The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 20, 1891, Image 4

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Last Saturday was a large sized aid
0. S. Quick has icntcd the Garner
Benrdslee & Stollc have been invoic
ing , this week.
E. S. Hill is crowded with orders for
flax seed for seed.
Noah Sawyer is putting in 30 acres of
wheat , this week.
J. B. Dolph , the Danbury hotel man ,
was in town , Monday.
Johnny Lamburn shipped anothcrcar
load of ochre , last week.
The A. 0. U. W. boys are after the
smart man of the Monitor.
An eastern loan company is making
loans on Indianola real estate.
Rev. J. W. Crooks of Danbury was
in this city , fore part of the week.
The Indianola high school is again
under way with a full head of steam.
Floyd Welborn came in from Denver ,
Saturday , and returned Sunday night.
Will McCool has gone to Missouri to
look at a farm he is figuring on buying.
J. W. Dolan went down to the city
at the mouth of Medicine creek , Wednes
Banker Hupp of Lebanon visited the
centre of Red Willow county on the
18th instant.
King Darius Chapter No. 36 , Royal
Arch Masons , is having a prosperous
run of custom.
Our boss contractor , 11. H. Thomas ,
claims that he bas all the carpenter
work he can do.
We desire to again inform the dear
people that Indianola is headquarters
for yellow ochre.
It is reported that Attorney Suavely
will go to Denver after the March term
of court is over.
C. H. Russell will hustle for the McCormick -
Cormick people , this season , over a ter
ritory west from Holdrege.
Mayor Curt'man finds some difficulty
in frp.t.t\nf * hnilditKre lar i p.nmiuh tn
accommodate the Australian ballot.
The room south of the Courier build
ing has been shelved and I. A. Sheridan
is moving his stock of hardware into it.
The election in the second ward will
be held in the Palmer Way brick build
ing , and in the first , ward in the DeVole
AJ. . Babcock shook the yellow ochre
of Indianola from his pedal extremities
and left for God's country , where his
wife's folks live.
Simeon Billings and Foster Stilge-
bouer went over to Danbury , Wednes
day evening , to attend the regular meet
ing of the A. F. & A. M.
The county commissioners lean very
strongly to the policy of shipping to
foreign ports those who are unable to
make a living in this county.
Indianola men are favorites with the
binder companies. Two have already
accsepted positions and we understand a
third man has been offered a job.
A citizens' party caucus will be held
at the court house , Saturday evening , 8
P. M. , for the purpose of placing in
nomination candidates for the various
ward and city offices.
Mrs. Blackfan , who appears to be
worrying the state relief committee and
the great metropolitan dailies of Neb
raska , is a sister of R. H. Thomas of
this city , and is a lady of irreproachable
District Court Clerk Phillips and his
deputyW. 0. Bond , have a scheme that
will effectually do away with the hot
winds. As it is somewhat complicated
we prefer to let them publish the de
tails. We will say , however , that it is
more original than VanDoren's elevated
pipe line system.
It may be a wild and visionary idea ,
and it may be a great injustice to the
wise , philanthropic , truthful and God
fearing editors of the Bee , Journal and
World-Herald to say that all the fuss
and confident assertions that Eastern
Nebraska is able and willing to take
care of the drouth-sufferers is but a huge
scheme to advertise the eastern part of
the state ; yet in the light of the fact
that these papers have not tried to deny
reports that have gone out as to the
condition of the western counties , but
have united to make p'rominent the one
idea of the inexhaustible resources of
Omaha and Lincoln and of the eastern
part of the statewe sometimes think so. ;
Work is progressing slowly on the
Ex-Postmaster Beok was a Bartley
visitor , Saturday and Sunday.
The "Bartley political man" was aim
lessly wandering the streets on last
Commissioner Hodgkin was at the
county seat , this week , attending the
meeting of the board.
S. W. Clark has received his com
mission and takes possession on April
1. Congratulations Postmaster Clark.
Attorney Starr of Indianola , who has
a large practice in this part of county ,
was in Bartley , Tuesday , on legal busi
About forty > i'ect of the dam across
the Republican riyer was removed , last
Monday night , by the ice.
Ralph Sceley was arrested on last
Wednesday evening on the charge of
stealing wheat from the elevator of A.
T. Campbell & Co. at this place.
A.T. Campbell of Hildreth and 0. L.
Campbell of McCook were in the Meth
odist town on Sunday. Having a little
law on hand accounts for their visit.
Lon Cartiahan took charge of the
public schools on Tuesday. Political
matters are assigned as the reason for
the change. The father-in-law and the
son-in-law are out of politics.
At the village caucus everything was
harmoniousand , the following men were
placed in nomination for village trustees :
C/W. Hodgkin. 0. Frost , Chas. Hopt ,
H. A. Barnhart and W. V. Vickrey.
Revs. I. N. Clover and W. M. Taylor
joined the Platte River Conference of
the Evangelical Lutheran Church while
in session at Holdrege. Rumors are
that the Lutherans will build the college.
Mrs. J. W. Martin left on last Satur
day to join her husband at Imperial ,
where Rev. Martin has been for the past
five months. Mrs. Martin will remain
about two weeks , then will return to her
Bartley home.
Commissioner Hodgkin started south
through East Valley , Tyrone and Leba
non precincts to ascertain about what
amount of seed wheat and corn is needed
among the destitute farmers in that
is can
vassing East Valley precinct.
Bishop Bonacum of the Catholic
church was looking Bartley over , last
Saturday , with a view of pushing the
college. On his return at Oxford he
met Messrs. Frost and Dolan and re
ported that he was very much pleased
and that ail in all it was beyond his ex
pectations. He was the guest of Chas.
On Tuesday morning bright and early
the father-in-law of the son-in-law start
ed toward the setting sun , no one knows
where , taking with him Austin Wilson
and Will Grisell ; but not until he had
supplied the son-in-law with about a ton
of aid coal. From the best authority
available the outfit missed Indianola for
reasons unknown , unless to avoid cred
In the State Journal of March 17th
there is an article of about a half col
umn regarding Mrs. H. M. Blackfan
and the state relief commission. There
has been a great deal of comment in
regard to her husband receiving private
boxes nearly every week , and the vari
ety of overcoats he has displayed ; also
the manner in which the goods were
distributed at the Dry Creek church.
The correspondent says"And the mem
bers are incensed at the pernicious ac
tivity of the excitable lady from Bart
ley. " However , the lady in question is
from the city of Dry Creek.
Two or three interior cities have or
ganized associations to engage in the
work of attracting new settlers to the
farm lands of Nebraska. There never
was a time in the history of the state
when this work could be so well under
Good farms can be bought cheaper at
this time than ever before , and far
cheaper than they can ever be bought
again , in all probability. The reasons
for this are plain. The first settlers of
new states are generally a class of sturdy
pioneers , who have nothing to invest
but their energy and labor. They do
the work which the more prosperous
class of farmers are not willing to do.
They break the virgin soil of the prairie ,
make small improvements , and begin
the agricultural development of the
country. They are then ready to in
vest what they have made in cheaper
Received !
lands further to the west and there re
peat the experience of the pioneer
The partial failure of crops during the
past year has rendered man } ' of then ;
desirious of selling out at prices whirl :
should readily attract buyers and still
give them a good return for their lahor ,
This is the theory on which some ol
the associations are working to secure a
new and thrifty cla&s of settlers in the
territory immediately tributary to the
cities which they represent. One en
terprising interior town has sent com
mittees to Illinois and West Virginia
to lay these facts before farmers in
those states and endeavor to induce
them to come west. There is every
reason to expect good results from well-
directed efforts of this kind. Farmers
in eastern states can sell their present
farms for prices which will purchase
three or four times the acreage in the
west and leave them balance for im
provements. The result will be benefi
cial to Nebraska because it will start a
tide of immigration , bring new capital
and enable the most needy class of
farmers to find means for the develop
ment of lands in the more sparsely set
tled portions of the state.
There is another very promising source
of development quietly working in the
interest of Nebraska. The public has
little knowledge of the plans which are
now being made for the reclaiming of
and lands in the western part of the
state. New companies are being form
ed for this purpose every week and a
large amount of capital has been en
listed. The opening of spring will see
very active operations in this field and
thousands of new settlers are certain to
come in consequence.
This is the favorable moment for the
attraction of new settlers to Nebraska ,
and all the potent agencies should be
set to work to that end. Omaha Bee.
March 4th. 1801. |
Notice is hereby piven that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final flve year proof in support of his
claim , and that said proof will be made before
Register or Keceiver nt McCook. Neb. , on
Saturday , April llth , 1891 , viz :
H. E. No. 9389 , for the S. W. & of section 2fl ,
in town. 1 , north of range 37 , west of Cth P. M.
Ho names the following witnesses to prove
bis continuous residence upon , and cultiva
tion of , said land , viz : William J. Stilgebouer ,
Joel B. Dolph , Henry H. Anders , Henry Mar
shall , all of Danbury , Neb.
* 41 J. P. LINDSAY , Register.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
* City Election Notice. *
Notice la hereby irlvon I hot on Tuesday , the
7th day of April. 18U1. next , nt the City Hull ,
in the 2cl ward , and ai tins Luk TulU > y liuilil-
ing. In ihu 1st ward , in the City < if McCook ,
lied Willow uotmtv. Nebraska. nit election nil !
liu hold In mitl lor mild city fur the purpose of
One Mayor.
One City CliTk.
One City Treiisuicr.
One Cour.uilnmn. I mm 1st ward.
One Councilman. IroiulM ward
Two members ot the Hoard of Education at
Inrgo for the term of three j onrH.
Which faction will 1) ) < ) open at U o'clock In
the morning and will continue open until G
o'clock , inonniHlii time. In the afternoon of
sniil dav.
The following persons are designated to act
us judges and clerks of election :
1st Ward. Jndgi'8 : J.S. LcHew. [ I.F.Olcntl
and T. M. Scott. Clerks : James Muiison and
John 11. Hurt.
2d Ward , Judges : II. H. Ilcrry. Diivld Walker -
er and Lawrcnco MoEntco. Clerks : G. 15.
Berry and C. M. Lnprr.
C. F. BAIICOCK. City Clerk. Pro a cm.
Dated this llth dny of March. 1891. 42
You will take notice tlmt on the 18th day of
Ft > bt uiiry. Ih91 , Henry ti. Bartholomew , plain
tiff herein , filed hl8 petition in the district
court of lied Willow count } . Nebraska , against
you us defendants , the objrc : and prayer of
which IB to fori-oloRe n cei lain mortgage exe
cuted by the dflendiuits upon tbu following
drscribed property , situated in the county of
lied Willow , state of Nebraska , to-wit : Twen
ty feet off the west t > nd of lots fourteen and
fifteen In block twenty-nine in the town of
McCook. to aociire the payment of one certain
promissory note dated June 11. 1S83. for the
sum of $50000 due ami payable flvo years
from the date then-of ; that there in now due
on said note and mortgage , including the pre
miums paid by the plaintiff for insurance on
eiild premises , the sum ot $53)00 with Interest
at tbu rate of ten per cent , per annum on
$500.00 thereof from the llth day ofDecember.
1888. and on $30.00 thereof fiom the 20th dny
of January , 18'Jl. and prating that said prem
ise may bo decreed to be sold to iwttaly the
amount dun thereon ; nnd turtht-r that a re
ceiver be appointed to take charge ot said
premises , to collect and receive the runts and
profits thereof , and that the same be applied
to the amount found duo plaintiff. And you
will take further notice that on the. Kith day
of April. 1891 , t the hour of 10 o'clock. A. M. .
or ns soon thereafter ns I cnn be beard. I will
make application to Hon. J. E. Cochran. judge
of the district court of said county , for the
appointment of u receiver to takn charge of
the premises mentioned in the plaintiff's peti
tion , upon the ground that the mortgaged
property Is In danger of being materially in
jured , nnd that the Baron is insufficient to dis
charge the mortgage debt. Ornl nnd written
testimony will be used in support of said ap
plication. I propose the name of J. E. Kelley ,
HHreceiver. with George W. Burton nnd A. E.
Harvey as his sureties : I also offer BS sureties
for myself Geo. W. Burton nnd A. E. Harvey.
You nte reqMired to answer said petition on
or before the 13th dar of April. 1801.
Dated this 28th day of February. 1801.
By W. S. Morlun , his Attorney. 41
Publication of Summons.
In the Dihtiict Court of Ked Willow County ,
K. J. Angus , plaintiff , vs. Frank \V. West ,
Lottie U. West , William Sexour , Alary
Sexour , Geoige Hilt-man , Martini J. llile-
tnan , Lillalt A. Tedrow , John 11. Eichel-
barger , Sarah E. Etchelbarger , L. W.
Ttibbs and Mrs. L. W. Tubbs Ins wife , Christian name is to plaintiff un
known , defendants.
To John 11. Eielielbarker , Sarah E. Eicliel-
barger. L. W. Ttibbs and Mrs. L. W. Tubbs ,
wife of said L. W. Ttibbs , whose Christian
name is to plaintiff unknown , defendants.
You will take notice that on the 27th day of
Febmaiy , A. D. 1891 , It. J. Angus , plaintiff ,
filed his petition in the District Coin t of Ked
Willow county , Nebraska , the object atid
prayer of which is to foreclose a certain
tnoftgage executed by the defendants Frank
W. West and Lottie H. West to the Dakota
Mortgage Loan Corporation , ( now the Globe
Investment Company , ) and duly assigned to
plaintiff herein , upon the northwest quarter
ot section Unity (30) ( ) in township one ( I )
range thirty (30) ( ) we > t , in \ViIlowconnty ,
Nebraska , said mortgage being dated the
twelfth day of March , 18S8 , and upon which
there K now due the sum of § 75.00 and inter
est thereon at the rate of ten per cent , per
annum from the lirst day of Match , A.D.1890.
Plaintiff ptays for a decree of foieclosure
and sale of said premises : that the defend
ants be fpieclosed and baned of all title. Hen
or other interest in said premises ; for defici
ency judgment and equitable lelief. You
are leqnired to answer said petition on or be-
tore Monday , the sixth day ot April , 15J9L
Dated this 27th dav of Februaiy. 1891.
It. J. AXGUS , Plaintiff.
J3y his attorney J. E. Kelley. 40-4t.
By virtue of un order of sale directed to me
from the district com t of lied Willow county.
Nebraska , on a judgment obtained before
Hon. J. E. Cochrun. judge ot the district court
of lied Willow county , Nebraska , on thp 2d
day of December. 1889 , in favor of Nebraska
< Se Kansas Farm Loan Company as plaintiff ,
imd against .James A. Porter as defendant ,
for the sum ol fifty-six dollars and lorty four
centsand costs taxed at $20.83 and accruing
costs. 1 have levied upon the lollowing real
estate taken as the property of said defend
ant , to satisfy snid decree , to-wit : N. E. } of
N. W. ij and N. W. & of N. E. U of section 33 ,
and S. E.i \ of S. W. } 4. and S. W. J * of S. E. U
section 28 , town. 1. range 20. west ot 6th P. M. .
in lied Willow county , Nebraska. And will
offer the same for sale to the highppt bidder ,
for cash in hand , on the 21st dny of February.
A.D. Ibfll. in iront of the south door of the
court house , in Indianoln. Nebraska , that
being the building wherein the l&st term of
court was held , at the hour of one o'clock P.
M. . of said day. when and where due attend
ance will be given by the undersigned.
Dated January 7.1891. W. A. McCooi , .
33 Sheriff of said County.
The above sale was continued for want of
bidders until March 28,1891.
By virtue of an order of sale directed to me
from the district court of lied Willow county ,
Nebraska , on a judgment obtained before J.
E. Cochrau , judge of the district court of lied
Willow county , Nebraska , on the 10th day of
December. 1890. in lavorof Emilv 0. Gibbs as
plaintiff , and against Henry Hnllteich as de
fcndtint. tor the sum ol six humred and forty-
six dollars and thirty-ono cents , and costs
taxed at $31.48 and accruing costs. I have
levied upon the following real estate taken ns
the property of said defendant , to satisfy said
decree to-wit : The N. W. Ji of section 11 ,
township 1. north of range 3D , west of 6th P. M. .
in Hud Willow county. Nebraska. And will
offer the same for sale to the highest bidder ,
for cash in hand , on the 21st day of February ,
A. D. 1891 , in Iront of the south door of the
court house , in Indianola , Nebraska , that
being the building wherein the last term of
court was held , at the hour of one o'clock ,
P.M. . of said day , when and where due at
tendance will be given by the undersigned.
Dated January nth , 1891.
33 W. A. MCCOOL.
Sheriff of said County.
The above sale was continued for want of
bidders until March 28. IbOl.
In estate of Andrew ) In county court , Red
Bankson , deceased. \ Willow county. Neb.
To the creditors , heirs , legatees , and others
interested in the estate of Andrew Bankson.
TAKE NOTICE , That Paul Bankson has
filed in the county court a report of his doings
as administrator of said estate , and it ib order
ed that the same stand for hearing the 4th day
of May , ( A. D. , ) 1891 , before the court at the
hour of 9 o'clock , A. M. , at which time any
person interested may appear and except to
and contest the same. And an order will be
made assigning the residue of the estate to the
legal heir or heirs at law of said deceased.
Witness my hand and the seal of the county
: ourt at Indianola this 25th day of February ,
[ A. D. , ) 1891. IIAKLOW W. KEVES ,
40-415. County Judge.
Caldron Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
ATay bo the correct thing for n '
horse-thief or desperado , but ' '
Is the proper thing where prices are concerned , and that is
precisely where we propose to benefit our'patrons.
II' '
Prices Will Be Lower
at the CASH BARGAIN HOUSE this season than ever before ,
and we have a great , big splendid stock of new
Dry Goods , Groceries , Clothing , Boots , Hais ,
Caps , Furnishing Goods , Notions , etc. This means good ll
fortune to every buyer. All goods in this line are way up ill' '
in quality , and just as good as they make 'em anywhere on
this earth. The styles are the newest and nicest pick of the
big markets and the assortment is unequalled. Now come 1 U
and compare prices. You will never regret giving us a fair
chance to sell you good goods cheap.
DEL LAFLIN , Manager. J. C. ALLEN.
Not to
3WU. xJ. WARRELN , Manager.
TURKEYS , &c. , ic.
I l !
R. A. COUPE & CO. , Props.
> v
1 ' (1 (