L LOWMAN & SON. SPECIAL SALE. MEN'S SUITS FOR : : $4.OO MEN'S PANTS FOR : : _ 1.5O BOYS' SUITS FOR : : : 1.2S BOYS' KNEE PANTS , : : .BO OVERCOATS FOR : : , : 2.OO Remember that we are selling out our stock of clothing at least 25 PER GENT BELOW USUAL PRIGE. CHILDREN'S WRAP $1.SO LADIES' CLOAKS 3.OO JACKETS FOR 1.5O Our Entire Winter Stock ! COMFORTERS and BLANKETS at 25 per cent OFF per cent 25 We want to reduce our stock , and we sell accordingly. HEMP S SO per yd. Other Carpets at low figures. Holi day Goods cheaper , than the cheapest. . .BY PRICES AT CLEARANCE SALE ! Before invoicing on Jan. 1st , 1891 , we will close every line AT - : - ACTUAL - : - COST ! * The following are some of the prices : 10 dozen of MISSES' TOBOGGANS at 25c. Worth Y5c. 10 dozen of MISSES' TOBOGGANS at 50c. Worth $1.25. 10 doz. suits MEN'S UNDERWEAR at $2.50. Cheap at $5. 10 doz. suits MEN'S UNDERWEAR at $1. Cheap at $2. LADIES' UNDERWEAR at ONE-HALF regular price. A FULL LINE OF Ladies' , Misses' , Children's and Men's Shoes A < T BEDROCK ! Notwithstanding that shoes have advanced 20 per cent. We will make this absolutely in McCook and vicinity. We have a full stock of to select from AS LOW AS THE LOWEST. Give us a trial and be convinced that We are THE CHEAPEST DEALER in the City. YOURS AJSXIOUS TO PIJIASE , H. LAWYER. "The Talleyrand Memoirs" in Tht Century. The Century magazine is running a f ast presi day and night in order to print the first in stallment of the delayed"Talleyrand Memoirs' in the January number. This same magazim was the first to print , before its appearanci in France , the life and literary remains of thi great French artist , Jean Francois Millet , anc now the Century is to bring to light , before they appear in any other country , the long hidden memoirs of the most famous of French diplomatists. The first article will be preced ed by what is said to bo a brilliant pen-por trait of Talleyrand by MinlsterWhitelaw Reid , who has made the selections from the most interesting chapters of the first volume. The first installment of selections from "The Memoirs of Talleyrand , " which is to appear in the January Century , will contain a sketch of the author's strange and lonely childhood , an account of his entry Into Parisian society , his estimate of LaFayette , some account of the beginnings of the French Revolution , a strik ing passage concerning the Duke of Orleans : nn account of Talleyrand's residence in Eng land and America , and of a most Interesting conversation between Talleyrand and Hamil ton on the subject of free trade and protec tion. EPOCH. The transition from long , lingering and pain ful sickness to robust health marks an epoch in the life of the individual. Such a remarka ble event is treasured in the memory and the agency whereby the good health has been at tained is greatfully blessed. Hence it is that so much is heard in praise of Electric Bitters. So many feel they owe their restoration to health to the use of the great alterative and tonic. If you are troubled with any disease of kidneys , liver or stomach of long or short standing you will surely find relief by use of Electric Bitters. Sold at 50 cents and $1 per bottle at A. McMillan's drug store. There is a dispute as to exactly when the twentieth century will begin. A Pittsburg astronomer says it will begin on January 1 , 1890. The first ce iury does not end with the year 99. but with the year 100 ; the second cen tury , therefore , began with the year 101 , and the twentieth century , as explained , will be gin with the year 1901. Piln aai dread attend the use of most catarrh remedies. Liquids and snuffs are unpleasant as well as dangerous. Ely's Cream Balm is safe , pleasant , easily applied into the nostrils , and a sure cure. It cleanses the nasal pas- gages and heals the inflamed membrane , giv ing relief at once. Price 50 cents. Levin , who is supposed to bo Tolstoi and a character in "Anna Karenina , " says in that novel : "Justices of the peace are no good. In eight years I have never known one to make a right decision. " A chemist says there is just one-fifth as much nutriment in quail on a toast as in the same quantity of weak mutton broth ; and there is even more difference in the price of the two articles. When you get upon the sea you do not make EI bee line for England. The engines of the large ocean steamers make about 250,000 turns In crossing the Atlantic between New York and Liverpool. Itch on human and horses and all animals cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Sold by L. W. Mo- Connell & Co. , Druggists , McCook , 30-lyr. FROM THE COUNTY SEA ! Epitome of the Week's Event at the Seat of County Affairs. Joe Goggles , the Irrepressible , Specie News and Society Reporter. "Tom" Teas is back from Iowa. Ed. Dalle * wan In the city. Tuesday. County commissioners are In session. Our feed stores are doing a good business. So far this fall Indlanoln has no cases c diphtheria. There are some eastern parties bore read to buy lund. Our dairyman. James Winter , talks some c leaving these parts. Hay is a very scarce article and in prlc correspondingly high. The piuk ten social. Christmas night , will b held in the Masonic ball. An engine house 24x30 has just been con pleted at the ocbor mine. The Epworth League held an interestln meeting , Wednesday night. We are informed that Alliance supplies c provisions are now coming In. Postmaster General Petorman is in the eas ern part of the state on business. Lots of strangers in town every day. The come to trade at the cheap store. The Bret Harte club will give a public entei tainment on the evening ot January 3d , 1M1. The pension board of physicians in this cit havp had but little work for the past montl The Sargent hotel will soon be rustling fo patronage. Jake's courage deserves success There is some high kicking about the wa relief goods are boingdistributed. 'Twas eve thus. George Short lost a valuable gold rim Wednesday evening , on his way home fror his store. Rev. J. T. Roberts is deluged with Iptter from parties in the east , regarding drough sufferers. Attorneys Dodge , LeHew and Hart of Me Cook were in this yellow ocher town , the for part of the week. One justice of the peace says he will give m orders for donations to any one who drink whiskey or chews tobacco. The latest news is that a wholesale and retal hardware company will open up business ii this city , early in the spring. Attorney Suavely expects to go out to Den ver , in a few days , on business. Colonel ha S20.000 invested in Denver dirt. Prof. Frank Weatberwax will give an elecu tiouary entertainment at high scbool hall ii this city , Friday evening , 19th ipst. There is a strong probability that there wil be some changes in the firms doing a mercan tile business in this city , about the first of tb < new year. George Cramer gives It out as hia privat < opinion that were a car of flour and one o beer to come in for the relief of drouth suffer ers that the car of beer would be unloaded first C. H. Vaughn , our tonsorial artist , has ac cepted a position as assistant superintcnden of the poor farm , Clinton county. New York and will start east with his family in abou two weeks. The First National Bank and Bank of Indian oia have made a proposition to the othei banks in the state that they will be two of on ( hundred banks to furnish each a car load 01 coal to drought sufferers. The city council have wisely decided to ex pend what money there is in the city treasury in the improvement of the streets and alley ! during the winter months , so as to afford em ployment to those out of money. The M. E. and Congregational church Sun Jay schools will treat the little folks of thi 3ity to pop corn and candy , Christmas eve. The intention being to make the children lappy as possible at a small outlay. NOTES FROM THE NORTH EAST. O. Frost is back from Omaha. A car of coal has been received at Bartley 0 be distributed among the needy. Rev. Roberts of Indianola and Rev. Carmi- hael of Bartley are actively at work In relief aissions. Mrs. Bukerwas very much afilicted , the ore part of the week. Her daughter Etta as come homo to take care of her. Rev. J. M. Mann in company with G. W. toper , county clerk , spent Monday at Lln- oln , in the interest of the county relief asso- iation. W. S. Hanlein and Wm. Kite of Bartley par ioipated In the church services at Dry Creek , unday , the 14th. Brother Hanlein gave a ery practical sermon. The folks at Dry Creek are in earnest about applying the needy drouth sufferers. Sever- 1 meetings have been held and one is called ) r Tuesday , Dec. 23d , at the school bouse. After a week's vacation the Bartley school pened last week , with Professor Smith as rincipal. While it may not be the protes t's forte to govern unruly boys he certainly is a very happy faculty of imparting impor- int instruction to those who go to school for ic purpose of fitting themselves for a life of sefulness. * * GENERAL ITEMS. J. E. Tirrill , justice of the peace , Is the over- ser of the poor for the south half of Valley range precinct. On next Wednesday there will be a children's iristmas service at the Lutheran church. 11 are cordially invited. We are certainly crossing a season when ie band of God is heavy upOn us in the way : sfckness and destitution. Mr. Meserve has called a meeting of all the .rmers who have teams in Valley Grange ecinct to meet at the Valley Grange school > use , for the purpose of giving them oders < get 50 bushels of corn to feed their teams id plant their next crop of corn. This corn a special shipment from Mr. Meserve'skind iends in the east. And we gratefully appre- ate this token of kindness. REPORTER. A Word in Season. The barking of a pack of hounds may be mu- i , but the barking of the human family is rtalnly discord. Stop that cough with Hum ireys' Specific No. Seven. It is the same with a man as it is with bis > use ; you will find all sorts of useless things the upper story. GHOST DANG has been running daily for the past two months at the reservation of the CA8H BARGAIN HOUSK * \ > Truly indeed has the dance worried our competitors , # "The Credit Stores , " as the profit was too light for * * * them to dance by. They tried , but got sick at heart. 1:1 : , at CIST. r at We will close up our Clothing ( Department WITHIN SIXTY DAYS. Dry Goods Slaughtered I STANDARD PRINTS at 5c. a , yard. Made in this country = not "imported. " ( Remember the pricer . a Yard for GROCERIES. "Prices for the Hard Times. " 14 : Ibs. Gran. Sugar , Grand Island , ยง 1.0O 18 Ibs. New Orleans Sugar for l.OO 1 5 Ibs. Extra "C" Sugar , 1.00 6 bars of White Russian Soap , .25 1 Ib. Choice Roasted Coffee , .25 1 gallon of Coal Oil , .20 1 can of 3-lb. Tomatoes , .10. 1 can of 2-lb. Corn , ,1Q 1 can 16-oz. Price's Baking Powder , .40 2 2 Ibs. of Navy Beans for 1 . i ( ) We Save You From 25 to 33 Per Cent. Special Prices to Dealers , Hotels and Boarding Houses. J. C , ALLEN & GO , , Cash Buyers and Sellers. "There's Millions In It" For you , if you will examine our stock of HOLIDAY GOODS , I SVOEE BOXES , ODOR CASES , ALBUMS , Iv MANECURES , AUTOGEAPHS , MEEKSCHAUM GOODS , SMOKERS' SETS , SHAVING SETS , TOILET CASDS , Hie LARGEST Line. The BEST Assortment The CHEAPEST Prices. L. W. McConnell & Co. , Successors to C. M. Smith & Son , Druggists. ROCERIES. In addition to my line of ( DRY GOODS , CLOTH * ING , BOOTS , SHOES , NOTIONS , Etc. , I have just laid in a stock of ; RESH STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES. / have determined to sell all my goods at "hard times" prices. Call and see me at the old Op = penheimer stand in the ( Babcock = Morlan build = ing , and I will do the square thing by you. RRANK EVRRIBT.