
thing is done to assist Hatura in throwing
off the impurities caused by the inaction
of a TORPID LIVER. This assistance so
necessary will be found in
Prickly Ash Bitters !
It acts directly on ihe LIVER , STOMACH
and KIDNEYS , and by its mild and cathartic
effect and general tonic qualities restores
these organs to a sound , healthy condition ,
and cures all diseases arising from these
causes. It PURIFIES THE BLOOD , tones
up the system , and restores perfect health.
If your druggist does not keep it ask him to
nrder it for you. Send 2c stamp for copy of
"THE HORSE TRAINER , " published by us.
Solo Proprietors , ST. LOUIS , MCh
roiltf relrcmrctf b.
theie Little Pills.
Th y also rriUra DI *
trcM from Dy p pi , In
AigMtion and TvoXearty
ITTLE Eating. A perfect ram-
IVER Drowcinet * . Bad Tart *
la the Uoutb. Coated
PIUS. Tongue Jala IB the Bide.
regulate .the Bowels.
Purely TegtUbl * .
Price i Cento
Small Pill , Small Dose , Small Price ,
Tweed As Ah Sin
There recently died in Cliicago ai
old colored man named Joe Owens
At the time of his death he was hea <
bellman at the Leland Hotel in tha
city. Years ago when Tweed was ii
his glory , Joe was employed in tin
Delevan House , Albany. There usec
to be some heavy poker-playing ii
that hotel during those lively times
and Tweed's room was generally tin
headquarters of the game. Joe was i
great favorite with Tweed , as indeec
he was with most of the ' -high rollers'
at the capital. Tweed had Joe madi
the special guardian of his room , am
no one could ever get in there if Joi
said no.
The old darkey happened to stej
into the apartment one evening whei
a mora than ordinary big game wa !
in progress. In front of a man namec
Shepard was a stack of chips repre
senting $5,000. Joe was aninveterati
pocker-player himself in those days
he and the other colored boys havin )
a game going on most of the time ii
in their quarters , and when he sav
that heap of money his eyes fairlj
bulged out of his head.
"Foh de Lawd , but I wish I was ir
dat ar game , " said Joe with agasp. . A
thought came to Sir. Shepard. H <
sent Joe downstairs on some errand
and during his absence a "cold deck'
was run in and fixed for the darky's
special benefit. When Joe came bacl >
Mr. Shepard asked him to play n
hand or two for him while he wenl
out. Joe with his heart beating high ,
took his seat and began to play ,
When two or three hands had been
passed Joe was startled at gettins
lour aces.
He trembled all over ; but just then
Mr. Shepard returned and , looking
over his shoulder , said : "Go for them ,
Joe ; go for them. " Joe did go for
them. Everybody but Tweed drop-
1 ped out of the game. He kept on
raising , while Joe encouraged by Mr.
Shepard , raised him every time until
the darky had piled the $5,000 in the
centre of the table.
Then Tweed called him , and Joe ,
his eyes fairly gleaming with wild ex
citement , threw down his four aces ,
while he reached for the money , say
ing :
"What you got dah.Massa Tweed ? "
"Four aces , " said the boss , coolly
laying them down.
"Fo' aces ! " cried Joe. "Fo' aces !
'Fore de Lawd , Massa Tweed , how
can you hab fo' aces1'
The gamblers had had their fun , and
had seen Joe excited. They were
ready to go on with their own game ,
so Shepard shoved a hundred-dollai
bill into Joe's hands and thrust him
out into the hall , saying : "Get out
of here you black scamp ! You talk
about playing poker , and you don't
know there are eight acts in a poker
deck. Get out ! "
A hundred dollars at any other
time would have made Joe supremely
happy , but , dazed with the big play
he had just been having and knocked
put by the result , he forgot his wealth
in his abject misery and mortifica
Character in the Thumb.
Determination is shown by the
thumb , which is a study in itself , its
three joints representing the three
powers which rule the world Love ,
Logic , and Will. The third joint , sur
mounted by the Mount of Venus , is ,
as its name states , dedicated to Love ;
the second , rising from the mount to
the first joint , shows Logic , or its ab
sence ; and the first phalange , ending
in the nail , declares the force forth
coming to shape success or fortune.
Want of length between the nail and
the first joint of the thumb tells of
weakness , which often explains how
brilliant chances marked by lines on
the palm have been allowed to slip
through feeble fingers. Only in a clev
er hand , where finger-tips are pointed ,
and their first phalanges [ i. e. , joints ]
lone , is this short-topped thumb de
sirable. In this combination its weak
ness is but that of all imaginative
genius inability to cope with the
rough realities of daily life. With
clever hands the short first phalange
tells of inspiration and creative facul
ty , and in such cases a long second
phalange to the thumb denotes a ten
dency to see things from all points of
view , which makes life difficult , but
composition easy ; for such people can
so put themselves in sympathy with
all sorts and conditions of men that
they will paint them to the life , whether
with pen or pencil. Persons whose
thumbs show a long , broad , thick ,
and coarse-looking first phalange ,
while the second isshort and insignifi
cant , are obstinate to pigheadedness ; ,
but when both phalanges are of equal
length , they show the man qui Sra loin ,
his determination being based on the
calmest , clearest lo'gic , and carried
out by an unfaltering will. The Hon.
W. R. D. Forbes , in New Review ,
Her Dreadful Ordeal.
She came into the room , where he
sat alone , with a glittering knife in her
clinched hand amid the folds of her
Her face was white and drawn , and
her eyes were wild and haggard-look
He , the man whose name she bore ,
sat by the grate fire , deep in thought ,
and never heard the slippered footfall
of the beautiful woman , who now
stood behind his chair with a strange ,
cold smile upon her lips.
Suddenly , with a gasp , she cast the
knife from her toward the bed of
glowing coals , but it sank silently into
a divan at the other side of the room.
"I cannot , " she moaned wearily
"I cannot ! " And she fell in a white
lieap upon the floor at his feet. "
A pitying. Kelceyesque expression
broke across the Gothic granite of his
cheek , and he murmured in deep , ten
der , Seventh Regiment tones , "Whar
is it , my darling ? "
But she spoke no word , only raised
one white hand toward him , in which
she clasped a leadpencil.
She had tried to sharpen it , pee *
girl ! New York Mirror.
IVliat Ulamma Say * .
A little Washington boy , who keeps
his eyes and ears open constantly , recently
contly succeeded in rather embar
rassing' his father. Ho hat been
anmsing himself by pretending to
transact business -'like papa , " nnd in
sisted on being shown the respect due
a full-grown citizen , liut he wantcc
a pair of roller skates , and when he
pot them spent a peed deal of time on
the pavement. One evening his father
came from his oiliee , and for the sake
of teasing the little man said : "That's
nice , isn't it ? The idea of a man play
ing like that. What would you think
of papa were he to come home on
skates1 "Well. ' ' said the youngster
after a thoughtful silence , "mamma
says you do. "
Struggling Up Lire's K ticked 11111
With youth , vlpor , ambition and un Indom
itable will to help u . IR noMlch pilevous
matter , but totterlnjr down again , it 111 Ic ted
by the ailments which beset-old n e our
backs bent with lumbago , our clastic mus
cles and joints btilf and painful , is a irocftil
pk'cn of business. For the infirmities which
the decline of life too often brlnj ; ; . llo.stet-
toi-'s Stomach Hitters Is u beneficent source
of icllef , a. initijzatiiij : solace always to lie
depended upon. No rcpulatln tonic
evolved by botanic medical discovery is so
well calculated , so thoroughly able , but
without undue stimulative effect , to help
the aged , the delicate and the convalescent
to resuscitate the vitality of a frame which
time and physical decline have impaired as
this. Kidney and bladder weakness and
disorder , costlver.css. mi.arlul ; complaints ,
dyspepsia and iheumatNni are ainoajt the
bodily afflictions which fhis sterling rccu-
peraut and regulator overcomes.
IVcItrlit ofFrcneli IHonoy.
A Frenchman , who evidently revels
in handling large sums of money , has
compiled some entertaining statistics
with regard to the weight of a milliard
of the French coin of the realm. Ac
cording to him a milliard in silver
weighs 10,000,000 pounds ; in gold
G45.1GO pounds ; in 1,000 f rune checks ,
2.r 60 pounds , and in 100 franc checks ,
23.000 pounds. Assuming that a car
rier could carry two hundred weight ,
IS men would be required to carry a
milliard in 1,000 franc checks. 115
men for the sum in 100 franc checks ,
3.225 men in gold and 50,000 in sil
ver. A milliard in 1,000 franc checks
would make 2,000 volumes of 500 pages
each. Boston Herald.
Sat on the I'rcnclier.
An inoxicated Atlanta negro went to
church , and because the preacher did
not happen to suit him , threw him
uownUnd sat on him. The negro was
arrested and held , not on a charge of
assault , but on a charge of havinp
brought liquor into ahouse of worship ,
though all the liquor about him was ia
his stomach.
JloIntnii'K Liver Pads.
Ilolman's Liter Pads ouic MALARIA.
Jiolman's Liver 1'a B cure HII.LIOUSSF.SS.
Hotmail's Liver Pads cine INDIGESTION' .
I'auiphlet free with full Instructions and commenda
tions. HOLMANLUKR PAD Co. , P. O. llox 2112 , N. Y.
Luck is a good thing to depend upon If
you have 110 desire to succeed.
If vouuant to sink money get Into tbe
1 read what Mr. Bell said about mnkint' f M per month.
Jal-o : > ent to the btandaitl Silver Wai e Co. , E St. ,
Ito-ton. Mas * . , and received a fine case of mmplei. I
took orders the first day that paid metlOprollt ; made
NO ihe llr-t week , at the rnd of one month 1 had til3
clear profit. Any one can pet circulars arid asency by
writing the above linn. 1 nope other * may profit by
my experience. Yours Truly , W. F. WILLIAMS.
'Jlic phrenologists do notaluays give their
knowledge free.
Grs. A. Dur.ois , a well known resident of
St. Louis , says : "I have used several bottles
tles of Prickly Ash Litters for biliousness
and malarial troubles , so prevalent in this
climate , and heartily recommend it to all
atliicted in a like manner. It is the best
remedy I ever used. "
The man who loafs on the corner never
deals on the square.
The heart of a city is probably where its
beats come from.
When Baby was sick , we gare her Costoria ,
"When she was a Child , she cried for Castoria ,
When she became Miss , she clung to Castoria ,
When she had Children , shegave them Castoria ,
This is the eeason-when millinea and mil
lionaire almost rhyme.
Strength and health go together with
the exception of butter.
It ia a woman's nature to pet something.
If she has nothing to pet she is apt to be in
a pet herself.
Mr . 'WInBlow'sSootliincSyriip : , for Chil
dren teething , softens the cum , reduces inflamma
tion , allays pain , cures wind colic. 25c. a bottle.
A sealed proposal is one that has been rat
ified with a kiss.
If Dobbins' Electric Soap > Ia what-so man/
insist that It is , you cannot afford to go
without it. Your croccr has It , or can get
It , and you can decide for yourself very
toon. Don't let another Monday pass with
out trying It
A good man or a good woman \\Ithout
tact becomes a terror.
T\hcn \ a horse reari It is very much nllvc ,
even if it does seem to bo on its last legs ,
Greenhouse and Betiding Plants , Palms ,
Draca-nas , iVc. , cheap. Sweet Potato , Cab
bage and Tomato plants in season. Send
for descriptive catalogue. W. J. HESSEIC ,
Plattsmouth , Neb.
The blarncv stone is merely a sham rock
after all.
widely known as an admirable remedy for
Bronchitis , Hoarseness , Coughs and Throat
troubles. Sold only hi boxes.
In the glad springtime the conductor of
the electric car merrily sings his trolley la.
Ten Is ( iiiarnntoed. If not
factor ; reluin package niiJ K t money buc-k. Cure *
tick headache.
It is a very stupid boy that doesn't know
his lines when the trout" season arrives.
fSllbort'K r > rc R Lining , Tlent In the World.
Kvery Intelligent Lady nn < l Dressmaker knows iu
Cenulno iriiixU huvu nuuiu on 4elv&KO.
A man who Is a poor liar llmls it conveni
ent to stick to the truth.
It's sometimes said patent
medicines are for the igno
rant. The doctors foster this
"The people , " we're told ,
"are mostly ignorant when it
comes to medical science. "
Suppose they are ! What
a sick man needs is not knowl
edge , but a cure , and the medi
cine that cures is the medicine
for the sick.
Dr. Pierce's Golden Med
ical Discovery cures the "do
believes " and the " don't be
lieves. " There's no hesitance
about it , no "if" nor "possi
bly. "
It says " I can cure you ,
only do as I direct. "
Perhaps it fails occasionally.
The makers hear of it when it
does , because they never keep
the money when the medicine
fails to do good.
Suppose the doctors went
on that principle. ( We beg
the doctors' pardon. It
wouldn't do ! )
Choking , sneezing and every
other form of catarrh in the
tiead , is radically cured by
Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy.
Fifty cents. By druggists.
11 % f" ! Illustrated Publications , WiUi
U L L Maps , dcscrlbiiiK Minnesota ,
n f r North Dakota , Montana , Idaho ,
111 9m fcWnshlnaton and Oregon , the
BHKaMnFree Government
Best Agricultural
Grazing and Tim
ber Land now open to settler" , ilailett J-lthE. Address
UUS.B. lUSDOKN , LonilJLoni. A. 1 > . Ii. B. Si. I'inl , Ulna.
reat Secret ofthcl r \ Canary Breeders olthe
HartiMounuira.Germal ny Bird Manna will
tenoretheioneof Cage VA Birrii , will prevent
their ailments & k ihmT&A m good condition.
It makes canaries < ioz prenCS1 \ while 'shed ding
feathers. Sent by man on fj lft. receipt of 15 cu.
Sold by all druggist * < * tV Directions free
Bird Food Co. . 400 N. 3d > lL St . Phila..Pa :
-T * * V5\I5to251b8.perinonthb7hnrmles8herbal
[ A \ \ / I ( remedies. inconvenience
i \ til i 'nnil no bad effects. Strictly confidential.
SenJ\ fnr " . ' tjmoiinlB. Address Dr.
\ C : "Wter11. nn.'l ;
O.WJ'.SNYDEli.McVicker's ThentreBldK.ChicBgo.Ill.
AMLtim of > outh-
ul imprudence , cauping1'remature Decay , Nenrotis
) ebility , Lo t Manliood , < Sc. , haling tried in vain eMry
nown'remedv , has di oo\ered nrimple meaniof f Ji-
ure , which ho ill enu ( ealed ) FJIEE to his felowiir !
erers. Address J. H. IJEEVKS , EI. Box S3J , X. Y. City.
Swift Specific S. S. S. has a record enjoyed by no other
medicine. Considered Wonderful.
S. S. S.
For over Mr. Henry V. Smith , of Belmont , West IS
Virginia , says : " He considers his cure PUBELIT
. . fifty years of Scrofula by S. S. S. , one of the most VEGE
wonderful on record. He had tbo disease TABLE ,
it has been
of ihe worst type all his life until he was AND
curing all 22 years of age , and his whole youth was IS HARM
embittered by if. Of course he had all LESS
sorts of blood sorts of treatment , but nothing benefited TOE -K
trouble from him permanently until he took S. S. S. HOST
which cleansed the poison from his sys DELICATE
an ordinary tem , and cured him sound and well. " CHILD.
pimple to the worst types of scrofula and blood poison.
Books on Blood and Skin Diseases Free.
Best Cough Medicine. Recommended by Physicians.
Cures where all else fails. Pleasant and agreeable to the
taste. Children take -without objection. By druggists.
THE ORIGINAL AND GENUINE. The only Safe , 8nrr , and niiatu Pin for u ] * .
Ludle * . vk Drnrriit for CMdkuttr * Hffok Diamond Brand In KfA ud Cold neiillle
wilt blae ribbon. Take BO other LJmJ. Etfuit SvkttituXoiu and /nftatwu.
r4r. All pilu a pMirtxard baxei , pick wrmpptr * . art dan Keren * eamnterfeltm. At Dnssiiu. or rad u
4r. tamp , for putlenUrr , trtiimoniali. nd MUelIef for Ladle * . " in fetter , hr rrtMra Mall.
10.OOO Tntinwttalf. A' tm P&prr. CKICHCSTCR CHEMICAL Co. . u.du. . nare.
bold br all Local HnusUU.
" From Catholic Ard
A down to the
Poorest of the Poor *
oil tettliy , not cnlr to the
199 virtues of
. 01U ,
The Great Remedy For Pain
but to its iupcriorlty ovw nil other mutdtcrv
tbu :
It Cures Promptly , Permanently ; ;
which means strictly. that the paln-slrlcktn
cck o prompt relief wltj 110 jeturii ofulta
palu , nud thi , they my , St. Jacobs Oil
give This U its excellence.
BC.OO < ipmiliie lliliul-mnvi-d. an elepairta : J
* * flyll lulrets nhuo wlilcli commend * lr ett.
8 .00 HiinclHcxveilVc'lt. . > flnocrilf jJwifcnD-
* equalled for Style nnddurablllty.
8O.GO.Goo Iycnr Wlt Ib the ataa < l r4 , reat-
* Mine , nt a pnuiiliiprice. .
8O.50 I'ollroiiiiin'sSIiuo \ cspvct&Uy3U&f r&J
* for railroad men. tannery. c-Jci
All iniKlein ConKret-u. liuttuti nnrflot * ? .
BO.00 fur Ladles , Is the only liiu > a-bcn dr
* * clioe wia at thlftpnimliir price ,
8O-50 Doncola Slum for lMfllc rttrxmrrjea-
iiarture and promlrcH to become pi > p 5&r.
BQ.OO ftlioe forLiul113 , " . - r _ n.
ntlll retain their excellence r- . c
All KOOtlK warranted and ytnmptil with nnnioo < > l Uinu.
fjulMTtlviHl local E ent rnnnntmipplT jou.Mn&airrrx.
o factory e'lPlo'lntradverHjiciI price V n KwlnlToi-nr-
lerblankV. . L.nOUCiLvAS. Itrocktun. OZvj * * .
\\\NTI5I ) . Sli oe dealerfnnrrTjrmy
niitl to\vii not occupied , to liilltr t-Xt-3n
sl'e ujjciicj- . All agent * n.l vnf - B i . .
local ] mper. Send torUIu iT ftjc l.
No. 335.
Thli Identical carriage , number 3S3 , wltlt
lace edge paralul , will be ent loany
celpt of 110.00.
If nut satisfactory and returned at one * ;
be refunded. The belt carriage In the
pnce.CHAS. . SHIYERICK & CO. ,
\VlioItiale and retal ! dealer * and
1208 , and 1210 1 urnam stivet. Omaha.
EWIS' 98 % VK.
( PATESTE1 > >
The strnnnctt and
madc. Will make the fcra ; j > er
fumed Hard Soap in 20 lainwlcs
without Ixtllinu. it i tUcr3 *
for softening water ,
wastc pipes , ilisintect
closets , wasbinu boUls.3 santB. .
trees , etc.
Gen. Agts. ,
"Write for particulars to the
TONTINE ASSOCIATION , pays to its mem
bers $100 in 2 months. 2000 inesiisia >
in Philadelphia first month. Our pay to *
Secretaries is extremely liberal. ! "Write ;
"When I say care I do not mean merely tottajtBjsaxjn.
for a tim and then have them return og = in _ lEnc.n. . > .
radical cure. I have made the discuss of KZT8..2SEW
LEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS a Iife-locffiin4r. J ,
warrant my remedy to care the worst cases. Tixzafr i
others hare failed is no reason fur not nor rocK i\z o .
cure. Send nt once for a treatise and a.FrooIiatCjjcff-
my infallible remedy. Give Ezpreai and PostOEsu.
II. < . : . JtOOT , .11. C. , 183 Pcnrl Kt. , Ji.TF
Our Well Machines arc the most
They FJM H Wrlln where ( f\ \
other * FAIL ! Any > ize. t
inches to U inches diameter.
I218.0O PER WEEK !
Can cully Le made duncg ihe moctlu of Arril. Ittj.J
July and Auniit. by MIJ entrg > Ue
bare a tmait article wbich fctt oa ii it tu t
.Storff in crerr part or the Unitttt btatrt :
IT you m an bo'lnc'fM ui a I cnt Stamp mcd TOOL
mil Ull purticnutij rriarn null.
\orlhKonrlii St. . rhllKf
to Ki ry inbttribtr.
ocr celebrated T tv , C < Em
Biklcp Powdf r , ind secure & be cjl-
f ul Gold Band or Mots Rose Cliox/
Tea St. Dinner S t , Gold
, . - , -MossKwo Toilet Set. itjaE , 4
Lamp , Castor , Webster' " Dictionary and racirarrttte" -
premium * . 3 > i pounds of Tea br ra-xll on rcor/pjvs-aer
For particulars address TltK GRFJT 43KRIC1X TA ce _ „
P. O Box ZM. SiandSI VEHSErST..XxWJ < aa -
"Down With High Prices
, .
5.00 family or StoreSeafa
A 23n > . Farmery Scale. . . . SJBB
ooo ib. Hay or Stock Se . a
Force and Kit * f TooU . laajac. ,
1000 otter Articfri at Hair Pziaa _ _
I Paa'ln * . Hone and \Vagrn Cori-rr. StDftaa m
B UShett . Cam npOutat * . Ollclothln
of CanTu good * . OMAHA TENT ASI >
1113 laniun street , Omaha. Xeb.