CHRISTMAS GREETING. Fancy Goods Novelties Toilet Articles With compliments of the season , you are cordially invited to call and inspect our fine display of HOM- DAY GOODS , on and after Saturday evening , November 29th. In pri ces it is our purpose to make this " " for a "MERRY CHRISTMAS" indeed all our customers. On Dolls are price is a record breaker. Come quick ! Come early ! ! Come all ! ! ! Kespectfully , A. McMiLLEN. Dolls Toys Gift Books At McMillen's Drug Store. JlcCook nth Indian summer weathe Family Groceries at Irrigation is a fact , not a theory. Staple and Fancy Groceries at Noble's Look ahead. Better times are coming These are days \vhen autumn lingers in the lap of winter. Sealing Wax for fruit cans at Chen ery's City Drug Store. The air is already laden with prog .nostications of the holidays. Fresh and smoked meats of all kinds at the B. & M. meat market. There is an utter of uncertainty abou -everything save uncertainty. Pure fresh buckwheat at POTTER & EASTERDAY'S. If you feed rye to hogs , grind it. The whole grain is not properly masticated Try Damask Kose , the best lotion for face and hands , at McMillen's drug .store. To be agreeable in society it is neces sary not to see and not to remember many things. McCooK the bivouac of culture , in telligence , wealth and energy of West ern Nebraska. What theB. & M. meat market lacks in"blow and bluster" itmakesup in qual ity and price. Kapke , The Tailor , guarantees you the lowest prices and the most stylish and elegant clothing. McCook does not boom. She just grows. This is a good way to obviate ( the danger oi a backset. Price cut 25 per cent , on- all grades .of footwear at the BOSTON SHOE STORE. Noble is the only exclusive grocer in city. His stock is the largest and his prices correspond with the times. If you want a stylish fit at the very lowest figures , KAPKE , THE TAILOR , is the man to patronize. Rear of The Famous. The B. & M. meat market continues to meet all competition , and "to go them one better" in price and quality of meat. The choicest meats are sold at the B. & M. meat market at prices asked for inferior cuts elsewhere. Note this important fact. Uncle Sam has just opened his heart .and purse strings a little and W. S. Fitch will hereafter receive an aug mented pension. Geo. M. Chenery's City Drug Store For pure Drugs , Medicines , Toilet Articles , &c. E. B. Bowen & Co.'s $3.00 , ยง 3.50 and $4.00 shoes for gentlemen are the Ibest values ever offered in McCook. At wholesale and retail by BOWEN & LAYCOCK. Car of flour and feed just received at A. T. Campbell & Co.'s. FOR RENT Two dwelling houses. Inquire at THE TRIBUNE office. Lieb's Ryeningine Flap Jack prepar ation. POTTER & EASTERDAY. i | { It is said that half the reserved seats the Indianola theatre are occupied [ Vlosbbacks. Millen , the druggist , has a fine line e , hanging and piano lamps at 'm ' prices. o ? ill if you praise , and still ou reprove , in a matter you uw nothing about. Children , have you seen that large assortment of Dolls in McMillen's win dow ? They are beauties. The B. & M. meat market will give the highest market price in cash for live stock , poultry and hides. Noble , the leading grocer , makes a specialty of fresh , clean family grocer ies. He will treat you right. The B. & M. have placed on sale tourists tickets to all prominent resorts at reduced rates for the round trip. Ladies' kid and goat button shoes , solid leather , for $1.50 at BOWEN & LAYCOCK'S. McMillen , the druggist , is now > busy opening up Holiday Goods and will have them ready for display in a few days. IN QUBENSWARE Noble carries the largest assortment and the richest designs of the season. His prices are reasonable. The business men of McCook believe in "tooting their horns if they don't sell a clam. " And THE TRIBUNE is their favorite vociferator. Do not allow yourself to be misled. The B. & M. meat market sells the choicest meats of all kinds and at the very lowest living prices. The "mutations of time" are making quite an impression on the newspapers of Western Nebraska , as well as on the rest of the business world. Make Noble your family grocer and many other blessings will fall to your lot , besides having the best groceries on your table that the market affords. The McCook TRIBUNE advertises to take surprises on subscription : We take it that some one has paid the TRIBUNE a dollar on subscription. ETerndon Courier. In the future William Murphy of In dianola will enjoy the benefits of Uncle Sam's kindly policy toward his valiant veterans. He was granted an original pension , Thursday of last week. There are nine thousands five hund red and thirty-one ex-soldiers in Nebras- ca on the pension list. There are one mndred and sixty in Red Willow coun- ; y ; seventy-nine in Frontier ; one-hund red and sixty-four in Furnas ; eighty- , hree in Hitchcock. Inter-Ocean. Go and see LUDWICK'S mammoth stock of second hand goods. Furniture , cook stoves , heaters and gasoline stoves , ought and sold. Will also rent goods > y the week or month. A pawn bro- cer's business in connection. Second leer west of the McEntee Hotel. The fence lumber at the ball ground s being utilized in the construction of an ice house. This reminds the con- umer that there is a prospect that competition will reduce the cost of ice , next season , and that apothecary scales will be discarded by those handling the uxury , nest summer. Ground oil cake. POTTER & EASTEBDAY. This is the time of the year when the young man begins to toy with th'e hair on his chin and lay away ten cent pieces for a world's fair fund. The next time you want an examina tion tablet call and see the attractive new tablet kept for sale in THE TRIB UNE stationery dopt. Price 5 cents. THE TRIBUNE understands that Messrs. Floyd , DeWald & Floyd of the Trenton Register have made overtures for the purchase of the Indianola Courier. LATE FASHION DECREE : Wear street gowns the color of your hair , house gowns the color of your eyea , and even ing gowns the color of your complexion. The seating capacity of the several churches of the city will accommodate an increase of attendance , say about fifty per cent. The public is welcome to all services. With a quarter of a million dollar bond behind him , the funds of Red Wil low county will be tolerably save in the hands of W. T. Henton. His bond for about that amount was filed this week. The project on foot at present is to tap the Republican river at Benkelman and convey the wateron the south divide the same to be returned to the river at McCook. The object being to irrigate the south divide. Expert engineers say the plan is practical. And this is the way the rains come upon the land : Every year a layer of the entire sea fourteen feet thick is taken up into the clouds. The winds bear their burden into the land and the water comes down in rain upon the fields to flow back through rivers. A new use is reported to have been discovered for hops namely , for the curing of bacon. It is found that a sprinkling of hops in the brine when bacon and hams are put in pickle adds greatly to the flavor of both and enables them to be kept an indefinite period. Full of years , Richard Lewis passed from this life , last Friday , the 2lst in stant , at the residence of his daughter , Mrs. George Laverty. The deceased was nearly 73 years of age. The re mains were taken to Louisville , Neb. , on the evening passenger , for interment. The publisher takes some , pride this week , in presenting his patrons with the best all-at-home newspaper ever is sued from a local press. THE TRIBUNE aims to be in the van of Nebraska's representative weeklies , and the en couragement extended warrants the mark. On Friday of last -week , Carrie , the ten-year-old daughter of James Hill , one of our Grant precinct farmers , died from an attack of typhoid fever. Three more members of the family are down with the same fell disease , and a fatal term ination is feared in the case of at- least one of them. An eastern man has discovered a process of making soap from corn. He claims that 40 pounds of soap can be made from one bushel of corn. A Council Bluffs man is investigating the matter with a view of building a factory at that place. Flour , sugar , starch and soap all out of one corn field makes corn indeed King. Women doctors say and many prove it in practice , that by going up stairs slowly , with the foot heel and toe alike put firmly on each stair , one may arrive at the top of four flights of stairs really rested , instead of gasping for breath , as when one runs up stairs. Going up stairs is a good manner of ex ercise , if one goes at in the right way to gets its benefits. Ex. Our fellow-townsman and secretary of state-elect , J. C. Allen , was the re cipient of a nocturnal visit , Saturday , from Mr. Mayberry , the nominee of the independent party for secretary of state. While not unexpected , the notice of contest served by the visitor on Mr. Al len was not welcome or pleasant news ; nor does the act indicate a dangerous amount of delicacy abiding with Mr. Mayberry. McCook is becoming noted for her pop corn stands , of which she has four in number. Some time ago a "dago" made his appearance in the city and started the pop corn business , and , as he seemed to be coining money , many others embarked in the business. The people are now tired of pop corn and the venders are compelled to depend upon the country for support. People from the country , passing up Main Avenue , are in immediate danger of being snatched bald-headed if they don't buy a bag of corn. & EASTERDAY. Monday afternoon , ' the department was called to the northeastern part of the city by the burning of the coal house on the Gaston property. The fire was probably caused by hot anhes being placed too close to the building , which was entirely destroyed before water was thrown by the department. While on the way to the fire a collision occurred at the intersection of Dakota and Mad ison , between hose cart No. ,1 and the hook and ladder wagon , each drawn by double teams at full speed , but fortun ately no one was seriously injured and the damage was slight , a broken pole and fifth wheel covering that. A mis fit connection caused some delay at the fire plug. This emphasizes the import ance of uniformity of connections. Through chair car service has been put on the B. & M. from Superior to Red Oak , la. , via Beatrice and Neb raska City , east bound , leaving Superior on train No. OS and connecting at Red Oak with C. B. & Q. No. 2 , through vestibule train. This insures patrons of the line chair car service to Red Oak and all points east on the C. B. & Q. West bound , C. B. & Q. train , No. 5 , connects at Red Oak with B. & M. train No. 161 , which will take the chair car to Nebraska City , at which point it is put on B. & M. train No. 97 , for Superior. Christian Convention , Chicago , 111. , Nov. 26th to Dec. 1st. All agents may sell tickets to Chicago Nov. 24th to Dec. 1st , inclusive. Geo. F. Mizen , room 401 , Pullman Building , Chicago , will sign certificates. For the above occasion passengers paying full fare going will be returned at one-third fare on presentation of certificate signed by the proper officer of the meeting , on guarantee that there has been an at tendance of one hundred or more who have paid full fare on the going trip. J. FRANCIS , G. P. & T. A. Beaver City Tribune : Chas.Ramsey of Richmond precinct is building a dam across the Sappa and will dig a ditch to irrigate about sixty acres of his farm. The results of this undertaking will be watched with agreatdeal of interest by his neighbors and if he is successful others will do likewise. Rev. P. S. Mather will preach in the Methodist Episcopal church next Sab bath ; in the morning on , "What Con stitutes True Worship ? " In the even ing on , "The Light of the World. " All persons cordially invited. A special invitation is extended to the young men. An unknown person died on No. 2 , this morning , between McCook and Benkelman , of hemorrhage. He had a ticket for Hastings and about $40 on his person. The body awaits identifica tion at Pade's undertaking establish ment. Indianola has served notices of con test on Treasurer-elect Henton and Commissioner-elect Hodgkin. As a matter of economy they will await the result of the state contest. Don't fail to read the new advertise ment of the Famous. You can always depend upon the statements of this house as being based upon facts. The social by the ladies of the Bap tist church at Mrs. Chapin's , last Fri day evening , was a pleasant affair , large ly attended and well patronized. Our liberal townsman , George llock- nell , has placed a car load of coal at disposal of the Benevolent Society. Our new examination tablets for 5 cents are very neat. Buy one for your next examination. Boots and shoes have advanced but Ganschow is selling lower than ever. Try it. Come bring your families and your friends and buy your shoes at Ganscho w's. Great lot of odds and ends all kinds cheap at Ganschow's. Feed of all kinds. POTTER & EASTERDAY. Come and see what Ganschow can defer for you in the shoe line. 84 patent flour at POTTER & EASTERDAY. McCook flour all grades. POTTER & EASTERDAY. School shoes at a great reduction at Ganschow's , the old reliable. Some men never * think ; they only fancy with a broad A. Use caution in beginning to feed green corn to stock. Blue is the color in highest favor , this season. Catholic fair , December 13th. How about an ice house ? THE CHARITY BALL AND BANQUET. The Splendid Success Highly Gratifying to all Persons Interested. It affords THE TRIBUNE.distinct and largo pleasure to record the highly grat ifying , royal success which conspicu ously attended the zealous , well direct ed efforts of ( he ladies of the Benevo lent Society in their charity ball and supper on Thanksgiving eve. It is safe to state that MoCook's fair social his tory does not contain a brighter page does not produce a leaf picturingresults more desirable and felicitous , or object more laudable and worthy , than charac terized this charming affair , which has realized every fond and reasonable an ticipation , won golden opinions on all hands , and produced a gladsome fruition which will bring joy to many a needy , deserving heart. The attendance was large ; the people were there ; and when the ball opened with the stately and graceful maneuv ers of the grand march , the beholder gazed with admiration upon one of the most brilliant scenes ever enacted in Western Nebraska ; and the spirit of the auspicious inauguration pervaded the occasion until the closing hours , which suggested the rapid approach of the Day of Thanksgiving. The supper was spread with gener ous hands in the Morlan building , and from the early opening hours the public accorded this feature a liberal patron age , which , moreover , the splendid repast served so tastefully and atten tively , richly merited , and which the people gaveabundancevidnnceof appre ciating fully. As about everything was donated , the expenses were nominal , and the Benev olent Society now has in its treasury a sum of money which is a credit to the liberality of our people , and complimen tary to the energy of the society. The outcome is a proper source of general congratulation. DEATH OF JUDGE BUCK. The many friends and acquaintances of the deceased and family will be deeply pained to learn of the death of Judge Royal Buck , which occurred on Friday last at his late home near Branchville , Md. ; after a lingering Jill- ness. Judge Buck was one of Red Willow county's pioneer settlers , mov ing to Red Willow from Nebraska City early in the seventies. As president of the Republican Valley Land Co. he was largely instrumental in the settle ment of the upper valley , tie was for many years an honored and respected citizen of Red Willow county. His early decease is largely attributable to the exposure and privations of pioneer life , and the sympathy of their numer ous Nebraska friends go out to bereav ed wife and children in their dark hour of sorrow. Benevolenf Society Notes. Applications for aid may be handed to Mrs. Lowman , chairman. Contributions of money , fuel , cloth ing and provisions may be sent to the president , Mrs. C. M. Noble , or to the treasurer , Mrs. Hocknell. The Benevolent Society , of McCook , will meet with Mrs. Johnston , at the Commercial House , Tuesday , Dec. 2d , 2:30 , P. M. All ladies interested in the work of benevolence are cordially invited to meet with us , and "lend a helping hand" to the "good work. ' * The ladies of the Benevolent Society wish to thank the citizens of McCook for the very liberal manner in which they responded to the call for contri butions to the charity supper. Both charity ball and supper were well pa tronized , and were a decided success , financially and socially. ATTENTION ! The president of the Benevolent Society of McCook wishes to inform the presidents of the several alliances in this part of Red Willow county that there is a quantity of coal at this place for distribution. Applica tions may be made to the President Mrs. C. M. Noble or to Mrs. Louis Lowman , chairman of distributing and investiga ting committee. Mary Battershall , Sec. The county clerk is expecting a car load of coal from George A. Hoagland of Omaha , coming week. It will be dis tributed by Manager Warren of the local lumber yard. HANGING LAMPS Noble is head quarters for hanging lamps. He car ries a large and splendid selection. What must you do to be saved ? Why buy your groceries at Noble's , of course ! A special meeting of Bondville Alli ance , Saturday evening , the 29th. Dr. A. J. Thomas , Dentist , in Union olock , over Boston shoe store. JSpStop and see the bargains at Ganschow's. entire stock of My Hard and Soft Coal Heaters at AC TUAL COST. AV. c. LATOUEETTE. AID ! COUNTY CLERK'S OFHCE , Indianola , Nebraska , November 25thl890. To the Justices of the Peace of Red Willow county. Gentlemen The Omaha Board of Trade has shipped to me , at this place , one car of coal for distribution among drought sufferers. It will be distributed by me as follows : Any person in your precinct who has no means of buying or procuring fuel will apply to you for fuel and if you are satisfied that such person is entitled to aid you will give them an order on me for 500 or 1,000 pounds of coal. Not more than one-half ton will be furnished any person or family at this time , and it is advisable for you to only order 500 pounds at this time for each family in order to make this car of coal go as far as possible. I understand the B. & M. R. R. Co. have donated another car of coal for this purpose and that it will be here soon. Please inform all persons likely to need aid in your precinct of above notice. Yours Very Truly , GEO. W. ROPER , Co. Clerk. FOR PEOPLE OF MCCOOIC AND VICINITY. An Omaha citizen has shipped one car of coal to me at McCook and re quests that I distribute it among the drouth sufferers in the vicinity of Mc Cook. It is impossible for me to dis tribute this car in person so I have given the car of coal to the Ladies of the Mc Cook Benevolent Society to dispose of as they see fit among you. If you know of any one who is unable to procure fuel please report to them. GEO. W. ROPER , County Clerk. The Circle Front Livery Has al ways been at the head of the business in McCook , and will in the future continue to be more than ever the best equipped establishment of the kind in Western Nebraska. This week , A. T. Maddux of Wauneta takes a partnership in the business with C. B. Gray , and these gentlemen will not only keep up the present reputation of the "Circle Front , " but by the addition of new vehicles and fresh , sound animals , it is proposed to improve the equipment to a degree that cannot fail to meet with the appreciation and patronage of the public. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given to the twenty- seven subordinate alliances in Red WiJ- low county that there will be meetings of the Alliance Relief Committee in the opera house in Indianola at I o'clock , P. M. , on the following dates : Nov , 8,15 , 22 , 29 and Dec. G for the trans action of important business that will come before the committee. J. F. BLACK , Chairman. The City Livery Stable Is at the front of the procession. Prompt , courteous attention and good teams in clean rigs have placed it there. I make a specialty of pleasing my trade in this way. Opposite the Arlington Hotel. D. C. MARSH , Proprietor. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. This issue of THE TRIBUNE contains a number of new advertisements. It will be advantageous to the reader to give all business announcements a care ful perusal , and act accordingly when in need of such articles. The School Children Will be pleased with the new exam ination tablets just placed on sale ia THE TRIBUNE'S stationery dept. LADIES ! We would call your attention to our new $2.00 and $2.50 Kid Button Shoes. BOWEN & LAYCOCK. PARENTS Save money by buying school sup plies , for the children , at Chenery's City Drug Store. For Sa/e. A carriage and a base burner heating stove. Inquire at once. E. LINDNER. PRESCRIPTIONS Accurately compounded , day or nmht. CITY DRUG STORE. Pearline meal the finest in the mar ket POTTER & EASTERDAY.