The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 27, 1891, Image 5

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Large Assortment !
Latest Designs !
Prices Way Down !
Paints , Oils ,
Artists' Goods.
i > V. , ' .
, , .
Measure our smile.
Noble , The Grocer.
\ .
Next Easter Sunday.
Family Groceries nt Noble's.
District court , next Monday.
Staple and Fancy Groceries at NobleV
To-day is a legal holiday-Good Friday
Wall Paper latest designs at Mc-
We are all in it for good city gov
IHT'Call at the McCook Roller Mill
for seed oats.
Car of flour and feed just received al
A. T. Campbell & Co.'s.
County agricultural fair dates : Sep
tember 29-30 , October 1-2.
The Windsor Tie the latest out
at the Eagle Clothing Store.
THE TRIBUNE leads for McCook as
McCook leads for the Valley.
Dr. A. J. Thomas , Dentist , in Union
olock , over Boston shoe store.
84 patent flour at
In Wall Paper you will find newest
styles and lowest prices at McMillan's.
The Eagle Clothing Store has the
only Genuine Dog Glove found in
The flowers that bloom in the spring ,
tra la , will soon resume business at the
old stand.
The Eagle Clothing Store is already
exhibiting a splendid line of spring
Indianola's unpaid costs in the "late
unpleasantness" amount to nearly
Kapke , The Tailor , guarantees you
the lowest prices and the most stylish
and elegant clothing.
The city schools were closed for a
half-day , Wednesday afternoon , on ac
count of the deep snow.
Hanging and Stand Lamps at popu
lar prices at
Is it difficult for you to buy suitable
eye glasses ? Go to Sutton. He has a
scientific oculist to do such work , and
satisfaction is assured.
It was announced a short time ago
that there would be a drop of a cent
to a cent and half a pound in the price
of sugar by the first of April. Now it
is stated that no orders will be received
for April delivery.
The blind may see.
The mute may talk ,
The deaf may hear ,
The maimed may walk ,
And Johnnie may have the possess
ion of his gun ; but the time will never
come when you can buy first-class cloth
ing at the low prices obtainable at the
There is a rumor that S. E. Solomon
and W. D. Wildman of Culbertson have
filed a water right claim for an irrigat
ing ditch on the east side of the Medicine -
, cine and to extend eastward through
Furnas county. The estimated cost is
$150.000. The beginning and progress
of the work will depend upon the inter
est manifested by the farmers. Inter-
L. W. McCONNELL & CO. have
just received a large invoice of
Wall Paper , embracing Emboss
ed and Plain Gilts and Bronzes ,
Hand Mades , Glimmers , Whites
and Browns , at prices to snit the
Prepare for Arbor day.
The equinox is with us.
On the anxious seat candidates.
this last winter or next winter ?
A two-times winner U. J. Warren
Attend the Baptists' social , to-night
Call at the McCook Roller Mill foi
seed oats.
Gold dollars for ninety cents at tlu
Eagle Clothing Store. *
Pcarline meal the finest in the mar
Sutton has the only Johnston's Op
tical Case in the Republican Valley.
What must you do to be saved ? Why
buy your groceries at Noble's , of course !
White and Ficrured Windsor Ties
all the rage at the Eagle Clothing
All the popular brands of cigars at
Reizenstein's parlor , next door to the
post office.
About forty feet of the Bartley canal
dam across the ( Republican has been
washed out.
THE TRIBUNE is under obligations to
Secretary Allen for valuable state docu
ments received.
Noble carries a large and complete
stock of the best brands of canned
goods of all kinds.
JSlT'The City Drug Store can inter
est you in anything usually kept by a
first-class drug store.
FOR RENT : Building now occupied
by M. E. Knipple , after April 1st. In
quire of H. W. Cole.
Sutton is exhibiting some handsome
French White Onyx and Marble Clocks.
And more are coming.
Tuesday of this week , J. A. Cordeal
was admitted to practice before the
state supreme court.
WANTED : Good farmer to rent a
well-improved farm. Owner will furn-
sh seed. Apply at this office.
Noble , the leading grocer , makes a
specialty of fresh , clean family grocer-
es. He will treat vou right.
Sutton does all repairing in watches ,
clocks and jewelry promptly and thor
oughly and at reasonable figures.
Do you want the latest and best and
iheapest ? Well , they keep a large
'ariety at the Eagle Clothing Store.
WANTED A girl for general house
work. Enquire at residence.
At Joe Reizenstein's parlor you can
at all times secure the best brands of
cigars and tobaccosimported ordomcstic
If you want a stylish fit at the very
owest figures , KAPKE , THE TAILOR ,
s the man to patronize Rear of The
IN QUEENS WARE Noble carries
, he largest assortment and the richest
designs of the season. His prices are
The Eagle Clothing Store is in the
ilothing business. They will dress you
up handsomely and stylishly , and do it
t a very reasonable figure.
The Hatfields are enthusiastic be-
ievers in alfalfa. They have just closed
contract to have 150 acres of land
ceded with their favorite grass.
Twenty-seven miles of the Culbert
son canal have been completed. The
remaining forty-eight are under contract
to be completed by June 1st. The canal
wjll irrigate about 100,000 acres.
SHIRTS TO ORDER. White or fancy.
Gents who are accustomed to have their
shirts made to order , give us a trial or
der. We.guarantee a good fit and reasonable
enable prices. THE FAMOUS.
The assistant secretary of the inter
ior department has affirmed the decision
in favor of the contestant in the case
of Milan W. Quick vs. John F. Kyle ,
involving a homestead entry made by
the latter for the northeast quarter of
section 32 , township 6 , range 29 , Mc
Cook district of Nebraska.
Paper your house now and avoid the
spring rush. We can suit you in both
price and assortment.
Every fanner in Western Nchrusk
should make a most heroic effort , thi
year , to repair his damaged fortune.
On Tuesday C. T. Brewer started fo
the Omaha market with seven car-load
of fat cattle. Six oars were purchnsei
from S. P. Hart , the other load fron
the flat fields.
McCook , like most every community
has the moral reformer who is also a
moral coward. He is at all times anx
ions that the law should be cnforce <
but he does not want it known that he
had anything to do with enforcing it.
The Commercial House under the
new proprietor is getting along very
smoothly. Mr. Wolfe is getting on to
the ropes in good form and is keeping
the house up to its old-time excellence
and popularity , and is enjoying an en
couraging patronage.
George B. Berry is a McCook boy
a good citizen , an active business man
and thoroughly identified with every
movement for the city's progress. He
stands square with all elements , wil
serve all faithfully alike , and be the
Mayor of the whole people , regardless
of political or personal condition.
Nebraska is a young men's state
McCook a young men's city and it is
befitting that McCook's next Mayor
should be a young man. George B.
Berry , an energetic , successful young
business man , is his name. Awake to
present condition ; sensible of her future
prospects ; Mr. Berry will make an in
telligent , conservative , active Mayor ,
who will uphold the integrity and dig
nity of the best city of its class in this
Speed the Culbertson ditch ! Success
attend the splendid enterprise ! And
yet , right here at the outstart , our Cul
bertson friends will do well to remem
ber and observe that their interference
will not be brooked in other irrigation
nterprises proposed and being project
ed by other communities andindividuals.
Away with hoggishness and selfishness ,
intrigue and interference. Forward
every enterprise which will result in the
waters of our priceless streams being
spread over our fertile acres.
The snowfall during the storm of
Tuesday and Wednesday was undoubt
edly the heaviest of the season , and
must have been over a foot in depth on
the level. Trains were delayed , and
business generally was about suspended
during its continuance. Aside from the
fact that stock must have suffered
severely , this unusual fall of snow will
be of immense , value to agricultural in
terests , especially to those who have
their spring wheat planted. We have
no reports , but inasmuch as stock are
poor and weak and feed scarce , it may
be expected that the Storm King has
gathered in many an animal.
THE TRIBUNE does not paint any
fancy pictures to induce people to in
vest in farms in this section , but it does
state what it knows to be true , that the
county of Red Willow and many of its
neighbors present as good opportunities
as anyinteliigentandindustrious farmer
need look for. The advantages are fine
climate , pure water , fertile soil , excel
lent schools , a superior population , and
a fair market is had in McCook. The
man who farms here with tbc skill and
industry that he has been compelled to
employ further east can show more sat
isfactory results in ten years time , he
can own a better and a larger farm that
will increase in value every year , and if
he has sons he will be enabled to give
them a start in life sucli as he could
never hope to do in the agricultural sec
tions of the east.
Reizenstein's parlor is recognized
headquarters for the best cigars and to
baccos. Joe also carries a nice line of
smokers' articles.
Kickapoo Indian Oil and all the In
dian remedies at
Feed of all kinds.
Duck boots have been in demand the
past few days in lieu of snow shoes.
A few car-loads ot state seed were re
ceived at this point , this week.
An April event juvenile masquerade.
A. 0. H. ball-banquet , Monday night.
Seed.oats at McCook Roller Mill.
This is Passion week.
It is u small , contemptible mid igno
ble characteristic of man that seeks ad
vancement at the expense of another's
prosperity. Yet this menu trait per
meates many communities. One sec
tion of country endeavoring to uphuilc
itself by mendacious misrepresentation
of another section. A state basely
seeking wealth by filching another's
fair fame.
The east belittles the west , the north
points the finger of scorn at southron
lands. Even here in our own fair Ne
braska the uncanny trait appears. And
the drouth-stricken western counties
have to bear the double burden of lo'st
crops and unfavorable , untruthful ad
vertising by eastern counties , who
should be content with their golden
harvest from our distresses *
So with rival cities and individuals :
frequently more intent upon tearing
down another than in upbuilding self.
The newspapers are full of it. How
this man never raised anything in Ne
braska , ( where tens of thousands pros
per ) , but grew rich without exertion in
Oregon. And so ad naseum. The fact
of the matter is this : All places have
their drawbacks. All their advantages.
Some people never succeed anywhere
or under any circumstances. Others
by dint of industry , economybrainsand
energy succeed anywhere and despite
environment. So this man leaves Fron
tier county and lies about her to the
Portland newspaper boomer. And the
other man departs from McCook and
forthwith forgets what manner of city
it is.
THE TRIBUNE believes that no one
ingratiates himself into the confidence
and esteem of a community by crying
down the state or city whence he emi
grated. Nor does he injure the place
lie left. He only emphasizes his own
failure , and perhaps unwittingly exhib
its a disposition to shade the truth.
Away with this unmanly tendency.
Carve out your fortune by fair , vigqr-
ous , honorable means , nations , states ,
communities , individuals , all.
The following sample bricks are hand
ed us and we give them in order to make
the closer local application :
The gentleman's name is Leonard
Willis. To the reporter who approach
ed him , he said :
"I have just arrived here from Ne-
jraska , having lived for a number of
years in Frontier county. I own a farm
of 160 acres there , but for three years
L have not raised enough to feed a shoat
! or a week. We kept thinking that
next season' would be better than the
ast , but finally I came to the conclu
sion that our country was like the with
ered bush and would never blossom , so
. pulled up stakes and came to Oregon.
I want to find a homestead , but I
understand that I will have to pay an
agent over $100 to locate me on a de
sirable piece of land. 1 shall stay here
a few days and then strike into the
valley , going as far south , perhaps , as
the Rogue river country , or down about
} oos bay , where , I understand , un-
taken land is quite plentiful. I do not
care to go over to Washington , for I
> elieve Oregon is the country that will
uit all mankind. If I find a good
> lace and feel satisfied , 1 am confident
hat I can induce 200 fdmilies to follow
me from my old-home county.
Thousands of men would start from
Nebraska to-morrow if they could only
ell their unproductive farms. Many
of them are deeply in debt , and badly
iscouraged , too. " Daily Telegram ,
'ortland , Oregon.
Dr. Stutzman returned from McCook ,
ast Friday , and brought his family ,
'hey have moved into the Miles prop-
rty , north of Mr. Bolton , and are now
'ull-fledged Davenport citizens. The
) r. reports everything in a demoralized
ondition at McCook , and four-fifths of
he property for sale at almost any
> rice. Car after car of provision , fuel
and clothing are coming in there and if
t were not for this people in Red Wil-
ow county would starve and freeze to
leath. He says he is glad to get out
of the place. Journal.
April 1st I shall move into the store
oem in the Union block recently vacat-
d by Lytle & Co. In. addition to the
took that I now carry of fruits , can-
ies , bread , cakes , vegetables , etc. . 1
hall then keep a fine line of staple and
ancy groceries , and hope to merit a
hare of your patronage in that depart
ment. M. E. KNIPPLE.
We have moved our stock of jewelry ,
watches , clocks , etc. , into new quarters
n the Smith brick , ( formerly the First
National bank building , ) where we have
ncreased room and facilities for dis-
ilaying our line , and where we will be
ileased to welcome customers old and
In a week from coining Sunday , Rev.
Taylor will prcnch in the Congrega
tional church both morning and even
ing. In the morning ho will administer
the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper.
There will be the usual preparatory
service on Saturday evening previous.
Parties desiring to unite with the church
will communicate with Rev. Taylor or
church officers at this time.
NOTICE : The council of the Luth
eran church is nt present composed as
follows : Elders , E. J. Hall and Moritz
Mohler ; Deacons , John Unsecker anc
Julius Kunert. These brethren arc al
so the trustees , and in absence of pas
tor , alone have authority to permit the
use of the church building.
M. L. KUNKELMAN , Pastor.
AN CHURCH : Morning services at 11 ,
A. M. , followed by the celebration of
the Lord's Supper. At 7:30 , P. M. , an
Easter concert by the children. An
interesting program has been prepared.
The regular services in the Congre
gational church , next Sunday morning ,
will be substituted by the Easter exer
cises of the Sunday School. Rev. McBride -
Bride will cccupy the pulpit in the
evening as usual.
Rev. P. C. Johnson will address the
members of St. John Commandery ,
Knights Templar , at the Congregation
al church , Easter Sunday afternoon at
2:30 : o'clock , central time.
Rev. P. S. Mather will speak at the
Methodist church , Easter Sabbath morn
ing , upon "The Resurrection of Christ. "
Special song service by the choir.
The Benevolent Society will meet
with Mrs. C. H. Meeker , next Tuesday
afternoon at 2:30 : o'clock , central time.
The usual Easter Sabbath observance
of the Episcopal church at Meeker
Hall by Rev. Samuel F. Meyers.
The Baptist ladies will hold a .social ,
this evening , at the residence of Mr.
James Gray on Macfarland street.
At St. Patrick's Church the services
during this week , Holy Week , are of
a. very interesting nature.
Holy Thursday the Catholic church
commemorates the institution by our
Savior of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass ,
and the Most Blessed Sacrament of the
Altar. This commemoration she has
celebrated from the first ages of christ-
anity. Ihe crucifix on this day is cov
ered with a white veil in memory of
the sacred institution of the Blessed
Sacrament of the Altar. The Priest
comes to the Altar robed in white vest
ments ; the "Gloria in Excelsis" ' is
solemnly sung accompanied by the ring
ing of bells , and all Christians are ex
horted to render praise and gratitude
to the Lord for having instituted the
Blessed Feast of Love. After the
Gloria the bells are silent until Holy
Saturday , to indicate the church's
mourning for the passion and death of
Jesus ; to urge us also to spend these
days in silent sorrow , meditating on the
sufferings of Christ. At the Mass the
Priest consecrates two Hosts , one of
which he consumes , and the other he
preserves in the chalice for the follow
ing day , because no consecration takes
place on Good Friday. After Mass the
consecrated Host is taken to the repos
itory , which is beautifully decorated ,
and remains their until the Mass of
the Presanctified on Good Friday. This
signifies Christ's going to Mount Olivet
where His Godhead was concealed till
his crucifixion.
On Good Friday , the greatest day
from beginning to its end , the designs
which God had from all eternity were
perfected , as Jesus Himself expressed
when He said"'all is consummated , ' ' for
on this day He died for mankind , being
nailed to a cross between two thieves.
Holy Saturday derives its name be
cause on this day Jesus , the Holy of
Holies , rested in the sepulchre and be
cause on this day the church blesses
everything that is used for divine
Easter Sunday commemorates the res
urrection of Christ from the dead , the
day on which Jesus , the true East
er Lamb , took away our sins by His
blood , freed us from the angel of etern
al death , and passed us over to the
freedom of the children of God.
The services at St. Patricks will be
at 9 o'clock , A. 31. , Thursday , Friday
and Saturday. Friday evening at 7:30 ,
comprising a sermon on the Passion of
our Lord. Easter Masses at 9:00 : and
11:00 o'clock.
A if AT
Ladies French Dongola Kid
hand turned shoes , every
-pair warranted , at
S3.QO !
Ladies Fine Dongola Boots
Ladies Fine Kid Boots !
We Save You
20 Per Cent.
In response to the call for a city
caucus the city hall was crowdedSatur
day evening , with a large and repre
sentative gathering of citizens to place
in nomination candidates for the several
municipal offices tn he filled at the approaching
preaching election , April 7th.
The meeting was called to order by
Dr. S. L. Green , who stated the object
of the meeting. Special Agent Ilutch-
ins was called to preside over its delib
erations , which were recorded by F. M.
Kimmell. The following ticket was
then placed in nomination by acclama
tion :
For Mayor George B. Berry.
For City Clerk U. J. Warren.
For City Treasurer Jas. McAdams.
For City Engineer C. H. Meeker.
For Councilman of the First Ward
W. C. LaTourette.
For Councilman of the Second Ward
Joseph Menard.
For Members of the Board of Educa
tion James Ritchie and C. J. Jlyan.
The ticket is a good one. lias man }
elements of strength in its composition ,
and may be put down as a winner.
I wish to announce to the ladies o
McCook and surrounding country that
my stock of spring millinery will be op
en for inspection on SATURDAY ,
MARCH 2STli. I have purchased an
unusually fine stock to which I cordial
ly invite your inspection. My trimmer
will be here the first of next week.
Mas. J. B. McCABE.
Flo wers f Flo wers ! I
I have just received a large invoice
of house and bedding plants. Call and
see them at the store.
MRS. J. L. GRAY ; . McCook.
West Denmson street.
Sutton is headquarters in the Repub
lican Valley for anything and every
thing in the jewelry line. He displays
the largest stock , the richest assort
ment , and his prices are the lowest.
HANGING LAMPS Noble is head
quarters for hanging lamps. He car-
a large and splendid selection.
Pure fresh buckwheat at
McUook flour all grades.