By F. M. KIMMELL. THE Australian ballot bill is the law of the land now. SENATOR MANDERSON'S choice as president of the senate is quite a tribute to Nebraka's senior senator. THE repeal of the timber cul ture and pre-emption laws will af fect this section perhaps to an un pleasant degree. THE secretary of the interior has concurred in the finding of the commissioner of the general land office in holding for cancellation the homestead entry of David B. Swobe for the northwest quarter of section 8 , township 6 north , range 37 west , McCook land dis trict , Nebraska. The entry was contested by Samuel A. Dryden. THE Chicago Tribune says that Jay Gould's moral influence upon the world may bo best judged from the fact that he thinks § 250,000 is not too much for a gentleman to spend upon a yacht , and that $5.000 is as much as the taxpayers should be asked to chip in for a public school. THE Arkansas river was last year drained dry by irrigation. They now have a plan of watering the bottom lands by starting a ditch on the surface and running it into the hills with a little less fall than the river , until they strike sheet water and irrigate by using the underflow. In all localities where sheet water is not too far under ground , this plan is practicable. _ . -KJL1- - HON. THOMAS H. BENTON , state auditor , and Hon. John C. Allen , secretary of state , leave to-day to represent the Nebraska state board of transportation at a meeting of the railroad commissioners of the United States with the interstate commerce commission , which oc curs in "Washington , D. C. , on the 4th of March. They expect to be absent about a week. Sunday's Journal. THE Australian ballot bill has been signed by the governor and is now in force under the emerg ency clause. This is a matter oi prime importance to every city ir Nebraska in which a municipal election is to be held this spring. To prepare for voting under the new system is a serious piece of business even when there is plenty of time for learning all the provis ions of the law. In the present case the time is so short that it will require the most vigorous ex ertions on the part of public offic ers and party managers to prepare the machinery for election and to instruct the voters before the day for the spring election arrives. RADICAL climatic change , says the World-Herald , is the object sought to be attained by the pond system. Any other practical and speedy means of increasing the evaporating surface and the hu midity of the atmosphere is also entitled to consideration , and the World-Herald respectfully re minds those most concerned that tree planting is a time-honored mode of inviting moisture. Five acres of timber on every quarter section of our arid region would double the persuasive power of the artificial lake in settling the irri gation question and beautifying the landscape. Catalpa , mulber ry , ash , box elder and the marvel ous eucalyptus will , after a little nurturing , flourish even in the desert Give them a fair start and they will soon compel the elements to contribute to their support. In a very short time they will transform the wilderness to a garden and repay a thousand fold their cost RED WILLOW'S COUNTY SEAT REFEREE CESSNA REPORTS HIS FINDINGS. They Indicate that the Commissioners Didn't Give McCook a Remarkably Square Deal. Judge J. B. Cessna of Hastings , referee in the celebrated Eed Wil low county-seat mandamus case , yesterday , filed in supreme court the remainder of the testimony taken and his finding of facts. The taking of testimony consumed forty-four days , while the referee put in about seventy-five days on the job. The report com'prises six volumes of testimony and exhibits , or about 3,000 pages. It will be remembered that some time last summer there was a petition pre sented the county commissioners of Eed Willow county demanding that they call an election to permit a vote upon the re-location of the county-seat. The latter was then and is now located at Indianola , and the re-location movement was in the interest of McCook. It ap pears , however , that two of the three commissioners were friendly to Indianola and the petition was thrown out , as will appear from the referee's report. Justin A. Wilcox thereupon applied to the supreme court for a writ of man damus to compel the board to call an election , and the case was re ferred to J. B. Cessna to find and report the facts. He finds that the petitions contained over 1,550 names ; that the county board , or two of the members thereof , took the list and examined it and found only 491 names thereon of men whom they knew to be voters. They also established another list , known as the black list , which they declared it to be their intention to further investigate. This they never did. All of their findings were based on their own personal knowledge , instead of upon testi mony of witnesses as the law directs. The referee also finds that parties who demanded per mission to offer testimony to prove the validity of the signatures to the petition and the qualifications of the signers were not permitted to do so. He also finds from the testimony that at least 1,106 of the names on the lists were those of qualified voters , which was more than the required number , the vote at the preceding general elec tion being used as a basis. Three- fifths of that vote was 954 , so that the petitions contained 152 more than the number required. The findings , if confirmed by the court , will be a stunner for Indianola. Tuesday's State Journal. J. B. CESSNA of Hastings , referee in the great Eed Willow county- seat fight mandamus case , has ship ped to the supreme court the re sult of his work with the exception of his report of finding of facts. The immense package was receiv ed yesterday and comprises five big volumes , three of testimony , one of exhibits and one of the records. There are 1,300 type written pages of testimony. Sun day's Journal. CHRISTIANITY in adjusting itself to the salvation of a new world is happily assimilating the power of art and literature. No longer is fiction forbidden no longer is poetry banished from the home no more is science despised as im pious and sacrilegious. The re ligious journal has left off the old- time lugubriousness and has pass ed from the hysteria of fear into the calm , healthy , solid state of faith which accepts whatever is true as cumulative Christian evi dence. In confirming this it has opened its columns to all worthy currents , and has sought to reflect the liberality of Christian civiliza tion. THE preliminary shirmishing in the suit to determine the citizen ship of Governor Boyd was ended yesterday , and the case will now come to speedy trial on the main point involved in the petition of General Thayer. That point is the right of Governor Boyd to hold the office. To retain the position he must show that he is a citizen. Upon a failure to do so the court will without doubt declare the of fice vacant and decide whether the legal incumbent is General Thayer or Lieutenant-Governor Majors. The case is rapidly reaching the most interesting stages. Unless it is carried to the United States courts it is likely that a settlement will be reached in a few days. To-day's Journal. AMONG the many commendable acts of congress , that which cuts down four-fifths of the profits of the pension fee sharks deserves a conspicuous place. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue ol an order of sale directed to me from tbe district court of Hed Willow county , Nebraska , on u judgment obtained betore lion. .1. E. i ocnruii , judjre of tbe district court ot Ked Willow county. Nebraska , on tbe 9th day of June. 181)0. m 1'avor of Nebraska Loan & Hanking Co. as plaintiff , and against John Howater. W. J. Wheeler and John Hiley as de fendants , tor tbe sum of two hundred and thirty nine dollars and twenty-five cents , and costs taxed at $18.53 and accruingcosts. I have levied upon tne followinir real estate taken as the property of snid defendants , to satisfy said decree to-wit : W. JJ N. W. & section 33. township 4. runci ; 30 , west 6th P. M. And will offer the same for sale to the highest bidder , for cash in hand , on the 9th day of March. A. D. 1891. in front of the south door of the court house , in Indhinola. Nebraska , that heintr the building wherein the last term of court was held , nt the hour of one o'clock. P. M. , ot snid day. when and where duo attendance will be given by the undersigned. Dated January 27th. 18U1. 38 W. A. McCooi. . Sheriff of said County. The above sale was continued from October 21 , Ib'JO for want of nidders. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an order of sale djrected to me from the district court of Ued Willow counts' , Nebraska , ou a judgment obtained before J. E. Cocbrmi , judge ot tbe district court of Ued Willow county. Nebraska , on the 10th day of December. IS'JU. in tuvorof Emily O. Gibbs as plaintiff , and against Henry Uallreich as de fendant. for the sum ot six hundred und forty- six dollars und thirty-one cents , and costs taxed at ? 31.48 mid accruing costs. I have levied upon the following real estate taken as the property of Raid defendant , to satisly said decree to-wit : The N. W. & of section 11 , township 1. north of miijielW , westof 6th P. M. , in Ued Willow county. Nebraska. And will offer the same for sale to the highest bidder , for cash in band , on the 21st day of February. A. D. Ib'Jl. in trent of the south door of the court bouse , in Indianola. Nebraska , that being tbe building wherein the last term ot court was held , at the hour of one o'clock , P.M. , of said day. when and where due at tendance will be ( riven by the undersigned. Dated January 5th , 1881. ! ! ! l W A MrPnnr. Sheriff of said County. The above sale was continued for want ol bidders until March 28.1891. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of un order of sale directed to me from Ui < ' district court of tted Willow county , Nebraska , on u judgment obtained before Hon. J. E. Cochran. judge ot the district court of Ued Willow county , Nebraska , on the 2d day of December. 1889 , in favor of Nebraska & Kansas Farm Loan Company as plaintiff , and against James A. Porter as defendant , for the sum of fifty-six dollars and forty four centsand costs taxed at $20.83 and accruing costs. I have levied upon the following real estate taken as tiie property of said defend ant , to satisfy said decree , to-wit : N. E. % of N. W. & and N. W. J of N. E. M of section 33. and S. E. X of S. W. & , and S.V. . X of S. E. a section 28. town. 1 , range 26. west of 6th P. M. . in Ued Willow county , Nebraska. And will offer the same for sale to the highest bidder , for cash in hand , on the 21st day of February. A. D. 1891. in front of the south door of the court house , in Indianola. Nebraska , that being the building wherein the last term of court was held , at the hour of one o'clock P. M. . of said day , when and where due attend ance will be given by the undersigned. Dated January 7,1891. W. A. McCoor , . 33 Sheriff of said County. The above sale was continued for want of bidders until March 28,1891. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an order of sale directed to me from the district court of Ked Willow county , Nebraska , on a judgment obtained before Hon. J. E. Cochrau , judge of the district court of Ued Willow county. Nebraska , on the 29th day of September , 1890 , in favor of Iowa Mort gage Co. as plaintiff , and against John N. Smith and Lucindu Smith as defendants , for the sum of thirty one dollars and sixty cents , and costs taxed at $25.68 and accruing costs. I have levied upon the following real estate taken as tbe property of said defendant , to satisfy said decree to-wit : N. E. & section 6. township 4 , range 30 west , 6th P. M. , in Ked Willow county. Nebraska , containing 157 and 53-100 acres by government survey. And will offer tbe same for sale to the highest bidder , for cash in hand , on the 9th day rff March A. D. 1891. In front of the south door of the court bouse , in Indianola , Nebraska , that being tbe building wherein tbe last term of court was held , at the hour of one o'clock P. M. , of said day. when and where due attendance will bo given by the undersigned. Dated January 27th , 1891. 36. W. A. MCCOOL. Sheriff of said County. NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT. In estate of Andrew ) In county court , Red Bankson , deceased. J Willow county , Neb. To the creditors , heirs , legatees , and others interested in the estate of Andrew Bankson. TAKE NOTICE , That Paul Bankson has filed in the county court a report of his doings as administrator of said estate , and it is order ed that the same stand for hearing the 4th day of May , ( A. D. , ) 1891 , before the court at the hour of 9 o'clock , A. M. , at which time any person interested may appear and except to and contest the same. And an order will be made assigning the residue of the estate to the legal heir or heirs at law of said deceased. Witness my hand and the seal of the county court at Indianola this 25th day of February , ( A. D. , ) 1891. ' HARLOW W. KEYES , 40-413. County Judge. Notice of Dissolution. Notice is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing : between J. C. Allen and A. Teazle , deceased , under tbe firm name and tyle of J. O. Alien tc Co. . baa this day been dissolved by mutual consent. The business will be continued by J. C. Allen. J. C. AI.LEN. , , , . , LDKVA YKAZLK. Administratrix of A. Ycazle. MoCook. Neb. . Feb. 17.1891. Cbiirlcs V. Anderson. A. II. Baldwin and Mrs. Haldwin.hl ? wife , whose first nutne Is un known , defendants , will take notice that on the 30th day of September , 1890. Charles P Dewev und Albert 11. Dowey. partners doing business under the Srm name of < J. P. & A. U. Dowoy. plaintiffs , tiled their petition in the district coutt orited Willow county.Nobraska ttiu object and prayer of which Is to foreclose ucertuln mortgage upon tliesoutheustquartor of the northwest quarter und the oust half ol the southwest quarter of section thirty , and the northeam quarter of thonorthwestquurter of section thirty-one , in township two. north of finite ihlrty , west of the sixth P. Hot Willow county. Nebraska , jdveii to said plain- tills by the defendant Charles V. Anderson tc secure the pavmont of eleven notes , all dated November Uth. 18SC. one for the sum of ? 2oO 00 due in five years after date , und ten each for the miin of $12 50 und Tallinnduo : G. 12. 18. 24 54 and 00 months after date , all hearing Intelcst nt ten per cent , per annum after maturity. That default bus been made in the payment of the notes of $1250 each , maturing on the first day of May. 1889. on the first day of November. J88U. on the first day of Muv. 1800 and on the first day of November. 1890. which default continues , that under the conditions of said mortgage all of said notes have become due and payable , and there is now due the plaintiffs on said notes the sum of $311.00 with interest at the rate of ten per cent , per annum from the 10th day of Decem ber. 18UO. That the defendants be required to pay Raid sum and interest or that the mort gage be foreclosed and said premises bo sold according to law and the proceeds of said sale applied to the payment of said sum and inter est. You are required to answer said petition on or before theSinl day of March. 1801. Dated this llth day of February. 1801. C. P. & A. B. DKWKT , Plaintiffs. By W. S. Morlan. their attorney. 38-4t. Bertha A. Llbbie and M. A. Llbbie. defend ants , will take notice that ou the 7th day of February , 1801. The McCook 'Co-Operative Uuildinu and Saving Association , pluintlll. filed its petition in the district court of Ited Willow county. Nebraska , against the above unmet ] defendants , the object nud prayer of wbich is to foreclose u certain mortgage upon lots six und seven in block four. In North Mc Cook , in the city of McCook , in Ked Willow county , state of Nebraska , uiven by thcubove named defendants to the above named plain tiff to secure the payment of a certain prom issory note dated September 26.1880. for the sum of ? 00. payable in installments of four dollars each ou or before the twentieth of each mouth thereafter , and the sum of six dollars on or before the twentieth of each month thereafter , being interest at nine per cent , per annum on said $800 for one month ; said payments to continue until four shares owned by eaid defendants in said McCook CoOperative - Operative liuilding and Saving Association arrive at the par value of two hundred dollars each , according to the rules and regulations of said Association. That the defendants have made default in the payment of said monthly installments of principal and interest , and under the conditions of said note and mort gage the plaintitr is entitled to a foreclosure of said mortgage. That there is now duo on said note the sum of $742.11 witti interest at the rate of nine per cent , per annum from the 20th day of January , 1801. That said de fendants be required to u y said sum and In terest or that said premises bo sold and the proceeds of said sale applied to the payment of said debt. You are required to answer this petition on or before the 30th day of March , 1801. Dated this 17th day of February. 1801. TUB MCCOOK CO-OPKKATIVK HUILDING AND SAVING ASSOCIATION. Plaintiff. \V. S. Morlan , its attorney. TO HENRY SMALL AND M. A. SMALL : You will take notice that on the 18th day of February , 1891. Henry 8. Bartholomew , plain tiff herein , filed his petition in the district court of Ked Willow county. Nebraska , against you as defendants , the object und prayer of which is to foreclose a certain mortgage exe cuted by the deiendunts upon the following described property , situated in the county of Hed Willow , state of Nebraska , to-wit : Twen ty feet off the west end of lota fourteen and fifteen in block twenty-nine in the town of McCook. to secure the payment of one certain promissory note dated June 11. 1883. for the sum of $50000 due und payable live yoais from the date thereof ; that theie is now due on said note and mortgage , including the pre miums paid by the plaintiff for insurance on said premises , the sum ot § 530.00 with interest at the rate of ten per cent , per annum on SoOO.OO thereof from the llth day of December. 1888 , and on $30.00 thereof from the 20th day of January. IbOl. and pruying that said prem ise may be decreed to bo sold to eatisty the amount due thereon ; und further that a re ceiver be appointed to take charge of sale uremises. to collect and receive the rents and profits thereof , and that the same bo applied to the amount found duo plaintiff. And yoi will take further notice that on tiie 13th day of April. 1891 , at the hour of 10 o'clock. A. M. or as soon thereafter as I can be heard. T will make application to Hon. J. K. Cochran. judge of the district court of said county , for the appointment of u receiver to take charge ol the premises mentioned in the plaintiff's peti tion , upon the ground that the mortgaged property is in danger of being materially in jured , and that the samp is insullicient to dis charge the mortgage debt. Oral and written testimony will be used in support of said ap plication. I propose the name of J. E. Kelley. asr eceiver. with George W. Burton and A. E Harvey us his sureties : I also offer as sureties for myself Geo. W. Burton and A. E. Harvey. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 13th day of April. 1801. Dated this 28th day of February. 1801. HENRY S. BARTHOLOMEW. Plaintiff. By W. S. Morlan. his Attorney. 41 Publication of Summons. In the District Court of Ked Willow County , Nebraska. K. J. Angus , plaintiff , vs. Frank \V. West , Lottie 13. West , William Hexour , Mary Sexour , George Hileman , Mattlia J. Hile- man , Lillali A. Tedrow , John H. Eichel- barger , Sarah E. Eichelbarger , L. W. Tubbs and Mrs. L. W. Tubbs his wife , whose Christian name is to plaintiff un known , defendants. To John H. Eichelbarger , Sarah E. Eichel- barger , L. W. Tubbs and Mrs. L. W. Tubbs , wife of said L. W. Tubbs , whose clnistiau name is to plaintiff unknown , defendants. You will take notice that on the 27th day of February , A. D. 1891 , K. J. Angus , plaintiff , filed his petition in the District Court of Eed Willow county , Nebraska , the object and prayer of which is to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by the defendants Frank W. West and Lottie ± \\rest to the Dakota Mortgage Loan Corporation , ( now the Globe Investment Company , ) and duly assigned to plaintiff herein , upon the northwest quarter of section thirty (30) ( ) in township one (1) ( ) range thirty (30) ( ) west , in lied Willow county , Nebraska , said mortgage being dated the twelfth day of March18S8 , and upon which there is now due the stun of S75.00 and inter est thereon at the rate of ten per cent , per annum from the first day of March , A.D.1890. Plaintiff prays for a decree of foreclosure and sale of said premises ; that the detend- ants be foreclosed and barred of all title , lien or other interest in said premises ; for defici ency judgment and equitable relief. You are required to answer said petition on or be fore Monday , the sixth day of April , 1391. Dated this 27th day of February. 1891. K. J. ANGUS , Plaintiff. By his attorney J. E. Kelley. 4Wt. ( LAND OFWCB AT MCCOOK , NEB. , J January 26th , 1801. f Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of bis intention to make final 5 year proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before Register or Receiver at McCook. Neb. , on Tuesday , March 10th. 1891. viz : ALBERT BR1GGLE. H. E. No. 5040 for the S. E. & of section 35. in town. 5 north , range 28. west 6th P. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon , und cultivation of , said land , viz : John B. Thomley , James Bergln , Almarion W. Newland and John Grieves , all of Indianola. Neb. 136 S. P. HART. Register. LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK. NEB. . March 4th. 1891. f Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final five year proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before Register or Receiver nt McCook. Neb. , on Saturday. April lltb , 1801 , viz : BEN B. SMILEY. H. E. No. 9389 , for the S. W. Ji of section 29 , in town. 1 , north of range 27. west of 6th P. M. Ho names the following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon , and cultiva tion of'said land , viz : William J. Stilgebouer , Joel B. Dolpb. Henry H. Anders , .Henry Mar shall , all of Danbury , Neb. 4l J.P.LINDSAY , Register. GOING UP ! FOR THE GOOD OF THE COMMUNITY ] Mny bo the correct tiling for a horse-thief or desperado , but DOWN ! FOE THE GOOD OF THE COMMUNITY * Is the proper thing where prices are concerned , and tliut is precisely where we propose to benefit our patrons. Prices Will Be Lower at the CASH BARGAIN HOUSE this season than ever before , and we have a great , big splendid stock of new Dry Goods , Groceries , Clothing , Boots , Hats , Caps , Furnishing Goods , Notions , etc. This means good fortune to every buyer. All goods in this line are way up in quality , and just us good as they make 'em anywhere on this earth. The styles are the newest and nicest pick of the big markets and the assortment is unequalled. Now como and compare prices. You will never regret giving us a fair chance to sell you good goods cheap. DEL LAFLIN , Manager. J. C. ALLEN. EVERY WATERPROOF COLLAR on CUFFi THAT CAN BE RELIED ON BE UP 3NTot "to TO to THE MARK BEARS THIS MARK. TRADEMARK i ii MARK * NEEDS NO LAUNDERING. CAN BE WIPED CLEAN IN A MOMENT. THE ONLY LINEN-LINED WATERPROOF COLLAR IN THE MARKET. W. 0. BULLAKD & CO. LIME , HARD CEMENT , LUMBERHARD AND DOORS , LUMBER BLINDS.LUMBER SOFT BLINDS. COAL. -lol- RED CEDAR AND OAK POSTS. . xJ. WARRRN , Manager. &M. Market. FRESH AND SALT MEATS , BACON. BOLOGNA. CHICKENS. . . . TURKEYS. &c. , A.C. R. A. COUPE & CO. , Props. A woman may sev/and a Woman may spin , ' And a Woman may WbrK aD day , 'II But LvdM § TA < tf uW comes into her bouse Then Vanisfa all trouble *