The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 20, 1891, Image 5

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    lie t
L. w. MCDONNELL & co.
Creates many a new business ,
Enlarges many an old business ,
Revives many a dull business ,
Rescues many a lost business ,
Saves many a failing business ,
Preserves many a large business ,
Secures success in any business.
So says a man of business , and we
add that judicious advertising , for this
.section of the country , includes THE
TRIBUNE as one of the mediums , be
cause it is read by the best people ,
those who know what they want and pay
for what they get. We challerige com
parison with any country paper in the
valley in this respect.
y z f zxyz xyzzz f
Noble , The Grocer.
A light snow yesterday.
Irrigation will do the rest.
Sagwa on tap at McMillen's.
Family Groceries at Noble's. .
Reizenstein's pallor for cigars.
Staple and Fancy Groceries at Noble's.
County commissioners are is session.
The place to buy hats or caps is at
"The Famous. "
Car of flour and feed just received at
A. T. Campbell & Co.'s.
Dr. A. J. Thomas , Dentist , in Union
.olock , over Boston shoe store.
S4 patent flour at
Before you buy underwear or hosiery
visit "TiiE FAMOUS. "
Feed of all kinds.
Try Damask Rose , the best lotion
for face and hands , at McMillen's drug
Our new examination tablets for 5
cents are very neat. Buy one for your
nextr examination.
Kapke , The Tailor , guarantees you
the lowest prices and the most stylish
and elegant clothing.
HANGING LAMPS Noble is head
quarters for hanging lamps. He car-
* . a large and splendid selection.
Buy your Stationery , Tablets , Pen
cils etc. , at
WANTED 300 head of stock , April
1st , to pasture. 3 miles east of Mc
Cook. 1,600 acres. A. W. COREY.
Noble is the only exclusive grocer in
the city. His stock is the largest and
his prices correspond with the'times.
Hanging and Stand Lamps at popu
lar prices at
Benkelman Republican : -Tony Probst
J. went to McCook some ten years ago
and opened out a bakery. The town at
-that time was of but few inhabitants
yet Txmy worked away and to-day he
supplies the whole city of McCook with
pics and cakes besides making ship
ments to dealers and hotels all along
the line of the B. & M. Tony is an
industrious man.
McCook flour all grades.
Dr. Hiid Mrs. B. B. Davis arc expect
ed fc' ' > urrivi lioino , to-morrow.
The Washington Dinner will be
served in the Morlan building.
Buy your Sagwa and other Kickapoo
Indian remedies at McMillan's.
There is an occasional real estate
tran.-fer to relieve the monotony.
Pearline meal the finest in the mar
McCook must sot the < ; ait For 1891 ;
and it must be a strictly business pace.
What must you do to be saved ? Why
buy your groceries at Noble's , of course !
Before you buy neckwear of any de
scription visit "TiiE FAMOUS. "
It wasn't a murder ; but in the lan
guage of the song , "it was near it , very
near it. "
All the popular brands of cigars at
Reizenstein's parlor , next door to the
post office.
McMillen , the druggist , has a fine line
of vase , hanging and piano lamps at
bottom prices.
The place to bu ) dress , business or
working shirts of any description is at
"The Famous. "
The Rittenhouse property for sale at
a bargain. Enquire at residence or
of C. 11. Boyle.
The wise man is now loading up all
the Nebraska realty he can carry.
There's millions in it.
The Lord helps those who help them
selves , and McCook should help herself
to whatever she wants.
Noble , the leading grocer , makes a
specialty of fresh , clean family grocer
ies. He will treat you right.
McCook has a number of merchants
in the eastern markets making large
purchases of seasonable goods.
Kickapoo Indian Oil and all the In
dian remedies at
There is a bargain in the Kittenhouse
property if accepted at once.
A million dollars for feed and seed ,
but not a cent for supplies and old
clothes , should be the legislative slogan.
At Joe Reizcnstein's parlor you can
at all times secure the best brands of
cigars and tobaccosirnported ordomestic
Consider the practical joker. He toils
not. neither does he spin ; but as a pop-
ulator of graveyards he is a vociferous
If you want a stylish fit at the very
lowest figures , KAPKE , TUB TAILOR ,
is the man to patronize. Rear of The
IN QUEENSWARE Noble carries
the largest assortment and the richest
designs of the season. His prices are
Reizenstein's parlor is recognized
headquarters for the best cigars and to
baccos. Joe also carries a nice line of
smokers' articles.
The man who does not know enough
to carry liver to a bear imagines him
self most capable of running the gov
ernment , oftimes.
It is the man who makes no use of
printers" ink who discovers to his sorrow
row that more dust accumulates on his
goods than in his cash box.
Make Noble your family grocer and
many other blessings will fall to your
lot , besides having the best groceries on
your table that the market affords.
The next time you want an examina
tion tablet call and see the attractive
new tablet kept for sale in'THE TRIB
UNE stationery dept. Price 5 cents.
According to an amendment of the
school laws of the state of Michigan ,
children suffering from consumption , or
chronic catarrh must be excluded from
public schools. The circumstance is
interesting as a first step toward the
ipublic recognition of a most important
truth , the fact , namely , that the dis
orders of the respiratory organs can be
propagated by direct contagion.and that
the air of a consumptive's sick room ,
unless constantly ventilated , is apt to
become a virulent poison.
Ground oil cake.
THE TRIBUNE pleases , it tells you
the most.
Rev. D. L. McBride of the Baptist
church was up at Stratton , several days
this week , on business of the cloth.
Rev. George F. Taylor of Indianola
will occupy the Congregational pulpit
next Sunday , both morning and evening.
Every succeeding week's issue of
THE TRIBUNE piles up bright and clean
evidence that McCook has but one
Drop into the Morlan building , to
morrow noon , and indulge in a square
meal such as the ladies of the Aid
Society will spread for all.
It will just cost you twenty-five cents
to enjoy the Washington Dinner to be
spread by the Methodist ladies in the
Morlan building , to-morrow.
The regular Monthly examination of
teachers will be held by the county
superintendent , at Indianola , Saturday ,
February 28th , instead of Feb. 2lst.
The members of the Fortnightly danc
ing club have decided to piece out their
regular series , which ended last Friday
evening , with an extra series of three
or four dances.
The Ancient Order of Iliberians have
issued the invitations to their ball and
banquet to be held March 30th. The
neat and handsome cards are the work
of THE TRIBUNE job rooms.
The pound part } ' , Saturday evening ,
was not the success hoped for. either
as to attendance or donation ; which is
in a measure attributable to an over
production of attractions during the
By request of the old soldiers of Mc
Cook , Rev. P. S. Mather will preach a
memorial sermon of General W. T.
Sherman. Let all the old comrades be
present and pay their respects to the
"Grand Old Chief. " Everybody invited.
The store of J. C. Allen & Co. was
closed , the early days of the week , for
invoicing preparatory to the dissolution
of partnership which followed. The
business will be continued by J. C. Al
len , with Dell Lnflin as local manager.
A niece of N. J. Johnson of Gerver
precinct was before the board at In
dianola , last week , 10 be examined as to
her mental condition. The case was
continued for more evidence , the board
not being satisfied as to state of mind
alleged to exist.
A song service will be held in the
M. E. church , next Sunday evening ,
and a nice selection of music will be
rendered. A very pleasant service is
expected. A collection will be taken
to procure new music for the choir.
Everybody cordially invited.
To exchange for McCook property :
Stock of dry goods and notions. Can
use property to the value of $2,000 or
less. Chance for a big bargain. Also ,
have for sale several residences in Mc
Cook on easy terms. Apply to
It may be noted that Bishop Graves
of this missionary jurisdiction of the
Episcopal church is a progressive
churchman , as his suggestion at the
late first annual convocation at Grand
Island , that woman should enjoy all
the rights and privileges equally with
the men in the church , would indicate.
Representative Modi's oratorical pow
ers are bringing him to the front. One
of his latest efforts is his presentation
speech in delivering to Miss Ball , the
fruit girl , a ring and a small sum of
money , in recognition of her services
in connection with the Senator Taylor
boquet , which created such a tempest
in a tea pot in legislative circles , the
first of the week. Andy performed the
job gracefully , too.
A good dancer was giving us a dis
quisition on the art. He had been
watching with evident delight , the week
ly parties held of late , and noticed the
advancement. The hardest pupil to
teach to tread the mazy measures of
the waltz is a lady who lays down on
you as if to say , "now I lay me down
to sleep , " with a reluctant drag that is
hard labor to the individual who is try
ing to pull her through. Recent teach
ing is improving this class , and with
an erect attitude , moderate muscular
trembling , elastic quick step , the ob
server and parties to the performance ,
expenence a feeling of genuine delight.
Lieb's Ryeningine Flap Jack prepar
They Entertain Royally.
Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Brewer were at
home to u large and brilliant company
of friends , last evening , at their pleas
ant home corner Melvin and Douglas.
Supper of an elaborate and tooths'mio
variety was served at seven o'clock ,
and the rest of the evening until the
midnight hour was pleasantly utilized
at progressive "high five. " The guests
were : Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Ryan , C. E.
Shaw , C. F. Babcock , J. Byron Jen
nings , W. M. Lewis , S. W. Huddlestoii ,
Geo. E. Johnston , G. A. Noren , D. E.
Bomgardner , A. Campbell , Frank Har
ris , A. E. Lytle , J. F. Kenyon , J. F.
Majors , H. H. Troth , F. S . Wilcux ,
J. T. Bullard , F. H. Fowler , C. W.
Knights , C. G. Potter , Ed. Jordan , V.
Franklin , M. E. Knipple , F. M. Kim-
mell , Mrs. S. L. Green , Mrs. W. C. La-
THE TRIBUNE is heartily in favor of
organizing a real estate exchange in
this city , with the intention of making
it the basis of a strong immigration
movement. Make it the most active
and at the same time the most useful
organization in the city. Everyone
concedes that the time has come to
commence active work for the year in
advcrtisingourresources , making known
all that has been accomplished in the
past , and inducing eastern people to in
vest their money in McCook property
and the fertile lands of Red Willow
county. Indeed , the latter feature of
the movement should be given the im
portance it deserves , for whatever adds
to the farm population of the county
contributes directly to the prosperity
of the city.
The bill to abolish the death penalty
in Nebraska is superfluous. There is
practically no death penalty to abolish.
True , the execution of criminals is au
thorized by law , but the maze of tech
nicalities and restrictions with which it
is hedged by the court ? renders it
"more honored by the bench than in
observance. " The law is worse than a
dead letter. It is successful mainly in
aiding the escape of red-handed murder
ers a fact which the criminal records
of Nebraska sadly attest. What the
state needs is a law which will insure
the prompt execution of sentences im
posed on the guilt } ' .
"Busybodies" are three times referred
to in the bible and always with disap
proval. They are persons who concern
themselves about the affaibs of other
persons when they have properly and
rightfully nothing to do with them and
should be content to mind their own
business. Such persons are a standing
nuisance to every circle in which they
move. They are usually exaggerating
"tattlers" well as busybodies.
All persons in Indianola and vicinity
interested in irrigation are hereby re
quested to meet at the Opera house in
Indianola , next Saturday afternoon at
2 o'clock , Feb. 21. The farmers in the
vicinity of this city are requested to
attend. Matters of importance will
come before the meeting. Com. Cour
THE TRIBUNE charges every loyal
McCookite to have faith in the great
future of McCook. McCook has every
advantage of location , of commercial
prestige , of a state reputation , to make
it the fourth city in Nebraska.
The late storm extended over the en
tire state , and the snow fall was by far
the largest of the season. It gives
promise of good crops this season , es
pecially of fall wheat ; of which a large
acreage was sown.
THE TRIBUNE is informed that Wm.
Coleman has received over $700 in cash ,
besides quantities of clothing and seed ,
as a direct result of his aid circulars
sent to pastors of eastern churches and
to seed firms.
If some of the old grit , and snap , and
energy of McCook should "break out in
a fresh place , " we could reach out and
get something.
If churches and lodges would strike
from the roll those who were unfit , the
world would receive a heavy reinforce
Sixty extra copies of THE TRIBUNE
failed to supply the clamor for this
sapient and impartial journal , last week.
Everything indicates a good crop and
good prices this coming year , in which
case we will all fly tolerably high.
Red Willow county has plenty of
moisture now.
Pure fresh buckwheat at
Frank Huber and Ed. Farrell were
the principals in a quarrel , Saturday
evening , in which Huber used his re
volver , after having been struck by
Farrell. Fortunately the bullet only
grazed the side of Farrell'a head or the
results to both participants would have
been painful , to state ic mildly. The
encounter grew out of an "end joke'
uttered in last week's entertainment by
the Merry Minstrels ; and the affair was
no doubt precipitated by outside parties
who expected nothing more serious
perhaps , than a "small scrap. "
There was intense excitement on the
streets for a time , but it quickly sub
sided when the extent of Farrell's in
juries were ascertained.
On complaint of E. A. Keith , Huber
was arrested and bound over to district
court in the sum of $500 ; his father
and brother being his bondsmen. Far
rell declined to sign the complaint.
The affair has occasioned : - . great dea
oF comment , all agreeing as to the for
tunate outcome of so serious a mutter
while there is a great variety of'expres
sion touching the question of responsi
bility and penalty.
Irrigation Officers.
The law committee of the irrigation
convention is still at work. The bil
being prepared by them provides for a
chief engineer at $2,500 a year , a depu
ty at $1,200 , a superintendent in each
district at $5 per day , all to be appoint
ed by the governor and approved by the
board of public lands and buildings.
Water commissioners for sub-divisions
or districts are to receive $3 per day.
Omaha Bee.
We have moved our stock of jewelry ,
watches , clocks , etc. , into new quarters
in the Smith brick , ( formerly the First
National bank building , ) where we have
increased room and facilities for dis
playing our line , and where we will be
pleased to welcome customers old and
Seriously III.
The friends of Mr. and Mrs. George
Hocknell will be most profoundly pain
ed to learn of the severe illness of their
daughter Helen and add their fervent
prayers to those of the anxious parents
that their beloved little one may be re
stored to health.
February Weather Forecasts.
19th to 24th Changeable and stormy ,
then moderate.
25th to 28th Changeable , and then
fair and moderate.
Corn Cobs for Kindling.
A car-load of corn cobs just the
thing for kindling just received at the
W. C. Bullard & Co. lumber yard.
Try a load.
Judge Cochran issued naturalization
papers out to several parties at the
county-seat , Monday.
BfIF0Rye flour.
Followingis the report of the county clerk
of the county commissioners of Red Willow
county , to the .Nebraska atato tteiier iommis- :
sion , for the aid distributed to the needy
February 14,1891.
Hominy. . . | " " : = i ? = S2L3 jg
I ) . Fruit. . ! : " 1 : : : : : : : : : : * : : it"
Coffee . . . .I ' : : . : : .
Beans | ? S2 ? ? : : '
" "
Oat Meal. . I".71 . " ' ; ; - - - -11
Families. .
Persons..S S-
The above figures represent tbe number of
persons , families and pounds of supplies.
a house from S. H. Colvin on the
monthly instalment plan and save money.
Felix E. Kennedy , the boss boiler maker
man , was in Plattsmouth the first of the
L. B. Stiles has been in Omaha most of the
weefc on company business. He went in
Tuesday evening and returned this morning.
Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Brown are in profound
grief over the death of their infant daughter ,
whose burial occurred on Tuesday of this
week. The little one had only been sick a
short time and its condition was not thought
by its parents serious. Its death was a great
shock to them andtheir friends and relatives
in the city sympathize deeply with them in
their sorrow.
East Yer Eye
For Two Weeks Only
we shall offer the choice of
our fine stock of
Ladies' and Gents'
Plush , Velvet & Felt
These slippers are worth
from $1.50 to $2.50 a pair.
We are ready for the rush.
Attorney Moore of McCook was in
the city , Wednesday.
Judge John F. Blaci was in town ,
Wednesday , inquiring after the county-
seat contest.
An irrigation meeting is 'called to
meet in the opera house in this city ,
Saturday afternoon.
George Wr. Roper has renamed from
Missouri. He thinks Missouri rather
muddy for a Nebraska man.
"Lena" Thomas of Fron-Sier
, one - coun
ty's raost successful farmers , was-iri this
city the fore part of the week.
Attorney Snavely was taken , very
sick , last Saturday night , and has been
unable to be in his office since.
Buffalo Jones has filed three water
ights with a view of irrigating thebot -
om lands between the Willow and
The sermon at the revival meeting ,
Tuesday evening , was preached by Rev.
George T. Taylor , the Congregational
Dr. Curf man. A. J. Hand and County
[ "reasurer tienton have clubbed to
gether and are putting up ice for their
own individual use.
John Lamburn is sweating under the
collar , as it were , all because he cannot
ill orders for ocher as fast as received.
3ne carload will be shipped this week
and two more just as soon as the ocher
can be ground.
Queen Anne's sudden swoop , . Mon
day , occasioned considerable talk. It is
aid that quite a number of the male
population of the capital city of Red
Willow county are praying for the rocks
and the mountains to fall on them.
Wm. Akers. abrotherof A. D. Akers ,
a drayman , in this city , in an attempt to
walk from the Black Hill's country to
Indianola , was caught in a blizzard while
tramping through the sand hills and
had his teet badly frozen. Dr. Curf-
man thinks that they will not have to
be amputated , as was first reported , but
that he may loose his toes. Mr. Akera
was sent from Ogalalla to this city by
the G. A. R.
Willis Gossard , State Jr. Vice Com
mander. G. A. R. , department of Ne
braska , and his estimable wife were
given a farewell reception by the G. A.
R. and S. of V. posts of this city , on
Wednesday afternoon. About one hun
dred persons were present. There was
a banquet and much speaking and every
body reports a very nice time. Sir. and
Mrs. Gossard left on the night train ,
Wednesday , for their future home
Colorado Springs.