The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 05, 1890, Image 9

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j Fancy Goods
With compliments of the season ,
you are cordially invited to call and
inspect our fine display of HOLI
DAY GOODS , on and after Saturday
evening , November 29th : In pri
ces it is our purpose to make this
a "MERRY CHRISTMAS" indeed for
all our customers. On Dolls are
price is a record breaker. Come
quick ! Come early ! ! Come all ! ! !
Respectfully ,
At McMMd s Drug Store.
lfically )
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Fragging , T
J re in fnc'
f Adults ofInfa-T A ! .
eyest am
' -eaf
iif che verj
foicar of Th
nrket continuei
vn , and "to gc
? ice and quality
is are sold at th <
at prices askec
fere. Note this
edicines ,
Mtf > & Co.'s $3.00 , $3.5C
joes for gentlemen are the
ever offered in McCook.
[ le and retail by
re is nothing new under
is a
you have prospered ,
or Christmas the best of all.
'iflour and feed justreqeived at
Campbell & Co.'s.
Flap Jack prepar-
- ;
.shoes have advanced but
elling lower than ever.
u'ggist , has a fine line
ana piano lamps at
moved the
Ewlling up on North
seen that large
McMillen's win-
Si > <
The B ? & M.-l&eVt market will give
rihe highest market price in cash for
live stock , poultry and hides.
Noble , the leading grocer , makes a
specialty of fresh , clean family grocer
ies. He will treat you right.
The B. & M. have placed on sale
tourists tickets to all prominent resorts
at reduced rates for the round trip.
Ladies' kid and goat button shoes
solid leather , for $1.50 at
MoMillen , the druggist , is now busj
opening up Holiday Goods and will
have them ready for display in a fen
This week , Street Commissioner
O'Neil is putting the finishing touches
on a kitchen addition to his dwelling
IN QUEENSWARE Noble carries
the largest assortment and the richest
de&igns of the season. His prices are
Do not allow yourself to be misled.
The B. & M. meat market sells the
choicest meats of all kinds and at the
very lowest living prices.
Make Noble your family grocer and
many other blessings will fall to your
lot , besides having the best groceries on
your table that the market affords.
Go and see LTJDWICK'S mammoth
stock of second hand goods. Furniture ,
cook stoves , heaters and gasoline stoves ,
bought and sold. Will also rent goods
by the week or month. A pawn bro
ker's business in connection. Second
door west of the McEntee Hotel.
The latest fad is a papermache snake.
To one who is not acquainted with the
joke it is exceedingly amusing. It is
made in joints so that it will form a coiler
or lie upon the floor at length. The
mouth is partly open and from it pro
trudes a forked tongue which delicately
balanced , moves incessantly.
"This is the way to bring people to
your town. Make it the most charm
ing and beautiful place on earth , make
it the talk of the world , and then the
world will come and try to live with
you. You needn't be frightened if they
do. They would find something to go
to work at. Most of 'em would bring
their knitting with them. "
I A writer in an exchange springs the
Hollowing : There is an old superstition
about the weather which I find very
few people know of , although I have
heard it since childhood. It is that ,
however gloomily and dull it may be on
Wednesday , the sun is sure to show
itself , if only for a few minutes , as
Wednesday was the day on which it was
created. Whenever I have noticed it
has been the case and itis certainly a
curious coincidence.
Grjund oil cake. ; *
The charity coals went like hot cakes
TheW.B. C..of Post No. 66 wili
meet in their1 hall in Meeker block
Tuesday evening , Dec. llth , 7:30.
The domestic emigration has set ir
toward Denver and the geutle housewife
is in the dish water. And there is nc
health in us ,
They are alive to the importance oi
irrigation in Kansas , and have called an
irrigation convention , to meet at Ober-
lin on the 10th instant.
The Bartley Long-Felt-Want occa
sionally docs contain something reasonably
lucid. Witnesseth "Baw-e-aw-e
ably : - , - - ,
aw-e-aw-e-aw-e-aw-e-aw , , , !
The next time you want an examina
tion tablet call and see the attractive
new tablet kent for sale in THE TRIB
UNE stationery dept. Price 5 cents.
When the fire is about out it may
often be revived by a tablespoonful of
sugar. Sugar may make expensive
kindling , but it is cheaper than temper.
The bar of lied Willow county was
increased by three , last Friday evening ,
Messrs. W. E. Mullen and A. J. Beecher
of our city , and W. S. Phillips , Indian-
ola , being admitted after passing the
required examination.
Failing to force his publication on the
people , the publisher of the Bartley
L. F. W. now threatens to compel
those who "refuse" it , to pay for the
time it has been thrust upon them.
Such an effort to add insult to injury
should be promptly frowned down.
DIED : Miss Ada AlcKinzie , aged 68
years , died at the home ( Star restaur-
int ) of her brother , Moses McKinzie ,
Tuesday evening , of apoplexy. The re-
nains were shipped to Traer , Kansas ,
Thursday evening , for interment , ac-
jompanied by friends and relatives of
; he deceased.
"Would to God , " cries out the
iVauneta Breeze in an agony of isolation ,
'that the cranks might stop kicking
eng enough to let the B. & M. lay the
ron up the Frenchman Valley. None
if us are here for our health , but we
hink our health would be much better
F we had a road. "
The children of the Congregational
church-will give a "Manhattan Social , "
next Friday night , at the church , for
the purpose of raising money for a
Christmas entertainment. A program ,
consisting of music , declamations , reci
tations , etc. , will be rendered. A small
admission fee of ten cents will be
The new democratic newspaper , the
McCook Leader , made its modest bow
to the public , last week. Messrs. Scott
& Steinmetz are the publishers. The
gentlemen issue a very creditable sheet ,
which enters the field with an encourag
ing patronage , considering the times
and the multiplicity of papers already
A writer of society history says : Oui
forefathers had fewer indoor % occupa
tions than ourselves and more enforced
idleness. They saw less of society ;
they depended more on home resources
for amusement. Hence the pilgrim
with his licensed exaggeration , the
minstrels and the whole army of jesters ,
japers , disours jong leurs , gleemen ,
ribalds and gollards all the tribe of
those whom Pier Plowman calls "Satan's
children" were welcome in the baronial
An irrigating ditch along the foot of
the hills south of the river is a sure
thing and work on the same will be
commenced , next week. A company
with a sufficient capital has already been
formed and the articles of incorporation
will be filed next week. It will be
about twenty-five miles in length and
all the bottom land on the south side of
the river wiill be put under irrigation.
The company will complete its organi
zation next Monday , when anyone in
terested can come forward and take
such stock as they see fit. Mr. A. A.
McCoy has been employed as the com
pany's attorney and has drafted Articles
Df Incorporation and By Laws with his
usual exactness and care. Mr. C. H.
Peck has been employed to locate the
line and has been at work on the same
several days this week. Trenton Reg
L W. McConnell & Co.
Are displaying an attractive stock of
goods for the holiday season. You
should make it a point to see what they
have in store before making your pur
McCook flour all grades.
_ { SP'Stop and see the bargains at
Through chair car service has bee
put on the B. & M. from Superior t
Bed Oak , la. , via Beatrice and Net
raska City , east bound , leaving Superio
on train No. 98 and connecting at Rei
Oak with 0. B. & Q. No. 2 , througl
vestibule train. This insures patron
of the line chair car service to HedOal
and all points east on the C. B. & Q
West bound , C. B. & Q. train , No. 5
connects at Red Oak with B. & M
train No. 161 , which will take the chai
car to Nebraska City , at which point i
is put on B. & M. train No. 07 , foi
Christian Convention , Chicago , 111.
Nov. 26th to Dec. 1st. All agents ma ]
sell tickets to Chicago Nov. 24th tc
Dec. 1st , inclusive. Geo. F. Mizen
room 401 , Pullman Building , Chicago ,
will sign certificates. For the abovt
occasion passengers paying full fare
going will be returned at one-third fare
on presentation of certificate signed bj
the proper officer of the meeting , on
guarantee that there has been an at
tendance of one hundred or more whc
have paid full fare on the going trip.
J. FRANCIS , G. P. & T. A.
Nine hundred and seventy four bush
els of potatoes have been grown on one
acre of land in Johnson county , Wyom
ing , the last season. This wins the first
prize of several hundred dollars offered
by the American Agriculturalist for the
largest yield of potatoes on one exact
There is no such thing as extempor
aneous speaking or writing. Every
good speech is thought out with care ;
svery good written article is revised
and changed over and over again.
There never was a great extemporane-
DUS speech ; there never was a great ex
temporaneous poem. Senator Ingalls.
HOT SODA WATER : The vapor of
steam as well as soda now hovers about
the soda water fountain , as hot drinks
take the place of iced ones in the east ,
greatly to the comfort of thousands of
much-abused stomachs.
Mrs. Grundy says : "In the very
heart of fashionable society there are
evidences of a scarcity of money. "
Greed society may exist without money ,
but fashionable society must have the
A sure enough assortment of envia
ble Christmas goods consisting of odoi
jases , toilet sets , manicures , albums ,
jmokers' sets , meerschaum goods , per
fumes. L. W. McCONNELL & CO.
In Nebraska there are 10,555 school
.eachers. . Of this number 2,86 ] are
nales and 7,694 females. The former
; et an average pay of $43 per month ,
rbile the latter get § 36.92.
The Superior Journal hints that it
rould be pleased to see Mr. Rosewater
omplete his indications of Judas Is-
arot by going out and hanging him-
The following is offered as a safe ,
conservative rule : "When you count
your profits deduct 20 per cent : when
you count the cost add 20 per cent.
Don't fail to read the new advertise
ment of the Famous. You can always
depend upon the statements of this
house as being based upon facts.
An exchange observes that the wages
of sin have not been materially affectet
by the McKinley bill. The way of the
transgressor continues to be rocky.
The recognized spelling of the name
of England's greatest dramatist is
Shakespeare. There are forty-two
other ways.
A partnership in the law has been
formed between Judge LeHew and
County Attorney-eleet Dodge.
Our new examination tablets for 5
cents are very neat. Buy one for your
next examination.
What must you do to be saved ? Why
buy your groceries at Noble's , of course !
Pearline meal the finest in the mar
Come bring your families and your
friends and buy your shoes at Ganschow's.
Feed of all kinds.
Come and see what Ganschow can defer
for you in the shoe line.
84 patent flour at
School shoes at a great reduction at
Ganschow's , the old reliable.
Dr. A. J. Thomas , Dentist , in Union
clock , over Boston shoe store.
Oyster plates may be put away. They
are no longer in fashion.
A large stock of latest styles of
Bracelets and Necklaces at Carruth
& Son's.
Carruth A Son offer special in
ducements to match purchasers thit
season , standard goods at the bottom
tom notch prices.
The President of the Benevolent
Society wishes to announce that the
net proceeds of the charity ball and
supper , Thanksgiving eve , were $220.25.
The Directors and Associate Direct
ors of the Benevolent Society consist
of the following ladies and gentlemen :
Directors , Mrs. Lowman , Northrup ,
Fowler , Menard , Hart , Babcook ; Asso
ciates , Messrs. Keliey , Valentine , Ryan ,
As a society we wish to express our
thanks to Mr. Menard for his kindness
in donating the use of the Opera house
and to Mr. Morlan for the use of his
building ; also to Mr. Anderson and to
all who kindly assisted in making the
charity ball and supper a success.
Ladies in town who may have cloth
ing to donate to the needy will hold
them ready. A committee of ladies
will call for them. A room has been
provided over Mr. Spearman's bank in
which to store goods until needed , or
parties can leave articles at the room.
While selecting your Holiday pres
ents remember that Carruth & Sent
the Jewelers , have a large and well
selected stock of everything kept in a
first class Jewelry store.
The Unknown Identified.
The young man who died suddenly
an the B. & M. train , last Friday , be
tween Benkleman and McCook , with-
Dut being identified , was identified
Wednesday by a photograph posted by
the Hastings police. Chris Campbell
of Doniphan , Neb. , recognized deceased
is Walter Phillips , and says he worked
with him near Denver. John , a
brother of the deceased , was in the city
yesterday and took the body of the
dead man to his father's home near
Doniphan , in Adams county.
They Are in If.
Messrs. L. W. McConnell & Co.
wish to inform the people of McCook
and vicinity that they are in the holiday
trade with one of the best selections of
suitable goods kept in the city. Their
line embraces many handsome things ,
as well as articles of a less expensive
character. They invite your inspection ,
feeling satisfied that they can suit all ,
both in variety of stock and in reason
ableness of prices.
A Bargain.
For Sale or exchange , splendid im
ported English Shire stallion , 1850 Ibs ,
fine action and the best walker in the
county. Also a beautiful Clydsdale
stallion , 1550 Ibs. These horses are
first class and sure getters. Will be
sold cheap if taken soon.
Indianola , Neb.
for Christmas.
Photos , get on your best "bib and
tucker" and go right down to the Gal
lery and be ahead of the rush. Give
us plenty of time to finish.
J. H. SMART , McCook ,
Photographer over Famous.
The City Livery Stable
Is at the front of the procession.
Prompt , courteous attention and good
teams in clean rigs have placed it there.
I make a specialty of pleasing my trade
in this way. Opposite the Arlington
Hotel. D. C. MARSH , Proprietor.
For Christmas.
Photographs , get ready and sit for
them at once so that the finishing will
not be hurried. J. H. SMART , McCook.
Photographer over the Famous.
Corn Cobs for Kindling.
A car-load of corn cobs just the
thing for kindling just received at the
W. C. Bullard & Co. lumber yard.
Try a load.
We would call your attention to our
new $2.00 and $2.50 Kid Button Shoes.
Save money by buying school sup
plies , for the children , at Chenery's
City Drug Store.
For Sale.
A carriage and a base burner heating
stove. Inquire at once.
once.E. . LINDNER.
Accurately compounded , day or
Carruth & Son have a fine stock of
lold spectacles and eyeglasses , a
perfect fit guaranteed.
entire stock of
Hard and Soft
Coal Heaters at AC
W. 0 Bond's children were quite
sick , last week.
A large number of children are afflict
ed with severe colds.
T. P. Crumbaugh is now in the real
estate business in Denver.
L. F. Miller will move his feed store
north of the Leland Hotel.
Judge Keyes went up to McCook on
business , the fore part of the week.
Mrs. Dr. Eskey starts , this week , on
an extended visit with relatives in 111.
S. Teter has come back from Denver
where he has been working for several
months past.
We learn that Dr. F. W. Eskey is
likely to locate permanently at Great
Falls , Montana.
Election contest matters are lost sight
of in the more important business of
getting something to eat.
J. F. Black is in this city almost
every day attending to the distribution
of the aid to the alliance people.
Marion Cruzen of Seattle dropped
3own among his many friends in this
city , Monday , on his way to Iowa.
Miss Flora Quick who is attending
school at the Franklin academy , came
home to spend a vacation of a week.
From Marion Cruzen we learn that
A. J. Rittenhouse has one of the finest
law offices in Seattle and is doing well.
It is noised about that Attorneys
Snavely and Strout will form a partner
ship with the beginning of the new year.
Attorney W. S. Phillips or W. S.
Phillips , Clerk of the District Court.
Pay your money and take your choice.
A. M. Teal , who has been in the
Black Hills country for several months ,
expects to be at home about Christmas.
The car load of coal shipped to this
point in care of Clerk Roper was all
taken out before sundown of the day it
came in.
Paris Henderson reported a pack of
wolves northwest of town , Tuesday of
this week. A number of men went oufc
but failed to start them.
Attorney J. H. Berge has said that
when he leaves this city of the second
class he will locate where he can do law
) usiness , exclusively.
The Bret flarte Literary Club and
Fohnny Lamburn's ochre mine are the
only flourishing institutions to be found
anywhere around this educational hub.
We have already had two Demorest
medal contests and Wednesday night
there will be another. We expect a
treat is in store for all who may attend.
County Clerk Roper indulged in some
choice French language upon learning
that some of the parties applying for
and receiving coal from the county had
been liberally supplied from other
Mr. James Weller of Idaho Springs ,
Colo. , and Mrs. Howard , a step
daughter of Geo. W. Cramer , of this
city , were married Saturday evening at
the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Cramer.
Rev. J. T. Roberts officiating.
A car load of coal came to J. F. Black
to be divided among the twenty-seven
alliance committeemen in this county
who will be instructed to give it to
those in greatest need , whether they
* re members of the alliance or not.
Jake Short has rented the old Sar-
jent Hotel and ordered new furniture
; o furnish it and says he will conduct
; he business on the latest and most im
proved plan. We see nothing to hinder.
During the time the place has been
empty the bugs have sought greener
fields and so Jake will have an even
Rev. J. T. Roberts spoke Sunday
morning upon the condition of the
farmers throughout the western part
of the state and particularly Red Wil
low county. The statistics furnished
were from a reliable source and pre
sented a most distressing state of af
fairs. Mr. Roberts thinks that the
supplies from the eastern part of the
state , however liberal , will be entirely
inadequate and recommends that an ap
peal be made to eastern states.