' - - - ( > WT ill V V Of I fill Mtfill IE To the bottom of tho"sea. . Of course the reader will understand that we refer to the nt "Western Nebraska's Leading Clothing Store , " * , . . Wo carry aXARGB dud WEBE SELECTED st6cko i.f i * * o * * f s j j m \ > and AVO want to burn it down deep in the minds of the people in these "diggings" that ' We are making a SPECIALTY both in PEICE and in SUPERIOR QUALITY of FLANNEL : - : SHIBTS , i and for the.HOLlDAY TEADE we have a particularly elegant , attractive and handsome line of MUFFLERS , NECKTIES and SILK HANDKERCHIEFS While our STIFF HAT for ONE DOLLAB Is a Sure-Enough Corker We display a complete and extensive line oft > t TRUNKS , GRIPS and SATCHELS. C. W. KNIGHTS , UNION BLiOGK , MeCOOK , NB.B. UMPHREYS' DR. HUMPHREYS'SPECIFICS are scientifically and ciflc Is a special euro for the disease named. These Specifics euro without drugging , purg ing or reducing the system , and arc In fact and deed the sovereign remedies of theWorld. USTOFrRKCIPAI. ! > S. CORES. TEICES. 1 Fevers , Congestion. Inflammation. . . .25 li Worms , Worm Fever. Worm Colic. . .25 a Crjins : Colic.orTeethlngof Infants .25 4 Diarrhea , of Children or Adults 25 5 DyHentery * Griplng-BIlIous Colic.25 ( i Cholera M or bus , Vomiting 25 7 CoHEbs , Cold , Bronchitis 25 8 Nenralsria , Toothache.Faceacho .25 9 Ilcadachc8 SlckHeadache. Vertigo .25 10 DyspepsiaBiliousStomach. . . . . . . . . .25 11 Suppressed or Painful Periods. .25 12 Whites , too Profuse Periods 25 13 Cronp , Cough , Difficult Breathing. . . . ,25 14 Salt Ithenm , Erysipelas. Eruptions. .25 15 Rheumatism , Rheumatic Pains 25 Itf Fever and Anne , Chills , Malaria 5O 17 Piles , Blind or Bleeding .50 19 Catarrh , Influenza , Cold Jn the Head ' .5O 20 Whoopinsr Couirh , Violent Coughs. ; 5O 24 General DebUltv.PbyslcalWeatness .50 7 Kidney Disease. . , . . .gO 28 Nervous Debility . . . . .v. . . . . . .l.OO aO Urinary Weakness , Wetting Bed. .50 tfiS Diseases of thcIIcartPalpltatloal.OO Sold toy Druggists , or sent postpaid on receipt of price. DR. HCHPHEETS' MANUAI * (1 pages ) richly bound In cloth and gold , mailed free. Humphrcya'nicdlclneCo.109 Fulton St.NY. SPECI FI OS. SCVCM SEVtNTCN To euro Biliousness , Sick Headache , Consti pation , Malaria , Liver Complaints , take the safe and certain remedy , SMITH'S Use the SMAM , Size (401ittlc Beans to the bottle ) . THEY ARE THE MOST CONVENIENT. Stxi.tnblo loxr nil .A-gos. Price of cither size , S5c. per Bottle. - " PANEL SIZE- Mailed feM ets , { eopptrs or tamps ) . J.F.SMlTHACO.HataiofBILEBEASS/'ST.l.OUIS MO. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. When Baby waa sick-vre gave her Castoria , When she was a Child , she cried for Castoria , When she became * Ts3 , she clung to Castoria , M WhenshebadCaildrenBhegavethemCastoria. FOR MEN ONLY ! ff FJTTTTTTT * V Tftfm wa T * * * * - Mt.r. . _ _ ffJFor LOSrorFATT.TKO KANHOOD' jneral fcadSEEVOUS DEBILIiy' /TRflTH1 reyknegs of Body and Hind , Effecte .ftA plta Ue u > d proof , f re * A 4 . . ERIE MEDICAL CO. , BUFFALO , H. ALLEN'S TRANSFER , Bus , Baggage Dray Line. F. P. ALLEN , Prop. McCOOK , NEBRASKA. 0P Best Equipped in the Citr. Leave r.i.- at Commercial Hotel. Good well wntcr * t iabed on abort notice. F. D. BURGESS , PLUMBING , Steam and Hot Water Heating , North Mala Avenue , McCOOK , - - NEBRASKA. f3T A stock of best grades of Hose , Lawn Sprinklers , Hose Reels and Hose Fixtures , constantly on band. All work receives prompt attention. J. S. McBRAYER , House Mover Drayman , McCOOK , NEB , and Safe Moving a Spec ialty. Orders for Draying left at the Huddlesto.n Lumber Yard will receive prompt attention. SCHOOL BOOKS AT Tribune Office , At Publishers' Prices. BLANK BOOKS. UWAL BLAN * Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. STATE-GR'AXGERS. The Iowa State Grange and the executive committee of the State Farmers' Alliance held a joint meeting in DesMoines Saturday aweek. The resolu tions adopted favor control by the government of all railroac and telegraph lines in the country , the adoption of the Australian ballot system , anc insist upon absolute fairness in the matter of finance ! The State Grange of Dela ware in session at Wilmington passed resolutions denouncing class legislation , approving the silver bill passed by the pres ent congress , and declaring i1 was inexpedient to set up a third party in Delaware. The Michigan Grange is in open revolt against the Na tional Grange on account of the stand taken by national organization in endorsing the prpposition for government loans on real estate. The Farmers' Alliance is ne gotiating for the mammoth East street shops at Spring field , Ohio. The alliance pro poses to fight the Harvester trust. Farming stock compa ny will be formed , no one sub scriber to furnish over $1,000 , and machinery will be sup plied to alliance members at cost. THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN NEWS. Established 1839. The Daily'News , of seventy-two columns. : ms a capacity for rending matter equal to the arge Eastern papers. It aims to furnish all the news of the day. complete in detail , yet concise In form. It is devoted to Western.and specially to Colorado interests. Our SPECIAL TELEGRAPH SERVICE is superior to that of any other journal west of St. Louis. The News employes more agents and pays more for special dispatches than all other Western newspapers conblned. The News is issued every day in the year. The Weekly News furnishes n compendium of every notable event , at home and abroad , vlth a liberal supply of choice , original and selected articles , specially adapted to family entertainment and instruction. It is toe best veekly family newspaper published in the West. A feature of both the Daily and Weekly ed- tionsof the News , of the first importance to lie public , is our perfect system of market reports. The absolute reliability of our com mercial department has long been recognized by the business men in the state , and every ssue will continue to furnish a true reflex of he latest Kansas City , Chicago and St. Louis. as well as local quotations. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY. One Year , by mail S10.00 Six Months , by imiil 5.00 Sunday Edition , by mail , per Year 250 WEEKLY. ) ne Year , by mail , in advance $1.00 One Year , by mall , arrear bills , 2.00 Sample copies of either Edition on applice- ion. All communications must be addressed to News Printinp- . , Denver , Colo. TJ * las secured as contributors during the ensuing twevle months : W. D. HO WELLS , R. LODIS STEVENSON GEO. MEREDITH , WILLIAM BLACK , ANDREW LA NG , W. CLAIIK RUSSELL , ST. GEORGE MIVART/H. RIDER HAGGARD , RUDYARD KIPLING.NORMAN LOCKYEK , And many other distinguished writers. THE SUNDAY SUN for the ensuing twelve months , will print more news and more pure literature of the highest class and by the most distinguished of contemporary writers than any periodical in the United States. Price 5c. a copy. By mail $2 a Year. Address THE SUN , New York. KILPATR1CK BROTHERS. Horses branded on left hip or left shoulder. P. O. address , Imperial. Chase County , and Beat rice , Neb. Range.Stink- inp Water and French man creeks. Chase Co. , Nebraska. Brand as cut on side of some animals , onhipand sides of some , or any where on the animal. Jhildren Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.1 BITS BY THE/BARDS ' Not Kmetinc. * Phyllis to Stephen , About to Travel : * When sailing o'er the broad Atlantic ocean. When tossed upon the mad and raging sea , When tilled with strange tumultuous commo tion , I'll pardon if you fall to think of me. / \ \ When hunting in the forest or the jungle , When chasing mastodon or fleeting hind , And thought of mo your work would sadly bungle , Why let me slip at once from out your mind. Should boa constrictor twine himself abont you , Demanding all your precious thought and time , not a thought of mo , my darling , flout you , Who'll pray for you in this far distant clime ? .But should you in the regions of Golronda A rich and brilliant ruby chance to see , O , don't forgot than mine no heart is fonder , And then I beg that you'll remember me. John Kcndrick IJangs , In Life. Thut Unruly Member. "Tho boneless tongue , so small and weak. Can crush and kill. " declared the Greek. "The tongue destroys a greater horde , " The Turk asserts , "than doth the sword. " Or sometimes takes this form Instead : 'Don't lot your tongue cut off your head. " 'The tongue can speak a word whoso _ speed , " Says the Cnlnese. "outstrips the steed " , While Arab sages this impart : ' The tongue's great storehouse is the heart. " From Hebrew wit this maxim sprung : "Though feet should slip , ne'er let the tongue. " The sacred writer crowns the whole : 'Who keeps his tongue doth keep his soul. " Chicago Globa A lloy'g Flail Story. Wunst wo went a-flshin' me An' my Pa an' Ma all three , When they was a picnic , way Out to Ranch's Woods , one day. An' there was a crick out there , WTiere the fishes is , an' where Little boys 'tain't big an' strong Better have their folks along. My Pa he 1st fished an1 fished I An' my Ma she said she wished Me an' her was home ; an' Pa Bald ho wished so worse'n Mo. Pa said ef you talk , er say Any thin' , cr sneeze , er play , Hain't no fish , alive cr dead. Ever go' to bite , he said. Purt' nigh dark in town when we Got back home ; and Mo , says she , Now she'll have a fish for shore : An' she buyed one at the store. Nen , at supper , Pa ho won't Bat no fish , an' says he don't Like 'em. An' he pounded mo When I choked I Ma , didn't he ? James Whitcomb Eiley , in Century. A Sad Tale With n Moral for Glrla. Bbo was smart and she was pretty , and her elders thought her witty , and she tripped the light fantastic like a fay. She could read both French and Latin , and wa * sweet in print or satin , and 'twould make your bosom heave to hear her play. But in single life she tarried , and she never , never married , and she'll doubtless be a maiden till she dies. For she bade a proud defiance to the culinary science , and she never knew the mystery of pies. Burlington Free Press. Tvrai Ever Thus. Some burdened hearts must ever sigh , While some are filled with gladness ; Some dwell beneath a sunny sky And some 'neath clouds of sadness. Thus runs this strange old world away In pleasure and in sorrow ; The most of us are here to-day And not far off to-morrow. Dame Fortune to a favored few Is richest favors giving , But there are countless thousands wh Must hustle for a living. And some it seems must evsr pay , While some forever borrow ; And most of us are here to-day And not far off to-morrow. Chicago Post At Last. Her lily hand was clasped In his ; But , with a lover's foolish dread , " Tell me you love me , dear , " he cried. "You know it now , " she said. " Perhaps but tell me , dearest love. " Her sunny head drooped sweetly low , And hid upon his beating heart ; She whispered : " 2fow you know. " " But toy it , dear. " Around his neck One rounded arm crept gently slow ; She murmured , as ho stooped to hear : "You can not htlp but know. " " Bnt let me hear you say it , love. " Her lips pursed up a pretty pout , She stamped her foot "I love you ! there I I hope you've found it cut. " J. T. Newcomb , In Puck. To my Wife. would not speak one bitter word To , thee , my friend , Vho have been faithful and will ever be , Ee'n to the end : I still would treasure , as I do to-day , My very life. The sweetest , dearest , tenderest one , My precious wife I Though forms and faces oft in time Grow dim and strange Though hearts and hands wax cold , dear love , in you I find no change. ? he same soft hand to smooth my fevered brow , The same warm tears , ? he same true heart that shared my joys and pains In earlier years. 11 with hasty words that gentle soul Have ever wrung , 'ardon , with thy forgiving spirit , lore , My thoughtless tongue , And I will promise , as the years roll on , To make my life A loving tribute to thy virtues rare , My darling wife. Mrs. M. A. Kidder , in N. Y. Weekly. The Universal Strife. A cricket fed on an insect Too small for eye to see. A field mouse captured the cricket And hushed bis minstrelsy. A gray shrike pounced on the field mouse And hung him on a thorn. And a hawk came down on the cruel shrike , From over the waving corn. And a fox sprung out on the red-tailed hawk From under a fallen tree ; For bird and beast , by flood and field , Of every degree. Prey one upon the other. Twos thus ordained to be ; My rifle laid old Reynard low , And Death Death looked at me. Ernest McGaffey Saved. Her heart is the court of love Wherein I am being tried ; I ask of the powers above That she inay become my bride. Her "no" will to mo be death Ah , ended Is all the strife , For "yes" with a smile she salth ; The verdict IB thus "for life. " Nathan M. Levy , in Munsey's Weekly. if It is the of Wisdom Iii making purchases of appropriate gifts for the approaching holiday season that the idea of usefulness be kept in view. It is to this end that NOBLE so early calls special attention to the variety and richness of his stock of articles both USEFUL & BEAUTIFUL which will delight the heart of anyone and be ever useful in the home as well as ornamental. We have but to mention a few articles to fully arouse the reader's interest and centre his or her attention. As a starter , how would a : : : We have an assortment of plain and fancy sets that are rea sonable in price , excellent in quality , pretty and stylish in decoration and design. We can show you a large variety of From the handsomely decorated and more expensive to the plain and cheaper sorts. And best of all they are being sold at figures within the reach of the most modest pocket book. Besides we have an endless assortment of smaller articles , as Decorated Cups and Saucers And many pieces of toy ware for the children. In connection with our queensware and crockery we have a large stock of GLA WARE Comprising many articles which would be very acceptable at this season. But we have not exhausted our list of attrac tions by any means. Our display of : : : : : : : MHGWG MD STHHD IMPS has no equal in this section . You should make your choice early and thus secure the most attractive bargains. Our supply for the holidays , this season , of fresh : : : : : will be all the markets afford and this insures a variety and quality and quantity sufficient to meet every demand. C. ML NOBLE.