The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 27, 1891, Image 5

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    L. W. McCONNELL & CO.
aucctatOBS TO
Noble , The Grocer.
List for the robin's song.
Sagwa on tap at McMillen's.
Family Groceries at Noble's.
Reizenstein's parlor for cigars.
Stay where you are and hustle.
Hens are beginning to do better.
Our lior.--o bills give satisfaction.
Winter lingering in the lap of Spring.
Staple and Fancy Groceries at Noble's.
Religion is the perfection of wisdom.
McCook will boom in the spring , tra la.
The place to buy hats or caps is at
y "The Famous. "
A furious storm is predicted for
March 8th to 13th.
Car of flour and feed just received at
A. T. Campbell & Co.'s.
The Windsor Tie the latest out
at the Eagle Clothing Store.
Dr. A. J. Thomas , Dentist , in Union
clock , over Boston shoe store.
The regular semi-monthly Episcopal
services , Sunday. Meeker Hall.
84 patent flour at
Before you buy underwear or hosiery
Tisit "THE FAMOUS. "
Feed of all kinds.
The Eagle Clothing Store is display
ing a stylish stock of spring clothing.
The Eagle Clothing Store has the
only Genuine Dog Glove found in
Try Damask Rose , the best lotion
for face and hands , at McMillen's drug
The Eagle Clothing Store is already
exhibiting a splendid line of spring
Our new examination tablets for 5
cents are very neat. Buy one for your
next examination.
Kapke , The Tailor , guarantees you
the lowest prices and the most stylish
and elegant clothing.
Rev. D. L. McBride will fill the Con
gregational pulpit , next Sunday , both
morning and evening.
Noble is the only exclusive grocer in
the city. His stock is the largest and
his prices correspond with the times.
Hanging and Stand Lamps at popu
lar prices at
The South Side ditch will be pushed
rigorously as soon as the weather be
comes seasonable. Work has already
been inagurated.
The amount of sickness in the city ,
\ especially among the youth , suggests
the vigilant use of every care and pre
caution on the part of parents.
Corn Cobs for Kindling.
A car-load of corn cobs just the
thing for kindling just received at the
\V. C. Bullard & 'Co. .lumber yard.
'Try load.
Gold dollars for ninety cents at the
Baglo Clothing Store. . . *
Buy your Sagwa and other Kickapoo
Indian remedies at McMillen's.
Why not give the sugar bounty to
the farmer , or at least one-half of it ?
Pearline meal the finest in the mar
What must you do to be saved ? Why
buy your groceries at Noble's , of course !
Before you buy neckwear of any de
scription visit "THE FAMOUS. "
White and Figured Windsor Ties
all the rage at the Eagle Clothing
All the popular brands of cigars at
Rcizenstein's parlor , next door to the
post office.
A vigorous , ton pound boy baby put
in an appearance at tl. P. Sutton's ,
Sunday night.
McMillen , the druggist , has a fine line
of vase , hanging and piano lamps at
bottom prices.
The place to buy 'dress , business or
working shirts of any description is at
"The Famous. "
The Rittcnhouse property for sale at
a bargain. Enquire at residence or
of C. H. Boyle.
The grip seems to have renewed its
hold on this community. A number of
cases are reported.
The bitter blasts of today are inmost
painful contrast witli the spring mild
ness of yesterday.
You needn't be a bit uneasy about the
Future of McCJook. The present is all
that you need worry over.
Noble , the leading grocer , makes a
specialty of fresh , clean family grocer
ies. He will treat you right.
WANTED A girl for general house
work. Enquire at residence.
At joe Reizenstein's parlor you can
at all times secure the best brands of
cigars and tobaccosimported ordomcstic
If you want a stylish fit at the very
lowest figures , KAPKE , THE TAILOR ,
is the man to patronize Rear of The
IN QUEENSWARE Noble carries
the largest assortment and the richest
designs of the season. His prices are
There will be no further public dis
tribution of clothing by the ladies of
the McCook Benevolent Society after
March 1st , 1891.
Reizenstein's parlor is recognized
headquarters for the best cigars and to-
) accos. Joe also carries a nice line of
smokers' articles.
A petition asking acting governor
Boyd to veto the sugar bounty bill pass
ed by the legislature was generally
signed in McCook.
The Ancient Order of United Work
men are preparing to give a social early
n April , of which fuller knowledge will
je given in due time.
Make Noble your family grocer and
many other blessings will fall to your
ot , besides having the best groceries on
'our table that the market affords.
The regular Monthly examination of
teachers will be held by the county
superintendent , at Indianola , Saturday ,
February 28th , instead of Feb. 21st.
The next time you want an examina
tion tablet call and see the attractive
new tablet kept for sale in THE TRIB
UNE stationery dept. Price 5 cents.
The McCook stride is something cal
culated to inspire admiration : One of
ler young lady cooks guarantees her
angel cake to transport the eater to the
realms of bliss direct.
Apples are a scarce article in McCook
ust now , and it is almost impossible to
; et them. Last year at this time they
were plenty and cheap , but now it
iosts a dollar to get even a taste.
The Benevolent Society of McCook
will meet at , the home of Mrs. F. H.
Fowler , Tuesday afternoon , March 3d ,
at half past two. A full attendance of
the members is desired , as important
justness will come before the Society.
Ground oil cake.
The next meeting nf the county com
missioners will be held on March 12th
One successful irrigating ditch wili
put to shame every fault-finder in this
part of Nebraska.
On account of inability to heat the
east ward building , the scholars were
dismissed this morning.
The aid society of the Methodist
church realized quite handsomely from
their Washington Dinner , Saturday.
Do you want the latest and best and
cheapest ? Well , they keep a large
variety at the Eagle Clothing Store.
Curtis and Bates have formed a part
nership in the barber business ; and Joe
Spotts buys out Sioipson and'resumes
business at his old stand.
The Eagle Clothing Store is in the
clothing business. They will dress you
up handsomely and stylishly , and do it
at a very reasonable figure.
There is considerable confidence and
courage left in Red Willow county yet :
Samuel Ellis of Gerver precinct will
put in 140 acres of spring wheat any
There waa a large and appreciative
audience at the Methodist church , Sun
day evening , to hear the excellent
music rendered by tlfc choir at the song
service announced for that occasion.
At the building association meeting ,
last Friday evening , two thousand dollars
lars of the funds available were dispos
ed of at a premium of seventeen per
cent. Besides the routine business of
the association was disposed of.
The county commissioners have de
cided to make McCook a distributing
point for state aid , and commencing
with Saturday will hereafter distribute
one half of the aid sent to Red Willow
county from this place. Commissioner
Holies will be in charge.
Heretofore McCook has lacked that
concentration of effort absolutely neces
sary to effective work for the city's good.
Individual effort is all right , but the
combined force of McCook brought to
9ear on any one particular purpose will
achieve a great deal more.
Those of our farmers who have the
money or credit to secure seeds are
preparing for the bpring planting.
Jthers not having either are yet hope
ful that seeds will be provided in time
: or them to put in a crop this season.
Ln all events quite an acreage seems
probable from the present outlook.
This season the extensive farming
naugurated on the Hatfield ranch last
fear , will be carried forward with re
newed vigor. Encouraged by the suc
cess of the past two years in growing
alfalfa , two more pastures will be sown
this spring to that excellent grass in
which the Hatfields have boundless
A Culbertson exchange is throwing
ink in a reckless and inartistic way to
prove that Honorable W. D. Wilduian
of that hamlet is the gentleman wh <
pulled the plug in Brother Noah's time ,
when the theory of irrigation was first
placed upon an effective and practical
basis. Be calm , brethren , the claim is
certainly just ; and is allowed without
further debate.
Last Saturday five car-loads of the
finest cattle ever shipped out of this
part of Nebraska pulled out for Chicago
under the care of L. R. Hileman. The
shipment embraced the eighty head
recently purchased by S. P. Hart from
Hatfield & Son. The steers were high
grades , two and three year olds , and
were raised on the Hatfield ranch by
that rustling manager Joe Evans ; and
as the bunch averaged a little over
1,500 pounds Joe is excusably proud
of the job. One three-year-old tipped
the beam at nearly 1,900 pounds.
Unprejudiced business men at once
discover the fact that McCook is the
commercial centre of Southwestern
Nebraska and is growing into impor
tance with each recurring year. J. G.
Winne , state agent of the German In
surance Co. , who has been up the Val
ley , this week , closing up agencies of
the company , corroborates this obser
vation. Although agencies all around
us were closed , the McCook agency will
continue. Mr. Winne stating that the
company certainly could not afford to
go out of business in a city of such sub
stantial architecture and business enter
prise and bright promise. Gird up your
loins !
McCook flour all grades.
Again Mr. and Mrs. Hocknell are
plunged into inconsolable grief by the
death of their only child , the illness
of their sweet and lovable daughter ,
little Helen , resulting fatally early
yesterday morning. Little Helen was
nearing her fourth birthday ; and in the
fisw brief years of her young life her
loving dispositon and sweet ways had
so endeared her to her indulgent and
fond parents , that her death after a
short but painful illness , comes with
crushing force upon them.
The funeral occurred , at 2 o'clock ,
this afternoon , from the residence ,
Rev. McBride conducting the brief ,
but beautiful services. There was a
large outpouring of our people present ,
indicating the widespread and profound
feeling of sympathy existing in this
community for the parents in their un
utterable anguish.
The floral offerings were numerous
and lovely , uttering in natures's unap
proachably beautiful way tender senti
ments that language cannot adequately
THE TRIBUNE is never so deeply im
pressed with the feeling of human in
sufficiency as it isupon occasions of
such sadness. But whatever of sooth
ing and consolation there is in un
bounded , genuine human sympathy ,
Mr. and Mrs. Hocknell have it in gen
erous abundance.
The Enterprising Circle Front.
Those rustling liverymen. Gray &
Maddux , never let a week go by with
out making an improvement in their
equipment or adding some attractive
feature to their establishment. Their
latest is a HANDSOME NEW SURREY of
the most approved and complete pattern
and a ride in it behind two of their high-
steppers is guaranteed to be the near
est thing imaginable to being "carried
to the skies on flowery beds of ease. "
The spirit of enterprise thoroughly
permeates the Circle Front , and their
horses and vehicles of all sorts are con
stantly being changed. Fresh animals
and new conveyances replace the worn
out , so that the service they offer the
public is always the very best obtaina
ble. They are in the livery business.
Creates many a new business ,
Enlarges many an old business ,
Revives many a dull business ,
Rescues many a lost business ,
Saves many a failing business ,
Preserves many a large business ,
Secures success in any business.
So says a man of business , and we
add that judicious advertising , for this
section of the country , includes THE
TRIBUNE as one of the mediums , be
cause it is read by the best people ,
those who know what they want and pay
for what they get. We challenge com
parison with any country paper in the
valley in this respect.
The Board of Directors and the Ex
ecutive Committee of the Agricultural
Society , together with all who feel in
terested , are requested to meet at the
court house in Indianola , Saturday ,
March 7th , for the purpose of fixing
time of the fair of 1891 , revising the
premium list and transacting such oth
er business as may be necessary. Will
the ladies attend and assist in arranging
the premiums for the ladies depart
ments. The Board will meet at 10
o'clock , the ladies in the afternoon at
two o'clock. A. P. DAY , Pres.
C. W. BECK , Sec.
Kalstedt , The Tailor ,
Will hereafter be found in bis new
quarters in the old Bump restaurant
juilding opposite the Frees & Hosknell
Lumber Yard , where he is better pre
pared than ever to accommodate his
trade. He guarantees stylish work ,
and his prices are reasonable. They
will be the latest and most stylish.
We have moved our stock of jewelry ,
watches , clocks , etc. , into new quarters
in the Smith brick , ( formerly the First
National bank building , ) where we have
increased room and facilities for dis
playing our line , and where we will be
pleased to welcome customers old and
To Let.
A 13 room house on the hill , two
blocks from the post office. Can rent
to two parties in four and nine rooms.
Epitome of the Week's Events
at the Seat of County Affairs.
Joe Goggles , the Irrepressible , Special
News and Society Reporter.
Twelve years ago we saw i'or the first
time the Republican Valley , far famed.
History and romance had each painted
in bright colors pictures of climate and
landscape and fertility of soil. The
steel rail has since that time crept up
its easy grade from Bloomington to
Denver. Yet , aside from the towns and
the railroad the Valley remains prac
tically the same as when it trembled
beneath the hoof of a million buffalo.
The tide of immigration came and roll
ed out over the Divides , where thous
ands of acres have been brought under
the plow. But in the Valley buffalo
grass covers the face of the earth and
grins and glistens at the bewildered and
disgusted land seeker as he looks weari
ly out of the car window. For twelve
years the people have sat like stoughten
bottles within easy reach of an ocean
of water the underflow that God
brought all the way down from the
Missouri river , or other inexhaustible
sources that this Valley might be irri
gated and the husbandman reap an
hundred fold , and now after these twelve
years have each taken the stand in turn
and testified that the rain fall is never
sufficient we arc two timid to reach out
after wealth and nature's great treasure.
Should we be so fortunate as to have
three or four good crops in succession
it would do but little 'more than en
courage those that are now here to re
main. To bring immigration to this
country we must advertise , but in a dif
ferent manner than in the past. Bring
up this underflow , add it to the surface
water , turn under every blade of native
grass in the Valley from Red Cloud to
the west line of the state. Make every
foot of ground yield abundance 'till the
evidence of prosperity shall appear on
every hand to be seen and talked about
by the thousands from every clime that
pass through over the B. & M. Then
will the word go 'round the world that
the Republican Valley is the fairest and
richest of all the earth. The three es
sentials for the accomplishment of all
this are the same that lie back of the
success of every enterprise , Faith , En
ergy and Perseverance. If we continue
to sit on our prognostic anniversaries
and wait for something to turn up death
will finally come and mow down a few
old settlers and the buffalo grass and
cactus will sod over our graves and
coming generations will unanimously
vote us more ancient than the mound
The irrigation meeting in this city ,
Saturday last , was organized by calling
Hon. J. W. Dolan to the chair and the
election of J. S. Phillips , secretary.
Judge Cochran was called for and re
viewed the question of irrigation in a
manner that showed he was posted.
Dolan , Cochran , Holland , S. R. Smith
and J. S. Phillips were chosen a com
mittee on resolutions. While the com
mittee was out Ora Clark of Bartley
surprised everybody by making a speech
opposing railroad legislation. The re
port of the committee on resolutions
was accepted and ordered sent to the
Bee , World Herald , State Journal and
Farmers' Alliance for publication.
After which A. M. Barton , R. M.
Snavely , S. 11. Smith and E. S. Hill
made short speeches. The meeting
then adjourned to meet at 8 P. M. At
the adjourned meeting Hon. J. W.
Dolan , C. S. Quick , Geo. E. Stelle , E. S.
Hill , S. R. Smith and J. S. Phillips
were appointed a committee with gen
eral instructions and unlimited powers
in all matters pertaining to irrigation.
The revival meetings at the Metho
dist church closed , Wednesday. Grand
total is seventy conversions and about
forty accessions to the M. E. church.
This is the most successful revival
meeting ever held in this city and about
all the credit is due Rev. J. T. Roberts ,
as he has had but very little help.
L. R. Andrews , who went down to
Missouri for aid for the destitute farm
ers , got a donation of 204 bushels of
corn , 19 bushels of wheat , 60 bushels
of oats and 700 pounds flour. The
freight was $96.
A. J. Rand started , Wednesday , for
Iowa. Mr. Rand carries in his hip
pocket a list of farms for sale amount
ing in all to over ten thousand acres.
Cyrus Blake , north of town , is in a
bard row , not only in destitute circum
stances but he is sick and has a large
There are some indications that n
robust scandal will raid thin much af
fected community be Ton ; many moona
A very limber gentleman is giving
exhibitions of his limbcrncH.s and sell
ing wizard oil at the opera house , nightly.
Johnny Lamburn has his ocher mill
so arranged now that ho can prepare u
car load in three or four days.
Some of the Ore insurance companies
are taking out their agencies in the
western part of the state.
This city is not yet so religiously in
clined that the people fail to take an
interest in a dog fight.
Ed. Mitchell was in this city , fore
part of the week , trying to make a deal
for the Courier plant.
Dr. Curfman was called to McCook ,
this week , in consultation with Dr.
Eli Perkins is coming to Indinnola.
Both have our heart-felt sympathy.
Dr. Eskey .since his return has been
kept very busy with his practice.
E. Peterman and family will leave ,
next week , for Unionville , Mo.
Geo. W. Roper's family have moved
into the Gossard house.
Quite a number of children arc sick
with severe colds.
East Ter Eye
For Two Weeks Only
we shall offer the choice of
our fine stock of
Ladies' and Gents'
Plush , Velvet & Felt
These slippers are worth
from $1.50 to $2.50 a pair.
We are ready for the rush.
Kickapoo Indian Oil and all the In.
dian remedies at
There is a bargain in the Rittenhouse
property if accepted at once.
Call for "Heliotrope , " the best 5 cent
cigar on earth , at
WANTED 300 head of stock , April
1st. to pasture. 3 miles cast of Mc
Cook. 1,600 acres. A. W. COREY.
Buy your Stationery , Tablets , Pen
cils etc. , at
Lieb's Ryeningine Flap Jack prepar