ssaass. I I. LOWMAN & SON. SPECIAL SALE. MEN'S SUITS FOR : $4.OO EN'S PANTS FOR 1.5O BOYS' SUITS FOR : * * 1.26 BOYS' KNEE PANTS , .80 OVERCOATS FOR : 2.OO Remember that we are sellingf out our stock of clothing at least 25 PER GENT BELOW USUAL PRICE. CHILDREN'S WRAP $1.8O LADIES' CLOAKS 3.OO JACKETS FOR 1.5O I Our Entire Winter Stock ! COMFORTERS and BLANKETS at 25 per cent OFF per cent 25 We waiit to reduce our stock , and we sell accordingly. HEMP CARPETS SO per yd. Other Carpets at low figures. Holi day Goods cheaper than the cheapest. BY FRIGES AT CLEARANCE SALE ! Before invoicing on Jan. 1st , 1891 , we will close every line AT - : - ACTUAL - : - COST ! The following are some of the prices : 10 dozen of MISSES' TOBOGGANS at 25c. Worth 75c. 10 dozen of MISSES TOBOGGANS at 50c. Worth $1.25. 10 doz. suits MEN'S UNDERWEAR at $2.50. Cheap at $5. 10 doz. suits MEN'S UNDERWEAR at $1. Cheap at $2. LADIES' UNDERWEAR at ONE-HALF regular price. A FULL LUTE OF Ladies1 , Misses' , Children's and Men's Shoes AT BEDROQK ! Notwithstanding that shoes have advanced 20 per cent. We will make this absolutely in McCook and vicinity. We have a full stock of JbLi JrC " J. Jt ± i to select from AS LOW AS THE LOWEST. Give us a trial convinced that We are THE CHEAPEST DEALER in the City. YOUBS ANXIOUS TO PLEASE , H. LAWYER * Jack Birdsell is in the city. John Wentz spent Xmas at home , Mas cot , Nebraska. J. Walter Holliday and wife spent Christ mas at Beatrice. Engineer Jack Cook from Republican City was a city visitor , this week. Jas. Fraser , storehouse clerk , left for Princeton , Tuesday , to spend Xmas. J. K. Sircolumb of Oxford and Chas. Wil liams from Bed Cloud have been made regu lar firemen out of HcCook. All local trains being annulled Xmas day quite a number of road men were enabled to be at home with their families. Master Mechanic Archibald put in Satur day last at Bed Cloud and Oxford , looking after matters pertaining to his department. D. Hawksworth , Supt. Motive Power , was a visitor at McCook , Monday. He went out to Denver in company with Supt Campbell Will Archibald went home to Chicago , the early part of the week , and will put in the holidays with old friends and acquaintances in the windy city. Alex. Stewart , an old time engineer on the B. & M. , now residing at Wymore , stopped off in the city , Wednesday , on his way to Denver , to visit among friends for a few hours. The most interesting affair of honor which it has been our pleasure to witness in a long time occurred last Sunday in the round house. One of the principals , an old man , but spry an "hugly" the other a young man , innocent of any wrong , but always getting into trouble , and furthermore being the proud possessor of a "game leg" which has been drawing a living for him for the past nine months. The aforesaid leg was all that saved him from the old man and destruction. The way he flew over engine pilots , around Sharp corners , and through space was a caution , and Bailey was urging him to get a "limp on it" but he didn't have time 'till the next day. Both somewhat scratched up but good for another go. go.EPOCH. EPOCH. The transition from long , lingerinff and pain ful sickness to robust health marks an epoch in the life of the individual. Such a remarka ble event is treasured in the memory and the agency whereby the good health has been at tained is greatf ully blessed. Hence it is that so much is heard in praise of Eleetrio Bitters. So many feel they owe their restoration to health to the use of the great alterative and tonic. If you are troubled with any disease of kidneys , liver or stomach of long or short standing you will surely find relief by use of Electric Bitters. Sold at 50 cents and $1 per bottle at A. McMillan's drug store. A large stock of latest styles of Bracelets and Necklaces at Carruth & Son's. VAILTON VOICES. Messrs. Squires and Mlabler will attend the State Alliance at Lincoln , next week. Stock of all kind looks nearly as well as when grain was plenty but offset by unfavora ble weather. Mr. Voss has been afflicted with a bad m sore or swelling on his band and general disorder of the blood. Alfred Nettlcton is teaching the young of Vallton. while C. 8. Ferris ia similarly engaged at Pleasant Ridge. Grandpa Stlers is visiting his granddaugh ter. Mrs. James Hoyt , this week. His homo is in eastern Kansas , where he will return next week. Squire Lincoln is visiting relatives at Pacific Junction , Mills county , Iowa. Has made ar rangements to ship corn at the most reasona ble rates possible. . Quite a number of our young men have re turned for a time from our work at Denver , Some will return in February when a better opening is assurred. Summer again or at this writing it has very much that appearance. All are hoping that the coming winter will be as agreeable and warm as the last two past. John Cruts has been shipping considerable stock east during the last two or three months. Among the shipment was two car load of horses gathered up on the creek. Some of our neighbors are negotiating tor Michigan land. And so they come and go as the t Ides of the sea. Give us a little more rain and we are allright , anyway. Mr. Morris on the north side has some sick ness but we are hopeful of a better showing soon. We have not a great deal of general sickness to report and trust we may have none. RALPH. BANKSVILLE BUDGET. C. S. White has accepted another boarder. It's a boy. The mother doing well. Bright sunshine and cloudless sky are the order of the day and make A1 weather. The remaining sick ones of Mrs. Hill's fami ly are getting along well. Only one now con valescent. on the 17th inst. Grant organized a sub-Alli ance with a membership of twelve , and expect to gobble the precinct as a consequence. 1 see in some opposition paper that the people ple of the TJ. S. are taxed HG7OCO,000 a year , and claim that such are some of the beauties of protection under the McKinley bill. As if such rot would draw the wool over any man's evps ! When any government has to be taxed some way or other to get funds to run it. I saw that the farmers were in attendance at the farmers and bu iness men's meeting , but the business men did not materialize. Said meeting was conducted in the interest to encourage new industries and more diver sity in agricultural products , such as the pro duction of hemp , broom corn and have it home manufactured , and sorghum and beets for sugar. ODSEIIVEH. A Military Reservation in Early Kansas Days. All along the outer margin of the reservation were grouped the camps of emigrants ; not many of them , but enough to present a curious and picturesque steht. There were a few tpnts , but most of the emigrants slept in or under their wagons. There were no women or children in these camps , and the hardy men had been so well seasoned by their past exper iences , journing to this far western -part of the territory , that they did not mind the ex posure of sleeping on the ground and under the open skies. Soldiers irom the fort , off duty and curious to hear the news from the outer worldcamcloungingaroundthe camps , and chatted with the emigrants in that cool , superior manner that markes the private sol dier when he meets a civilian on an equalfoot ing , away from the haunts of men. The boys regarded these uniformed military servants of the government of the United States with great respect , and even with some awe. These , they thought to themselves , were the men who were there to fight Indians , to protect the border , and to keep back the rising tide of wild hostilities that might , if It were not for them , sweep down upon the feeble terri tory and even inundate the whole western country. NOAH BROOKS IN JANUART ST. NICHOLAS. The Pulpit and the Stage. Rev. F. M. Shrout , Pastor United Brethren Church. Blue Mound , Kan. , says : "I feel it my duty to tell what wonders Dr. King's New Discovery has done for me. My lunga were badly diseased , and my parishioners thought I could live only a few weeks. I took five bottles tles of Dr. King's New Discovery and am sound and well , gaining 26pounds in weight. " Arthur Love , Manager Love's Funny Folk's Combination , writes : "After a thorough trial and convincing evidence , I am confident Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption , beats 'em all , and cures when everything else fails. The greatest kindness I can do my many thousand friends is to urge them to try it. " Free trial bottles at A. McMillan's drug store. Regular sizes 50 cents and $1.00. 30-4. THE BEST medical writers claim that the suc cessful remedy for nasal catarrh must be nonirritating - irritating , easy of application , and one that will reach all remote sores and ulcerated sur faces. The history of the efforts to treat catarrh during the past obliges us to admit that only one remedy has met these condi tions , and that is Ely's Cream Balm. This pleasant remedy has mastered catarrh as nothing else has ever done , and both physic ians and patients freely concede this fact. The more distressing symptons yield to it. Itch on human and horses and all animals cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Sold by L. W. McConnell - Connell & Co. , Druggists , McCook , 30-lyr. A man does not want to got too near the center of the earth. For every 15 yards we descend into the earth the temperature in creases about 10s Fahrenheit. Don't be an old fogy about your time. The modern "improvement" is to drop the"M" in the abbreviatians A. M. and P. M. , aa for example. 9 A. , 4:30 P. There is more trouble looming up for the future. The coming umbrella and parasol will have whistles In them. It is latest theory that the electricity of thunderstorms is due to the friction of water drops on Ice. Articles bought of us engraved in the most artistic manner , free of charge. Carruth & Son , Jewelers. GHOST DANCE /ws fern running daily for the past two months at the reservation of the CASH BARGAIN HOUSE. Truly indeed has the dance worried our competitors , "The Credit Stores" as the profit was too light for them to dance by. They tried , but got sick at heart. We will close up our Clothing ( Department WITHIJt SIXTY i Dry Goods Slaughtered ! ! STANDARD PRINTS at 5c. a , yard. CZJ Made in this country' ' = not "imported. " ( Remember the price , . a Yard for STjUHDjUSUD GROCERIES : "Prices for the Hard Times , " t 14 Ibs. Gran. Sugar , Grand Island , $1.OO 18 Ibs. New Orleans Sugar for 1.00 15 Ibs. Extra "C" Sugar , 1.00 6 bars of White Russian Soap , .25 1 Ib. Choice Boasted Coffee , , .25 "I 1 gallon of Coal Oil , .20 Ol 1 can of 3-lb. Tomatoes , .10 1 can of 2-lb. Corn , .10 1 can 16-oz. Price's Baking Houses."I 22 Ibs. of Navy Beans for 1.10 We Save You From 25 to 33 Per Gent Special Prices to Dealers , Hotels and Boarding Houses. J , G , ALLEN & GO , , * * I Cash Buyers and Sellers. , GROCERIES. In addition tomy line of < DRYGOO < DS , CLOTH * IJtG , BOOTS , SHOES , MOTIONS , Etc. , I have just laid in a stock of FRESH STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES. IV V , / have determined to sell all my goods at "hard times'3 prices. Call and see me at the old Op = penheimer stand in the ( Bdbcock Morlan build = ing , and I will do the square thing by you. RRANK RVERIST. The Tribune Motor Power Printing ffouse. Kugs and oil cloth mats at School shoes at a great reduction at FADE & SON'S. Ganschow's , the old reliable. Feed of all kinds. EsPStop and see the bargains at POTTER & EASTERDAY. . Ganschow's. Come and see what Ganschow can deFer Ground oil cake. For you in the shoe line. POTTER & EASTERDAT. 84 patent flour at Pearline meal the finest in the mar POTTER & EASTERDAY. ket POTTER & EASTERDAY. J