The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 10, 1891, Image 7

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    Both tlio method and results when
Syrup of Figs is taken ; it IB pleasant
and refreshing to the taste , and acts
gently yet promptly on the Kidneys ,
Liver and Bowels , cleanses the sys
tem effectually , dispels colds , head
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced , pleasing to the taste and ac
ceptable to the stomach , prompt in
its action and truly beneficial t/i its
eflbcta , prepared only from thVmost
healthy and agreeable substances ,
its many excellent qualities com
mend it to all and have made it
the most popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c
and $1 bottles by all leading drug
gists. * Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it Do not accept
any substitute.
The majority of well-read phys
icians now believe that Consump
tion is a germ disease. In other
words , instead of being in the con
stitution itself it is caused by innu
merable small creatures living in the
lungs having no business there and
eating them away as caterpillars do
the leaves of trees.
A Germ The'-phlegm that is
coughed up is those
Disease. parts of the lungs
which have been
gnawed off and destroyed. These
little bacilli , as the germs are called ,
are too small to be seen with the
naked eye , but they are very much
alive just the same , and enter the
body in our food , in the air we
breathe , and through the pores of
the skin. Thence they get into the
blood and finally arrive at the lungs
where they fasten and increase with
frightful rapidity. Then German
Syrup conies in , loosens them , kills
them , expells them , heals the places
they leave , and so nourish and
soothe that , in a short time consump
tives become germ-proof and well. ®
The Soap
is Lenox.
Mlir ly Cured with V < > K < table Remedies
Have cured thousands of cae ; . Cure cases pro
nounced hopeless by l-es-tphyjiclans. From nr. td < ue
eymptums disappear : ! n ten daysat least two-th'rd3
* llbymptcmST. movqd-83nd.for free book testimo
nials of miraculous cures ; Ten dnys" treatment
free by mall. If yon order trial. xenrUOc. In stamps
O'par potac. ; . Iit. II.H.GtiEEX&Soxs.Atlanta.Ga.
If you ordertrlal return this advertisement to us.
. Dr. Border1 * Kidn ,
J Balsam cores Ennrmu :
_ _ _ _ _ . . . . . -i - a glper package by .
Sail For ealeby aTTdrnBgists or nt offico. For drcn.
\ Jars and testimonials ftddres * . withBt4mp8Dn a W.F.
PN-TDEK.2O State 8tOhlcaBO. . , . _
$ & Ask your Druggist to order it foryw.
\Vith name and nadresii complete.
By Mail Clnb of FTO for One Dollar.
'ICO ' page CntalogneandAgenty List for 10
L cents ? Addre * * . SCUWAA1I STAMP &
COMFAJTr , St. Paul , Minn.
M A ft ] U ffn RESTORED.
IWl M HI nJJ U ATlctim of .youth-
ful Imprudence. cnsTnff Premature Decay , Jierrons
Debility , Lost Manhood , Ac. , haTlns tried in rain ererr
known remedy , Jias Uscorcrod asTmrJe means of self-
cure , which he will i r d ftjaled ) FHEE toils fellow-jur-
f ererV. Address' J. M. lOpFflfS. Esq. pox Ssa , y.Y.Clty.
JitWAJWi 11 A * J. ( y.S
Tlio San Frapclvco * * JBxumIner" K -
lablUlie * a Claim Agency in
Tlie San Francisco Examiner Is frequently
in receipt of complaints from Its subscribers
In all parts of tlie Coa't Slates untl Territo
ries that legitimate claims against the Gov
ernment for Indian depredations and land ,
postal and pension claims intrusted to the
care of various attorneys and claim agents
have not been properly prosecuted , or , If so ,
that the charges of the agents or attorneys
for fees and alleged expenses have been to
great as to leave little"or uothlnsr lor the
claimants. \ \ c have been frequently urged
to make war upon these1 rapacious attorneys ,
but for many reatojs it is almost Impossible
to do so in such a manner na to benefit our
subscribers. We might possibly succeed in
driving a dishonest or over greedy attorney
out of the Held , but bis place would be im
mediately taken by another , and the fight
would be endless and its results practically
useless We have therefore deciucd , as the
befct means of curing the evil , to establish In
Washington a Bui can of Claims , which will
take charge of all such matters and push
them to a speedy and , in nil cases where It
Is possible , successful Issue. Mr : John Wcil-
dcrburn , our Washington correspondent ,
and up to the time of his death Secretary to
the late Senator Hearst , in which position he
has had much experience in presenting and
pushing such claims , will have charge of this
bureau and will employ all neec ary legal
and clerical assistance of the llrst grade ,
making only such charge for their services
as will cover the actual cost and pay him a
reasonable price for the time devoted to the
work. Mr. Wcdderburn is known to every
member of the Pacific Coast congressional
delegation , to whom inquiries as to his
standing and reliubil.ty can be addressed.
The necessity for the establishment of such
a bureau is well shown by the following peti
tlon , which has been extensively circulated
in northern Cnliforu'a :
To the Hon. the Senate of the Unite !
States , in Congress Assembled GUXTJ.E-
MCX : The undersigned petitioners would
most respectfully represent that we are
claimants against the Government for losses
sustained bv Indian depredations committed
in Hnmboldt county , California , at different
times since It50 ; that we were induced to
employ an attorney here to properly prepare
said claims , and another at Washington by
power of attorney to prosecute them there ;
that we have paiu our attorney here fen mak
ing outall papers in said claims , besides be
ing at considerable expense in attending
with witnesses the Government commission
here that examined our claims ; that now our
attorneys at Washington ( Messrs. ) aie
asking us to signacontractgiviugthcm one-
third "of whatever may be recovered from
the Government as their fee , besides requir
ing ns to pay all acvruing costs for prose
cuting said claims. Thi Vc consider nn ex
travagant and unreasonable charge. There
fore we pray jour honorable bodv to so
amend the bill now pending before you for
settling these claims that it will embody a
clause allowing attorneys such fees and
commissions for attending to said claims us
shall be deemed just and equitable , and your
petitioners will ever be most thankful.
Parties bavins : claims of any kind against
the Government , will address" all letters to
1he [ Examiner Bureau of Claims , 751 Corco
ran Building. Washington , D. C. , where Mr.
'Wedderburn may'also be consul ted iu person.
Two good listeners may be friends , but
two good talkers never.
Dr. lo IIICK Periodical I'll In
Are vairar.trd to relieve tniUy. Irre ul > r and ilel.-iyeci
imuisti nations. KMablli-lir : ! in Kurupe In l.ti. Enru. ! < ' . ,
J8i.B. Cmmila , 1S77 , United $ tnt -s. 1KX7. W * > ol : tills
Frtnchi.ill at a t.oz or three fur ( i. Wo
three boxes tniellcrc mi-nthly irieriilurlteor ! rvfiitit !
the mone.r. These ( foiili ecu be sent per mail on re-
iclptof inuie > . We arc an Incorporated st-Mk com
pany * ith -icaterptvtotourfiiiiltulMockot 1200.-
000 already taken. Am. fill A Mod. Co. , loyalty pie
in-More , Spencer. la. Wholesale. Blake , llrucn & Co. ,
Omaha. Krtnll , Goodman Unit ; Co , Omaha.
Among sidewalk tradesmen business is at
its best when it comes to a stand.
TESTEI * BY TIME. For Bronchial affec
tions , Coughs , etc. , Bnowx's BKONUHIAL
Tnociics have prove 1 their efficacy by a test
of many years. Price 25 cts.
A snapper up of unconsidcred trifles A
foundling asvlum.
GUP. A. DDDOIS , n well known resident of
St. Louis , says : ' ! have used several bottles
tles of Prickly Ash Bitters for biliousness
and inalaral troubles , so' prevalent in this
climate , and heartily recommend it to all
alii feted in a like manner. It is the best
remedy I ever used. "
Wise medical men do not treat sonam-
bullsrn as a pillow case.
Hotmail' * Ijfver Pad * .
Holman's Liver Pads cure MALARIA.
Holman's ' . . .
Liver 1'rr.s cure BILI.IOUSNESS.
Hotmail's Liver 1'aUs cure INDIOBSTIOK.
Pamphlet five with full ins'ructionu and commenda
tion * . HOI.JIAX LIVES PAD Co. , P. O. Box 2112 , N. Y.
A woman cr.n say more with a few tears
than a man can express in a book.
GaHield Tea is renlly more of a food than
medicine : not i ijurioas if taken da'lv , as it is com
pose J of liannle .s herbs ; o r-s Corot'patiou.
There's nothing a man enjoys more than
complaining of his great responsibilities.
Mend your own Boots and Shoes at your
home , by using Fiske Jack.
Deaih is a wonderful mimic. He can take
anybody off.
Necessity is a doubtful virtue , because it
knows LO law.
The cock who isn't proud of his own dung
hill is a sorry rooster.
Rheumatism ,
N. Ojden , Mich. ,
4 May 17,1890.
"A hnlf bottle of
your invaluable
medicine , St. Jacobs
Oil. cured me of rheu
matism and rheu
matic swelling of th
knee. It is the best iu
the universe. "
J. M. L. PoRTEn.
Hagerstow * , 3Id. ,
April 21,1890.
"I , and others of my
family. Lave used St.
Jacobs Oil for neu
ralgia and found it
a speedy , effective
cure. "
' Foiltlrrlycured by
these Little Pills.
They mho telitre DI
treta from Dypep laIn-
digeation and TooHcarty
ITTLE Eating. A perfect rem
edy forDizrlne .Nane
IVER Drowsiness , Bad Taste
In the Month. Coated
PILLS. Tongue.Pita In the Side.
regulate the "Bowels.
Purely Vegetable.
Price 2K Cents
Small Pill. Small Dose , Small Price,1
Paullns. Horne and Wa pa Corn * , Stoekmcn'i
Bed ChteU , Camping OutAU , Oilclothlnr and all kinds
of Caaraa good * . OMAHA TEXT AND AW2UXO CO. ,
11 Faraaa itrwet , Omaha , StU.
In Williarastown. Mass. , IH-cs a nc-
whoso claim to bo 101 years ok
does not constitute the whole of his
rig-ht to fame. He was born with
an extra hard head and a horn over an
inch in length on the frontal bone , anc
unremitting practice soon made his
brain-box a terrible weapon. During
the course of his long life he has killcc
rains , broken doors , smashed grind
stones , and murdered bulls by simply
butting them with his awful head. . He
is-still in good health and willing to
tackle anything from John L. Sullivan
to the latest nickel-plated ship armor.
A New I iBjOvery and Specif ! .
Kor the euro of all chivme ditcherfouml i.\
UKRI EiurncATon1 Umt is warranted tocu : .i'l ' fii -
ra > fc. beiftiixa it kills the intcrato in tuc : ) : . rv.'dng
C. iiv.-rli , LVmcmjitlon. Bliivd Dl'f.rdcir , Caiivtm , Til
inoiDl.ihei < -B , ErightV Dl < oai < o , E < anma. Sci oml.v. rril
nl ! hoolloi' ini ur.ihle dlie cii , i-ouMnl I'tliia , lit:1 *
tr.acpl ( ; < tting in tlie i.inoil , rcq rliiR * conrtltiilluna !
tic-r.dnnit , Itrrx-o the qualltirn of thctcinolx irquiretl.
lif tuikd In i : . 1.1 nd " > < lzey. Srnl on i tv ljit f prc .
V < c Jisiie n ipiara-Jtee. Am. Till A Hud. Co. , royalty
pioi'rh. ; , Senior , la. Pm uUu iiir > plivJ I'.v IliuLe ,
.V Co. , Oniiiim , N'eU.
Pineapple a * a I y pcp la Cure.
According to Signer Marcano , there
is in the common pine apple a ferment
or principle , similar to pepsine , of
such remarkable strength that the
juice of a single pineapple will digest
ten pounds of beef. If this prove true ,
a new and important agent in the
treatment of dyspepsia has been dis
covered. But even more striking was
the further announcement in the same
paper , written by a practical chemist ,
that the juice of pineapple is a very
active solvent of the membrane formed
in diphtheria.
Household Hints.
Kerosene , liberally applied , will
soften boots and shoes that have been
hardened by water.
If the spine is weak rub it with a
mixture composed of one teacupful of
water , one tablespoonful of brandy and
a pinch of salt.
A tickling in the throat can be cured
by placing a piece of dry , pulverized
borax on the tongue and allowing itto
slowly dissolve.
Hub your lamp chimney after wash
ing with dry salt and you will be de
lighted with the new brilliancy of your
Oil cloths will last twice as long if
a layer or two of wadded carpet lining
is placed under them.
An uncomfortably tight shoe maybe
made easy by laying a cloth wet in hot
water across where it pinches , chang
ing as it cools several times. During
the process the leather will shape itself
to the foot.
The removal of warts is most easily
effected by means of caustics , such as
silver nitrate , nitric acid , or armstic
vinegar. Great , however , must
be taken in using them.
When whitewashing your cellar this
spring add one ounce of carbolic acid
to each gallon of wash before apply
ing , for sanitary purposes.
Corn to 3Ialce Hens Lay.
According to the experiments re
cently mace at the Geneva station , by
Mr. Wheeler , leghorn hens , confined ,
laid right along on corn and corn meal
in preference to other foods , but not
so with large breeds. This shows the
importance of feeding according to the
breed. How much feed per day for
the hens demands almost a a diagnosis
to determine. The breed influences
the yield , and he who keeps a flock of
mixed mongrels will have to learn just
what each hen requires. Corn is not
so far out of the list of foods after all ,
in the face of these experiments. Mr.
Wheeler is still at work and his re
sults are ouen to anv oerson. or to anv
journal , as the station rules do not
permit of any preference. For our
part we are interested in the Geneva
experiments , as they will be invalua
ble in adding ' 'more light" to the mys
teries of feeding-
Tile XSfTect Somewhat .tfarrod.
The visitor from Hawcreek had been
invited to address the Sunday school.
I am reminded , children , " he said ,
"of the cafeer of a boy who was once
no larger than some of the little fel
lows I see here before me. He played
truant when he was sent to school ,
went fishing every Sunday , ran away
from home before he was lOyearsoid ,
learned to drink , smoke , chew tobacco ,
play cards and slip in under the can
vas" when the circus came around. He
went into bad company , frequented
iivery stables and low bar-rooms , finally
became a pickpocket , then a forger ,
then a horse-thief , and one day in a
fit of drunken madness he committed
a cowardly murder. Children , " he
continued impressively , > 4where do
you think that boy is now ? "
"He stands before us , " guessed the
children in one voice.
How's Thinl
We offer One Hundred Dollars reward for
any case of catairh that cannot be cured by
lakiug Hall's Calanh Cure.
\\e. the undersigned , bare known F J.
Cheney for the lust 15 years , and believe him
perfectly honorable in" nil business transac
tions , and liuancially able to carry out any
obligations made by "their lirni.
AVEs > T cfc TKUAX , Vbolesaie Druggists , Tole
do , O.
Drupgists , Toledo.- .
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally ,
feting directly upon the blood and mucous
surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent
free. Price Toe. per bottie. gold by all
A noon for flachelorn.
The advantages of a pocket that has
no sewed seems and cannot rip and
that is neat and smooth in the gar
ment are such as will be appreciated
by every masculine reader. Such a
pocket is the invention of an ingenious
Yankee , who calls his device a seam
less safety pocket. The peculiarity of
these pockets is that they are woven
complete in one piece. Ifo stitching
or sewing is necessary to make them
ready for use. but they are turned out
by the loom in the exact form in which
they are required for trousers.
The little barber is none the less a strapping
ping- fell dTr. "
The physicians may be called gripmen
Up to sniff Getting oat of bed to take a
Has It over been your misfortune to
bu brought Into frequent contact w , th a ,
porsouexo.slv/ilynervous ? Jf so , you'must
bo awure I'uat trivial causes , unnoticed' by
the vigorous , drlvo a nervourf invalid to the
verge of distraction. It is as unnecessary to
particularize these OR It is impossible to
guard against thorn. The root of the evil is
usually Imperfect digestion and usslmllii-
tion. To assist these functions , nnd through
their renewed , complete discharge to re-
inforcu weuk nerves , in conjunction with
other portions of the physical organism , is
within the power of Hostettcrs Stomach
Bitters , systematically anil continuously
used. There I * no disappointment here , no
matter whator how grievous the failures of
other'so-called tonlcH. Nosodatlvo or opi
ate avoid both ! can compare with this in
vigorating nerve trauqullizer. Constipa
tion , biliousness , malaria , rheumatism ,
kidney troubles are cured by it.
Flying Feather *
Marcy , a noted French physiologist ,
has for many years devoted considera
ble attention to the flight of birds.
With the advent of instantaneous
photography he has succeeded in ob
taining full and complete views of
birds at exactly timed intervals of
flight , and in order to facilitate the
conception , relief figures in wax , and
later in bronze , were made , which gave
a complete representation of the mo
tions in flight.
Dobbins'Electric Soap is cheaper for you
to use , if you follow directions , than any
other soaps would be if given to you , for by
its use clothes are saved. Clothes con more
than soap. Ask your grocer for Dobbins' .
Take no other.
The ballet girl should not Include adi-pose
in her list of graceful revelations.
A European Face 1'rcparatlon.
LADIES. Don * t put cheap. Injurious preparations on
your face ; USD tlio h r.nlc5n , clear as water , no neJI-
inent , 110 lead or injurious article , "YouTJiir.KN-K,1'
brought from Europe. It itmorcs ix-dnesj of no ,
effects of wind nnil nun , pimples , inn ! hrali < > re nee ;
an clezant ihiiitf to use after shaving for men. Jfoko *
nkiii tof \tivtty. . mid ImpniU : i r-KAHLY cojirLKXiuX.
Ko such nn article was ever sen befo-e. 2 a luvck-
ogx' , or three for 85. Sent on lecvlpt of pilee. Am.
I'lll & Meil. ( 'o. . rojrnlty proprx. , Speiu-cr , la. HIUQ-
Cists supplied by Itlake , Driuc.t Co. , Unmlui , Neb.
The hardest of all things is to cet a man
to stop and look himself squarely in the
1 read what Kir. Bell said about making SO per month.
Jalso sent to the Standard Silver Ware Co. , Essex St. ,
lie ton. Mass. , and received a fine cafcc
took orders the llrst day that paid mctlOprollt ; made
MO the first week , at the end of one month 1 had 1113
clear profit. Any one can pet circulars and agency by
writing the above firm. 1 nope other * may profit by
my experience. Yours Truly , W. F. WILLIAMS.
When a man has run his race in this world
and the cud. comes he is out of breath.
lttr .Wln IoT'BSoothIncSyrup , for Chil
dren teething , softens the gums , reduces Inflamma
tion , allays pain , cures wind colic. 25c. a bottle.
The interest you take in another man's
business is never profitable.
Yon tit Kc torc < l.
GENTT.KJF.S. Is j our mental viion dark ! Hive you
no ambl.ijn ! Is society nut enticing ; ) I * your memo
ry short ! Have yim'niHhtjwe&tiU IJ ni.trricd lil'i-m--
cutlifactory ! Do yon not curoior forlcty of Inriiu l
If so , send for "The GP.EIT FUESCH "KCSCKUTIOS. "
formerly of France , and if it dors nut fhani ; As
pirations , let us know nnd thin incorporntiuii will re
fund your money. I Is . * pf-cin > tor till uncli trouble--
In short It rentorcr. tl : .t vitality that Ix-lonr * to health
ful youth. Sent piepuld per mall un receipt of jiricw ,
l > .r Am. Pill & Jlcil Co. . royalty prop' * . , Spencer , ta.
its supplied by Dlake , BruceCo. . , Omalm.
During Lent , Jason says , he has discovered
that the fast days are not slow days.
Gilbert's Dreis Innings , Best In the World.
Every Intelligent I.ady nnd Dressmaker knows IU
Genuine goods have name on selvage.
The tramp is like a railroad sleeper he is
readily adapted to a road-bed.
When Eaby was sick , we gave her Castoria ,
When she was a Child , she cried for Castoria ,
When she became Miss , she clung to Castoria ,
When she had ChUdren , she gave them Castoria ,
The toper's toast with all my faults Hove
the still.
, Patent medicines differ
One has reasonableness , an
other has not. One has repu
tation another has not. One
has confidence , born of suc
cess another has only
' hopes. "
Don't take it for granted
that all patent medicines are
alike. They are not.
Let the years of uninter
rupted success and the tens
of thousands of cured and
happy men and women , place
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery and Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescription
on the side of the comparison
they belong.
And there isn't a state or
territory , no nor hardly a
country in the world , whether
its people realize it or not ,
but have men and women
in them that're happier be
cause of their discovery and
their effects.
Think of this in health.
Think of it in sickness. And
then think whether you can
afford to make the trial if
the makers can afford to take
the risk to give your money
back as they do if they do
not benefit or cure you.
One of the most imporlant organs of the
human body is the LIVER. When it fails to
properly perform its functions the entire
system becomes deranged. The BRAIN ,
to perform their work. DYSPEPSIA , CON
EASE , etc. , are the results , unless something -
thing is done to assist Nature in throwing
oft the impurities caused by the Inaction
of a TORPID LIVER. This assistance so
necessary will be 'found in1
Prickly Ash Bitters J
It acts directly on the LIVER , STOMACH
and KIDNEYS , and by its mild and cathartic
effect and general tonic qualities restores
these organs to a sound , healthy condition ,
and cures all diseases arising from these
causes. It PURIFIES THE BLOOD , tones
up the system , and restores perfect health.
If your druggist doesnot keep it ask him to
order it for you. Send 2c stamp tor copy of
"THE HORSE TRAINER , " published by us.
ole Proprietors , ST. LOUIS , MO.
Can obtain 3 T lu ble books on
bones , cows , pigs , poultry , doge ,
mm fD O P C R ] Canary birdi.mdckingbirdi , '
WtJ n. 9 G > IWl d W parrots , pigeons , gold fish.on
riEtn , 400 X. 3d St. . Philadelphia , Pa. Inventor of the oldest ,
strongest and best Cattle Powder mode. 4 doles free ,
Cheap S. S. S. WILL CURE. There is
imitations My daughter had a case of chronic only one
Eczema , which for over five years
should be had baffled the skill of the best phy S. S. S.
avoided. sicians. As she was daily growing Take no
worse , I quit all other treatment and
They neverj commenced using S. S. S. Before other.
finishing the second bottle the scaly
cure incrustations had nearly disappeared. I continued
and are using S. S. S. until she was entirely cured. I waited
before reporting the case to see if the cure was perma
otten nent. Being satisfied that she is freed from the an
noying disease for all time to come , I send you this.
dangerous. V. VAUGHN" , Sandy Bottom , Vc.
e old proverb be true.
"SAPOLLO is.greater hhexn
roya.1 ly Its elf . 'Tty it i n your rrex h-
house-cle ning : Grocers keep ih
As a true patriot and citizen you should naturalize yourself
by using the best inventions of the day for removing such a charge.
To live in Grease is utterly unnecessary when SAPOLIO is sold
in all the stores , and abolishes grease and dirt.
Best Cough Medicine. 2Zecominended by Physicians.
Cures where all else fails. Pleasant and agreeable to the
taste. Children take it without objection. By druggists
THC ORIGINAL AND GENUINE. Tht raly Safe , Bture , MdnliUpill tor ul * .
Ladle * , uk DmsrUt for OUkuKf i * * glii * Diamond Snni la Ke4 u > 4 CeU ncullle
bozt * mM witi blM tibtee. Tmke * Iier kind. JUfiat 9tAiKtHat mi ! miutitn * .
JIU cilia to BMUbeud boitt , pink daacerMU e BtcrftlU. At Draxzliu. n Mad
4 . IB map * for pulkiUn. laUmoalilf , and "Kellef f r LaJle * . " ( it Itatr , j retam Mali.
l , eT slia iUM. JT.MM.FVy . * . .CKICHCSTEM CHEMICAL Co. .
UK.00 Genuine Haml-gewcil. an oletcuntanC. '
* stylish dress shoe which eie
* A > 0 ° Hand-ninvcdWolt. A Jlnocnlfshoeniv
equalled forStyleanddurnbllltr.
BO.BOlCJoodycar Welt 1 * the Btandart drcasr-
* * Bhoc. nt a poiiulnprice. .
BO.OO I'olicnmitii'a Shoo In especially adapted- <
* * for railroad men , fnrnierti , etc.
AH random Congress , llutton and Lnco.
BO.00 for Ladle * , In the only Imncl-ttnrcit--
* * shoo sold at this popular price.
9ty.SO Dongolii shoe for I.udlen , lunnotrdfr
, nurture and promlocM to bvcome popular.
SQ.OO Shoe for Lailleg , anil 91.71 > forMl secr
.17 Btnl retln 'heir excellence forstyle.etc.
Allgoods ; warranted and rtAmpYd with nnnio on bottom ,
I advertised local nffent cannot supply you , nernl ftlrec *
a factory enclo lns dvertl3edjprir or a jxwtnl foror-
terblanlM. W. I. . DOUG LAS. Ilrncktnn. Ma *
WANTKD. Shoo dealer in every rlljr
and town not occupied , to luke exelu--
slve agency. All agent * uJvertI ed lu
local paper. Send fur llluairateiS. *
No , 335.
This Identical carrlnge , number 33 , with beanttfut
lace odpe parasol , will bo lent to any odilresi upon re
ceipt of 110.00.
If nut satisfactory and returned at once , money trirt
be refunded. The best carriage in the world for UL-
V.'holetnle and retail dealers and manufacturers , IO9-
120S , and 1210 Farnam itiect. Omaha.
BreaMast Cocoa : .
from which the ezceia of oil
has been removed ,
la absolutely pure am
it is soluble.
No Chemicals-
are used in its preparation. Il
lias more than three ttmet the
strength of Cocoa mixed with -
Btarcb , Arrowroot or Sugar ,
and IB therefore far more eco-
nomlcal , costing lei * than one-
Iccnlactip. 1 tin delicious , nour-
_ I foiling , strengtheningEASJLT
DIGESTED , and admirably adapted for Invalids
as well as for persona in health.
Sold by GroeerseTerj"where. _
"W. BAKER & CO. , Dorchester , Mass.
Specific for Hysteria , niirine * . Fits , Neuralgia , Wata.
fulne , Itental Dpr uion , Boftening of the Brain. r -
icltin ? In Insanity and leading to misery decav and
death. Premature Old Age , Barrenness. Loss of 1'ower-
In either MX. Inroluutary Losres.aad Sparmatorrbo * .
caas d br orer-eiertlon of the brain , eelf-abose or -
Tcr-lndolgenc * . Each box contain * one month's treaV-
aent. II box. or six for Si , sent by mall prepaid.
With each order for six boxes , < wlll send pirn-bane-
ffnaraata * to refund money if the treatment fail * t .
art. UaaranUc * Uiu 4 and genoiaa sold only by
mtJ < ; CO. ,
111O farnam Street , O3IABA ,
Our Well Machines are the most Rffl iilUHLB . '
They do ilCIHK WOItK and
They FINISH Wells where
th r KAIL ! Any size.
inches to U inches diameter.
LQOMIS & NYMAN , Catalogue
oed New * to Ladfisr
JfewDevartir * . Busttrcl r > * * r t "
U Sierj SobKrlter. Greatest offer.
Kow'syourtime to set orders for
oar celebrated Tea * , Cofoi aatfl
Biilay P.wfer , aad secure a beauti
ful Gold Band or Hoaa Rose Cbfnar
Tea Bet. Dinner Set , Gold Band
_ _ Moss note Toilet Set , WatcbBraan
Lamp , Castor , Webster's Dictionary and many other
premiums. 3 % pounds of Tea by mall on receipt of C _
For particular * address THE OXK1T A9EXIC1X TEA CO. ,
P. O. Box 230. 55 and 37 VSSSZT Br. . Kzv VOBE ,
"When I say cure I do not mean merely to stop Uses
for a time and then hare them return again. I mean A
rodiccl cure. I hare made the disease of FITS , EPI
LEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS a life-long Btady. I
warrant my remedy to cure the worst cases. Because
others hare failed 'is no reason for not now receiring .
cure. Send at once for a treatise end a Free Bottle of
my infallible remedy. Give Express and Post Ofice.
II. CJ. ItOOT , JU. C. , 183 Pearl St. , N. YZ
I" I" ' " " 'rated ' Publications , WR
U L L Maps , describing Mlnnepota
| B r r North Dakota , Montana , Jdabiv
! fc , WasblDk'ton and Oregon , the
FA Government
Best Agricultural
Grazing and Tlm-
ter Land * now open to settler * . Martea KKtE.
ClUf.B.iaaCOK.t , L , d > om. ! T. P. E. B.SU Paal ,
Fish's Amalenr Shoe Repairing Jack ,
" Win repair any shoe tram a.
child1 * 2 o. JO to a aanllfo. M.
Anyone can i e It. Boys repair
your own ihoes at bosie , and MTO
money and trouble. Price of
Jaek.82.KO. Price of Jack and
Full Set of Pine Tool * , trrth Stock
to half sole and heel 12 pairs of
bees , $ & 2S. Bend for Cfrcnlaw.
Correspondence solicited. . .
J. D. FISKE. & CO. , 272 Atjlunvst. Hartfard. Ct
leading remedy ( or all Ui
unnatural dlachurgcs and
private diseases of men. A.
certain cure for the debfll *
tatlnj wcainets pcccllar-
to womcB.
_ . Jprescribeitandteelsafa.
THEEYU ) > CHEtfir 'nn. In recomneodlEi- 10 .
. STOKER , V tt , DtOlTWi
Sold by DrvrrU
CE ti.00.
, ; -Thompson's Eyt Wattr.
W. N. U. , Omaha , - 563 15 ,