The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 06, 1891, Image 5

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Let winter wane.
Noble , The Grocer.
1 he state need is in sight.
Wait for the city election.
Family Groceries at Noble's.
Easter , Sunday , March 29th.
Ileizenstein's parlor for cigars.
Antidote For dullness advertise.
Coining St. Patrick's day , early in
, thc morning.
The place to buy hats or caps is a
"The Famous. "
The news in T E TRIBUNE is gath
ered , not gleaned.
The next legal holiday will be Gooe
Friday March 27th.
Gar of flour and feed just received a
A. T. Campbell & Co.'s.
The Windsor Tie the latest out
at the Eagle Clothing Store.
Dr. A. J. Thomas , Dentist , in Union
clock , over Boston shoe store.
Next Wednesday evening tbe city
council meets in regular session.
84 patent flour at
Before you buy underwear or hosiery
"Tun FAMOUS. "
In 1891 there will be five eclipses ,
two of the sun and two of the moon.
Feed of all kinds.
The Eagle Clothing Store is display
ing a stylish stock of spring clothing.
The Eagle Clothing Store has the
enly Genuine Dog Glove found in
The Eagle Clothing Store is already
exhibiting a splendid line of spring
H. W. Pate has traded his farm for
the Troxel residence , corner of Monroe
and Dakota.
Our new examination tablets for 5
cents are very neat. Buy one for your
next examination.
There are better times ahead ; but
just how far ahead we are unable testate
state at this writing.
Kapke , The Tailor , guarantees you
the lowest prices and the most stylish
and elegant clothing.
Noble is the only exclusive grocer in
the city. His stock is the largest and
his prices correspond with the times.
A list of 162 government land patents
appears in this issue. And they are
"set up" in neat , readable shape , too.
Hanging and Stand Lamps at popu
lar prices at
The acreage planted in Red Willow
county will depend on the amouut of
seed the farmer secures. Barkis is
Mr. Troxel during his short residence
among us has evinced his confidence in
this country by purchasing over 2,400
acres of land for speculative purposes.
The blind may see ,
The mute may talk ,
The deaf may hear ,
The maimed may walk ,
And Johnnie may have the possess
ion of his gun ; but the time will never
come when yon can buy first-class cloth
ing at the low prices obtainable at the
Another of those Doable Numbers
which the publishers of "The Youth's
Companion" seem to delight in offering
s a pleasant surprise to its readers
comes to us this week. A careful read
ing of one of these Special Numbers
makes it easy to understand why this
favorite paper rarely loses an old friend
and gains so many thousands of new
admirers each year.
1W. . McCONNELL & CO. hare
just receired a large inyoice of
Wall Paper , embracing Emboss
ed and Plain Gilts and Bronzes ,
Hand Mades , Glimmers , Whites
aid Browns , at prices to suit the
Never in style poverty.
Never out of style riches.
Lots of court-ing at Indiunolu.
Note the Match weather forecasts.
City election , Tuesday , ' April 7lh.
About 2 inches of snow fell to-day.
In Wall Paper you will find newest
styles and lowest prices at McMillen's.
Pearline meal the finest in the mar
What must you do to be saved ? Why
buy your groceries at Noble's , of course !
White and Figured Windsor Ties
all the rage at the Eagle Clothing
THE TRIBUNE is a McCook paper.
That's why it is so popular among Mc
Cook people.
All the popular brands of cigars at
Reizcnsteiu's parlor , next door to the
post office.
The place to buy dress , business or
working shirts of any description is at
"The Famous. "
Noble , the leading grocer , makes a
specialty of fresh , clean family grocer
ies. He will treat you right.
WANTED A girl for gen oral house
work. Enquire at residence.
At Joe Ileizenstein's parlor you can
at all times secure the best brands ot
cigars and tobaccosimported ordomcstic
If you want a stylish fit at the very
lowest figures , KAPKE , THE TAILOR ,
is the man to patronize. Rear of The
Man is asocial animal and the would-
be reformers who ignore this great and
universal truth seldom make much
IN QUEENSWARE Noble carries
the largest assortment and the richest
designs of the season. His prices are
Make Noble your family grocer and
many other blessings will fall to your
lot , besides having the best groceries on
your table that the market affords.
The next time you want an examina
tion tablet call and see the attractive
new tablet keot for sale in THE TRIB
UNE stationery dept. Price 5 cents.
The relatives and friends of Mr. and
Mrs. Phil Weick will be pained to learn
of the death of their infant child , which
occurred last evening. The baby was
born on Saturday last.
The Huber-Farrell case rehearing oc
cupied the attention of Squire Colvin ,
Saturday and Monday , and resulted in
Huber being bound over to coming term
of district court in the sum of $1,000.
THE TRIBUNE understands that the
state seed is expected next week. This
county will receive $4,000 worth. Of
this amount $2,000 worth will be dis
tributed from McCook , the other half
Prom Indianola.
To tbe sundry patriots who are
standing around with mouths wide op
en for a county office , next fall , we
must respectfully and tearfully dedicate
; he old saw "that everything comes to
lim who waits. "
the Inter-Ocean "three
Says - things
will improve this climate , trees , water
detained in ponds and irrigation. It
will be some lime before irrigation is
extensively used but nearly every land
owner can plant some trees and make
some small ponds. Every little will
help. "
The coming city election in McCook
will be held under the new system as
) rovided in the Australian ballot law.
it will be necessary to make nomina-
ions at once ; and our citizens should
> estir themselves in order that they
may comply with the provisions of the
new law.
Last evening Squire Colvin spoke the
words uniting in wedlock Mr. Eugene
A. Bellingar and Mrs. Kate Neal , the
ceremony taking place at the residence
of Barney Lewis , a cousin of the bride.
[ here were but a few relatives and
riends present. A marriage feast fol-
owed the ceremony. The newly wed-
led ones took the night train for Yuma ,
Jolo. , where their future home will be ,
followed by the best wishes of all.
Ground oil cake.
Do you want the latest and best am
cheapest ? Well , they keep a large
variety ut the Eagle Clothing Store.
The Eagle Clothing Store is in the
clothing business. They will dress you
up handsomely and stylishly , and do i
at n very reasonable figure.
C. H. Boyle made the sale of the
Rittenhouse property , Wednesday , to
A. F. Moore , who will move his family
here from Bloomington shortly.
Rev. P. S. Mather will preach a
Memorial Sermon , next Sunday even
ing , commemorating the Centennial oi
John Wesley's death. Go and hear
it. It will he interesting. You wil
hear something that you don't know
THE TRIBUNE wants to see every
farmer in Red Willow county , who has
a canon or draw on his farm , dam the
same in time to hold the spring rains.
Impound every gallon of water tha1
comes. Let it sink into the ground
Shortly your stock will tramp the bottom
tom of the pond so that it will holt
water the season through. Try it.
Only a short time ago Miss Ida Uol-
lister accepted a position in the Unitec
States Land Office 111 this city , anc
came here with her aged mother from
Nebraska. Yesterday morning she was
bereft of her mother who sickened only
a few days ago and died yesterday
morning. She had only been here
some two months. The sympathies of
all will go out to Miss Ida in her hour
of. sorrow. Salt Lake City Tribune ,
Tuesday , Feb. 24th.
While the whole trend of thought
and talk is toward irrigation in some
form , THE TRIBUNE takes the present
opportunity of gathering a thought
wherever found for our readers. One
from an exchange is here stated , and
will be useful for every citizen of the
semi-arid region , which is how to take
the level for an irrigation ditch : "Take
two pieces of 2x4 about 16 feet long
and pin them together at the top , and
near the bottom nail a board across so
that the bottom of the crossed pieces
will just be one rod apart. Then from
the apex hang a good plumb line , level
it and mark the line on the board at
the bottom ; also , by calculation , find
the position of the plumb line on the
board at the grade of your ditch and
mark on each side of the center mark ,
and you have the entire machine , which
can be walked along , sticking a stake at
every rod , and by means of the plumb
line the grade is kept accurately. "
Irrigation may not be generally prac
ticed in this county , but this simple
inowledge is of benefit to every prac
tical man.
It is not often that the Hub offers
an apology or has anything to apologize
for. Just now , however , it is in a
deeply penitential mood , and makes
humble apology to a large number of
righteously indignant citizens who have
thronged this office for several days for
the purpose of making a display of
their injured feelings. And this is the
how of it : About a month ago the
Hub mirthfully notified the public that
the backbone of winter was broken.
This was not true ; but the public ,
which had long since learned to accept
this paper's statements as true in all
respects , at once began to govern itself
accordingly. Spring dry goods and
millinery appeared in the show windows
dews , winter overcoats were placed in
pawn , the street sprinkler was put in
repair , lawns were cleaned up , the hy
drants gargled , grass seed put in soak ,
and early vegetable seed put where it
would do the most good. Farmers be
gan to sow spring wheat , got their corn
ready for planting , uncovered the pota
to bins , began to set hens , and did many
other things that they do with every re
currence of spring , gentle spring. Never
before , perhaps , were the actions of so
many people governed or directed by a
simple newspaper announcement. This
was all creditable to the Hub , of course ,
but upon what followed we must tear
fully but respectfully draw the veil.
There was some mistake about it. The
backbone of winter has , in short , re
sented the insinuation. It is all there ,
and has suffered neither fracture nor
abrasion.Hence this apology. Kearney
I will pay a suitable reward for the
recovery of my shepherd dog. He is
young , shaggy coated , yellow haired
with white spots. Has been gone about
two weeks. Leave word at this office.
McCook flour all grades.
The hutid of affliction rests heavily
upon this community. Death has been
n sudden and terrible visitor in a num
her of devoted homes , during the past
few weeks , and loved ones have passec
out into the life eternal , where sickness
and pangs of parting are unknown
Mr. and Mrs. A. Campbell have with
others felt the sting of the unsparing
one in the sudden loss of their little
boy Leslie , about two years of age , who
died last Friday in the early evening
with malignant scarlet fever , after a
brief illness indeed.
The funeral occurred at the hour ol
2 o'clock , Saturday afternoon , from the
residence , the Rev. Samuel F. Myers ol
Holdrege officiating. By request anc
on account of the nature of the disease
the services were brief and the attend
ance restricted.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Campbell are pro
foundly grieved over the sudden taking
away of their dear one , and in their
sorrow must feel the responsive touch
of sympathy coming from all loyal anc
loving hearts in this city.
Creates many a new business ,
Enlarges many an old business ,
Revives many a dull business ,
Rescues many a lost business ,
Saves many a failing business ,
Preserves many a large business ,
Secures success in any business.
So says a man of business , and we
add that judicious advertising , for this
section of the country , includes THE
TRIBUNE as one of the mediums , be
cause it is read by the best people ,
those who know what they want and pay
for what they get. We challenge com
parison with any country paper in the
valley in this respect.
The Board of Directors and the Ex
ecutive Committee of the Agricultural
Society , together with all who feel in
terested , are requested to meet at the
court house in Indianola , Saturday ,
March 7th , for the purpose of fixing
time of the fair of 1891 , revising the
premium list and transacting such oth
er business as may be necessary. Will
the ladies attend and assist in arranging
the premiums for the ladies depart
ments. The Board will meet at 10
o'clock , the ladies in the afternoon at
two o'clock. A. P. DAY , Pres.
C. W. BECK , Sec.
Passed by the Congregational Sab
bath School on the deatL of Helen
Hocknell :
WHEREAS , It has pleased our Heavenly
Father to call to Himself our beloved mem
ber , Helen Hocknell , therefore , be it
KESOLVISD , That , while our hearts are
saddened by the thought that we shall see
ler bright face no more , yet we reverently
bow in submission to God's will : knowing
that He doeth all things well.
RESOLVED , That , in this dark shadow of
affliction we would tender our deepest sym
pathy and condolence to the bereaved par
ents. They may be comforted by the mem
ory of a loving child , an emblem of one of
the beloved little ones of whom it was said
'Of such is the Kingdom of Heaven. "
One of the last and most important
acts of tbe late congress , as effecting
this country , was the repeal of the
imber culture and pre emption laws.
The following telegram to the officers
of the U. S. land office at McCook will
explain itself :
WASHINGTON , D. C. , March 4th91.
Co Register and ReceiverMcCookNeb.
Timber culture and pre-emption laws
this day repealed. Allow no further
entries thereunder of claims hereafter
nitiated. LEWIS A. GROFP , Com.
Kalstedt , The Taf/or ,
Will hereafter be found in his new
quarters in the old Bump restaurant
milding opposite the Frees & Hosknell
Lumber Yard , where he is better pre-
) ared than ever to accommodate his
trade. He guarantees stylish work ,
and his prices are reasonable. They
will be the latest and most stylish.
We have moved our stock of jewelry ,
watches , clocks , etc. , into new quarters
n the Smith brick , ( formerly the First
National bank building , ) where we have
ncreased room and facilities for dis-
) laying our line , and where we will be
> leased to welcome customers old and
To Let.
A 13 room house on the hill , two
docks from the post office. Can rent
o two parties in four and nine rooms.
There will be general regret in Mc
Cook upon learning of the sale of the
Commercial House , which occurred this
this week , Mr. H. M. Wolf of Culbert-
son being the purchaser. From a small
beginning Mr. Johnston has built up a
hotel business second to none in West
ern Nebraska. His popularity and the
excellence of his service have made
this the favorite stopping place for the
commercial men of the Republican
Valley ; while his praises are on the
lips of the genial public , with whom
the Commercial has been a prime fav
orite and headquarters.
The transaction involves a half inter
est in the Culbertson mill , some land
and cash , and is one of the heaviest
deals ever made in McCook. Mr. John
ston retains his farm near McCook as
well as his other real estate interests
in this part of the state.
The new proprietor will take. , charge
some time next week , and THE TRIB
UNE can perhaps wish him no better
fortune than a continuance of the pat
ronage and prosperity accorded to the
late owner.
Socially Mr. Johnston and his estim
able family have endeared themselves
to a wide circle of warm friends in this
city , who fondly hope that McCook
may continue to be their abiding place.
This will be their home at least , this
summer , Mr. Johnston , having rented
the Lindner dwelling.
0. L. Campbell of McCook was in
Bartley on Tuesday evening.
Isaac Vandervort , our blacksmith , has
received notice of a pension.
E. R. Moon and family returned
from Decatur , Decatur Co. , Kans.
John Weeden and 0. Frost seem to
be having a game of hide-and-go-seek.
Many people in Bartley are joyful
over the findings of the supreme court.
Commissioner C. W. Hodgkin is
busy this week distributing aid coal to
the needy.
S. W. Clark , 0. Frost and Commis
sioner Hodgkin were in McCook , on
If the signs of the times are correct
Bartley will-witness a well developed
scandal 'ere long.
A. H. Barnhart has been very sick
for several daysalso ; has his little daugh
ter with la grippe.
S. W. Clark , our energetic hardware
merchant , has received the appoint
ment as postmaster at this place.
I. W. Stevens and family arrived
From Lenox , Iowa. Mr. Stevens and
family come highly recommended as
good energetic citizens and what is our
gain is Iowa's loss.
The chief mogul of the Bartley L.-
F.-W. makes trips weekly between this
place and the capital city. Undoubt
edly he is a little nervous over his
pending libel suit as time passes.
We understand that while the "devil"
and the "short man of Bartley" were
at work last Sunday the "devil" became
unmanageable and has not returned as
yet. This is very good for a member
of the church for fifteen years.
M. N. Eskey seems to feel slighted
over the fact that he was not personal-
y consulted as regards the postoffice
appointment. But it is consoling to
lear him say : "Wait-till-McKeighan-
gets-in. " However no attention is paid
; o him any more.
March Weather Forecasts.
6 to 12 Very changeable , then rainy ,
then cold.
13 to 19 A hard snow storm fol-
owed by changeable winds and snow
20 to 27 Very changeable and stor
my , with rain and snow.
28 to 31 Variable winds and rain.
The New Register.
Register Lindsay , though still suf-
ering from an attack of the grip , as
sumed the duties of his office on Mon
day morning , with F. L. Brown as
clerk ; and THE TRIBUNE wagers right
lere at the outset that the affairs of
the office will be conducted with con
spicuous neatness , dispatch and ability.
Before you buy neckwear of any de
scription visit THB FAMOUS. "
Gold dollars for ninety cents at the
Eagle Clothing Store.
Wall Paper latest designs at Mc-
Staple and Fancy Groceries at Noble's.
East Yer Eye
OH THIS ! ' .
For Two Weeks Only
we shall offer the choice of
our fine stock of
Ladies' and Gents'
Plush , Velvet & Felt
These slippers are worth
from $1.50 to $2.50 a pair.
We are ready for the rush.
Anglo American M. & T. Co. vs.
Hiram H. Jones et al.
Same vs. John P. Reeter et al.
Same vs. Robert Jones et al.
L. W. Tulleys , trustee vs. Archibald
Same vs. Isaac S. Shirey , et al.
Same vs. D. B. Perrin , et al.
Same vs. L. E. Fisher et al.
Same vs. Richard M. Williams et al.
W. G. Shepherd vs. Ella N. Shep
herd , divorce.
State vs. Frank Hubcr , transcript on
R. J. Angus vs. Frank W.West et al.
Dennis St. German et al vs. V.
Bank of Bartley vs. Allen Bartley etal
Hastings Grocery Co. vs. Red Wil-
ow Co-Operative Association.
Kickapoo Indian Oil and all the In
dian remedies at
Call for "Heliotrope , " the best 5 cent
cigar on earth , at
WANTED 300 head of stock , April
1st , to pasture. 3 miles east of Mc
Cook. 1,600 acres. A. W. COREY.
Buy your Stationery , Tablets , Pen
cils etc. , at
Lieb's Ryeningine Flap Jack prepar
In Wall Paper you will find newest
styles and lowest prices at McMillen's.
Wall Paper latest designs at Mc
Paper your hause now and avoid the
spring rush. We can suit you in both
price and assortment