The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 27, 1891, Image 7

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Both the method and results -when
Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant
nnd refreshing to the taste , and acts
gently yet promptly on the Kidneys ,
Liver and Bowels , cleanses the sys
tem effectually , dispels colds , head-
cches and fevers nnd cures hahitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its Icind ever pro
duced , pleasing to the taste and ac
ceptable to the stomach , prompt , in
Us action and truly beneficial in its
effects , prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances ,
its many excellent qualities com
mend it to all and have made it
the most popular remedy known.
Syrup or Figs is for sale in 50c
and $1 bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it Do not accept
any substitute.
We have selected two or
Croup , three lines from letters
freshly received from pa
rents who have given German Syrup
to their children in the emergencies
of Croup. You will credit these ,
because they come from good , sub
stantial people , happy in finding
what so many families lack a med
icine containing no evil drug , which
mother can administer with con
fidence to the little ones in their
most critical hours , safe and sure
that it will carry them through.
ED. L. WILLITS , of airs. JAS.W. KIRK ,
Alma , Neb. I give it Daughters' College ,
to my children when Harrodsburg , Kv. I
troubled with Croup hax-e depended fipon
and never saw any it in attacks of Croup
preparation act like with my little daugh-
it. It is simply mi ter , an d find it an in
raculous. valuable remedy.
Fully one-half of our customers
are mothers who use Bo.schee's Ger
man Syrup among their children.
A medicine to be successful with the
little folks must be a treatment for
the sudden and terrible foes of child
hood , whooping cough , croup , diph
theria and the dangerous inflamma
tions of delicate throats and lungs. ©
is Lenox.
Bui do not use the dangerous alkaline
and mercurial preparations which destroy
your nervous system and ruin the digestive
power of the stomach. The vegetable king ,
dom gives us the best and safest remedial
agents. Dr. Sherman devoted the greater
part of his life to the discovery of this relia
ble and safe remedy , and all its ingredients
are vegetable. He gave it the name of
Prickly Ash Bitters !
a name everyone can remember , and to the
present day nothing has been discovered that
is so beneficial for the BLOODfor the
LIVER , for the KIDNEYS and for the
STQMACHi This remedy is now so well
and favorably known by all who have used
it that arguments as to its merits are use
less , and if others who require a correct
ive to the system would but give it a trial
the health of this'counlry would be vastly
Improved. Remember the name PRICKLY
ASH BITTERS. Ask your druggist for it.
Bpeciee for Hysteria. Dl ln . Fit * . Henralria , Wat * ,
falne * ! . Uental DepruIon.8ofUninff of the Brain , re-
mlUnj. in Jntanlty and leading to mUery deeav and
death. Premature Old Age , Barrenness. Low of rower
IB either MX. Inrolontary Loitet , and Spennatorrho ft
eausod by orer-exertlon of the brain , Mlf-abuie or .
aTcr-lndolgenee. Each box contains one saonta'i treat.
h nt. tl * box. or atx for & , tent by mall prepaid.
With each order for Hx bore * , will > end p rch jer
enaract to refund money If Che treatment f sill M
uv. Uuaraato * * tandand attlaaMl4oaljrb7
1110 rrvu * Street , OXJMA , NE& .
Jinn's grcntt-Bt enemy Js tlic H luc-glass
womnnV , the look Jn-t-pl n. 8. But thcgient
e < t friend of both is tbat world-rcuownci
philanthropist , Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup.
"That ; VI B n craik shot , " snlil the hey a
he dltJlgurcil the show-window with u pebble
"There's nothing : hulf eo sweet In life a
"love's young drcmu " Now about thi
there is homo dl.-cifliy of opinion. Bonn
i : iirefuruiu-o to a good nrile e of tnll'y
but there nre few things any sweeter thii
case after a racking pain an I Ihis is ouli
gotten by using Salvation Oil.
A Very Abnentnitnclod Old "Han.
We have some curious customers oc
casionally. There is one nbsentminuct
old gentlemitn who usually dines a.
noon at a hotel near by. When lie ii
in a hurry ho takes luncheon here.
The first time he came here he forgoi
to pay up. Fortunately , there was
some gentleman hero who identified
him. The next time he came 1 saw
him eat a meal that cost exactly fif
teen cents , but he wanted to pay the
cashier $1. Probably lie was dream
ing that he had eaten his table d'hote
dinner. The old gentleman was greatlj
surprised when J told him exactlj
what he had eaten , and he thought ]
was very .smart to remember it all. ]
afterward learned that he always car
ries his napkin home when he dines a1
his hotel. His wife has it washed and
returned the next day by mail. In
terview in Xew York Tribune.
The Fro&trutlng Miocks
Of inularhil fever are not to be counteracted
by qu nine with any di-zrco of certainty , or
for any length of time. The cratlicutinn
ami prevention of dlsu.-i > . s of a miabinati :
type are , however , a'-eui-laim'd pOhSilulUiea.
Lone experience has shown that tlieie is in
finitely more preventive offieacy in t lie flnt
Ixitanfo niediuine. Hosteller's Stomach Hitter
tertlitin in tl.e alkaloids , di ugh , : nd poisons -
-sons which wens formerly the only iceos-
nizuil muaiiK of removing and anticipating
attack * of fever and ajrue and bilious lemit-
tt'iit. When the r > yhterii lias been depleted
by periodically recurriiu ; paroxysms , this
iiKrucnblo restorative renews tlic funds of
enerjry. and is not only a jiositlvc specific
but icpalrs the damage to the ceneral
health inflicted by all febrile complaints
partaking of tlic malarial character.
I > u t That IN Hnrmleso.
Xot long ago somebody experimented
with dust gathered from various places
to search for microbes. The dust from
a city street , that gathered from the
sweeping of a hospital ward , some
taken from a street car at the end of a
trip these accumulations and more
were examined with startling results.
What struck terror to the heart of the
house mother was the statement in
connection with all this investigation
that a rug- could not be shaken , a cur
tain dusted out or a carpet brushed in
her domain without raising a cloud of
organism move or less injurious to the
family health. The innocent pastime
of parlor dancing was inveighed against
as treading out disease germs , and the
final sweeping assertion made that it
was impossible to make a carpet clean
in a hygienic sense.
The London Lancet , however , comes
to the rescue. That authority pro
nounces carpet microbes not to be
feared. The air of a wholesome , well
kept house is not on sweeping day the
poison laden atmosphere which is de
picted. Dust is found in carpets and
microbes are found in dus"t. but all
dust is not so impregnated , and it 13
safe to assume that most dust found in
caruets is harmless.
FRAXK J. Cnixr.Y : inaKcs oath tbat be is
the senior partner of ibe lirm of F. .J.
LIIKM.I it Co. . doii'sr business in tb - City of
'Jolt-do. Coiintv : md Slate nforesaid. and that
said linn Mill" ] ay the EUDJ of OKE HUN
DRED DOLLARS i'or each and every case of
CATAKKII that cannot be cuied by the use of
w orn to before me and subscribed in my
presence , tbis btb day of December , A. D. .
Notary Public.
Hall8 Catarrh Cure is ? taken internally and
nets directly on tl.e blood anti mucous sur
faces of the fv.-tem. Send for testimonials ,
In e. F. .1. "CHENEY it CO. . Toledo , O.
2"Sold Drngpists , Too.
The Very First American Kailivay.
. The first railroad built in the United
States was three miles in length , extending
tending- from the granite quarries at
Quincy. Mass. . to the Xeponsett river.
It was commenced in 1S2G and finished
in 1S27. The gauge was five feet. The
rails were pine , a foot thick , covered
with hard oak , which was in turn
strapped with iron. Jn January , 1827 ,
a short coal road was completed from
the mines to Mauch Chunk , Pa. The
rails on this road were also of timber ,
with flat iron bars. The first locomo
tive for use on a railroad was invented
by Richard Previteck in 1804 , and first
tried in Wales.
George Stephenson built the first
really successful locomotive in 1814 ,
and' tested it upon the Killingwood
road in the north of. The first loco
motive for actual service constructed
in America was E. I. Miller's "Best
3'riend , " built for the South Carolina
Railroad company in 1830. Peter
Cooper built a little experimental loco
motive early in 1830. before the "Best
Friend' ' was completed. St. Louis
A 'I tine tu lie Silent.
-Do you know , ' said a matron whose
married life extended over a score of
years , "that 1 attribute in a consider
able degree the happiness of our life
to a custom which my husband and
myself have unfailingly respected we
never do any talking , hardly speak to
one another , indeed , before breakfast.
He was quite a confirmed bachelor
when I married him , and he told me
soon afterward that until he had taken
his breakfast coffee he held the most
morose and gloomy views of every
"I thought at first this was a little
peculiar , but when my attention was
thus called to it I dircovered that I ,
too , found life much more agreeable ,
and small burdens much more beara
ble after I had broken my night's fast.
Many wives tell me their most availa
ble time to 'talk over things1 is during
the dressing hour. I always feel like
begging them to try some other time.
It is a mental exertion to discuss the
ways and means of , this exacting exist
ence of ours too great a one. I , think ,
to be indulged in before breakfast. "
Her Point of View in New York Times.
Two l > o < r nnd a IJrowrilne ITIan.
The instinct of Newfoundland dogs
to save a drowning person has been
somewhat painfully tested by an un
lucky Frenchman. Ho was walking in
the country with a man who possessed
a magnificent Newfoundland , and in
cautiously questioned the truth of the
animal's sagacity. The dog's master ,
vexed at the slur cast upon his favor
ite , gave his friend a push and knocked
him into the shallow river. Turk im
mediately sprang in. and seized one of
the tails of the immersed man's coat ,
commenced to swim for land.
Unfortunately another Newfound
land , trotting along on the other side
of the river , saw the affair and also
came to the rescue. Dog number two
immediately seized the other tail of
the coat and wished to swim back to
his master. Turk held fast and strug
gled for his side , and the owner of the
coat cried in vain for help. At last
the coat gave way and each dog swam
proudly home with a piece of cloth
in his mouth , ' so that Turk's master
was forced to plunge in himself to save
his friend. London Tit-Bits.
Do you wish to know how to have no
steam , an'l not half the usual worlc on wash
day ? Ask your grocer for a bur of Dobbins'
Electric fcoip : , a7)d the directions will tell
yon how. lie sure to get no imitation.
Theic are lots of them.
A Gold and Silver Well.
There is a wonderful well down in
Del Norte. It is an artesian well , with
an abundant How of pure water , suffi
cient to irrigate a considerable body of
land. That would be enough for any
one but a San Luis man , but this is
mineral water. It is effervescent , very
palatable and extremely healthful.
Nor is this all. The force of the wa
ter brings up from the depths an occa
sional lump of native silver or a gold
nugget. The frugal farmer has placed
a sack of wire netting over the mouth
of the well to catch the metal and pre
vent it from choking the cows. Local
scientists claim that at a great distance
down , and under an enormous press
ure , the water is washing away a ledge
of rock , whose softer parts go into
solution and give the water its mineral
qualities , but whose gold and silver ,
not being dissolved , are brought to the
surface in a metallic shape. Pike's
Peak Herald.
When Eaby ivas sick , TTC gave her Cactoria ,
When she was a Child , she cried for Castoria ,
When she became Miss , she clung to Castoria ,
"When she had Children , she gave them Castoria ,
The wages of sin are paid more promptly
than the minister's salarv.
Mrs. Winslovr'a ! ? ootliiii2Synip , for Chil
dren teething , softens tlic Rims , reduces intlatnina-
tion.nlliiys pain , cures wind colic. 2Jc. a bottle.
The office-seeker in Washington hopes for
an early spring oj cuing.
Holmaii * * Liver Pad * .
Tlolman's Liver Pnds cure JILAHIA. .
Hotmail'- , Liver ] 'a s cure
Homan's ! Liter I'.ulcine IXDIGKSTION" .
I'ninphlet free with full it s ruction * and commenda
tions. HOLMAS LIVEU 1'Al ) Co. , P. O. liox 211 : ! , JJ. Y.
Blows are not always exchanged wteu you
strike an acauaintance.
"I n xvn BHEX AFFLICTED with an affec
tion of the Throat from cbildhood , caused
by diphtheria , and have used various renteI I
die * , but have never found anything equal to
M. F. Hampton , Piketon , Ky. Sold only in
Men arc just as ready to hate you for your
virtues as for vour faults.
Swift's Specific. If
S. S. S. cigar
To Smokers. smok
Mr. L. M. Geuella , of ing has
Vicksburj ? , Miss. , says
that his system was pois
oned with nicotine from ed your
the excessive use of to health ,
bacco in smoking cigar Take
ettes. He could not sleep ,
his appetite was gone , Ul U | Ul
and he was in a had fix become
generally. He took S. 53.
S , , which drove out the
poison and made a new weii
man out of him. again ,
fThe Only Shoe Factory In Onmlia.
W. V. Morse & Co.'s Men's , Women's
and Children's medium and line grades
of shoes , made in our large factory in
Omaha , Iseb. Ask your storekeeper
for this brand ; TIIEV are the best.
W. V. Morse & Co. have the oxw
shoe factory in Omaha , so when the
merchant deals with this firm he knows
he is buying /rom lirst hands , and at
In one year , wo7 have made so good
a. reputation for our "Morse's School
Shoes" that we have been compelled
to make other important lines.
Merchants If you want shoes that
will wear ! That will lit ! That will
please your customers , send your orders
to W. V. Morse & Co. . Omaha , Neb.
any one finding a piece of shoddy in
any of our own make of goods.
We only sell to merchants.
W. V. MOUSE & Co. .
Omaha , Xeb.
Why Fowlw Welcome Fair Weather.
The uoprivation of light , which
affects all animals so much , is partic
ularly depressing to birds ; and this
may be a reason for their unwilling
ness to move in the frost fog. Natur
ally they are the lirst to welcome its
departure. As the mist lifts from a
Scotch hillside the cock begins to
crow , and in the English fields the
rooks caw , the small birds twitter and
the cocks crow in the barnyards. These
sounds are as certain to proclaim the
lifting of the fog as the "London cries" '
to beg-in when the rain stops. Spec
Fruits and Trot- * ! Points for Tree
A new book for practical tree planters.
The Orunjrc Jucld Firmer s-uys : "This en
tire book is nby ] written and gives trusty in
formation for everyone riowing fruit of anv "
sort or kind. " Sent free by Stark 13ros. ,
Louisiana , Mo.
Student : How did " vour ro'.lcga open this
year * Student : With"a rush.
"Now good digestion i\ait on appetite , and
health on both. ' ' 'Ihis natural and happy
condition of the mind and body is brought
about bv the timely use of Prickly Ash Bit
ters. AVhile not : I beverage in any sense , it
possesses the wonderful faculty of renewing
to the debilitated system all the elements re
quired to rebuild and make strong. If you
are troubled with a. headache , diseased liver ,
kidneys or bowels , give it a trial , it will not
fail you.
It is to Ve expected that anarchists will
make bombastic speeches.
Ctarfield Tea ; harmless herbs. Accomplishes ben
efits rtsultiiifrfrom cathartics , aril nioitNmplcannt
and elton injurious effect * , of ] irr iiti-ve pills.
The dogs that take the prizes at the bench
show are the bied winners.
Gilbert's Dress TJntngs. Bc > t In the World.
l ycry Intelligent Lady anil Dressmaker Knows it.
Genuine eooilb have name on eelvage.
It is not a good time to read the Bible
while your nifc is out in the rain cutting
OF um nm
I rnulins. Horse nnd WOKOII Covers , Ftoekmen'a
Bed Sheets , Camr-inc Outfits , Oilclothinj : nnil nil kinds
of Canvas , good * . OMAHA TKST AND AWNING CO. ,
1113 Farnam street , Omaha. Neb.
7 Bottles s.s.s.
of S. S. S. thou
Cancer cured. of
For thirty-live years I such
was afflicted with cancerous
ous sores on my face
which prominent physi after
cians failed to cure. Sev good
en bottles of S. S. S-
cured me permanently.
Am now sixty years old cians
and in perfect health.
Orion , Ala. failed ,
Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed Free.
THE SWIFT SPECEFiC CO. , Atlanta , Ca.
"The bes > is eye Hie cheapesK'
of : and subshhut-es fo
c&ke of ; scouring so&pTry
In your nexh house-cleaning.
It is worse than nonsense to buy a cheap article with
which to damage more valuable property. Scouring soap
is at best only a trifling expense , but with a poor and
cheap article it is likely to do considerable damage to fine
marble or other property.
Best Cough. Medicine. Recommended , by Physicians.
Cures -where all else fails. Pleasant and agreeable to the
taste. Children take -without objection. By druggists
I M M M V M m W P HH HI A BlA ' *
THE ORIGINAL AND CCNUINC. Thoaly Safe , SureandrriialltPIU for nle
- , e . mik Drogjiit w C * < dk rtR"i AvU < k ZMomSiui jSni to Red ' -
boxc * e I d with bine ribbon. Take no other kind. Rcfwe Sutttitui .
. AUplU.iapaitrt rdbexMpinkwT pp n.aredmBBeroB eoBBterfUt l "JuDntrtnTmtnt . . . . at
4 * in tt rap for parttealan , todmoalaU , and "KelTef for * - * - - - - :
' " "OOTwiraonlaU. , AaMAiptr. CHICHC8TCR *
cola by ftll ,
Those who believe that Dr
Sage's Catarrh Remedy wil.
cure them are more liable
to get well than those whc
If you happen to be one of
those who don't believe , there's
a matter of $50x5 to help youi
faith. It's for you if the mak
ers of Dr. Sage's remedy can'l
cure you , no matter how bad
or of how long standing youi
catarrh in the head may be.
The makers are the World'5
Dispensary Medical Associa
tion of Buffalo , N.Y. They're
known to every newspapei
publisher and every druggis !
in the land , and you can eas
ily ascertain that their word's
as good as their bond.
Begin right. The first stage
is to purify the system. You
don't want to build on a wrong
foundation , when you're build
ing for health. And don't
shock the stomach with harsh
treatment. Use the milder
You wind your watch once
a day. Your liver and bowels
should act as regularly. If
they do not , use a key.
The key is Dr. Pierce's
Pleasant Pellets. One a dose.
Positively cured bj
these Llttlo Pills.
They also relieve Dis
trees from DyspepsiaIn
digestion and TooHearty
ITTIE Eating. A perfect rem
edy forDlzzineM.Nauaea
IYER Drowsiness , Bad Taste
In the Mouth. Coated
PILLS. Tongne.Pain In the Side.
regulate thi. Bowels
Purely Vegetable.
Price 25 Cents ;
Small Pill. Small Dose , Small Price , !
Did you ever have
in yoiir pocket
at onetime ?
A\e offer this amount for an
Advertising Novelty
* ' f
to the man or woman , boyorfrlrl , who shal ! dcvi'C tlic
best ongiimhtv to .ul\ertUc
For Inl.ints and Invalids in every linmc In America.
Tor further Instructions address Adxcrtisin Dcp't ,
WOOL-RICH & C ° . ,
Mention the name of this paper when you write.
FOR ONE DOLLAR sent us by mall , we will
deliver , free of all charges , to any pornon in the
United fctates. ail the following articles larefully
packed in a neat box :
Onetwo-onnco Dottle of Pure Va'Plino lOcts.
One two-ounce bottle Vaseline Pomade l. > cts.
Onejar of Vaseline Cohl Cream . locts.
One cake of Vaseline Camphor Ice . lOcts.
One cake of Vnsoline Soap , nnscented. . . . 10 cts.
One cuke o * Vaseline ? oap. scented . 25 cts.
One two-ounce bottle of White Vaseline 23 cts.
- 11.10
Or for stamps any single article at the price.
If you have oceailon to use Vaseline In any forra
becaieful to ccecpt only genuine goods put up by us
In original packages. A greatniany drui istaaro
trylnjf to persuade buyers to take VASKLIN'U put
up by them. Never yield to such persuasion , as the
article 1 s nn imitation without value , nnd will not
give you the result you expect. A bottle of Blua
Seal Vaseline Is sold byalldnijgltsatten cents.
CUESEnitOCGH NTs. Co. , 24 Slate St. , Sew York.
'When I eay cure I do not mean merely to stop them
for a time and then have them return again. I mean si
radic&l cure. I have made the disease of FITS , EPI
LEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS a life-long study. I
warrant my remedy to euro the worst cases. Because
others have failed is no reason for not now receiving a
cure. Send at once for a treatise and a Free Bottle of
ny infallible remedy. Give Express and Post Office.
II. G. HOOT , .11 , C. , 1S3 Pearl St. , N. Y.
Big O Is the acknowledges
leading remedy for all lh9
unnatural discharges and
private diseases of men. A.
1T05DAYS W certain cure for the debilitating
weakness peculiar
eauu Stricture. tating
to women.
I prescribe It and feel saf 9
I. in recommending It to
all sufferer * .
Sold by-Drnjrgrlat * .
FHICE 81.00.
With name and aodresi complete.
By Mall. Club of Five for One Dollar.
ICO page Catalogue and Agents' List for 10
cents. Address. SCHWAAB STAMP &
SEAL COMPANY , St. Paul , Minn.
Special attention Riven to the above. NATHAN
BICKFOKD , Solicitor Of Claims. Washington ,
D. C. Uefercnces furnished in any State. Blanks Froo.
I Wl ML IVJ Vr U A victim of youth
ful imprudence , causing Premature Decay , Serrons
Debility , Lost Manhood , ic. , having tried IQ rain every
known remedy , lias diiicovered a pimple means of telt-
cure , which lie will send f ealed ) FREE to hit fellovr-suf-
ferer * . Address J. H. KEEVES , Esq. Box 3290 , S. Y. Citjy
" * y/Sj51 ( > 25 ibt-fer1 month by harmle 8 herbal
/ [ \ \ \ / I Jremeaiea. No starrinR , no inconvenience
i - . . Bnd no bad effects. Strictly confidential.
> ena fc. for circnlara and teatimonials. Addres Dr.
3. W.F. 8NYDEK.2U State atreet. Chlcaw. UL
W. N. U. , Omaha , 561 13
( icnulno IIiiii < lKvf < ) . nn olewiBlunO
stylish < lrcn idioo which commends Itsrit.
Haml-smveU Writ. A flno calf shoe
equalled for Style nmldiinit.lllty.
SO. .SO.Goodyonr Welt lh tlio standard
* * Shoo , at n poiuilnjirlcc. .
SO.5O rollcnmiin's Shoo IN especially &daxeu3 >
* * for nillronil men , fiinners , etc.
" ra'"le'n ' Congrc w. Htitton and Tjnrr.
for I.iulIrK , U tlio only liamt-k irtf-
Mioesold at thlB popular | rhe.
-GO Doiifrolu Siioo for I.iuiirs , Nonnvtlo-
parturo nncl promlne * to ticconio ixiimlar.
60.00 Shoo for Iiu lies , and 1 .75 fur Altoo *
. „ , "till retain their cxcellt-nro fnrsty In , ae-
All jroaUwRrrnnted nnd Htnmix-il with nnnioon
f advertised local nitent cnnnot mipply
p factory eiicloHlnirndvertlji-.l urirour a iKwtu
lerblanks.W. L..DOIHUAS. Jtrnckton.
AVANTKIK Slioodcailorfn-overrcfiy
nnd town not occupied , to take eaccla
Hive njrt'iicy. All au < 'nt" tiJvcrtlced in
local paper , ifciiil I'ur llluntraxtr < 3.
lo the expression of all whc. >
have used the
Ironsides Agitators ,
Horse Power ? ,
Swinging Stackers ,
Tread Powers and Saw
Because they are so far ahead &
all others in good work anc3
durability ,
No. 33G.
Thl" Identlcnl cttrinfte , number 33. , with
lure edge paraool , will be scut to any address u ; > ou T -
ceipt or S10.00.
If nut satisfactory nnd returned at once , ejtvjcywiTB
be lefunded. The best carriage in the vttld lor lfc -
V.'liolcsnle and retail dealers ami
1208 , and 1210 Famam stieet , Omaha.
from which the crre f oil
hns been rcraovcO ,
Js absolutely jnrre antit
it is soluble-
No Cliemicals.
nreiiKcdin itR preparation3vt
has more than three iimiy Ms
strength of Cocoa , mixed -wife
Starch , ArroTvraoi or Sugar.
and is therefore far more IXD-
I Domical , costing If 13 45 c oe
icentacnj ) .
' ishing , utrcngthemng ,
DIGESTED , and admirably adapted for
as well na for persona In health.
Sold by Grocers CTeryrrherg.
"W. BATTER & CO. , Dorchester ,
Oar Well Machines are the most
They do MOHK WORK and
They FJMI8H XV 11 where
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