By F. M./K1MMELL. LEBANON DOTS. Lebanon needs a good hlacksinitli. Hiram Boyd began sowing wheat on on the 19th. John Townlcy started toward the Missouri river For a load of hay. Mr. Dili-bin , Into section foreman , is contemplating a trip to the mountains. The bloated bond holders of this pre cinct had a car of coal shipped in here , last week. George Hartman , of the B. & M. bridge force , was rusticating in thin burg , this week. Mr. Riser , a recent addition to our rural population , is busy now-a-days taking home a lately purchancd cow. J. P. Kinnie has bought a new riding plow. I think now that corn will sell here , next fall , for ten cents a bushel. We are all busy now engaging men with teams to haul state seed and feed front that town surrounding the ochre hole. Quite a number of our boys went to Danbury , the c.veniiisr of the JSth , to assist a green-horn to ride the Masonic goat in the 3d degree. The school in district No. G was to have given an entertainment the even ing of the 13th , but had to postpone it on account of sickness. J. W. Hupp says that a venerable friend of mine was expelled from Lebu non Alliance because he persisted in associating with Wm. Hiersekorn. John Hummel , a Tyrone neighbor of ours , is so well pleased with his exper ience in herding this winter that he will in all probability continue at it during the coming summer. Are there any empty houses in Mc- Cook ? We had two applicants this week on the same day for the same farm. The agent here wiied the owner at Ked Cloud and like a clap of thunder from out a clear sky came the answer " [ don't want to rent. " Deles Waterman is in Iowa solicting seed and feed. Some of his near neigh bors made up a purse to pay his ex penses. Win. Pennington is in the eastern end of this state on a like er rand. Some of the Gnancial backers are wandering what the harvest will be. Captain Keyes , Post No. 297 , must ered in our Nasby at their last meeting , March 14th. At their next meeting each comrade is to tell all he knows about General Shurmun. We expect some interesting talk , because several of the comrades were on the famous march to the sea. JAKE HAHMAN. BARTLEY NOTES. Joe Stevens , the all-around-political- man. was in Bartley , this week. Prof. Smith was in Indianola on last Saturday attending to business. The out-let to Hathorn lake will be thoroughly ventilated before the coming election. Commissioner Hodgkin has been at the county-seat , this week , attending to the distribution of seed and feed to the needy. There will be about eight bush els to the family. One of the noticeable characters in the TIios. Clark-Rufus Moses Suavely contest , Monday evening , was the ex citable reporter of the "roaring gimlet. ' ' However , Edgar is a chip off the old block. Recently , while distributing aid at the Dry Creek church , after a somewhat high-handed mariner of selecting the best for the intended few , they pro nounced the benediction and were dis missed. It has cosnc to the notice of the JLJart- ley correspondent that u certain gossip of Bartley had taken it. upon herself to denounce the ' -JBartley Items" in THE TRIBUNE with a * tonu of indignation , because of the fact that some truth had leaked into print about certain persons. We will simply remind her that the 'castor oil bottle" will soon return from Lincoln. Last fall the firm of Thomas Clark & Co. was pushed by creditors and fi nally a receiver was appointed , who has been selling the goods at cost. Thos. Clark on the afternoon of the 23d took possession of the store and would not leave the same , whereupon llufus Moses Snavely wss sent for. Arriving on No. 4 he proceeded in his usual bull dozing tactics until Mr. Clark became enraged and went for his royal higi-- ness with a 4x4 , but fortunately nobody was seriously hurt. Mr. Clark gave the man with the whiskers just two hours to show his authority for taking the goods , whereupon whiskers returned to Indianola and returned with Sheriff Mc- Cool and Constable Crabtree and the re quired papers , taking possession by a writ of replevin. They will try title to said poods April 30th. T.F.Welborn was in possession of the "Farmers' Store" at the time the difficulty took place , but "Tom" seems to have an unknown in fluence over him in such way that Mr. Welborn dare not say a word except "Undo Tom. " We dare not handle such a delicate matter without gloves. FROM THE COUNTY SEAT Epitome of the Week's Events at the Seat of County Affairs. Joe Goggles , the Irrepressible , Specin News mid Society Reporter. Will Rollings will rent his farm , this C. 8. Quick was down to Hastings Satin day. 11. Al. Snavely went to Lincoln , ot Wednesday night. The spring so far is very favorable for a good wheat crop. The M. E. church choir is undergoing the ordeul of re-organization. The Bartley canal dam across the Republican river is in had shape. There has been considerable wheat sown in the vicinity of Indianola. The Congregational church people arc holding a protracted meeting , this \veek Buffalo Jones was interviewing the committee on irrigation , latter part ol last week. A car-load of barley was shipped to Indianola for seed by the State Relie ; Commission. C. 11. Hussell expects to commence hustling for the McCormick Harvester Co. , 1st of April. Tom Sargent is considered by compe tent judges the most successful farme in the cast end of the county. Some farmers that were in Monday for seed , being unable to get it , threat ened to break into the cars. Rev. J. T. Roberts is in Oxford , this week , assisting Rev. B. F. Haywood it a revival meeting in that city. Henry Powell is expected home firs of next wt-ek. Mrs. Powell will sto ] in Oskaloosa , Iowa , for a short visit. Sheriff McCool hasjust returned 1'rou Missouri. He is greatly pleased witl the country and bought a farm there. On account of the heavy snow the Courier foice was unable to get to town Wednesday , and the office was closed al day. We betray no confidence in saying that Indianolaites do not think there will be a county-seat election for two years. There were two caucuses , Saturday night. One put in nomination S. R Smith for Mayor , the other B. B. Duck worth. Judge John F. Black and Adam Grass , who are solicting aid in the east ern part of the state , are expected home in a few days. In traveling over the eastern pafl of the county , wo find that quite a large number of fanners are making arrange ments to go west , this spring. The heaviest snow in Red Willow county in the ] ast 12 years commenced falling in Tndinnola , Monday night , and continued for two days and three nights. The Easter social which was to have been at the residence of C. H. Russell , Friday evening of this week , was post poned on account of the meetings at the Congregational church. THE TRIBUNE'S correspondent at A Bartley appears to have a very sharp .stick , but as he gives no names we do not know whom he is after. If he is afraid of getting licked , we will Joan him our arsenal as we have no use for it at present. O'Jdren Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Mr. Bishop announces the sale of the Indianola Courier , this week , and deliv ers his vale , but discloses not the name of his successor. Make Noble -your family grocer and many other blessings will fall to your lot , besides having the best groceries on your table that the market affords. Call for "Heliotrope , " the best 5 cent cigar on earth , at CIIENERY'S CITY DRUG STORE. Noble is the only exclusive grocer in the city. His stock is the largest and his prices correspond with the times. Buy your Stationery , Tablets. Pen cils etc. , at CIIENERY'S CITY DRUG STORE. Lieb's Ryeningine Flap Jack prepar ation. POTTER & EASTERDAY. In Wall Paper you will find newest styles and lowest prices at McMillen's flour. & EASTERDAY. The Eagle Clothing Store is display ing a stylish stock of spring clothing. Ground oil cake. POTTER & EASTERDAY. Wall Paper latest designs at Mc Millen's. Reizenstein's parlor for cigars. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. A ' JONAS ENGEL , Manager. YOUR PARTICULAR ATTENTION IS CALLED TO OUR NEW LINE OF HATS n - & ' CAPS , SHIRTS , HOSIERY , NECKWEAR , GLOVES , AND OTHER MEN'S FURNISHING # GOODS. IT is computed that the North Platte river in June flows more water than the eight principal irri gating rivers of Colorado : 15,000 cubic inches per second ! THE traitorous and contemptible act of Representative Purcell of Cheyenne county , which resulted in the defeat of the most important measure before the present legisla ture , the irrigation bill entitles him to the maledictions of every loyal Fathering a bill up to its final passage , he deliber ately stands up in the house and amends an excellent and compre hensive measure until no sensible , honorable man could support itand , it was overwhelmingly defeated , as it should have been. The con temptible spitework of Purcell and ; he two shyster lawyers of Ogal- illa , who are responsible for this cowardly work , will be ever re- nembered by the people of West ern Nebraska , who had a right to expect a vastly different result. QOOD : BYElz How olten this term of parting greets our ours , and pains our hearts ; but you can buy at THE TUIBUNE STATIONEKY DEPARTMENT the ingredients to keep memory green until you meet again. STATIONERY. GOOD PLACE T0 BUY" THE TRIBUNE. Legal Notice. In the District Court of Ked Willow County , Nebraska. T. J. Dullard , Plaintiff , vs. Lurry II. Itooney. Edward Fitzgerald and Edward Kane. Larry H. llooney , Edward Fitzgerald and Edward Kuno will take notice that on the 14th day of March , 1891 , j. T. Dullard , the plaintiff herein , filed his petition in the District Court of Red Willow county , Nebraska , against said defendants , the object and prayer of which is to foreclose a certain mortgage on lots one (1) ( and two (2) ( ) , in block seven ( T } , of the original town of McCook , Nebraska , which said mort gage was duly recorded , said mortgage having been given by the said Larry H. Hoonev and Edward Fitzgerald to Edward Kanc.and by the said Edwaid Knno assigned to the plaintiff herein , who is now the owner of the same. That them is now duo on Paid mortgage the sum of $450.00 with interest on said amount at 10 per cent , per annum from February 4th , 1889. That said mortgage is security for a cer tain promissory note bearing even date with said mortgage and for the said sum of $450.00 drawing interest at 10 per cent , from February 4th. 1889. for which sum and interest the plain tiff prars judgment and for a decree that the said defendants be required to pay same , or that said premises mav be sold to satisfy the amount found due. You are required to ans wer said petition on or before the 4th dav of May. 1891. Dated March 27th , 1891. J. T. DULLARD. 444t By Hugh W. Cole , his attorney. tf Ksas SCOTT'S CONSUMPTION SCROFULA BRONCHITIS EMULSiON COUGHS CURES Wasting Disease ! Wonderful Flesh Producer. Many have gained one pound per day by its use. Scott's Emulsion is not a secret remedy. It contains the stimulat ing properties of the Hypophoa- phites and pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil , the potency of both being largely increased. It is used by Physicians all over the world. PALATABLE AS MILK. Sold l > y all Druggists. COTT& BO WNC-Chemists , N.Y. City Election Notice. Notice is hereby given Unit 0:1 Tuesday , the 7thdny of April , 1891. next , ut the City Hull , in the" ( ) wurd. ami al the Luke Tullcy build ing , in the 1st ward , in the City of McCook , Itcd Willow county. Nebraska , an election will be held in and lor said city for the purpose of electing One Mayor. One City Clerk. One City Treasurer. Ore Councilman , troin 1st ward. One Councilman , from -M ward Two members of the Hoard of Education at large for this term of three yours Which cltvtion will lie open at B o'clock in the morning and will continue open until li o'clock , mountain time , in the atternoon of said day. The following persons are designated to act us judges and clerks of election : 1st Ward. .ludgi'B : .1.8. LeHew. K.F.OIcntt and T. M. Scott. Clerks : James Munsoti and John U. Hart. 2d Ward. Judges : H. H. llorry. David Walk er and Lawrence MeEntee. Clerks : G. II. Berry and C. M. Loper. C. F. HAUCOCK. City Clerk. ProTein. Dated this llth day of March. 1891. 42 TO HENUY SMALL AND M. A. SMALL : You will take notice that on the 18th day of February , 1891. Henry S. Bartholomew , plain tiff herein , filed his petition in the district court of lied Willow county. Nebraska , against you as defendants , the object and prayer of which Is to foreclose a certain mortgage exe cuted by the detendants upon the following described property , situated in the county of Ked Willow , state ot Nebraska , to-wit : Twen ty feet off the west end of lots fourteen and fifteen in block twenty-nine in the town of McCook. to secure the payment of one certain promissory note dated June 11. 1883. for the sum ol foOOUO due and payable five jciirs from the date thereof ; that theto is now due on said note and mortgage , including the pre miums paid by the plaintitf for insurance on said premises , the sum ot f.xiJ.00 with interest at iho rate of ten per cent , per nnnuni on $500.1/0 thereof from the llth day of December. 1888. and on $30 00 thereof troin the 20th day of January. 1891. and prating thr.t said prem ise may be decreed to l/e sold to satisfy the amount due thereon ; and further thar a re ceiver be appointed to take charge of said premises , to collect and receive the ictus and profits thereof , and that tlie same l > e applied to the amount found due plaintiff. And you will take further notice that on the lilrh day of April , 1891 , at the hour of 10 o'clock. A. M. . or as soon thereafter as I can be heard. I will make application to Hon. .1. E. Cochran. judge of the district court of paid county , for the appointment of a receiver to take charge of the premises mentioned in the plaintiff's peti tion , upon the ground that the mortgaged property is in danger of being materially in jured , and that the same is insnflicient to dis charge the mortgage debt. Oral and written testimony will boused in support of said ap plication. I propose the name of J. E Keller. < asr ccciver. with George W. llurton and A. E. Harvey as his sureties : I also offer as sureties j for myself Geo. W. Burton and A. E. Harvey. ' You are req-jired to answer said petition on or before the 13th day of April. 1891. Dated this 28th day of February. 1891. HKNHY S. BAIITHOLOMEVT. Plaintiff. By W. S Morlan. his Attorney. 41 SHERIFF'S SALE. By of an order of sale directed to me from the district court of Ifed Willow eonnty , Nebiaska. on si judgment "it : ; nr-d t.elore Hon. .1. E. Cochran. judge ol thedistriot court of Red Willow county. Nebraska , on the L'd day ot December. 18S9 , in favor of Nebraska ic Kansas Farm Loan ( "ninpuiiy as plaintiff , and against James A. Porter as defendant , forihesum of liftv-six dollars and forty four cents , and costs taxed at ? ) ; and accruing costs. 1 have levied upon the following real estate taken as the property of said defend ant , to satipfv said decree , to-wit : N. E. Jj of N. W. M and N. W. X of X. E. J4 of section SJ. anu cr. KJ. ; A OL o. \ \ . M , ami .1. * . 54 or o. tt. * 4 section 28 , town. 1 , range 20. west ot Oth P. M. . in Ked Willow county , Nebraska. And will offer the same lor sale to the highest bidder , for cash in hand , on the 2lst day of February , A. D. Ib91. in front of the south door of the court house , in Indianola , Nebraska , that being the building wherein the last term of court was held , at the hour of one o'clock P. M. . of said day. when and where due attend ance will be given by ( lie undersigned. Dated January 7.1S91. W. A. McCoor. , 33 Sheriff of said County. The above sale was continued for want of bidders until March 28. IS'.tl. | SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an order of sale directed to me from the district court of lied Willow county , Nebraska , on a judgment obtained before J. E. Cochran , judge of the district court of Ked Willow county , Nebraska , on the 10th day of Dei-ember. 1890. in favor of Emily O. Gibbs as plaintiff , and against Henry liallicieh as de tendant. tor the sum ol six hundred and toity- six dollars and thirty-one cents , and costs taxed at $31 48 and accruing costs , I have levied upon the following real estate taken as the property of said defendant , to satisfy said dccice to-wit : Tlio N. W.i4 ot section 11 , township 1. north of ranged ) , west ol Gin P. M. , in lied Willow county. Nebraska. And will offer the same for sale to the highest bidder , for cash in hand , on the 21st dav of February , A. D. IbOl , in front of the south door of the court house , in Indianola. Nebraska , that being the building wherein the last term of court was held , at the hour of one o'clock , P.M. , of said day. when and where due at tendance will be given by the undersigned. Dated January "ith. 1891. 33 W. A. McCoor , . Sheriff of said County. The above sale was continued for want of bidders until March 28. IS91. LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK. NED. , March 4th. 1891. ( Notice is hereby iriven that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make flnnl five year proof in support of his claim , and that said proof wilt be made before Register or Receiver at McCook. Neb. , on Saturday. April llth , 1891. viz : BEN B. SMILEY , II. E. No. 9389. for the S. W. of section 2 ! ) . in town. 1 , north of range 27. west of Cth P. M. He names the following witnesses to prove hie continuous residence upon , and cultiva tion of , said land , viz : William J. Stilgebouer. Joel B. Dolph , Henry H. Anders , Henry Mar shall , all of Danbury , Neb. * 41 J. P. LIN DSAY. Register. Road. Notice to Land Owners. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCEKN : The commissioner appointed to examine a road commencing1 at the S. W. corner section 18 , town. 2 , range 28 in Houdville precinct. Red Willow county. Neb. , running thence north on section line to N. W. corner S. W. J section 7 , town. 2 , range 28 , thence west on half section line 33 chains , thence north 4 degree , east 11 chains , thence north 21 degree , 30 minutes , west 26 chains , thence north on half section line to the N. W. corner of the N. E. quarter of section 30 , town. 3 , range 29 and terminat ing thereat has reported in favor of the loca tion thereof , and all objections thereto or claims for damages must bo filed in the coun ty clerk's ollice on or before noon of the 30th day of May , 1891. or said road will bo estab lished without reference thereto. It-its. GEO. W. KOPEK , County Clerk. \ G UP ! FOR THE GOOD OF THE COMMUNITY JMay bo the correct thing for a horse-thief or desperado , but FOR THE GOOD OF THE COMMUNITY Is iho proper thing where prices are concerned , and that is precisely where wo propose to benefit our patrons. Prices Will Be Lower J H , at the CASH BARGAIN HOUSE this season than ever before , and we have a great , big splendid stock of new Dry Goods. Groceries , Clothing , Boote , Hats , Caps , Furnishing Goods , Notions , etc. This means good fortune to every buyer. All goods in this line are way up in quality , and just as good as they make 'em anywhere on this earth. The styles are the newest and nicest pick o the big markets and the assortment is unequalled. Now come aud compare prices. You will never regret giving us a fair chance to sell 3011 good goods cheap. \ I1 DEL LAFLIN , Manager. J. C. ALLEN. \ ll s Sr fe re tike * noes ; | i the more wet Pfhe brighter ! ? I Busy wives who use S AP Q LJ O n e ye r s eem l o grow old. A complete wreck of domestic happiness has often resulted from badly washed dishes , from an unclean kitchen , or from trifles which seemed light as air. But by these things a man often judges of his wife's devotion to her family , and charges her with general neglect when he finds her careless in these particulars. Many a home owes a large part of its thrifty neatness and its consequent happiness to SAPOLIO. OS-Grocer * often substitute cheaper Roods for SAPOLIO , to make a better profit. Send back such articles , and Insist on bavin ? Jiut trim ! youordeied. . - W. 0. BULLARD & CO -Joj- LIME , HARD CEMENT , AND DOORS , 1 SOFT WINDOWS , ! I BLINDS. COAL. O -Toj- RED CEDAR AND OAK POSTS. i : . J. WARRRN , Manager. i i : R. A. COUP CO. , Props. Mi weli satisfied f& i