- , fa ; * ' --v-i- ; ' * - , # . * ! - - - , ' = - ft - i.r VOLUME IX. McCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY EVENING , MARCH 13 , 1891. NUMBER 42J .BY PRICES AT LQWlpp'd S Before invoicing on Jan. 1st , 1891 , we will close every line AT - : - ACTUAL : COST ! The following are some of the prices : ; 10 dozen of MISSES' TOBOGGANS at 25c. Worth 75c. 10 dpzen of MISSES TOBOGGANS at 50c. Worth $1.25. 10 doz. suits MEN'S UNDERWEAR at $2.50. Cheap at $5. 10 doz. suits MEN'S UNDERWEAR at $1. Cheap at $2. LADIES' UNDERWEAR at ONE-HALF regular price. Ladies' , Misses' , Children's and Men's ' Shoes AT BEDROCK ! Notwithstanding that shoes have advanced 20 per cent. We will make this absolutely in McCook and vicinity. We have a full stock of to select from AS LOW AS THE LOWEST. Give us a trial and he convinced that We are THE CHEAPEST DEALER in the City , YOURS ANXIOUS TO PLEASE , GROCERIES. In addition to my line of ( DRY GOO ( DS , CLOTH- IMG , ( BOOTS , SHOES , MOTIONS , Etc. , I have just laid in a stock of FRESH STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES. / have determined to sell all my goods at "hard times" prices. Call and see me at the old Op = penheimer stand in the ( Babcock = Morlan build = ing , and I will do the square thing by you. RVRRIST. nnnn ill "DEALERS INI SASH , DOOKS , BLINDS , CEMENT , LIME , Also Hard and Soft Coal. WM. M.ANDERSON PROPRIETOR. TRANSFER , 7- ' Cock Neb HARTLEY NOTES. ' Hartley's on u boom. O.Frost was ticketed to Lincoln on No. 4 Sundiiy. M. V. Vickrey WHS in Indianola on buslnees Wednesday. O. L. Campbell of McCook spent Wednesday afternoon In Hartley. S. W. Huddleston of McCook was In the 'Varsity town. Tuesday. C. E. Hodgkin is busy borltwr a well for I Vandervort. this week. Itev. W. M. Taylor has been housed up with la grippe the past week. Mrs. Dawson returned to Cambridge after a week's visit among' friends. Rev. N. F. Klotzinir is attending the Evan gelical conference at Holdrege. Commissioner Hodfrkiri has been attending to county business , this week , at Indianola. Mrs. Deck returned on Sunday from an ex tended visit through the eastern part of the state. .1. W. Dolan was In town , Tuesday , looking after his flock. The "east end office-seeker" was very prominent. Mrs. Aldricb , who has been visiting C. B. Wilson and family for several weeks , returned to her Michigan home. Small-bore politicians ( streotcoramissionersj have commenced to button-hole voters. Pros pects are good for two tickets , however. Postmaster Fidler is getting his eyes open as regards the "east end political man" only to find that he has been a victim of misplaced confidence. Miss Lena Beck , one of Bartlcy'sfair daugh ters , accompanied her father to Lincoln. She will visit various parts in eastern Nebraska before returning. Messrs. Spencer and Thompson of Lenox , Iowa , arrived this week. They were on the train which was wrecked near Mascot , with but slight damage to stock. Madam Utimor has it that a certain person ia or around Hartley has disposed of all of this world's goods to his son-in-law to avoid a suit at law. Such is the life of a Methodist in Bartley. The mechanical monstrosity issued by the "gimlet" puts one very much in mind of a cholera hog. Rev. Kletzing , however , is to be complimented on its editorial and advertising patronage. Chas. Kort's team were frightened by No. 4 , Tuesday evening , and but for a wire clothes line in which they became entangled , would probably done much damage to themselves and wagon. The aspiring young politician of the east end is making preparation to celebrate the anniversary of his defeat at the villiage elec tion. However be has given it out officially that ho is out of politics. Think of it ! LEBANON DOTS. Our ground hog winter has about run its race. The Red Willow county precinct that gave the largest republican plurality in November , 1890 , lost heavily in population , last fall. We are now recuperating. The late teacher in district No. 5 thought he went to Hamburg , a few night since. Just ask him. He will tell you all about it and de clare that ho was driving with both hands. There was a poor , lone , bare-footed kid came to J. 0. Cumming's residence , a few nights since , to stay SI years or during the drouth. Mother and kid all right. J. B. about wild. Mr. John Kiser with his wife and three daughters ( hi there you old batches ) has just moved in here from Nemaha county , bringing with him two car-load of this world's goods. I overheard a late member of Lebanon Al- iance ask their very able Secretary why he , be inquirer , had been expelled from the Al- iance. I failed to hear the Secretary's reply. Mr. Charles Straub and wife and three daughters and two sons have moved in here , a few days since , from the eastern part of the tatc. They brought with them a car loaded o the top. A Mr. Sleets from Union county , Iowa , has bought three quarters of the finest land in his precinct. That is not to be wandered at , but he has sent money to buy wheat and have 0 acres seeded. He will send in oats enough o seed a small sized farm. He has contracted with our efficient road overseer to have 100 acres broke , this spring , and he will bring bis wife and kids out here to live , next fall. Our ex-double , ex-county commissioner is busy explaining to the confiding souls who put faith larger than a grain of mustard seed n the late vs. C. W. Hodgkin's case. The same confiding souls are also told that after the 4th of March Lebanon will get a 'ostmaster that does not dabble in politics. A resident of this precinct who does not dab ble in politics will be a prize for Barnum in deed. Every farmer in Red Willow county's pro- inct thai , gave the.largest republican majori- y in November , 1890 , is anxiously waiting for . Frost to leave mother earth so they can go o seeding and while the majority of us Lords of Creation are short on lucre , wheat , oats , corn and praties and long on thin horses and cattle I believe every one is making a heroic effort to till every acre possible and I must confess that the crop acreage is going to be away above anything I thought possible six weeks ago. JAKE HARMON. Is Consumption Incurable ? Read the following ; Mr.C. H. Moris , Newark , Ark. , says : "Was down with Abscess of Jungs , and friends and physicians pronounced me an Incurable Consumptive. Began taking Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption , am now on my third bottle , and able to over see the work on my farm. It is the finest med- cine ever made. " Jesse Middlewart , Decatur. O. , says : "Had t not been for Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption 1 would have died of Lung Troubles. Was given up by doctors. Am now n best of health. " Try it. Sample bottles free at A. McMillen's drug store. SPRING PENING ! ALBERT WELL Mammoth - : - Stock OF DRY GOODS ! MILLINERY ! CARPETS ! &TI 5 r DRESS 'IGOODS ' Silks , Henriettas , Cashmeres , Summer Flannels , Suitings , Serges , Mohairs , Fancy Stripes. CLOAKS Jackets , Capes , Peasant Garments , Blazers ; latest 1891 styles. EMBROIDERIES-Lawns , Nainsook , Flouncings , Checks , Stripes. CARPET Ingrains , All-Wool , Half- Wool , 3-Ply , Brussels , Tapestry , Body and Velvet. Rugs and Oil Cloths. J. ALBERT WELLS , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. \