WILCOX & FOWLER Are on hands as usual this spring with a large ' and complete assortment of DRY GOODS , of every description , all qualities and grades , which they nre selling , ' * * * i * AT BOTTOM FIGURES. . . n . . They are also well stocked up with everything usually kept by a first-class grocery store in Fancy and Staple Groceries. , ' " ' They have no superiors in quality or prices. t , „ . . Just test these statements. j WILCOX & FOWLER. war WATERPROOF COLLAR on CUFF. THAT CAN BE RELIED ON BE UP t TO THE MARK BEARS THIS MARK. TRADE MARK * NEEDS NO LAUNDERING. CAN BE WIPED CLEAN IN A MOMENT. THE ONLY LINEN-LINED WATERPROOF COLLAR IN THE MARKET. A. I * . MOORE. JNO. R. BART MOORE & HART , ATTORNEYS AT LAW : - - : - MCCOOK , - - NEBRASKA. 'Will practice in the State and Federa Courts and before the U. S. Land Office. Office over Famous Clothing Co. Store. C. H. BOYLE , LAND - : - ATTORNEY , Six years experience in Gov. ernment Land Cases. Real Estate , Loans & Insurance NOTARY PUBLIC. t37 0ffice in Phillips-Meeker building. J. BYRON JENNINGS , ATTORNEY : - AT - : - LAW. "Will practice in the State and United States couits and before tbo 17.8. Land Offices Careful attention given to collections. Office over Bank of McCook. HUGH W. COLE , LAWYER , MCCOOK , NEBBASKA. J3 ? Will practice in all courts. Commercial and corporation law a specialty. Money to loan. Rooms 4 and 5 old First National bld'g. DR. A. P. WELLES , HOMEOPATHIC Si * PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON MCCOOK , NEBRASKA. attention given to diseases of women and children. The latest improved methods of electricity used in all cases requir ing such treatment. Office over McMillen drugstore. Residence , North Main street. B. B. DAVIS , M. D. C. H. JONES , H. D. DAVIS & JONES , PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS , MCCOOK , NEBRASKA. 0ff OrncE Houns : 0 to 11 , a. m. , Z to 5 and 7 to 0 , p. m. Rooms over First National bank. DRYSDALE THE TAILOR , From New York City , lias the most com plete stock of Spring and Summer Goods.for men's wear , between Lincoln and Denver. His store is just replete with the latest nov elties from New York and Chicago , and as he buys strictly for casli he can afford to give you first class Clothing at very reasonable prices. He has guaranteed every garment ' ho lias made up in McCook for nearly six years and has never had a misfit in that time. Call and see him. One door north of the Commercial House. Buck/en's Arnica Salve. THE BEST SALVE in the world for cuts , bruis es , Bores , ulcers , salt rheum , fever sores , tot ter , chapped bands , chilblains , corns , and all skin eruptions , and positively cures piles , erne -no pay required. It is guaranteed to give per fect satisfaction , or money refunded. Price "Scents per box. For sale by A. McMillen. A BIG FLOOD. The only thing that will tret a man who wean a "Fish Brand Slicker "i * a flood ; bnt even th n he miut be nader water. This statement tnay seen strong , bat a coat that wQl staod'a two day ? atorm without leaking , and will not rip or tear , u sore to fill the bill. The additional advantage it that h costs lets and wean longer than aay other waterproof coat. Have you one ? If not , why do you wait until it rains ? Sold everywhere. Buy it BOW. It is a peat mistake to wait until it rains to boy a waterproof coat. The time to buy U whta the dealer has a clean , fresh stock. Be sure the coat is stamped with the "Fish Brand" Trade Mark , and you will get the best waterproof coat nrer made. Don't accept any inferior coat when yon can hare Uw " Fish Brand Slicker " delivered without extra cost Particulars and illustrated catalogue free A. J. TOWER , - Boston , Mass. Try a Home Nursery , Having assumed charge of the S. P. Heard Nursery Stock of South McCook , I am prepared to furnish you with all kinds of small bruits , such as apples , plums , pears , cherries , gooseberries , currants , etc. Will furnish two and three year old apples at 8 and 10 cents per tree. "Will also deliver and plant the same at a reasonable igure. No black heart and good sound stock guaranteed. Drop a postal card or leave orders at THE TBIBUNE office and prompt atten- ionwill be-given the same. FRANK nUBER. HENRY MEYER , Contractor and Builder , CABINET MAKER. SPECIALTIES Making and repairing f urn- ture. Furniture of any description made to order. Mail orders promptly attended to. Shop on Dennison Street , opposite Pred- moro's blacksmith shop , McCook , Neb. UETHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. " 1- Divine service at 11 o'clock , A. M. , and 7:30. P.M. , every Sabbath. Sunday school at 0 o'clock , A. M. , central time. Prayer meet- nsr , Wednesday evenings at 7:80 , central time. All persons are cordially invited to these ser vices. P. 8. MATHKB. Pastor. HBHM HBHMr Guaranteed Largest Bona Fide Circu lation in McCook. The Hot Springs of Dakota. These springs are rapidly becoming famous on account of the wonderful curative proper- tics of the waters , and the many marvelous cures which have been effected by the thermal baths. The town and springs are delightfully situ ated in a picturesque valley in the Dlnck Hills country , aboundlngin beautiful scenic effects and at an altitude of 3.400 feet above the sea level ; thus insuring a pure atmosphere and exhilarating climate , absolutely free from malaria. Under the enterprising and progressive management of the Hot Springs company many desirable improvements have been made ; among the number tbe erection of a commodious hath house fitted up with all modern conveniences for the comfort of guests. New hotels have been built and com fortably furnished throughout , ccnductod in first class style and at reasonable tales. Those who prefer stopping at a private house , will find many desirable boarding places where good accommodations arc furnished , and at 'moderate prices. The supenordailv service now afforded by the Burlington Route to Hot Springs , with thorough sleeping car accommodations from Omaha. .Lincoln , Aurora and Grand Is'and ' makes the trip an easy and enjoyable oneanc ; for tbe benefit of all wbo desire to test the ef flcacj * of the water , round trip tickets at re duced rates , good for ninety days , are now on Hale atall offices of the Durliugton Route. For pamphlet , descriptive of the springs , and full information as to rates , time , etc.ap ply to any agent of the company , or to J. FRANCIS , Gen'l Pass. & T'k't Agt. . Omaha , Neb. Consumption Cured. An old physician , retired from practice , having bad placed in bis bands by an East In dia missionary the formula of a simple veget able remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of Consumption , Bronchitis , Catarrh , Asthma and all throat and Lung Affections , also a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints , after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases , has felt it his duty to make it known to bis suffering fellows. Actu ated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering , I will send free of charge , to all who desire it , this reuipe , in German , French or English , with full directions for pre paring and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp , naming this paper , W. A. Noyes. 820 Powers' Block , Rochester. N. Y. 38-ly. A Great Cyclopedia , The twenty-second volume of the Columbian Cyclopedia is announced as just ready ; tbe entire set is to be completed the present year , In 32 volumes , aggregating about 26,000 pages Its price is remarkably cheap , only 525 for the entire set , with easy installment terms to those who want them. Tbe nigh character of the work is vouched for by innumerable wit nesses , among others by Prof. James Strong , S.T.D. , editor of McClintock & Strong's Cy clopedia of Biblical , Ecclesiastical , and Theo logical Literature , who speaks of it as follows : "The Columbian Cyclopedia seems to me to strike a happy medium between the loose , superficial works , and tbo too elaborate and profound ones , which few are competent or desirous of using. Most of the larger general cyclopedias are overloaded with a mass of technical science and official detail tuat is em barrassing and useless to ordinary readers. Tbe Columbian is eminently practical , suffici ently full.and carefully compiled , well got up , convenient in form and extent , remarkably cheap , and , as I should judge , admirably adapted to families and general consultation. I think tbat if properly presented to the pub lic it will have a very wide sale , and be an ex ceedingly useful work. There is ample room in the market for a Cyclopedia like this , which combines , likewise , the advantage of being an excellent Dictionary of the EnglishLangunge. " For free specimen pages , address the pub lishers , The Columbian Publishing Co. . 393 Pearl St. , New York. BANKSVILLE BUDGET. E. B. Nelson arrived home from Colorado last week. < A. Wesch has been sick with the grippe for the past week or EO. Dave Goodenberger IB engaged to work for Mrs. M. E. Hill , this week. Mrs. John Rowland is at Indianola visiting witb her son , Prof. Rowland. It is reported tbat 5. R. Seamands will pul out of Grant precinct , this spring. D. B. Barnes departed for Amber , Iowa Saturday. THE TRIBUNE will visit him weekly Hurrah for irrigation by rain from the clouds 1 That is the cheapest method and we are getting it now in good shape. The last of tbe snow went from sight , Sun day , tbe 12th inst. The farmers are putting in tbe balance of wheat not put in before the snow storm. The ground is thoroughly soak ed and the grain put in will make a quick start. There would be more wheat put in if the farmers bad tbe seed. OBSERVER. The New Discovery. You have heard your friends and neighbors talking about it. You may yourself bo one of the many who know from personal experience just how good a thing it is. If you have ever tried it , you are one of its staunch friends , because the wonderful thing about it is , that when once given a trial , Dr. King's New Dis covery ever after holds a place in the house. If you have never used it and should be afflict ed with a cough , cold or any throat , lung or chest trouble , secure a bottle at once and give it a fair trial. It is guaranteed every time or money refunded. Trial bottles free at A. Me- Millen's drug store. 44-4ts. E. L. Cbatfleld , of Texarkana , Ark. , came to Wilsonville last Wednesday to prove up on his timber claim north of town. Mr. Cbatfleld formerly resided at this place , and is well known to most of our citizens. Wilsonville Review. , R. A. COLE , / THE LEADING TAILOR , In ( Prices and Stylish Work , has just received a large ship * ment of Cloths for Spring and Summer of the Latest and Most Stylish Goods , which will be made as cheap as the cheapest. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria ? S-i Are-not snowed under ; they are only Xed on account of snow. © h-i CO t < 3' © P © oc O H \ XQO O & 02 W 20 S3 H" CD CDp GO w rf 5 * ® s © oo & 30 o H Pi © W © c + cCO o s i t- tP HM * < CO THE WORLD'S FAIH. Tt > o great World's Fair Word Contest" 18 ex citing universal Interest and JB one of the ab- gorblng topics of the day. A free trip to- Europe nod f 800.00 for expenses Is offered to- whoever constructs Iho largest number of English words from loiters contained In the text , "Tho World's Fair. " Additional prizes , consisting of nn Upright Grand Piano , valued tit f 400.00. sliver ten sets , sewing machines ana many other useful and valuable articles , will also bo awarded In order of merit. A special prizeofaHkt. Gold Watch , valued at $50.00 will bo awarded to the girl or boy under 15 years of ago sending In thn lurgostllst. Every one sending a list of not less than 20 words will receive u prize. As the winner of the flrst prize may not care to muko the extensive trip offered the option of $1.000.00 In cash I& given. Send seven 2c. stamps for complete rules , premium catalogue and a sample copy of the beautiful Illustrated paper "The Home Fascinator. " Tbhe contest Is open to any person in the United States or Canada. In case of ties on the largest list the first prize will bo awarded to the one bearing the earliest post-murk , distances , etc. , considered. Address. "Tne HOME FASCINNTOH. Montreal. Cnnaim. The First Step. Perhaps you are run down , can't eat , can't- sleep , can't think , can't do anything to your satisfaction , and you wonder what alls you. You should heed the warning- , you are taking the flrst step Into nervous prostration. You need a nerve tonic and In Electric Bitters you will find the exact remedy for restoring your nervous system to Its normal , healthy condi tion. Surprising results follow the use of this great nerve tonic and alternative. Your ap- petlto returns , good digestion Is restored , and tbo liver and kidneys resume healthy action. Try a bottle. Price 50 cents at A. MoMillon's. A Hovel Offer. Wo have received a copy of tbo Dominion Il lustrated , which is the only high class illustra ted journal published In Canada. With the beginning of the present year it was enlarge * to 2J pages weekly , and new and strikingliter' ary features have been added. It is profusely llustrated in the highest style of photograv ure art , aud is altogether a highly interesting ourual and a credit to Canadian skill and en- erprlse. The publishers have Inaugurated a prJ/.o competition for the current six months , vhich bears the stamp of originality. Six questions are published each month , and the material for answering' them is found in the numbers for that month. Only subscribers compete , and the prizes , which number 100 , ex ceed $3,000 In value. The smallest is valued at 5 and the first is $750 in gold. The publishers announce that any dissatisfied prize-winner nay exchange a prize for the cash value at which it is rated in the published list. As the llustrated is not a "fake" journal it has every reason for keeping faith with subscribers The publishers ( The Sablston Litbo and Pub. 'o. ' , Montreal ) announce that on receipt of 12 Dcntsin stamps ( Canadian or American ) they vill forward to any address a sample copy vith full particulars as to terms , etc. A Word in Season. The barking of a pack of hounds may bemu- ic. but the barking of the human family is ertalnly discord. Stop that cough with Hura- breys' Specific No. Seven. Itch on human and horses and all animals ured in 30 minutes by Wooiford's Sanitary Lotion. This never falls. Sold by L. W. Mc- Conuell & Co. , Drugorists. McCook. 30-lyr. Hrst JYattoiial A S AUTHORIZED CAPITAL , CAPITAL AND SURPLUS , $100.000. $60,000. GEORGE HOCKHELL , President. B. M. FREES , Vice President. W.F. LAWSON , Caffiier. A. CAMPBELL , Director. 5. L. GREEN , Director. ii ' | vr' " ; - . " " Paid Up Capital , $5OOOO. II DOES A Genera ! Banking Business , Collections made on all accessible points. Drafts drawn directly on principal cities in Europe , Taxes paid for non-residents. Money to loan on farming Jands , city and personal property. Tickets For Sale to and from Europe OFFICERS : V. FKANKL1N , President JOHN K. CLAJtK , Vice Pres. A. C. EBERT , Cashier. THOS. I. GLASSCOTT , Ass. Cash CORRESPONDENTS : The First National Bank , Lincoln Nebrska. The Chemical National Bank , New York City. BANK OF McCOOK ! : I t ' r Paid Up Capital , $5O,000. General Banking Business. \ ' Interest paid on deposits by special agreement. Money loaned on personal property , good signatures or satisfactory collateral. Drafts drawn on the principal cities of the United States and Europe. OFFICERS : C.E. SHAW , President. H. O. WAIT , Vice President. P. A. WELLS , Cashier. - f" * * t- J" j