II * What is Castoria Is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription Tor Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium , Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric , Drops , Soothing Syrups , and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays feverishness * Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd , cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles , cures constipation and flatulency * Castoria assimilates the food , regulates the stomach and bowels , giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend * ' N Castoria. . "Castoria Is an excellent medicine for chil Nte&j dren. Mothers have repeatedly told me of its good effect upon their children. " Da. G. C. OSGOOD , te&j " - . Lowell , Mass. i is the best remedy for children of Acquainted. I hope the day ia not " 7 ider the real . -oeJl'istoria in- icharo trcf s Froiat fetverij Sf afrfe ID. IB. The Best Equipment in the Republican Valley. W. C. BULLARD & CO. LTME , HARD CEMENT , AND DOORS , BER. WINDOWS , . SOFT . . BLINDS. COAL. -JoJ- RED CEDAR AND OAK POSTS. 4 U. J. WARREN , MANAGER. 1 FtB I nliPF Pit uu , = DEALERS INI LUMBER ! . Sash , Doors , Blinds , Lime , Cement , HARD AND SOFT COAL. HUMPHREYS' Da. HDMPHBEra * SPECIFICS are scientifically and carefully prepared prescriptions ; used for many rears In private practice with sncccss.ond for over thirty years used by the people. Every single Spe- jlflc Is a special cure for the disease named. These Specifics cure without drugging , purg ing or reducing the system , and are in fact and deed the sovereign remedies of the World. . . . ruFnuscirAiinus. CURES. * Fevers. Congestion , Inflammation. . . I Worms , Worm Fever. Worm Colic. . ! Crying : CollcorTeethlngof Infants . JHarrhca , of Children or Adults. . . . i Dysentery , Griplng-Blllous Colic. . . . [ Cholera Morbns , vomiting ' OoBEhH , Cold , Bronchitis. . . . : . . . ! Nenralcin , Toothache.Fnceache. . . . t Headaches , SlckHeadache , Vertigo i Dyspepsia , Bilious Stomach . . . . . . . . . HnDDircBfled or F8.1niul eriods. t AVuoopinsr Conch , violcntCoughg. . - Cpneral Uebllitv.i'hyslcalWeakness . ' KldnoyJHsense f Ncrvons Debility. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - I. I Urinary Wcnkpeis , Wetting Bed. . , ' Diseases of thcHcartralpltatlonl. ts , or sent postpaid on receipt. rice. MPnnETS' lUxuAi , (144 pages ) SP E O I F I C S /7 / ChiIdrenCry forPitcherys _ JCastorfa : Castoria , , * Castoria Is so well adapted to children tbm I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me. " H. A. Ascaxn , M. D. , Ill So. Oxford St. , Brooklyn , N. Y. "Our physicians in the children's depart ment have spoken highly of their experi ence Jin their outside practice with Castoria , and although we only hare among our medical supplies what is known as regular products , yet ire are free to confess that th its of Castoria has won us to look with ar upon it. " "UNITED HOSPITAL AMD DISPENSABT , Boston , Mar * C. Sierra , Pres. , .v Straat. NVvor VnWIr THE WHITE LINE TRANSFER , W. M. ANDERSON , PROPRIETOR. „ * V ' ' * 1 14- The best equipment In the city. Orders left fit the office on Lower Main Avenue will re ceive prompt attention. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. When Baby tras clct , wo gave her Castori * . When she was a Child , she cried for Castoria , When she became Miss , she clung to Cactoria , When she had Children , she gave them Castoria For LOST or PARING - WEBS general utd HEKYOUS DEEllirrj ftlNli'lnlil wesineM of Body end Kind , Effect ! liUiliillJof Error ! or Excesses in Old or Touar , obn f , Kobie II AS HOOD IWIjr Btjtortd. HOT ( mluitt * 7l Btrtvtll nUK.OXDKTIXO'nDbKQlf8AFAHTSdF ODY. Abielattlr BmlUllar HOU ! TKUTWUT-BtuBti ! a iiy Prieripllra Bock , npluiUeBMi prtc ° * * Um ERIEUEOIGALCO. , ! MEERSCHAUM IN CHUNKS. It Comes From Turk y , and In Chiefly Used for Pipes. The meerschaum comes from Turkey iu boxes. A box holds about fifty pounds , and is worth from $20 to $300. according to the size aud quality ot the pieces. It looks like plaster of pans smoothed off and rounded. The amber looks like beeswax or large pieces of resin. It comes in pieces , and is worth from $2 to $20 a pound. Meerschaum to make a live-dollar pipe costs about $2.50. The amber tips raw costs about one-quarter or one-half as much. When an order coaies for a pipe the proprietor goes through the stock oi meerschaum to get a piece out ol which the pipe can be cut with as littla loss as possible. Four-fifths of thci meerschaum is wasted , though the chips are often saved aud made iuto imitation meerschaum pipes. The meerschaum is first cut ou a cir cular saw into a piece a little larger , than the pipe. If tlie cutting shows holes or cracks , the piece is cost aside. Then it is soaked in water for iiftcen minutes and cut the rough shape with a knife. Then a hole is drilled through it , and it is turned with a lialf motion. AftK. the turning the stem is inserted. It is smoothed off when dry , boiled in , wax and polished , then it is ready to be sold. The amber is worked with a chisel and turning wheel. The chisel is sharp aud razor-like. A clumsy operator would cut his fingers off with it. An old operator takes the piece oi amber in his hand and rounds it with the chisel , the forefinger of the left hand serving as a guide for the chisel to play. When it is rounded it is held against the face of a roughened wheel until it is turned to approximately the required size. Then it is put in the same turning wheel aud a hole is bored through it. This is for the more common and cheaper amber stems , the same kind that are put in brierwood pipes , which sell for 50 aud 75 cents. It does not take more than a quarter or a half-hour to finish one of these stems. A stem for a more costly pipe will take a day. The shortest time in which a good meerschaum pipe can be n : ide is three days. That is for a plain pipe. If the pipe is to bo carved that time has to be added. Workmen have spent months on carviug one pipe. The dust and chips from the amber and meerschaum are saved. The amber dust is melted and made into amberine. The meerschaum dust is chopped up and * i * worked _ _ j. iuto a paste i , from which umuiuuu uieersciiaum pipes are made. It is a common idea that real meerschaum can be told from imitation meerschaum by the fact that real meer schaum floats ou water , but imitation meerschaum floats also. Imitation meerschaum can be made to color better than real meerschaum though it does not last so long , aud the color is likely to in streaks. " It come is hard for a man who is not in the business to tell a real from an imitation meerschaum. The best quality of meerschaum fre-x quently has air-holes and cracks in it. How Many Words in English ? An interesting question suggested by an ancient waif of a book is the number of English words now existing. Considerable difference of opinion exists on this point. 'Mr. George P. Marsh , an American author of repute , in his "Lectures on the English Lan guage , " estimates that the number ( in 1861) "probably does not fall short of 1004000 ; ' and large additions , especial ly In art and science , have come into use since that date. Other writers , however , come to a different conclu sion , and think that 40,000 would in clude the whole. It depends a good deal on how calculations are made. If all the subsidiary words participles and the like are to be taken into ac- couut , it will swell the sum total ? e'ry considerably. Taking the first three words that oc cur at random , we lind that from demonstrate , " in one of our modern dictionaries , there are thirteen deriva tives : from the word "bright" there are twelve , and from "deplore" there are ten. There is also redundance in other forms. In one of Todd's editions of Dr. Johnson there are upward of eigh ty words with the prefix "all" all-com plying , all-divining , all-drowsy , and so on a very notable instance of diction- ai-y padding. In ways like these the vocabulary may be indefinitely in creased. Probably , if we take leading words and all their derivatives , the number at the present time will ex ceed Mr. Marsh's estimate. An ap proximate verification of this may be found by multiplying the numbe'r of Eages in any goo'd modern dictionary y the average number of words in a page. Shakspeare's works , it is believedin clude about 15,000 separate words , and Miltmi's about 8,000 ; but from' these ligurwe have no criterion of the ex tent of the actual English vocabulary. It may be mentioned here that while Cockeram has only about 7,000 or 8- 000 words , there are in Bailey's Diction ary approximately About 86,000 , and in Johnson's not more than that. ID some of the larger modern works , again , the figures , as has been said , reacli to upward of 100,000. Clianiber'f ' Journal. TVhich Is Your Right Hand ? An anatomist toldme the other day that I could not tell him which was my right hand. I immediately held out m } * right hand , but he objected. He said that he did not say that I should not show or extend my right hand , but that I could tell him which was my right hand that is , that I could not describe it in words so that one who had never heard of the distinction we make between the right and left hands would be able to find it. I thought that would be easy enough also untu I took time to think the matter over , then I gave it up , for on the outside of the human bed } ' there is nothing to dis tinguish the right hand from the left. No one can describe it in words so that an ignorant person ( onenotknov > ing the distinctions we make ) can find and locate it. St. Louis Republic. The table upon which Oliver Crom well signed the death warrant of Charles I. was sold recei\tly to a LOB- don antiquary for $710. STORY OF A TYPEWRITER. * How a Girl In Boy's Clothes Imposed on f Real-Estate Man. The "prettv typewriter" has become a feature in the business life which can not be ignored or lightly treated. She is here to stay and in her own sweet way kuows she is a power in the laud. Lawyers , doctors , merchants , real- estate dealers , brokers , and business men generally are under her gentle sway. They may not acknowledge it ; indeed , may hardly realize it , but they can not get along without her. In her demure eyes is seen no evidence that she knows this , but she does all the " same. A certain real-estate broker , who lives with his wife at a certain fashion able hotel on the South side , knows it , too , and knows it so hard one can al most bear him think about it. Re cently ho decided to be in the business swim" and was thoughtless eriough to tell his wife all about it. tiat man. a Chicago real-estate dealer and pre sumably one of the smartest men in the world , actually told his wife that" " he wanted to employ a pretty type writer. Did Mrs. Real-Estate Broker cotton to the idea , and meeklv say that he kuew what was best ? Jlardly. She is the wife of a Chicago broker , and naturally knows a thing or two when she can think of it. She thought of one of 'em when he spoke about the girl typewriter. To herself she said : "No , you dou't ; not if I can stop it , and I rather think I can. " Parenthetically it may be observed that if she hadn't tried to stop it the subsequent adventures would never have happened. To her husband she said : "Wouldn't it be better to em ploy the elevator boy ? He's a bright , handsome llow , very smart , and would soon ream. He asked me only a few clays ago if I knew of a position he could fill. He could run errands , aild a girl couldn't , you know. " Now , this particular boy ran the ladies' elevator at.tliat particular hotel and was the pet of all the' ladies. The real-estate broker knew his M'ife. He knew it would not be wise to hire a girl under the circumstances , and so a' ' few days afterward Harry , the elevator- boy , was struggling with a typewriter ] aud running errands at his oflice. ( A few days later the office-boy hap- , pencil to draw out his trousers to bu * > n his shoe aud the gentleman was sur prised by a vision of silk-clocked stock ings , gay with brilliant stripes , and a limb very shapely for a half-grown , bov. The real-estate "niun didn't siv' anything , but he was rather surprised for a real-estate man. Not long afterward "Hairy" returned from : i hurried errand all out of breath ? Who * ever saw a messenger or an oflice boy out of breath ? Harry wrote many letters during the days which followed , siacl everybody kuows that "vidders" are "wex-y dangerous. " A few days ago he wa's very busy writing a letter , when the broljer intentionally interrupted him by sending him upon an errand. Be tween the sheets of blotting-paper up on "Harry's" desk was found a most erotic note. An hour later "Harry" was in tears , confessed her sex , and left. There's a nice position in that office for a pretty typewriter. Chicago Times. Some "Warm Weather. It will perhaps assuage the discom forts of the summer to read some past experiences with heat , compiled by a German statistician. In the year G27 the springs dried up and men fainted with the heat. In 879 it was impossi ble to work in the open fields. In the year 993 the nuts on the trees were "roasted" as if in a baker's oven ! In 1000 the rivers in France dried up. and the stench from the dead fish and other matter brought pestilence into the land. The heat in the year 1014 dried up the rivers and the brooks in Alsace-Loraine. The Rhine was dried up in the year 1132. In the year 1152 the heat was so great that egjrs could be cooked in the sand. In 1227 it is recordedthat , many men and animals came by their death through the in tense bent. In the year 1303 the waters of the Rhine and Danube were partially dried up , and the people passed over on foot. The crops were burned up in the year 1394 , and in 1538 the Seine and the Loire were as dry land. In 1556 a great drought swept through Europe. In 1G14 in France , and even in Switzerland , the brooks and the ditches were dried up. Not less hot were the years 1646 , 1679 and 1701. In the year 1715 from the month of March till October not a drop of rain fell ; the temperature rose to 38 degrees Reamur. and in favored places the fruit trees blossomed a. second time. Extraordinarilv hot were the years 1724 , 1746 , 1756 "and 1811. The summer of 1815 was so hot that the places of amusement had to be closed. The Cost of Newspapers. From a suggestive article on news papers , by Ehgene M. Camp , in the Century , we quote as follows : "What ia the total annual cost to the wholesale Eurchases of news namely , the pub- shers of the entire news-product of the United States ? An answer to this question would be of interest , but it has never been answered. For several years I have been gathering informa " tion upon which tOj , base .an estimate. "Publishers have uniformly extended me every courtesj' ; nevertheless I find it an exccfeufcig/y difficult quantity to arrive at , and for my figures I do not claim absolute accurac3 % Publishers in this country aniitially expend some thing near the following sums for news : "for press despatches 81F20,00 ( " special " 2,20,000 " localnews 12.SOO.OCO 810,570,000 "The business of the Associated i'ress , a mutual concern which pays nothing for its news , and which serves its patrons at approximate cost , amounts to $1,250,000 per annum ; and that of the United Press , a stock cor poration , is § 450,000 per annum. The former aims to provide news about all important events , in which work $120- 000 in telegraph tolls is expended ; while the latter endeavors , above all else , to provide accounts of events occurring in the vicinity of the re spective papers served. " HOW TO THROW A BASE-BAU. . The Natural imcl Acquired Methods 'Short-Arm Throwing Considered the Ucat. Now a few words regarding the ob jects to be aimed at in general practice. First , as regards throwing. Every ono has what may be called a natural way of throwiug the ball , but this so-called natural way" usually means a per- rcrted method acquired through care lessness , or attempts to throw too hard before the arm is sufficiently accustomed to the work. As a result of this , thcro arc few boys or college men who may not learn a great deaf in the matter of throwing by careful attention for a few weeks to one or two points. The first man to whom attention should be called is the man who takes a hop. skip , and jump before he lets the ball go. No man can run fast enough to beat a thrown ball and , consequently , it takes longer to carry the ball part way and throw it the rest , than it does to throw it all the way. Therefore , the first tiling for the man who has ac quired this trick to do , is to stand still when he gets the ball , and then throw it. The opposite fault to this , is that of leaning awaj * when.throwing. A man gets a sharp grounder , and throws the ball before he has recovered his balance , and the force of his throw is thereby greatly diminished. While this is not nearly so common as the other"fault , it is quite as ditlicult to cor rect. The happy medium between the two is the man who receives the ball and , quickly straightening himself , drives it while leaning forward ; and. as it leaves the hand , takes his single step in the direction of his throw. So much for the feet and body , now for the arm , hand , and wrist. The best and most accurate throw ers are those who continually practice what is culled a "short-arm" throw. To get an idea of the first steps toward the acquisition of this method , let the player take the ball in his hand , and bringing it back just level with his ear , planting both feet firmly , attempt to throw the ball without using the legs or body. At first the throw is awkward and feeble , but constant practice speed ily results in moderate speed and peculiar accuracy. After steady practice at this until quite a pace is ac quired , the man may be allowed to use his legs and body to increase the speed , still , however , sticking to the straight , forward motion of the hand , wrist , aud the arm. The secret of the throw is , of course , keeping the hand in a line with the arm and not swinging it out to the side aud away from the head. iiiucii m iim accuiuuy aim some of the quickness is lost. Certain catchers have brought this style of throw to such a pitch of perfection as to get the ball away toward second al most on the instant it strikes the hands. They aid the throwing by a slight twist of the body. The quickness of this method of throwing is , of course , due to the-fact that there is no delay caused by ulKiw- ing back the arm past the head or by turning the body around , which lose so much valuable time. Its accuracy is due to the fact that it is easier to aim at an object with the hand in front of the eyes than when it is out beyond the shoulder. One can easil } ' ascer tain this by comparing the case of pointing the index finger at any object when the hand is in front of the face , with the difficulty of doing so when the ar i is extended out sideways from the body. Still further , ia the almost round-arm thro wing , which man- play ers use , the hand describes an arc , and the ball must-be let go at the proper paint in the swing , the throw is certain to be wild. In the other method , that of straight-arm throwing , any variation is far more likely to be a variation in height only , and in that re spect the variation may be greater without , lerious error. A straight- arm thrt.v sends a ball much easier"to handle than the side-arm style. The latter is likely % to curve , bound irregu larly , and be more inconvenient for the baseman. In the field throwing should be on a line , as much as possible , and there are few distances to bo covered there that require any "up and over" throwiug. It getting a bj .4 in from a deep out-iield. the distance is some times so great that none but profess ionals or exceptionally strong throw ers can drive the ball in except by giv ing it quite an upward direction ; even then , however , one should be careful to keep the ball fairly well down , as it is far better to have it reach the catcher on the bound than to go sailing "over his head. "Keep it down" is a card inal rule when helding at the home- plate for the field. If a low. ball -be thrown , it is'easier'for the catcher to touch the runner , who in a tight place will invariably slide as close to the ground as possible. A high throw gives the catcher almost no chance to recover and put the ball on the man , whereas a low throw brings his hands in the most advantageous positicn for touching the runner. The same is , of course , true in the case of the catcher's throws to the second or the otlrur bases , to put out the runner. The position of the fingers when throwing a ball is a point upon which there are individual differences of opinion ; but the majority of the best throwers in the country use principally the fore-finger and middle-linger in giving direction to the ball. Waller damp , in St. Nicliolas. The Number Three. There is much superstitious regard for the number three in the popular mind , and the third repetition of any thing is generally looked upon as "a crisis. Thus , an article may twice be " lost and recovered , but the "third time that it is lost it is gone for good. Twice a man may pass through some great danger in safety , but the third time he loses his life. If. however , the mystic third can be successfully passed , all is well. Three was called by Pythagoras the perfect number , and we frequently find its use symbolical of Deity ; thus , we might mention the trident of Nep tune , the three-forked lightning of Jove , and the three-headed dog of Pluto. The idea of trinity is not con fined to Christianity , but occurs in several religions. In myth logy also we find three Fates , three Furies and three Graces ; and coming nearer to our times , introduces his three witches. In public house signs thrco seems to play an important part , for we frequently meet with "Three Cups , ' * "Three Jolly Sailors. " "Three Bells , " "Three Tuns. " "Three Feathers" in fact , that number of almost anything of which a fertile imagination can con ceive a trio. In nursery rhymes and talcs this number is not unknown ; &nd if we look back to thu days of our childhood most of us will call to mind the three wise men of Gotham , who took a sea voyage in a bowl , not to mention the three blind mice that /had their tails cut off by the farmer's wife. Perhaps there is some occult power in the number which governs the division of novels into tl-u-cc volumes and in duces doctors to order their medicine to be taken thrice daily. It is said that some txibes of savages cannot count be yond three ; but although they have no words to express higher numbers per- hap ? wp should be scarcely justified in assuming that they are incapable of appreciating the value of the latter. MAKING A SPEECH. It Usually Involves a Very Serious Physi cal Strain. It may look like a very easy thing for a member , having his speech writ ten , to deliver it during the course of au hour in the House , but it is not such an easy thing as it looks. The average speaker gets a deal of athletic exercise in the course of an hour's speech. There .are some members in the House who can stand and read a speech with out lifting a hand except to turn the pages , and almost without changing position ; and there are others who can talk all day without getting tired ; but the average speaker perspires as if ho were sawing wood. An off-hand speech of ten minutes doc's not count , but the man who throws his arms in the air as if whirling Indian clubs , hammers his desk like a blacksmith , and dances all around the place for an hour or more , is taking very violent exercise. Experience has taught some of them " that it is not safe"to make such a speech without taking extra precautions against cooling off too quickly after wards. I know several members who take extraordinary precautions. They Io not speak often. They know for we'-ks beforehand that they arc to speak , and after all preparations are made for the speech itself , and the day comes for the effort , they have a servant bring a complete change of linen and under wear and a heavy overcoat to the Cap itol , and wait with these tilings at hand until the speech is ended. Then the speaker , with the perspiration potir- ing on mm , rusnes 10 me cioaK-room. where the servant stands with the coat read } ' , and throws it over his shoulders as soon as he conies within reach. Next , the member , with the collar of his overcoat turned up high , tucks his dry underclothing under his arm and makes for the bath-rooms. There he enters the waiting-room , where the temperature is high and thcro can be no draught , being under ground , and waits to cool off a little preparatory tea a bath. There is no more work for him in the House that day. When he has got his bath , he makes for his lodg ings as fast as he can , and stays there until thoroughly rested. Cor. Phila delphia Telegraph. Newspapers. From a "Topic of the Time" in the Century on "Journalists and Ne\vs- I papers , " we quote as follows : "No doubt the present tendency towards I trivialities aud personalities will con tinue until private rights and public j morals are better protected by the laws , aud until the acme of size and profit in newspapers has been reached. j In the race for expansion and power. i the leader who has adopted the read iest means has often imposed his meth ods upon men who would choose the i best means. The fault of a lower tone , here and there , is not chargeable to the great body of workers , for in the profession will be found to-day a high ' average of ability , and conscientious performance of duty ; and never be fore our time have newspapers bcea to command the trained iutclli- 'geuce and taste to enable them to do all they are now doing for the develop ment of art and literature ; all that the newspapers of to day are doing for every good cause , and notably at this moment for that of good government. Capital and financial success are of course essential for the production of a great modern newspaper ; but the public has a right to demand that ' those Avho bear the highest rc- : ' sponsibilities of the profession should issue newspapers which they , as private individuals , would be willing to indorse - ' ' dorse , in every part , as men ot char acter , refinement , and self-respect. " I TVastciI .Eloquence. , \ ' "Matilda , " the young man said , nerv ously , "what I nm going to say rnny sur prise you.but my foeliugs arc lending me on. Encouraged by your kindness , in toxicated by your beauty , and rendered desperate by the conviction thai the hours are fleeing away and that the future can hold nothing worse than the suspense under which I now labor. I have resolved to risli inv fate on the cast ! of the die. " j He loosened his collar , coughed and went ahead. "Other young men , Matilda , mere butterflies of fashion , mny dancu atten dance upon you and flatter you. Listen riot to them. Listen to the voice of sin cere devotion. Other young men , talented , uay , perchance , young men possessed of wealth in abundance , may seek your haud. I am not talented. Matilda , I am not handsome. I have not those delicate little arts that win the affection of women. I am not rich - " "No. Mr. Dennis.said the young beau ty. with a yawn , and rising to her feet , "and I reirret to say also , that you arc not in it.'r Mr. Deunis withdrew from the com petition at once. A Handy Ci ar. An English officer in India was seiz- en by a tiger while smoking a cigar. As the beast was carrying him off he touched his lighted cigar to his side. and presto , change ! he wis dropped like a hot potato , and got up and re turned to his friends. Dved In the fiftieth year of its age. of scarlet fever , PatSri' r.