The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 12, 1890, Image 1

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Complete Report of the Doingi
of the County's Legislators.
INDIANOLA , NED. . Deo. 5th , 1890.
Board of county commissioners met put
snant to adjournment. Full board present
The following claims were allowed :
Omaha Republican , stationery $15.0
Hartley M. . ? . & L. Co. . mdse. Malone 3 2
Hartley M. , 8. & L. Co. . mdse. Mo'Julloch. .8
L. F. Nichols , work on roiid 9.i >
W. R. Pennington , work on road. . . , 9.0
Glclin &Stlni8on.mdse.Jc3aupGoreLrtmb 17.B
Grass & Miller , shoes for Brown. Baker.
Liilirlng. Bye. Northaglo 19.6i
E. H. Doiin , mdso. for Method 6.21
M. N. Eskoy. medicines for Strong 6.8J
8. H. Colvin. rent for Mrs. Purdy 4.0
F. & H. Lumber Co. . coal , Armstrongctal 14.0
Potter & Eusterdny. flour for paupers . . 10.01
Huddleston L. Co. . coal for McCulloch. . . 4 6J
John Horton. work on road 9.X
W. H. Powell & Co. , mdse. for Uhren 7.41
oil for court house. . 1.75
mdse. for poor C8.X (
Jacob Leuch. hardware for county 34.61
nt/ih-dslen / & Stello. mdse. for poor 33.K
W. A. McCooI. attendiiuco district court. . 8.X (
board prisoner Wickwire. . Gi.Oi
J. L. Gray. mdse. for Meyers family 2.6 (
J. L. Townley , posts for bridges 3.0C
P. A. Drawer , nails for bridges 2.3 :
E.C. Ballew , canvassing election 61C
C. D. Cramer , canvassing election 0.00
G. B. Morgan , mdse. for poor 20.25
John Young , board pauper Malone 20.00
F. M. Springer , work on roads 10.00
F. & H. Lumber Co. , bridge material 17.4(1 (
D. F. Hupp , nails for bridges 5.50
Bill of Dr. It. A. Winchester , medical at
tendance C. M. McCullocb , $59.15 ,
was rejected.
Board adjourned to meet Dec. 6th. 1800.
Attest GEO. W. Kaput. Clerk.
INDIANOLA , NEB. , Dec. 6tb , 1890.
Board of county commissioners met pur
suant to adjournment. Full board present.
On motion of Mr. Bennett the board pio-
ceeded to consider the request or petition of
Justin A. Wilcox , asking the board to recon
sider the minutes of this board of Junel ? , 1890.
Motion by Mr. Bennett : " 1 move the board
that the prayer of the petition or request of
Justin A. Wilcox for the alteration and cor
rection of the amended minutes of the board
as adopted and approved on June 17,1890 , in
the matter of the petition of R. B.Archibald
et al be denied and rejected , for the reason
that said minutes of the proceedings and acts
of the board in the matter of the petition of
said Archibald et al as amended and approved
on June 17,1890 , are found by the board to be
the correct acts , minutes and proceedings of
said board of county commissioners in the
matter of the said petition of Archibald et al
for the re-location of the county-seat of Red
Willow county. "
Motion carried. Voting "yes. " Crabtree and
Bennett ; voting "no. " Bolles.
ROAD NO. 246.
Petition of John Whittaker , C. H. Jacobs et
al asking for a public road read and consider
ed. The board finds that all requirements of
law have been fully complied with and that no
claims for damage have been filed , on motion
same was granted establishing a public road
as follows : Commencing at N. W. corner of
section 18. township 2 , range29 , running thence
east on section line to the N. E. corner said
section 18 and terminating thereat. Clerk di
rected to draw warrants as follows , to-wit :
Page T. Francis , surveying road 246 $ 5.00
E. R. Banks , cbainman road 246 1.50
The following claims were allowed :
A. P. Buker. work on road 7.50
Arch Mann , work on road 15.00
I. Vandervort , work on road , claim $12 , . . 9.00
Vickrey Bros. , mdse. for Mrs. McCulloch 8.40
Mrs. H. M. McCulloch , care C. H. McC. . . . 25.70
F. M. Kimmell , stationery , court house. . 6.40
Duckworth & Son's , bran for court room 9.50
flour for Method 2.25
F. & H. Lumber Co. , bridge material. . . . 22.51
M.N.Eskey. medicine forMrs. McCulloch 10.00
P. A. Brower. mdse. for Method 65
J. C. Sbumaker , medicine for D. Kerliker 4.80
oil for court house 1.25
State Journal Co. , blanks clerkdist. court 14.50
W. A. McL'ool , inspecting deceased horse 3.00
serving tax execution 3.00
James Doyle , work on road tS.50
James "Vaughn , work on road 3.50
Geo. Younger , work on road 2.00
F. & H. Lumber Co. , coal for Mrs. Meyer 4.00
coal tor Mrs.Bradley 4.00
Davis & Jones , medcl. attdc. Chas. Meyer 28.06
G. B. Morgan , mdse. Lamb 3.10
mdse. Jessup 1.25
A. Wiley. mdse.P. Brockham 9.45
Pade & Son , undertaker , child Mrs. Meyer 8.00
Gleim & Stimson , mdse. for Lamb 1.25
mdse. for Marg.Cecil. . 6.60
mdse. for Eli Harger. . 3.05
Duncan Bros. , mdse. forEarthouseretal 18.85
J. P. Squires , work on road , claim $6. al. 5.00
Moore & Hart , atty's. for E. E. Wickwire 35.00
G. W. Curfman , mdcl. attdc. Jay Card. . . 70.50
mdcl. attdc. Mrs.Armstronir 7.50
J.A.Carter , work on road , claim $9 , allow 4.50
P. Jones , work on road , claim $7.50 , allow 3.75
Geo. A. Hobson , meals for jury 6.00
W. C. LaTourette , hardware for county. . 10.96
B. F. Bradbury , posts for bridges 2.50
W. S. Phillips , clerk 4J3
H. W. Keyes , judge 10.95
W. A. McCool , sheriff " 85
J. H. Bennett , constable 3.20
Henry Crabtree , constable 2.25
R. 8. Hileman. witness 4.00
H. C. Pennington 3.90
Jos. Murphy.- 5.70
M. B. Brown 2.80
F. M. Burt 4.80
L.K.Andrews 4.30
A. Phillippl 3.40
Otto Webber 4.50
Geo.Fowler 4.00
Wm.Murphy 4.30
W.E. Rollings 2.30
G.W.Jones 4.00
F. M. Pennington 6.00
George Cramer ' 2.10
George Younger 5.30
A. C. .Modi 6.21
J as. Vaughn. 5.30
W.O.Bond 2JO
VY AL JDlUtfa . . . o00
* * * * * * * * * *
jf&DKJ&ooro * * * * * , 600
Jas. Hobiason 5.50
w. s. Fuiiupff , certiryuf jurj-5vr .
W. S. Phillips , olerk ] 6.C
W. A. McCool , sheriff 0.8
J. E. Hunt , witness 3.
Clark Boatman , witness 3.3
C. H. VanPelt , witness 33
Geo.Leland 3.21
J.H.Bennett 3.21
J.L. Gray 3.01
Henry Crabtree , county commissioner. . . 21.3" "
leaiah Bennett , county commissioner. . . . 22 3i
Stephen Bolles. county commissioner. . . . 10.9
Following claims laid over :
8. R. Smith , atty. in county-seat case..f350.CH
F. H. Strout , atty. in county-seat case. . . 262.51
On motion board , adjourned to meet Dec
17th , 1890. Attest GEO. W. ROPER ,
County Clerk.
The following list of one hundred and sixty
two land patents have just been received al
McCook U. S. land oflice and will be doliveret
to the parties entitled thereto upon surrendei
ot the Receiver's receipt , properly endorsed ,
If the patent to your land is among the list ,
obtain the same at your earliest possible con
5549 At wood Earl P. 091 McKilllp Daniel
5412 Armstrong C.EIza 5647 Murphy John F.
5586 McDowell Alex.E.
B 5580 Moore Matie
5UU9 Moorn Edwin G.
5536 Bully Henry j. 3679 Michael Robert
50U4 bowers S. U. 4862 Moore Huttlo E.
5523 Bennett Win. A. 5447 Marshall Joseph
5472 iluda Edward. 5502 Morton Sarah j
5721 ButteriieidWm.C. 5503 McSbauu Wm.
5794 Uallard Oren II. 5506 Montgomery , Geo.
u Brooks i has.V. . 5513 Magee John I ) .
5422 Bailiet Benj. F. 666 Miller Henry
54U6 Brown James R. 670 Marlin Charles
5371 Barth Henry.
5341 Blaess John. N
529J Boswell F. M.
2533 Billings Oliver B. 5648 Neel James
5710 Nickerson R. N.
5092 Nesbit Samuel P.
SllWNuelJ. Wilson
5553 Chase Stephen C. 6331 Newsome Chas.H.
5531 Counce Lydia A. 379Nesbitt James M.
Couuce Robert E
5350 Cochran Altred S ,
5702Ulark Waldon.
5GW ! Cliiner Frank O. 5323 Owings James P.
6388 Uorby Leonard. 5417 Owens Reverda j
5307 Chlsrn Wesley L.
5608 Collins Bridget.
6577 Cain Owen J\ )
095 Carroll Nathan A. 683 Pearson Augustus
676 Curtis Alary A. 672Pulliam Robert j.
5J42Paxton John.
5309 Pettit John B.
5491 Peirce Clarkson.
529 Devoo Robert M. 5486 Priccr Frank E.
5318 Dean Ched wick E. 5025 Pate John G.
5300 Drake William W.
6391 Dietendort R. L.
53V8 Durham Milton a.
5606 Duukln aohnH. 5303 Relph William.
5675 Davis Asabel J. 5416 Reichel Philip.
667 Dice Willmm. 5661 Roberts Mary.
5719 Duck john U. 6028 Robertson MaryC
i720DownarS. T. 5456 Ritchey Gideon.
5650 Robin son S. B.
5632 Ratcliff Wm. R.
688 Russell Dexter.
6293 Ewing Robert A.
5446 Edwards Sil.
2572 Scannell George.
5389 Shook Wiiam. | |
5610 Flint Lincoln. 5373 Stino Frank.
092 Kleischmaun S. 694 Squires Herman I.
5676 Fisher John B. 5522 Spooner John A.
6376 Fiegenbaum B. F. 5482 Smelser David S.
3782 Fullingtoii P. P. 5473 Smith Nathan M.
5468 Stalder George W.
5605 Sharp James O.
5421 Saylors Andrew J.
668 Gyinn Daniel T. 54U2 Schleiger George.
57UOG1VI1H Thomas. 5626 Suodgrass John W
5077 Gorin John C.
5059 Gerkin Wesley.
5364 Ground Robert E ,
6356 Gilliland R. j. 5524 Thomas Levi A.
55' 5 Goucher Stephen UW Townseud A. H.
3778 Graver Mary A. 5574 Turner Wm. E.
5397 Taylor Joseph L.
H 4739Thunton Wallace.
3680 Taylor Chas.H.
5605 Holiister Geo. H. 5507 Tiller George M.
5033 Hammond B.
5483 Hysel Andrew J. U
680 Hayden Lewis S.
5289 Hauisen Frank 682 Utter Madison H.
5301 Hartman Jacob D. 5385 UnderhillEmery C
3303 Horton Henry
5381 Hannah Wm. G.
5691 Horton Loyal L.
5449 Hinkle Asa C. 665 Vansickle Abram.
5476 Haining , Wm. T. 5475 Viersen Jacob P.
5312 Vigles James C.
5548 Israel Frank T.
690 Waterman O. D.
689 White Thomas D.
687 West James K.
6353 Jolliffe Albert J. 674 Wahl Joseph.
5568 Jaycox George 5441 Waterman C. C.
5404 Withrow RobertW
K 5370 Whitney Phineos.
5359 Warford Wm. A.
5606 Kirthcart C. B. 5299 Welty William J.
5649 Krichov John 5294 Wentworth H. P.
5445 Krutsinger. S. M. 6288 Welch Carrie.
5285 Knowles KinzeyH 3811 Webb Edwin A.
5325 Kelly Freman 5588 White George W.
2886 Kinsinger S. M. 5562 White Jennie E.
4274 Kelley Peter 5586 Williamson J. A.
5651 Walker Robert.
5629 Wall Adam.
5022 Welton Edward B.
684 Lombard RobertR
696 Lengele Theodore
677 Lynch Joseph 8.
5494 Lady Stephen H. 5718 Yeoman C. S. F.
5716 Lindsey George K. 5703 YoungerCharles B
5365 Larimore L' . M. 6362 Younger George.
2422 Lawrence Thos. 5357 George Robert E.
We need cheaper coal in this part of the
country so that we will be saved from charity
Wm. Relph Is back home from his trip to
Pennsylvania , where he went with a car-load
of horses.
S. R. Seaman ds is trying to level up one of
the canyons on the road between his place
and Banksville.
Uncle John Rowland's wife , Amanda , arriv
ed home from Stout , Colo. , last week , which
lends the smile to the old man's face.
The death of James Hill of Grant came to us
all of a sudden as we bad supposed that he
was getting better. He was buried , Tuesday
afternoon , and leaves a wife and six children
to mourn his loss.
Let us agitate the beet sugar industry for
McCook and surrounding country. Why not
make our own sugar in Ked willow county as
well as at Grand Island , who will put up the
money for sucb a scheme. Don't all speak at
once. Observer.
ular weekly newspaper of tbe United States
will in a few weeks commence publication of
a new serial story , now being written espec
ially for its columns by Oliver Optic. Send
postal card to Blade , Toledo , Ohio , for free
specimen copy of tbe paper , and at same time
send names of all your friends.
Clearin ale !
Gioods ,
5 1 FROM | ? .
liave also a nice line of Christ
mas Goods. Our assortment of LADIES' and
is complete both in Silk and Linen , Fancy
and Plain , put up in Fancy Boxes to suit all
SS Special attention g-iven mail orders ,