By F. M. KIMMELL. THE abolition of fee offices will meet with popular approval. THE need of Nebraska is more statesmen , aud less politicians. LABOR is restless. In 1890 there were 4,000 strikes in the world. electoral college of ' 92 will consist of 444 members , 223 being necessary to elect. As'a demoralizer of the people this aid business , as it is and has been managed , is a captain. A TOTAL of 545 bills have been presented to the legislature. Com paratively few are destined to be come law fortunately. THE west end has the unfortu nate faculty of getting a stone everj' time she goes before the legislature for bread. THE 100th anniversary of John "Wesley's death will occur March 2d. All Methodism is interested in the observance of this event. THE people of Champion pre cinct in Chase county have voted $5,000 bonds to aid in the con struction of an irrigating ditch. Western Nebraska will have irri gation. THE fact that the great west is not a beneficiary in this high tariff business to an equitable degree ex plains the opposition to the McKinley - Kinley bill in the west , where the tariff reform feeling is strong and growing rapidly. THERE is no mistaking the de sire of the west. It is for free coinage and more money. Anc the need of more money is ac knowledged by all. The hitch is on how to increase the circulating medium sufficiently. THE Hastings Democrat boys , the "Wahlquist Bros. , who publish ed the Democrat of this city dur ing its prosperous and influential time , still give many proofs of loyalty to the metropolis of the valley. And THE TRIBUNE feels that in recognition of their many land expressions it can say nothing more loyal to fact than that they are publishing the best local papei in the Queen City , as well. THERE are no public buildings or state buildings of any charactei west of Hastings. The Democrat desires to call the attention of the legislature to this fact. South western Nebraska is striving to secure an industrial school. Mc- Cook is her metropolis and that's where this institution should be located. Divide the state institu tions. Don't bunch them. The towns west of us are entitled to something and especially is this true of McCook , the leading town of the Kepubliean Yalley and the commercial center of a vast and productive territory. Give us fel lows out west a show for our white alley. Hastings Democrat. IF the present legislature author izes the erection of a girls' indus trial school the claims of Western Nebraska to a state institution should be recognized. The west ern two-thirds of Nebraska has been systernmatically forgotten heretofore in the distribution of state institutions , and this seems to be a befitting time to turn over a new leaf and to commence doing the western part of the state long delayed justice in this matter. It is not so much a question of using Bill Strout's old prison or some unused , misfit college , as it is to secure a healthful location and correct surroundings. McCook has an un equaled site. She will donate all the land necessary. Will connect the building with as good a system of waterworks as can be found in the west Will provide sewerage ; grade grounds , etc. McCook is the metropolis" of the Bepublican Valley and modestly advances her claims for recognition as the most charming , healthful site for a girls' industrial school an Western Nebraska. OUR COMPUftORr SCHOOL * LAW. BY GEO. W. BEDE. How many of the patrons of our schools are aware that we have on the pages of our Nebraska statutes a compulsory school law , requiring parents to send their children o school age at least three months each year to a public or private school , with a penalty for its vie latioii ? And how many knowing of the existence of such a law wil fully violate it from year to year We know of persons abundantly able , who have not in the last two years sent their children to schoo for more than six weeks in each year , and that , too , in a distric having six months school in the year. Such a flagrant violation o our school laws ought not to go unpunished. Perhaps the law is considered by those who disregard it ( if they chance to know of its existence ) as an unjust curtailmen of their liberty , or as an unwar ranted interference with their pri vate concerns. There are some things , however , which the state has a right to demand of its citi zens , among which is the attend ance of their children upon hei schools. She has a right to en force the means of her own preser vation as a free state. The com mon school has been called the bulwark of American liberty The state must keep her bulwark repaired and her defense built up But the common school is more than a bulwark ; it is the cornel stone , yea , the very foundation on which the institution called the state rests. Without general in telligence there can be no free state and without free schools there can be no general intelli gence. Some parents may say that the school don't suit them they don't like the teacher , theii children are not interested in the school. We answer th at it is large ly their own fault that the school is not just what it should be. The teachers authorized by our county superintendent are not ignorant oi the work expected of them and are generally well qualified for theii work. They have better methods and are generally superior to those who "wielded the lurch" when these complaining patrons went to school. We have known children of these same patrons to purposely make a disturbance in the school and then report the affair as show ing the kind of conduct allowed by the teacher. It is difficult enough at best to conduct successfully a mixed country school and it can not be done without the cooperation tion of parents , teacher and scholars. The child should at least know whab it is sent to school for , and if the parent can not co-operate he should at least withhold opposi tion and give the teacher a chance to carry out his plan for the term. That teacher would be a dullard indeed who could not interest as well as instruct a pupil who gives regular daily attendance at school and is ready at all times to do cheerfully the work assigned him by the teacher. NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT. In estate of Andrew \ In county court , Red Bankson , deceased. ) Willow county , Neb. To the creditors , heirs , legatees , and others interested in the estate of Andrew Bankson. TAKE NOTICE , That Paul Bankson has lied in the county court a report of his doings as administrator of said estate , and it is order ed that the same stand for hearing the 4th day of May. ( A. D. , ) 1891 , before the court at the lour or 9 o'clock , A. M. , at which time any person interested may appear and except to and contest the same. And an order will be nade assigning the residue of the estate to the egal heir or heirs at law of said deceased. Witness my hand and the seal of the county court at Indianola this 25th day of February , ( A. D. , ) 1891. HARLOW W. KEYES , 40-413. County Judge. Publication of Summons- In the District Court of Ked Willow County , Nebraska. K. J.Angus , plaintiff , vs. Frank W. West , Lottie B. West , William Sexour , Mary Sexour , George Hilemau , Martlia J. Hile- mati , Lillah A. Tedrow , John H. Eicliel- barger , Sarah E. Eichelbarger , , L. W. Tubbs and Mrs. L. W. Tubbs his wife , whose Christian name is to plaintiff un known , defendants. To John U. Eichelbarger , Sarah E. Eichel barger , L.V. . Tubbs and Mrs. L. W. Tubbs , wife of said L. W. Tubbs , whose Christian name is to plaintiff unknown , defendants. You will take notice that on the 27th day of February , A. D. 1891 , K. J. Angus , plaintiff , filed his petition in the District Court of Bed Willow county , Nebraska , the object and prayer of which is to foreclose u certain mortgage executed by the defendants Frank W. West and Lottie B. West to the Dakota Mortgage Loan Corporation , ( now the Globe Investment Company , ) and duly assigned to plaintiff herein , upon the northwest quarter of section thirty (30) ( ) in township one (1) ( ) range thirty (30) ( ) west ; in lied Willow county , Nebraska , said mortgage being dated the twelfth day of March , 18SS , and upon which there is now due the sum of 875.00 and inter est thereon at the rate of ten per cent , per annum from the first day of March , A.D.1890. Plaintiff prays for a decree of foreclosure and sale of said premises ; that the defend ants be foreclosed and barred of all title , lien or other interest in said premises ; for defici ency judgment and equitable relief. You are required to answer said petition on or be fore Monday , the sixth day of April , 1391. Dated this 27th day of February , 180L K. J. Asous , Plaintiff. By his attorney J.E.Kelley. . EEPOBT * OrTHE'CONDITION OP THE BANK OF McCOOK at McCook , in the State of Nebraska , at the close of business , Feb. 2ist , 1891. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $44,217.1 Overdrafts , secured and unsecured. . 9.1 * Other stocks , bonds and mortgages. . 11,734.4 Real estate , furniture , and fixtures. . 1,800.0 Current expenses and taxes paid. . . . 292.2 Checks and other cash items 225.4 Bills of other Banks and legal ten der notes 1,417.00 Fractional paper currency , nickels , and cents 5.3 Specie 924.4 ; * TOTAI . $60,625.2 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $50,000.00 Undivided profits 623.0 Individual deposits subject to check 9,385.20 Demand certificates of deposit 017.0 TOTAL 360,625.2 STATE OK NEBRASKA ) ss' County of Red Willow , ) ' I , P. A. Wells , Cashier , of the above-named bank , do solemnly swear that the above state ment is true to the best of my knowledge ant belief. P. A. WELLS , Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 251 ! day of February , 1891. J. A. CoRDEAL , Notary Public. SHERIFF'S SALE. Hy virtue of an order of sale directed to me from the district court of Hod Willow county Nebraska , on a judgment obtained before Hon. .1. E. < ocdriui. judfre of the district cour or ited Willow couuiy. Nebraska , on the Otl day ot'June. 1890. in favor of Nebraska Loan liunkintr Co. tit ) plaintiff , and against Join Howater. W. J. Wheeler and John Hi ley as de I'entlaiits , for ( he sum of two hundred am thirty nine dollars and twenty-five cents , nut coats tnzod at $18.f > 3 mid accruing coats. I have levied upon tnu following real estate taken a the property of said defendants , to satisfy said decree ro-wit : W. % N. W. J section 33 township 4. rantre 30 , west ( Ub P. M. And wil offer the same for sate to the highest bidder for casb in hand , on the Oth day of March. A D. 1891 , in from of the south door of the cour house , in Indianola. Nebraska , that being- the buildiiifr wherein the last term of court"wu held , at the hour of one o'clock , P. M. , of snh day. when and where due attendance will be given liy tlio undersigned. Dated January 271 b. 1801. 30 W. A. MCCOOL. Sheriff of said County. The above sale was continued from Octobe 21 , 18'JO for want of tiiddcrs. SHERIFF'S SALE. Ily virtue of nn order of sale directed to mo It-am the district court of Ked Willow county Nebraska , on n judgment rendered in the dis trict court of Ited Willow county. Nebraska on the 10th day of December. 1890 , in favor o Nebraska Mortgage Company as plaintiff , and against Daniel E. Eikt-nberry er al us defend ants , for the sum of nine hundred and seven teen dollar * and thirty cents , and costs taxed at $ ' i 43 and nccrningcosts. I have levied upon the following real estate taken as the proper ty of said defendant , to satisfy said decree , to- wit : S. E. J of section eight ( S ) town , two (2 ( north of range twenty-nine (29) ) west of Oth P. M. . in Ked Willow county , Nebraska. And will offer the same for sale to the highest bid der , for cash in band , on tlio 2lst day of Feb ruary A. D. 18flJ , in front of the south door ol the court house , in Indianola. Nebraska , thai being the building wherein the last terra ol coiirr wai ! held , at tbe hour of one o'clock P. M. . of said day. when and wheroduo attend ance will he given by the undersigned. Dated January Gth. 1891. 33 W. A. McCooL , Sheriff of said County. The above salt' was continued for want of bidders until Match 28.1891. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an order of sale directed to me From the district court of Ited Willow county , Nebraska , on a judgment obtained before J. n. Coclmui. judge of the district court of lied Willoxv county , Nebraska , on the lUtb day of Dot-ember. 1890. in favor of Emily O. Gibbs as plaintiff , and against Henry Hallreich as de [ cndaiit. for the sum ot six hundred and forty- six dollars and thirty-one cents , and costs ; a.\ed at $31.48 and accruing costs. I have cvied upon the following real estate taken as tbe property of said defendant , to satisfy said leciee to-wit : The N. W. h , of section 11 , township 1. north of rangeSO , west of 6th P. M. , n Red Willow county. Nebraska. And will offer the same for sale to the highest bidder , for cash in band , on the 21st day of February. A. D. 1891 , in front of the south door of the court house , in Iiidianola , Nebraska , that being1 the building wherein the last term of : oiirt was held , at the hour of one o'clock , P.M. . of said day , when and where due at tendance Will be given by the undersigned. Dated January 5th , 1891. 33 W. A. MCCOOL. Sheriff of said County. The above sale was continued for want of bidders uutil March 28.1891. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an order of sale directed to me rotn thn district court of Ked Willow county , Nebraska , on a judgment obtained before Ion. J. E. Cochran. judge ot the district court of Red Willow county. Nebraska , on the 2d lay of December. 1889 , in favor of Nebraska & Kansas Farm Loan Company as plaintiff , md against James A. Porter as defendant , or the sum of ilfts'-six dollars and forty four ents , and costs taxed at $20.83 and accruing osts. I have levied upon the following real state taken as the property of said defend- nt. to satisfy said decree , to-wit : N. E. J of N. W. % and N. W. & of N. E. X of section 33. nd S. E. & of S. W. 34. and S.V. . & of S. E. ? ection 28 , town. 1 , range 26. west of Gth P. Al. . n Red Willow county , Nebraska. And will ffer the same for sale to the highest bidder , or cash in hand , on the 21st day of February. A. D. 1891. in front of the south door of the ourt house , in Indianola. Nebraska , that leingtbe building wherein the last term of ourt was held , at the hour of one o'clock P. tf. . of said day. when and where due attend- nce will be given by the undersigned. Dated January 7,1891. V7. A. McCooL , 33 Sheriff of said County. The above sale was continued for want of idders until March 28,1891. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an order of sale directed to me rom the district court of Ked Willow county , Nebraska , on a judgmeut obtained before Hon. J. E. Cochruti. judge of tbe district court f Red Willow county. Nebraska , onthe29tb ay of September , 1890 , in favor of Iowa Mort gage Co. as plaintiff , and against John N. inith and Lucinda Smith as defendants , for he sum of thirty one dollars and sixty cents , and costs taxed at $25.68 and accruing costs. I mvo levied upon the following real estate aken as the property of said defendant , to ntisfy said decree to-.wit : N. E. & section 6 , ownship 4 , ruugu 30 west , Gth P. M. , in Ked ViHow county , Nebraska , containing 157 and 53-100 acres by government survey. And wilt offer the same for sale to tbe highest bidder , or cash in band , on tbe 9th day of March A. D. 891. in front of the south door of the court muse , in Indianola , Nebraska , that being tbe > uilding wherein tbo last term of court was held , at tbe hour of one o'clock P. M. , of said day. when and where due attendance will bo given by tbe undersigned. Dated January 27th , 1891. 36. W. A. MCCOOL. Sheriff of said County. Notice of Dissolution. Notice is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing between J. C. Allen and L. Yeazle , deceased , under tbe firm name and tyle of J. U. Allen & Co. . baa this day been issolved by mutual consent. The business will be continued by J. C. Allen. J. C. ALLEN. LUEVA YKAZLH. , Administratrix A. Yeazls. McCook , Neb. . Fob. 17,1891. -Notice to Non-Eesident Defendants. GUSIHY HartBleln. plaintiff , vs. Henry Leopold , Charles Leopold. ( John Doe and Richard Roe ) whoso right and true named are unknown , late partners , doing businesH under tbe firm name and style of Leopold Brothers & Com pany , defendants. Henry Leopold , Charles Leopold , ( and John Doe and Richard Roe , whose right and true names are unknown. ) late partners , doing business under the firm name and style of Leopold Brothers & Company , defendants , will take notice thaton theUd day of February. 1891. the plaintiff herein , filed hltt petition In the district court of Red Willow county. Ne- biuska. against said defendants , the object and prayer of which ia to recover the sum of Two Thousand. One Hundred and Fifty DnI- larH. now due and payable for money loaned by the plaintiff to tlio defendant ) * at the in stance and request of the defendiint.s. Leopold ItniiherH & Company ; and that a'ftcrwards the plaintiff caused an order of attachment to ISHIIU from the district court of said county and against tbe goods , chattels , rights and credits of said defendants in said county of Red Willow to recover the said sum of SS.150- 00 and by virtue of which order of attachment nil money , rights , credits duo and owing , and all money , rights and credits 10 become duo from the firm of L. Lowman & Son to the de fendants were levied upon ( and the said firm of L. Lowman & Son were gurnltdiced ) as the property of the said Leopold Brothers & Com pany In said county. You are required to answer Raid petition on or before the lUth day of March. 1891. The defendants will also take notice that on Wednesday , the 18th day of March. 1891 , be tween the hours of 10 A. M. and 0 P. M. . at the ollice of W. K. Brown , iu the city of Lamed , in the county ot Pawnee , state of Kansas , tbe plaintiff will take the testimony of Onstav Hurtstein in this action , to bo iiHcd as ovi deuce on the trial of the above entitled cause , with authority to adjourn from day to day un til such deposition shall have been taken. GUSTAV HAKTSTKIN. Plaintiff. By Hugh W. Cole , his attorney. 37-4ts. Publication of Summons. In the District Court of Red Willow county , Nebraska. J.L. Moore , plaintiff , vs.Edwin N. Benjamin , Ida C. Benjamin. A. C. Cremer and Mrs A.C. Cremer.bis wife. christiai nuiiie unknown to plaintiff , defendants. To A. C. Cremer and Mrs. A. C. Cremer , wife of sold A. C. Cremer , ( whoso Christian name is unknown to plaintiff. ) non-resident ilolend- unts. You will take notice that on the 21st day of January , 1891. . L. Moore , plaintiff , fil ed his petition in the District Court of Red Willow county. Nebraska , the object and pray er of which is to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by the defendants Edwin N. Benja min and IdaC. Benjamin to the Dakota Mort gage Loan Corporation ( now the Globe Invest ment Company ) and duly assigned to the plaintiff herein , upon tbe east half of the northwest quarter and thu south half of the north east quarter of section thirty-one (31) ( ) , in township two (2) ( ) north , of range twenty- nine (29 ( ; , west of the sixth P. M , in Red Wil low county. Nebraska , said mortgage being dated the 12th day of September. 1WJ7. and up on which there is now duo the sum of $11)5.00 ) and interest at tbe rate of ten per cent , per annum from the first day of September. 1889. Plaintiff prays for a decree of foreclosure and sale of said premises ; that the defendants be foreclosed and barred of all tit'e. lien or other interest in said premises , for deficiency judg ment and equitable relief. You are required to answer said petition on or before Monday , tbe IGth day of March. Ib91. J. f. . MOOHK. Plaintiff. By his attorney. J. E. Kelley. 37-4t. Charles V. Anderson , A. H. Baldwin and Airs. Baldwin.his wife , whose first name is un known , defendants , will take notice that on the 30th day of September , 1890. Charles P. Dewev and Albert B. Dewov , partners doing business under the firm namu of 13. P. & A. B. Dewey. plaintiffs. Hied their petition in the district court of Red Willow county.Nebraska. the object and piayer of which is to foteclose a certain mortgage upon t he southeast quarter of the north west quarter and the east half of the southwest quarter of section thirty , and the northeaslquarter of the northwestquarter of section thirty-one , in township two. north of range thirtj , west of the sixth P. Red Willow county. Nebraska , given to said plain tiffs by the defendant Charles V. Anderson to secure the pavment of eleven notes , all dated November 9th. 1886. one for the sum of $250 00 due in five j ears after date , and ten each for the sum of ? 12 50 and falling-due 6. 12. IS , 24. 30,38.42.48. 54 and 00 months after date , all bearing interest nt ten per cent , per annum nfter maturity. That default has been made in tbe payment of the notes of $1250 each , maturing on the first day of May. 1889. on the first day of November. 1889 , on the first day of Alay. 1890 and on the first day of November. 1890. which default continues , that under the conditions of said mortgage n't ot said notes ijave become due and payable , and there is now duo the plaintiffs on said notes the sum of $311.00 with interest at the rate of ten per cent , per annual from the 10th day of Decem ber , 1890. That the defendants be icquired to pay said sum and interest or that ibo mort- rage be foreclosed and said promises bo sold accord ing to law and the proceeds of said sale applied to the payment of said sum and inter est. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 23rd day of March. 1891. Dated this llth day of "February , 1891. C. P. & A. B. DEWKY. Plaintiffs. By W. S. Morlan , their attorney. 38-4t. Bertha A. Libbie and M. A. Llbbie. defend ants , will take notice that on the 7th day of February , 1891 , The McCook Co-Operative Uuilding and Saving Association , plaintiff , iled its petition in the district court ot Ked Willow county. Nebraska , against tbe above named defendants , the object and prayer of vtiich is to foreclose a certain mortgage upon ots six and seven in block four , in North Ale- Cook , in the city of McCook , in Hed Willow county , state ot Nebraska , civeu by theabove uumed defendants to the above named plain- ill to secure the payment of a certain prom- ssorynote dated September20.1889 , for the urn ol ยง 800. payable in installments of four dollars each on or before the twentieth of eacb month thereafter , aud the sum of six dollars on or before the twentieth of each month thereafter , beiug interest at niue per out. per annum on said $800 for one month ; aid payments to continue until four shares wned by said defendants in said McCook CoOperative - Operative Building aud Saving Association rrive at the pur value of two hundred dollars ttch. accordiug to the rules and regulations f said Association. That the defendants have made default in tbe payment of said monthly nstalliueuts of principal and interest , and uder tbe conditions of said note and mort age the plaintiff is entitled to n foreclosure f said mortgage. That there is now due on aid note the sum of $742.11 with interest at lie rate of nine per cent , per annum from he 20th day of January , 1891. That said de- endauts be required to pay said sum and in- erestortbat said premises be sold and the roceeds of said sale applied to the payment - " " * f said- You are required to pnswer this petition n or before the 30th day of Alarch , 1891. Dated this 17th day of February. 1891. THE McCooK CO-OPEKATIVK BUILDING AND SAVING ASSOCIATION. Plaintiff. \V. S. Morlan , its attorney. NOTICE. M. B. Scott will take notice that on the 13th day of January. 1891 , D. A. Waterman , a jus- ice of the peace of Red Willow county. Neb. , ssucd an order of attachment for the sum of 35.00 in an action pending before him where- u W.K.Penniugtouis plaintiff and M.B.Scott , defendant , that property of the defendant onslsting of 1 forge and bellows. 13 pair ton gues , 1 anvil , 1C hammers. 1 vice , 1 drill and Ixtures. 1 set dies and screw plates , coal chisels , files and punches. 1 sewing machine , square. 1 cubboard. horse shoe nails. 1 box > urrs. 1 box house and kitchen ware. 1 cream reezer , 4 wrenches , 1 set calipers. 7 hammer londles , 8 buggv spokes. 1 tub , 1 jack plane , plow lay. 100 pounds iron has been attached under said order. Said cause was continued o the 14th day of March , 1891. at one o'clock , w. M. 38-3 W. II. PESNINGTON. Plaintiff. LAND OFFICE AT AICCOOK , NED. , I January 26th. 1891. I Notice Is hereby given that the following- named settler has Sled notice of his Intention o make final 5 year proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before legister or Receiver at McCook. Neb. , on Monday. March 10th. 1891. viz : ALBERT BRIGGLE. H. E. No. 5040 for tbe S. E. & of section 3T > . in own. 5 north , range 28. west Oth P. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : John B. Tbomley , James iergin. Almarlon W. Newland and John Grieves , all of Indianola , Neb. 130 8. P. HART. Register. CWdwn Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. tMA'MS-iJfAf , i , ' 3 / " * / I I This space is reserved for J. C. ALLEN , THE CASH MERCHANT , tlie successor to J. C. Allen & Co. , who sells BUY GOODS , CLOTHING , BOOTS & SHOES , GROCERIES , etc. , at unmatchable figures. DELL LAFLIN , Manager. ill f- i. is & solid handsarrre c&ke of scaaiing soap which has no ecjiraJ for alJ cleaning purposes except to the l&tmdryTo use fr is fo valua i What will SAPOLIO do ? Why it will clean paint , make oil-cloths bright , and give the floors , tables and shelves a new appearance. It will take the grease off the dishes and off the pots and pans. You can scour the knives and forks with it , and make the tin things shine brightly. The wash-basin , the bath-tub , even the greasy kitchen sink will be as clean as a new pin if you use SAPOLIO. One cake will prove all we say. Be a clever housekeeper and try it. BEWAEE OF IMITATIONS. THEEB IS BUT ONE SAPOLIO ; ENOCH MORGAN'S SONS CO. . NEW YORK. i W. C. BTFLLARD & CO. I -M- LIME , HARD CEMENT , LUMBERHARD AND DOORS , LUMBER BLINDS.LUMBER SOFT BLINDS. COAL. -Joj- RED CEDAR AND OAK POSTS. . -J. WARRRN , Manager. FRESH AND SALT M EATS , BACON , BOLOGNA. CHICKENS , TURKEYS , 4.C. , &C. R. A. COUPE & CO. , Props. The NATiONALHYMNe Fca * E Vfeiv..V& fAR- . . i Sj * * * Ct / . . , - " jf Cri'i - ' ' Ji j > > * S _ i * " Kj ; ti- -s - * 3 i'Sv ww.-1 . ' js ' ' ' " / toV.V , < : * . > , > ? /iVf . . , ' ' i . . - ' i * . i f- ' * .5 * s5 : r 'Sc / A..I. l-.v ; .u .itJ : ail tlie - ' - t-'f- JI-/5 i\NTA GLAUS : llrcJ . .T. rialsvalu An 5 r-s. I'-v try a cake , Ler I f r clmucss sake , Jf'.i ii.i Applause. ' MAKERS FOR All * N.K.l7\RBANK&Co. \ ! . . . r4ATiQM5. . , S