The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 20, 1891, Image 1

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Before invoicing on Jan. 1st , 1891 , we will close every line
AT - : - ACTUAL - : - COST !
The following are some of the prices :
10 dozen of MISSES' TOBOGGANS at 25c. Worth 75c.
10 dozen of MISSES TOBOGGANS at 50c. Worth $1.25.
10 doz. suits MEN'S UNDERWEAR at $2.50. Cheap at $5.
10 doz. suits MEN'S UNDERWEAR at $1. Cheap at $2.
LADIES' UNDERWEAR at ONE-HALF regular price.
Ladies' , Misses' ' , Children's ' and Men's Shoes
Notwithstanding that shoes have advanced 20 per cent.
We will make this absolutely
in McCook and vicinity. We have a full stock of
to select from AS ; LOW AS THE LOWEST. Give
us a trial and be convinced that
We are THE CHEAPEST DEALER in the City.
Also Hard and Soft Coal.
H. KAPKE , The Leader ,
Calls attention to the fact that he has just received an
other shipment of the latest and most stylish fall goods , and
that he is prepared to make them up in the most stylish mode
and at the lowest figures. Call and see for yourself.
EEDS for your Garden. PLANTS for your Lawn.
' WHERE to get the best Seeds and fresh ones ? WHERE
to get the new Plants and good ones ? This must be decided. Which
of the new and famous are worthy , and which of the old are better , you
ffittT Go"oil § iRJ sl'ould know. We print an Illustrated Catalogue with Photo-Engravings ,
we Colored Plates , and REASONABLE descriptions. As to its completeness ,
and FARM. Free. We offer three collections of YJLEE. In SEEDS , S3 kinds for $1-00 ;
PL1STS. 9 cmt Specialties. Sl-00 ; FIOWEK SEEDS , 20 best for 60 ets. : the three for $2.25.
VAUCHAN'S SEED STORE. 88 State St. . Box 688. CHICAGO.
M9Cook ,
Commissioners' Proceedings.
Indiiuiulii. Noli. . Unroll 12th , 1801. |
Hoard of county commleBlonors met pur
suant to adjournment. Present. C.V. . Hodgkin -
kin , Stephen Holies and S. 8. Grnlmin , com
missioners , and Geo.V. . Hoperclurk. Mluutes
of previous meeting rend and approved.
Bo it remembered that at u regular meeting
of the board of county commissioners of lied
Willow county , and state of Nebraska , held at
tbc usual place of meeting of said board , at
the court house in Indianola. in said county ,
on the l d ) day of Muruh , 18111. Present , Gco.
W. Hoper , county clerk , Stephen Holies , C. W.
Hodgkin and S. S. Graham , county commis
sioners of said county. Thereupon Commis
sioner Stephen Holies offered the following
preamble and resolution :
WIIKUKAS there is now pending in the
supreme court of the state of Nebraska an ac
tion wherein the state of Nebraska on the re
lation of Justin A. W11 cox Is plaintiff and
iienry t/'rauiree , isuian ucnneit aim siepuen
Holies as county commissioners of Ited Wil
low county are defendants. Said action being
brought on behalf of the relater for the pur
pose of re-locating the county-seat of said
county and
WHEREAS it is claimed by many persons
that the said Red Willow county or the board
of county commissioners thereof will be liable
for all costs that have accrued or may accrue
in said action if said relater is successful
therein under the present status of the plead
ings in said action. And it appearing that the
county commissioners of said county as a
board of county commissioners have never
appeared in said action or filed any answer or
01 her pleadings therein , we.the board of county
commissioners of said county , do not desire
to resist the issuance of the writ prayed for
in said action. Therefor be it resolved by
the board of county commissioners of Red
Willow county in regular session at its usual
place of meeting at the county seat in said
county :
1. That this board on its own behalf as well
as on bebalf of each member of this board dis
claim any interest in this matter and ask that
no costs in said action be taxed against the
said county of Red Willow or this board of
county commissioners of said county.
3. That Sidney Dodge , county attorney , is
hereby instructed and directed to appear be
fore said court and show to the court that the
said county of Red Willow ami this board of
county commissioners of said county are not
interested parties in said action and disclaim
any interest therein on behalf of said county
and this board and that said Red Willow coun
ty and this board of county commissioners of
said county should not be parties defendant.
3. That said Sidney Dodge take such pro
ceedings as he may deem advisable for the
purpose of presenting the costs that have ac
crued or may accrue in said action being1 taxed
against the said Red Willow county or this
board of county commissioners of said county.
It was moved by Commissioner Stephen
Holies and seconded by Commissioner S. S.
Graham that said preamble and resolution be
adopted. The ayes and nays being called for.
Commissioner Holies and Graham voting aye.
none voting no. whereupon said preamble and
resolution was declared adopted.
Resignation of A. J. Thomas , county coroner
ner , was read and considered and on motion
On motion tbo following appointments
were made to fill vacancies :
H. H. Berry , county coroner.
Jacob Walters , overseer distrit No. 20.
On motion the following bond was approved :
Jacob Walters , overseer district No. 20.
On motion followingclairas were laid over :
Atlas Lumber Co. , coal for Mrs. M. A. Jones.
S. H. Colvin. house rent for pauper.
On motion the followingclaims were audited
and allowed and clerk directed to draw war
rants on county general fund , levy 1800 , as
follows , to-wit :
C. T. Brewer , meat for W. W. Gerver $ 3.80
Omaha Republican , supplies , co.clerk..16.85
W. S. Phillips , erroneous tax refunded on
lotSO. block33. Indianola 2.29
Indianola H. & I. Co. , supplies for county,18.PO
Jacob Lerch , hardware for county 2.30
R. W. White , repairing road scraper 1.00
w. n. POWELI. & co.
Mdso. for pauper. Mrs. Goodrich 1.23
Oilforcounty 1.25
Paper sacks for aid ( roods 14.15
Mdse. for pauper , Frank Cisar 1.25
Mdse. for pauper. O. S. Brown 1.25
Oilforjail 25
Mdse. for pauper , cyrus Blake 5.80
TimHannan $ 1.25 Mrs. Brisbin $ 1.10
Mrs.Purdy 6.10 A.F.Meyer. 3.25
Mrs.Carroll 10.50 Mrs.Kaiiey 11.51)
Jno. Darby 2.00 Mrs. Macho 2.10
Jas.Admire 1.00 TimHannan 1.60
Mrs. Macho 1.90 Jno. Meyer 1.00
Mrs.Carroll 1.75 Mrs.Kaiiey 5.60
Mrs. Bnsbin 2.45 Mrs. Lawton 1.70
Mrs. Purdy 2.10 Mrs. Mitchell 1.50
460 pounds meat for Purdy. Kailey , Carroll ,
Macho , Meyer and Briabin $23.00.
Frank Fork f2.40 P. D. Armstrongr.$2.10
Jacob Korb 2.50 L. A. Goodrich. . . . 175
Joe Wright 1.25 C.W.Peters 1.25
I. R. Plessinger. . . S.50 J. N. Wilson 1.25
T. K.Quigle > 4.05 Jno. Gerboth 4.85
R. S.Gordon 2.35 W.C.Hyatt 1.25
W.H.Tubbs 1.25 A. Hamilton 2.05
S. B. Howe 1.50 AUJT. Hornkohl. . . 4.95
Wm.Gose 1.25 Jno. Berry 1.95
Frank Show 1.25 G. W. Groves 3.25
George Mohler. . . . 1.75 George Rollins. . . 1.30
J.F.Rollins 2.75 N. Whitsel 2.25
E.Lanaga 1.25 A.P.Buker. 2.25
David Kealiher. . . .25
L. A. Goodrich. . . .f 1.40 A. P. Bukcr S3.50
G. A. Darnell 1.40 Madams 1.40
D. S. Kealiher. . . . 3.50 E. Wyckoff 3.50
Aug. Hornhobl. . . 3.50 P. D. Armstrong. . 1.40
Mrs. Mary Akera. 1.40 Byor Smith 1.05
Mrs.Vore 1.75 Mrs. Jno. Berry . . 1.75
A. P. Bukcr. 3.50 P. D. Armstrong. . 1.05
PaulEgger 1.05 Aid Store 1.75
Henry Uhren 85 Mrs. M. J. Parkes. 1.75
Jno. Newberry. . 1.75 Mrs.Vore 1.75
Thos. Reed 1.75 A.P.Buker. . . . .1.75
Arch Mann 1.75 Mrs. R. L. Moody. 1.75
Mrs. C. Berry. . . . 1.75 Robt. Bond 1.75
Aug. Hornkohl. . 1.75 A.P.Buker. 1.75
L.A.Goodrich. . . 1.75 Mrs.Vore 1.75
Mrs. Mary Akers 1.75 W. A. Day 1.75
Wm. Wyckoff. . . 1.75 Arch Mann 1.40
Samuel Bryan , digging grave C. H. Mc-
Culloch , deceased $ 2.00
M. G. Shackelton. glass for court house. . . 3.30
Dr. E. A. Hall. med. attend. W. W. Gerver ,
claim $150.00. allowed 90.00
D. S. Kealiher , unloading-aid coal 4.00
F. W. Eskey. med. attend. Mrs. H. Uhren ,
claim S25.00 , allowed 20.00
E. D. Akers. draying for county , claim
$3.25. allowed 2.50
Mrs. H. McCulloch. board and care of C.
H. McCulloch 24.08
Duncan Bros. , mdse. , pauper , J. Gregory , .80
Duncan Bros. , mdse. , pauper , D. Sullivan , .80
Duncan Bros. , mdse. , pauper , A. Martin , 1.25
Page T. Francis , juror § 1.00
John J.Osburn. juror 1.00
M. Yager , juror. . 1.00
D.Laflin. juror 1.00
J. A. Brewer , juror 1.00
S. C. Drolsbougb , juror 1.00
Jas. Kilpatrick. witness 1.00
Thos. Flannery , witness 1.00
C. G. Scrantori. witness.A 1.00
Dr. A. J. Wiley , witness 1.00
Dr. C. H. Jones , witness 1.00
J. H. Murphy , witness 1.00
Wm. Bogard , witness 1.00
Sidney M. Cole , witness 1.00
E. R. Banks , sheriff 4.80
A. J. Thomas , coroner 7.55
On motion board adjourned to meet March
13th. 1891. C. HODGKIN , Chairman.
Attest Geo. W. Roper. County Clerk.
INDIANOLA , Nun. . March 13th. 1891.
Hoard of county commissioners met pur
suiint to adjournment. Present. C. W. Hodjr
kin , Stephen Holies mill S. S. Graham , commls
sinners , and Geo. W. Roper , county clerk
Minutes of previous meeting rend and ii |
Petition of Wm. Barber , W. E. Rollings am
ot hers asking that the following described par
of Indfanola precinct , to bo set off and to b
known as Alliance precinct , commencing a
the N. E. corner section 2-4-27 , thence south to
S. E. corner section 35-4-27. thence west to
S. W. corner S. E. & section 34-4-28. thrnco
north to N. W. corner N. E. } section 3-4-28
thence cast to beginning , read and considered
and on motion was laid over.
Resignation of B. A. Lincoln , justice of the
peace of Driftwood precinct , read and con
sidered. On motion name was accepted.
The following resolution was read and on
motion adopted :
KKSOLVKU. that from and after this date no
claim of any druggist , merchant or physiciai
for supplies furnished any pauper will bo ul
lowed and paid by the board of county com
missloners unless mime is cert i lied toby the
justices of any prccint in which said pauper
That said person is a pauper and a county
charge and wholly unable to provide for them
selves. That the goods or service were ren
dered by the order of the said justices of the
Physicians will only be allowed two-thirds of
the regular fees adopted by the Republican
Valley Medical Society.
The Jaw requires that where there are two
justices in me precinct mat ootn must sign
the certificate.
On motion the following olliclal bonds were
approved :
H. H. Berry , coroner Red willow county.
C. J. Ryan , assessor Willow Grove precinct.
J. V. Carnubun , assessor Nortti Valley p'ct.
R. S. Baker , overseer district No. 1.
Frank Schmoldt. overseer district No. 13. and
constable Missouri Ridge precinct.
In compliance with the law in such cases
made and provided the board on motion select
ed from the various precincts in Red Willow
county , Nebraska , the names of sixty persons
from which to draw the jurors for the March
term. 1891. of the district court. Whereupon
the clerk of the district court was furnished
with the list , which list is as follows :
Bondville J. E. Furr. Perry Jones , Jno. Hall.
Beaver W. B. Porter. Thos. Uoyd. Amos
Thomas , Phillip Gleim.
Hex Elder Josiah Moore , R. McDonald , Mike
Dooley , Ira Harrison , Prank King.
Coleman J. W. Smith , Jacob Long.
Danbury H. A. Graham. C. R. Newberry.
Driftwood R. S. Hileman , J. A. Hrewer ,
J. P. Squire.
East Valley J. R. P. Rowe. Arthur Miller.
Gerver Albert Wagy , R. A. Green.
Grant W. H. Benjamin , S. R. Seamands.
Indianola A. Goodrich. L. Korns. Frank
Fritsch. J. W. Welborn , Henry Crabtrec , Sam
Lebanon R. G. Dye , Jas.Horton , B.F. Brad
bury , Isaiah Bennett.
Missouri Ridge Chester Dow. A. 7j. Jones.
North Valley Joe Stevens , Geo. Houliston.
Wm. Wright. R. H. Chrysler.
Perry Jno. Reed , Andrew Carson , Andrew
Red Willow Clint Black , Win. Byiield , Lafe
Tyrone N. W. Fough , A. W. Joslin , George
Willow Grove D. R. Bnnks. T. J. Pnte. L. S.
Miller , A. Cliff , Wm. Bailey. Thos. Hales.
Valley Grange A. D.Johnston , Jno. Tirrell.
J. B. Meserve , Wm. H. Smith.
On motion the following claims were audited
and allowed and clerk directed to draw war
rants on county general fund , levy 1890 , as
follows , to-wit :
W. McCallum , mdse. for pauper. F. Vor3 S1.20
W.McCallum. mdse. pauper. H.W.Naden 1.25
A. P. Buker. Dave Sullivan , Aug. Horn-
hnhl , Milo Strong , L. A.Goodrich.claim
$6.30. allowed $5.25
Henry Uhren 1.45
Arch Mann 5.25
MiloStrong 1.25
L.A.Gooorich 50
W. Devoe , mdse. for pauper , C. R. Green 3.50
S. Griesell. coffin Tor pauper , McCulloch 12.50
S. L. Green , med. attend. W. W. Gerver ,
claim 560.00. allowed 32.50
Coal for pauper , Robert Bond 1.40
Coal for aid store 40
Coal for psuper , H. Uhren 1.05
Coal for pauper. Mrs. Vore 2.85
Lumber for aid store 15
Coal for county 44.00
Coal and lumber for aid store 9.90
Atlas Lumber Co. , bridge material 42.92
coal for pauper , W. W. Gerver. . . 3.75
coal for pauper , Ed. Harger 2.05
Mrs. Wentz $1.90 Mrs.Carroll $1.90
Mrs.Purdy 2.00 Mrs.Kaiiey 2.75
Mrs.Carroll 1.40 Mrs.Carroll 2.75
F. W. Eskey , M. D. . Jay Card , claim $5 , al2.00
Aug. Hornkohl , claim $5. al4.00
L. W. McConnell , medicine for paupers ,
Wm. Brisbin , Tony Cobb , W. W. Ger
ver , Chas. Meyers 16.55
W. McCallum , mdse. for pauper.Mrs.Vore 1.85
mdse. for pauper.Kli Harger 1.25
Potter & E. , flour for pauper , Mrs. Carroll 2.50
Sour for pauper. Mrs. Brisbin 2.50
flour for pauper , Mrs. Purdy 2.50
meal for pauper. Mrs. Purdy .75
J. L. Gray. mdse.for pauper. B. S. Barber 3.25
w.T.Henton , paid on 4 cars coal atHccook.82.19
J. Young , board & care of pauper. Malone.54.aj
Gleim & S. , mdse. for pauper. M.B.Leopold .50
mdse. for pauper. F. Fante. . . . 1.25
mdse. for pauper , J. F. Boyer 2.50
F.Lubrlnfir 3.45
Jacob Short , board & lodging Otis family 3.00
C .W. Barnes , supplies , sheriff & co. supt.,22.00
S .Holies , freight & expense , aid goods. . . .27.03
S. as commissioner. . . . . 9.85
S. S. Graham , services as commissioner. . . 8.40
C. W.Hodgkin. services as commissioner.10.80
On motion board adjourned to meet March
17th. 1691. C. W. HODOKIN , Chairman.
Attest Geo. W. Roper. County ulerk.
INDIANOLA , NEB. . March 17th , 1891.
Board of county commissioners met pur
suant to adjournment. Present. C. W. Hodgkin -
kin , Stephen Holies and S. S. Graham , com
missioners , and Geo. W. Roper , county clerk.
Minutes previous meeting read and approved.
On motion the followingclaims were audited
and allowed and clerk directed to draw war
rants on county general fund , levy 1890 , as
follows , to-wit :
S. H. Colvin. house rent pauper. Purdy. . . $8.00
John Shepherd , coffin , child Wm. Phillips 8.50
G.W.Curfman. medicine , pauper , Johnson 1.70
medicine , pauper , A. Dutcher 6.10
W. McCallum , mdse. , pauper , Frank Vore .50
w. A. McCool , board and care of prisoner.
Anna waiters 7.25
Beards'ee ' & S. , mdse. , pauper , A. Mann. . . 2.75
Mrs. Meyers J3.75 Mrs. Sorenson. . . . $1.90
Penner. 3.75 Mitchell 3.75
Hawkins. . . . 3.00 Meyers 6.00
Kinnick 3.75 Purdy 3.00
Kailoy 3.00 Marks 1.90
Kinnfck. . . . 1.90 Kailey 3.75
Chas. Ebert. 3.75 A. Reiscbick 3.75
Tim Hannan 3.75 Tim Hannan 3.00
E. Mntson 1.90 A. F. Meyers 3.75
j. E. Hathorn. med. attend , paupers , JOB.
Oblons and McCulloch 21.00
Atlas Lumber Co. , coal for pauper , jones 2.70
G.W.Curfman , med.attend..pauper.Jones 3.00
State Journal Co. . supplies for county. . . .62.42
Sam. Young , S plow beams dist. 23 4.00
john Peake , hauling aid goods 2.25
A. P. Buker $ .50 I. R. Plessinger. . . 1.00
Mrs. Berry 1.25 Mrs.Vore 1.25
David Sullivan. . . . 1.25 C. w. Peters 2.25
L. A. Goodrich. . . . 3.88 Cyrus Blake 4.05
Arch Mann 2.75 J. B. Miller 3.65
Blankets for jail (4.00
On motion claim of jamcs John medicine
for Mrs. McCulloch 55.95 was rejected.
On motion vr. j. Reeves was appointed jus
tice of the peace In and for Beaver precinct to
fill vacancy.
R. A. Green justice of the peace In and for
Gerver precinct to flll vacancy and on motion
bond approved.
On motion board adjourned to meet April
24th , 1891. C. W. HODQKIN , Chairman.
Attest Geo. W. Roper. County Clerk.
MctJook flour all grades.
wow -fclW
ial attention given , mail orders.