as * _ _ " * * -v 14 O A M ? Vjrr\lK\ THE OLD RELIABLE BOOT & SHOE MAN , Either wants to make a fair profit or tell - „ the reason why. All business centers around profit. It is the life of trade , the ambition of all , the object of your work and ours. But profit zias more sides than mere percentage. To us & good reputation is a distinct profit , and thus square , yn-g enters into every transaction. We = yever , an assortment of odds and < 1031 llBHOES Etc. > HP > > led to sell .4 .4PROFIT. . These af J M lar first class , substantial [ [ joods , well woMh one-half more than we are ( P * asking for therf. "We have an unusually large and attrsfetive line of i / Fancy Slippers and Felt-Lined Goods , which would be "the thing" for a present to your husband , your brother or someone else's brother. We are making very attractive figures on these goods , also. THE ! L Is not of asinticli importance to the people of McCook as is the fact that we are prepar ed to save them Dollars on Merchandise. No matter how low other merchants SAY they will sell , we have the goods and prices which will prove to any qualified .judge that we can oiit-sell them every time Money Talks ! Yonr money and oiir goods make a lively dialogue In addition to our excellent goofis and low prices , we offer some special inducements in All Wool Dress Goodsjust received , Flan nels , Cotton Flannels , German Knitting- Yarns , Saxony , Hosiery , and everything in Dry Goods , Clothing , Boots and Shoes , Hats and Caps , Gloves and Mittens away below the usual price. We are here to stay and will save you 20 to 30 per cent , on all hills you buy of us. us.H. H. FASHION LETTER A Chatty Article on Things of In terest to Ladles. Dame Fashion Decree * Are Fopalur Now Astrakhan Now la Vogue Cloaks and Wrapt. Street Costume * Mlnoij Notei. [ Special New York Correspondence. ! Astrakhan is beyond doubt the fash ionable fur this season. None of the woolly-woven imitations of two seasons ago , but the genuine article , or some thing so near it that it is difficult to distinguish from real. Shoulder capes fi11 a long-felt want , and astrakhan in this form is servic ca ble and hardly as expensive as seal or sable , and th o n it comb ines with all other furs. If the col lar of your \\nast year's seal cape has worn shabby , replace - $ place it with a Med ici collar of as tra- khan , and you are w e aring the most TAILOR GOWN. approved garment of the season. Muffs are of a medium size and are made of two kinds of fur , or astrakhan , with heavy ribbon bows , and a "black , long-tailed bird perched coquettishly among the loops. Carriage wraps and evening cloaks are the only fur-lined garments now shown. Carriage wraps are made of camel's hair , brocade or cloth , and lined with dark fur while evening cloaks are in the form of Russian circulars , with lining and great collar of white Manda rin lamb-skin. Faced cloth and fine soft diagonals are still the favorite materials for street wear , and in many instances they have been worn for afternoon receptions , and considered much more distingue than a pretentious silk costume. A long Princesse polonaise is trimmed with fur and a little heavy , rich , dull- shaded applique hand embroidery , the skirt lifted at the extreme side to show an underskirt of cloth or velvet to match or harmonize with the embroid ery. A short , high-collared cape is added for the street. See fur collarotto illustration. Among the many dressy mantles to be seen. I will describe one made to match tie costume. A new shade of dahlia velvet is the material. The fronts are close to the figure and trimmed with silver and dahlia passe menterie and narrow sable edging. Square Hungarian sleeves hang to the hem of the gown , with tight coat-sleeves under. The back forms fit closely at the waist , then widen out into flat Di- rectoire panels opening up the middle. Large plaids are still in style , not the fancy plaids of past seasons , but the genuine Scotch clan plaids , both in silk and heavy woolens. The large patterns are easily managed for the waist by using a little taste and ingenuity in ar ranging the principal lines to draw them in at the waist. The new galleons are too complicated and elaborate to de scribe. It suffices to say that any well- stocked passementerie department of our shops can furnish you with every FTJB COIiABETTE. conceivable variety , from a cotton band with a few threads of silk and tinsel , to hand-work of exquisite texture , color and variety as high as twenty-five dollars lars and fifty dollars a yard. What more can we want ? But before the sea son is over I do not doubt we shall have a still newer and more complete embar rassment of riches. Long-shaped toques and turbans are the prevailing shapes for young people , unless I except the broad-brimmed hats of great beauty , but , alas ! trying to many of us. The long , low hats with narrow velvet strings coming from the extreme back is universally becoming and is adaptable for all occa sions. Black , with a touch of old pink , or the new French lilac are wcrn with street gowns , and delicate feather bands , embroidery and velvet flowers are wrought together into an irresisti ble love of a theater or reception bon net. Long , narrow , flower wreaths , with an aigrette and a few velvet ( preferably black ) loops and strings is the most elegant thing for dressy occa sions. Kid is the foundation for many new garnitures , both for dillinery and dress trimmings. Some of the imported pat terns show old Spanish and Venetian designs reproduced with wonderful skill. Vandyke patterns and arabesques ar wrought in cream , tan and brown kid , with gold threads and fine bead-work lightening up the design. Thin , gauzy materials are still the most popular fabrics for dancing and reception gowns for young ladies. Mou seline do soie , pineapple and crepe llsso have deep bordorings of exquisite em broideries , beading and spangling of fab ulous value , and there are also beautiful simple designs thatcan be bought for one dollar and a half a yard. At this price what could bo prettier for a young girl than a cream mousolino do soio , wide enough to make the entire skirt-length , with graduated satino bands , beginning about two inches wide and narrowing up to about an eighth of an inch , the remain der of the skirt dotted with small squares ? This over a silk slip and a fichu waist is simple but very elegant. [ The tailor-made costume illustrated ' hero is of nut-brown Vienna with vel vet and military braid trimmings. I Gold buttons are again in vogue for cloth gowns braided or embroidered with gold ; but buttons have not yet returned to prominence except on Directoiro cos tumes , and oven they are rather passe. WAUONG HAT. The change is bound to come very soon and we shall have our gowns "all but toned down before. " Some distinct nationality is adopted in our fashion each year , Greek last year , Russian the year before and this season Spanish seems to be the fashion able favorite. Figaro jackets are the newest thing for house dresses. Bolero or Toreador hat shapes are worn with street costumes and The Spanish pompons of feathers are a characteristic feature of the season's millinery. To wear with plaid gowns are black Spanish turbans of velvet and felt trimmed with three ribbon rosettes , each of a shade in the plaid. We come as near as possible to the Spanish man tilla in the new flat black lace bonnets with no crown , but a comb or coronet of jet showing the hair. Lace strings and one red or pink rose over the left ear gives a very Spanish effect. T. T. W. LOYALTY. How the Armies of the Nation Were Filled Colonel Mussey's Views. "Whoever says that there was nothing but sentiment back of the impulse which filled our armies with brave soldiers knows but little of human nature , " said Colonel Fred Mussey , in reply to an as sertion that sentiment , not patriotism , filled our armies. "I was only sixteen years old , " he con tinued , "and was anxious to go with the soldiers. That was not patriotism , of course ; but there was love of country beneath the love of adventure. My parents would not consent to my enlist ment , for I was the only healthy and helpful boy in the family. But one morning about two o'clock I was aroused from a deep slumber to find my aged father and mother standing by the side of my bed. My father said : " 'Freddie , my son , we have concluded to give you up to your country. "Sour mother and I have been talking and praying all night and we feel that it is our duty to our country and therefore our duty to our God to give you up. You may enlist to-morrow morning. ' "Then they kissed me and went weep ing away. The next morning my father accompanied me to the recruiting station and gave his consent to my enlistment. There was an example of the deepest and most sincere patriotism. Itwas the combination of Now England religious devotion and love of country. There were tens of thousands of fathers and mothers all over the land talking and praying night and day in just the same manner. The armies were filled by the patriotic sense of loyalty , and those fathers and mothers as well as those boys of ' 01 must not bo called senti mental in my presence without calling forth a strong and stern denial. " Getting Even. First Dude No wonder I am pale , Clawrence. Fweddyplayed ameantwick on me. Second Dude What was it , old fel ? "Why , 'I ' gave him a cigar , y' know , and the cruwel fellow made mo stay in the room while he smoked it , bah Jove ! " Time. An Ignorant Musician. Maddox Fangle , what do you think of Beeflat as a musician ? Fangle Beeflat , sir , does not know enough about music to boat a mud-drum. Time. Aye , Truly ! "Well , well , the order of the day at present seems to be nothing but rain. " "The order of the day ! Why , great Scott , man , it's the disorder ! " Puck. I will buy stock cattle of any ago. From calves up. Also , stock hogs , At Brush creek ranch , 3 miles south east of McCook , Nebraska. J. B. MESERVE. CHEAP CLOTHING. I take pleasure in announcing to the people of McCook and vicinity that I have received an appointment as sales a i-nt for the old reliable clothing firm of Wiinaninker & Brown , of Philadel phia. I can guarantee the same high quality in their goods to-day which has given such excellent satisfaction in the past. Samples may be seen at Menard's > .tore. Prints to suit the lines. J. S. ALLAN , Sales Agent. DRYSDALE THE TAILOR , From New Toik City , lias the most com plete stock of Fall and Winter Goods , for men's wear , between Lincoln and Denver. His store is just replete with the latest nov elties from New York and Chicago , ami as lie buys strictly for cash lie can alfoid to ive yon first class Clothing at very reasonable pi ices , lie lias guaranteed every pument lie lias made up in McCook for neaily six years and has never had a misfit in that time. Call and see him. One door noitli of Un commercial Ilouse. . COLE , LEADING I TAILOR , E ° Announces the anival of his fall stock , commising the latest and most fash ionable goods of the season. His prices aie lower than any tailor's in Mct'ook. Don't fail to see his line. McKinleyvsMcKeighan Having recently returned from business visits to Denver and Lincoln , at the request of my many patrons I have decided to re main in McCook until MARCH 1st , 1891 , When 1 shall go to Lincoln to accept a posi tion in a leading carpet house. In the mean time I am better prepared than ever before to do HouseCleaning & Carpet Laying. Leave ordeis at THE TJUIIUXE Office , FllANK HUBER. SCOTT'S EMULSION CURES CONSUMPTION SCROFULA BRONCHITIS COUGHS COLDS Wasting" Diseases Wonderful Flesh Producer. Many have gained one pound per day by its use. Scott's Emulsion is not a secret remedy. It contains the stimulat ing properties of the Hypophos- phites and pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil , the potency of both being largely increased. It is used by Physicians all over the -world. PALATABLE AS WBILK. Sold by all Druggists. 8COTT & BOWNE- Chemists , N.Y. PACKAGE FROEHARRIS' FOR THE CURE OF ( VSTALLY WEAK ) , Made o by too close application to business or study : severe racntil strain or grief ; .SKXl'tli lACESEKb in middle llfe.oricious habits contracted In youtn. MJiSrtM' & > & 1 AUK MCTIJIS TO SHtMllS DUIII.ITI nr wCwSi fiJGra K\imsTio.wisTi\GnKk > s5. IN- IIIILNTU'.Y IO < > r..S with f UtLY IIM'tY InlOCMJand tllU- li.tK : ; : > ; Hckor.mi.lgor.and Ftrength , itb eMiaI organs impaired and T-calcnctl prematurely in approaching old age. WHEH WE SAY GURE.rS % ktf3i. ' & is 223117 thouennd cases treated and currd in past twelve years. AscMdcuceof ourfalth In Prof. Harris' SOLTTBLE MEDICATED PASTILLES. "TPIAI weofferelzhtdnystriil UtSOIUTFLY FREE. ' ' " " ' -All men. Tounif or oM , suffering from thii prerilent trouble should * nil their adlreM o we can famish questions to bcnmwrred , that we miy know the trne condition of cnch case and prepare medicine to effect a prompt care. I-ocateil in J "evr York ( after 1J years at St. Louis ) , we offer all a chance to be cured by the celebrated Pastille Treatment. THE HARRIS REMEDY CO. , Mfpj. Chemists , C3 BEEKHAH STREET , _ NEW YORK. IflTBilNCORrDI SO.CAPITAL S25.OOO. fend for mnrtrated Catalogna. Pro. This Trade Mark Is on Tie Best Waterproof Coat In the world. L J.Ttrerer. Boitoa Children Cry forPitcher's _ Castoria. A. F. MOOUE. JNO. II. HAIIT. MOORE &IIA1U' , ATTORNEYS - : - AT - : - LAW , MCCOOK. - NEBKASKA. practice in the State and Federal Courts and before the U.S. Land OQlco. Office over Famons ClothincrCo. Store. C. H. BOYLE , LAND - : - ATTORNEY , Six years experience In Gov. eminent Land Cases. Real Estate , Loans & Insurance. NOTARY PUBLIC. Bank of McCook. J. BYRON JENNINGS , ATTORNEY - : - AT - > LAW. e ? Will practice in the State and United States couits and before the U.S. Land OHices. Careful attention given to collections. Office over Bank of McCook. HUGH W. COLE , LAWYER , MCCOOK , NEBBASKA. practice in all courts. Commercial and corporation law u specialty. Money to loan. Ilooms4 and 3 old First National bld'fr. DR. A. P. WELLES , HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON McCOOK , NEBUASKA. attention friven to diseases Of women and children. The latest improved methods of electricity used in all cases requir ing such treatment. Office over McMillen drugstore. Residence , North Main street. B. B. DAVIS , M. D. C. II. JONES , M. D. DAVIS & JONES , PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS , MCCOOK , NEBRASKA. "OFFICE Hoims : 9 to 11 , a. in. . 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 , p. m. Rooms over First National bank. THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL GEO. E. JOHNSTON. Pnor. McCOOK , - NEBKASKA. I This house bag been completely reno vated and refurnished throughout and is first- class in every respect. Hates reasonable. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE TO- LANDS AND TOV/N LOTS If/ RED WILLOW COUNTY. FURNISHED ON APPLICATION BY J. B. MATHSR , BONDED - : - ABSTRACTER. ( SUCCESSOR TO C. D. CUAMEK. ) Office in Court Ilouse with County Clerk. Down town office with A. J. Rand. Indianola. Nebraska. KILPATR1CK BROTHERS. Horses branded on left hip or left shoulder. P.O.address , Imperial. Chase County , and Beat rice. Neb. Range. Stink ing Water and French man creeks. Chase Co. , Nebraska. Brand as cut on side of some animals , on hip and sides of some , or any where on the animal.