The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 20, 1891, Image 3

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A Scientific Opinion That Will Bo
Consoling to All Humanity.
The signs of impending death are
many and variable. No two instances
arc precisely identical , yet several
signs , are common to many cases.
Shakespeare , who observed everything
else , observed and recorded some of
the premonitory signs ot death also.
> In the account of the death of Fal-
HtalY , the sharpness of the nose , the
coldness of the feet , gradually extending -
, ing upward , the picking at the bedclothes -
clothes are accurately described.
For some time before death indica
tions of it approach become appar
ent. Speech grows thick and labored ,
the hands , if raised , fall instantly , the
.respiration is difficult , the heart loses
its power to propel the blood to the
extremities , which consequently be
come < y > ld ; a clammy moisture oozes
through , the pores of the skin , the
voice grows weak and husky or piping -
ing the.ejMes begin to lose their luster.
In death at old age there is a gradu
al dulling of all the bodily senses and
of many of the mental faculties ; memory -
' ory fails , judgment wavers , imagina
tion goes out like a candle. The mus
cles and tendons get stiff , the voice
breaks , the cords of the tabernacle are
loosening. Small noises irritate , sight
becomes dim , nutrition goes on feebly ,
digestion is impaired , the secretion are
insuflicicnt or vitiated or cease , capil
lary circulation is clogged. Finally
the central organ of the circulation
comes to a stop , and this stoppage
means a dissolution. This is the
death of old age , which few attain to.
Many people have an idea that
death is necessarily painful , even agon
izing ; but'tkere is no reason whatever
to supppose that death is more pain-
nil than dirtn. it is because in a cer
tain proportion of cases dissolution is
accompanied by a visible spasm and
distortion of the countenance that
the idea exists , but it is nearly as cer
tain as anything can be that these dis
tortions of the facial muscles are not
only painless , but take place uncon
sciously. In many instances , too , a
comatose or semi-comatose super
venes , and it is altogether probable
that more or less complete uncon
sciousness then prevails.
We have , , too , abundant evidence of
the people who have been nearly
drowned and resusciated , and they all
agree in the statement that after afew
moments of painful struggling , fear
and anxiety pass away , and a state
of trancmility-succeeds. They see the
visions of green fields , and in some
cases hear pleasing music , and , so far
from being miserable , their sensations
are delightful. But where attempts at
resuscitation are successful the resusci
tated persons almost invariably pro
test against being brought back to life ,
and declares that resuscitation is ac
companied by physical pain and acute
mental misery.
Beat his a fact which every man must
personally experience , and consequent
ly is of universal interest ; and as facts
: ire facts , the wiser course is to look
them squarely in the face , for necessity
is coal black and death keeps no calen
dar. Medical Journal.
Composed of White Clay That Mix
es into Mud as Sticky as Tar.
The bad lands of Dakota are com
posed o.f white clay , which , by the ac
tion of rains , has been cut into hil
locks. They are not high , seldom more
than forty or fifty feet ; but it is up
one and down another the whole way ,
You cannot follow the water courses ,
for there are none , a gully , 40 feet
deep , with a foot and a half of mud at
the bottom , is the nearest approach
to a water course in the whole region.
At every few yards you must stop
and , with spade and shovel , cut a
path down the side of a hill in order
to descend' , and then up the side of
the one opposite in order to get up
again. The mud is as sticky as tar ,
and in going a few yards the wheels of
a wagon become solid round cakes ,
and all the mules you can hitch to it
will not be able to pull it a foot fur
ther. Then the spades are brought
and the wheels cleared , the operation
being repeated two or three tames
in 100 yards. The extent of the Bad
Lands in Dakota is probably 100
miles north to south by fifteen to
thirty miles wide ; and if the Indian
can lind a better stronghold in this
country the plainsmen would like to it.
An Aged Wisconsin Woman.
Probably few ot our citizens are aware
that there is living in Erin , a lady who
is nearly 114 years old , yet such is a
fact. Katie Bauer , who is now living
with her son-in-law , Josepa Messner ,
has undisputed evidence that she hae
attained to that remarkable age. She
was born at Baden , Germany , on the
24th day of May , 1777. She not
only has the family record setting
forth the day and year of her birth ,
but is armed with a certified cbpj" of
her baptism taken from the church
record of her native parish , which
event took place nine days subsequent
to her bitth. Both documents carry
on their face the stamp of antiquity
which vouches for their authenticity
and genuineness. Hartford Press.
Died In a Coffin ,
Barney Frickers , a well known char
acter of Alliance , 0. , died recently in
a coffin. For twenty years it has
been his custom to sleep every night in
it coffin of his own manufacture , be
lieving that he yas about to * die. He
- a.shroud before
nlwAysTobed'hiinsglf-in .
fore retiring. The'coffin is of oak ,
very strong and covered with all ori-
cal fubiecta. Frickers was 75 years
The Commotion Canned by ( he State
ment of a PhIclan. .
An unusual article from the Roches
ter , N. Y. . Democrat and Chronicle ,
was recently republished in this paper
and was a subject of much comment.
That the article caused even more
commotion in Rochester , the following
from the same paper shows :
Dr. J. B. Henion , who is well-known
not only in Rochester , but in nearly
every part of America , sent an ex-
tendedarticle to this paper , afew days
since , which was duly published , de
tailing1 his remarkable experience and
rescue from what secmod to be certain
death. It would be impossible to
enumerate the personal inquiries which
have been made at our office as to the
validity of the article , but they have
been so numerous that further investi
gation of the subject was deemed neces
sary.With this end in view a representa
tive of this paper culled on Dr , Hen-
ion , at his residence , when the follow
ing1 interview occurred : "That article
of yours , Doctor , has created quite a
whirhvinu. Are the statements about
the terrible condition * you were in , and
the way you were rescued "such as you
can sustain ? "
"Every oae of them and many addi
tional ones. 1 was brought so lo\v by
neglecting the first and most simple
symptoms. I did not think I was
sick. It is true I had frequent head
aches ; felt tired most of the time : could
eat nothing one day and was ravenous
the not ; felt dull pains and my stomach
ach was out of order , but I did not
think it meant anything serious.
The medical profession has been
treating symptoms instead of diseases
for years , jind it is high time it ceased.
The symptoms I have just mentioned
or any unusual action or irritation of
the water channels indicate the approach
preach of kidney disease more than a
cough announces the cominer of con
sumption. We do not treat the cough ,
but try to help the lungs. We should
not waste our time trying- relieve
the headache , pains about the body or
other symptoms , but go directly to the
kidneys , the source of most of these
' This , then , is what you meant when
you said that more than one-half the
deaths which occur arise.from" Bright's
disease , is it , Doctor ? "
-Precisely. Thousands of diseases are
torturing-peopletoday , which in reality
arc Bright's disease iasome of its many
forms. It is a Hydra-headed monster ,
and the slightest symptoms should
strike terror to every one who has
them. I can look back and recall hun
dreds of deaths which physicians de
clared at the time were caused by pa
ralysis , apoplexy , heart disease , pneu
monia , malarial fever and other com
mon complaints which I see now were
caused by Bright's disease.1
And did all these cases have simple
symptoms at first ? "
Every one of them , and might have
been cured as I was by the timely use
of the same remedy. I am getting my
eyes thoroughly opened in this matter
and think I am helping others to see
the facts and their possible danger
also. "
Mr. Warner , who was visited at his
establishment on N St. Paul street ,
spoke very earnestly :
It is true that Bright's disease had
increased wonderfully , and we find , by
reliable statistics , that from ; 70 to 'SO
its growth was over 250 per cent.
Look at the prominent men it has car
ried off , and is taking every year , for
while many are dying apparently from
paralysis and apoplexy , they are really
victims of kidney disorder , which
cause heart disease , paralysis , apoplexy
plexy , etc. Nearly every week the
papers record the death of some prom
inent man from this scourge. Recent
ly , however , the increase has been
checked and I attribute this to the
general use of my remedy. "
Do you think many people are af
flicted with it to-day who do not real
ize it , Mr. Warner ? "
"A prominent professor in a Xew
Orleans medical college was lecturing
before his class on the subject of
Bright's disease. He had various flu
ids under microscopic analysis and was
showing the students what the indica
tions of this terrible malady were.
And now , gentlemen , ' he said , -as we
have seen the unhealthy indications , I
will show you how it appears in a state
of perfect health , ' and he submitted
his own fluid to the usual test. As he
watched the results his countenance
suddenly changed his color and com
mand both left him and in a trembling
voice he said : 'Gentlemen I have made
a painful discovery ; I have Bright's
disease of the kidneys ; ' and in less than
a year he was dead. The slightest in
dications of any kidney difficulty should
be enough to strike terror to any one. "
You know of Dr. Henion's case ? "
"Yes , I have both read and heard of
it. "
"It is very wonderful , is it not ? "
"So more so than a great many oth
ers that have come to my notice as
having been cured by the same means. "
1 You believe then that Bright's dis
ease can be cured. "
I know it can. I know it from my
own and the experience of thousands
of prominent persons who were given
up to die by both their physicians and
friends. "
' You speak of your own experience ,
what was it ? "
"A fearful one. I had felt languid
and unfitted for business for years.
But I did not know what ailed me.
When , however , I found it was kidney
difficulty I thought there was little
hope and so did the doctors. I have
since learned that one of the physi
cians of this city pointed me out to a
gentleman on the street one day , say
ing : 'There goes a man who will be
dead withina year. ' , I believe his
words would have proved true if I had
not fortunately used the remedy now
known as Warner's Safe Cure. "
"Did you make a chemical analysis
of the case of Mr. H. H. Warner some
three years ago , Doctor ? was asked
Dr. S. A. Lattimore , one of the an
alysts otthe'Stute Board- Healtbr , ,
"Yes , sir. "
"What did this analysis show you ? "
"A serious disease of the kidneys.1
"Did you think Mr. Warner could
"Xo , sir , I did not think it possi
ble. "
-Do you know anything about the
remedy which cured him ? "
I have chemically analyzed it and
find it pure and harmless. "
The standing of Dr. Henion , Mr.
Warner 'and jLr. Lattimorevin this
community is beyond question , and the
statements they make cannot for a mo
ment be disputed. Dr. Henion's expe
rience 'shows that Bright's disease of
the kidneys is one of the most decep
tive and dangerous of all diseases , that
it is exceedingly common , but that it
can be c'urea if taken in time.
Orange * iu San Bernardino.
There are upward of o , 000,000 orange
trees in seed bed in this county. This
is over three times the number sot out
in in orchard form in the county. But
each year the demand for trees in
creases. At the present ratio of in
crease two years from'now 1,000,000
will be planted annually in this county
alone. As jnany trees are shipped
into San Diego and other counties , and
if all the trees now in seed bed should
mature to a condition for planting ,
there will be but little danger of an
overstock. But many of these trees
will be killed by frost and from neg
lect and other causes. San Bernardino
( Cal. ) Times.
! 'rorre .
It is very important in this age of
vast material progress that a remedy
be pleasing to the taste and to the eye ,
easily taken , acceptable to the stomach
and healthy in its nature and effects.
Possessing these qualities , Syrup of
Pigs is the one perfect laxative and
most gentle diuretic known.
"Dead stuck on it" The fly on the point
of a pin.
which induces coughing immediately re
lieved by use of "Brown's Bronchial
Troches.1" Sold only in boxes.
There are 377.77 grains of pure silver in a
Mexican dollar.
Helm tin's lIver Pads.
I'.iinplil-itfrco with full Instructlons-nixi commenda
tions. IIoLMAX LlVKit PAD Co. , P.O. Box-112 , H.Y.
An Arab who has lost his teeth probably
speaks only gum Arabic.
Mrs. Winslow's SJooihinjrSyrup , for Chil
dren tuctliins , softens the gum ? , reduces inflamma
tion , alluvs pain , cures wind colic. 2oc. a bottle.
Better a dinner of herbs , if von like them ,
than a stalled ox , if you hate beef.
The largest Furniture and Carprt house
west of Chicago is located at Omaha , Neb. ,
Chas. Shiverick & Co. . Proprietors. They
have an immense establishment , occupying
half a block of five-story stores on Farnnm
street , and every floor 'is packed with the
most elegant designs in carpets , draperies ,
and the leading novelties in the furniture
line. Jf you con template buying write them
for particulars , prices , etc. , or call and see
their goods when you visit Omaha , whether
you buy or not. They take pleasure in shovr-
ins : people through" their establishment ,
which is equal to any in Chicago.
Can Hack Thine * lie T
Thero'is-such a thing-as-carrying1
economy even beyond the borders of
parsimony. Hero is a case wo vouch
for as actually occurring , we will not
say where. Three years ago a certain
person purchased as a Christmas gift
for his 2-year-old daughter a little
chair , painted red. In 1889 ho had
the chair painted blue and gave it to
her as a brand new Christmas gift.
Last year he had the same chair gilded ,
and worked it off again as a Christmas
gift on his imiocent and helpless child.
In a Very po'or household such"an inci
dent would bo pathetic. But this
father is by no means a poor man.
Buffalo Commercial.
Did you ever go within a mile of a soap
factory ? If so you know what material they
make soap of. "Dobbins' Electric Soap fac
tory is as free from odor as a cbalr factory.
Try It once. Ask your grocer for it. Take
no imitation.
Telephones are now being introduced on
L'oard men-of-war.
From 18SO to ISfO the Indians decreased
nearly 7 percent.
Here in a Chance to .TInke
I Lought a machine for plating gold , sil
vcr and nickel , and it works splendid. When
people heard about it 'they brought more
sjioons , forks and jewelry than I could plate.
In a week I made ! . > , and iu a month
$172.30. My daughter made & 51 in live days.
You can get a Plater for SIJ from AV. "II.
Griflith & Co. . Zanesville , Ohio , and will , we
trust , be bcncfittcd us much as I 1-avc been.
The sober second thought usually comes
after the banquet.
For JtickeiH , IIaramnu , mid all Wast
ing IMnorderM of Children.
Scott's Emulsion of Pure Cod Liver Oil ,
with Hypophosphites , is unequalled. The
rapidity with which children gain llesh and
strength upon it is very wonderful. "I have
UBCil Scott's Emulsion in cases of Rickets
and Marasmus of long standing. In every
case the improvement was marked. " J. 31.
MAI.V , 31. D. , New York.
The good who die young have a great deal
to be thajijiful _ , f qr. _
ffnnopoffs , % 7/a. , Jan. 6 , > 9O.
"JT have often used ST.
JACOBS OIL , and find it
a good JLiniment.19
c ° v"d -
' Positively cured byl
these Little Pills ,
CARTER'S They also relieve Dis-1
tress fromDyspepgia.In-l
digestion anil T ooHeartjJ
ITTLE Eating. A perfect remedy -
edy forDizziueag.NaiiBe.
IVER Drowsiness. Bad Tast
iu the Mouth. Coa
PILLS. Tongue.Pain in the SIdeJ
regulate the Bowels
Purely Vegetable.
Price 25 Cents ;
Small Pill , Small Dose , Small Price , !
Your health
is a citadel.
The winter's
storms are the
coming enemy. You know that this enemy will sit
down for five long months outside this citadel , and do its
best to break in and destroy. Is this citadel garrisoned
and provisioned ? The garrison is your constitution. Is
it vigorous or depleted ? How long can it fight without
help ? Have you made provision for the garrison by fur
nishing a supply of SCOTT'S EMULSION of
pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphites of
Lime and Soda ? It restores the flagging energies , in
creases the resisting powers against disease ; cures Con-
sumptioiitScrofula % GeneralDebility andallAnamic and
Wasting Diseases ( especially in Children } , keeps coughs
and colds out , and so enables the constitution to hold the
fort of health. Palatable as Milk.
SPECIAL. Scott's Emulsion is non-secret , and is prescribed by the Medical _ Pro
fession all over the world , because its ingredients are scientifically combined in such a
manner as to greatly increase their remedial value.
CAUTION. Scott's Emulsion is put up in salmon-colored wrappers. Be sure and
pet the genuine. Prepared only by Scott & Bowne , Manufacturing Chemists , New York.
Sold by all Druggists.
It's a
cold day
for the housekeeper
when Pearline gets
left. Take Pearline from
washing and cleaning and
nothing remains but
hard work. It
shows in the
things that are
washed ; it tells on the woman who washes. Pearline saves
work , and works safely. It leaves nothing undone that you
want done well ; what it leaves undone , it ought not to do.
Peddlers and will tell " this
s * * -r TS * * + * s some unscrupulous grocers you
IJ V W ii IT is * * ? oed as" or " the same M PearlineIT'S FALSE
- * Pearline is never peddled , and if your grocer sends you
something in place of Pearline , do the honest thine tend it tack. 263 JAM ES PYLE , N. V-
The ass thought himself as fine lookIng -
Ing as his neighbor , the horse , until he ,
one * day , saw himself iu the looking-
glass , when he said "What an oss am II"
Are there not scores of people who
cannot see themselves as others see
them ? They have bad blood , pim
ples , blotches , eruptions , and other kin
dred disfigurements. All these annoy
ing things could be entirely eradicated ,
and the skin restored to "Illy - whiteness
ness , " if that world-famed remedy , Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery ,
were given a fair trial.
It cures all humors , from the ordi
nary blotch , pimple or eruption to the
worst scrofula , or the most inveterate
blood-taints , no matter what their na
ture , or whether they be inherited or
acquired. The "Golden Medical Dis
covery" is the only blood-purifier
guaranteed to do just what it is rec
ommended to , or money refunded.
SOCIATION , Proprietors , 2fo. 603 Main.
Street , Buffalo , N. T.
'EKK ONK DOLLAR sent us by Jnnll , TTO will
* deliver , free of nil charges , to any person Intbo
United States , ull tUo following articles Carefully
pocked 1 n a n eat box :
Onetwo-ounco Dottle of Pare Vaseline lOctn.
One two-ounce bottle Vaseline Pomude 15 eta.
Onejarof Vaseline Cold Cream 15 eta.
Onecake of Vaseline Campborlce lOcts.
One cakeof Vaseline Soap , unncentcd. . . . lUcts.
One cake of Vaseline Soap , scented 25 eta.
One two-ounce-bottle of White Vaseline 2o cis.
Or for stamps any single article at the price.
If you have occasion to UHO Vaseline In nny form
be careful to acrept only genuine goods put up by us
In original package ; . A great many UrucKiMH ore
trying to persuade buyers to take VASELINRput
up by them. NeverTleld to nch persuasion , as the
article Is an Imitation without value , and will not
give yon tliore-uilt yon expect. A bottle of .Blue
Seal Vaseline Is sold by al 1 drupRUta at ten cents.
CUtSKBUOUill JtTevro. , S4 State St. , Sew Tort.
I ? what our collector obtained for HO ohl coin" , nnd
otht iHhu\e done nearly as well. T. Clcncay lolil' ,989 ;
R. C. Davis sold ' , . ' ,
* i * / / * * * > ; * uiu 7,1'CS ; 1 tt J ill 111U1UU 2,2S7 during i
Complete list and prices jmid for each coin can Lo exam
ined at our ofllce. Jfjoulia\o any old coins or proofs
coined before 1878 , save them , as they might lie worth a
foitune. IH'd. Circulars on rare coins free nt ofllce or
malli'dfortwoftamp . Xt'JIISMATlCIIANK , 99 Court St. ,
Boston , Mais. A tpcclal representative wanted in each
AVanhlil-ton , I ) . C.
Successfully Prosecutes Claims.
Late Principal Examiner U.S Pension Bureau.
3yra in lost war. 15 adjudicating claims , a.Uy sluco.
P Ktt ofSSP-kg-BlLOCA. ! * .
ilfcl" AMESMadison , Wis.
toilri'-e at night without the Safety
i.antorn Holder. Ask your
ttorekeeticr , or wiito to the Coinjany , Baltimore , Mil.
I Prettiest BOOK ever Printed.
\ ONE cent a
| and npwards according to rarity ,
scarcity , or cost. Cheapest of any
by oz. & B > .lOOOOOOextras. Catalo-
' mut free. B. H. Shmnwav Bockford 111.
Containing a complete list of GABDE * . FAR * X.VD
KLOWEB SEEDS. Gardners and Firtnrn thonld lend
for It btf ore purchasing. LOWEST Piucrs. STOCK PUBB
Please Mention this Paper.
TASTED AgenU to sell the Plnless Clothes Uue ,
the only line ever inrented that holds the clothes
without pins ; perfect f success ; patent recently
Issued ; cold only by 111 Vr agents , to whom tbc
exclusire right Is DIMC GiTen : on receipt of
Wctswewill send & I * O sample line bj m U :
also circulars , price-list and terms to ogeuts ; secure
your territory at once. Address TdB PINLESS
CLOTHES LINE Co. . 27 Hermon St. , Worcester , lias *
Dry Goods ,
Hayclcn Bros , of Omaha , Neb. , ,
have bought the entire stock of the
Bankrupt firm of Eiseman & Co. ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa. This was the
finest and largest stock of Silks , Dress
Goods , Cloaks , Linens , Blankets ,
Flannels , Hosiery , Underwear , .
Laces , Ready Made Clothing. Hatsr
Boots , Shoes and Toys ever brought
to the West. Stock was all new and
in first-class condition and filled the
five floors of the new Eiseman Build
ing in Council Bluffs. Hayden
Bros , have moved the whole stock to
their stores on Sixteenth street and
have opened their new Building.
Have overhauled the entire stock and
reduced the prices away down on ,
every article in order to close out all
in a very short time. Among this
stock you will find finer Dry Goods ,
than ever carried in Omaha. It wilE
pay you to lay in a supply for years-
to come. Such an opportunity was
never offered in this city before , and
may never occur again. There never
were as many Dry Goods displayed
by one firm in Omaha as at present
by Hayden Bros. There never were
bargains offered like the bargains.
now going from the Eiseman stock.
You will he well repaid for your time.-
and trouble to attend this sale.
Sixteenth and Dodge streets- ,
Omaha , Neb.
TlftnUfl JlOOnr 11,000 Carefully InTcsted
IHUUInH here bring Annually from twenty
to. Test us. TACOMA l.s\EbTME > T Co. , Tacoma. Wash.
60.0004-4 ' BUS. " SEEC SS.HB S CtUTS QR > $ tf
wins the eyes/wins aJL'-
cert-aunty use SAP © LI 0 *
in house-ce&ninf'B&px ! > lie
is a solid cakeof-scouring-
so&p TrxlLtO J ouse-cle&ning :
l ! / your house just as much as by your dress. Keep it neat and :
clean and your reputation will shine. Neglect it and your good
name will suffer. Do not thinTz that house-cleaning is too trouble
some ; it is worth all it costs , especially if you reduce the outlay of
time and strenath bu tistnjr SAPOLIO.
THE ORIGINAL AND GENUINE. The only Safe , Sure , wnlreHaite Pill for ! e.
Ladle * , ailc DruMist for Chichetter't nglit\ Diamond Brand la Ked and CM raetallls
boxes sealed with blue nbbon. TnLc no other Llnd. Jttfute Subititutioiu and Imitatiem
All pilli la pasteboard bow. pink wrappers , are dnnecroua counterfeit * . At Dngiiiu. or g nd ra
. In for particular ! , te.llnonlil. . and "Keller for . . " ,
jwrnps Ladle. in Utter bj .
. . _ _ . . j . return JIall.
. . . . .return
1O.OOO Testimonial ! .Vame Paper. CKICHCSTCn CHEMICAL CO. , Mndl.nn
bold by all Local llracgiita. PHILADELPHIA ,
P ISO'S REMEDY FOR CATARRH. Best. Easiest to use.
Cheapest. Relief is immediate. A cure is certain. For
Cold in the Head it has no equal.
- * v J *
It is an Ointment , of which n small particle is applied to the
nostrils. Price , COc. Sold by druggists or sent by mail.
Address , E. T. HAZELTIXK , AVarrcn , Pa.
/the best for this cli-
( Ocer 3OOO Acres in Seed Cultivation in 189O. ) mate. New Seed Com , .
Seed Oats , Grass , Field and Garden Seeds. Send for Free Catalogue printed in English and German.
- . .
, , .
- . , , , - . , , . .
" " " 8U8PEK30HXrtl.
ill Ehettmitia Con
ta , luabftjo , Genenl.
id Hervoo * De&ilitr , .
-JtbTecea , Kidney-
Dutri'i , ITervoataMs ,
Tra&tlisgi Sexual Ex--
hanitisa , "Wutinff of
n- i iGi5-
, _ jjl * 32veaf a eaoifd by IndUerttioM ia
onthtAge.'WK : . y med or Efcsle Life.
cttsrKpJtlspirties to certain ccspldstss
. . _ . . „ „ ELuGTRlu inSOLEw. . . . . . .
Also an Electric Truss and Belt Combined.
Bend So. pottc for nxx Illufd book. IU pm ex. whjcii win b
MatjoainpUtnsnlMlRiTtlope. XeatlonthUnper. JlddrenL
306 North Broadway , St. LouIarMa.
Wi f IV \J U AvicUm of yoaib-
rul imprudence , caiulnff J ematore l > ecnr , Xerron
Debility , Lort ManhcKKl , Ac. , having tried In"Tainrior ?
known remedy , has dUrorereil ammple meant of * ef-
cure. which lie will send < eae < l > FI1EB to his fcl'nw-cp
ferer - Address J. H. REEVES. Evj. Kox 231. .V. T. Ctj :
'e ' r lThompson sEye Water ?
W. N. U. , Omaha , 5ol ( s