What is Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium , Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric , Drops , Soothing Syrups , and % Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years * use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays fevcrishncss * Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd , cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles , cures constipation and flatulency * Castoria assimilates the food , regulates the stomach , and bowels , giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. 'Castoria. " Castoria Is an excellent medicine for chil- iren. Mothers have repeatedly told mo of its good effect upon their children. " Da. G , C. OSQOOD , Lowell , Mass. * Castoria Is the best remedy for children of xrhich I am acquainted. I hope the day is not far distant when mothers will consider the real Interest of their children , and use Castoria In- Etcad of the various quack nostrums which are destroying their loved onefi by forcingopium ; morphine , soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throits , thereby sending Ijghem to premature grp&s. " ! W. rJB , J. F. EracnELOK , Conway , Ark. Castoria. " Castoria is so well adapted to children tha % I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me.1 * H. A. ABCHKR , M. D. , Ill So. Oxford St , Brooklyn , N. T. "Our physicians in the children's depart ment have spoken highly of their experi ence In their outside practice with Castoria , and although we only have among our medical supplies what is known as regular products , yet we are free to confess that tha merits of Castoria has won us to look with favor upon it. " UNITED HOSPITAL AND DISPXXBAKT , Boston , Mak AT.TJOT Q. SlOTH , , HT Company , 77 Murray Street , Now York City. ircf e Front fetver DD _ IB. The Best Equipment in the Republican Valley , W. Co BULLAED & CO. -toj- LIME , HARD CEMENT , LUMBER.HARD AND DOORS , LUMBER. BLINDS.LUMBER. . SOFT BLINDS. COAL. O RED CEDAR AND OAK POSTS. . . . u. J. WARREN , MANAGER. OL : DEALERS IN = LUMBER ! Sash , Doors , Blinds , Lime , Cement , HAED AM ) SOFT COAL. HUMPHREYS' DB. HUMPHREYS' SPECIFICS arc scientifically and carefully prepared prescriptions ; used for many These Specifics euro -without drugging , purg ing or reducing the system , and are In fact and deed the sovereign remedies of the World. . . CURES. nuccs. UST OF f XU tVUT A-U KOS. * * w * * - * * - 1 Fevers , Congestion. Inflammation. . . .25 2 WormsJWormFever. Worm CoUc. . . { ; Cryin Colic , orTeethlng of Infants . .Diarrhea of Children or Adults. . . . .2 m.jf MJim. * MCUf % * w * * - - " - - * - - O Dysentery Grlplng-BUlousColla. . . .2 Cholera tuorlms , vomiting . . . . . . . . . . . . JJ > BPC17B1U , X v * i j. * TT' Suppressed or Painful Periods. .25 Whites , too Frofuso Periods 25 fllteathlnsr. . . . 25 . , . , . . . . . A J J * UaI * f * A p * * - - - - - - - irn 1 Fever and Acne , Chills , Jlalaria 50 17 Tiles , Blind or Bleeding .flO 19 Cntarrh , Influenza , ColdlntheHead .SO aO Whoopinir Coneli , VlolentCoughs. .50 4 Uencrnl Ilcbllitv.I'nyslcalMreakness .50 U7 KidneyUiscnue 5O Nervous RoblHty : " " 1'PO gg i : : ; , > 19 a i receipt „ , , .4 pages ) richly Dountt in ctoui ana gem , mailed freo. HHmphreys'McdiciueCo.109 Fulton St.NY. SPECIFICS. ChiIdrenCry.forPitcher's Castoria , ' THE WHITE LINE TRANSFER , W. M. ANDERSON , PROPRIETOR. The beet equipment ir. the city. Orders loft at the office on L * > wer Main Avenue will re ceive prompt attention. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. When Baby -was sick , we gave her Castoria , When she was a Child , she cried for Castoria , When she became Miss , she clung to Castoria , When she had Children , she gave them Castoria E' r ' MEN ONLY ! tUbul , lobK BAH1IOOD Mir RtrtorttHTw t.V ! e7Sl p J g S X : aSS S@S , & KILPATRICK BROTHERS. Horses branded on left hip or loft ihouldM P. O. address , Imps rial , Chago county , and Beat rice , Nob. itnuKc. Stink ing Water and French man creeks , Chase Co. . Nebraska. Brand as cut on side of some animals , on bip an < sides of some , or an ] Wrbfirnnn thn CVtN lo cure Bilioasneu , Sick Headache , Constt * patlon , Malaria , Liver Complaints , tales the safe and certain renedy , SVITIZ'B Via the SHAZ.Ii Sice (401Ittl < jBeanstoth bottle ) . THBT ABB TUB HOST CONVENIENT. Price of cither I e , 2Bc. per Bottle. I.F.SMITH &eO.HU.riof"BILEBEAMS-ST.lOUIS 119 , J. S. McBRAYER , House Mover % Drayman , McCOOK , NEB. ouse and Safe Moving a Spec ialty. Orders for Praying left at tha Huddleston Lumber Yard will receive prompt attention. F. D. BURGESS , PLUMBING , Steam and Hot Water Heating ; North Main Avenue , McCOOK , - - NEBRASKA. A stootc of best grades of Hose , Law * Sprinklers , Hose Itoela nud Hose Fixture * constantly oa hand. Ail work recei Yea prorapl attention. DRYSDALE LEADER IN And what is of more importance , Quality- --and- . - - Style Why not have a suit that fits when one which is both stylish and serviceable can be bought for $22.00 A pair of trowsers which are realty .elegant , DBYSDALE will build you foi $5. Fine fabrics cost but little at t&YSDAiJs's now , less than misfits in ct. Look him over.You will plac * your order. Save money. Feel bettej and look better. Buying forcash ane light expenses does the business ai P.flYSDALE'S. ALLEN'S TRANSFER , Bus , Baggage Dray Line , F. P. ALLEN , Prop. , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. Beat Equipped in the Citr. Leava order * Hotel. Good well water fun short fiotloa. I will buy stock cattle of any age , from calves up. Also , stock hogs. At JBrush creek ranch , 3 miles southeast of McCook , Neb. y. IS. aiESKRYJE. R. A. COLE , Leading Merchant Taiior. Will sell English , Scotch , Frenct and American cloths AT COST foi the next sixty daysCoaae and get & first-class suit of clothes cheap. It is a rare chanoe. Shop two doors west ol the Citizens Bank , McCook , Nebraska. THE FASHIONS ( N HAIR. Hirsute Styles Morn JDimcult to Cn Hg Than AaOther. . There l a French saying that if a woman is well gloved and well abed aho is well dressed , uo matter what may bo the texture of her gown. This is all very wollbut / / she happens not to hava taken pains with hoi hair the boots and gloves arc of little avail. A French woman ia never neg lectful of her hairnet not even the most humble serving maidand that is ono reason why she bears out the repu tation of being of nil women in tbc world STYLE , the most chic. But American ladies are quick 19 fol low the lead taken by the imtty Parisian , and if it is the fashion in Franco to put the hair on top of the head up it goes in a trice , and if the decree were to shave it close to the scalp our dames , like the sheep in the fold ; would follow the lender. English styles , as n rule , find but little favor , and when Ellen Terry cut her hair short and half the ladies in England did likewise the example was but little noticed here. There is more difficulty in changing the mode of wearing the hair than in accomplishing almost any other whirl of fashion's wheel. The lirst time a lady appears with her hair dressed low after she has been wear ing it high B ho startles all her friendsand the ver- d icit is generally against the innova tion ; therefore she has usually little courage to make tnc lirst attempt. The hair-dressers have been trying for the last few months to introduce ENGLISH STYLE. fxfnshiou by which ladies would require a large supply of hair , obviously to in sure a greater patronage in the sale of false locks ; but as yet little headway has been mude. It was about n year ago that a wcllknown Parisian hair-dresser resolved that the hair should be worn long in the neck , Cadogan shape , and gradually the fashion is being adopted here. To n lady with n long neck this style is especially becoming. The lady with a round face takes bet ter care of her good looks by wearing her hair high. The ladies' maids of most Indies of fashion are experienced hair dressers , but not a few capricious god desses prefer to coif their own hair. Among these is Ade- lina Patti.who quick ly and expertly rolls up her auburn locks into five becoming puffs on the crown of her head , while the front is a mass of he- witching little ring lets. y -N A u > A lady-with experi ence in hair dressing CADOQAN BHAID. arts asserts that those women who have high foreheads should display but little hair upon the temples ; those with low foreheads should arrange loose curie on the temples and keep the rest of the hair back , and those with receding foreheads and high cheek bones should bring the hair forward in becoming frizzes. Mahogany colored hair is the name of shade now most fashionable in Paris the delicate blonde color having been given up by all except actresses. It is surprising to know how many ladies change the color of their hair , and it is only a vain woman who dyes her locks. AlasI how many vain woman there are. If they could change the color of their eyes doubtless they would do it. Ornaments for the hair consist chiefly of jeweled hairpins or aigrettes. These are of course for evening wear , and in the case of ladies of wealth are extend ed even to diadems and magnificent tiaras. Hats are getting very much simpler , not being tortured so much by pinch , plait.and bend from their original form. A sample of a re fined shady hat is sketched herewith , and it will be noted that little feather tips , starting from the center , make a complete crown. As wide bri B are only bent in broaddroop ing ways , these hata LATEST SHADY are generalized as HAT IN LONDON. Wattcau , t h o u g h there is little enough likeness in most of them to the headg ear familiar on the figures of Watteau's dames. Jf. ! T. Herald ( Paris edition. ) Another Tie-Up. Pup "Well , old Graveyard , what's the matter with yon ? Other Dog Oh , only another tie-up on the line. Judge. An Anti-Piano Movement. In Cnrlsruhe. the official capital of the Grand Duchy of Baden , pianoforte playing spread so as to excite a de cided movement against it. First , the city passed : i law fining any one who phiyed with the window op'eii. That offered little help , though , to the house next door , and the next step was the formation of a , bachelors' anti-musical society , sworn not to marry girls \vlio played the piano. The society al hist jiccouuts numbered over 300 , but the CarLsruhe girls had many of them taken to the liddle und the Freuuh horn. Support of Parents. It has becu decided by the Pennsyl vania. Supreme court that the children must support the father and mother where the latter are without means. The case was started in Clinton county by an iml'geut old mau who hud alol WINGED MISSILES. Cranberries flourish in Oregon , and there is a probability that the succulent berry will become n staple production there. The British authorities find it very difilcult to break up sheep stealing In Cyprus. The pcoplo do not regard it as a crime. An association of Philadelphia liouso- v.-ivcs will abolish kitchens in their homos and start a co-oporative central cooking house. Babies are now very scarce in Franco. One may pass a hundred houses without finding u cradle in it. Such a country Is doomed. The Australian tailor who traveled in a trunk from Vienna to Paris has just made the trip from Paris to London in the same manner. Ilclic-sellcrs at Gettysburg are said to import wagon loads of junk from southern battle Holds and sell them for Gettysburg battle rdics. A dog in Trenton , N. J. , minus an owner , lodges in a car barn. Ho boards street cars regularly to and from meals , which ho picks up at the market. An artesian well was driven oighty-fivo feet through solid rock at Pullman , Wash. , when water was struck. The discharge is said to bo 1,000 gallons a minute. : The chiine of bells being made in Troy for St. Patrick's Cathedral , New York City , will comprise fifteen bells and will weigh in the aggregate 30,000 pounds. Electricity has been introduced as light into the British Museum , thus enabling that institution for the first time in its ex istence to be kept open in the evening. A box of Italian rabbits has been received in Palatka , Fia. The animals arc noted for the length of their ears , some of them measuring 18 inches from tip to tip. tip.There There are COO native Armenians in New York City. Many of them are engaged in prominent business enterprises , and are much esteemed for their intelligence and activity. The police force of India numbers 17,000 superior and subordinate ofilccrs and 1UG- , 000 constables , not reckoning the 17,380 police of Upper Burmah and 5,000 village watchmen. A drunken man in East Providence , R. I. , fell asleep in the gutter and snored so loudly that he was arrested and lined not only for drunkenness but also for disturo- ing the peace. They have queer oyster suppers in Georgia. A Georgia paper says .that a gentleman made a purchase of 100 pounds of candy and 100 pounds of iish for an oyster supper. Susan La , Flesh , an Indian girl who graduated in medicine after going through the Hampton , Va. , school , is practicing amonjr her tribe , the Omahas , and with re ported success. A man who earns $2,000 a year and is xvorth $20,000 sent in an application to the Wilkesbarre cvclono fund committee re cently for § 30 loss caused by a chimney falling on his kitchen. Miss Lon Cochrane , a compositor at Oregon City , successfully manipulates an engine that runs the presses , and thorough ly understands the workings of the ma- chinerv to the minutest detail. 9t The Indians at Big Pine , Inyo County , California , hired a school teacher for four months and sent their children to school. The children were model pupils , and near ly every one can now read and write. A prominent member of the New York Stock Exchange has been arraigned before the governing committee on the charge of indecorous conduct in the board room. His offense was resting his foot in a chair. A Morgantown , Pa. , girl thought she had found the long-looked-for man under the bed a few days ago , but after arousing the whole neighborhood the supposed man was nothing but a pair of boots and a gum coat. coat.For For a considerable time Mr. Isabell , of Rivera , Cal. , has been troubled by bees , which took possession of the upper part of hisjhouse. A few days ago he had them cleared out and gathered 0,000 pounds of choice honey. D. H. McCarty , of Lexington , has a dog which not only trees the 'possums , but llimbs the trees and brings them down. Eo was seen to do the like a few nights since having climbed twenty feet from the ground up a straight sapling. It has been suggested that the study of the influence of diet and habit upon the color of hair iu different nations of men may cause discoveries by which the color jf the hair of the human race ma.v be modi fied by judicious treatment. Philadelphia is becoming noted for its large number of physicians and the number is rapidly increasing. Within a distance of five or six squares on Chestnut and Walnut and the cross streets there have been counted more than 200 doctors. It is said that in many shops in Portugal at the present time the sign "American Spoken Here" has replaced the traditional "English Spoken" which is put out as a bait to foreigners. This is because of the intense hostility to the British nation. There are growing on a farm in San Antonio , Cal. , two large fig trees tnat are as old as the state. They are thirty feet in height , have a very large spread and are marvels of productiveness. It is thought they will yield 1,000 pounds of fruit each. * A sentence in Massachusetts in ItiPjo , dis covered in a search of old records ; Robert Coles find 10 for "abusing himself shame fully with drink , " and enjoined to stand with "A Drunkard "in great letters on a white sheet on his back , "so longe as the court thinks meete. " Ten years ago China had almost a mo nopoly of the English tea market , but now India and Ceylon furnish 59 per cent of the quantity consumed. The India and Ceylon teas are salu to be stronger than the Chi nese. Coffee is rapidly being superceded by tea as a beverage in England. Sammy Brazeltou was caught in one of his own bear traps at Trafton , Cal. , and while waiting for assistance nearly starved to death. Postmaster Esterbrook hap pened along , however , as Sammy was about to faint from hunger and released him from his unfortunate predicament. Gin Non , a Chinese merchant of River side , cal. , is about to return to China to secure himself a wife , and , in order tote to be allowed to land upon his return , ho has drawn up a certificate setting forth who he is , and had his photograph pasted on the same sheet , and had the different county officials sign the document- . THE TALKING DOLLS. They Would JJ More 'Entertaining V IVc Could Undarctund What Thej Say. The talking dolls havacomo to town. Six dollars and ninety-eight cents apieca is dirt cheap for such conversa tional powers as theirs. For entrails they have sfnall phonographs , and to make them speak 3'ou have only to turn a crank connecting with then spinal columns. Something of n mo notony thery is about their speech , for each has only to say for itself a singU short nursery poem , though it will repeat that as'often as ma } * be desired. Si * of the speaking doll babies wera seated iu a row yesterday afternoon in a down-town shop. Their remark * were listened to by an audience con sisting , at the moment when the Star reporter looked in , of ouo freckled- faced boy , two giggling young women , who were dressed precisely alike for the purpose of exhibiting the fact that they were twins ; ono consumptive ] youth , with a pretcr-naturally high collar , a fat woman , an old man with a beard like a goat , and a door-mat poodle that was evidently the property of some one in the party. Behind the counter was a pretty girl witli frizzed hair and a coquettish ribbon at the throat , whoso business it seemed to be to keep on grinding out talk from the dolls one after another. Tin' tirst ono was labeled : "Talking Doll No. 1. " It had a placard of con siderable size fastened beneath its chin , which said not the chin but the pla card that this doll recited "Old Mother Hnbbard. " When the pretty girl turned the crank , the doll saiil with great distinctness : "Yah yah yah yah yah yah yah yah. yah yah yah yah yah yah yah ; yah yah yah yah ya'h yah yah , yah yah yah yah yah yah yah yah. ' * It was fortunate that the placard be neath the doll's chin told what it was saying , else yon never would have guessed it in the world. But the two young women whose similarit } * of cos tume proclaimed them twins exclaimed in unison : "Oil. ain't it wonderful1' The fat woman gasped stertoronsly , the old man pulled his goat beard reflective ! } ' , the consumptive youth readjusted his eye glasses , the boy with the freckles projected his lower chin derisively , and the door-mat poodle remarked : "Bow-wow ! " Talking doll No. 2 so its placard announced was accustomed to say : "Now I lay mo down to sleepAs was the case with No. 1 , the poem in. question was printed out in full , so that the listener should be able to fol low without dillicnlty the verseswhich were as follows : ' 'Yah yah yah yah yah yah yah , j'ah yah"yah yah yah yah vah vah : vah vah vali rail yah yah yah , yah j'ah yah yah j'ah yah yah yah " vah vah ! " That last "Yah-yah" "was "Amen ! " You would never have guessed it , how ever , unless j'ou had been so informed. As for the freckle-faced boy , lie said : "Ah , rats ! " And then he walked out of the shop. But the twins , the fat woman , the con sumptive youth , the old man with the goat beard and the door-mat poodle staid to listen to "Talking Doll No. 3 , " which was advertised to repeat the words of "Jack and Jill. " If it had been placarded with any other nursery rhyme it would have been just as well , for no one could possibly have told the difference. But encouragement was given to the imagination , which , after ill , is the most elevated faculty of mman mind. Washington Star. The Sultan at Dinner. The sultan never uses a plate. He takes all his food direct from the little ket tles , and never uses a table , and rare ly a knife or fork a spoon , his bread , a pancake , or fingers are found far handier. It requires just twice as many slaves as there are courses to serve a dinner to him. The whole household is at libertj' ta take meals where it suits him or litf best , and thus every one is served with a small tray , with a spoon , a great chunk of bread , and the higher ones only get the pancakes. Nearly one ton of rice per day is re quired for the inevitable pHlailc , 600 pounds of sugar , as much coll'ee , to say nothing of the other groceries , fruit , vegetables and meat. Itice and mut ton and bread form the greater part of the food for the majority of the Turks , together witli Iish. sweetmeats , confectionery , nuts and dried and fresh fruits. That there is an enormous waste and extravagance in the kitchen is obvious , and it is said that enough is thrown , away daily to maintain 100 families. AH the water for the sultan's use and the drinking water for the household is brought in barrels from two pretty streams at different places in th Bos porus toward the Black Sea. No Evidence to the Contrary , A young1 Catholic priest , shortly alt er beginning his labors in hilirst pariah , received a viiit from one of the older fathers. Anxious to show the progress lie Had made , lie called up a class iu catechism for questioning. "Biddy Maloney. " he began , -'stand " ' up. A slip of a girl , with blue eyes and brown freckles , arose in her place. "What , Biddy. " said the young fa ther , "i- ? meant by the howly state of malriinou- ? " Shure. " began Biddy , glibly , " 'tis a savson of tormint upon which the .soul inters to lit it fer the blissid state to come. " Och ! " cried the questioner , angry and mortiiied : "to the foot of th'e class wid ye. Biddy Maloncy. It's the m'aning of purgaton * ye're afther givinV But here the old priest interposed , with smile. "Not far a quizzical too - < r , me young brother , " he aid. restrain- inglj' "not too fast. Fer aught you and I know to the conthrary , the gurnil may be perfuctljright. . " ' /cr per's Magazine. Fanny Davenport's board co > ts he : $3 a we'ek. She lives wholly on toast almost black with carbon and ' green tea.