What's The News ? L. LOWMAN & SON AKE SELLING OUT WINTER. GOODS. There are some that stand with glove in hand , But we have learned to rustle ! ! DRESS GOODS , . FLANNELS , SHAWLS , CLOAKS , CLOTHING , : CARPETS , AT REDUCED PRICES All Grades of G9ods Have to go Before Christmas , L LOWMAN & SON. First JYatiouaJ Lsos . tt'1 * JS-j ? , - : : " - = i : rga - biSS-F-g 'AUTHORIZED CAPITAL , CAPITAL AND SURPLUS , $100.000. $60,000. GEORGE' HOCKNELL , President. B. tfi. FREES , Vice President. W. F. LAWSON , Cashier. A. CAMPBELL , Director. 5. L. GREEN , Director. ' J i ' " * * - * T ' - - " ' r S ' t f-- BANK OF McOOOK Psbid Up Capital , $50,000. General Banking Business ' Interest paid on deposits by special agreement. Money loaned on personal property , good signatures or satisfactory collateral. Drafts drawn-on' tbe principal cities of tbe United . States and Europe. OFFICERS : " , C. E. SIJAW , President. JAY OLNEY , Vice President. i. A VA PELT , Cash. P.'lA. . WELLS , Ass. Ca'shier. The Oitizeos Bank of McCook , Incorporated under State Laws. Paid Up Capital , $50OOO. DOES A General Banking Business , Collections made on all accessible points. Drafts drawn directly on principal cities in Europe. Taxes paid for non-residents. Money to loan on farming lands , city and personal property. Tickets For Sale to and from Europe OFFICERS : V. FKANKLIN , President. JOHN" 11. CLARK , Vice Pres. A. C. EBERT , Cashier. THOS. L GLASSCOTT , Ass. Cash. CORRESPONDENTS : The First National Bank , Lincoln , Nebrska. The Chemical [ National Bank , New York City. NOTES FROM THE NORTH EAST. \ State Onwnizer of Granges Vandervort at tended Dry Creek ( ii-iinge No. 23. November 6tb , nnd miulo iiiiiny vnlimblosuKgostlons and : in interesting address. LlnleyGrlSHullor Hurtley shot four rabbits In a short time. Sutunliiv. frioin the reports of trim shots we hear around us we infer that Nliurod is abroad in the lurid pretty exten sively. The wolf hunt northwest of Hartley on Sat urday was not as luriroly patronized as was anticipated. though J. Q. Teter and Mr. Hunt- work eiune out with their line pnck of hounds. Mr. Toter was lucky enough to take home two flue wolf hides us he also took in one ft few days previous. On Thursday of last week , a party of Indian- ola ladles consisting of Mrs. C. & Quick , Mrs. JuKde Asiitnore. Mrs. A. Teal , Mrs. J. A. Sher idan , Mrs. H. W. Keyes nnd Mrs. Dr. Eskey , members of the \V. C. T. U. , visited the Bart- ley union held at the residence of Mrs. Scurr , Mrs. II. M. Blackfan of Dry Creek also attend ed the meeting. The occasion was one of mutual benefit and social enjoyment. BANKSVJLLEJUDGET. James Hill's family are on the sick list yet. D. B. Barnes has gone to Iowa on an extend ed visit , leaving theOtb inst. The first snow storm of the season started Friday evening of the /th. Inst and continued through the night , falling to the depth of not less than three inches. When the republican leaven begins to work the feature of discontent will be changed to joy and the republicans will then reap their reward , when the people of all trades are benefltted. Too republicans of Grant precinct on the whole ticket are ready to take their crow and wttit for butter game , which they are sanguine of overtaking , but the precinct went 16 repub lican to 15 opposition. 12 independent and three democratic , making one majority over all. _ OllSKKVER. Remarkable Rescue. Mrs. Michael Curtain , Plainfield , III. , makes the statement that she caught cold , which settled on her lungs ; she was treated for a month by her family physician , but grew worse. He told her she was a hopeless victim of consumption and that no medicine could cure her. Her druggist suggested Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption ; she bought a bottle and to her delight found herself bene fltted from first dose. She continued its use and after taking ten bottles found herself sound and well , now does her own housework and is as well as she ever was. Free trial bottles tles of this great discovery at A. McMillen's d rug store. Regular sizes 50 cents and $1.00. SOUTH SIDE SAUCE. Henry Eaton expects soon to move to the Willow. John Sutton entertained friends from Fron tier county , last week. Mr. and Mrs.D.E. Eikriuberry have taken up their abode In the city. The muddy roads are entirely satisfactory to the farming community. Prairie chicken and rabbit hunting have been popular sport , the past week. Mrs. D. H. Babbitt returned , last Wednes day , from an extended visit in the east , much to Frank's joy. UNO. LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK. NEB. , i * November 14th. 1890. I Notice is hereby given that the tollowing- named settler 1ms filed notice of bis intention to make final five year proof in support of his claim , and that suid proof will be made before Kegister or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Sat urday , December 20th. IfcOO , viz : FRANK P. NICHOLSON. one of the heirs of Enoch E. Nicholson , de- cea ea , for the N. W. & N. W. J and S. Vz N.W. U and N. W. H S. W. & section 17. township 2 , norih of range 30 , west 6th P. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continu ous residence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : Archie Speers , James Speers , Charles S. Ferris. Richard Williams , all of Mc Cook , Neb. TO S. P. HART. Register. William B. Roberts will take notice that on October 13th , 1890 , S. H. Colvin. a Justice of the Peace of Willow Grove precinct. Red Wil low county , Nebraska , issued an order of at tachment for the sum of ? 30.00 , in an action pending before him wherein Robert Drysdale is plaintiff and William B.Robertsdefendant. That property of said defendant consisting of wages due the said defendant bv the C. . B. & Q. R. R. Co. has been attached and garnisheed under said oroer. Said case was continued to the Sth day of December. IfcOO. at 9 o'clock. A.M. 25-4ts. ROBERT DRYSDALE , Plaintiff. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. The firm of Hall , Cochran & Co. has this day been dissolved by mutual consent , E. Hall retiring. All persons indebted to said firm will please make immediate settlement by cash or note. E. HALT , . S. M. COCIIKAX , \V. T. COLEMAX. McCook , Neb. , Nov. o , 1890. SCQTF CONSUMPTION SCROFULA BRONCHITIS COUGHS COLDS "Wasting Diseases Wonderful Flesh Producer. Many have gained one pound per day "by its use. Scott's Emulsion is not a secret remedy. ' It contains the stimulat ing properties of the Hypophos- phites and pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil , the potency of both teing largely increased. It is used by Physicians all over the world. PALATABLE AS MILK. Sold 'by all Druggists. CCO7T jifeciVNE ChemistsN.Y. can buy of us now your winter - ' ter goods , such as COTTON and WOOLEN FLANNELS , TRICOTS and SUITING , FLANNELS , HENRIETTAS and other lines of dress goods at lower prices than we have ever before sold them. H We liave over $3,000 worth of BOOTS & SHOES which we are selling- at less than regular prices. Don't fail to compare prices with other houses. New stock of HATS & CAPS. SS In Groceries we take the lead. With a bill of $2O cash will give you a complete library of cookery three vol umes in one. -m A. KALSTRDT , THR TAILOR. 5g Carries the latest and most fashionable eoods of the fall and winter season , la suitings , pantiiiffs , and overcoatings. He guarantees satisfactory , stylish work , and reasonable enable prices. In rear of the First National .Bank Building , JlcCook , Nebraska. . B 1 Having * recently pnrcliasecl of A. OPPENHEIMER Ms entire stock of merchandise , consisting * of DRY GOODS , HATS , CAPS , BOOTS , SHOES , etc. , I will exchange any portion or all of it for cattle , hogs , or horses , at cash valuation. Call and see roe before buying elsewhere. 1st door north of the First National bank , McCook. You 7siME wljy 9 THE F SGOOD So rj'S NKfAlRBANK&Ca CHICAGO , Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria : Children Cry for Pitcher's" Castona ?