The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 30, 1891, Image 7

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    Both the method and results when
Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste , andacta
gently yet promptly on the Kidneys ,
Liver and Bowels , cleanses the sys
tem effectually , dispels colds , head
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced , pleasing to the taste and ac
ceptable to the stomach , prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects , prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances ,
its many excellent qualities com
mend it to all and have made it
the most popular remedy kndwn.
Syrup-of Figs is for sale in 50c
and SI bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it Do not accept
any substitute.
For children a medicine -
A Cough cine should be abso-
reli le A
and Croup ? :
, ,
mother must be able to
Medicine , pin her faith to it as to
her Bible. It must
contain nothing violent , uncertain ,
or dangerous. It must be standard
in material and manufacture. It
must be plain and simple to admin
ister ; easy and pleasant to take.
The child must like it. It must be
prompt in action , giving immedi
ate relief , as childrens' troubles
come quick , grow fast , and end
fatally or otherwise in a very short
time. It must not only relieve quick
but bring them around quick , as
children chafe and fret and spoil
their constitutions under long con
finement. It must do its work in
moderate doses. A large quantity
of medicine in a child is not desira
ble. It must not interfere with the
child's spirits , appetite or general
health. These things suit old as
well as young folks , and make Bo-
schee's German Syrup the favorite
family medicine. ©
If yoii Jiave a
acute or leading to
< i t I fr-C tZ t'g ; B- ft * I *
This preparation contains the stimula
ting properties ol the Hypophotyliltea
and flne Korwegian Cod Liver Oil. Used
by physicians all the -world over. It Is as
palatable as ini' ' ! c. Throe times as cfflcn-
clous as plain Cod Liver Oil. A perfect
Emulsion , better than allothersmade. I'or ,
all rorins otTFasfmi ; Diseases , Bronchitis ,
Scrofula , and as a Flesh Produces
there is nothing llko SCOTT'S EMULSIOH.
It Is sold by all Druggists. Let no one by
profuse explanation or Impudent entreaty
Induce you to aocops a substitute.
One of Ihc mosl important organs of iho
human body is the LIVER. When it fails to
properly perform its functions the entire
system becomes deranged. The BRAIN ,
to perform their work. DYSPEPSIA , CON
EASE , etc. , are the results , unless some
thing is done to assist Natura in throwing
off the impurities caused by the inaction
of a TORPID LIVER. This assistance so
necessary will be found in
Prickly Ash lifters !
It acts directly on iho LIVER , STOMACH
and KIDNEYS , and by its mild and cathartic
effect and general tonic qualities restores
these organs to a sound , healthy condition ,
and cures all diseases arising from these
causes. It PURIFIES THE BLOOD , tones
up the system , and restores perfect health.
If your druggist does not keep it ask him to
order it for you. Send 2c stamp for copy of
"THE HORSE TRAINER , " published by us.
< olfl PropriatoCT. ST. LOUIS ,
"When I Bay cnro I do not mean merely to stop them
for ft time and then have them return ngaln.1 me = n a
radical euro. I hare mido the dlseaso of UTS , EPI-
lEPSr or FAUJNG S'TKtfESS a life-Ions ctudr. I
irtrrant my remedy to cure the vrorat coses. Bocanse
other * haTofeilod is no reason for not now recoiling a
. Send at once for ft treatise andaFreeBottloof
infallible remedy. Giro Express and Post Office.
S. O. HOOT , Jtr. C. , 183 gcarl 8 : . , N. Y.
W. N. U. , Omaha , - 553 5.
She XVas. Carton * to Know.
"Can I sco well from there ? " said
Jho nice old lady with the silk mitts ,
aa she laid a finger on the box. sheet
and looked over her spectacles" at the
ticket seller. " ,
'Yes , ma'am those arc very good
seats both for seeing and hearing , "
said the young man. /
1 'They're not as good as these over
here ? " queried the old lady , , taking a
leap with one , finger still to the oth
er side of the house.
Those are good seats , too , ma'am. "
"Don't you think they're too far
back ? "
" ma'am. "
"No. .
' 'Then they're too close where are
those seats you showed me just now ? "
"Here they are , ma'am , " said the
young man. taking out the coupons
from the rack and'beginning to put
them in an envelope.
"No , I don't want them I think I
like those on this side only there's a
pillar just there , isn't there ? "
"No , ma'am , there's no pillar in
that section. Will you take those
two ? "
"No , I think not. My daughter'll
be around this afternoon and look at
the plan. I don't know what she
wants , " and the old lady ambled aim-
iably away , totally unconscious that
she had kept twenty men and women
waiting for ten minutes while she prac
tised "shopping" on the ticket seller.
Pittsburg Dispatch.
We have received "No Tiailc Fccrcts to
Keep , " and a little book that \\e hardly
know lio\v to name. It calls itself ' -FjtriTs
AND FKUIT Tunes ; Points for Practical Tree
Planters. " The title is altogether too mod
est. To the leader it will not give a notion
of its real value. It is chock lull of practi
cal information on fruit growing from the
highest sources , and just the information
one wants. "We haven't space to tell what
it is like.Ve can onlv say , SEND TOR ran
BOOK , for Stark Bros. , Louisiana , Mo. , will
send it free to all. Fanners' Call.
Wolves and Dogs.
Whether there may or may not be
ground for the opinion held by some
that all dogs are descended from the
primeval wolves , their near kinship is
proven by the fact that hybrid off
spring are by no means uncommon ,
'the pups or cubs , as might be expect
ed , inheriting more of the wolf than
the dog nature.
You wear out clothes on a wash board ten
times as much as on the body. How foolish.
Buy Dobbins' Electric Soap of your grocer
and save this useless wear. Made ever since
1854. * Don't take imitation. There are lots
of them.
Complex Organism.
The most complex of all the animal
ftissues is the brain. The fibers of one
( Single optic nerve have been counted
under a microscope to the number oJ
'about three hundred.
A Fact.
[ From an Interview , N. T. Wor7d. ]
In an intei view with a leading drus-house
the N. Y. World , ! Nov. { , l&'Jl ) , gives the fol
lowing'comment on the proprietors of relia
blc patent medicines :
"He is a specialist , and should know more
of the disease he actually treats than the
ordinary physician ; for while the latter may
come across say lifty cases in a year of the
particular disease which this medicine com
bats , its manufacturer investigates thou
sands. Don't you suppose his prescription ,
whtek you buy ready made up for 50 cents ,
is likely to do more good than that of the
ordiiiaiy physician , who charges you any
where Irom 2 to ? 10 for giving it , and leaves
you to pay the cost of havinK it prepared'
"Ihe p'atent medicine man , too , usually
has the good sense to confine himself to
ordinary , every-day diseases. He leaves to
the physician cases in which there is imme
diate danger to life , such as violent fevers ,
lie does this Lecausc , in the treatment of
such cases , there are other elements of im
portance besides medicine , such as proper
uietinsr , good nursing , a knowledge of the
patient's strength and so on. "Where there
is no absolute uanger to life , where the dis
ease is one which the patient can diagnose
for himself or which some pliyslcian has al
ready determined , the patent medicine maker
says fearlessly : 'I have a preparation which
is "better than any other known and which
will cure you. ' In nine cases out of ten his
statement is true. "
This is absolutely true as regards the great
remedy for pain , St. Jacobs Oil. It can ar-
tert n ithout fear of contradiction , that it is
a prompt and permanent cure of pain. It
can show prools of cuies of chronic eases of
20 , SO and -.0 years' standing. In truth it
rarelj- ever fails if ntcd according to direc
tions" , and a large proportion of cures is
made by half the contents of a single bottle.
It is therefore the best.
Talking Birds.
Birds are the only animals besides
/man / which can be taught distinctly
) to articulate and utter sentences ,
'which ' , though of course not understood -
; stood by the birds themselves , are
'none the less surprising to listen to.
FHANK J. CHENEY makes oath that he Is
the senior partner of the lirm of F. J.
CUENKV & Co. . doing business in the City of
Toledo , County and State aforesaid , and that
said firm will pav the sum of ONE HUN
DRED DOLLAHS for each and every case of
CATAHKII that cannot he cured hy the use of
Sworn to before me and subscribed in my
presence , this 6th day of December , A. D. ,
lSt > 0.
Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally and
nets directly on the blood nnu mucous sur
faces of the tyttem. Send for testimonials ,
free. F. J. CHENEY tt CO. , Toledo , O.
EggTSold by Druggists , ? 5c.
The woman in an imitation sealskin sack
is inclined to plush easily.
A man who hasn't religion .enough to hold
him level iu a horse trade needs more.
" \Vhat a beautiful thing a genuine un
washed "Rosebud" Indian must be.
Sweet l otatoc lor Mock.
A farmer v.bohnf cxpcrlmeniel withsweet
potatoes as stock food , claims that they can
not be Leatcn 1 y anv food tr"ed as. a milk
producer , ami that hogs fe on them fatten
luster thrn uheu fed on milk and corn. In
additon their well known tnlile qualities
make 'lic-m a vegetable well worth raising ,
especially as they are so easily grown.
The first thing a toper asks for In Japan is
a gin-rk-ksha.
The ringer who has a baritone voice and
tries to sing bass is a base hypocrite. .
.lira. WinsIoTT > sSoothlneSrrip , for Chil
dren tucthlcz , softens the tutus , reduces In3amma-
, cures -wind colic. 25c a bottle.
A small boy is not necessarily impecunious
because be is strapped.
I cheerfully recommend Salvation' Oil for
. .chilblains and sprains. We have tcated it at
home for these troubles , and three applica
tions gave entire relief * in each case. It's
.the boss liniment.
J. J. NORFOLK , ( of J. J. Norfolk & Bro. , )
60 e. Charles St. , Balto. , Md.
A Poor Debtor' * Hard Fate.
In a certain county in the eastern
part of the state there is a case com
ing under the poor debtor law. A
man was arrested on execution for
debt and thrown into jail. He was
stubborn and refused to pay , so the
creditor kept him behind the bars ,
paying his board at $2 a week. When
six months hid expired the prisoner
came to the conclusion that he would
disclose , but in order to do this he
must , under the old law , which pre
vailed when ho was arrested , pay all
the costs of disclosure and expenses.
He was unable to do this , as he had no
funds , and the consequence was that
he remained in jail , where he has now
been residing several" years , his board
still being paid by the creditor. It is
said that the latter is determined to
keep the fellow in prison , and has
gone so far as to set aside $2,000 in
his will to board the man after his
death. Lewiston Journal.
Next to petting mairicd , probably the most
important duty the ordinary man has to per
form in a life-time is to run for a bottle of
Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup when the baby has
the croup.
A Boy's Great Itcnire.
There is a little boy up town who
was 8 years old a few days ago. He
has so many things more than any lit
tle 8-year-old needs or wants that his
indulgent mamma finally said to him in
perplexity : "Harold , I really don't
know what to get you for your birth
day , and I think I shall let you choose
this time what it shall be. Now you
may say just whatyou would like most
to do or have , and you shall have it. "
Just what I want to do ? " queried
' Yes , for this one day. "
' 'Then I don't want to have any
thing , mamma ; but I do want to do
just one thing awfully , if you'll let me.
I want to put on some ragged clothes
and go all alone out in the streets and
lick a Mick. I know I can. "
And he did. New York Sun.
Protect Your Health.
Cold and moisture combined have a torporising
effect upon the bodily organs , and the digestive
and secretive processes are apt to be more tardily
performed in winter than in the fall. The same
is true , also , of the escretory functions. The
bowels are often sluggish , and the pores of the
skin throw off but little waste matter at this sea
son. The system , therefore , requires opening up
a little , and also purifying and regulating , and
the safct , surest and most thorough tonic and
alterative that can be used for these purposes is
Hosteller's Stomach Bitters. Persons who wish
to escape the rheumatic twinges , the dyspeptic
agonies , the painful disturbances of the bowels ,
the bilious attacks , and { he nervous visitations.
so common at this time of the veir , will do well
to reinforce their systems with this renowned
vegetable stomachic and invigorant , II improves
the appetite , strengthens the stomach , cheers the
spirits , and renovates the whole physique.
That which Is called cynicism is often only
disagreeable truth.
A man never gets so poor that he can't
borrow trouble without security.
Galveston is the coming sea port of the
south and invites the north to visit here ,
February otb. to 10th , during her grand
celebration. _
"Habit makes the man , " but the ninth
part of a man makes the habit.
" 'BROWN'S BiioxcniAij TROCHES'
are ex
cellent for the relief of Hoarseness or Sore
Throat. They are exceedingly effective. "
Christian World , London , Eng.
Faith , hope and charity the loan of an
umbrella. _
The Galveston Mardi-Gras , February 5th
to 10th , will be the grandest celebration ever
held iu the south.
An honest man pays up. The other kind
has to pay down. _
When Baby -was sick , wo gave her Castorhs
When she was a Child , she cried for Castoria ,
When she became Miss , she clung to Castoria ,
When she had Children , she gave them Castoria ,
The pugilists are the fellows who make
their money hand over fist.
SWEDISH ASTHMA CURE never fails. Send
vour address. Trial packace mailed free.
Collins Brothers' Drug Co. , St. Louis , } fo.
Ignorance of the law excuses no one ex
cept the lawyer.
Tke OBlj'Shoe Factory In Omaha.
W. V. Morsd & Co.'a Men's , Wom
en's and Children's medium and fine
grades of shoes , made in our large fac
tory in Omaha , 4Neb. Ask your store ,
keeper for this brand ; TUKY are the best.
W. V. Morse & Co. have the ONLY
shoe factory in Omaha , so when the
merchant deals with this firm he kuows
he is buying from first hands , and at
In one year , we have made so good
a reputation for our "Morse's School
Shoes" that wo have been compelled
to make other important lines.
Merchants If you want shoes that
will wear ! That will fit ! That will
please your customers , send your or
ders to W. V. Morse & Co. , Omaha ,
any one finding a piece of shoddy in
any of our own make of goods.
We only sell to merchants.
W. V. MOUSE & Co. ,
Omaha , Neb.
Due to Neglect oftlic Voice.
The result of widespread neglect to
train men and women to good reading
and speaking is apparent in the very
disagreeable voices which are heard
upon side. In a fashionable parlor
the women's voices when taken in con
cert are often a perfect babel of un
musical and irritating sounds , while
those of the men are very little better.
Yet all of this might easily be over
come by systematic and judicious at
tention to the laws governing gentle ,
well articulated and refined speech.
Jenness-Miiler Magazine.
Many people think that the \\ord "Bitters"
can be used only in connection \\Ith an intoxicating
toxicating beve'rage. Tins is a mistake , as
the Lest remedy for all diseases oi the blood ,
liver , kidneys , etc. , is Prickly Ash Bitters.
It is purely a medicine and every article used
in Its manufacture Is of vegetable origin of
known curative qualities.
The lot of the real estate dealer is good or
bad according to location.
Garlicld Tea is Guaranteed. If not satis
factory return package and KO' money back. Cures
sick headache.
It is rations the Indians want , not orations.
If you want to see something fine , see
Galveston ilardi-Gras illustrated hangers.
The man who can't sing and hasa baby is
usually made to sing.
used ,
according to
.fllRECHDNS wiUi eacr BflTTLE
I'ositivelycurcd by
these Little Pills.
They also relieve DiS'
tress fromDyspepnia.In- ,
diges tlon and TooHeart y
ITTLE Eating. A. perfect rem
edy for DizzinesaNaiiBea
IVER Drowsiness , Bad Taste
in the Month , Coated
TonguePain in the Side.
regulate the Bowels.
Purely Vegetable.
Price 25 Cents.
Small Pill , Small Dose , Small Price ,
91. Iff. GARTEN , M. ID. ,
Graduate of Rush Medical College , 1871. Illi-
rtoise Eye and Ear Infirmary , 1884. New York
Polyclinic , 1SS9. Glasses fitted. Artificial Eyes
in Stock.
1104 O Street , LINCOLN , NEB.
IS handsome actresses In ti liln
Mill liRiin1'repaid for Jtc.
CiibinpiMze. J. Jt. llny t'o. ,
.Box 1WX ) . S-tii Francisco , UaL
n JTO iH ST O can have smaller feet , Solid
fc W K C ? comfort. Pamphlet free. Sara-
pic pkx. . lOc. The Pedinc Co. , New 1'ork.
is a question of vital importance ,
but it is equally important that you
use some harmless remedy ;
many people completely wreck their health
by taking mercury and potash mixtures ,
for pimples and blotches , or some other
trivial disease. S. S. S. is purely
vegetable containing no mercury
or poison of any kind. And is at the
same time an infallible cure for skin diseases.
Treatise on Blood and Skin diseases free.
THE ORIGINAL AND GENUINE. The only Safe , Sure , and reliable Pill for tale.
Ladle * , ult Drngrlit far CJkiekeirer' * EnglUh Diamond Brand In l e < l tnd Gold metallic
boxes imlrd with bice ribbon. Take no other kind. Refute SutttituUtnt ani Imitcttoiu.
Ml pill tn pasteboard twie * . pinU wrapperi. are dancerou * counterfeit * . At Dnicjlit. . or imd n
4 < ? . In ump pnrtleulnn. tc ilmonlali , and , . "ItelTef . . for Ladle * . " tn letter , . br return Mall.
K'.OOO Tr timoni l . Xame Paper. CHICHESTCR CHEMICAL Co. , Mi ,11. A"uri' on Square.
Sold br all LocM " I'lIlLAOELHlIlA. I A.
P I S Q fj3gjH ;
Best Cough. Medicine. Recommended by Physicians.
Cures -where all else fails. Pleasant and agreeable to the
taste. Children take -without objection. By druggists.
60.000. .BUS ,
& peculiar fact with1 refer
ence to Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery is , that ,
unlike sarsaparillas and other
blood medicines , which are
said to be good for the blood
in March , April and May , the
" Discovery " works equally
well all the year round and
in all cases of blood-taints or
humors , no matter what their
name or nature.
It's the cheapest blood-
purifier sold through drug
Why ? Because it's sold
on a peculiar plan , and you
only pay for the good you
Can you ask more ?
" Golden Medical Discov
ery" is a concentrated vege
table extract , put up in large
bottles ; contains no alcohol
to inebriate , no syrup or
sugar to derange digestion ;
is pleasant to the taste , and
equally good for adults or
The " Discovery " cures all
Skin , Scalp and Scrofulous
affections , as Eczema , Tetter ,
Salt-rheum , Fever-sores , White
Swellings , Hip - joint disease
and kindred ailments.
FOR ONE DOIiT An sent us by mall , - wowill
deliver , free of all cliirtcs. to any person In the
United States , all the following artlcluaJarefully
packed In u neat box :
One two-ounce Dottle of Pnro Vaseline 10 eta.
One two-ounce buttle Yascllno Poiuuclo ] . " > cts.
Onejar of Vaseline Cold Cream . 15 eta.
One cake of Vaseline Camphor Ice . 10 cts.
One cakoof VaHClIne Soap , undented. . . . 10 cts.
One cake of Vaseline Soup , scented . 25 cts.
One two-ouncu bottle of White Vaseline 25 cts.
- tl.10
Or for stamps any single article nt the price.
If you have occasion to use Vaseline In any form
bocareful toacceptonly KCnulnoKOOdsputupbyus
In original packages. A great many driifiglstH are
try ing to persuade buyers to take VASKLINK put
up by them. Never yield to such persuasion , as the
article Is an Imitation without value , nnd will not
ftlvo yon the result you expect. A bottle of Blue
Seal Vaseline Is sold by all drupglsts at ten cents.
CIIESEIir.OUCH JlTp. To. , ZlSlaCe St. , Ssw York.
Prettiest BOOK
Ever Printed.
8IH. { . 8 | cheapasdirt
JLLiJLjiyby oz. & tt > .
Onecentapkg. Up if rare.
Cheap.pure.bcst. 1000 000 extras.
Beautiful Illustrated Catalogue free.
It. II. Shumway. Bockford , 111.
1 cd on the shares. No experience
required. Directions for sprouting free. Address.
T. J. SKIHHER , Columbus , Kansas.
Battery & Optical Co.
A victim ot youth
ful Imprudence , causing1 Premature Decay , Nervous
Debility. I.ost Manhood , < 5tc. , havmp tried In vain cvcrv
Sow to win at Cards
ce , etc. AEUietbintr.Bentfrceto
anyonoonn.'celpt.oflc.ttampstopay ,
postage. Address or call in person/
1 > AM SUIDAII , 2i Union bquare , N. Y.
, _ 1 1Vu , ltiii ton , JJ. C.
'Successfully Prosecutes Claims.
I Late Principal Examiner U. 8 Pension Bureau.
1 3 yrs la Ust. war. IS adj udicatlug claims , atty aluco.
TEHTS AMD AWNIMGS &ns-coHv eSstoaJlcd. ?
men'i Bed Sheets. Caniji'n ? OtirtW . Ollclothinir and
all kinds of Canvas poods , OMAHA TENT AKD AWN
ING CO. , 1113 Farnara St. , Omaha , Neb
AMES , Madison , Wis.
- | | ;
add'css , we will mail trial UUfl &l BOTTLE e" 3 BF ET
$100 or Jl.OOO Carefully Invested inn ?
here bring Annually from twenty lUUo
ts. Teot us. TACOJII ISVESTMENT Co. , Tacoma , AVash
How to Learn Modern Languages
Without cost. Address Linguist , Hartsdalc , N. T.
ft A RARE FEMALE PHOTOS ylterJg.'fea-n P ,
ft IlTiJecrSulAWictMGtrlan4tieArtcflorniii T Uinj. l\
III All tbe boT.Kit - Mcurtlj packfd wui Urp UlostnUrt n-/l\J
J Vlofcr25c.iilien A < unn , Box 4 , Llnoola P ik , S. J. * " '
C write for terms. $3 Sample Corset free to
Cd Asts. lew > 3SchieIe&Co..3il ! B'way.N Y
OC.OO Genuine JIitntl-Hownil , an olegantiuu ) *
* * etylUh dress shoo which commends Itself.
8 .00 Haml-Ho\ve < nvelt. A flnocnlf ahooun- '
equalled for Style andrturnbllltr. ,
8O.50lGootlyear Welt U the standard drea
* ? Shoo , nt a populiiprice. .
89.50 i'ollcemaii'a Shoo la especially adapted
" for railroad men , farmers , etc.
All random Congre < ! i , Itutton and Laco.
SO. 00 for Ladles , la the only haiid-aewcd
* J shoo sold at this popular prlto.
SO. 50 llijiigola .Shoo for I.udlex , iHancwdo-
nurture und promises to become popular.
Po.OO.Sliooforl.iulles , iuiil31.75forNIsne3
. . stl11 rct < lln 'olr excellence forstjrlc.otc.
AH RocxN warranted and Ktampvclwlthnamoou bottom.
X advertised local agent runnot npply Tou , onftillrcct
tlaed uriraor a postal foror.
ferblanki. . W. f , . TWfU U.AS , lirockton. Masn.
Wholesale and Jtetajl dealers and 3/cmu-
factnrers of
Carry a complete assortment of
everything in their line , from the very
cheapest to the best.
We manufacture a greater part of
stock , especially for our retail trade ,
and are selling goods at the very low
est prices consistent with good work
When you visit Omaha you are in
vited to call and look through our
stock whether you wish to purchase
or not.
Carpets , Curtans and Window Dra
peries at the lowest prices.
Special inducements made to hotels
or people furnishing houses through
1206-1208-1210 Farnam St ; , Omaha.
u all personKiio tend lOc. ulTtt
Ithln the next 30 dajs we ! &
nd a package containing all th
'ollowln ; : 32 complete Lore Stories
iy popular author ] . Set of Dom-
, 15 Portrait ! of Female Celeb-
, DicriOMAcr or DBZAHI , 29
, J3t Conundrums , 275 Autograph
Album Selections. 67 Magical experiments. Lot en'
Telexrapb , Guide to Flirtation , Golden \Vbe l For
tune TeLir , Maslo & lljitio ARC tables. Game of
Authors 13 pieces with full directions , 2 Mori *
Telesraph Alphabets , 11 Parlor Games , Calendar
for current year , Game * of Shadow Buff , Letten ,
etc. , the Deaf and Dumb Alphabet. Send lOc. sil
ver at once and reeelre thli BIO BARGAIN.
Address , NASSAU CO. , 5 & 60 Helton St. If. Y.
leading remedy lor all th
unnatural discharges and
private diseases ol men. A.
certain euro for the debllt *
taringweakness peculiar
to women. . . . .
Jprescribeltandfeelsaf *
Biwn With High Prices. "
Top Busrrles , $85.00 Harness $ T.BO
BoadCarts..10.00 Wagons,30.00
95.00 Family or-Store Scale. 1.00
A240-lb.Farmers' Scale. . . . 3.00
4000 lb. Hay or Stock Scale. . . < oxo
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