The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 17, 1891, Image 1

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vvishes to announce that his stock of
are now on the shelves. He does not claim to have the
, - } * . > . , biggest stock on earth , nor does he promise
„ ' . . ' what is impossible in prices. But inv
of all kinds , he carries a complete and well-selected stock ,
and , the quality of goods considered ,
I also carry a full and fresh stock of
JL V JL JL s V s
and in this department also I will
Meet All Competition !
ive a call and get my prices.
I will offer my entire stock of
-Will sell
Staple and Fancy Groceries
As low as anybody.
e v "O T T "HT "T > f" "
STxT v > rv I y I \ r \ rX v
Babcock Building. McCook , Nebraska.
H Liter Co.
Also Hard and Soft Coal.
H. KAPKE , The Leader ,
Calls attention to the fact that he has just received an
other shipment of the latest , most stylish spring goods , and
that he is prepared to make them up in the most stylish mode
and at the lowest figures. Call and see for yourself.
No.2 , through passenger 5:50 , A. M.
No. 4. local passenger , 5:40 : , P.M.
No.78. way freight 10:25.A.M.
J3F Way freight No.180 arrives from west at
4:15. P.M. , mountain time.
No. 1 , through passenger , 10:40 , A. M.
No : 5. local passenger , S > : ' 50 , P.M.
J3 > " Way freight No. 73 arrives from the east
at 5:20 : , P. M. . central time. Departs at 4:45.
P. M. Stops at Stratton , Benkieman , Haigler.
/"No.iaT , Beverly accommodation , leaves
at 5:15. A. M. He turned , arrives at 9:15 A.M.
Huns only on Mondays , Wednesdays and Fri
days. A. CAMPBELL , Supt.
i. 0. O. F. celebration , York , Neb. , April
27tli. Tickets on sale April 24-27 , inclusive.
Annual Meeting Nebraska State Medical
Society , Lincoln , Neb. , May 12-14. Tickets
on sale May 9-14.
Passengers paying full fare going \yill be
returned at one-third rate on presentation of
certificate signed by the proper officer of the
meeting , on guarantee that there has been an
attendance of 100 or more who have paid full
fare on the going trip. J. HULANISKI.
a house from S. H. Golvin on the
monthly installment plan and save money.
Chief Dispatcher Forbes has been elected
Mayor of Holyoke. Congratulations.
Master Mechanic Archibald went out to
his farm this week for a day to see how the
stock and crops were.
Fred Washburn carries a painfully squeez-
; d right arm as a reminder of a recent pinch
by the "man-killers. "
Conductor and Mrs. George Argue of
Holdrege are the guests of City Treasurer
and Mrs. E. C. Ballew.
General Freight Agent Geo. H. Crosby
enjoyed the light air of Denver "a few days
.during the present week.
John Hartman , lately employed in the car
department of the B. & M. , at Cheyenne , is
a visitor in the city , this week.
Norman Harvey , well-known among the
R. R. boys , is now conductor on the passen
ger between Holdrege and Holyoke.
Brakeman Max Wayson was around "set
ting up" the weed , Sunday morning , over
the advent of his first boni , a girl.
Mrs. Plummer , mother of Mrs. J. Hulaniski ,
returned to Hinsdale , III. , Tuesday. Mrs.
Hulaniski accompanied her for a few weeks'
.A. C. Anson , wife and party , Chicago
base ball club , sixteen in all , were passeng
ers through McCook , Sunday morning , on
No. 2.
J.C. Swartz will resign the general agency
at Denver and engage in private business.
Be will be succeeded by Geo. F. Vallery of
Salt Lake.
Engine 219 was brought to McCook from
Denver , this week by engineer Phillips and
fireman Whitesel. She is going through the
shops it appears.
Eugine 241 has come out of the shops in
good shape and will probably have a chance
to wind up another Golden Gate Special
about May 12th in company with engine 208.
Engine 182 broke out a front cylinder head
the first of the week , and engineer Snyder
has been putting in good time improving his
city property while engine is waiting repairs.
Headmaster Wickersham was down from
the high line , middle of the week , on his
regular weekly visit to division headquarters ,
where "Wick" is always a welcome visitor.
Supt. Campbell , who has been camping
with the disaffected switchmen at Denver
during the past week , returned home , yester
day morning. Everything is now moving as
Floyd Smith , an old employe in the supply
department at McCook and of late foreman
on the Alliance line , went west on No. 1 ,
Thursday , in company with his mother ,
bound for Seattle.
ThoM. , K & T. will establish a fast
through train service in connection with the
Burlington between Chicago and all princip
al Texas points , via Kansas City. The pre
sent time being shortened 8 hoars.
J. L. Watkins , ticket agent C. B. & Q. ,
Mendota , III. , has been in the companys em
ploy thirty years , acting as day and night
agent both. During this time he has never
ridden on the cars or even stepped on a car ,
but was required to a few days ago , being
subpoenaed as a witness in a law suit at
Wheaton. 111. Railway Age.
Probably the most unique railroad pass is
sued this year is that or the Silverton Rail
road company of Colorado. It is a thin sil
ver plate , about the size and shape of passes
in general use. The pass is rolled from sil
ver bars and stamped , the vignette and let
tering , with the exception of the president's
name , being in relief. The name is intaglio ,
and is gilded , as are the vignette and scroll.
The number of the pass and the name of the
person to whom it is issued are engraved by
Messrs. Simmonds and Watson , of the dis
patchers' office at McCook.came down to bag
a few ducks last Saturday. They arrived on
the early morning train and were out on the
lake by day light and were meeting with
splendid success they thought When they
thought they had about all they could carry
home on the train with safetythey borrowed
a boat and rowed out after then : game , but
judge of their astonishment when they found
they were all mud hens. Not to be outdone ,
however they purchased a few ducks of our
foreman to take home to save their reputa
tion as duck hunters. Cambridge Kaleido
Citizens and Visitors' Briefly
Mentioned. We Have Had
Our Eye on You.
"I Know Not What the Truth May Be ,
I Tell it as Twas Told to Me. "
C. H. Rogers Sundayed at Beatrice.
S. Altschuler was at Red Cloud.the first of
the week , on business.
Banker Frost of Bartley spent the rainy
day in the metropolis.
H. W. Cole was up at Hayes Centre , Mon
day , on legal business.
C. A. Leach was up at Denver , Thursday ,
on business-pleasure bent.
Tommy Glasscott was down from Benkel-
man , Saturday evening , a brief while.
Frank Moore , one of Dunday county's big a city visitorto-dayon business.
Air. Hocknell returned home , Wednesday
evening , from a brief business trip to Denver
Rev. P. S. Mather is at Indianola , to-day ,
attending the funeral of VV. S. Phillips' child.
R. B. Wahlquist of the Hastings Democrat
spent a few hours with McCook friends , Sat
urday morning.
Judge Cochran went down to Beaver City ,
Monday , to hold court in and for the county
of Finnas , this week.
C. A. VanPelt , left on the Sunday evening
passenger for Norcatur , Kansas , where he
has banking interests.
Cashier Wells of the Bank of McCook
went to the eastern part of the state , Sunday
evening , on matters of business.
Mrs. Frank Harris and Mrs. L'Roy Allen
returned home , Monday morning , from a
pleasure trip to Denver , the Queen of the
Morris Deslarzes left for Denver , Thurs
day morning , riding through with his team.
He goes by way of Sterling , Colo. , where
his parents reside.
C. F. Babcock and J. E. Kelley were
among the pilgrims to Denver , this week ,
going up on the evening of Tuesday and re
turning this morning.
E. B. Bowen of the Boston Shoe Store ar
rived in the city , Wednesday , on one of his
occasional visits to the metropolis , where
some of his treasures are.
W. C. Bullard of Omaha spent part of
Saturday and Sunday in the city. He was
out looking after company interests , and left
for Omaha , Wednesday evening.
Dr. B. B. Davis has been making a number
of visits to Stratton , the past week , to see
Banker Harden's child that has been dan
gerously ill , but is now on a fair way to re
L. H. Britton of the "Irrigation Age , "
shortly to make its initial appearance at Den
ver , spent the morning hours , Tuesday , in
McCook , on his way west. Mrs. Britton ac
companied him.
Fred Hutchins has resumed his position in
McMillen's drug store. Fred is a courteous
clerk and a proficient pharmacist. He ex
pects shortly to be able to register regularly
under the state law.
Mrs. O. A. Cheddock and Miss Belle Horton -
ton of Denver , sisters of Mrs. B. F. Troxel ,
arrived in the city Tuesday morning. They
will remain about a month , when they will
proceed to Beatrice on a visit
H. T. Church arrived home from Hyannis ,
Tuesday night He reports the loss among
his cattle , which number about 1,500 , as being
comparatively light. His principal loss oc
curring on Easter Sunday , when some 50
head broke their corral and drifted into the
Mr. C. A. Frederick of Tin Cup , Colo. ,
dropped in upon us , yesterday morning. Mr.
Frederick brought with him under separate
cover his smile all bewitching , child-like and
bland. Also an air of prosperity which be
tokens the recent opening of a fat and juicy
jackpot" He is here to personally congrat
ulate his friend Brewer , and for the trans
action of some matters of business.
Dr. and Mrs. Z. L. Kay gave a farewell
party in honor of Miss Josie Stevensat their
handsome home on Marshall street , last
evening , in which none of the elements of
social success were lacking , but on the con
trary were very cleverly blended indeed.
The large company was held under the
magic sway of "high five. " The refreshments
were dainty and tempting , and were served
in an unusually tasteful and convenient man
ner. Those who enjoyed the hospitality of
the Dr. and bis amiable wife are : Misses L.
Ella Hart , Anna Jessen , Kitty Bowen , Louie
btaroucK , Mae MCArtliur , ( JIara Uonnot ,
Susie Cochran , A. WilleMay Mullen , Pierce ,
and Mrs. U. G. Moser , Messrs. Frank Kend-
len , A. C. Ebert Felix Kennedy , W. G.
Reddin , M. W. Eaton , Joe Wells , U. J.
Warren , J. A. Fraser , and W. S. Kimrnell.
Ml in all it is agreed to have been one of the
charming events McCook prides in.
Engine233 has gone to the shops for repairs.
R. L. Tinker was a Hed Cloud visitor , yes
John Spry and vrife made a visit to Omaha ,
this week.
Al. Townsend went to work , this wees ,
after a short visit at Stratton.
Engineer Bailey and wife will make a visit
in Plattsmouth , the coming week.
Frank Ives was shaking hands with Red
Cloud friends , the first of the week.
DeJos Barnhart is making preparations to
prove up on his claim near St. Francis.
Nine sea lions went through on No. 2 , this
morning , bound for New York City from
San Francisco.
. .
-a/rjyti'3/i. ! nye. agji-
Satines , Lawns , Challies , Embroidered
Flouneings in Black , White and Col
ors , Fine Ginghams , also all the latest
shades in Broadcloths , Albatross and
BRUSSELS , Velvet , Body , Tapestry.
INGRAIN , Two and Three Ply. Drug-
gets , Rugs , Door Mats , Portieres , Lace
Curtains , Etc.
Don't forget that the place to get the
latest styles and finest workin this
line is at
attention given mail orders.