1 GRATEFUL COMFORTING. EPPS'S COCOA t BREAKFASTj "Ufa thorough Jcnowledgo of the natural laws whlCQ gorarn the operation * of digestion and nu trition , and by a careful application of the fine properties of wolNteleeted Cocoa , Mr. Epos lias fcroTidcd our breakfast tables with a delicately Bayourpd boTerauo which rasr gave ns many hearr doctors' bills. It is by the Judicious' use of. such articles of diet that a constitution mar bo gradual * Ir built up until strong enough to retfit fitery ten dency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are Boating around us ready to attack whcreTor there Is a weak point. Wo mar escape many alaul shaft by kceplnc ourselves well fprtfnod with pure blood and & properly nourished frame. " - Civil Soviet Gazette. " Made simply with b&IIlne water or milk. Sold only In hair-pound tins , by Grocers , labelled thus : JAMES EPPS& CO. , Homoeopathic Chemists , ' London , England. IFOR ONE DOLLAR isont us by mall , tro will * deliver , f rco of all charges , to any person In the United States , all the following articles tarcfully Vckedlnaneatbox : notwo-ounce oottlo of Pure Vaaoltno 10 eta. 1.no two-ounce bottle Vaseline Ponlado 15 eta. iwojarof VascllnoCold Cream 15ct& j > ocakeof , Vnsollno CamphorIco 10 eta. 'lecakeof VasallnoSonp , unseonted. . . . 10 ct& ' no cate of Viinollno Soup , nccnted 25 cts. , : > no two-ounce bottle of White Vasollno 25 eta. " . .10 * for stamps any single article at tie prlco. ' . you have occasion to use Vaseline In any form , ful toaccoptonlyRonulnogoodsputupbyus Vt * nal packages. A great many druggists are persuade buyers to take VA8KI.INK put " * Novcr yield to such persuasion , as the " "putTalue , and w.lllnot t. A uottie o BI routs at ten ecu to , ti BL crs disabled wlioure tle- -s dependent 'of Army scr- iy and auccess- , . c. & CO. , OAL , ances. * v v ? v "fi"1 5 & v v 5s v v s" * Mress anrl we will jc best Automatic W AV orld. > o wnsh-boriro or ru b- > * ity. Write quick. Adoress N. 8. 5 Dcy St. . N. 7 Dr. BAILEY , of Teeth for $5 00. vrltbont pnln or danjrer by a cess. Gold & &d alloy lllllng at lowest Pajcton Eloclc , Omulm , Keb. order to Itira lioir many people real nfl- Eln , I will send free of all charts l > y mail , to each one who states in which ) jr tills offer hu been read : 10 cent box ! > ; Color , 029 EBook on Cajs Cirds , oaa took oa Ihjp , ona * Book on llonetf-Cotn end Pja'.trr , cid oaa of Arnica Court PI ter. or & ' 10 cent box ( A Corn Dr. ERONEFIELD , In a bare an > p ain beforol TI , ; iid pay from five 8 of kinds , u a. for- . O.Box oisne ) Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken ; it ie pleasant and refreshing to the taste , andacta gently yet promptly on the Kidneys , Liver and Bowels , cleanses the sys tem effectually , dispels colds , head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced , pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach , prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects , prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances , its many excellent qualities com mend it to all and have made it i the most popular remedy known. I. x Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c tftpd II bottles by all leading drug- Pg * ts. Any reliable druggist who may"not have it on hand will pro- it promptly for any one who a to try it Do not accept substitute. FIG SYRUP co. 8AN FRANCISCO. CAL. ] y/U . KY. , NEW YORK. It.Y. muda BotHed. must so to" Bermuda. If t I will not box responsl- rconsequence * ; " "But , in afford neither the -ic money.Well , if usslblc , try * rQF ! COB OLIVER. OIL. i I sometimes call It Bermuda Hot- 1 tied , and many cases of , ! CQNSURfflPTION , ! Bronchitis , Cough j or Severe Cold I T have CUKEK with It ; and the ' advantage Is that the most sensi tive Ktomucli can take It. Another tiling \viiich commends It is the tlujulatiusr properties of the Ily- n opinsrthite.s vrhlcb It contains , fou ivlll flr.tl It for sale at your Urusrslst's but see yea prct the original LSCOTrfi"S E52ULSION. " Ono oF the most important organs of the human body is ! ! ; c LIVER. When it iails to properly perform its functions the entire sys'.cin becomes deranged. The BRAIN , KIDNEYS , STOE1ACH , BOWELS , all rcfusa to perform iheir work. DYSPEPSIA , CON- S71PA71QN , RHEUMATISM , KIDNEY DIS EASE , etc. , are the results , unless some thing is done to assist KaUira in throwing cR the impurities caused fay- the inaction of a TORPID LIVER. This assistance so necessary will bo found'in utters It ccto directly on the LVERf ! STCI3ACH and EiDPJEYS , and by its mild 2nd cathartic eSfcsi and general tonic qualities restores thess organs to a sound , healthy condition , end cures r.l ! diseases arising from iheso causes. 11 PURIFIES THE BLOOD , tones up tbe sycfcrn , and restores perfect health , tlf ycyr druggist does net keep it ask him to crdor it for you. Send 2c stamp for copy of "THE HORSE TRAIKER " . , published fay us. PKICKLY ASH ESTTESS 00. , IsProprictcrr , ST. Z.OUIS , 1. 1 > . EYE ! ROSE , AR THRO ATI SPECIALIST. Gradnnte of Hush Medloil College , 1871. Illi- noise .Eve r.iid Ear Inllrmnrv , lbtJ4. New York Polyclin'ic , 1 :9. Glasses Ctte'd. Artificial Eyes in Stock. 11O1 O Street , - LINCOLN , NEB. Largest Works west oi the TTrite foi estimates. SIOUX CITY , la. rH rpd. Books l iiTned in onoyuanini ; . T Etimonials from all of 'tho piobe. Prospectus POST e"jt oa flr > plicatiun to Pmf. 3 ot s 237 Filth Ave. New York. IES ONLY REGULATOR , i . . . . - . _ . _ . , to a cay or'monejr re funded. By mail 82. Securely setlecl from ob- cervution. COOK KE3IEDY CO. , OmahaNeb. RESTORED. _ _ _ A victim of youifa- fal Imprudence , "caiirinfr. Premature BsCay , hervoa * Debility , tort Uuibocd , &c.ha.vinfftrledin vain every i , z > . c. 'Successfully Prosecutes Claims. atePrlDCJpalJBz&minerU.S Panaton Bureau. ' fATTUS PILLS. Accnts Tfnnted everywhere for thin wonJerful new rerafedv. S.ituple botyi2.V } . Clrcnlar fr-e. CACTI'S Co. . UoxS , Ea t El Paso , Texas. V.tVrKIT. Lnnd * nutl Cralit Elovn- 1 tor In c * < ji itce for Juauufa'-tu-ir.fr and other foil paid ! ron-at > < ' > .iHe'5ntpri < oi-atun's cc c. Fuil infonriation i n on : } > ! i ntiun. Address Box 618. Omaha , Keb. 1 from Kervous Debility. VI- Ltal Wwtlnc etc. Send for njr temedlct and cure your- jelvcaathome. I > r.J. Ucnnort.il S. Clurkst-iCUIcaso paid for School an < l Municipal Bonds , Cori-e l.on < lrnce D. X. SxLUOnULa , Neb irmallor feel. Solid Pamphlet free.Sam - T Je , lOc. o. , Ktfir Ycrk. The Only Shoo Factory in Omaha. W. V. Mor o & Co.'s Men's , Wom en's and Children's medium and fine grades of shoes , made in our largefac- tory in Omaha , Neb. Ask your store keeper for this brand ; THEY are the best. W. V. Morse & Co. have the ONLY shoe factory in Omaha , so when the merchant deals with this firm he knows he is buying from first hands , and at headquarters. In one year , wo have made so good a reputation for our "Morse's School Shoes" that wo have been compelled to make other important lines. Merchants If you want shoes that will wear ! That will fit ! That will please your customers , send your or ders toV. . V. Morse & Co. , Omaha , .Neb. .Neb.FIFTY FIFTY DOLLARS IN GOLD REWA.UD to any one finding a piece of shoddy in any of our own make of goods. We only sell to merchants. W. V. MOUSE & Co. , Omaha , Nob. Tall Story from Clarion. ' mill stands hemlock Near llaine's flour a lock tree , which is probably 100 feet high , at the 'butt is all of six feet in circumference and is minus of limbs at least ton feet up its jagged trunk. On the extreme top of the tree a wild grape vine blossomed and bore fruit this season , and a number of the young lads have climbed the tree at various time to secure the fruit. Dr. E. M. Sloan's little daughter , 7 years old , was missed from hpme the other day , and her mother discovered her stand ing on one of the topmost limbs of the old hemlock , gathering grapes. The child came down as nimbly as a squir rel. It was a daring feat. Clarion Republican. A Telegraph to the Brain From the stomach is the great sympathetic nerve in the epigastrium. Let digestion become seri ously disordered , and that disorder is sure to find a reflection in symptoms which react disadvantageously - ageously upon the organ of thought Insomnia , nervousness , causeless depression and anxiety , are all manifestations of dyspepsia. The best means of remedying and restoring tranquility to brain and stomach , and of regulating , it may be added , bilious secretion , is to take a wincglassful of Hostetter's Stomach Bitters before meals dur ing the day and before retiring. This course be gan , reform in the direction of complete bodily well-being has begun \vith it. Constipation , sick headaches , neuralgia , rheumatism and malarial complaints are among the troubles in which the Bitters is speedily and thoroughly beneficial. Don't delay , but take the sure course at once. The man who looks for spots on the sun will te pretty sure to find them. Some people think they are firm when they are only pig-headed. Every time the Lord aiakes a woman he changes the pattern.l ' Before the use off /J My Ash Bitters he- came general thro 'abut the South and ' West , It was a feful'dose of "Blue Mass , " and daily doses 01 quinine , that was forced down the throats of suffererers from all ma- lararial troubles. In place of such obnox ious , harrowing curatives. Prickly Ash Bit ters , with its mild , soothing action now holds supreme sway , and after one trial , its use when necessary , is foever established. You who have sick-headaches , sour stomachs achs , diseased liver or kidneys , can do no Letter than to give it a trial. A praving Christian is not always a paying Christian. SWEDISH ASTHMA CURE never fails. Send vour address. Trial package mailed free. Collins Brothers' Drug Co. , Bt. Louis , Mo. The drunkard sows tares and raises cain in the field of life. "When Baby was sick , TTQ gave her Castoria , When she was a Child , she cried for Castoria , When she became Miss , she clungto Castoria , TTlien she had Children , she gave them Castoria , The rear guard always cets left. This has been so since the davs of Josb.ua. Ilolman'ti I iver Pncls. Iiiver J'ad.s cure MALAKIA. Ho.mau's l.iver Puds euro BILIOUSNESS. J lolman's Liver Pads cure IxniocsTio.v. I'ampaletf ree with full Instructions and commond.i- ilOiiS. 1IOLM.IX 1.1 VKIt i'-AD Co. , P. O. Uox 2112 , N.X" . The ferrynum is generally at cross purposes with Eome'or other. Dr.snnviXG OF CONFIDENCE. There is no article which so richly deserves the entire poniidence of the community as BKOWK'S BitoNcniAL TuocHEf. 'ILose suffering from Asthmatic and 1'ionrlml Diseases , Coughs , and Colds should try them. Price 25 cents. All flesh is grass , and the grass-widow is frequently cut. About Pcarllnc. From " \Vatchman , Boston , Mass. , Dec. 12 , ISbi ) : Every or knows about Pearline , al- nTost every ouefyscs Pearline , but we won der if all the housskeeps who use it know half thjt .an be done with it We wonder if they ull know what some of the bright ones have discovered , that those mountains of dishwashing the greasy pan and kettle may be reduced to mole hills of the smallest size by the judicious use of Piarlir.e. Fill tbe roasting pan , as soon as the gravy is pound from It , with cold water , shake in a little Pearline and ret on the stove. By the time the rest cf the dishes are washed , all the grease is dissolved and the pan can be washed cs cusilv as a plat ? . Tn at the kettla in which anything greasy has been bo"le < l in the same way , and beside clean utensiisvdu will have a cuan sink , the use of the P.'ar- line rendering it safe to pour such cishwatir into Jt. Sinks regularly treated to a bath of Pear .ine and f caldingtrater will seldom u'eed the xvices of a plumber. No , Angelina , a tailor-made gown is not necessarily a missilt. Mrs. WlasIow'aSootliineSrrnp , for Chil dren teething , softens theoremsreducesinflanmia- tlon. cliays pain , cures tvind colic. 25c. a bottle. There are two sides to every question the wrong side and our side. The Hey Go : it AfT-rvt'arl. A' certain Dexter man isn't a siiccess as a' ' inouser. Furthermore , bo has a young son' who has shown himself shockingly dellcient in the way of com passion for the su'lTerinff. The other dayea mouse crept cautiously from the open door of the cellarwuy. The man of the house grabbed a broom , care fully poised his weapon and launched a mighty blow at the venturesome ro dent. Ashe struck his too caught in a , rug and away he gayly went , head lirst , bump , thump , bang to the bottom tom of the cellar 'stairs. As ho was trying to remember whether 'twas last year or day before tomorrow he be came conscious of a face peeking over the door sill , a face squizxlcd with de moniacal glee. A pause and then the shrill voice of his youngest chirped , D'ye git 'im , d-a-a-d ? " Dexter Ga zette. A Traiup With $1,400. The worshippers at St. Bonifacius' Roman Catholic church , on Norris square , were excited on Saturday even ing by the , discovery of a sleeping man in the organ loft , Ho was put out , but shortly afterward returned , when he was arrested. On being searched at the station house $1,000 in English gold was found about his person. When he was asked where he got the money he pulled out $400 more in Bank of England notes , and told the following story : "I lived on a farm in England. My mother dying a short time ago I sold the farm and came over here one week ago. On Friday night I slept at a fifteen-cent lodging house at Ninth and Race streets with the money on my person. I don't see why you think it strange that I have so much money. " The man had the look of a typical tramp. Philadelphia Record. Burns or wouuds should le attended to carefully , especially in cold weather. We would recommend Salvation Oil for such ca es. All drucglsts sell it for 25 cents a " bottle. Chapped. Lips. For chapped lips dissolve some bees wax in a little sweet oil by heating to gether gently. Apply this to the lips several times a day and avoid wetting them as much as possible. An old fashioned recipe for a perfectly harm less face lotion is the following : Take seeds of pumpkin , melon , gourd and cucumbers and pound them to a pow der , adding' ' fresh cream to dilute the powder ; then add sweet milk enough to make a thick paste ; a few drops of oil of lemon or of lemon juice must be added. Apply this to the face for half an hour at a time , or it may be put on when retiring and left over night. Good Housekeeping. "All alone , unheard , unknown he makes his moan" in a fifth-story bed-room. The reason is obvious , he is suitcring everything with a cold and hasn't got a soul lo step across the street for one mall bottle of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. ISovF to Kill Eigl-l > Badgers. Practically , it is said , the only way to kill the English badgers is to stop their "earths" in the coyers along the hillside while they areit on their midnight foraging expeuitions , and then hunt them away with the hounds ; for the badger is one of the craftiest of animals , and often outwits the dogs. He will not touch a poisoned bait , and an old badger , it is said , will "throw a hundred traps with impunity. To dislodge the animals from their retreats , if they once gain the earth , is next to an impossibility. They are most ex pert and rapid burrowers. Youth's Companion. The snving in clothing where Dobbins' Electric Soap is used , is twenty times the soap bill. It is no new experiment , but has been sold for 24 yean ? . To-day just as pure as in 1SC5. Try'it. Your grocer has it or will order it. o wonder money i < tight. The surplus has been dissipated for months. A S2.5O 1'apcr lorSl.75. THE YOUTH'S COMPAXIOX gives so much for the small amount that it costs it is no wonder it is taken already in nearly Half : i Million Families. Aith Its fine p per and beautiful iliustialions , its Weekly Illustrated " trated Supplements , and its Double "Holiday Numbers , it serins as if the publishers could not do enough to plesc. : liy sending $1.75 now you may obtain itfieu to January , and for a'full year from that dute to Jaiiuary , IbS 2. Address , THE YOUTH'S COMPANION , Boston , Mass. The rich need Christian charity , but the poor need the other sort. Garfleld Tea has cured Constipation of twenty- two yeoid ulanjiug ; hoiuevtircs will Hud it a priceless boon. "Take Tills Tea , Dear. " The ginger tea for a cold is used af ter this fashion : Put a teaspooful of sugar , and perhaps a teaspooniul of ground ginger in a cup , mix well and pour over it boiling water till the cup is little more than half full. When the sugar is dissolved strain it into a tum bler which should be a little more than half full , and then fill the glass with milk. If this tea is taken immediately use cold milk , but if it mut stand a while the milk must be heated , for the tea must be taken as hot as possible and while the feet are in hot water. This will induce prespiration , which will help greatly to check the cold. .The patient should be put to bed at once , after thoroughly drying the feet. York Journal. Can't be Cured by local applications , as they cannot icach the diseai-ed jortiou of the ear. The.e is only one way to cure deafness , and that is ly constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by au inlhmcd condition of. the mu cous lining of tbe Eustachian Tule. When this tube gets ; InUnnied you have a rumbiins : found or imperfect hearing , ami when it is I entirely closed , Deafness is tlie result and unices the Snftamnintion can be taken out and this tule restored to its i oiinal ccn i- th > n , heariiig will be destioxvtl fo ever ; nine casts out ot teu are caused bv catarrh , which Is nothing but an innancd ccnditiou of ihe mucous surfaces. \Ve will give One Hundred Eolla-s for any case of Deadness ( canted bv catarrh ) tlmt we cannot cure 1 y takin-r "Hall's Catarrh Cure , feed for ciicularp. Tree. F. .1. CHENLY t CO. . ] roi.s. , Toleuo. 0. old by druggists15"cents. How easily a man whips an enemy In a play I The co-n that comes out of. Eervpt only satisfies for a llflewhile. . Talking of patent medicines you know the old prejudice. And the doctors some of them are between you and us. They would like you to think that what's cured thousands won't cure you. ' You'd be lieve in patent medicines if they didn't profess to cure everything and so , between the experiments of doctors , and the experiments of patent medicines that are sold only because there's money in the " stuff " you lose , faith in every thing. And , you can't always tell the prescription that cures by what you read in the papers. So , perhaps , there's no better way to sell a remedy , than to tell the truth about it , and take the risk of its doing just what it professes to do. That's what the World's Dispensary Medical Associa tion , of Buffalo , N. Y. , does with Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery , Favorite Prescription , Pleasant Pellets , and Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. If they don't do what their makers say they'll do you get your money back. I'oaltlvely cured bjt these f/ittle Pills , f They also relieve Dis-j tress from Dyspepnia.In-l di ges tion and To oHeart y | Eating. A. perfect roin-fl cdy fornizziness.ii'aiiseaf Drowsiness , Bed Taste in the Month , Ooate TonguoPain in the Side.1 TOHPIDLTVEB. They | regulate the Bowols.SJ Purely Vegetable. 2rlce 25 Cents. CASTES aiEDICIHE CO , , NEWYOiS. Small Pill. Small Dose , Small Price , ! HAKES EASY IF USED BEFORE CONFINEMENT. BOOK TO "MOTHEKS * * 3lAII.EI > "FUCi : . BUAIFIEM > UEOCLATSIU ca. . ATLAMTA.IGA. 8OI.I ) KY ALL UllUOGISTS. YOU WSA5C\ If vou suffer from LOsF 3IA.NHUUD , NEKVOL'S DISEASES , Oli LOSSLS of any kind fiom KXI KSSKS , we will civoyou a FREE T l L of this H OXDKItt CL 3IKD- "Sanaiivo" ICIMJ. E OCAHAXTEE A tfltK in every case. Write ui to send you a FREE sam- pie package fealed In plain wrapper. mssuerorstampH.tocoi er packinir and postage. UADRID CUE3IUL CO. , 417 Dc.llbornSt. , Chic-aeo. 111. Bailary & Optical Co. CHICAGO , ILL. (89 ( ! MOV/BEGINNING ITS BOTH YCAH OF PUBLICATION , IS UNDOUBT EDLY THE BEST LADY'S MAGA ZINE PUBLISHED. JT/jt iitorte * nrn from tome of America's mo.it popular author * . It * mlnftttnnrMit artlctf * . prn- fttitely Wuxtratrd. nrr ttliraya entertaining titttl inttructlvf. It * fdMhlon nrwf and illitalrn- tlonn nro freah and cMUylrtr , combining bcmity , utility , and economy. Its fnll-.ilt tlremt-pnttfrnf enable - able ruru tromait to cut ami Jit h'.r own ilrcaic * . It.-t tnimfroitit dfulgnitfor n'rtlle- worlf , fancy-wnrli , etc , nro novel , liandaome , ami u.trful. It * Jioirxfliold department and recipe * are invaluable to housekeeper. It * Inng-contlntted prosperity 1t worth. TRY IT FOR 1S01. Term * : $2.0O prr iirnr , with Int'ijG reduction. * to Clubs t and clt'ti ant premiums to those who ( i rt tip Clnlig. A aamplf copy , with full particulars , to Club-ralsrrt. Address , PETERSON'S MAGAZIf.'E , Mention thi > p p r. Philadelphia , Pa. ONLY 5 © CENTS Eent with yonr order n a traar. ltoU'0 of peed faith IB aline re quire , tuo balance ( SS.0) yea can pay at the exprcsa one * niter yon ha.vo examined U > watch , and nra convlncrtl of lu xroitb. The picture tL t wf efcuw bore glrina good Tlaw oi Uie watch thnt wo tend W IUITO tlicm In hundreds cf did. . cues are made of two heary plates of lUIf.BOlld cell over Cum poaitionmetaVan < l areiinrrnntcd la or. cry rcipcct. It fi untloer c we , step wind and nem set. It fiU olid boTr cap , crown and UinrnB plecr * , all occtiratelY moilc.flttei ) Bed war ranted. The in OTO. ment Is the floe Eletn stjle.Hchly jawel 4 qnlclc train , JMt bcata per hoar. Er- pantlon balano * , patent pinion , p > cntcscapcmrat , full plnte.ljcnutiriilly fliilsheil. nccunfc ely rejruJated inij ranted to beep correct tlrnn. A CimracU e Is Bent wlta each ttcli. good for , tenycnrs. TterrjrnlM retnl I prlcn of thin watch Js S3S.OO , but vie ilo- slretoeecuroon anrntln jvcry town tbrougliout tb , United States , and therefor * make the opoclnt price of gO.OO. If you aenil mono7 ertth your order (3 .CO ) wowill inclndo In addition hnndlNOino jrolfl plated clinlii. If you want to the watch bcfoiopaylnR forit.you canceud ui OOrt . the Balance , 5 60. Any bank , newppoper or comraerc cencT will tll you ot our reliability , hevr Catalozu * free. If yon Lava a f riond lntli city have hto call H onrEalcgroomaudEO-IKIRTLAND BROS. & CO. lect v.-utch for j-oo. 1 62Fulton.Gtroet H. V. NERVE AND BRAIfl TREATMENT ] Bpeclflc for IlypterJa , DlzzInes-.FIts , Nenralffla , W k fulness. Mental Depression , Softening of the Brain , r * > suiting In insanity anil leading to mliery decar an4 death. Premature Old Age , Barrenness , Loss of Powi * { neither sax. Involuntary Lossesand Spermatorrhoa caused bv over-eiertlon of the brain , § elr-abus o over-indulgence. Kach box contains one month's trea& pent. 91 a box , or clx for 55 , tent by mall prepaid. With each order for six boxrs , will send pnrchut * guarantee to refund money If the treatment lUa to cure. Uu&ranUej Itemed and eeniuno sold only by GOODMAN SiiiCti CO. , 1110 JTarnam Street , O3IAUA , NKB. ( I SRSEQ ! O for terras. JSSampIo Cornet freoto * .0yiiSO Axis. lJewi3Schiclo&Co.SdI U'way.N.Y Best Cougli _ Medicine. Recommended by , Cures -\vlrerc all else fails. Pleasant and agreeab taste . Children take -without objection. By dj DIAMOND BRAND THE ORIGINAL AND GENUINE. The only Ssfe , Sure , and rMillc Pill Tor itle. Irfldles , aik DrusjiU for Chichutrrt English Diamond Braid in Hcd anJ 6'clj meliilln boxes feilod-nlth blue ribbon. T L.c no other Lliid. Refute SuttUtuttont and Imitations All pilli In pinboard boxes , plnfe wwppsrj. are dnncerou * rounterfeitiu At Dm l M , cr ia T TS1 i'kA'i31' ' ? pait-calir , teitlmaalal * , and "IlciTcf for Iadlen. " n l < Krr , bj return Jldt * . 10.000iTMtlrioalaU. A'ams Paper. CHICHCSTEa CHEMICAL CO. . Mndl.nn 8c7mr Sold Jijr oil Local DrussUto. I'HILADELI'IIIAVI 7KE NEW AMERICAN Stem Wind & Stem Set , ONZ.Y § 1.00. Tie Sew American la Htndacic-SJioIJ Pattern Hunting Cure , a. correct JJlu - tnitloa of which vi o show { n this advertise ment. Is now ready and by paccr a TCrr largo order we bare Eecarod tie tactoU * tale for the United States aad Cat. = ds. It.ta ! ' vilndcr and memtt r i n uh patent ndjustnient. end In mted ith I ft new patent stem winding arranBejfl"n round en no other. It in huulii.c cote , Bitll pattern , as Ehown In cut. plated m i pure Rold on solid yellow metal ( SOMB- times called aluminium } , accl lnrpear anceUrimllsrtoa eolU Trntcb. Ttecry - tul Is douUothtckpoUshed frcnch glaiv and oil tte ccc wheels , puilonB and ocar. lnt are perfectly mad * by tfco ciotl impiovtd audcxpenelve tcacbinery.acd each part is carefully fitted by rldlled wortnjen.EcchocelscarefullyjcnjtctiMj. regulated and tested beforeliaTUir th ractory , ard fully warranted by u toy flveyeanjlfuiednathreaaotablecaje. . Special Offei" , Te.in B < t-d tS Z # , Kew2raerJpjnh > a winder and Stem Better , with a bcnutu Till trolil ptutcil chnin nna cbirra , alipacLcdln an elegant snttn lii.tdcxtr , on receipt of only 81.OO till , money orrtpr. postajre Mampa or postal note. pn > - Tlied thepencnrtceirlnglt will f aithfally promts * to send u as msj.y orders Irt/ta ueir locality as possible. GurSexi Cut- nlocrno cf Watctc * , repretej.tcg cue of the larpmt lints to to found In < u > y O > alogno rill bo rent with eiich. order. W want one peed agenfio every town to take tbe < yrency for the sale of oar rellab ! * wa bea. which we iliuctrtte In O fi r Cat - &Iuirnp8tpiicc3froD)3Z.COn7irard. Wo send them to all pans o. the United SrsJon by mall andczpms. HB .D SI. GO AT OSCEocd srewfil forward the X can by mall , pest-paid , Y ur Trill be (11 led , . If - * D * - Hiptfny o recrtrn * We will rpfland the mono nny dlcantlnftcdctutoraer. SendtLOOby rejisterwl letter , poss Idea H bank money draf order r , payable" , express to mone our Jiabcock & Co. , 35 & 37 Prankfort St. , IN ? Y. Favorite little pill for Indigestion , Sick Headache , Dyspepsia , Torpid Liver , Sour Stomach , Dizziness. Are the Best Regulator of Uver , Stomach and Bowels. They never fall to cure Chronic Constipation. Smell , Ka y to Take , Do not Gripe or CJVUBC Fain. 25 Cent * . E. C. De AVltt & Co. , C ! ic-a--x > .