We Have'the Variety , The Styles , The Lowest Prices. THE ; . MAE POIGTS ! Nothing else can convince an intelligent of your ability to serve them. Our Immense Stock in every Department must be seen to be appreciated. * Our-Prices are the Lowest in "Western Nebraska. These are times -when every dollar saved is appreciated. We nave no old stock to sell you. Noth ing but New , Desirable , Fresh Goods , at prices others ask for inferior goods. STRICTLY ONE PRICE. McCook , Neb. Oct. 24th. The Qualities , JONAS ENGEL , Manager. THE L ! Is not of asmticli importance to the people of McCook as is the fact that we are prepar ed to save them Dollars on Merchandise. No matter how low other merchants SAY they will sell , we have the goods and prices which will prove to any qualified judge that we can out-sell them every time Money Talks ! .Yoiir money and otir goods make a lively dialogue. In addition to oiir excellent goods and low y prices , we offer some special inducements in All Wool Dress Goods , just receivedFlan nels , Cotton Flannels , German Knitting- Yarns , Saxony , Hosiery , and everything in Dry i oods , Clothing , Boots and Shoes , Hats and Caps , Gloves and Mittens away below the usual price. We are here to stay and will save you 20 to 30 per cent , on all bills 0 you buy of us. us.H. . CHILDREN'S LITERATURE. Whnt "St. Nicholas has Done for Boys and Girls. Victor Hugo calls this "the woman's cen tury , " and ho might have added that it is the children's century as well , for never before in the world's history has so much thought been paid to children their schools , their books , their pictures , mid their toys. Childhood , as we understand It , is a recent discovery. Up to the time of the issue of the St. Nicholas las Magazine seventeen years ago literature and children's magazines were almost contra dictory terms , but the new periodical started out with the idea that nothing was too good for children ; the result has been a juvenile magazine genuine with conscientious pur pose , the greatest writers contributing to it , with the best artists and engravers helping to beautify it , and everything tuned to the key-note of youth. It has been the special aim of St. Nicholas to supplant unhealthy literature with stories of a living and healthful interest. It will iiot do to take fascinating had literature out of boys' hands , and give them in its place Mrs. Bnr- bauld and Peter Parley , or the work of writers who think that any "good-y" talk will do for the children , but they must bavo strong , In teresting reading , with the blood and sinew of real life in it. reading that will waken them tea a closer observation of the best things about them. In the seventeen years of its life St. Nicholas has not only elevated the children , but it has also elevated the tone of contemporary child reii's literature as well. Many of its stories , like Mrs. Burnett's "Little Lord Fauntleroy , " have become classic. It is not too much to say that almost every notable young people's story now produced in American first seeks the light in the pages of that magazine. The year 1891 will prove once more that "no household where there are children is com plete without St. Nicholas. " J. T.Trowbridge Noah Brooks. Charles Dudley Warner , ana many well-known writers are to contribute during this coming year. One cannot put the spirit of St. Nicholas into a prospectus , but the publishers are glad to send a full an nouncement of the features for 1891 and a sinirle sample copy to the address of any per son mentioning this notice. The magazine costs 3.00 a year. Address The Century Co. , 33 East 17th St. . New York. Dog Donors. Drake's magazine gives the following direc tions to those who desire to make presents of dogs to tHeuds. We should call it a species of dogology. For a stock broker , speculator or investor in contingencies of any kind , get a pointer. The same kind of a dog also goes well with a punctuator. For a compositor , get a setter. For military men , dogs of war. t For a man who has lost his fortune , a re triever. For a balloomsts , a Skye terrier. For a pedestrian , a lap dog. For a detective , a spotter. For a cattle raiser , a bull dog. For a millionaire , a deer hound. For a negro , a coon dog. For a jeweler , a watch dog. For a sailor , a water spaniel. For a tobacco chewer , a spitz. For an explorer , a Newfoundland. For a singer , a yeller dog. For a prize-Sghter , a pug. For a messenger boy , a terrier. For a dude , a collie. For an angry mother , a ma's tiff. Her Anniversary. Friday evening , November 7th , 1890 , was a disagreeable day and the snow came flying A few of Mrs. Fred Johnston's friends came to Help her celebrate her 27th birthday. An ele gant supper was spiead by Mrs. Johnston's many friends. Singing and pleasant conver sation were the program of the evening. The following are the names of those present : MR. AND MRS John W. Smith , A. C. Modie , Winberger , F. Johnston , N. A. Frame , Rev. and Mrs. Long , Grandma Medic , Mrs. J. Ebel. MISSES Rosa Keller. Gertie Coleman , Dora Lawrence , Permilla Smith , Annie Ebel , Lucie Modi , Bertha Droll , Nellie Frame , Lizzie Frame , Hannah Droll , Delia Smith , Tillie Droll , Lydia Winberger , Etta Jonhston. MESSRS. John TJ. , Albert , Elmer and Robert Smith , Albert and Marvin Frame , Henry Win berger , Chas. Kolb , Elmer Johnston , Clinton Schlegel , John Droll , George Troendly , John Divine. Happy Hoosiers. Wm..Timmons , postmaster of Idaville , Ind. , writes : "Electric Bitters has done more for me than all other medicines combined , lor that bad feeling arising from kidney and liver trouble. " John Leslie , farmer and stockman , of same place , says : "Find Electric Bitters to be the best kidney and liver medicine , made me feel like a new man. " J. W. Gardner , hardware merchant , same town , says : "Elec tric Bitters is lust the thing for a man who is all run down and don't care whether he lives or dies ; he found new strength , good appetite and felt just like he hud a new lease on life. Only 50 cents a bottle at A. McMillen's drug store. 25-lmo. The publishers of the Homestead , the week ly twenty-four page agricultural paper of Des Moines , Iowa , edited by a practical farmer , in form us that they will send their paper from now until the first of next January , free of charge , to every farmer in this county not already a subscriber , who will send his name and address , plainly written on a postal card to the Homestead Co. . Des Moines , Jowa. The copies will be absolutely free , and will be sent to any farmer to enable him to judge for him self of the merits of the Homestead as a paper devoted to bis special interests. On the first of January the paper will be discontinued un- ess subscribed for in due form. Worth Knowing. It is not the cough thnt kills but whatitleads o cough , colds and bronchitis are always cured by Humphreys' Specifics Nos. one and even , being used by thousands with the most riumphaut success. There -will bo a Demorest Silver Medal Con- est at Box Elder , Friday evening , November 1st. All cordially invited. The last medal was awarded to Katie Pinkertou. LIST OF LAND PATENTS. Government land patents an follows are at the McCook U. S. land ofllco and may bo secured upon surrender of receiver's receipt properly endorsed : < 9Gl Armstrong. W. H. VMS LInderman. F. 4913 Austin , Cyrus O. 4390 McUiane. Win. 4830 A rtz , Noub 4450 Markswnrth. A.C. 5070 Burnett , Jas. H. 433G McUrtW.Amlrew E 5U > > Bartholomew. W. 4793 McEvoy. .Ins. T. 495 ! Benson. Kuthltida 4U.9 Muuer. John 4MB Uurton. Edw. F. 4832 Mansir. F. A. 4950 Beckwlth. Ira W. 4816 Mills. Wyman M. 4933 Barnes , Frank 4ic'l Marm , Albert E. 49 ) Uudsell.IieiijHinlii 4822 McClano. K. W. 4918 Bates. Lewelleu It 4875 Marcellus , Lewis 4876 Blanchard , Geo.L. 483 > Moodv. George II. 4828 Baughwan , David 4948 McPherson. W. A. 4878 Brouse , James A. 4932 Morse-lames i , . 5085 Campbell , F. L. 5031 Miller. Josef SOGOCottiell. ( ; . N. 5022MoAullffe. J. M. 5011 Carman , W. B. 8'JSJNeill. Edith 49Vi CUBS , Jcestr J. 4888 Nielsen. Hmw 48C6 Collins , Win. S.- 5043 Ochsner.Ohristlan 4S53 Campbell , M. 4972 O'Urien. Michael 38ffi C ilvin. Silas H. 4901 Ouilvie. Joseph It. 4909Danforth. Win. E. 60B8 Peterson. Jas. A. 5049 Doty , George W. 5060 Pearson. August 5047 Doty , William B. 5032 Powell , Joseph N. 5048 Doty , James 4894 Peterson. Jakob 5037 Drake , Henry C. 4052 Preston. Len. Z. rnSO rtllrlitl Vlriril If. 5 ( ) 7 Delaney. John T. 49IOPurslev.Wm.J. 4920 Everts. Robert A. 4874 Perkins , Tim. F. 4259 Fisher , James 4033 Peterson , R.L. 4823 Floro. Frank T. 5083 Quiirg. Elizabeth 4854 Ford. Henry C. 4081 Ream. William 4850Felzing. John 4687 Radford. Wm. F. 4903 Forber. Frank E. 48'J7 Rose , Joshua 4889 Fowler. Ella 5014 ROBS. Charity M. 5039 Freeman. Earl M. 4860 Satterthwait.L.A , 4835 Garrett. Peter B. 4859 Snokc , Samuel 4947 Graham. C.V. 4881 Simpson. Jas. M. 5033 Gideon. Esther 4955 Simp , John F. 5084 Glover. Wm. W. 4999 Snyder. F. H. 5023 HIirglns.Elbert A. 5044 Sahlln. Durt R. 5059 Hively , Rebecca 5016 Smith. John J. 5030 Kite , James A. 4902 Thompson , T. N. 5004 Hook. Sarah E. 5015 Terry. Peter 4929Hudelson. S. 4971 Taylor. Mack A. 4953 Hacker. James M. 5077 True , William 4887 Hove. Karen M. 5080 Weaver. F. W. 4800 Herman , Geo. C. 5075 Wilcox. Rilea G. 4845 Hatton. Thos. .1. 5013 Walters. S M. 4812 Hawkins. E. A. 4990 Woodburn , M. S. 4805 Hurlbert , T. 4958 Whiteraan. Geo. 4518 Harrison , Geo. C. 5t9JWellman.Thos.E , 4993 Iverson , Peter C. 5091 Wolf. Phillip M. 4984 Jamison. Jos. H. 4964 Ward. Francis . 4312 Johnson. John 4919 Whitemnn. H. N. 4844 Karr. John W. 4846 Wiles , Thomas 4912 Kunert. Julius 4917 Wiles. OIlioN. 4877 Lindblon , Ida 4811 Walters. H. D. 4833 Losey , Willis L. 4321 Wilson , Wm. u. 4900 Looker , James I. 43J-9 Wallace , Lewis 4994 Lambert , A. W. 4360 Worley. H. A. Henry Ballrcich and Mrs. Henry Bullreick , whoso first name is unknown , will take notice that on the 6tb day of August , 1890. the plain tiff , Emily O. Glbbs. filed her petition in the district court of Red Willow county. Nebraska , against said Henry Ballrelch and Mrs. Henry Ballreich. his wife , the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain mortgage upon the northwest quarter of section eleven , township one , range thirty , west of the 6th P. M. in Red Willow county. Nebraska , given to secure the payment of one principal note and ten interest coupon notes all dated Sep tember 1,18S7. the principal note for the sum of $600 due five years , the ten interest notes each for the sum of $21.00. the first maturing on the first day of March , 1888. and one matur ing every six months thereatter until the maturity of the last of said ten notes on the first day of September , 1892. That default has been made in the payment of two of Raid interest notes , the conditions of snid mort gage have been broken , : ; nd under the condi tions of said mortgage there n now due on said notes the sum of $64200 with interest at the rate of ten per cent , on $621.00 thereof from the first day of March. 1890. and on 21.00 thereof from the firs'-day of September , 1889. Thnt the defendant Henrv Bnllreieh be re quired to pay said sum and interest or that said mortgage be foreclosed and bnid premises be sold according to law and the proceeds of said sale be applied to the pnyruent of said debt. You are required to answer this petition on or before the 1st day of December , 1890. Dated this 20th day of October , 1890. W. S. MOKLAN. EMILY O. GIHBS , Her Attorney. 22-4. flaintiff. Kotice of Sale-TJnder Chattel Mortgage Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a chattel mortsrnge dated February 3d. Jfc'JO , and duly filed in the office of the county clerk of Red tVillow countv , Nebraska , and executed by Paul finger to C. Lindner to secure the pay ment of the sum ot 0io Hundred and Eighty Dollars , and upon \vhich there is now due the sum of 8180.00 and interest from February 3d , IfcOO. at the rate of 10 per cent , annually. De fault having been made in the payment of said sum and no other proceedings at law hav ing been instituted to recover said debt or any part thereof , I will sell the propertv there in described , to-wit : One pray horse about 10 years old. one gray horse about 11 years old. one red cow about 5 years old. one red cow about 4 years old , one red heiler about 2 years old. and all the increase of above mentioned cows , one second-hand tarm ivagon , one second hand farm harness ; at public auction , on the corner of Main Avenue and Dennison street , in Mccook , Neb. , on Saturday , Novem ber 8th. 1890. at 2 o'clock. P. M. . central time. Dated. October 24th. 1890. 22-3t. E. LINDNER. LAND OFFICB AT MCCOOK. NEB. , October 17th , 1830. i Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of her intention to make final five-year proof in'support of her claim , and that said proof will be made before Register or Receiver at McCook. Neb. , on Sat urday , December 6th. 1890. viz : SARAH A DUNCAN. formerly Sarah A. Burdick , H. E. No. 5041 for the S. } * N. W. & and W.l2 S. W. } 4 ot section 10 , in town. 5 , north ot range 29 , west of 6th P. M. She names the loliowing witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : Frank Giirjick and Philetus B. Alexander of Box Elder , Neb. , John Harrison of Quick , Neb. , James Arnold ot McCook , Neb. 22 * S. P. HART , Register. LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK , NED. , i October 14th. Ifc90. 1 Notice is hereby given that the fpllowinsr- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support ot his claim , and that said proot will be made befoie Reg ister or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Monday , December 1st , 1S90. iz : TOBIAS BROWN. H. E No. 49SO , for the N. E 4 section 2. town ship 5 , north of range 29 , west 6th P. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon anil cultivation of , said land , vi-s : Frank Garlick of Quick , Neb. . Robert B. Duncan. Frank Schoonover and Philetus B. Alexander of Box Elder , Neb. 121 S. P. HART , Register. LAND OFITICE AT McCooK , NEB. , i October 25th. 1890. I Notice is hereby triven that the followiujr- named settler bus filed notice of his intention to make final five year proot in support of his claim , and that said proof will be miide before Register or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , ou Saturday , December 6th. 1890. viz : RICHAHD M. WADE. H.U No. 2919 for the N. E. i of section 35 , in to\v ii. 2 , north of range 30 , west 6th P.M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : Frank Aibreight. Mrs. Lavllia J. Burtless , Joseph A. Brewer , James Cain , all of McCook , Neb. 23-7 S. P. HART. Register. LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK. NEB. , I October 28th , 1830. f Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to msfke final five year proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before Register or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Sat urday , December 6th , 1890. viz : HENRY'H. ANDERS. H. E. No. 3131 for the S. W. H of Sec.31. in town. 1. north of range27. west of OthT.M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continu ous residence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : Ben B. Smiley , William J. Stilpe- bouor. George W. Davis and James II. Everist all of Danbury , Neb. S. P. HART. t23 * Register. } . ALBERT WELLS McCOQK , NEBRASKA. SPECIAL SA g FOR THIS WEEK ONLY. * CAPES , JACKETS , NEW MARKETS , . CHILDREN'S GLxOAKS. IF YOU WANT SOMR BIG BARGAINS IN A NY KIND OP A JAGKRT , GLiOAK OR WRAP , GIVR MR A GALL THIS WREK. I Have the Largest Assotment of I n Ever Before Shown in This Part of the Country , and I will Offer Them for This Week at III Come Eariy Before They Have Been Picked Over. 'EVERY WATERPROOF GQLLUR OR THAT CAN BE RELIED ON BE UP TO THE RfiARK BEARS THIS MARK. NEEDS NO LAUNDERING. CAN BE WIPED CLEAN IN A MOMENT. THE ONLY LINEN-LINED WATERPROOF COLLAR IN THE MARKET.