The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 02, 1891, Image 2

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How fair ran are , mother !
Ah , though 'tU nmny a 3 ear
Euico you were- here ,
8U11 do I cee your beauteous face , '
And with the glow
Of your dark eyes cometb a grace
Of long ago.
Bo gentle , too , my mother ;
Just as of old , upoa my brow ,
Like benediction ; ] now ,
Falleth your iU r band's touch ;
And still , as then ,
A voice that glads rae overmuch
Cometh again.
Jly.fnlr and gcntlo mother !
How you loved me , mot'iicr.
I IKIVO not power to tell
Knowing full well
That even in the rest al > ovu
It ii your will
To watch and guard mo with your love
Lovlnjj tnu Mill.
And , as of old , my mother ,
I am content to 1)3 a child.
By mother's love bt'pull.-d
From all these ot'.icr charms ;
So , to the last ,
W"in ! thy dear , protecting arms
Hold thou mo fast
2Iy guardian augcl , mother :
Eugene Field in Chicago News.
There ouoo lived in the city of Canton ,
China , a poor family named Tszun. The
father had once owned many large and
prosperous rice fields throughout the
province of Quang Tung , but his grief
at the death of his wife had been so great
as lo cause him to neglect all his busi
ness for his opium pipe , and little by lit
tle all his possessions had been lost.
Now he was compelled to work almost
; is a slave in one of the big fields which
had formerly belonged to him in order
to'support his two children , Yin Ling , jt
pretty dark eyed girl of 13 years , and his
son , Ko Jou , 5 years of age.
But the terrible appetite for the opium
often caused Tszun -neglect his two
little ones , and then gentle Yin Ling
would weave a bamboo mat and s ll it
to one of the neighbors that her darling
little brother might not go hungry. .
Yin Ling even cut a hole in the wall
between the two little rooms of their
home so one lamp would give light to
both rooms , that her slender purse need
not be overtaxed.
Finally the little family became so
poverty stricken that ther-a were many ,
many nights when the two children
sought their little bamboo mats and
cried themselves to sleep for the want of
their supper of rice and tea ; and , worse
than all , the opium had caused a terrible
change to come over Tszun , for he was
no longer oven land to his babies. One
day he came to Yin Liuj and told her
that ho was going to talre her away anl :
.sell her. Ho said ho would have to do
it to save himself and little Ko Jou from
Poor Yin Ling cried lei % and bitterly
all that night , but die knew that her
father's will must bo done. The Litt
evening was a sad one for the little
family. Early in tlie evening Yin Ling
kissed Ho Jou while he was still asleep
and went away with her father to the
great city.
All day until nightfall they wandered
about llio rtreets. Tssun at length '
found : i Title general who paid 400
taels into his grasping hand.
The general was the commander of
the troops of all southern China , and ,
being a distant relative to the emperor ,
Hein Fung , had influence with the im
perial family at Pekin. He was imme
diately fascinated with Yin Ling's pret
ty face and modest actions , and took
her home to his wife as her special maid.
The-general's wife was greatly pleased
with her gift , and at once ordered a set
of pretty robes and gowns for her new
maid servant. She then put her in
charge of tne pnvate boudoir in which
she received all the distinguished ladies
Avho called upon her.
The sudden change from a life of
pinching poveity to one of luxury and
comfort brought out the gentle nature
and true disposition of Yin Ling as rap
idly as a sun scorched lily renews life
under the cooling drops of a spring
Her hands became white and soft and
her amiability , as well as her radiant
face , soon became so noticeable that the
ladies of the household became attracted
to her and showered many gifts upon
The old general was especially delight
ed with her , and when a year had passed
lie and his wife decided not to have Yin
Ling as a slave but as a daughter.
Yin Ling was summoned.
"Yin Ling , " said the general , "from
this day 3011 are no longer to be a slave
in iny household. "
The bright smile faded from the
maiden's facs and the tears gathered
quickin ! her eyes. Trembling she
turned 1150.
' Stay , Yin Ling , " ' cried the general.
"You must remain , not as my slave , but
. as my daughter. ' '
Yin Ling's face brightened , and smil
ing through her tears she ran to the gen
eral and fell sobbing on hi ° bieast. He-
kissed her tender- .
"You have inado me so h.ppy. ' ' said
she , "that I would gladly die for you. * '
The delighted general bought a com
plete now outfit of gorgeo-is silk robes
for Yin Ling raid a special tutor was
provided to ts'ach her how to read and
write. - f o-.Hdicnts enjoyed only by
daughters of high officials.
Being naturally intelligent Yin Ling
' progressed rapidly in her studies and in
the mean time her newly adopted mother
and other ladies of the household had
not neglected her other accomplishments ,
such as the embroidery of the fine golden
silk and , the playing of the little two
stringed banjo.
At the age of 1C years Yin Ling was
Imown as one of the most beautiful
women in the province of Qnang Tung.
About this time the venerable old
Tidoo general , on account of his age and
the great service he had been to the em
pire , was recalled to Pekin for promo
tion and honors as one of the heroes of
the great Tai Ping rebellion.
It vart always customary for such dis
tinguished officials when they were to
receive new honors to take to the em
peror ei'mo rare gif t as a tolwa of their
respect md loyalty. ,
The general wanted to present to the
emperor something especially fine , bnt
he could not decide what it wonld'be.
One day a happy thought flashed across
his mind. And his face , which had been
for some time clouded by deep thinking ,
lighted intd ft bright smile. He called his
wife and told her ho thought ho would
present Yin Ling to the emperor as his
"It is well , " said she ; "what could be
more honorable for our little daughtei
than a home in the imperial palace ? "
When Yin Ling was told what was re
quired of her she smiled , but there was
a tinge of sadness in her face.
The thought of becoming a member
ef the imperial family was a distinction
of which she had never dared to dream.
"It it is your desire , father , " said she ,
"I will go. My life and welfare are in
your hands. "
This answer pleased the general great
ly , and he kissed his daughter affection-
Pjeparations were immediately maue
for the journey to Pekin , and early the
next morning Yin Ling entered her se
dan chair and was carried rapidly away.
After a journey of nearly three months
over big mountains and across many riv-
ejs the Tidoo and his party arrived at
the imperial palace. They were at once
admitted , and after the general had re
ceived his new honors he stepped for
ward and presented the beautiful Yin
Ling to the astonished emperor.
Hein Fung was aiaiost bewildered by
the wonderful grace and beauty of the
blushing maiden who stood before him.
The emperor was. charmed with the
new addition to his household , notwith
standing the fact that he already had
seventy-three wives and man } ' , many
children. But , strange to pay , among
all the children there was not one boy.
Yin Ling was given an elegantly
decorated suit of apartments and named
the " ' ' orExalted
by emperor "Que Fay , or
Auxiliary. "
Two years later a BOU was born , and
the event was heralded throughout the
empire , as it was the first male child in
the entire household.
Yin Ling was his mother , and she was
immediately raised to the title of "Wong
Tai Ho , " or "August Empress. "
A few years after this she gave birtl )
to a second prince , and the entire king
dom rejoiced.
In the year 18G5 the emperor Hein
Fung died , and his son Tung Ghee , whc
was but 5 years of agCj ascended the
throne in the arms of his mother , Yin
Ling , who became at once empress re
Thus she continued conducting the
affairs of the great empire" for twelve
years , when Tung Chee died.
Then her second son mounted the
throne with his mother , who again as-
sum I the title of empress regent , as
the Ling was but 14 years of age.
Yin Ling decided to find some trace
of her family , and seat to the province
of Quang Tung special envoys to look
up her wretched relatives.
The officer in charge of the envoy
found that the father had. died five years
after he had sold his daughter , and the
boy was now grown up and living some
where in the province.
It took the mandarins many \veary
months before they could get any trail
of Ko Jou. He was at length found
working as a farm hand in a small vil
Although a stalwart , fine looking fel
low , lie was deplorably ignorant. When
he' saw two handsomely dressed men
with long , black satin robes , heavily
jeweled , with strange shaped hats sur
mounted by big red coral buttons , and
great , gorgeous peacock feathers dan
gling at their sides , coming toward him.
he was terribly frightened and turned
and ran at the top of his speed. In a
few minutes a dozen fleet footed soldiers
had surrounded him , and he begged
piteously to be let go.
"What do you arrest me for ? " he
asked' "I have done nothing wicked foi
years. "
Then one of the mandarins stepped
forward , knelt low to the ground , and
all the soldiers and guards did the same.
The mandarin finally arose and told Kc
Jou of his good fortune , and at once pre
pared him for a suitable appearance
that would become the uncle of an em
The meeting between the empress and
her only remaining relative was an af
fecting but a , joyful one , and Yin Ling
ordered the entire city to celebrate for
two days.
Yin Ling at once ordered an annual
salary of 500,000 taels ( § 750,000) ) to be
paid to Ko Jou , who received tlie title
of "Imperial Grand Uncle. " He was
also placed in the hands of experienced
tutors , and today is one of the leading
men in the empire.
Nor were the good old Tidoo general
and his family forgotten. They were
given apartments in the imperial palace ,
where they are living today.
Yin Ling is now 45 years of age and
retains much of her youthful beauty.
And this is the true story of the little
slave girl who has ruled China for the
past thirty years , and let us hope will
continue to rule for thirty years to come. <
Ne\v York World.
Pre-Raphaelilism was a literary rather
than an artistic movement. It was an
echo of the influence of Wordsworth
and Coleridge , of the Tractarian move
ment , and of the Gothic revival. It was
a manifestation of certain moral and
philosophical preoccupations that have
little in common with the permanent
acceptation of art. We might even go
further and say that Rossetti and Burne-
Jones are great artists not because they
were pre-Raphaelites , but in spite of
pre-Raphaelitism. Theodore Child in
It is stated that primary batteries are
no longer used for telegraphic service
at the Central telegraph office in Berlin ,
storage batteries charged by the dynamo
electric machines of a lighting station
being substituted as a supply of opera-
tins current.
Pabllshca isi : cr Sale by
These Blanks arc hwpt constiuuly rv i
the iiuiHt cuiiiilile ami cnri fill mi :
unit lit-nro tuoy uro to IK'inii. . ' t . .ki.i
Hixit.nell ? r8 and atutionera supi" \ .1 iti : i i
nil ill > * ( ; < tiint.
HliuikH of iiny kind not found in tin * l.i | <
\\\M \ \ IIHI , will he furniMiod ticronliiiK t' > < < !
on Rhori notice
tJlf In ordering It Is only neci-Miir. ) to ir >
ihu number prefixed tu cacli bluiik.
NO. ci..v
1 Ortiflcnte of Election .
2 Kli-ctiiin Notice .
B Ollk-inl ( loud .
4 Onth of Cilice .
. ' Uitih , Not Ice and Report of Ppfcll ! l ( . ;
Commissioner . . . i
ti Commission to Locate KOH < ! HIM ! Iceimrt. t
7 Petition for License to i ll l.ujtior. . . i
8 Itond for License to ell Liiinij- | . I
0 Lupinr License . I
III It > ii < l Owrscor's Annual Settlement . J
11 Voucher . . i
12 ( Vrtiflciitoof Acknowledgement . /
ii : { > r 'iiiiiM f OiJiciiil rimruuUT . I
H ' cintU'iite of Afxoi'hitiiin . I
15 lor Iliuuitt on Scalps . !
li ( fi n ticiite foi It'-iuily on SrH'po . I
17 lotne ! leml K.\emi > liol ! l.mnlx . I
18 i > iif > - < ii'Mii l'\emplion Lol8 .
i Li-timr Aim-Hire . '
' Ki-j-nrt to Secretary of Stale of OftU-iiil
Itf Kll > i tiII li'Ptllri'S . I
I Itoml Petition . !
SI Noticf to Appraiht-rs .
t ApprtiiBpr'sOatn and Hppnrt .
"i Commissioner's Appointment mid Hepor
, jtO Pre-emption Pn > l. W itni > K'liiinmiil. .
iif'l H 'im-fi 'iiil Pruoi. Witm . I'lniiiMint. .
itHi ; l'e empiion Proof .Alli-invit n iiiirc > d
l're-fiiiitioii | Ulitiiiiiini
( I : ; Iloiui- . . 1 Prm if. \i.i.uit | : rrqnii i'd
lii'im K-itil ( . 'Iiiiiniiiii .
I'KII Alli..uvit teiimreit i't < 'lnim nt
Ji.'i t'tc-einption mid Muiin Mi-tn. Ulniin it. Hi'iiK M'iiil Application . . . . . . .
Mill ? HoiheKli nil . \lfiiluvir HI two col'irs.
iivb ! ! ) ' ( ! , tratory Miili-lli'-nt
1011 TIII.I -i-'tlltiiri- < ci litiei'te.
UK ) lull' crCii'tiiMKmrj. . Final Ailidavit. .
lull ' ! 'iinlier-t mumI'roul
IHI'J ! fi-riilicil'l-
OK ! H.imi'sti-ail. N'.IIIKnal Pi-onf
j.HJ . "In ilor I'llii- e i 'i
ni."i i i-i Illli-ii'i * : ic to } Xotice
nil ; I * 111 ! iiinm \li.-nv'i
1017 Vlll.l ivtt A : Iti ! i-l Hum. SH : nl
10IS 'I ini'ii'i-t ii tunppliriiuiin
! > ! ! ! Xll'l'l 1I.-III' | | | Al > | ' ' 'tM' Kill. . . .
CM ii.-li linn- } ( < ii ! i.ite
(1.1 ( Notice ot Apt-tie. lioiPre-i mplion. . .
UCi I'le-etiu.iiiio I'.oiit
I"Xnliru : ! of Timlier-l'iiltnrp
lir.4 Notice of Conlcst
IILT. Alii-iiivil iilTaiili-sl Timhpr PlMlin
( Ui Ufiiliti It nl ( Vn"'st Hniiit-Sli-auI.
' 0 7 Ni.n-Minernl Aili-huir
it'IiS T-mln-r-r-iili ore Pi oof
1(129 ( Homestead , Pre-emption , and Commu
tation Proof
U.f > ii flill of Foi col isurp .
11151 Answer .
lUrCJ ril'liliirrer .
ill. > : > itcplu-iitioii .
luSl Decree .
Ii."i5 ( AlFidavit for Order .
IlftC Order .
Deposition Envelopes .
Sulipceim of U. S. Commissioner .
MihpceiiH of K.\Hiiiiner .
Complaint .
\Varrsint .
Notice to take Dcpnpition .
Notice Jo take Deposition , de bone espft -
Notice of Oral Examination of Witness and
Order . 1
Heeojrnizance of Witness .
Prisoner's Recognizance . _ - I
Recognizance to appear before Commission'rl
Hail Mend .
Commitment .
U. S. Commissioner's Certiilcate ot At ten
dance of Witness .
U. S. Commissioner's Certificate of Atten
dance of Witness . !
rran pript of
IUI COurt Wrappers civil . F
I0i : Court Wrappers criminal . F
103 Court Wrappers transcript of judgin't..P
104 Summons original . K
HM Summons copy . Ii
03 Summons in Error . H
1U7 Summons in Forcible Entry and Detainer ! !
105 SubpO3tia original . F
109 Subpoena copy . ' . . Ii
iU ) Subpoena before Grand Jury . A
111 Subpoena in Criminal Cases . It
112 Attachment. Ailidavit . F
lit : Attachment , Order of . F
114 Attachment for Contempt . U
115 Precipe . U
110 Execution . B
117 execution on Transcript U
118 Verdict of Jury H
119 Venire Facias B
120 Jury and Witness List F
121 Unclaimed Witness Fees F
122 Order of Sale F
1SJ Vend ! : . " II
124 Fee Bill E
125 Capias F
126 Notice to take Deposition F
127 Deposition Envelopes B
1-8 Commission to take Deposition F
129 Caption and Certificate of Deposition. . . .D
130 Bond for Costs F
131 Bond in Replevin F
132 Bond in Attachment F
133 Stay Bond F
134 Appearance Bond F
135 Injunction Bond F
13 ! Certificate of Admission to the Bar F
13" Writ of Restitution 11
las Indictment F
loU Petition in Replevin F
140 Ailidavit in Replevin F
141 Order of Delivery in Replevin F
142 Clerk's Certificate of Grand Jury A
143 Oath of Witness before Grand Jury A
144 Certificate of Witness civil case A
S2 : ? Power of Attorney. Convey Real Estate..F
8.4 Abstract of Title D
oJ5 Abstract of Title short form F
ii Abstract of Title G
S27 Ah-stnu-t Affidavit 11
8.8 Agreement tor Warranty Deed F
S. . ) .v met of Title D
NrtJMliciiU' ' of Satisfaction of Mortgage..15
531 City Lease F
832 Kcienseof Mechanic's Lien B
33 Mortgage Deed F
B34 Administrator's Deed F
901 Chattel Mortgage long form F
J02 Chattel Mortgage F
jt ( ! Chattel Mortgage short form F
1.4 Chattel Mortgage F
Jt)5 ) Itill ot Sale F
ilKi Application for a Loan F
> U7 Articles of Agreement F
US Township Plats 6 inch F
J > ; ! i Township Plats 9 inch E
tlO Township Plats 12 inch D
911 Plats with sixteen 6-inch plats on one
sheet 20x28
J12 Coupon Note 6 coupons C
913 Coupon Note lOcoupons F
914 Soldier's Discharge 2 colors red , blue..E
915 Power of Attorney. General F
910 Contract for Sale of Real Estate F
917 Afiidavit of Vendor or Lessor F
918 Druggist Permit B
919 Physician's Statement F
! " 20 Agreement for Building D
921 Statement of Liquor Sold F
922 Pedigree . " C
123 Coupon Mortgage Note D
924 Power of Attorney i
! i25 Six-inch Plat , printed D
920 Certificate of Survey F
1-27 Chattel Mortgage Release A
! i23 Note 10 coupons F
92 ! ) Dantnl Statement ; F
R'K ) Dental Certificate F
931 Farm for Sale B
Scale Books. COO tickets.
Poison Register.
Attorney's Receipt for Books Loaned ; 100 , 200
and 300 leaves to book : 6 receipts to page.
Attorney's Pocket Docket , 2 forms.
Attorney's Complete Docket
Collection Registers.
Police Judge's Dockets.
Surveyor's Field Note Booka.
Figuring Books.
Hotel Register's.
Grist Books.
Loan Records. . , . ,
Examiner's Report for Loan Agent's Nottf.
! ! . -i-i i < if Inlil .tiiiiptioil . A
Ci < i ilrlli-r ol ileiiriilg . . . I
f l ( lei'iVtf . I
< 2 > uiipuiia long form . : . >
IfcconlK , plain and printed.
Itceorci olTeert njci'lvrd.
Curd , with list of lues for ollice use.
101 Petition for Letters of Administration. . . !
(02 Letters of Administration and Onili . r
C < U Administrator's Bund . r
101 Inventory by Administrator , Executor.
orGuardian . G
115 Administrator's , Executor's and Guar
dian's Report . . (5
106 Petition for Letters Testamentary . 1 *
407 Letters Testamentary . f K
IU8 Executor's Bond . K
100 Petition for Appointment of Guardian. . . ! '
IU Guardian's Bond with Oath . V
411 Ltitiorri of Guardianship . K
112 Notice of Probate of Will . A
(13 Notice of Settlement . A
414 Citation . It
415 Claim Bill-short . V
410 Claim Bill long . i . F
(17 Warrant to Commis'nr to Assign Dower.G
(18 A pprafser's Commission realty. , _ 1..G
(19 Appraiser's Commission personalty. . . .G
(20 Appraiser's Commission property al
lowed widow . F
121 Ailidavit on Application for Marriage License
cense- . F
(22 Murringo License and Certificate . F
tSI Marriage Certificate three colors red ,
irreen and gold . G
424 Petition for Letters of Administration. .It
' :5 Letters of administration . B
4'ti Administrator's Bond . B
. 1 Administrator's Notice . II
Petition for Letters Testamentary . F
4.9 Letters Testamentary . L
i(0 : ( Executor's Bond . I'
431 Notice to Creditors of Estate . L
132 Appointment of Appraiser . Ii
33 Certificate of Probate of Will . : . *
434 .
43.1 .
1.10 .
437 .
501 Sheriff or Master Commissioner'- Deed..D
502 Deed undur Tax Lien . 1)
503 Deed under Mortgage . , . 1)
iiU4 Deed under Execution . 1 *
'iO-i Delivery Bond . K
5UJ ( Appraisal . F
507 Application on Appraisal . F
5(8 Sheiill's Sale „ F
509 Keiurn to Orderof Sale F
'ilu Return of Execution F
511 Indemnity Bond F
512 Inventory and Appraisement o ? Proper
ty Attached P
513 Notice to Garnishee It
f > ' .il Gainishee Summons F
* > *
itocord of Fees Received.
Card , with list of fees for office use.
551 Treasurer's Statement B
.V > 2 TieiiBUier's Report B
i".VJ Trcasiin.T'8 Tux Deed I ?
" 54 Report to County Clerk of Lands Sold
lorTiixes P
V,5 DIMruMS Warrant B
. .sir
. \eceiuts for Fees and Licenses ; original and
duplicate ; in Books.
Receipt f Partial Payment on Warrants , in
Redemption Certificate books of 200.
i ertilicntes for Tax Sales books of 200.
Receipt for School Moneys ,
lax Collector's Receipts books of 100. -
Record of Fees Received.
KOI Coirt ; Wrappers . ' . F
ti2 ; ; Summons original 11
( etl Summons copy It
til'4 ' Summons against Garnishce B
fi-C Siilipojiui original A
O1 ( i Siilipcuna copy A
UU7 Venire lor Jury B
bU8 Affidavit for Undertaking foi Order of
Attachment F
609 Orderof Attachment B
U10 Older tor Sale of Attached Property. . . F
Oil Ailidavit against Garnishee B
( i2 ! Notice to Garnisliue B
i > 13 Replevin Summons B
014 Appeal Undertaking B
015 Undertaking for Costs B
510 Execution B
> ! 17 Complaint A
018 Warrant B
019 State Warrant B
020 Order or Arrest A
0 1 Undertaking ; in Order of Arrests B
622 Mittimus Bailable Cases B
623 Mittimus in Cases not Bailable B
024 Recognizance B
025 Commitment for Contempt B
626 Athdavit for Search Warrant B
27 Search Warrant B
028 Complaint to keep the Peace B
* i29 Warrant on Complaint to Keen the PPJICP B
201 AOidavitof Insanity /
202 Warrant of Arrest H
203 Subpoena of Witness It
204 Commission of Physician I !
205 Return of Physician ( J
200 Warrant of Admission I-
207 Warrant of Admission duplicate Ii
301 Court Wrapper civil F
302 Court Wrapper criminal F
3SJ ( Summons original It
304 Summons copy 11
305 Term summons original B
jOO Term Summons-copy B
307 Subpoena original B
308 Subpoena copy B
80 ! ) Execution B
810 Affidavit and Undertaking in Attaehm't F
JI1 Orderof Attachment It
312 Appeal Undertaking It
313 Complaint B
314 Statement of Costs * F
J15 Replevin Summons It
' )10 ) Assignee's Inventory D
317 Schedule of Assignee D
J18 County Judge's Certificate as to notice of F
319 Inventory and Aupraisement by Shentr..D
320 Bond for Assignee F
321 Notice of Day of Adjustment B
32 Ordprof Distribution F
323 Final Order ot Discharge B
t2 ! ( Request to Prosecute Suit F
3.5 Assignee's Deed D
J2iJ Judge's Order Allowing and Classifying
Claims G
J27 Proof of Claim F
G0 Recognizance to Keep the Peace F
Kl Estray Notice B
> TJ Notice of Constable's Sale B
' ' " ' " ' " " " " " ' " ' " " " " " ' ' ' ' " ' " " " * ' " ' " '
SW . . . . . . . . . . . ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Dockets. Cap and T ) < Mny.
Card : ; , with list of fees for office use.
701 Protest and Original B
702 Notice of Non-Pavment of Note A
7SJ ( Notice of Non-Puyment of Bill of Exch'gA
704 - .
Notarial Records ; two and three ; same form
as blanks.
V.rds , with li&t of fees for office use.
"I Appointment of District Oflicer to fill
Vacancy A
* 52 Scholars * Monthly Report B
53 Teacher's Contract II
54 Treasurer's Bond II
" 55 Request tor calling a Special Meeting. . . B
" 5ii Notice of Special .Meeting B
" 57 Notice of Annual Meetinir IJ
" 58 Certificate of School Tax Levied B
5'J Request for calling Special Meeting to
vote on Bonds B
00 Notice for Special School District Meet
ing to vote upon the Issue of Bonds B
01 History of School Bonds D
02 School Bonds , Lithographed , Blank Ain't
sl ) Warranty Deed half sheet F
P02 Warranty Deed full sheet , full coven't.D
Bi3 Warranty Deed full sheet , full cove
nant with dower D
0t Warranty Deed F
505 Special Warranty Deed F
BOG Bond for Deed . . . „ F
g07 Agreement for Warranty Deed F
80S Agreement for Warranty Deed long fmF
K09 Quit-Claim Deed F
SIO Quit-Claim Deed short form F
311 Quit-Claim Deed F
i > 12 Mortgage ihort form F
313 Mortgage long form , full abeet D
314 Mortgage with Interest , Attorney's Fees
and Insurance Clause D
315 Mortgage with Tut. and Insurance ClauseD
310 Trust Deed full sheet D
517 Release of MorL tsloBff form F
318 Release of Mortgage short form
319 Assignment o : aorrage long form ?
320 Assignment of Mortgage short form..B
321 Lease F
522 Mechanic's Lien F
What is
Gastoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants
and Children. It contains neither Opium , Morphine nor
other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute
for Paregoric , Drops , Soothing Syrups , and Castor Oil.
It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years * use by
Millions of Mothers. ' Castoria destroys Worms and allays
feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd ,
cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves
teething troubles , cures constipation and flatulency *
Castoria assimilates the food , regulates the stomach
and bowels , giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas
toria is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend *
"Castoria Is on excellent medicine for chil
dren. If others have repeatedly told me of its
good effect upon their children. "
Da. O. C. OSOOOD ,
Lowell , Mass.
" Castoria Is the best remedy for children of
which I am acquainted. I hope the day is not
for distant when mothers will consider the real
interest of their children , and use Castoria in
stead of the variousquack nostrums which are
destroying their loved ones , by forcing opium ,
morphine , soothing syrup and other hurtful
agents down their throats , .thereby sending
them to premature graves. "
Conway , Ark.
" Castoria is so well adapted to children that
I recommend it as superior to any prescription
known to me. "
H. A , AocmiB , M. D. ,
Ill So. Oxford St. , Brooklyn , N. Y.
" Our physicians in the children's depart
ment have spoken highly of their experi
ence in their outside practice with Castoria ,
and although we only hare among our
medical supplies what is known as regular
product , yet we are free to confess that the
merits of Castoria has won us to look with
favor upon it. "
Boston , Mass.
The Centaur Company , TI Murray Street , New York City.
J. WARRRN , Manager.
1 JJ
Also Hard and Soft Coal.
h to mafe dote as white aa Jfte sun
And finish jour wrif as sod as bsgun ,
. i Itsa'mT "SScfi"iri \ \ Ari"
iMTA r-i A ? l < ? < s.r\An * m/T \
H. KAPKE , The Leader ,
Calls attention to-the fact that lie lias just received an
other shipment of the latesu and most stylish fall goods , and
that he is prepared to make them up in the most stylish mode
and at the lowest figures. Call and see for yourself.