M'OOOK TRIBUNE SUPPLEMENT. McCOOK , NEB OVER THE STATE. XOTE8. THE state press association convenes at Beatrice on Janaary 29 and 80. STANLEY , the African explorer , is tc be in Omaha December 24th and de. liver a lecture. ADAM PRETLEG , a prominent citizen Of Plattsmouth , died at his homo Sat urday , aged fifty-six years. GEORGE W. HALE of Mitchell was kicked by a vicious pony near Gering , ' and had two ribs broken. TRANNIE BILL-JITS , a girl 24 years old , of Hay Springs , Neb. , committed Buicido.in Omaha the other day. THE Butler county court house is under roof , and it will be pushed to completion. It will cost $50 , 000. IT is said that the headquarters of the Missouri Pacific railway , now in St. Louis , will be removed to Omaha. S. H. H. CLARK , the new general manager of the Union Pacific , began railroading by running a gravel train. THE mains for the waterworks at Crawford are being rapidly laid and the system will be in working order shortly. IT is said there will be a good many ealoons less in Omaha the coming year. The brewers will refuse to "put up" as they have in the past. THE third annual meeting of the as sociation of superintendents and princi pals of graded schools will be held at Lincoln December 29 and 30. " * ALLISON H. GILCHRIST , proprietor of the Nebraska City creamery , took first prize for butter , awarded by the Illi nois state board of agriculture. IVo MEN held up Joe Houghton , a policeman in South Omaha , and slugged him. He is in a very precarious condition ditionHe does not know who did the deed. THE pontoons of both the Short Line and the wagon bridge between Sioux City and Covington have gone out. The Short Line trains now cross on the high bridge. J. B. GIETZEX , manager of the Col umbus lumber company , was thrown from a buggy by a runaway horse and was so severely injured that his re covery is doubtful. IN the district court at Nebraska City James Martin and Terry Finney were sentenced to two years and eigh teen months , respectively , in the pen itentiary for burglary. CATTLE are dying of corn-stalk dis ease at the rate of five a day in Pleas ant Valley township. Dodge county. Plenty of water and green food mixed will prevent the disease. MOKLIN NEKBECK , of Omaha , was killed by being hit by an engine on the Missouri Pacific in that city a few days ago. He was hurt internally and lived but two hours after the accident. CATTLE belonging to farmers in Pleasant Valley township in Dodge county are dying from some unknown cause. The rate of mortality has been as high as five head a day with , some of the farmers. THE resignation of F. B. Tiffany , one of the judges of the Ninth judicial district , was received by Gov. Thayer the other day and he has appointed Edward M. Coffin of Ord as judge to succeed Tiffany. FORD E. SMITH , late of the clerical force at the packing house of Swift & Co. , at South Omaha , committed sui cide last week by taking morphine. Illness and despondency seem to have * ? TTar * VfM 4ff Vl , / ftf\4- ur.iveu mm 10 tne ace. W. J. FLANYIGAN , lately a postal clerk * running between Lincoln and Crawford , was arrested in Lincoln and brought to Omaha , charged with refusing to turn otfer the records , etc. , in his possession to his successor. M. P. WEBSTER , who resides about fifteen miles east of Gering , was thrown from a horse and had his col lar bone fractured in two places be sides sustaining serious internal in juries. He is fifty-nine years old. ANOTHER decided step in the onward march of Christian work in Omaha was celebrated last Sunday by the dedi cation of the First United Presbyterian church. It is a fine structure and there is but little indebtedness upon it THE December distribution of the temporary state school fund amounts to $305,004,97. This is next to the larg est distribution in the history of the state. The largest was in June , 1880 , and amounted to $317,619.26. The distribution one year ago amounted to $282,425.21. MARTIN BARKER , the Lyons barber , who , while drunk , shot a fellow named Lewis in the arm , was found guilty of Assault with intent to commit great bodily injury , and was sentenced to five years confinement in the state .pen itentiary. „ DAVE PAYTON , colored , was arrested by Detective Jim Leary in Hanover precinct , Gage county , on a charge of being implicated in stealing a mule from W. H. Bryant in Beatrice about a year and a half ago. Paytpn was lodged in the county jail. THE sixth annual convention of the Nebraska dairymen's association will be held at Pawnee City , Neb , , Decem ber 16 , 17 and 18. A very interesting programme has been prepared , and there is every indication that the meet ing will he largely attended. J. C. WATKINS , a switchman em ployed in the B. & M. yards at Lin coln , met his death in a sudden man ner the other day. Whila running on top of the cars , his foot slipped and he plunged headlong from the carte to the track. He was a heavy man and his head struck with great force sg-ainst a rail , breaking his neck. Death was instantaneous. He leaves a wife and three children. So GREAT has been the , growth d , the Fremont normal school lBml busi ness college that at a meeting of di rectors it was decided to put a lnrg < wing , three stories high , on the nortl of the present building , and to put uj another dormitory with eighty "rooms. ALPHONSE MARION , secretary of'the Percheron and Arabian importing horse company at Fremont , has re turned to Franco to reside. Mr. Ma rion was mrtrried a short time ago in France , and at his wife's request he goes back to make a permanent home. A FARMER named Sam Snow , from near Hamburg , had a narrow escap ? from death while crossing the river at Nebraska City with a load of wood. The wagon became detached from the team and went to the bottom of the river , and ho only escaped with greal difficulty. BURGLARS entered the clothing store of P. G. Shanstron at St. Paul and se cured about $100 worth of goods. The safe of A. Jacobson was partially drilled open , but left unfinished. The saloon of X. Piaceki was opened and about § 10 in cash from the till and some liquors were taken. CLARA B. SHUMWAY , Banner coun ty's superintendent of public instruc tion , and George B. Luft , the leading merchant of the thriving young city ol Ashford , were joined in matrimony lasl week. Both parties are so widely and favorably known that their union causes an unusual stir in the county. THE first anniversary of the murdei of Carl Pulsifer at Crowell was cele- arated in Fremont last week by the filing of two damage suits arising oui of the matter aggregating $20,000 , the plaintiff being Herman Diers , who waf arrested and for a time imprisoned ot suspicion of being implicated in the murder. T. O. POINTER , aged twenty-eight vears.was found dead on the banks of 3edar. creek , one mile north of Rock- brd , Gage county. The verdict of the ury was that the deceased came to his death from heart disease. Pointer's home was in Rockford. He leaves 2 rife and young child in indigent cir. cumstances. GENERAL WEBSTER FLANAGAN ol Texas has induced Governor Thayer tc pardon Charley Richards , who has been suffering imprisonment for at tempted murder. Charley Richards is a Texas cowboy about sixtj--five years old. and some four years ago became embroiled in a quarrel at Benkleman and shot a man. A DESTRUCTIVE fire in Ponca burned four buildings Pletches' grocery store , Mrs. Addise's store , Dr. Porter's office and a small shop ad joining .Mrs. Addi- son's store on the west. The fire originated - inated in the back part of Pletches' grocery store , and when discovered was so far advanced that nothing could be saved from the building. P. BONNELL of Superior has received a dispatch from his superintendent at White Pine , Col. , that the "Silver Cord" mine , which Mr. Bounell pur chased a few months ago , has devel oped a heavy pay streak of ore that yields from 150 to 1,000 ounces of sil ver per ton. Mr. Bonnell's friends are congratulating him upon his rich strike.- A FARMER in Sarpy county sold his farm and was paid $200 down. A second end man came along and offered him nearly twice the amount. Farmer went to first man and offered him $500 to trade back. Traded. Started to hunt second purchaser but never found him. The two fellows were off to gether laughing how they worked the old codger. WHILE a large numberof , skaters were disporting themselves on the ice on Indian creek : tt Tfintru'.n th ir > f > gave way and precipitated quite a num ber into the water. There were aboui sixty on the ice at the time , all sue- 'ceeding in getting out safely excepl two , who very narrowly escapee drowning. They were finally i-escued with the aid of long poles , after much difficulty. S \VAX JOIINSOX , a farmer living northeast of Holdrege , met with a serious and fatal accident. While waiting at the Farmers' elevator with a load of wheat Mr. Johnson's team was frightened by the cars. He attempted to hold the horses by the bits , but they broke away , throwing him to the ground under the wagon , both legs being crushed and severe internal in juries sustained. THE state board of printing met last week at the office of the secretary of state and awarded the printing of the coming house and senate bills and the biennial reports "of the incoming state officials. Pace , Williams & North , of Lincoln , received the bills and treas urer's report ; the State Journal com pany the auditor's ' report , and the rest of the plums fell into the hands of the Testner printing company of Omaha. NOTICE was served on John H. Pow ers , who has contested the election of Hon. James E. Jioyd , to the effecl that the latter will proceed to take testi mony on the loth instant in Omaha in the contest cases. The official notice was received in Lincoln by Mr. Har- wood , by whom it was served upon Mr. Powers. The notice sets forth that the contestant ( Powers ) intends to con sume the whole time of the committee allowed by law with his witnesses , seas as not to give an opportunity to the contesters to be heard. IN the still hours of night , the Cal- lawav postoffico was moved to the rail- rqadluddition , nearly half a mile from the business center of the town. The railroad addition is but a few months old , and the town site speculators in charge have made strenuous efforts to BecureTho removal of business men from the present business street. These efforts have been failures , and the town has grown faster this summer than ever before in its history. The secret removal has created great indignation against Postmaster Mair and the railroad company. ; A SENATOBIAL TILT CV WHICH A NUMBER OF MEMBERS TAKE A HAND. A Rather W'arm DincHssIon Growing Out of the Resolution Offered by Sen ator Dolph Ilcjjardins Elective Franchise Privileges The Fran It Apportionment Bill Favorably Acted Upon by the House Committee A Recommendation for the Vacant Union Paclflc Directorship. Senator * Indulge lit Slur * . WASHINGTON , Dec. 13. In the sen- yesterday , number of unimportant bills were reported from committees and placed on the calendar , after which Mr. Plumb's resolution , fixing ing the hour for daily meetings , was taken up. The resolution offered yes terday by Mr. ' Dolph. instructing the committee on privileges and elections to inquire and report whether the right to vote at any election for presidential electors , members- congress , legis latures or officers is denied to any male citizen of any state or is abridged ex cept for participation in the rebellion or other crime , was taken up. Mr. Doiph said he particularly wanted the committee to give attention to whether some states had not provided in their constitutions or laws such voting quali fications as were not permitted by the fourteenth amendment to'the constitu tion without an abridgement of con gressional representation. He said the constitution recently adopted in Mis sissippi did impose such qualifications and the representation of that state should be abridged. He sent to the clerk's desk and had read the recent inaugural message of Governor Till- man of South Carolina , which , be said , was an official declaration that the great mass f ' the colored men of the south were fit to exercise the elective franchise ; that the white people of the south were in control of the state gov ernments and proposed to maintain con trol at all hazards. The propositions showed clearly , Mr. Dolph said , that the colored people of the south would not .be permitted to vote as long as they voted the republican ticket or where their voting would secure repub lican control. . Mr. Vest moved an amendment in structing the committee to inquire fur ther , whether by any state legislation any citizen of the United States was denied the right to work on public im provement by reason of their color. He read a clause from a recent statute of the Oregon republican legislature authorizing the building of bridges and providing that none but white laborers should be employed on the works. It might be , Mr. Vest said , that the pro vision was intended to exclude Chinese labor , but the language of the statute excluded Mongolian , Indian and negro. Democratic states had never denied the negro the right to earn his bread by his honest labor. Mr. Dolph replied , and in the fur ther discussion an allusion to Till- man's message brought out a declara tion from Mr. Butler that he was per fectly willing to stand by that message. Mr. Dolph said he was informed that Mr. Butler himself had threatened the colored men in his employ that he would discharge them if they voted the republican ticket. Mr. Butler replied that whoever made that statement was guilty of a deliberate and willful falsehood. Mr. Hoar arose and said he had made the statement , having read with in twenty-four hours in a public docu ment the testimony of the senator from South Carolina before a committee , in wnica lie said ne Had told the colored people on his plantation that he should dismiss them if they voted the repub lican ticket. Mr. Butler Then the remark I made applies of course to the senator from Massachusetts. Mr. Hoar replied that he was not to be deterred from saying what he had to say either by the manner or beha vior of Mr. Butler. The Keapportionmciit . WASHINGTON , Dec , 13. The appor tionment bill , based upon a represent ation of 356 members of the house of representatives , originally proposed by Mr. Frank of Missouri , has been favor ably acted upon by the house commit tee on census. 'Duuell subsequently reported , the bill to the 'house. The report notes the charges and says that from the population of the United States the committee subtracted the population of the District of Columbia , Oklahoma and Utah. The remainder was 61- 908,906. With this number the differ ent ratios were obtained by taking as the devisor any proposed number. Each number was taken from 332 to 375. Trials were made until a num ber was found which would give a ratio tie which in application would secure each state against any loss in member ship and in no instance leave a major fraction. This number was fo'und to be 356. The ratio was 173,901. The number of members obtained on an even division was 339. The additional 17 needed to make 356 was secured by giving another member to each of the states having left to it a major frac tion. These states are : Alaba'ma , California , Georgia , Indiana , Iowa , Kentucky , Maine. Maryland , Massa chusetts , Oregon. Rhode Island , South Carolina. South Dakota , Texas. Ver mont , Virginia and Wisconsin. Tnc Union Pacific Directorship. WASHIITSTON , Dec. 13. The meet ing of the Nebraska delegation to re commend a successor to the late Judge James W.- Savage as government di rector ot the Union Pacific railroad company was the longest and most ex citing of any heretofore held. The names of nine candidates were consid- ored , viz : Frank Murphy , J. W. Paddock - dock , George L. Miller , Henry W. Yates , Hugh G. Clark and , J. ST. H. Patrick of Omaha , and W. H. Hunger of Fremont , J. E. Isorth of Columbus and II. S. J3ibb of Beatrice. Tory positive - itive preferences were expressed for the different candidates by the several members of the delegation and disa greements wore developed which it seemed almost impossible to harmon ize. The members of the delegation named their first , second , third and fourth choices , and after protracted balloting and consideration it was found that the easiest candidate to harmonize on was Major J. W. Pad dock of Omaha. He was finally unan imously chosen and his name was ac. cordingly presented in a strong "letter of recommendation to the president , subject to the prior recommendation of J. H. McColl , whose name was again very vigorously urged as the first choice of Nebraska if republicau should be considered. A Dciilnl from Secretary Rusk. WASHINGTON , Dec. 13. The atten tion of Secretary Husk was called this evening to a dispatch from Chicago in which it was asserted that he had been interviewed and had expressed himself in very vigorous terms against the so- called reaper trust , and had said that ho knew that such a trust existed , be cause he had been offered stock in the concern. Mr. Rusk says the whole story , so far as it connects his name with it , is untrue , and what would be called "a fake" in a newspaper office. I have been interviewed on no subject relating to politics either in a near or remote way since tke election , " said the secretary , "and I have persistently refused to express any opinions on any political subjegt. As to the merits of the question , I do not believe that American agricultural implement man ufacturers are unable to dispose of their products abroad at lower prices than they receive at h'ome. The story that I have been offered stock in the concern is equally false with the others. " WASHINGTON NEWS AND NOTES. Senator Stanford intends to make another speech in favor of his farm loan project. Congressman Dorsey recommended the appointment of Melvern Shay to be postmaster at Mentonville , Ante lope county , Nebraska. The Nebraska delegation expect to present the name of a democrat from their state for appointment to the Un ion Pacific directorship , made vacant by the death of Judge Savage of Oma ha. Eepresentative Gear and Senators Allison and Wilson say there < cau be no doubt of the adoption of the bill intro duced by the former giving $10,000 , a year's salary , to the widow of the late Associate Justice Miller. Senator Casey will soon introduce a resolution calling upon the secretary of agriculture to furnish information relative to the expenditure of money appropriated last summer for investi gation into the practicability of arte sian wells for irrigation in the Dakotas - tas , Nebraska and other states conti guous. Twenty-eight senators and many members of the house have joined in a petition to the president for the ap pointment of Moses P. Handy of Phila delphia , for several years and now a newspaper correspondent here , as con sul general to Egypt , now vacant. It is believed that he will receive the ap pointment. The house committee on rules has not yet filed a programme for the con sideration of public building bees , of wuicn mere are imriy-nree on tnc calendar , among them the following : Beatrice , Neb. ; Sioux Falls , S. D. ; Fort Douge. la. , and Sioux City. It is be lieved they will all be passed shortly after the holidays. President Harrison will have an opportunity to appoint another high officer in the army , the death of Sur geon General Baxter creating another vacancy. President Harrison has al ready had the appointment of fourteen general officers in the army , and the number of retirements which will take place within a few months will make his record for army appointments the largest of any since the war. The president adopted the rule of seniority and sticks to it in every instance ex cept possibly where there are cases personal to a ranking officer making an exception advisable. Invalid Pensions. WASHINGTON , Dec. 12. Merrill , chairman oi the house committee on invalid pensions , received a note from the pension commissioner , who has just concluded examining the claims , recorded under the new act , showing 471,946 original invalid claims , 55,323 original widow's claims and 298,330 claims filed by old claimants. This gives only about 227,000 new claims filed under the late law. Merrill re gards this statement as evidence that the expenditure for pensions under the new act will be much less than antici pated. Jnst and Economical. ( From "Farm , Field , and StocJhnan.1) "Tho action of the recent convention of theF. IT. B. A. of Illinois , indorsing the Paddock Pare Food Bill , representing the idea ? of 80,000 practical far- aeiB , will have great vreightvrlth the neitCongress. An immcnco meeting at St. Lenis recently also endorsed the Paddock Pure Food Bill. This shows that the farmers are traking up. There is no question but that the breadth and scope of ihe Paddock Bill , pat it far ahead of any similar measure which Congress has yet discussed , anil removes the objectionable feature of class leg islation , tb whiih the Conger Lard Bill is open. It makes no difference -whether the Bill favors farmer-pr laborer , banker or manufacturer. If it favored * one data to the exclusion of others , it rhonld not receive the approbation of the people. Another thing which commends the Paddock Bill to the fanner is the economy of its working. In stead of an army of revenue officials which the Conger Bill calls for , ihe inspection of food is put where it belong * , in the Agricultural Department. There la a practical common teuto ring to all the requirements of the Bill which points to the fact that it originated in the Farmers' Alliances , of Nebraska , and not in a'Boston millionaire lard manufacturer's office , such u IB sold to bar * fathered the Conger Bill/ ' BILLS IN (10NGEESS. SEW MEASURES INTRODUCED Hi JBOTH HOUSES. A Bill to Amend the I'reacnt Silver Law Disposition of I'tibl c Bitildi liiST Measures Discussion of the Election * Hill lu the Senate Pro vision ibr Free Coinage of Silver- Other Important Proceedings in Both Holmes of Congrciis. CONGUKSSIONAL. In the senate on the 8th Senator Dawes read portions of a'lettor written by Mr. Lee. a census Indian agent from the Pine Ridge agency , to the in terior department , going to show that there is no lack of food among the Sioux. Senator Gorman presented a large number of petitions , principally from the state of New York , protest ing against the passage of the elections bill. He said that they had been pre pared under the lead of the New York Star. Senator Jones of Arkansas offered a resolution , which went over until tomorrow , calling on the attor ney general for information as to the supervisors of election appointed for the First and Second congressional districts of Arkansas for the congres sional election of November 4 last. The sums of money paid out arc called for in connection with the election , or with the proceedings that have taken place since the election , etc. The elec tions bill was then discussed until the hour of adjournment. In the house on motion of Mr. Grout of Vermont , a bill was passed prohibiting the grant ing of licenses within one mile of the soldiers' home , District of Columbia. Several bills relating to the District of Columbia were also passed. Mr. McKinley - Kinley reported from the ways and means committee and the house passed the bill providing for a rebate of to bacco in stock equal to the reduction made in the revenue tax by the last tariff bill. Mr. McKinley merely stated that the bill was similar to the provis ion of the tariff bill ( section 3Qwhicl had been omitted in the enrolling 01 that measure ; and on the declaratior by Mr. Mills of Texas that it was "all right , " no opposition was made to its passage. Mr. Bartinc of Nevada asked unanimous consent for the passage ol a bill for the recoinago of defaced sub sidiary silver coin , making such coin a legal tender to the amount of $20 and providing that it shall constitute part of the legal reserve of national banks. Mr. Cannon of Illinois ob jected , and the house at 5 o'clock ad journed. In the senate on the 9th Senator Plumb introduced a bill for the retire ment of national bank notes and pro viding for the free coinage of silver. In presenting the bill he said that if the election bill was not disposed of in a short time he would move that it be temporarily laid aside that the silver question might be considered. He said itwas the paramount duty of congress tolegislate for the relief of the finan cial distress of the country. The sen ate concurred in the house amendment reducing the amount of the proposed appropriation for a public building at Nebraska City from * § 100,000 to $ (50- ( 000. In the house the credentials of T. J. Geary as representative-elect from the First congressional district of California to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of J. J. Dehaven were presented , and Mr. Geary took the oath of office. The fortifications bill and the bill making a deficiency appropriation for public binding was reported and referred. The resolution looking to the removal of the remains of General Grant to Arlington was taken up and debated. The resolution was defeated , yeas 62 , nays 154. The house then proceeded under the special order to the disposition of pub lic building meTisures previously re ported from the committee of the whole. The following bills for the erection of public buildings were passed with a limitation of cost as stated : Bar Harbor , Me. , § 75,000Mankato ; Minn. , $50,000 ; Meridian. Miss. , 450,000 ; Youngsttnvn , O. , $75,000 ; Camden , Ark. , § 25,000 : ' Sioux Falls. S. D. , $150- 000 ; St. Alban's , Vt , $40,000 ; Stockton , Cal. , $75,000 ; Norfolk , Va , , $150.000 ; Beatrice , Neb. , $60,000 : Davenport , la. , $100,0'00 ; Rockland , jll. , $75,000 ; Reidsville , N. C. , $25,000South ; Bend , Ind. , $75,000 ; Fargo , N. D. , $50,000 ; Newburg. N. Y. , $100,000 ; Madison , Ind. , $50,000 ; Pueblo. Col. , $150,000 ; Sioux City , la. , $250,000 ; Lima , O. , $60,000 ; Portland , Ore. , $400,000 ; Haverhill , Mass. , $75,000 ; Charleston , S. C. , increase. $50,000 ; Bloomington , 111. , $100.000 ; Lewiston , Me. , $75,000 ; Kansas City. Mo. , $1,200.000 ; Taunton. Mass. , $75,000Racine ; , Wis. , $100,000 ; Savannah , Ga. , $250,000 ; Pawtucket , R. L , $55,000 ; Akron , O. . $100,000 ; Rome , Ga. , $50,000 ; Rockford. 111. , $100,000 ; Fort Dodge , la. , $75,000 ; Sheboygan , Wis. , $50,000. In the senate on the 10th Senator Farwell introduced a bill to amend section 1 of the present silver law seas as to direct the secretary to purchase all the silver bullion that may be of fered at the market price thereof , not exceeding $1 for 371.25 grains of pure silver and to issue payment for it in United States treasury notes. After the introduction of a number of bills the house bill to authorize the pay ment of a drawback or rebate on to bacco ( to correct an omission of the tariff bill ) was passed. The senate then resumed consideration of the elections bill , and Mr. George spoks four hours in opposition to it. The floor was then taken by Wilson of Iowa. In the house J. W. Hathaway was elected postmas ter on the motion of Mr. Henderson of Illinois. On motion of Mr. Mason of Illinois the senate bill was passed for the relief of Paymaster Bash , United States army. Mr. McKinley stated that he had been directed by the com mittee on ways and means to rcpoft-a. ; ' * ' resolution for the distribution ottho fr president's annual message and upon ; . his motion the house rosplved itself into - a committee of the whole for its con sideration. In response to a question by Hooker , Mc'Kinloy stated that so much of the message as referred to-tho , election bill was assigned to a select committee on the election of president , vice president , and members of con gress. On motion of Mr. Perkins the , house again wont into committee of th& whole on bills reported from the com mittee on Indian affair's. * One bill concerning - - cerning the mission to the Indians in4 California was considered. The com mittee rose , the bill passed , and tho. house adjourned. In the senate on the llth the billi appropriating $200,000 to provide and equip a steam vessel for boarding pur poses at Chicago , III. , was passed * The election bill wjts then taken up and Mr. Wilson of Iowa addressed the senate in its advocacy. The question which confronted congress was one oC duty. In several states not only the right of the individual citizen had been outraged , but the equality of states in the matter of representation had been denied. Thus Mississippi and South Carolina , with a vote of 11)1,119 ) , tent fourteen members to the house of rep resentatives , while Iowa , with a voting ing population of .293,255 , sent but eleven members. The people of the country could not believe that the peo" pic of Mississippi and South Carolina wore as free to use the ballot as the people of Iowa. Nor would the people ple be content until absolute safety was assured in the use of the ballot , nor until fairness" and good faith was shown in the counting of the same in each state. The country must So right , that every citizen , be he white or colored , shall cast his vote as is his right and have it counted as it is cast. If congress obeyed the dictates of duty it would establish peace throughout the republic. If it refused it would but involve the country in the perils of re tributive justice , which was ever the- fllltr r\f l\r\ rrt 'Ceni \ T. . + Vnr Viftucm uny ui me oppressed , in tna nouso the bill was passed amending section 5515 of the revised statutes to provide- a penalty for any person having the custody of ballots-and returns after an election had been held who shall alter- such returns or erase the name of any candidate for representative or dele gate in congress from any ballots in his custody or in any way alter or deface the same with intent to affect the re sult of such election. The bill was then taken up to amend the anti-poly gamy law by providing that personal property formerly belonging to the Mormon church , which is now in the hands of a receiver , shall be placed in the common school fund territory. Without completing its consideration the house laid it aside as unfinished business and went into committee of the whole on bills from the public land committee. Lottery Circular * . WASHINGTON. Dec. 11. It is stated at the postotfice department that mails sent from Mexico into the United States recently have been burdened with circulars of Mexican lotteries in closed in sealed envelopes , the corners of which are clipped , and the postage paid at the rate of one cent , which is permissable under the Mexican postal laws. "Under the laws of the United States the inclosure of such circulars in a sealed envelope would require them to be held for postage , and re fused admission to the mail as printed matter. The postmaster general has been in correspondence with the di rector general of posts of Mexico on this subject , and it has been agreed that the circulars referred to shall no longer be carried in the mails or de livered to addresses in this country. murdered nn Indian. DENVER , Col. , Dec. 11. A Durango , Col. , special says : Saturday night Thomas Franklin quarreled with In dians in a saloon at Armago , N. M. He struck both Indians over the head with a billiard cue , killing one and seriously injuring the other. Yester day the Apaches came to Armago in tent upon having Franklin's scalp , but he was secreted by the sheriff. Great excitement prevails , as the Indians de clare they want jubtice. The town people , however , have armed them selves-and if the Indians should at tempt to take Franklin out of the town there will be trouble. STOCK AND 1'llOiniCK 2IARKKTS. Qitotallotis from Xew Yi > rli , Clilcmja , St- Lou in , Oiiititin iiinl Elsewhere , OMAIIA. letter Creamery . 22 © 25 Butter Dairy . 14 < & 18 Mess Pork Fer bbt . 11 00 ( 5tl 50 Kgns Fresh . 23 < & 24 Honey , per lb. , new , comb . 17 W 18 Ghickens dressed . 7 © 8 Turkeys Drei-sed . 10 CS 12 Geese dressed . 10 © 11 Ducks Live , per dozen . 150 ( < S 2 00 Oranges . 400 @ 4 SO Lemons . 750 © 800 Onions Per bush . 1 35 © 1 50 Beiiis Narles . 2JO © 283 Wool Fine , unwashed , pur E ) . . . . 11 © 13 Potatoes . : . . 85 © CO Apples Per bbL . 325 © 4 Si Hay Per ton . 800 © 350 Hog * Mixed packing . 3 20 © 3 40 Hogs Heavy weights . 333 © 360 lieeves Choice steers . 3 30 © 3 75 Sheep Natives . 2 33 © 4 40 XEW YOKK. Wheat No. 2 red . 1 02 © 1 02'i Corn No. 2 . 62 < f } 62i. Oats Mixed western . 52 G > 57 Pork . 10 7. , © 1200 Lard . 600 © S 10 CHICAGO. Wheat Per bushel . SO © 80,1 Corn Per bushel . 52 © 52'/i Oats Per buAel . 43 © 43Ji Pork . 81255S1045 Lard . 5 00 © 5 10 Hoes Pnckius and shipping . 340 © 3M Cattle Stockers . 1 00 © 2 & Sheep Natives . 425 © 500 ST. LOUIS. Wheat Cash . S2 © 82H. Corn Per bushel . 52 © 52 Oats Per bushel . 45 © 4 ; > & Hess Mixed packing . 320 © 355 Cattle Feeders . 2 OJ © 3 10 SIOUX CITY. Cattle Stackers andreedew . 3 03 © 3 50 Hogs Mixed . 3 75 © 3 93 KANSAS CITY. Wheat No.2 . 2 © H3H Corn No. 2 . 43 © 45H. OaU No. 2 . © 45H. Cattle Stoeken ud feeders . 200 © 310 3W © 370