By-F. M. K I MM ELL. THE republicans IWVH iiitrodm fid n bill to redeem Humproinin of one cent peal , . < ' . THE repeal or the radical meut of the Men ink * ; . ' I/ill is lii way to restore public confidence i the republican parly. QUITE a number of the leadin republican papers incline to the be lief that the pension fees ought 1 be abolished notwithstanding tli fact a bill looking to the nccomi lishment of that end has boon ii traduced in congress bv a Missotu democrat. IT is asserted , on what irf consici ered good authority , that th Omaha Bee company employ La\v yer Simeral by tlio year , at a sain ry of $5,000 to defend their libe and damage suits , he pledging t pay all judgments and costs accru ing against the company. ONE of the wrongs to-day , say the Schuyler Quill , is the insui ance law which allows a compan ; to cancel a man's policy at will They carry an insurance at a higl rate , until some risk is incurred then the cancellation act comes ii play. Our alliance legislatur should better this. MBS. LIVERMORE , MissAnthon ; and other equal suffragists an "roasting" Mrs. Beecher becausi she recently declared that she re garded a thorough knowledge o house-keeping of more important to women than an education tha would fit them for the exercise o the electorial franchise. The men as a rule , and particularly thos < that are husbands , are disposed t ( sustain Mrs. Beecher. DEEP and sincere grief will b ( caused by the announcement tha Sitting Bull has been shot. Mr Bull was one of the finest conver sationalists of his race. It is true that he was vindictive , bloodthirsty and treacherous , and the swori enemy of the white man , but then is no feeling of joy that he has fal len at last by the bullet. It was one of the prayerful requests of al good people that he would live tc be hanged. CHARLES EICHARDS , a Texan , who killed a man at Benklemar some time ago and was sentenced to the penitentiary , was pardonec by the Governor Thursday , and al once left for his home in the Lone Star state. The redoubtable states man , Hon. Webster Flanagan , was liere in his interest Judging bj ihe number of Texans who have been pardoned out of our pen the folks down there are that sort thai stand by their friends. Lincolr Herald. SCULLY , the Dublin landlord , who has come into prominence ID Irish politics through the home xule split , is not unknown in tha west. He is owner of thousands of acres of land in Illinois , and al so the bulk of Nuckolls county , Nebraska. His tyrannical treat ment of tenants in both states led to the adoption of stringent alien laud laws , and unless Mr. Scully becomes an American citizen be fore his death , his vast acres be come the property of the state. If Scully is considered a typical home ruler , it is evident the Irish electors are not familiar with his odious operations as a landlord in Illinois and Nebraska. Bee. THE Messiah craze is not a new Indian fad. It is at least a cen- tuiy old , and may possibly have been practiced in various forms before Columbus sighted the "West Indies. A writer in the current Century asserts the Indians of Cal ifornia inherited respect for a pro spective. Messiah , and even after the followers of Junipera Serra vrooed them to practical civilization the redskins frequently broke down all restraints , hurred to the moun tains and went through muscular ceremonies not unlike the ghost dances of today. To some the Messiah was to come in the shape of a snake , to others in the form of a fiery bull. The Indians of to day slightly improve on the Mes siah of their brethren of early mis sion days by mounting him on a buffalo. THE Dundy County Pioneer ha tiM following somewhat nove schema to oiler in furtherance c the financial feature of the irriga tion question : "Our entry am proof money should be spent i : this country fnvirrigation purpose * The pollr ; of our government is t deal eqnilrbly Avith herpeoplean whojv JvnuMir } or favor is extend cd it should he in tin1 undevelop ed portions of our country. Bu how nrtjirly do { ho facts confirm t this idon. Dundy county contain 590,0-10 acres. ] f proof were mad on the enlim amount at $1.25 pe acre th-aggregate would be $784- yOO. But not nil of this land ha lipt-n commuted. Estimating the one-fifth has b pn paid out o : there would' bo ยง 150,000 Dmid county lias paid to the govern ment. saying nothing of the entr foes and relinquishments , whicl would amount to a goodly sum The question coines up , what ha the government done for us ? Th only answer possible is , nothing AVhal can and should the govern nvnt do for us is not so easily an sworcd. In the first place the gov eminent should and could make a ] appropriation to aid irrigation ii the west. $150,000 properly ex peuded would turn all the wate now flowing in our streams eve ] the accessible farm land of thi county , and plant enough stean pumps on the inaccessible land to insure enough water suppb each year , and this without an ] expense to the farmers. This dos < will only be paying back the mon ey taken from the farmers of th < county. Will it be done ? Hon esty on the part of the- govern ment , and necessity on the part o : the farmers demand it. Ne lec ! O and indifference on the part of con gress will defeat it. " AN important development cf the alliance in Kansas is a scheme oJ co-operation by which the farmers may be protected against forced sales of their products. The plar agreed upon is to raise funds wit ! which to make loans to poor mem bers of the organization on corr and wheat as security. This fund is to be formed by contributions each member giving $2 and it is to be used in tiding over farmers who would be otherwise driven to sacrifice their products. It is in tended by this movement to raise the price of grain by withholding it from the market until it shall command enough to compensate the farmer for his labor. ' If the alliance all over the country will adopt this method it will deal a severe blow to the speculators who make the necessity of the farmer their opportunity. If the farmers will avail themselves of the powei which they may command for theii own protection by thorough organ ization and intelligent cooperation tion , they will not need any gov ernment warehouses or any othei kind of federal paternalism. THERE'S a moiety of consolation in the fact that political revolutions are usually less dangerous to the public than distressing to the of fice-seeker , office-holder and to politicians generally. NEBRASKA'S political crop for "all ' 90 was the largest in the his- xry of the state , and it is not all garnered yet , apparently. THERE does not seem to be suf- Icient room in the alliance to com- brtably accommodate VanWyck ind BUITOWS. POWERS will be president for an- ither year , anyhow , if he never rarrns Nebraska's gubernatorial ihair. KOSEWATER by any other name rould smell ( ? ) as sweetly. Tuesday afternoon , Max Wayson held is raffle for his handsome bay pony , ] d. Laycock being the succesful ticket older. In Jack Dwyer's raffle for a ne meerschaum pipe Engineer Wolf ras the winner. School shoes at a great reduction at ranschow's , the old reliable. Dr. A. J. Thomas , Dentist , in Union lock , over Boston shoe store. and see the bargains at ranschow's. Price ourwatches , we wi// surprise lu. Call and be convinced. Car- ith & Son , Jewelers. Next door to ffizens Bank. There are men , and plenty of then who hate other men because the ) att < are successful. There arc even thos who hate a man who wears good clothe They are of the opinion that decenc in dress and bearing are evidences ( arrogance , and what they arc please to term "putting on style. " Such me are those who claim that one man is : good as another. The loafur that take this flattering unction to his soul is IK fooling anybody but himself. Tl couldn't even mislead a ntray tlg Ii any such assertion. A man who spcnc his time guzzling beer and gin and tli like , is not an good us men who do no The man who i.s too lazy tu earn a ducc-i living is not as good as the men of ei ergy who devote themselves to som sort of business , no matter how humbl it is. The man who has no worthy ait in life is not as good as the enterprii ing , public spirited man who endeavor to advance his own prosperity and tha of his neighbors by well directed effort in that direction. HOTICE. There will be Sunday school as usus at the M. E. church on next Sunda morning , at 10 o'clock , central turn There will be a Christmas tree and or tertainment at the church on Christina eve. Everybody cordially invited. J. H. YARGER , Supt. The City Livery Stable Is at the front of the procession Prompt , courteous attention and gooi teams in clean rigs have placed itthere I make a specialty of pleasing my trad in this way. Opposite the Arlingtoi Hotel. D. C. MARSH , Proprietor. Corn Cobs for Kindling. A car-load of corn cobs just thi thing for kindling just received at thi W. C. Bullard & Co. lumber yard Try a load. LADIES ! We would call your attention to ou new $2.00 and $2.50 Kid Button Shoes BOWEN & LAYCOCK. For Sale. A carriage and a base burner heating stove. Inquire at once. E. LINDNER. 50 TURKEYS WANTED. I want 50 turkeys at once. Inquire a IHE TRIBUNE office. FRANK HUBER. flour. & EASTERDAY. Bead our holiday ad. L. W. McCONNELL & CO. Come and see what Ganschow can d ( For you in the shoe line. 84 patent flour at POTTER & EASTERDAY. "Go S''owsnoKiNG ? " Yes , my dear maritime why not ? provided ihe heavens be propitioui and furnish the stiow , and there is every pies pect of plenty this winter. Snowshoeinp is as 3asy as sliding down hill , after you knon liow. and you will Know how , and how tc form a club , and what to wear , and all about it , after reading the breezy article on "Snow shoeing" in DEMOREST'S FAMILY MAGAZINE tor January ; and if you don't become enthu siastic about the subject , we are mistaken , 3r if your tastes are artistic rather than ath- etic , you will be delighted with the excellent aaper on "Modeling for Sculpture , " with ite lumerous and beautiful illustrations , includ ng a superb full-page portrait of the eminent American sculptor Hartley : and if you have lever modeled in clay , the suggestions for imateurs and beginners willl be or great as- listance. "Sage Maidens of Cornell TJniversi- y" is another handsomely illustrated article , vritten by one of them , telling of some of the rials and many of the pleasures of the life of i "co-ed" at that noted seat of learning ; the llustrated Chinese story is particularly in- eresting ; the other stories are all good ; the 'Sanitarian" has seasonable articles about he "Effects of Cold , " and how to take sitz , oot , and other baths , for remedial purposes ; 'Chat" ' and "The World's Progress" are espec- ally attractive ; and all the other departments ; re brimful of good things. Indeed , for beau- y , variety , and completeness , Demorest's * family Magazine must be awarded the palm f superiority as THE Family Magazine , and hould be in every household. Published by V. JENNINGS DEMOHEST , 15 East 14th St. , N. Y. The Parnell poets have broken out into rap- urous verse over their sainted leader. Here 5 a specimen lay from St. Lotii- : Sin ? aye 'tis sin , and we hate it ; But which of us dare throw a stone ? Which cry : " 1 have sinned not ? " We bait it , Be sure not one bitter heart-moan. This is pretty bad , but the poet has the con- elation of knowing that it isn't half as bad as 'arnell's relations with Mistress O'Shea. In Jerusalem you may still buy splinters of tie cross on which Christ was crucified. Tons nd tons of that cross have been sold , but for tie credulous it will never be exhausted. SCHOOL BOOKS Hie Tribune Office , \t \ Publishers' Prices. ( LANK BOOK * . hftOAL BLAMA * KRIS KRINGLE is a clever , sensible old gentleman , and the public will not be surprised to learn that he has this early in the season established his headquarters in McCook for the holiday trade. And they will admire his good taste and wisdom in selecting W r ing the ELEGANT AND POPULAR ESTABLISHMENT OF SUTTON tl il I IV 'J * Jeweler J i.ntj J i.ntji OF WESTERN NEBRASKA , in which to make his MOST EXTENSIVE , ELABORATE and DAZZLING u DISPLAY. We shall not attempt to give an adequate description of the costly and marvelous array of presents the generous old fellow has placed there and upon which you are invited to feast your eye. It cant be done. But he has duly commissioned Mr. Sutton as his distributing agent , and he will take great pains and pleasure in showing you the same , and satisfaction in making you happy. KRIS is a cash buyer , and I am able to sell low. Will duplicate any eastern prices on any goods. Will Not be Undersold. Stock of Silverware purchased before passage of Silver Bill. Will sell cheaper than anybody. i A splendid stock of Sterling Silver. All goods engraved free of charge to our customers. And then in the line of J we are unapproachable. Car rying a stock of Diamond Diamond Ear Rings , Diam on d Sc arf Pins , Studs , Lockets , CuffBottons , Pins , Broaches , Bracelets , Necklaces , Pendants , Hair Ornaments , and an endless variety of every and all articles kept in a Jewelry Store. There is That the heart desires in the line of JEWELRY that Sutton does not have and what can be more acceptable for a Christmas Gift or a New Tear Present than a Diamond Ring , a "Watch , Silver Tea Set , or in fact any of the 100 things of beauty and joys forever to be secured at bill 10i\b. No establishment in Western Nebraska carries one-half * the quantity , nor the quality , of ' ' IWATCHES ! . . . . * * * . . * * . . v that I now have displayed in my show cases , embracing the best movements , such as the Roekford , Howard , ii Vsfaltham , Columbus , f Elgin and Hampden. You can also have a choice of Solid or Filled Gold cases , of which I carry an elegant line , or of a large assort ment of the less expensive silver cases. Solid Gold or Warranted Filled Gases , In addition we have anything you want in FRENCH CLOCKS , or in the many popular , reliable clocks of home make. All our Goods are of Standard Make and You are Sure of getting THE BEST at TTON'S