L , LOWMAN & SON. SPECIAL SALE. MEN'S SUITS FOR : : $4.OO EN'S PANTS" FOR : : l.SO BOYS' SUITS FOR : : : 1.28 BOYS' KNEE PANTS5O : : OVERCOATS FOR. : : : 2.OO Remember that we are selling out our stock of clothing * at least 25 PER GENT BELOW USUAL PRICE. CHILDREN'S WRAP LADIES' CLOAKS S.OO JACKETS FOR - 1.BO Our Entire Winter Stock ! COMFORTERS and BLANKETS at cent 25 We want to reduce our stock , and we I sell accordingly. HEMP CARPETS SO per yd. Other Carpets at low figures. Holi day Goods cheaper than the cheapest. ONLY 50 % A YEAR ERE T4LKS WILL SOON APPEAR * ยง M bwa OUlTM ANY CONTRIBUTORS . MI tfT D M. . . CAfticT * * , BISHOP VINCKNT. CHUT Hunnurr * * THE BRODIX FUBLISHINQ Co , , CwiTED.WASHINGTON. . D. C. SUBSCRIBE ! FOR THE McCOOK TRIBUNE , $1.50 PER YEAR , SOUTH SIDE SAUCE. James Hill was a Culbertson visitor , last Friday. Irrigation is the topic of general conversa tion. Col. C. H. Jacobs was a county-seat visitor , Tuesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Huntington visited Sou th Side friends last week. James Kilpatrick came down from Denver , Saturday , to renew acquaintanceship with his family. James Robertson and Henry Fickens attend ed the county Alliance meeting at Jndianola , Saturday. UNO. BANKSVILLE BUDGET. " The weather continues fair and pleasant and bard to beat. It is very dry gathering news in these parts as there is nobody killed and through scarcity of material no chance for elopement. Mr. and his neighbor Air. haye been having a little scrap about stock And stock damage , but we have not heard of any bones being broken yet , nor the report of musketry and suppose as quiet reigns that the matter is settled. The Alliance is booming in Grant'and it seems that the farmers are bound to organize and try and get their work in on an equal footing with the other Industries. Give 'em room , if you don't they will take it. The most votes make the majority. OBSERVER. Pain Unnecessary in Childbirth. Pain is no longer necessary in childbirth. Its causes , being understood , are easily over come. Any woman may now become a moth er without Buffering-any pain whatever , the labor being made short , easy , and free from danger. Morning sickness , swelled limbs , and all other like evils can be readily controlled , and all female diseases speedily cured. Phy sicians pronounce it a wonderful discovery. Never known to fail. 20,000 ladies attest its merits. Cut this out ; it may save your life. Suffer not a day longer , but send us two 2-cent stamps , and receive in sealed envelope full particulars , testimonials , confidential letter , etc. Address. FRANK THOMAS & Co. , Balti more , Maryland. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. THE BEST SALVE in the world for cuts , bruis es , sores , ulcers , salt rheum , fever sores , tet ter , chapped bands , chilblains , corns , and all skin eruptions , and positively cures piles , erne no pay required. It is guaranteed to give per fect satisfaction , or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by A. McMilIen. A Word in Season. The barking of a pack of hounds may be mu sic , but the barking of the human family is certainly discord. Stop that cough with Hum phreys' Specific No. Seven. A SB * Uea embraced in Ely's Cream Balm. Catarrh is cured by cleansing and healing , not by drying up. It is not a liquid or snuff , but is easily applied into the nostrils. Its effect is magical and a thorough treatment will cure the worst cases. Price 50 cents. With Ely's Cream Balm a child can be treated without pain or dread and with perfect safety. Try the remedy. It cures catarrh , hay fever and colds in the head. It is easily applied into the nostrils and gives relief with the first ap plication. Price 50 cents. FROM THE COUNTY SEAT Epitome of the Week's Events at the Seat of County Affairs. Joe Goggles , the Irrepressible , Spociu News and Society Reporter. S. S.Grahaui was in townWednesday Deputy Sheriff Banks was in this city Tuesday. Sheriff McCool is strongly inclinei Missouri-ward. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hand are expect cd back this week. Frank Untiedt has secured a positioi * with Lerch & Wadsworth. Mr. and Mrs. Dr. F. M.Bskey will re turn about the 12th of this month. M. Y. Starbuck was viewing the grea yellow ocre mine on Monday , the 5th. The report that J. S. Phillips intends moving to Denveris withoutfoundation County Treasurer Henton came over to the hub bright and early on Monday morning. Attorney Suavely will go to Denver in a few days to attend a railroad case he has in that city. Since "Bob" Thomas let his whiskers grow he talks politics more mysterious ly than ever before. Daniel J. Ilichman has sold his house and lot in this city for the snug sum o ; one thousand dollars. We understand that Russell & Wads worth have sold their business at this place to a stock company. Union meetings are being held , this week , at the Congregational and M. E churches , with good attendance each evening. We have a wolf chase every day on the common east of town. The sport is just about as hard on the dogs as on the wolf. The business of teaching the young idea how to shoot is running along very nicely at the commodious brick in the west part ot town. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Uhren's young est child , aged 3 months , died Monday , 5th inst. , and was buried in the Catho lic cemetery at this place. In a letter to Attorney Starr , A. J. Eittenhouse tells of his having moved from Seattle to Whatcom , another coast town , and that he is now sailing along in great shape. We put it very mildly in saying that there was some tall swearing at the turn election matters took at the seatof county affairs on the 5th day of Janua ry , A. D. , 1891. Old Mr. Teel , father of the Teel boys , well and favorably known in this and Frontier counties , died last Friday very suddenly. He was buried in the In- dianola cemetery. William H. Smith of Missouri Ridge precinct is circulating a petition for the appointment of F. M. at Indianola. Judging from some of the names that appear on his petition we think he will get there all right. Oliver S.VanDorn , the great TJ. L. P. orator and agitator of the east end , ad mitted that there might be six purchas able alliance members of the legislature and that Boyd would hold down the gubernatorial chair for the next term. The McCook Monitor , dated January 2d , reached this city on the morning of the 5th inst. If the Monitor man can only keep up his lick for a few weeks le will be a few hours ahead of THE TRIBUNE of a week later date. Brer Berry is a rusher when he gets his 'specs" on. One present mayor , Dr. Gr. T. Moore , las accepted a position in a dental office n an eastern city at an annual salary ot $1,000 , and will leave Indianola in about four weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Moore lave a host of friends in this city who will greatly regret their leaving , but rejoice in their good fortune. Postmaster Peterman will in a few days send in his resignation to the de triment at Washington , as it is bis ntention to move to Unionville , Mo. 3. Peterman is that kind of a man that s worth his weight in gold to a town , le is a captain in the working force vhich keeps everything moving. The Board of Directors of The Red billow County Cooperative Associa tion , Patrons of Husbandry , have ex tended a limited invitation to the Board of Directors of The Great Western Watch Company of Red Willow county. Nebraska , to meet them in secret and solemn session and discuss the import ant where-with-al question. Selah. The editor of the Bartley Long-Felt- Want was sedately moving along our yellow ochre boulevard * , last Saturday. Much exposure on the farm in asaidu- ous search for hayseed has tanned his once beautiful pink complexion into a deep bronze. The fact is that there is such a radical change in his appearance that the pulpit orators of Bartley know him not. What does the T.-D. man mean in his New Year greeting where he says , "Let us while seated in our comfortable homeswith , our families gathered about us , think of those * * * who are in need. " Charlie is known in the capital of Red Willow county as a single man. Sometimes in the course of human events a married man tries to impose upon a credulous public to the extent of passing as a single gentleman ; but for Charlie to deliberately class himself with those who are more or less bound in the holy bonds of wedlock is enough to cause one to pause and ask himself , "Do 1 see or do I dream ? " NoCharlie , you cant fool the dear people. Your high and extensive brow is not so heav ily draped with care as the married man's. The buttons on your Sunday clothes are all right. Your complexion indicates healthy digestive organs. You are never seen at the drug store buying soothing syrup or paregoric. Your in comings and outgoings are all in time. You have never bef3ii seen hurrying through the alleys at the midnight hour and no sleepy doctor has ever called out to you , ' -Hello , Barnes , is that you ? I'll be there in a minute. " Oh , no , you are not married nor a man of u family , and it is our sad-eyed duty to infonn you that the chances are about even that you ever will be. COTJET HOUSE NEWS. ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM THE LEGAL AND MATRIMONIAL MILL. DISTRICT COURT. 960. Frees & Hocknell Lumber Co. vs. J. S. Selby , filed Dec. 23 , petitiou in equity. 9G7. German Insurance Co. vs. Bertha Mey er et al , filed Dec. 27 , injunction. 968. Elijah DossermaD vs. Samuel P. Lyon , filed 29 , nttiichmcut. 670. Wm. McUallum vs. Simeon Billings et ux , Dec. 23 , transcript of judgment for S25.301 969. Hall , Cochran & Co. vs. L. A. Pierce , ap peal from county court. 970. Stork & Moslur vs. Andrew J. Keeves et al , foreclosure of mortgage. COUNTY COURT. John Gerboth vs. Richard Kyan , continued to February term. George W. Burt vs. William T. Henton , con tinued until February 16th. Isaiah Bennett vs. Charles W.Hodgkin. con tinued until February 16th. Albert Stegman vs. Red Willow County As sociation etal , continued until February term. Joseph McBrayer has been appointed guar dian of Clarence McBrayer , a minor. Frank H. Strout has been appointed admin- strator of the estate of Charles S. Barton. Charles W. Hodgkin , county commissioner- elect , has filed his official bond which has been approved. Angeline Johnson has petitioned to have her lomestead right assigned to her from the homestead owned by her deceased husband. BRIDAL BULLETIN. James T. Davis , age 23 , Lawrence , Kansas. Rebecca M. Gerboth , age 18 , McCook. Neb. Ashel M. Tupper. age 23 , Indianola , Neb. Hattie Blake , age 17 , Indianola , Neb. Married by Judge Key03 , Jan. 1st , 1S91. George O. Harding , age 37. Cambridge , Neb. Florence A. Rogers , age 17 , Cambridge , Neb. Married by Judge Keyes , Dec. 30th. 1890. Miss Eva Boyston , of Bennett , Neb. , was he guest of O. C. Teel and wife this week. She left the fore part of the week for Mc- Coofe. Ked Cloud Chief. James Arnold of Box Elder made proof before the local officers , on Saturday last. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Divine service at 11 o'clock , A. M. , and :30. P. M. , every Sabbath. Sunday school at 0 o'clock , A. 51. . central time. Prayer meet- ng , Wednesday evenings at 7:30. central time. All persons are cordially invited to these ser- ices. P. S. MATHER. Pastor. BETWEEN twenty and thirty jhousand pensioners died last year. Complaints concerning the noney paid old soldiers will grow ess and less as the years roll on , and not many years hence the people will be proud of what the government has clone for her de- 'enders. ONE way of putting it is that the country hasn't enough money to do ts business. Another way might 36 that the country has too many corporations for its money. Now that the Nebraska Nation al guard has been turned loose on he Sioux they will need at least an addition ghost shirt or a sliroud. We hope to be able to tell you all about it , next week ! A. F. MOOKK. JNO. It. HART , MOOKE&HAIU' , ATTORNEYS - : - AT - : - LAV , MCCOOK. - - NEIWASKA. 63TW1I1 practice In the Sttito mid Federal Courts and before the U.S. Land Olllco. OOlco over Famous. ClothlnirCo. Store. C. H. BOYLE , , LAND - > ATTORNEY , Six years experience In Gov. eminent Land Ctiscs. Real Estate , Loans & Insurance , NOTARY PUBLIC. Hank of McCook. J. BYRON JENNINGS , ATTORNEY - : - AT - : - LAW. I practice In the State and United States coin ts und before the U. S. Land Olllccs. Careful attention given to collections. Olllce over IJnnk of Mc-Cook. HUGH W. COLE , LAWYER , McCOOK. NEHBASKA. J39V1II practice in all courts. Commercial and corporation law n specialty. Money to loan. Rooms 4 and 5 old First National bld'g , I Iu. A. P. WELLES , HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON MCCOOK , NEBRASKA. { STSpecial attention given to diseases of women and children. The latest improved methods of electricity used in all cases requiring ing- such treatment. Olllco over McMilIen drugstore. Residence. North Main street. j 1J. 15. DAVIS. M. D. C. II. JONES. M. D. DAVIS & JONES , PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS , MCCOOK. NEBRASKA. t57 OFKiCK HOOKS : 'J to 11. a. in. . 2 to 5 and 7 to 9. p. in. Rooms over First National bank. THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL Gio. E. JOHNSTON. PKOP. McCOOK , - NEBRASKA. J39 Thi8 house has been completely reno vated and refurnished throughout and is llrst- class invery respect. Rates reasonable. LEND ME YOUR EARS ! I've Caught Your EYE. And Who But NOSE ? i may be able to do you good , jjy DUSJ _ ness is House Cleaning , Carpet Laying , Con tracting and Excavating. Leave orders at THE TKIBUNE oflice. FRANK HUBEK. A STRAY LEAF. DIARY. ) TRIBUNE OFFICE CARDS , ENVELOPES , NOTE HEADS , BILLHEADS , CIRCULARS , DODGERS , AND ALL KINDS OF JOB PRINT/NO. The Kansas City Star. DAILY AND WEEKLY. The Leading Newspaper of the West. DAILY CIRCULATION OVER 40,000. The Star is the acknowledged leading news paper published in the west. It contains in a concise form all the news of the world up to6 o'clock , P.M. of theday pub lished , giving- its patrons the freshest news from twelve to twenty hours in advance of morning : contemporaries. It publishes the produce markets and com mercial reports of the trade centers of the world and the full and complete livestock and grain markets , including the closing reports from New York , Chicago , St. Louis and Kan sas City. The Star controls and publishes exclusively the full Associated Press Reports and a large line of special telegrams. The Star is not controlled by any set of poll ticians and is devoted to collecting and pub lishing all the news of the day in the most in teresting shape and with the greatest possi ble promptness , accuracy and impartiality. It will enjoy your confidence if you appre ciate an honest , fearless and bold newspaper. The Star has the largest circulation of any newspaper published between Chicago and San Francisco. Never before in the history of journalism has so much first-class newspaper matter been given for so little money as wo are giving in the weekly edition of the Star. Terms for the Star , by mail , postage prepaid : DAILY. One month $ .50 Three months 1.00 One year , 4.00 WEEKLY. One year , 25 cents. Write for sample copy. Address , THE STAR. Kansas City. Mo. 1 NEW -I books New Books every week. Catalogue , 96 pages , free ; not sold by Dealers ; prices too low ; buy of the Pub lisher , JOHX B. ALDE > : , 393 Pearl St. , New York.