Fiji A How th.g human fryntcm ever recovers from the bad effects of the nnuycous medicines often litcr- crnlly poured Into It for the supportive relief of dyspepsia , liver complaint , constipation , rheuma tism and other aliments , it Is a mystery. The mischief done by hnd iiUHllclnes Is scarcely less than that caused by disease. If they who weak , bilious , dyspeptic , constipated or rhenma- tic , would oftcncr bo guided by the experience of invalids who have thoroughly tested llcstetter's Stomach Hitters , they would in every instance obtain the speediest aid derivable from rational medication. This medicine Is a searching nnd at the aarni ! lime a thoroughly safe remedy , derived from vegetable sources , and pOHftCggint ; , in consequence quence of ita bahK of pure spirits , properties us nmcd'cinal stimulant not to bo found in the fiery local hitlers und stintulants often resorted to by the debilitated , dyspeptic and languid. A lie will go a lonir war , Lut the sender usually has to pay the freight. The few men \\lio don't lunke fools of themselves generally let someone else do it. It Is dangerous to let a her c icar ; he Is then on Ills last le-rs. Some girls urc like a violin ; it takes a Ijcau to nuke them tall ; . A Chance to .Unite rt J frel it my duty to inform otlier-3 of my success plating spoons , eastois , jcueliv , etc. The Ihst week J elearetl $27.50 , and in'thicc weeks SiO. Hy addressing the Lake Klectric Co. , J-jiirleu'ood. ] ll. , you * " can get circulars. Six n.onths a 1:0 1 was poor , I nou have a nice liomc'and l.ank account all the product of5J invested iu a Mater. A KEAUEll , The minister is a temperate man , but he : ih\rns Hfj'cni t to a " \ \ ill you join us ] " How does ho feel ? He feels cranky , and is constantly experi menting , dieting himself , adopting strange notions , and changing the cooking , the dishes , the hours , and manner of his eating August Flower the Remedy. How does he feel ? He feels at times a gnawing , voracious , insati able appetite , wholly unaccountable , unnatural and unhealthy. August Flower the Remedy. How does he feel ? He feels no desire to go to the table and a grumbling , fault-finding , over-nice ty about what is set before him when he is there August Flower the Remedy. How does he feel ? He feels after a spell of this abnormal appe tite an utter abhorrence , loathing , and detestation of food ; as if a mouthful would kill him August Flower the Remedy. How does he feel ? He has ir regular bowels and peculiar stools August Flower the Remedy. ® oa that is Lenox , But do not use the dangerous alkaline and mercurial preparations which destroy your nervous system and ruin the digestive power of the stomach. The vegetable king * dom gives us the best and safest remedial agents. Dr. Sherman devoted the greater part of his life to the discovery of this relia ble and safe remedy , and all its ingredients are vegetable. He gave it the name of a name every one can remember , and to the present day nothing has been discovered that is so beneficial for the BLOOD , for the LIVER , for the KIDNEYS and for the STOMACH This remedy is now so well and favorably known by all who have used it that arguments as t'o its merits are use less , and if others who require a correct ive to the system would but give it a trial the health of this country would be vastly improved. Remember the name PRICKLY ASH BITTERS. Ask your druggist for it. PRICKLY ASH BITTERS GO , , ST. LOUIS , MO. A Trua Combination of MOCHA * JAVA and RIO. Picture Card Giiren With every pound package. For Sale everywhere , ffoeboz Bpict Co.ToM.0. GARFIKtD TEA cares Constipation arul Sick Ueadachc ; restores the Complexion : saves Doctors' Bills. Sold by Druggists. nillPCDnilGtodrlro at nfc'it without &e Safety UAFIutinUuOLantcrn Holder , xsk jour ( toreLeeper , or wnte to the Company , Baltimore , Md. can have smaller feet. Solid comfort. Pamphlet free. Sam ple pttf. , JOc. TIio Pcdlne Co. , New York. .1IEN TO TRAVEL. We pay KO to $100 .1 month and expenses. 00 or fl.OOO Carefully InrtstM lere brine -Annually from twenty to. Tcrt tis. X COJtA LWESTJIESI Co . Tacoma , Wash * " \Vliiit to ffo\VIieii A survivor of the hardships of Frc mont's terrible four expeditions writes as follows in a posthumous narrative of the expedition printed in the Cen tury for March , in which ho more thai hints at the fact of cannibalism : ] t was eurious to hour different , men tell of the workings of the mind whei they were starving. Some were con Btantly dreaming or imagining that they saw before them : i bountiful feast , und would make selections of different dishes. Others engaged their mindb with other thoughts. For my part , . ' kept my mind amused by entering con tinually into all the minuti < e of farm ing , or of some other systematic busi ness which would keep up a train o thought , or by working a mental solu tion of mathematical problems , bring ing in review the rudiments of some science , or by laying out plans for the future , all having ti connection with home and after life. So .in this way never allowing myself to think upon the hopelessness of our condition , yet always keeping my eyes open to every chance , I kept hope alive and ncvei once suiVered myself to despond. And to this course I attribute my support , for there were stronger men who , by worrying themselves , doubtless hast ened their death. Ten out of oui party of thirty-three that entered the mountains had perished , and a few days more would , have finished the others. A Trloyolc Driven by Petroleum. Among the latest attempts to pro duce a satisfactory motor for light road vehicles is that of Mr. Edward liutler of Greenwich , England. His appara tus is a petroleum motor tricycle , which is expected to run forty miles , at a rate of three to ten miles an hour , on aeon- sumption of one gallon of petroleum or benzolene. The motor is placed on the rear wheel , which is covered by an oil reservoir , of a capacity of three and one-half gallons , and has a cylinder on each side , and a liy-whcel close to its spokes. The first stroke of the piston draws in the air and oil vapor , the second end stroke compresses the charge , which is exploded at the third stroke , and exhausted on the fourth. The crank shaft operated by the pistons is geared to give motion to the rear or driving wheel in the ratio of G to 1. The compressed charges arc alternate ly ignited by a spark from an electric battery under the seat between the two forward wheels Slopping and start ing are accomplished by raising and lowering the driving wheel by a foot lever on castors , steering is effected by a pair of rocking handles actuating the front wheels , and the speed is regu lated by a throttle-valve lever. The comnlete machine weighs 280 pounds. S100 Kewisrd. SIOO. The leaders of this papur ill be pleased to learn that theie is nt least one tireaued disea = e that seieuec has been able to cure in all its staire ? , and that is Catarrh. Hall's Cntanh Cuic is the only positive cure now known to the medical Iratetuity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease , requires a constitutional treatment. Ilall s Catanh Cuie is taken internally , act ing directly upon the blood and mucous sur faces of the system , thereby dcsnoyiii j the foil mint on of the dite-ise and giving the patient strength by building up the consti tution and assisting natuiu iu doing its work. 'Ihe proprietors have so much"laith in its curative powers that they offer One Ihousaud Dollars for any case "that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY & CO. , TolcJo , O. 3"fc'old by Druggist ? , 75c. Telcgrapli'c Cables. "When it is considered that some 10- 000 messages daily are sent over the ten cables connecting Europe and 2orth America , something will be re alized of the present importance of submarine telegraphy. The cables of the world , according to Mr. Geo. W. .Niven , now number 2,04o , of which 798 belong to governments and 247 to private companies. The total length is 120,070 nautical miles , of which 207,546 miles are owned by private telegraph companies , nearly all Brit ish , and 12.524 by governments. The Eastern Telegraphic company has sev enty cables of a total length of 12 , ! )5S ) nautical miles. The British govern ment has 103 home cables of a total length of 1,489 miles , and 21G colonial cables of a total length of 3.811 miles. Of the other government cables , Nor way has 123G , averaging less than a mile each. The longest cable extends from Brest , France , to St. Pierre Mi- quelon , a small island off the co st of Xew Foundland , and measures 2.685 nautical miles.or 3,091 statute miles. The oldest cable in use is the one first ud that from Dover to Caiias and dates from 1851. For Coughs and throat troubles use "BHOWN'S liuoxuiiiu. TROCHES.They stop an attack of my asthma cough very promptly. " ' F. FALCII , Miauiivillc , Ohio. The Hand KKK. The kiss of the hand is undoubtedly ancient , and therefore is not derived from that of the lips , but probably the converse is true. The hand kiss is oosely asserted to be developed from servile obeisances in which the earth , the foot and the garments were kissed , the hand and cheek succeeding in or der of time and approach to equality of rank. But it is doubtful if that was the actual order , and it is certain that at the time when hand kissing began there were less numerous gradations of rank than at a later stage. Kissing of the hands between men is mentioned in the Old Testament , also by Homer , Pliny and Lucian. The kiss was applied reverentially to sacred objects , such as statues of the gods , as s shown by ancient works of art , and also among numerous etymologies by that of the Latin word ' -adoro , " and it wis also metaphorically applied by the inferior or worshiper kissing his own hand and throwing the salute to the superior or statue. Popular Science Monthly. Our spare hours are well named : they seem the" shortest of the day. There is a good deal of the wag about a dog. Locusts and'drought Lave killed the Ar gentine maize crop. ; stone * &T.1L Front. ' An English chemical journal reports a series of experiments by Mr. Ban- sehinger ; o determine the resistance to frost of natural and artificial building stones. From three to six pieces of each kind were selected , and their ten sile strength , wet and dry , their ca pacity for absorbing water , alteration in volume , tensile strength and beha vior toward water after freezing and thawing twenty-five times , und their specific gravity were determined. Of samples of twenty-one different kinds of natural stone , only six one of do- lorite , one of diorite , and four sand stones were found to resist repeated freezing , though four others resisted fairly but not absolutely. Of forty-one samples of artificial stone similarly tested , only three were thoroughly un affected , while eight were fairly re sistant. Those who use Dobbins' Electric Soap each week , ( and their name is leirlou ' ) save their clothes and strength , nnd let'the soap do the work. Did you ever try. it J If not , do so next Monday sure. Ask your grocer for it. has bought a ? C5C03 , house in Washington. To Diopcl Colds , Headaches and Fevers , to cleanse the system effectually , yet gently , when costive or bilious , or when the blood is impure or sluggish , to permanently cure habitual constipation , to awaken the kidneys and liver to a healthy ac tivity , without irritating or weakening them , use Syrup of Figs. The dollar of daddies was round , but square. The largest Furniture nnd Carpet house west of Chicago is located nt Omaha , Neb. , Chas. Shiverick & Co. . Proprietors. They have an immense establishment , occupying half a block of five-story stores on Farnam ' street , and every floor 'is packed with the most elegant designs in carpets , di aperies , nnd the lending novelties in the furniture line. Jf you contemplate buying write them for particulars , prices , etc. . or call nnd see their goods when you visit Omnha , whether you buy or not. They take pleasure in show ing people throuch their establishment , which is equal to any in Chicago. Silver coin money is reasonable enough but a silver bill seems impossible. When Baby rras sick , we gave her Castoria , When she was a Child , she cried for Castoria , When she became Miss , she clunj ; to Castoria , When she had Children , she gave them Castoria , The baker always has dough on hand be cause he kneads it in his business. "Now good digestion wait on appetite , and health on both. " 'ihis natural aud happy condition of the mind and body is brought about by the timely use of Prickly Ash Bit ters. While not : i beverage in any sense , it possesses the wonderful faculty ofienexving to the debilitated system all the elements rc- quiied to icbuild aud make stronir. If you arc troubled with a headache , diseased liver , kidneys or bowels , give it a trial , it will not fail you. Can anyone tell just how long a clothes line is when it stretches over one yard i "Whjrso-pnlc and Tan ; fond love , Prithee ! why so pale : " "Well If the truth must bo told , I have the most villainous cold.u man ever had. " Sbe only smiled a lontldent nnd hnppy smile nnd brought down her bottle of Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup. There Is n produce exchange rumor that nn enrthquake has shaken up the codec giouuds of Java. Fire is said to J e a gcod servant , but it Is apt to go out nights all the same. I have tried Salvation Oil in my own case for neuralgia and experienced much benelit from its use. It's vcrv rcnctrutlng and always " ways gives relief. "J. S. LEW1& , Manufacturer Boots it Shoes , 54 Fajette St. , Baltimore , Md. A Uloomliis Region. The Maritime Alps , a small depart ment in Southern France blessed with an exceptionally mild climate , makes a specialty of growing flowers , particu larly in the winter season. The pro duct has become really astonishing , reaching an annual total of 3,308,000 gilograms ( nearly 7,300,000 pounds ) , having a value of about 15,000.000 francs. This includes 1,860,000 kilo grams of orange blossoms , the chief crop ; 1,000,000 kilograms of roses ; 157,000 kilograms of violets ; 147.000 kilograms of jasmine ; 74,000 kilograms of tuberoses ; 50,000 kilograms of jon quils , and 20,000 kilograms of migno nette. Ilolman's l.ivcr Fadq. A.v's I.IVEK PILLS cure MA. HOLM AX'S I.IVKH PILLS euro BILIOL-S.VKSS. HOLUAX'S L.IVEII PILLS euro I.VIIIRCSTIO.V. I'Miiphlct free with full Instruction ! ) ami commenda tions. IIOLMAX LlYKlt 1'AU Co. . P.O. Box2U2 , N.Y. Berlin ought to be a good place for topers , for it is a city always on the Spree. Mrs. Wlnslow'sSootliincSyrup , for Chil dren tuetlilni ; , softens thecuinjreducesinUumum- tton , allays pain , cures wind colic. 25c. a bottle. Coujugal love is not preserved in family jars. jars.A A sailor should alwa\s take a cat-boat in a squall. i'ositlvelyciircd bj these Little FlHs. i They also relieve Dia-g tress fromDyspepais.In- ; digestion andTooHearty ? Eating. A perfect rem-jj ody for Dizzmcss.Nausea Drowsiness , Bad Taste 1 in the Mouth , Coatedj : Tongue.Pam in the Side. TOKPID LIVEB. They repulato the Bowols.j Purely Vegetable. Price 25 Cents. CARTER HSDICINE CO. , NSW YOdS. Small Pill ; Small Dose , Small Pries , ! How many people there are who regard the coming of winter as a con stant state of siege. It seems as if the elements sat down outside the walls of health and now and again , led by the north wind and his attendant blasts , broke over the ramparts , spreading colds , pneumonia and death. Who knows when the next storm may come and what its effects upon your constitution may be ? The fortifica tions of health must be made strong. SCOTT'S EMULSION of pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda will aid you to hold out against Coughs , Colds , Consumption , Scrofula , General Debility , and all Anamic and Wasting Diseases , until the siege is raised. It prevents wasting in children. Palatable as Milk. SPECIAL. Scott's Emulsion is non-secret , and is prescribed by the Medical Pro fession all over the world , because its ingredients are scientifically combined in such a manner as to greatly increase their remedial value. CAUTION. Scott's Emulsion is put up in salmon-colored wrappers. Be sure and get the genuine. Prepared only by Scott & Bownc , Manufacturing Chemists , New York. Sold by all Druggists. GiveEar Ear To the plain facts about Pearline , and then give Pearline a chance tc prove them , by giving it a fair trial. Nothing else will give the same result. It washes safely , as well as surely ; it cleans carefully , as well as easily. It is as cheap as soap and better. Anything that can be washed , can be washed best with Pearline. It lightens labor and does lightning work. As nearly as we can figure , about eight millions of women use it. Do you ? You will sooner or later. To peddlers or unscrupulous grocers who ofTer imitations of Pearline. and say , "it is just as good ns. " or "the same as" Pearline. IT'S FALSE. Pearline has no equal and is never peddled. 237 JAMES PVI.E , Xew Vorlc taoo Taken aicay sick headache , bilious headache , dizziness , constipation , indigestion , bilious attacks , and all derange ments of the liver , stomach and bowels. It's a large contract , but the smallest things in the world do the business Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. They're the smallest , but the most effective. They go to work in the right way. They cleanse and renovate tno system thoroughly but they do it mildly and gently. You feel the good they do but you don't feel them doing it. As a Liver Pill , they're unequaled. Sugar-coated , easy to take , and put up in vials , and hermetically sealed , and thus always fresh and reliable. A per fect vest-pocket remedy , in small vials , and only one necessary for a laxative or three for a cathartic. They're the cheapest pill you can buy , because they're guaranteed to give satisfaction , or your money is returned. You only pay for the good you get. get.That's That's the peculiar plan all Dr. Pierce's medicines are sold on , through druggists. LADIES ONLY FEMALE REGULATOR , Safe _ und Certain to a day or money rc- By mail 83. St-eurelv sealed from ob servation. COOK JtEJHSDl' CO. , OmuhaXeb. UI & M M OO STI RESTORED. BUB PI. l\i Lie S J' a iL ! ? Aiiulm of j.-uih- fiil iinpnidencp , cauiiiiJT I'rcmature Decay , Kcr > o.3 Debility , Lost Manhood , t'jc. , liaMii tried in > aiiicvcrv known remedy , lia'j discovered aKimplo iMeaniofseir- cure , which lie will sent ! ( waled ) FilKK to liN fellow i.f f ci era. Address J. 11. ItEEVES. EI. . lei S.-W , X. Y. City. - - To send out circular , do pleasant , pi ) In ? stead v home wort , few liourbilallv. tiend lOc ( sliver ) for book of in- BtrurtionsinnurNEW ART , with terms. bYLVAN CO. , Uor JT. J'ort Huron , Mich. aca U ci on the shares. No cxperlcnoc required. Directions for sprouting free. Address. T. J. SK2NHER , Columbus , Kansas , 'Successfully Prosecutes Claims. Late Principal Examiner U S Pension Bureau. 3yrs in List war. 15aiIjudicatjn cJaiais , r.ttj eime. iALOON AND BILLIARD & 1EN. For Saloon Fixture * . liillinrd an I Tool Tnlilei. illiard &tip.illet and Bar Cilass tend to TIIIJ AKDKA CITY iuriiAiu > TAISI.U CO. , 113-113 bo. 15th stiict , Uiimlia , Xeb. Xo Capital required , -rironlars free. PEN CO. BOSTON. MASS. FOR ONT3 D01.iT.AU Mint an by mntl , wo will do ) I TIT , frcoof nil chiruc ; < . tonny per on latba Ur.Uc-il hute.i , nil the following articles Taroti lj rmcl d In u nest box : One two-ounro Dottlo of Tnro Vawllno 10 cU. Onotwo-ounce ) bottlu Vo. elluo I'ocuado 16ct * Onojnrof VanellnoCoNI Cream 15cta > Onucnke of Vam.ilno ! Camphor Ice lOcts. Oaocnkoof VoouUnoSoap , unocontcd. . . . lUcta. Onocakeof Vn.iollno Sonp. ripntcil 25 cU , Ono ttro-ouncu bottlu of Wltno Vaaulluo Z&ctn. Z&ctn.H.U Or for gtirnps any Mnclo nrtlclo nt the prlco. If yon bavo occailon tonne V.-uollne In anrforn oocarefal to acreiitonlr KcntilnuRtxidaputup bftn In original packiiu't'i1. A Krentmany druKUlntiiBri tryliiKto porsundu btiyt-rH to tnke VASKLlNKpir ut > t > 7 thorn. XtTur ! > Iuld tonticb pcrsuaKlon , n th articleI ! < nn Imitation without Tiiluo. nnd will IID plvoyon tlio roiulLjotl uvuurt. A bottle of IIIU4 ; Seal Va ullno It nolil br nil ( IriiCK ts at ten cents. .MTir. ( o. , 1 Hlito 8U , Xc York , NERVE AND BRAIN TREATMENT ; Specific for Hysteria. Dlzzlncim. Fit * . Neuralgia , Walt * lutneas , Muntal IVpreislon. Softening of the llrnlnr tultlnff In Invunltjr nnil leading to mlsetjr derar aritt death. Premature Old Age. Ilarrennri * . I.OM of 1'onar In cither ex. Involuntary Lo f * . and Kpcrmttorrho b. catuod by orer-eirrtlon of I ho brain , ralf-aliuse or OTor-lnduleenco. hach box contains one month's treat- Bent , f la box , or lx for JJ , ent liy mail prepaid. With each order for ill boim , will tend purchjuM- Kuarant o to refund money If ( ho treatment falls la. ura. Guarantee * lo u J aud gtuulnu mid oolj by 111O Farnam Street , O.U.I II A , XJSIt. BOILING WATER OR MILK. GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. LABELLED 1-2 LB. TINS ONLY. I haye a poiutiro remedy for the above discos ; by Ita neo thousands of cases of tlio worst kind and of lone standing have been cured. Indeed BO strong is my faith in its efficacy , that I will snnd TWO MOTTLES FUEE.witU a VALUABLE TREATISE on this disease to any stif- ferer who will send me their Express aud P.O. address , T. A. Blocum , M. C. , 181 1'cnrl St. , N. Y. WHEN THE DcArnras is c utcon > SCARLET FEVER. COLDS , . MEASLES , CATARRH. AC. BTTMC USC OFTHC INVISIBLE. SOUND DISC nhlcSi Is guaranteed to keif a largtr per tent. ofcueJ than all ilmllu do- Tlce * combined. Tit name to the fan xylauei an to the eyei. Poiltlrtlj in- visible. Worn month * without rfmoTif. II. J. FAtES. Bridgeport. Conn. Dr. BAILEY , DENTIST. A Full Set of Teeth for $5 00. Teeth extracted without p.iln or danger by a new process. Gold end alloy filling at lowest rates. Offlcc : I'm ton Block , Omaha , Neb. Bs D C3 & * ? > The f crct of f I.e Canary I3 rlerioftheTIartr. d U & i Sit/Mountains. It restores t'tc Eons of Cage liirds , prevents tlnrailmenti and keeps them in g'xxt condition. It Canarier singcien while tlieddinjfeathers. Sent by mail for 13 cents , bold by ail drug- KToecra nnd tinl dealers. Tin : UIKD FOOD co. 406 N. " Third Street , rniLADEi.pnii.rj. JBJ ANTED Agents to sell the Pinlets Clothes Line- tlioonly line cur invented that holds the tlothca nithout pin * ; perfect nj . tucceiS ; patent recently isMitd ; sold only by UJf agents , to whom the cxcliifeHo right is ESB PiS C ffivcn ; on receipt of 5i > will send a o B C > tamplo line by nimil al"-o tin ulais , and terms pnie-list to agents ; secure your territory at once. Address Tim PIN LESS CLOTHES LINK C > . . 27 1 leriuon St. . 'Worcester. Jlas-s. - _ i Covers for liore.wa onvsinck' . maclnnpry. c. . at C. , T. JJAKKIl'S , 101 AVVst Third Strer-t ! KANSAS CITV , 31O. SunJ for iU'sfd catalogu ; . world , . "is t-he , gslec ic light-oJ"house-cl.eenJn4/if and old methods are not the easiest by far. Many people travel tl because they have not tried the better \vay. It ia a relief from a of slavery to break away from old-fashioned methods and adopt labor-saving and strength-sparing inventions of modern times. Get of old ruts and into new ways by using a cake of SAPOLIO in y < bouse-cleaning. CHICHESTER-S ENGLISH , RED CROSS DIAMOND BRAND T . .THE ORIGINAL AND GENUINE. The only Snfe , SureandnhatlPHI for Ie. Lndle * . ask DrugI t for Cliic'titttr s Enylii\ Diamond Bnnd In Ked and Gold metaliie boics e > M with blue ribbon. TaUc no other Llnd. Xtfute ubMutunt and Imitation * Ml pills Inpaitebowd bow , pink wrappers.ere dancerouo . eonntcrfelt * At Drnzrist , onrad tu fo nl.AT'PJ ' " .P rticulirt , testimoaLU. and "Kellef lor Ladles" in letter , br return Salll K00.T | " 0''il' - , > -Riper. CHICHESTER CHEMICAL Co. . MndiTo" boliJ bj oil LoenI I > . ruaclsta. JlIII.AI KLrHIA.1A. PISO'S EE3IEDY FOB CATARRH.-Best. Easiest to U3CJ Cheapest. Kelief is immediate. A cure is certain. Jfor Cold in the Head it has no equal. VINES Wormy Fruit and I af Blight of Apples , Pears , Cherries. CVPCI CIRD SI'RAYIXQ. Grape and Potato Rot , Plum Curcnha praTented by nsins tAbCLolUn OPTFITRT .PERFECT . FRUIT ALWAYS SELLS AT GOOD PRICES.Cstalocnedio- I ing all injanonsinsecti to Fruits miuled free. T.aree wtork of Fruit Treen. Vine * . and Berry Plants at Bottom Prices. AddrssaVM. . STAHJU Qtilney , Ilia , _ OWEKTS ELECTRIC BELT PATENTED Auc. IB ! 887 IMPROVED JULY , , 30.1889. , . , . , xx , , . . DR. OT7EITS ELECTRO- QAXVAKJO BODY BELT iAND SUSPENSORY via. cnre All Rheumatic Cora- plaints , lumbago. General and Nervous Debility , jCostiveaesa , Kidney Dissaies , Kervotisnesa , Tremllingi Eexual Ex- " hsnstion , Wasting of TiafiV a Ti- - Sody , piB-r3Kestf 3 caused by Indiscrstiona ia ToutatAge , iftf > KarriedorSinsleLife. Seattsresp'thpjriiesfw csrtiia c : = tcz30djtrial SSL OWEN ? ! ELECTRIC Also an Electric Truoo and Belt Combined. fiend 8c. poitage for nun illnsfd book. 216 pages , trhich will bo tent jou In plmlp ieled enTelope. lientionthu paper , ddreu OWES ELECTRIC BELT & APPLIANCE CO. 306 North Broadway , St. Louis , S500 foracas of LOST or FAILING MANHOOD , General or NERVOUS DEBILITY , weakness of body or mind , the effects of errors or excesses in old young that we cannot cure. We guarantee everj case or refund every dollar , five days trial treafr ment Sir fall course S5. Perceptible benefits real ized in three days By mail , securely packed free observation. COOK REMEDY Co. . OMAHA. NEB. , UnffllctedTTlthl ' Water. Thompson's sore eyes , usa Eye . W. N. U.jOmaha , 558 10 FREE .Prettiest BOOK ever Printed. [ T \ Q ONE cent c . 1 JI-3L.J r _ PACKET , . ' and upwards according to rarity , scarcity , or cost. Cheat > estof any hyoz. & B.lOOOOOOCTtraa. Catato- 'iiif free. II. U. Shnmivav Kockford 111. leading remedy for all the- unnatural discharges and private divases of men. A. certain cure for the deblll- tatlngvcalines3 peculiar to women. Iprescnbclttndfcelsafe > In recommending it to , oil sufferers. .TCSH , V. o Sold hy Dr i'StCE 31.00. A pension for every di ablcd Soldier or Sailor- who served ninety days during late war. ie jtrdlc 3 of ranse of disability. Pensions for all viiilo\th nil nor or disabled oil ildrcn of decia. cd < > ! dient and sailors who cerved a * above. Tensions Tor dependent Pnrent * . re2 rdleM of dependency at rt-teofMildier * < u-ath. Nocharteunless success ful. Address at once. 11. S.UEKL.IN , Attorney AVnsIiiuctou , D. C-