' ' ; " ' ' ' E'otD' RELIABLE BOOT & SHOE MAN , Either wants to make a fair profit or. tel ] the reason why. All business centers around profit. It is the life of trade , the am bition of all , the object of your work and ours. But profil nas more sides than mere percentage. To us a good reputation is a distinct profit , and thus square dealing enters into every transaction , "We have , however , an assortment of odds and ends in . BOOTS AND SHOES Etc. which we are enabled to sell REGARDLESS OF PROFIT. These are , moreover first class , substantial goods , well worth one-half more than we are Basking for them. We have an unusually large and attractive line of Fancy- Slippers and Felt-Lined Goods , which would be "the thing" for a present to your husband , your brother or someone else's brother. We are making very attractive figures on these goods , also. BiAiRiGiAiliNiS We are prepared to sell you goods as cheaply as any house in this city. From now until we invoice we will give you EXTR ORDIJfJRY BAfcGMJJS. Ladies' Cloaks and Jackets , at from one dollar to ten dollars each = = worth fully ( DOUBLE THE MOJfEYf ARRIVIMQ BOOTS AND SHOES LOWER THAN THE LOWEST. We are the only house tliat sells the Cele brated HOJSEY DEW CANISED GOODS. j GA LOAD G BBLBY , SOL , , POTATOES , GARLOAD OF MINNESOTA POTATOES , The best 50c. tea ever sold in the city. A big stock of HATS * , GAPS , GLOYBS , MITTENS Era . Come and see us and we will use you well. WILCOX & FOWLER. A. KAIiSTRDT , THE. TAILOR. i the latest and most fashionable eoods of the fall and winter season , in suitings , pantings , and overcoatings. He guarantees satisfactory , stylish work , and reasonable enable prices. In rear of the First National Bank Building , McCook , Kebraska. 3 The White Line Transfer , Wm. M. ANDERSON , Prop. -X , , " r. -1 SUMMER'S ! GOOD-BYE There's cr sorter smoky some thin' that fills th > taiy air. An * ovcr up the blossoms that er dyin * ever ; where : An * the frost , it comes er Idssln' of every tre < an' bush , An' tulUln' love an * tenderness an' tnakln' o 'em blush ; 'An' the wind , It Kings of winter an' makes tbi trees to shiver , An' catches up the leaves that fall an' blow ; 'em in the river. There's or sorter quiet sadness as the will ducks southward fly , That makes 11 feller lonesome when the sum mer says good-bye. An' the lazy yallor-bammer is or loafln * 'rounc all day , Er-huntln' up excuses fer to quarrel with thi J y ; An * the pretty blue-eyed aster stands cr-hangin down its head , Jcs1 'sif 'twas In mournln' for the golden ro < that's dead 1 In the chatter of the blackbird there's a melon choly sound That Is echoed by the droppln' of the nuts upot tlie ground ; An * the south wind brushes back your hah : will somethin' of cr sigh , Like it didn't want to leave you when the sum rner says good-bye. An' down erlong the river where the gross Rro'H thick an' rank , It now lies dead an' yallor on * follln' o'er tht bank ; An' the sun , it shines an' warms you in cr feeble sorter way , Like er feller what's in trouble but is tryln' tc bo gay ; An' plumed squirrels in the thicket march ofi with stately tread To the music of the drumming of the partridge overhead , An' the quail upon the fence-post starts up hia plaintive cry , An' is answered by the farm boy when the sum mer says good-bye. Edgar W. Cooley. In Yankee B lade. SIDNEY'S MISTAKE. How Ho Found Out That He Needed Clara. O LET me arrange - range your tie , 8yd. That's just like last night ; every time I looked at you I thought it was trying to get around behind your ear. There I that's better. Now I must run and get that tiny bouquet for your buttonhole - hole , and then I'll have you oft my hands for this day , " said pretty Clara Leslie , as she tripped out of the room. "Sydney , why don't you propose to Clara ? " 'Why ' don't I propose to Clara ? Is that a conundrum. Aunt Martha ? If it is , I give it up. I never wis any hand at conundrums. " "Now , Sydney , you needn't appear so mystified. I'm not blind to the lovemaking - making that is going on under my eyes every day. " "If there is any love-making I assure you it's all on one side. " "Sydney , that is a conceit. You im agine all the fair sex fall in love with that handsome face of yours. Now , I have no doubt Clara would be willing ing"Yes "Yes , aunt , there's where the trouble is. She is too willing by half ; and the fruit that will fall without picking is rather too mellow for me. " "Sydney ! " and Aunt Martha gazed solemnly through her spectacles at her idolized nephew , as she said slowly : "You'll never get a better wife than Clara. The truth of the matter is she has spoiled you. You can not afford to hire a valet , and how you are going to wait on yourself for the remainder of your life is a mystery to me. She at tends to your slightest wishes , and as for your wardrobe she has taken it out of my hands altogether , and I'm sure it ought to bo held up as a model to all the wives in the country. " "I agree with every thing you say , aunt Your protege is the most charm ing little creature in existence. I do not know what I should do without her. But then , you know , one gets tired of being made love to all the time , and I always did think marriage a deuced bore something I couldn't think of , I assure you , aunt. " "Sydney , here is your bouquet , and it is time you were going , " said Clara , en tering the room. Clara's fingers trembled as she fast ened the flowers in his button-hole , brtf. "LET MK ARRANGE TOTTB TIE. " Sydney was surveying himself in an op posite mirror , and never noticed it. "Clara , , you are an angeL By-by , " and Sydney Lehman stooped and touched the velvety cheek lightly with his mustached lips. ' , "Clara , " said. Aunt Martha , as the hall door closed after , her nephew , "you should let Sy'6TneywaiVon himself. He's like all the rest of the men the more yoX do for them the. less he cares about jouv".t ; V "Do you. think so , auntie ? " * . "I know it You ought to have heard , . \ * * * * - him just now. " , "I did hear him , " said Clara , quietly. "I was in , the other room and overheard the whole , conversation. But , never mind , Sydneyt will change his mind be fore long ; see.iHie don't" "I think Clara might have left every thing ready for me. She knew I was going to the opera this evening , " said- Sydney Lehman , with an Injured air. a few weeks later. "I suppose she thought she would got back before you wanted to tro , " re marked Aunt Martha. "I don't suppose she thought about it. She is so taken up with Ed Campbell of late that I may go to the dogs for all she cares , " and Sydney started to his room to make himself presentable , and an hour afterward was trying to enjoy the opera. "I'm going to drop In at Mrs. Mur ray's. Will you como along , Lehman ? " said Tom Hammond to his friend Syd ney Lehman , as they wore leaving the opora-houso. No ; Sydney thought ho wouldn't He didn't feel like himself to-night But Tom urged and dually ho went. He had scarcely entered the reception- room when his eyes fell upon Clara , looking lovely in a cloud of white tulle , looped up here and there with water SHE TOUCHED SIDNEY'S TIE "WITH HEB FAN. lilies , dancing the german with Mr. Campbell. "Confound it all ! Why didn't I go home ? I hate to look at that follow lately. Conceited fop ! What can a sen sible girl like Clara see in him ? " Such were Sydney's thoughts as he stood looking daggers at Mr. Campbell After .awhile his attention turned to Clara. How lovely she looked in her dress and misty white ! "By Georgol I never knew Clara was so beautiful ! " was his mental comment when the day was over. "Well if I wouldn't stay at home for ever before I would come out looking like that , " was Clara's first salutation , as she joined Sydney. "What a color to wear atnight , ' * and she touched Sydney's tie with her fan. "Why didn't you t me you were coming and I would have left every thing in readiness for you ? " "Didn't I tell you I was going to the opera ? " ' Oh , so you did , and I forgot all about it ! But you know I was out driving with Mr. Campbell all the afternoon. And , oh ! Syd , we had such a delightful time ! We- " "There , that will do ; I'm not inter ested in the sort of a time you had. Here comes that dandy to claim you for the next dance. 1 think I'll go home. Good-night , " and Sydney turned away as Mr. Campbell approached. "Syd , you are growing bearish , " said Clara next day. "No wonder when a fellow can never find any thing he wants. " "Well , you can't expect me to wait upon you at every turn. You are big enough and ugly enough to look out for your own things , " and Clara laughed provokingly. "Look out for my own things ! " said Sydney , his color rising. "I should say 1 had looked for them. I have turned every thing in the room inside out and the place is a litter of disorder. " "Clara , do run upstairs and see what you can do for him , " said Aunt Martha , smilipg. Clara left the room , followed by Syd ney. ney."Oh "Oh ! oh ! oh ! " exclaimed Clara , rais ing her hands in horror as she entered Sydney's room. "Did any one ever see such a room1 No , I don't think any one ever did ; it baffled description. Sydney trampled on what had been the contents of his bureau , and crossing the room , leaned his elbow on the man tel , while Clara looked around her in ' bewilderment , hardly knowing where to begin to straighten things. "Clara , " said Sidney suddenly. "I don't believe you care for me any more. "Who told you that I over did care for you ? " retorted she saucily. "I know you did at one time ; but then I didn't know how to appreciate it I don't see , though , how a sensible girl like yon can care for such a. coxcomb as Campbell. But there ! I believe sensible girls always make fools of themselves in such matters. " "Then make an exception of me , Sydney , for I assure you I care nothing for Mr. Campbell. " "Is that true , Clara ? " and Sidney had to step over the contents of his wardrobe to gain Clara's side. "I'm glad I thought you did , for I never knew how much I loved you until I thought I had lost you. I never can get along without you , Clara. Will you be my own little wife ? " "I I thought you considered mar riage an awful bore , Syd ? " "So I did , my love. But 1 made a mistake. Now I know that I need a wife , and there is only one woman in the world that I would choose for that distinction. She is my bewitching and incomparable Clara Leslie. " To prove the sincerity of his words he pressed her to his breast and imprinted upon her lips a number of kisses that were received without the slightest manifestations of disapproval Three months from that day Clara Leslie was a bride and Sydney was the happy man. Pawtuoket Times. All the Same to Him. "Business improving any as folks come back ? " "No. " "Why not ? Don't folks go out of town in summer ? " "Yes. Some of them I carry myself. " "Do a passenger business ? Well , then , summer must be pretty dulL" "All the same summer and winter , spring and falL" "What are you , anyway ? " "An undertaker. " Chicago Tribune. I will buy stock cuttle of sniy u i- uivcs ; up. AM ! > , stock liojis At iJnir-li ureuk rancli , HrV mili-s south a.st of Mi-.L'ook. Ni'lirusLi. J. B. AIBSBRVE. CHEAP CLOTHING , I take pleasure in announcing to tin people of McCook and vicinity that ] have received an appointment as sales agent for the old relialile clothing firn ; of Wanamaker & Brown , of Philadel phiu. I can guarantee the same Ingl quality in their ood.s to-day which has jriven such excellent satisfaction in the past. Samples may he st't-n at Menard's tore. Prices to Mtit. tins lines. J. S. ALLAN , Sales Agent DRYSDALE THE TAILOR , From New York City , has the most com plete .stock of Fall and Winter Goods , foi men's wear , between Lincoln and Denver. His store is just replete with the latest nov elties from New York and Chicago , and as lie buys strictly for cash he can aiFord togive yon first class Clothing at very reasonable prices. He has guaranteed every garment he lias made up in McCook for nearly six yf-ars and has never had a misfit in that time. Call and see hint. One door north of the Commercial House. - > G00 > , : H , _ LEADING % TAILOR , C2r"Announces the arrival of his fall stock , com nrising the latest and most fash ionable goods of the season. His prices are lower than any tailor's in McCook. Don't fail to see his line. McKinleyvsMcKeighan Having recently returned from business visits to Denver and Lincoln , at the request of my many patrons I have decided to re main in McCook until MARCH 1st , 1891 , Wlici ) I shall go to Lincoln toacceptaposi tion in a leading carpet house. In the mean time I am better prepared than ever before to do HotiseCleaning & Carpet Laying. Leave orders at THE TKIIJUXE Oflice. FRANK HUBEU. SCOTT' SCROFULA BRONCHITIS COUGHS COLDS Wasting diseases Wonderful Flesh Producer. Many have gained one pound per day by its use. Scott's Emulsion is not a , secret remedy. It contains the stimulat ing properties of the Hypophos- phites and pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil , the potency of both being largely increased. It is used by Physicians all over the -world. PALATABLE AS MILK. Sold 1 > y all Druggists. COTT & BOWNE * Chemists , N.Y. A PACKAGE O F PRO F.HARRIS FOR THE CURE OF VITALLY WEAK ) . Made so by too close application to lUsuiCM or study ; severe mental itraln or grief : SKXLMIi "iO- SIS in middle Hfc.or * Icious habit * contracted In Touts. & ? AF ? a.'JSPJ AUK VICTIMS TOHtOtS UKItlLITVor /i \ fijfiW KXHAUSTIO.VniSTlMJHKtKXKSS. IX. FO'i VTUJY I/.I iSr.3 nllli KUILY IIECAY In YOC.NG ami MID- 11.-.M.i ; lack ofim. . I Igor , anil ftrength.with ualorgntu ntj-nii cri atfl wealencil prematurely Iti approaching old age. MJ RI WC CAV PUDS frc.ceak from knowledge rti3 JSC 3H1 bUnCor Fkiuii.Mc.vr nEstLTs u many thousnrnl cases treated and cured in past twelve years. ' " ' * * Allm i. jouni ? or oM , fufferlng from thli Tevalent trnuMe hould cndlhelraddressio srecanfurnUh | Uc tioni to lCnn < w red , that we may know the true condition f c-ch cn o nn < l prcpire raedielDc to effect a prompt cure. l.cc.itol In.Veir Vorkiatlvr 12 Tears at Pt. Louli ) . e offer II3. ctianoe to re eurc < l by the celebrated Putllle Treatoent. niE HARRIS REMEDY CO. , Mfg. Chemists , CO BEEKMAIT STEEET , NEW YORK. ESTABn-tB78iNCORFD I8SO.CAPITAL aaStOOO. This Trade Mark Is on Tie Best Waterproof Coat In the world. L.J.TcrggBo ton- ) b idren Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. r f I * A. F. MOOHE. JNO. It. IIAICT. MOOilK & HAUL' , ' ATTORNEYS - : - AT - : - LAW , MCCOOK , - NEBRASKA. practice in the Stiito and Federal ourts and before the U. S. Land Ollice. Office over Faruona Clotliinir Co. Store. C. H. BOYLE , LAND - : - ATTORNEY , Six years experience in Gov. eminent Land Cases. Real Estate , Loans & Insurance. NOTARY PUBLIC , er Bank of McCook. J. BYRON JENNINGS , ATTORNEY - : - AT - : - LAW. | 39 Will practice in the State and United States coutts and before the U.S. Land Ollicea. Careful attention given to collections. Ollice over Bank of McCook. HUGH W. COLE , LAWYER , MCCOOK , NEBBASKA. 2r Will practice in all courts. Commercial and corporation law u specialty. Money to loan. Rooms 4 and 5 old First National bld'g- . DR. A. P. WELLES , HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON McCOOK , NEBRASKA. j2TSpecial attention given to diseases of women and children. The latest improved methods of electricity used in all cases requir ing such treatment. OUice over McMilIcn drug store. Residence , North Main street. B. B. DAVIS. M. D. C. II. JONES , M. D. DAVIS & JOXES , PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS , MCCOOK. NEBRASKA. C OFFICB Houns : 9 to 11. a. m. , 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 , p. m. Rooms over First National bank. THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL GEO. E. JOHNSTON. PKOP. McCOOK , - NEBRASKA. { 37 This house has been completely reno vated and refurnished throughout and is flrst- class in every respect. Rates reasonable. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE TO LANDS AND TOWN LOTS'IN RED WILLOW COUNTY. FURNISHED ON APPLICATION BY J. B. MATHER , BONDED - : - ABSTRACTER. ( SUCCESSOR TO C. D. CKAMEH. ) Office in Court House with County Clerk. .Down town office with A. J. Rand , Indianola , Nebraska. KILPATRICK BROTHERS. Horses branded on left hip or left sboultler. P.O.address , Imperial. Chase Counts' , and 3oat- irice. Neb. Range.Stint- ling- Water and French- fman creeks. Chase Co. , Nebraska. Brand as cut on side of I some animals , on hip and . sides of some , or any- nrhercon the animal.