The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 23, 1891, Image 8

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Commissioners' Proceedings.
Indfanola , Neb. , .Ian. 10th , 1891. f
Doard of county commissioners met pur
suant to adjournment , full board present.
Minutes of previous mooting read and ap
The hoard having made a careful examina
tion of the accounts of Willis Goseard , ox-
county treasurer of Red Willow county , Ne
braska , find that the following statement is a
just and correct adjustment of his accounts
from Ju ly 1st , 1890 , to the 7th day of January ,
1891 , both inclusive.
Ro-capltulatlon showing tbo amount on
band July 1st , 1890. the collections since made ,
warrants redeemed , and amount remaining
on hand at the close of the 7th day of January.
1891 , in each and all of the several funds and
accounts of Willis Gossard , Treasurer of Red
Willow county , Nebraska , together with the
total amounts of the several items stated.
Indianola. Neb. , Jan. 10th , 1891.
Received of tbo county commissioners of
Rod Willow county. Nebraska , eighty-eight
hundred sixty-eight and 57-100 dollars ( $8,863.-
57) ) funds belonging to Red Willow county.
Nebraska. W. T. HENTON ,
County Treasurer.
State General $ 1.592.20
StatoSinklng 1.52
State School 309.00
State University 119.58
State Capital 20.39
State Reform 45.22
State Insane 55.64
State Institute for Feeble Minded. . . . 39.98
State Live Stock Indemnity 5.37
School Land Lease 278.05
School Land Principal 1,539.38
School Laud Interest 618.70
County General 2,69.2.45
County Bridge 440.16
County Road 2T15.60
County Bond Interest 142.56
County School 9.31
District School 2,613.92
District School Bond 1,451.72
Road District * 217.03
Road Receipts
Redemption Tax Sale.- 91.83
Willow Grove Precinct Bond 102.96
North Valley Precinct Bond 204.80
Indianola Precinct Bond CO.OO
East Valley Precinct Bond 20.99
Perry Precinct Bond 27.10
Bartley Village Bond 37.82
McCookCity 16546
Indianola City 295.50
Bartley City 15.04
Soldiers'Relief . 3.32
Tax collections $4.095.60
Advertising 337.20
Interest 1,025.25
From 1887 Sinking 5.17
Transferred from bridge 3,000.00
Fee from Phillips 77.00
From Mather for desk 12.60
On motion the following claims were audit
ed and allowed und clerk directed to draw
warrants on county general fund , levy 1890.
as follows , to-wit :
J. P. Squires , work on road , claim $6.50 ,
allowed at $3.50
J.P. Squires , hauling bridge lumber 2.CO
Henry Crabtree , assisting county com. . . . 9.00
Isaiah Bennett , assisting county com 9.00
J. P. Squires , annual settlement road dis
trict No. 9 none
On motion board commenced making an
nual settlement with George W. Roper , coun
ty clerk.
On motion board adjourned to meet Jan.
12th. 1891. STEPHEN BOH.ES ,
Attest : Chairman.
Geo. W. Roper , Clerk.
January 12th , 1891.
Board of county commissioners met pur
suant to adjournment , full board present.
Minutes of previous meeting read and ap
Tbe board on motion continued settlement
with county clerk during the day.
On motion board adjourned to meet Jan.
13th , 1891. STEPHEN BOLUS ,
Attest : Chairman.
Geo. W. Roper , Clerk.
January 13tb , 1891.
Board of county commissioners met pur
suant to adjournment , full board present
Minutes of previous meeting read and ap
The board having made a careful examina
tion of the accounts of Geo. W. Roper , county
clerk , Red Willow county , Nebraska , find that
the following statement is a true and correct
adjustment of all fees received by him from
January 1st , 1890 , to December 31st , 1890 , both
inclusive , and on motion same was approved
Re-capitulation showing the amount of fees
received and the disbursements thereof from
January 1st , 1690 , to De"ember 31st , 1890 , by
Geo. W. Roper , county clerk.
Total amount of fees received from
Jan. 1st to June 30th , 1890 $1,573.34
Total amount of fees received from
July 1st to Dec. 31st , 1890 1.239.05
Total amount of fees received during'
the year 2.802.39
Clerk's salary for the year 1890 $1,500.00
Deputy clerk's salary for the year 1890 700.00
Assistant 000.00
Balance paid to co. trcas. Jan. 13,1891 , 2.39
J TOTAL 2,802.39
Due notice having been given by publication
in the Bartley Inter-Ocean that the board
would receive sealed bids for furnishing sta
tionery and office supplies for the various
county officers as required by law.
The bourd on motion proceeds to open and
examine the various bids on lilo and on
motion all bids in regard to furnishing sup
plies were rejected.
Oa motion tbe various county officers were
instructed to purchase supplies where the
same can bo got cheapest , to patronize home
institutions as far as possible , and to furnish
the county clerk with a duplicate of each or
der , showing articles ordered and price of
On motion the following resolutions were
approved :
BE IT RESOLVED. That whereas S. R. Smith
and Frank H. Strout pretend to represent tbe
county commissioners of this county as attor
neys for said county commissioners in an ac
tion now pending in the supreme court of the
state of Nebraska , wherein the state of .Ne
braska on the relation or Justin A. Wilcoz is
plaintiff and the county commissioners of said
county are defendants. '
8. B. Smith and Frank H. Strout are acting
without thf consent or authority of this board
audthey arc hereby notifled that they arc not
authorized to appear or In anywise represent
this board In anld action. It is further resolved -
solved that , no expenses for attorney's fees
shall bo In any manner Incurred without the
procurement of the county attorney and the
consent of this board. Be It resolved further
that H. M. Snavely while acting as attorney
In the defense of the county commissioners
In the supreme court of the state of Nebraska
In the mutter of the relation of Justin A. Wilcox -
cox as plaintiff and the commissioners of this
county as defendants was acting in the capac
ity of county attorney In and by virtue of his
office as said county attorney , therefore be It
resolved that said R. M. Snavely Is not enti
tled to any pay or fees outside of his regular
salary as county attorney In the defense of
said county commissioners In the above entl.
tied case and that said R. M. Snavely is by
this board of county commissioners now dls
charged from any further action in said case.
On consideration of the estimates of the
necessary expenses of the county during the
ensuing year. On motion the estimate of the
same for the year 1891 was fixed upon ns fol
lows , to-wlt :
County general fund $18,000.00
bridgofund 7.000.00
roadfund 7.000.00
insane fund 1,50000
bond interest fund 1.500.00
Indianola precinct bond interest fund 200.00
N. Valley precinct bond interest fund 900.00
E. Valley precinct bond Interestf und 100.00
W. Grove precinct bond interest fund 600.00
Hartley village bond Interest fund. . . UOO.OO
Soldiers' relief commission 500.00
On motion the following precinct officers
were appointed to fill vacancy and their bonds
examined and approved , viz :
J. A. Everist , constable for Beaver precinct.
W. It. Burbridge , J. P. Beaver precinct.
On motion James W. Wingate was appoint ,
ed overseer road districts ? , to flll vacancy.
Application of W. T. Henton , county treas
urer , asking for deputy for the year 1891 read
and considered. On motion granted , provid
ed the amount of fees exceed the amount al
lowed by law.
Application of George W. Roper , county
clerk , asking for deputy and assistant for the
year 1891 read and considered. On motion
granted , allowing one deputy at 5700 and one
assistant at ? ( JOO per annum.
On motion the following claims were audit
ed and allowed and clerk directed to draw
warrants on county general fund , levy 189C.
as follows , to-wit :
Geo. W. Jarvis. work on roads $ 1.25
State Journal Co.blanks clerk dist. court 11.55
Q. W. Curfmau. med. attend. Frank Vore 8.00
S. H. Colviu. rent house for Mrs. Purdy. . . 8.00
On motion board adjourned to meet Jan ,
14th. 1891. STEPHEN BOLLES ,
Attest : chairman.
Geo. W. Roper , Clerk.
January 14tb , 1891.
Board of county commissioners met pur
suant to adjournment , full board present.
Minutes of previous meeting read and ap
On motion W.N. Downs was appointed over
seer road district 15 and bis bond approved.
On motion the following claims were audit
ed and allowed and clerk directed to draw
warrants on county general fund , levy 1890 ,
as follows , to-wit :
Joseph Junker , overseer district 22 § 22.13
W. N. Downs , overseer district 15 14.82
W. Gossard , tax refunded G.W. Curfman 3.00
Charles Colling , flour for aid store 26.00
C. W. Hodgkin , county commissioner. . . . 18.60
Stephen Bollcs , county commissioner 32.40
S. S. Graham , county commissioner 19.20
C. W. Hodgkin , repairs on building 1.00
Written notice having been given the
various newspapers published in Red Willow
county that this board would receive sealed
bids for publishing the proceedings of this
board at one P. M. to-day. The board on
motion proceeded to open and consider all
bids on file and on motion the bid of THE Mc-
COOK TRIBUNE was accepted , which bid is as
follows , to-wit :
Indianola , Neb. , Jan. 14th , 1891.
To the Hon. County Commissioners : I will
do all the printing , except tax list , for noth
ing. F. M. KiMMELL , Pub. TRIBUNE.
On motion the following claim was laid over
until next meeting :
Duncan Bros. , mdse. for poor. $7.30
On motion board adjourned to meet Feb.
19th , 1891. STEPHEN BOLLES ,
Attest : Chairman.
Geo. W. Roper , ( Uerk.
A Scrap of Paper Saves Her Life.
It was just an ordinary scrap of wrapping
paper , but it saved her life. She was in the
last stages of consumption , told by physicians
that she was incurable and could live only a
short time ; she weighed less than seventy
pounds. On a piece of wrapping pacer she
read of Dr. King's New Discovery , and got a
sample bottle ; it helped her , she bought a
large bottle , it helped her more , bought
another and grew better fast , continued its
use and is now strong , healthy , rosy , plump ,
weighing 140 pounds. For fuller particulars
send stamp to W. H. Cole , druggist. Fort
Smith. Trial bottles of this wonderful discov
ery free at A. McMillan's drug store. 34.
Buck/en's Arnica Salve.
THE BEST SALVE in the worldfor cuts , bruis
es , sores , ulcers , salt rheum , fever sores , tet
ter , chapped hands , chilblains , corns , and all
skin eruptions , and positively cures piles , erne
no pay required. It is guaranteed to give per
fect satisfaction , or money refunded. Price
23 cents per box. For sale by A. McMillen.
A Word in Season.
The barking of a pack of hounds may be mu
sic , but the barking of the human family is
certainly discord. Stop that cough with Hum
phreys' Specific No. Seven.
Itch on human and horses and all animals
cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's Sanitary
Lotion. This never fails. Sold by L. W. McConnell -
Connell & Co. , Druggists , McCook. 30-lyr.
At the regular annual meeting of the Board
of County Commissioners held January 13th.
1891. the following estimate was made of nee
essary expences of the County of Red Willow
during the ensuing year , viz , 1891 :
County general fund , $18.000
" bridge-fund , 7.000
" roadfund 7.000
" insane fund 1.500
" county bond interest fund 1,500
ndianola precinct bond interest fund , . . 200
forth Valley precinct bond Interest fund , 900
3ast Valley precinct bond interest fund , 100
YillowGrove precinct bond interest fund 500
hartley Village precinct bond interest f d 300
Soldiers relief commission 500
35-4t. By Geo. W. Roper , County Clerk.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria ?
Gaovxs , the playwright
and author of "Our Boarding Horue , "
wean a scarf-pin made of three suicide
THB rattlesnake rattle pin of ArtbW
Wftllack has been seen by everybody
who is acquainted with him. There are
four buttons and a rattle.
BABOX HUPMAW is very fond of a fac
simile of the student cap worn by his
corps in Heidelberg. The Baron won
the pin from his corps in a saber duel.
CHARLES STEVENSON , husband of Kate
Claxton , wears an amethyst face with
pearl edgings , which was presented to
him by members of the Lamb's Club.
H. M. SLATEB would not part with
the little splinter of a gun barrel which
he carried in his side for years and now
wears in his tie for any sum of money.
JULIUS NATHAN wears a diamond
rooster , and he has been known to re
mark that it glittered on good financial
days and appeared dim when money
was tight.
Y. M. ONDERDONK , known as young
Mr. Onderdonk , wears a pair of crossed
sabers. They are made of porcupine
quills , and each has a basket hilt of
woven gold.
CECIL BABRINGTON is very proud of a
cameo in jasper and beryl , an odd com
bination which George Montague , late
Viscount Mandeville and now Duke of
Manchester , gave him.
CHARLEY JENKINS , ex-commodore of
the Larchmont Yacht Club , wears in his
neck-tie a green carbuncle which he
brought from Burmah , where he spent
nearly two years. The stone is valua
ble and unique.
Crro. ONATIVIA , who poses as Berry
Wall's successor in the dudeship
kingdom , wears three pink pearls on a
circle of gold. The pin is rich looking
and its owner clzfims that the proverbial
good luck of pink pearls has followed it.
J. G. B. THUMMEL-CLOETE , a journalist
who was with the French in Tonquin ,
was shot by a Chinese soldier and part
of his splintered shoulder was extracted
by the surgeon. He wears his shoulder
blade on his breast , where , gold
mounted , it shines in his black scarf.
MRS. HARRISON thinks every woman
should be allowed some settled amount
for her household as well as her per
sonal expenses.
lieve in a regular allowance and dislikes
keeping accounts. She prefers to bo al
lowed all the money she needs and no
questions asked.
MRS. JUSTICE FIELD is positive in her
views that every woman should be al
lowed a regular income , without which ,
she asserts , there can be no real domes-
tie comfort.
siders the question one of vital impor
tance , and declares that more than half
of our unhappy marriages are the direct
result of this neglect.
that the importance of trusting a wife
with a regular sum , according to the
means of the individual , is too obvious
to be considered for a moment.
MRS. SENATOR DOLPH thinks that the
wife who receives a regular allowance
is more economical , and that the hus
band can better calculate his yearly ex
penses , thereby benefitting both.
"No WOMAN should be compelled or
expected to ask her husband for every
cent she spends , " declares Mrs. Robert
P. Porter , wife of the census commis
sioner. "It puts her in a false and
humiliating position. "
"By all means , " says Mrs. William
W. Morrow , wife of Representative
Morrow , "should women possess an
annual allowance. How can a wife
keep things running smoothly unless
she knows just what she has to depend
upon ? "
THE Princess of Wales is forty-nine
years old and wears a number sis shoe.
THE Prince of Wales has a cabinet
containing copies of every style of pho
tograph ever taken of himself.
THE private correspondence of the
Prince of Wales is something enormous.
He is said to receive four tunes as many
letters a day as does the President of
the United States.
PERHAPS it is not generally known
that the Prince of Wales is a collector
of dogs. He is very fond of the canine
tribe , and , among others , possesses some
dogs with black tongues.
THE Sandringham parties given by
the Prince of Wales are of two kinds.
Grave and reverend personages are in
vited from Saturday until Monday ,
while royalties and members of the
Marlborough house "set" come from
Monday until Saturday.
THE English dinner-hour has been
getting later during the whole of the
present century. When the Queen mar
ried it was seven o'clock. She now
dines at nine. The Prince of Wales' ef
fort to turning it back to half past seven
is supplemented by an appeal for danc
ing to begin at nine , to be finished at
FOR nausea , lay a little pounded ice
on the back of the neck.
FOB an aching tooth , saturate a piece
of cotton with ammonia and lay it on
the tooth.
IT is reported that a diet of fresh
sweet buttermilk has been often found
favorable , and even effectual , to the
cure of Bright's disease.
FOB stomach worms in a child , mix
one teaspoonful of powdered sage in
two tablespoonfuls of molasses , and
give a teaspoonful every morning.
THE milk and pulp of the cocoanut
are such uninviting food to the tape
worm that when a man lives upon
them for awhile , Mr. Worm gets dis
gusted and quits. So says Prof. Paresi ,
of Athens.
A VERY good substitute for castor oil ,
for use in young children , is the
aromatic syrup of rhubarb. This con-
tarns about one-half as much rhubarb
as the aromatic tincture. The dose of
the aromatic syrup is one teaspoonful
for a child about one year old.
[ J
We want to make room for our
Will Sell Goods Regardless of Gost !
BOYS' KNEE PANTS , : : .50
BOYS' SUITS FOR : : : 1.28
tirst National
$100.000. $60,000.
GEORGE HOCKNELL , President. B. M. FREES , Vice President. W.F. LAWSON , Cashier.
A. CAMPBELL , Director. . S. L. GREEN , Director.
The Citizens Bank of McGook ,
Incorporated under State Laws.
Paid Up Capital , $5OOOO.
General Banking Business ,
- - Collections made on all accessible points. Drafts drawn
f ? " directly on principal cities in Europe. Taxes paid
-f ; ' . for non-residents. Money to loan on farming
j = L l lands , city and personal property.
Iff Tickets For Sale to and from Europe
V. FJJANKLIN , President. OFFICERS JOHN B. : CLABK , Vice Pres.
A. C. EBERT , Casluer. THOS. I. GLASSCOTT , Ass. Cash.
The First National Bank CORRESPONDENTS , Lincoln Nebrska. :
The Chemical National Bank , New York City.
Paid Up Capital , $5OOOO.
General Banking Business
Interest paid on deposits by special agreement.
Money loaned on personal property , good signatures
or satisfactory collateral.
Drafts drawn on the principal cities of the United
States and Europe.
C.E. SHAW , President H. O. WAIT , Vice President.
P. A. WELLS , Cashier.